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Impedance - Science topic

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Questions related to Impedance
  • asked a question related to Impedance
1 answer
I am measuring the Piezoelectric Electromechanical Impedance from a Piezoelectric material which is attached to a Structural Steel (host material). Damage is done parametrically to the host material in many ways to obtain thousands of damage scenarios. I am obtaining an Impedance Frequency Plot for a range of frequency (10KHz-500Khz) with a step size of 10Hz which means 49000 intervals. I am able to obtain the minimum and maximum values of Impedance using ANSYS Workbench Parameter Set.
But can I obtain the Impedance-Frequency Plot of 49000 intervals parametrically for thousands of damage scenarios?
Any suggestions could be a great help :)
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after model analysis, use response dynamics for cycle event.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
Dear all,
I hope you are doing well.
This semester, I have a power system analysis course; I am now teaching the chapter devoted to unbalanced operation modeling of power systems.
Using the book by Dr. Elgerd as one of my references, I have seen something strange in his book. Before applying the symmetrical components transformation to the voltage-current relation of a synchronous generator, he states that the equations in the abc domain are as follows:
with the impedance matrix Z to be in this form:
This matrix, as is evident, is NOT symmetrical but cyclic symmetrical. This means that Z12 is different from Z21. That is, the mutual impedance from phase b to phase a is different from the mutual impedance from phase a to phase b!
It seems that he is taking a non-salient pole generator into account (as all the diagonal elements are equal). Under such conditions, all the off-diagonal terms should seemingly be equal in opposition to this textbook!
Am I missing something? This is really strange as in physical sense, the mutual impedances should be reciprocal (please take into account that we have still not applied any abc==>dq0 transformation).
I humbly ask you to help me in this regard.
For the sake of completeness, I give you the link to the full text of the book, as follows:
Please go to page 228/291.
Best wishes
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Dear Dr Mohammad.
The only possiblity for the un symetry is that the common point is not isolated. Other wise i think
  • asked a question related to Impedance
2 answers
I was reading the following paper: L. L. Libby, "Special Aspects of Balanced Shielded Loops," in Proceedings of the IRE, doi: 10.1109/JRPROC.1946.230887.
The paper describes a shorted transmission line, and states that the resonance frequency happens when the imaginary part of the impedance is zero.
The impedance of a shorted transmission line is given by the formula: Z = i*z0*tan(θ).
The author then states that to find the resonance frequency, θ is set to 90 degrees and then the corresponding wavelength is found. My question is, why 90 degrees? The impedance at 90 degrees is infinite, not zero. The impedance at 180 degrees is zero.
Am I missing something? The model of the transmission line is attached.
Many thanks in advance.
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It looks to me as if the impedance you are talking about is in parallel with the feed, so you don't want it to be a short circuit but an open circuit, so quarter wave is right.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
I am looking to create a custom test fixture to measure the dielectric constant of a specific material using the Agilent 4294A Impedance Analyzer. Can you provide guidance on the design and fabrication process, including any necessary considerations for ensuring accurate and reliable measurements of dielectric constant with a custom made fixure?
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If you found some solution kindly let me know.
I made the 4TP connections to 4294A and tested with the open - short calibration. But I'm not getting proper response such low impedance at short and high impedance at open condition even after calibration
1. Should I perform electrical length compensation or anything else to get a proper calibration?
2. How to do it in 4294A impedance analyzer?
Kindly update if you rectified the issue.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
1 answer
I want to measure the impedance of a sensor at 77GHz. I want to ask what equipment is needed for that?
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I guess it is done via observation of S-parameters using Vector Network Analyzer e.g.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
5 answers
Dear all,
I'm currently working with CHI potentiostat and performing Impedance. However, for the circuit fitting the instrument must be connected to the computer. Since I prefer to analyse the data at home from my own laptop, is there any EIS spectra analysis software able to read the CHI data file with .bin extension?
Thank you.
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Dear Francesco Gagliani,
you can see
Fitting of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy data with Zview 3 2b!! #electrochemistry
  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
Respected All Research Members. Actulaay I faced the problem while analysis the EIS Data as i got the value of Z" negative. What should be the possible reason for this.
Thank you in advance
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Sorry, I don't have papers. They should be very easy to be obtained, or you can also search EIS + some topic, then EIS figures and their papers will come. As for the fundmental theory, I personally recommend Bard's book and Electroanalytical Methods from springer.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
2 answers
Can someone help me with fit and simulation in nova app?
