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Industrial Safety - Science topic

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Questions related to Industrial Safety
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
40 answers
I am looking for collaboration in writing a research paper; if anyone working in occupational safety, workplace accidents, Process safety, and nature of injuries & severity related areas please drop a message
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If am not late, please consider me.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
6 answers
Hi, I am working on identifying factors contribute to Oil and Gas pipeline owner reputation loss due to major failure i.e. explosion. I would like to connect with researchers who are in the same field as mine; pipeline risk assessment, for the purpose of sharing ideas and research collaboration in the future. Thank you in advance. :)
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Hi all,
I am interested in quantifying this loss. I am also investigating the composition of this loss.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
2 answers
I plan to detecting abnormal through Industrial process data .
can the process data be used for intrusion detection and attack detection?
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I don't know cisco or HP doing industrial research I'll try.
Thank you very much for you answer!
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
5 answers
Self regulation can reduce operation as cost ?
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Dear Abdul Rahman Mahmud,
Are you refering to in-house rules and regulations as " Self Regulation"?
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
4 answers
FORM (First Order Reliability Method) and SORM (Second Order Reliability Method)
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You may find the following paper useful if you need to calculate system reliability with correlated components:
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
4 answers
need to know the vulnerables of health and safety on confined sites, their conequences and wsys to mitigate.......
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Dear Maduhu Kisuja,
I was working more than 20 years in the private sector, and the main application which I faced in terms of OHS for confined sites was for brownfield and waste site remediation (means extracting old oil storages, supervision of small steep extraction pits and other underground works). You may find some detailed information on how to analyse the risks here:
Further I attach a model for a management plan for working in confined sites.
Best regards, Petra
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
12 answers
It is very important if anyone of you able to give me any best countries following an excellent workplace safety and health improvement technique from poor aspect to the best level.
Thank you in advance for your idea and benchmark country indication.
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I'm tempted to say ITALY. The field is governed by a fairly recent law (2008) which strongly promotes the adoption of a safety management system. Italy is one of the countries where it is the most popular of the safety management system. tools for every type of business, including the smallest are provided. In the most advanced are successfully applied it poor sectors, agriculture and construction, we are at the beginning. We have a lot of material, but it is almost all in Italian.
As I know Germany, Finland, French have very good systems, as well as the UK and the Netherlands.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
5 answers
I have been wondering if I perform some machining on a completed product, will it somehow affect the factor of safety of the product ?
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Yes, factor of safety encapsulates/ revolves uncertainties. See enclosed link to another RG question :  
So if you perform some machining on a completed product, you will add uncertainties and thus affect the factor of safety of the product.  
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
4 answers
EN 894-4:2010 Safety of machinery - Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and control actuators - Part 4: Location and arrangement of displays and control actuators
EN 13557:2003+A2:2008 Cranes - Controls and control stations
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Poshtovana Profesorka Vesna,
Najpre cestitam Vam na impozantnom broju publikacija. To mnogo doprinosi vidljivosti Srbije i nasheg visokog skolstva u svetu. Posebno mi je drago shto koliko vidim radite na mashinskom fakultetu na kome sam i ja radio od 2000 godine do penzionisanja. Zelim Vam da nastavite dalje...
Srdacan pozdrav
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
1 answer
how to discharge the superheated steam after utilization in electricity/power plant ?
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Superheated steam exiting the turbine can be used as process steam such as for superheated steam drying before condensing the steam, which may be a solution to prepare the steam for discharging. Please refer to our below paper if you are interested: Morey, R.V., H. Zheng, N. Kaliyan, and M.V. Pham. 2014. Modelling of superheated steam drying for combined heat and power at a corn ethanol plant using Aspen Plus software. Biosystems Engineering, 119: 80-88.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
7 answers
Component (such as light bulbs and electronic elements) is commonly used for electronic product and other mass produced items. Such methods are now being used for equipment-see OREDA database.  The component reliability method uses the concept of hazard function, mean time to failure, mean time to repair to determine the reliability. However, reliability of equipment depends on the mode of operation, as not all equipment working at full specification all the time. Moreover, the number of equipment failure is not on par with light bulbs failure, and equipment fails due to various reasons.  It seems a better way to determine equipment reliability would be to use FORM, SORM and other similar method.
Where do you stand with regard to such practice?
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One should consider experimental methods such as (highly accelerated life testing (HALT ) and screening methods to ensuring quality such as (highly accelerated stress screening) HASS.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
5 answers
What are the factors that can affect the Factor of safety in designing a mechanical component? Factor of safety is capacity of a system beyond the expected loads or actual loads.
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The probability of failure is a function of loading history and intensity as well as the material properties (yield strength, modulus of elasticity, etc.) and structural dimension (member sizes, geometry etc.).
In the capacity-demand model, the probability of failure or unsatisfactory performance is defined as the probability that the demand (loads) on a system or component exceeds the capacity of the system or component. The capacity and demand can be combined into a single function (the performance function), and the event that the capacity equals the demand taken as the limit state.
One can use the safety factor as the limit state function.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
3 answers
what are the fundamental reasons for adopting engineering controls for personal protection for airborne hazardous substances?
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Thank you for your response.
I need more scientific literature to back the answers which will enable me to have good argument. If you have any, kindly attach to the reply or send link to me. Thanks.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
7 answers
how do i add a safety factor, when it comes to rigging and lifting.. is it the selected sling strength/the actual weight to be lifted = the safety factor?
