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Industrial Organization - Science topic

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Questions related to Industrial Organization
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
2 answers
Hello Researchers and all,
Are you interested in Digital Twin, Cyber Attack and Dynamic Bayesian Network. Do you want to know what can happen to a digital twin based Industrial organization if a Malware and DDoS attack occur? What could be its impact on dynamic situation? If your answer is yes, Here I am sharing with you one of my paper link named, " Analyzing the impact of Cyber Attack on the performance of Digital Twin Based Industrial Organizations" which is got published in Journal of Industrial Information and Integration (Elsevier, Q1, IF = 15.7). You will get a good idea about:
  • Digital Twin,
  • Cyber attack propagation,
  • Markov chain and
  • Dynamic Bayesian Network
Not only this, We also discussed different prevention mechanism and resilience mechanism to keep your digital twin mostly functional under Malware and DDoS Attack. If you want to work further on this topic with different cyber attack and prevention mechanism, you will get an idea from this paper how to do this.
Here is the link of the paper:
From this link, you will get a 50 days' free access to the article. Anyone clicking on this link before August 03, 2024 will be taken directly to the final version of this fantastic article on ScienceDirect, which you are welcome to read or download. No sign up, registration or fees are required.
You are welcome to read, download and cite this article and flourish your research skill on cyber attack, Digital twin and Dynamic Bayesian Network.
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Please Check my last publication about it:
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
2 answers
Dear research community,
I was wondering whether there is some empirical literature on how to distinguish between different forms of competition, e.g. Bertrand, Cournot, Bertrand-Edgeworth, Cournot-Bertrand, etc. The majority of papers seems to center around the airline industry, e.g. Brander and Zhang (1990, 1993) and mainly is from the 1990s (see e.g. Haskel and Martin, 1994, for another empirical contribution). However, as the econometric toolkit evolves, I guess there must be more empirical research out there, e.g. evidence of regime-switching between different forms of competition. I would be greatful for any hints to the empirical literature/econometric approaches.
Brander, J.A. and Zhang, A. (1990): Market conduct in the airline industry: An empirical investigation, in: RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 21 (4), 567-583
Brander, J.A. and Zhang, A. (1993): Dynamic oligopoly behaviour in the airline industry, in: International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 11, 407-435
Haskel, J. and Martin, C. (1994): Capacity and competition: Empirical evidence on UK panel data, in: Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 42 (1), 23-44
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Hi Abdullah,
Many thanks. I am well aware of the different theories. I'd like to see whether there are some new econometric tools that allow to differentiate between different types. Past literature mainly deals with figuring out the conjectural variation/conduct parameter, sometimes combining it with switching regressions to allow for different regimes. Any ideas with regard to the most recent tricks of the trade are highly appreciated.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
1 answer
Do we know theoretical models how to share benefits between a focal company and for instance 3 tier 1 supplier's using a supply chain finance programme?
so what is ‘fair’
for instance there is a net saving of 1.5 euro using a SCF reverse factoring programme. Is the following split up fair or not, and why from a theoretical point of view:
€ 0.3 to the focal company and 3 times € 0.4 to the (3) tier 1 suppliers
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Dear Mr. Jansen!
May I kindly argue that a financial program in a supply chain network evolves via the context, the objectives set for a green supply chain integration. The performance of actors - the focal company and the 3 tiers - can be measured by the social exchange theory:
Taiwen Feng, et al. 2022. Sustainable supply chain finance adoption and firm performance: Is green supply chain integration a missing link? 28 March 2022, Sustainable Development Early View, Available at:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
3 answers
I am stuck in a problem where there are two firms A and B. Firm A sells two vertically differentiated products, X & Y. Firm B, on the other hand, sells a product Z which is also vertically differentiated with X but is horizontally differentiated with Y. Now, I am looking at references that have modeled such a scenario using utility functions that means something that has combined the works of Hotelling (1929) and Mussa and Rosen (1978).