I can't get a good fit for my data
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Hi dear Diego
I recently find out that I should do something with my circuit and your answer is right I made it closer to my point just by changing the circuit. Thank you for helping me Diego David da Silva
  • asked a question related to Impedance
2 answers
Can anyone help me to find out the Rs = Solution resistantce and Rct= Charge transfer resisistance of the following equivalent circuit. specifically, which R should I take as Rct. I got this equivalent circuit from my sample g-C3N4 by using ZsimpWin software.
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You can write the impedance function by inspection with Q as a 1/sC term and successive parallel to series combinations of each branch. There are symbolic network solvers that reduce the function to canonical form when possible. A Bode plot will also provide the critical frequency break points and time constants.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
2 answers
Can the AC impedance increase with increasing the frequency? If the answer is yes, what is the explanation for that?
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Thanks a lot Dr Hani
  • asked a question related to Impedance
1 answer
I want to draw the graph of real and imaginary impedance of an absorber by using FDTD. How to calculate the real and imaginary part of absorber? Kindly, suggest any tutorial or method to calculate by FDTD.
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Edward J. Rothwell, Jonathan L. Frasch, Sean M. Ellison, Premjeet Chahal, and Raoul O. Ouedraogo, "Analysis of the Nicolson-Ross-Weir Method for Characterizing the Electromagnetic Properties of Engineered Materials," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 157, 31-47, 2016.
From S-parameters you may find the Z-parameters
  • asked a question related to Impedance
1 answer
Dear Researchers,
I want to find the eigenvalues of the impedance ratio of the grid-tied inverter. More details regarding my question are given below:
Zg= Grid Impedance;
Yo= Inverter Impedance
Eigenvalues can be deduced from the following formula:
However, Zg and Yo are the 2x2 complex transfer matrix and there will be two eigenvalues
Limbda1=Quadratic equation root1
Limbda2=Quadratic equation root1
It is difficult to find the transfer function with square root. Please help me out regarding the above mentioned problem.
Thanks in advance and waiting for your kind responses.
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You can use the symbolic approach, here an example
syms s
G=[1/(s+1) 1/(s+2);1/(s+3) 1/(s+4)];
  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
While reading the literature I came across a statement that we need to relax the system before taking Impedance measurement. What does it mean?, How to make the system in relaxed state and how to check if the system is relaxed or not? Thank you.
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Hey there Abu Faizal! So, when they talk about relaxing the system in the context of taking Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), they mean giving the system some time to settle into a stable state before you Abu Faizal start measuring its impedance.
Now, why is this important? Well, some systems can be a bit temperamental. If there are any dynamic processes or reactions happening, they can introduce noise or instability into your impedance measurements. By letting the system chill for a bit, you're allowing it to reach a steady state, making your measurements more accurate and reliable.
To make sure the system is relaxed, you Abu Faizal typically wait for a sufficient amount of time after any perturbations or changes in conditions. This could involve stopping any applied potentials, letting reactions reach equilibrium, or stabilizing temperatures. The specific criteria depend on the nature of your system.
Checking if the system is relaxed involves monitoring relevant parameters or signals. For instance, you Abu Faizal might look for stable voltage or current readings, or ensure that any transient responses have settled down.
Remember, the goal is to capture the true impedance behavior of the system without interference from transient effects. So, take a breather, let things settle, and your EIS measurements should be smoother than a well-relaxed system!
  • asked a question related to Impedance
1 answer
I have found that antennas tend to have higher VSWR as the resonant frequency increases. (The operating frequency range is low??? Impedance matching is more difficult??)
I wonder if this trend is true.
thank you
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  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
Is there a simple way to calculate the impedance of a coplanar Vivaldi antenna?
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1- Characterization of Printed Podal Vivaldi Antenna (8–18 GHz) on RT Duroid with Single and Double Cavity.)
  • asked a question related to Impedance
13 answers
I simulated an antenna with a matching network. Now to calculate the antenna range using Friis equation I need to know the losses due to the matching network.
Can anybody suggest how can I find the losses due to the matching network? I prefer to use software.
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There are two components. Power loss due to power reflected back to the source and absorbed by the source (1-|S11|²) and loss in the matching circuit itself due to dissipation by the non-ideal reactive components.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
2 answers
I run an impedance test with mild steel coated with polymer coating. The impedance is showing very abnormal pattern as shown in the pic. On the other hand, when I was running the same Nyquist test with stainless steel it is showing quite a normal graph. Can someone suggest me the real reason why the impedance data is showing very abnormal reading. Thank you.