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Safety Factor = Strength of sling / tying arrangement, whichever is lower upon the maximum permitted load
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
1 answer
Human error frameworks are frequently used across a wide range of applications to drive design changes and the creation of regulatory measures. Despite the impact that human error framework studies can have, the field lacks a standardized method of training and proof of proficiency within human error frameworks.
Researchers at Oregon State University are performing a study to understand the current practices of researchers when training for the application of human error frameworks.
Research Study Title: Industry Survey of Training Methods for Human Error Frameworks
Principal Investigator: Dr. Ken Funk
Co-Investigator: Dr. Mei Lien
Student Researcher: Katarina Morowsky
Estimated Time to Complete: 10 – 30 minutes
If you wish to participate within the survey, please use the following link:
If you have questions about the study please contact Katarina Morowsky at (removed by admin)
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Sure, I can gladly support them in this investigation .
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
8 answers
I want to investigate the readiness of industrial workers toward application of behavioural based safety program in their workplace.
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The three behavioural models look to assess behaviour directly while the effect of culture should be assessed by cross-cultural comparisons. Discrepancies in the answers to the questions in the models between different countries are probably due to the cultural differences, but that doesnt make the model unusable. If anything you WANT your model to be sensitive to these differences. As long as you perform a confirmatory factor analysis once you have adapted the model to suit your research needs I dont think you should have any issues.
As far as which model you should use, I agree with Shamsul. Each has their pros and cons, but several of their key constructs overlap. However, as UTAUT is a model that integrates others, I have found it useful at the very least for making sure that you are covering your bases. Unless you want to use TPB or TAM for a specific reason, I'd suggest you focus on UTAUT as it is a fairly solid  I am using UTAUT in the study of the acceptance of eco-driving devices and information in the EU-funded ecoDriver project across multiple European countries. Similarly, I am using it to study the acceptance of automated road transport systems in the Eu-funded CityMobil2 project (underway) across multiple European countries. For an overview of the three models of behaviour, have a look at the attached deliverable (Chapter 2) I contributed to for EcoDriver. See Chapter 4 onwards for how we adapted the model for our needs.
I hope this helps!
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
4 answers
According to literatures the best precursor for synthesis an Ag containing material is silver nitrate, and I should mix it with ethanol. Is there any way to make it without explosion? Or I should chose another precursor? If yes, what precursor is similar to silver nitrate in solubility in water?
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Thanks for your consideration. I can't change ethanol. If I will forced to change a precursor I should replace silver nitrate with nano silver powder and it is too expensive for me.  I want to mix 1 gram of silver nitrate with 100 ml ethanol and stir it for 24 hours.Someone told me that this amount isn't dangerous, Do you agree?
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
16 answers
I am looking for a survey for climate or culture to work in my dissertation on safety culture in a construction field. I have found surveys for hospitals and references to surveys, but when I ask the researchers to use their surveys it is in excess of $10,000 + individual survey expense. Does anyone know of one that is available without cost?
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Choudhry, R. M. (2014). Behavior-based safety on construction sites: a case study. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 70, 14-23. This is the more recent and complete reference advisable.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
3 answers
The American documents describing miner's protection from the coal dust, referred to the use of grinders (shredders) for the longwall shearer; and in the coal transfer points from one conveyor to another. How big is the size of the original pieces of coal produced with the longwall shearer, and their average size?
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
7 answers
How often does conductor clashing cause fires?
The extent of the damage?
Possibilities of power line protection settings to disable fire starting due to conductor clashing?
Any other comment?
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I have seen , Pam trees, under H.T lines, fired by, these type(conductor clashing) of tamperori fires, by high wind of high sag lines, at my native place in India..
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
7 answers
I am look for literature on spray explosion
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A good starting point is the HSE information sheet on Explosion hazards due to spray releases: 
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
9 answers
We use much more paper in office and personal life. Some offices use so more paper about requirement and many time we use only one side of paper and some dummy letter, chart, other dummy detail certi. By offices which is not required.
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Within a University environment. For meetings I commonly have papers on an iPad and do not print them. (Get the organizer to provide pdf.)  Have the agenda on a screen, not on a paper by every place.  Get students to submit coursework online instead of hard copy.  Use the Turnitin facility to annotate with comments as well as give a numerical mark.  This also saves staff time in organizing papers and makes archiving easier in case of queries or appeals later on.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
8 answers
Starting next month I'm asked to evaluate a new pilot line in automobile production. Its all about break design. So when should workers take breaks and how long should they be? Is there any benefit in more short breaks? Do more breaks enhance the worklife?
To answer those questions we plan on using questionaires and measurement methods. What questionaire should we use? For measurements we planned on heart-rate before an after the break and maybe cortisol-values in the morning and in the evening compared to a control group?
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You might look at the SAFTE model
and the fatigue avoidance scheduling tool. 
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
7 answers
What is your opinion about the topic, based on the attached paper?
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Interesting question.
However, I can only access the abstract which does not provde details of the AHP application in this case. Can you provide the complete paper?
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
1 answer
Substitution of a highly hazardous chemical for a lower hazard-rated chemical and still maintaining the required results/end products/production rates/quality, etc. I am looking for specific examples and success/failure stories.
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Hi Steven,
there has been a EU-funded project covering these kind of questions. It might be worth if you check the following web-site:
Hopefully that is helpful to you.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Safety
2 answers
Has anyone done any work in this area? I only found this so far:
Sharpanskykh, A and Stroeve, S H (2011) An agent-based approach for structured modeling, analysis and improvement of safety culture. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 17(1), 77-117. Any other suggestions?
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I currently work on the subject, I inforler yours.