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Interesting Dilemma.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
17 answers
In psychology, we have many approaches to base our evaluation and treatment of a patient, such as psychology of education, community psychology, social psychology, humanistic approach, cognitive-behavioural approach, neuropsychological approach, industrial-organizational approach, psychodynamic, etc. I get that some approaches don't fit with the level of target/observation (e.g. I/O psychology for a single mother at home dealing with major depression), and that each one is a tool in the toolbox for a specific need and objective, but I ask for a possible integration of similar or potentially complementary approaches (neuropsy with TCC or humanistic with ecological model of Bronfenbrenner confirmed with neuropsy, etc.). In summary, I am curious of what has been proposed to build a sort of unity with some of the approaches in modern psychology.
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Psychotherapy methods can be unified, the current treatment methods are scattered, are targeted to specific needs, because of the lack of a unified psychology theory. All psychotherapy methods serve one goal: modifying the program. People's psychological activities can describe a series of program, psychological disorders are due to the disorder of these program, modify these psychological program, is psychotherapy.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
5 answers
Published work on organisation design often sets out very inclusive accounts of the scope of the subject, extending for example from corporate strategy to detailed design of operational processes, and from the shaping of organisational culture to detailed design of HR policies and procedures. While this is no doubt helpful in defining the scope of organisation design as a concept, it is difficult to derive from this work a realistic account of what the individual organisation design practitioner actually does. I would be very grateful if you could please signpost me to any available published work on what organisation design practitioners actually spend their time doing.
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Dear Davis,
Please visit -- the Web site of the Organizational Design Community -- to get an impression of OD practitioners' activities.
Journal of Organizational Design - outlines some current problems OD practitioners are working on.
Very bests,
Igor Gurkov
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
4 answers
Hi, I’m writing a paper about digital platforms and I want recommendations about literature, specially focused on the market structure and competitors in the IT industry.
I will be grateful for your comments
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You can check this by "P.K. Kannan"
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
3 answers
About the remunicipalization. Could temporary organizations supply permanent and vital services? It's the case of private companies in the permanent and necessary market.
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It may vary depending on the networks to exchange knowledge among temporary/permanent organizations.
Capó-Vicedo, J., Mula, J., & Capó, J. (2011). A social network-based organizational model for improving knowledge management in supply chains. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16(4), 284-293.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
10 answers
I have reached out to the two possible contacts that I have, which have not been fruitful. I have also reached out to my LinkedIn and Twitter network to try to identify an organization to participate in my team-level research, but I still have not had any luck. I have been offering to provide a consulting service to help with personnel or leadership decision making in exchange for the participation. I have also stated whom the PhD-holding supervisor the project. Please let me know any suggestions you have, or if you have access to a large organization that may be willing to participate in team cohesion research.
M. Justin Miller, M.S.
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...a pretty random suggestion but as someone who works in health care there are likely to be lots of hospitals who fit the bill. While health services managers are not necessarily particularly research literate and no t all organisations are research active, the idea of research is not alien to them. I think it's well worth a try. Twitter and Linkedin well worth a try but i suspect a direct phone call or (failing that) email) to a senior person is likely to be more productive. Do a bit of background research to get the names before you start.
Don't expect people to be impressed by you, a PhD or your supervisor (if they are that's a bonus) but work on piquing their interest in what you are actually researching.
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
4 answers
Just an opinion really, as my research is pointing at both points appearing to have been important and it would be interesting if I could ascertain which one is more pronounced.
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I agree with Diane. I would add that if you read Marx or Braverman, then degradation of work follows from the drive to increase profits and surplus value. Though workers resist this both individually and collectively through unions, this resistance has suffered from neoliberal and austerity polices.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
4 answers
Clearly evident is the proliferation of technologies in ensuring business success. However, what is perplexing is the lack of adoption of the technologies in the developing world. As a result the pace of development is so low that there is always reliance on the developed world for value added products.
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Please let me know if the following references/sites are useful to you:
1.  Supply Chain Visibility: A Critical Strategy to Enhance ... - GS1 Global Supply Chain Visibility: A Critical Strategy to Optimize Cost and Service. Page 2 ... visibility event accuracy at 30% is the third highest priority). It is not surprising ...
