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Improvisation - Science topic
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Questions related to Improvisation
Researchers are requested to describe and discuss anyone however not limited to the following characteristics of outstanding teachers:
Research oriented ,
Use of technology,
Encourage students,
Socially committed,
Constant learning,
Improvisation etc.
My goal is to improvise and validate an instrument assessing various 3actors. Since my study involves new concepts that have little studies done previously therefore lack similar empirical data to confirm the hypothesis formed in the study. My question is, CCA involves several steps and the last step calls for nomological validity and predictive validity. How is it possible those out? Can it be left out?
I am looking for researchers dealing with Management Aesthetics, Art Management, or Management Art. Fields of interest: publications and projects.
Can you share your improvised methods for simply measuring the velocity of a river's flow?
I knew that HTMT2 is some kind of improvised version of HTMT (Heterotrait-Monotrait ratio), and usually bootstrapping can be used to provide the 95%CI for the HTMT score in SmartPLS. As for HTMT2 (SmartPLS does not have this feature yet), I calculate it using the R-Studio or online calculator and neither of them can give me the confidence interval, how can I obtain the 95%CI for HTMT2 then ?
An oxidation ditch is "racetrack type" reactor. It has improvised activated sludge treatment accustomed for long solid retention time which to enhance higher rate of microbial removal. However, there are few applications of oxidation ditches. Is it due to any noticeable disadvantages in oxidation ditches? Please suggest your expert opinions.
I had completed my Btech Degree in Bioinformatics. I am very much interested to know in detail about NGS data analysis. I need to improvise my career, Is it valuable to join there?
Depending upon the distance of the seismic station from the epicentre, the quality of waveform data and the improvisation of the synthetic waveform on it is often a question. If the Pnl waveform segments are showing good fit then S wave components may show poor fit. How this can be improved through proper window and time selections.
Various research articles present a very straight forward approach for the presence of dense seismic stations but how the gCAP inversions can present good inversion results with less density of seismic station network.
For instance
"Synthetics and observed ground velocity were filtered in the same frequency bands (from 0.02 Hz to 0.1 Hz for the surface waves and from 0.05 Hz to 0.3 Hz for the Pnl). These frequency bands were chosen to maximize signal-to-noise ratios of data and to avoid short-wavelength structural heterogeneities. Synthetic seismograms have been computed using an average velocity model derived for the Italian territory as described by Scognamiglio et al. (2009)".
This may not suit my inversions and result in a lower variance reduction.
Your inputs will be much appreciated.
The Waqf (confined endowment) was one of the foundations of Islamic Renaissance that has led to a wide activity in scientific, architectural, and health-care movements. It has also resulted the establishment of several institutions which were integrated and vital for the community. These institutions have worked on improvising solutions to new problems. Early Muslims have been racing to establish their own waqf emphasizing the peculiarity of the different goals of each one. This research aims to study the waqf of Abdul Basit ibn Khalil the Damascene (790-857 AH / 1388 - 1450 AD) the Chief-inspector of the Egyptian armies. And I have included in the annexes two of these waqfs.
The word ‘jugaad’ comes from Hindi, meaning a cheap, imaginative, improvised but effective solution to a problem. Jugaad innovations, therefore, are ‘innovative fixes’ – low-cost and flexible answers to everyday issues. Also called ‘frugal innovations’, these are becoming the new trend in the technological sphere nowadays. And quite a number of Indians are leading the way in this regard.
I'm conducting research in improvisation as a tool to build communication skills for adults attending an in-patient residential treatment center and an outpatient service center.
Do anyone here have any ideas on how to conduct flammability test, fluid resistance and differential pressure using improvised methods? We are trying to look for ways to test coconut coir fiber as potential fabric material in making face masks. However, we don't have any device at school to test the needed parameters. Testings centers are also expensive, so if anyone can suggest a way, it will really be a big help. Thanks
Hi. I am doing Suzuki Coupling but yield of my reaction is below 30%. Even with this yield i am not getting pure compound as my my product and impurity spots are extremely close.
I have used following different reaction conditions;
Solvent: DMF+ Water, Dioxane +Water
Temp ranges 80-100 C .
Catalyst: dichlorobis(triphenylphoshine)palladium
Base: Sodium bicarbonate, K2CO3
I am purging my my reaction mixture with Nitrogen before i add catalyst. Any input would be appreciated.
Dear colleagues,
I am working on a measurement model based on capabilities to measure organizational resilience capability (ORC). Given that I could only focus the study on the antecedents of ORC with a microfoundational approach, I would instead like to develop the model a bit more and find an outcome variable that could depend on the different levels of ORC that I will assess. Let's call this missing outcome variable "variable Y" for the moment.