2.  Beyond Supply Chains Empowering Responsible Value Chains - www3 ...
Beyond Supply Chains has developed a decision framework that prioritizes the identified ... Improve supply chain visibility (availability of data & analytics).
3.  Private Sector Role in Health Supply Chains - World Health ...  Engagement in Developing Country Health Supply Chains ... October 2008. Dalberg Global Development Advisors and the MIT-Zaragoza International ..... chain visibility and oversight, making product integrity and quality harder to ensure. The.
4.  The 10 Keys to Global Logistics Excellence - Supply Chain Digest The Global Supply Chain – You Better be Good. Globalization .... level of supply chain visibility they desire, or have the ... not enough time on developing better.
Dennis Mazur
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
6 answers
Hi Kasturi,
It's great to know that you have publications on TNA which I was looking for a longtime ! Being into TechHR (SAP SuccessFactors ERP Suite ), I am interested to explore which is the best TNA Model ? Any recommendations !
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I feel that it is difficult to come up with a single model that would works out everywhere. I did TNA for a banking sector years back. What I'd like to suggest is to carry out analysis from various levels: Institutional/sector specific issue, the nature of work(functions), and trainees. Moreover, the demand of the task/business and the existing KSA gap would lead to the training and development needs. In today's dynamism, particularly in the rapid technological changes, the future or potential demands also require due consideration.  
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
3 answers
In the market of razor and blade, some consumers own multiple razors like owning Gillette and Schick razors at the same time. Consumers then have to decide which razor to use for shaving when they own multiple razors.
Questions arise: (1) What is the percentage of consumers who own multiple razors? (2) Would the majority of consumers keep using the same razor even if they own multiple razors or they switch quite often? 
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Should vary within consumer groups.  Based on psychographics for instance for a metrosexual a razor would hold a completely different meaning as compared to someone who is looking for just  decent.
Another dimension could be skin type and dermatological consderations. Also frequent travellers may use schick for on the go whereas gillette for regular use, 
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
3 answers
I am an Electronics student, not good with computer security but i was given ''Authentication system using image based keys'' as my final year project.
Please can u give me some guild lines how to achieve this project?
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Usually, one feels uncomfortable and uncertain until the initial knowledge base is gained. User authentication space is a simple and complicated space at the same time. First, it is highly important and serious technology as far as any transaction security is concerned. Second, despite of the variety of existing technologies, the key requirements are exactly the same: how to preserve user credentials security from intruding attacks.
So that any particular technology is analyzed in how it is vulnerable against attack vectors when credential(s) being entered by the user at a payment terminal, or at a computer screen, etc. (so called front-end attacks).
Also, when the authentication response from the user comes to the authentication server. the matching process to the saved user's credential at the attached to the server database can be vulnerable to network attacks as well (back-end attacks). I somewhat simplified the picture, but in the essence that's what it is.     
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
1 answer
In the razor and blade market, a new technology is usually incompatible with old technologies. For example, Gillette introduced Fusion technology in 2006 and Fusion is incompatible with Mach and Quattro. Given the incompatibility, what are the factors affecting consumers' upgrading decisions? My understanding is there are three factors: quality improvement, costs (prices) and the inventory of unused blades. And also, does the incompatibility deter the consumers to upgrade to the new technology? 
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You can ask the consumers following the innovation community approach.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
11 answers
I have census data available for 1991, 2001 and 2011. My period of study is 2004-2014. How should I project the data for the years it is not available to carry forward my study.
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A Simple and readily usable method is that one can use the actual growth rate between the two Census years i.e. 2001 and 2011 to interpolate the numbers for any year between 2001 and 2011 and then extrapolate to any year after 2011 but not for too long years, assuming that rate of growth observed during the period 2001 and 2011 will be continued. This formula may work.  Pt = P2001 * (1+r)n ; where Pt is any year for which we want to interpolate or extrapolate, P2001 is the base year, r - rate of growth; n - number of years between the base year and the year for which we want interpolated/extrapolated number. 