I am also trying to connect the current COVID-19 pandemic to ORC, expecting to find a better response of more resilient organizations with respect to Y. Finally, as I work on Sustainability, I wouldn't mind Y to be related to sustainability too. I was thinking about something such as the difference between "perceived" and "expected" sustainable organizational performance, expecting lower differences to be connected to higher level of ORC. What do you think about that? It is not easy to find a direct link between an outcome variable and ORC. Any suggestions?
The tool should have the possibility to:
- upload mp3 files (for me and maybe the participants )
- define a set of questions which should be answered
(one kind of answer could be an audio file)
- give a selection of answers, between which participants could distribute for instance nine points. (answer 1, 3 and 4 could receive 0 points, 2 would get 7 and 5 2 points)
- there should be a management of participants, so that it would be registered, if one did answer a specific recording more than once
The listeners would choose an audio recording, and answer a set of questions regarding this recording. After the first, they could choose a second and do the same thing. So the name of the audio recording should be saved additionally to the answers.
I did a survey with google forms, after evaluating other tools, but there are some restrictions, which made the analysis of the answers quite difficult.
Dear All,
I have set up a 5-plex qPCR. The multiplex works fine but the PCR efficiency doesn't look that great. I am throwing in 250ng human genomic DNA and I get Ct in range of 30-35 for all my products. Average Tm for my three sets of primers is 60 Degree. I am currently using a combined annealing and extension of 60 degree with a hot-start enzyme. I realized if I split it into lower annealing maybe around 57 degree and a bit higher extension around 62 degree, it should improvise the overall efficiency.
Any comments? I am using Smartcycler -II
Appreciate your help!
I am conducting a study on improvisation in nature-inclusive and participatory housing developments in the Netherlands. Nature inclusion and (future) inhabitants' inclusion help to deliver better housing (or any other) developments. Although, these features are not part of current design procedures. Therefore, improvisation is needed during the design phase of such developments. But to what extent? What are the factors of successful improvisation?
I am doing research on the challenges of drone application in the health care supply chain I want to everyone to share their knowledge which could help me in my research.
How can we become more sustainable in both the pre- and post-harvest horticultural sectors. What is being done and what can be done to improvise the footprint.
Hi! I need some guidance/ideas to work on a research proposal with a focus in healthcare around Digital Transformation AND Innovation and Leadership.
With the surge of technology in the healthcare world and the rise of AI, many are looking into various aspect to make healthcare more conducive and efficient for patients.
I am having some difficulty in trying to look into a specified area where attention or rather critical thinking is needed in order for it to be something that can be developed to improve or improvise the current trend in healthcare.
Would humbly request all experts and experienced people out here to give me some ideas around this area.
Thank you and regards.
We have several students who are learning to read music, and all the requisite aspects of becoming a music major at University level, who have large gaps in their musical education. There is little systematic music taught in schools across this country, and those who are teaching music, are mostly untrained.
I'm interested in using audiation as an evaluation tool. I believe that students with better audiation capabilities will do better in classes such as analysis, sight singing, dictation, improvisation, applied music studies etc.
If you have used either of these instruments, please advise; can I use the primary instrument with students of 17+ years? Thanks
Non destructive tests equipment for concrete are quite expensive and not readily available. Is there any non destructive test that can be improvised or built with commonly available materials to determine the strength or/and permeability properties of concrete and other cementitious composites?
Dear colleagues, and Senior Scientists,
I am setting up a cell culture laboratory, but no funding for an inverted microscope now, and viewing my culture for growth and confluence will be a challenge. I am of the view that a simple set-up using hand lens and/or camera can help me view the progress of my cells. I think this is cheap, and can help me start my lab while I work towards getting a standard inverted microscope. Has anyone successfully used such an improvised technique? A guide on how to set-up these devices to view cultures or any alternatives will be very much appreciated. Thanks in anticipation.
Dear Colleagues,
In the absence of a standard CC of any size, can improvising using a burette for fractionation (Not purification) give comparable results as when one uses a standard manufactured CC?
What precautions and care-steps should one take?
I want to carry out LAM (laser Assisted Machining) on a ceramic. My supervisor has requested me to improvise a controller since he cannot afford a laser fibre optics system. He said we can ignore laser parameters, all we need is to heat the material with a laser. How do I power the laser and focus it on the workpiece is my concern now. I am a novice in laser field.
What types of Improvised explosive device used in terrorist operations?
describe types of Improvised explosive device
I'm exclusively referring to jazz improvisation. The student is already able to sufficiently master his/her instrument and concretely understand the meaning of a simple harmonic progression.
The whole set up is to observe the stress induced birefringence in glass. Light from the Natrium lamp needs to be collimated. Since the whole experiment is carried out in a normal room, there is loss of a lot of light.