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
3 answers
Which software is applicable for run parametric bootstrap versions of WG and FD-GMM estimators and how can I run it?
I have a panel data n=17, T=19 and a partial adjustment model
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Dear Ehsan and Mousumi
Thank you so much
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
16 answers
A trend is developing in Papua New Guinea Universities, industries and organizations where their GAPS and TNA show that bulk of the employees need upskilling and upgrading of qualifications to perform efficiently and effectively. Work based education is more sustainable means of professional development and training and creates and environment of collaboration and cooperation among Universities, industry, learners and the community at large. This I believe will contribute to building a more productive local economy.
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Very good question and statement. Competitive nature of the job market have needs new vision. To remedy this shortcoming, work based learning is attractive. It is an alternative flexible form of learning that attempts to tackle these issues. It enables students to learn whilst they work, addressing the funding issues, and enhancing their employability through the acquisition of higher professional qualifications. The following paper presents the findings from a survey conducted among stakeholders from all four pillars of work based learning, namely the learner, the academic environment, the workplace and the external context.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
6 answers
Globalisation and cross-border movement of labor has given rise to workforces where differences in nationalities, cultures, traditions, customs, religions, languages, economies and social structures play a crucial role while flexible labor policies provide organisations with access to global talent. In addition, the large movement of populations from East to West due to continuing wars as well as the existing European strategies of protecting immigrants strengthens the existence and spread of multicultural workplaces. Thus, it is evident that the need for multicultural awareness and sensitivity becomes imperative. To this vein, how a multicultural team performs within an Organisation and in its relationships with other organisations, their groups and teams is of great value.
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Thank you Arhan for your answer. Actually Hofstede's model is included in my literature review and partly I have integrated some parts in the model I am proposing. I was just wondering whether there was a newer model, more "applicable" like the one I am proposing, and in parallel a model that helps organisations to benchmark their capabilities of managing multicultural issues within them. Thanks a lot for your contribution.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
6 answers
We have a Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Problem with square root components on the decision variables. I have seen a proposal to reformulate as a Conic Quadratic problem, but I am not sure if this reformulation guarantees optimality with respect to the original problem.
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There's a script of Ben-Tal and Nemirovski on convex optimization that also has a chapter on conic programming. It's my first reference and I can really recommend it:
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
9 answers
I would like to know is there any justification that work related stress gives a direct impact on employees of the "logistics Industry", and what would be their work stress factors causing it.
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In addition, work stress in any organisation will be similar to the work stress in a logistic organisation. Lots of research output is available on work stress and employee performance. Maybe, you will have to find out- what’s the difference in working in logistic organisation compared to any other organisation to qualify for this research. Or what different variables will come into play compared to any other organisations- impacting on employee performance.
Some potential leads:
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
26 answers
there are many researches working on the causes of corruption. however, there are few works focusing on the collusive corruption, which is a prevalent phenomenon around the world. Could someone recommand me some good papers?
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Dr. Jorge makes a good point that rationality can still be useful in understanding corruption from the point of view of reciprocity.  So, individuals will cheat if they don't expect enforcement or informal reciprocity.  Trust is the glue that makes long-term collective action work.  But this is still a far cry from the atomistic model of individual actors supported by economists.  It suggests that there could be competing rationalities, rationality at the individual and multiple collective levels, and a great deal of difficulty in calculating discount rates or expected utilities along with quite obscure information about long-term prospects for compliance.  Moreover, we can not just treat collective enterprises as individuals, in fact there is continual ambiguity b/t individual and collective rationalities, hence the paranoia of mob bosses.  To me, then, trust has to go beyond rationality and be embedded in social rituals, institutions, experience, and collective identity.  I try to make these points in my forthcoming Three Perspectives on Human Irrationality: The Book of Rules.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
3 answers
tell me the titles and the authors.
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I think that you can find some elements in several strams of litterature, and specially those that take into account the institutional environment and its impact.
Two points of departure:
1- the "Institution Based view" of strategy that has been defended by Mike Peng (from the university of Texas at Dallas : You will find a lot of papers from him.
2- Neo institutional economics can also have an interest. Studies from Douglass Cecil North (Nobel prize of economics), but also from
Levy B.; Spiller P.T. (1994), « The institutional Foundations of Regulatory Commitment: A comparative Analysis of Telecommunications Regulation », Journal Of Law, Economics, and Organization, volume 10, Numéro 2.
Levy B.; Spiller P. T. (eds) (1996), Regulations, Institutions and Commitment. Comparative Studies of Telecommunication,. Cambridge University Press.
You can find references in one or our papers (unfortunately the paper is in French, but references can be useful), as we try to discuss the impact of "bas institutional environments" on strategies of firms:
Chabaud D, Parthenay C, Perez Y (2005) Environnement institutionnel et trajectoire des entreprises. Une application à l'industrie électrique, Management International, 9 (3), pp. 65-78. (on researchgate)
Typically, the idea is that "bad" institutional environments (with ill defined property rights,and so on) lead to short sighted decisions and/or to the fact that investors will need "additional guarantees".
Wishing that these elements will be useful to you
Sincerely yours
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
4 answers
Employee innovativeness, employee innovative work behaviour and employee innovative output are all relatively recent constructs.  What is the relationship and association between these three constructs, if any?  Further, what is the path that any or all of these three constructs follow in order to deliver firm innovativeness
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 In my opinion,Employee innovative work behavior is function of employee creativity, involvement/ engagement, commitment and discipline of body & mind. Employee innovative output is function of employee innovative work behavior, organization culture and motivation. Organizational inventiveness is the outcome of integration of Employee innovative work behavior, Employee innovative output, Organizational agility and Leadership.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
3 answers
I am designing a performance assessment system for an industrial organization. What do you think about the KPI's? Which KPI's must be considered?
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Hi Yahya,
The following  link (research article) can be helpful for the KPI related issues.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
3 answers
Would be very helpful if anyone did similar study before and could share some comments on best methods, databases etc. 
Thank you
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Check this visualization "The Location of Academic Knowledge" that shows the different geographies of the academic knowledge. According to the description, the data about publications is taken from "Web of Knowledge Journal Citation Reports (JCR) from 2009". Originally visualization was published in publication "Geographies of the World’s Knowledge"( by Graham, Hale, Stephens in 2011.
I hope this helps you.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
3 answers
Ipr is one way of creating relations in organizations and offices. Do you have any experience with it?
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Prof. Hesari, IPR defines how workers communicate and interact with each other.  If there's a clear communication, in whatever form: paper-based, electronic, etc., then each individual would have the confidence of partaking his/her role in the different functions of the organization.  This in turn would promote a healthy relationship among workers, and subsequently add to efficiency, effectiveness and productivity of office operations.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
16 answers
We are studying 206 mergers and acquisitions (M&A) processes in the Brazilian market. Our results shows us that there are at least six kinds of processes: only acquisitions (A), business acquisitions (just a segment for ex.), mergers (M), M&A, temporary associations, joint ventures. We also found a significant difference in firm performance just between acquisitions and joint venture cases. Does it mean that the results in M&A are the same independently of the corporative strategy a firm adopts?
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The results in M & A are linked to the influence of knowledge transfer. While the importance of knowledge flows is a major issue in the process of wealth creation, the purpose of M & A is to take advantage of this asset when choosing a new location.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
4 answers
What are the models that can describe this relationship
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According to the traditional industrial economics approach, the link between market structure and (sectoral) performance can be measured and estimated through the link between the Herfindhal index and the Lerner index
  • asked a question related to Industrial Organization
11 answers
The services sector is emerging with respect to the demands created by industries to support its development. Banks, for example, need industry for financial transactions. When there are no substantial industry sector to be catered for, why is the services sector expanding in many developing economies?
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Actually the catergorization of employment into three; agriculture, manufacturing, and services, is not very illuminating. In rich countries, currently almost everybody is working in services. I suggested in my recent book (MIssing a Decent Living for Everyone: Success and Failure in 143 Countries) another catergorization based on human activities.