How can the system on the collimation side with the lamp and the lens be improvised? Use of an iris or..?
Note: The change of lamp is possible but only in the worst case if there exists no other option.
If more information is required, feel free to ask.
Any information is appreciated. Thank you :)
I would like to determine the actual light transmittance of the three types of PET bottles that I am experimenting with. Any ideas on how this can be done without using the usual Light Transmittance Meter? Any laboratory within the SADC region that has capacity to determine light transmittance of PET bottles?
I mean here, if a paper is sent to a reputed journal (SCI) and if it is rejected strongly (without being sent for review).
If that paper is improvised and sent to the same journal then will it be rejected on the basis of earlier rejection even if the paper quality is improved.
How editor f that journal will look at this whole process?
FYI - I am a professional classical vocalist, singing music of all centuries, including 21st century music. Very little of what I do is pure improvisation.
Thank you.
-Dr. Liana Valente
Several jazz musicians are in the habit of transfiguring the harmonic progression so deeply that the particular song becomes de facto unrecognisable. Sometimes, what is more, the modifications don't abide by the conventional harmonic rules. In your opinion, is there an ethical code in jazz improvisation?
We are planning to conduct a training for elementary science teachers on making improvised instructional materials to improve the quality of science teaching. Most of the science teachers in our city are non-science majors which prompted us to organize a training-workshop. What are improvised science instructional materials you can suggest that we can do?
Here is an example of what we want to do. An improvised microscope
Several Outdoor ed and Wilderness medicine schools are dropping traction splints from their curriculum. We know from sad experience that patients often arrive at the ED with traction splints poorly or incorrectly applied and the splint is doing no good what soever and may be causing harm. We have many anecdotes to support the use of traction splints (when applied correctly) for patient comfort. Applying a traction splint to a patient with a suspected femur fracture is not a trivial decision, and the effective application, particularly of an improvised, traction splint is technically challenging and a highly perishable skill. I am looking for data to defend the case for use or not using traction in a back country setting. Thanks!
For improvisation of the extraction procedure, we would want to skip the step of washing procedure during the extraction. Are there any literature that cite about the spin column membrane which could remove the impurities at once without the washing steps?
Thanks heaps
I have some data on synergistic effects between my compounds and several other anticancer drugs. I can share the data if someone can suggest me how to improvise and change the concentration of the drugs so that I can get a complete synergistic effect.
To define it as spontaneous production, the selection and the execution of new auditory-motor sequences appears insufficient. On the other hand, compared to numerous brain imaging studies on musical cognition, perception and musical development, there are few of them on musical invention which are, for the most part, confined to the study of already memorised performances and very few on musical improvisation in real time. In a brilliant work, a number of years ago Limb (2008) asked ten pianists to memorise a melody and, after having them lie in the tube of a suitably modified magnetic resonance machine and connected to a keyboard, he managed to have them reproduce a melody they had just learned, make a simple scale and, finally, improvise. Limb saw that the improvisation was correlated to the activation of a nerve network that included, among other things, structures such as the inferior left frontal gyrus, the anterior cingulated cortex and the medial prefrontal cortex. The most interesting evidence was the widespread ‘turning-off’ of the prefrontal areas, which are generally correlated to the conscious control of the activities in progress and responsible for interference in the capacity to concentrate. This experience of ‘turning-off’ is not yet sensorial and not yet perceptive; it is not an experience of emptiness, but corresponds to the activation of mental images that anticipate the specific action that leads to an internal emulation of the planned motor actions, very similar to what takes place in reality. As has been shown recently by Ridderinkhof and Brass, (2015), also with reference to the sphere of football, the comparison between the effects of the anticipated action and those of the internal emulation may generate an error signal that may encourage the improvement of the motor performance, even without the execution of the real movement.
Following the "teaching the subject or teaching students" thread, I want to ask how strictly one should follow a syllabus in order to communicate with student's needs. It's easy to say: let's teach students, not subjects, but when it comes to practical problems in the middle of a semester, what do you do? Stick with the plan or start to improvise?
I'm trying to apply non-functional relations between triads and seventh chords and between traditional scales to the classical guitar using harmonic progressions from the works of romantic and modern classical composers as referents for improvisation.
Improvising and narrowing down my previous research question to get a better clarity
I request someone to help me with this. Given same Si/Al ratios, SBA-n materials have higher acidities compared to MCM-n, whereas hierarchical zeolites with wall thickness ~2 nm shows even better acidity than the former. What decides acidity and how to improvise my framework acidity? I thank you in advance.
I am interested in the ontological structure of improvised music and I would appreciate literature recommendations.