Working electrode : Polymer coated mild steel sample.
Reference : Saturated calomel electrode
Counter : Graphite counter electrode
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What kind of organic coating and electrochemical set up do you use. I think that you have a problem with parameters of your set-up - a high impedance of coating and small impedance od EIS apparatus.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
2 answers
SIL is define as when transmission line loaded with Impedance equal to its Surge Impedance ignoring Resistance and conductance. When Surge impedance is equal to load impedance the sending end and receiving end voltages are equal.
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Standing waves can occur in transmission lines at power system frequency under certain conditions. When a voltage wave travels along a transmission line, it encounters a load impedance at the end of the line. If the load impedance is not matched to the characteristic impedance of the line, a portion of the voltage wave is reflected back towards the source. This reflected wave can then interfere with the original wave, resulting in the formation of standing waves.
The formation of standing waves in a transmission line is influenced by various factors, including the length of the line, the characteristic impedance of the line, the load impedance, and the frequency of the voltage wave. In particular, the relationship between the load impedance and the surge impedance of the line can affect the likelihood and severity of standing waves.
The surge impedance of a transmission line is the characteristic impedance of the line when it is assumed to be infinitely long. When the load impedance of the line matches the surge impedance, there is no reflection of the voltage wave, and standing waves do not occur. However, if the load impedance is higher or lower than the surge impedance, some of the voltage wave is reflected back, leading to standing waves.
In summary, standing waves can occur in transmission lines at power system frequency, and the relationship between the load impedance and the surge impedance of the line can affect their formation.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
4 answers
Battery impedance is a combination of internal resistance and reactance where internal resistance + reactance, or (L+ C), equals impedance when using an ac stimulus. The internal resistance of a battery is made up of two components: electrical, or ohmic, resistance and ionic resistance.
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Impedance is measuring the overall health and performance of the battery. It can detect battery degradation, abnormal conditions, and aging to ensure proper maintenance and extend battery life. It helps monitor the battery's state of charge and capacity loss.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
10 answers
I face a very lossy line (cryogenic harness) with L = 320 nH/m, C = 60 pF/m and R = 10Ω/m characteristics. I can estimate the characteristic impedance of this transmission line as Z0=√L/C~70Ω. with 2 meters length, the lossy part is about R = 20 Ω. My simple question, is, if I want to amplify the end of this line with a good input matching, what LNA input impedance have I to match ? Z0 line impedance ? Z0 "+" R line impedance "+" resistance? Source impedance Rs? Source impedance Rs + losses R?
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Hello! The expression √(L/C) is correct just for the determination of the characteristic impedance of lines with negligible losses. Try to use a complete formula that contains also dissipative parameters.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
Dear All,
I wonder if someone can give a clue on how to do fitting if, in a high-frequency region, there is a kind of hook. Please find the files attached. The system is a water-soluble biopolymer in buffer solution, liquid EIS, electrodes: Carbon (WE), Ag/AgCl (RE), and Pt wire (CE). OCP. I've got minimum errors at using this equivalent circuit.
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fitting(s) follow[1] the (good) data.
So, try to reduce the AC-amplitude (VAC<5mV) and remeasure, in order to reduce the high-frequency 'hook'-error(s).
1. A cart follows the horse, or 'A horse pulls a cart (not the opposite)'.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
45 answers
Dear RG community members, this pedagogical thread is related to the most difficult subject among the different fields that physics uses to describe nature, i.e. the physical kinetics (PK). Physical Kinetics as a subject is defined as a “method to study physical systems involving a huge number of particles out of equilibrium”.
The key role is given by two physical quantities:
  • The distribution function f (r, p, t), where r is a vector position, p is a linear momentum and t is the time for the function f which describes a particle in an ensemble.
  • The collision or scattering term W (p, p¨) gives the probability of a particle changing its linear momentum from the value p to the value during the collision.
If the following identity is satisfied for the distribution function df (r, p, t) / d t = 0, then we can directly link PK to the Liouville equation in the case that the distribution function does not depend on time directly. Physics students are tested on that, at the end of an advanced course in classical mechanics, when reading about the Poisson brackets.
However, is important to notice that not all phys. syst. are stationary and not always the identity df /d t = 0 follows, i.e., the distribution function - f is not always time-independent, i.e., f (r, p) is just true for some cases in classical and non-relativistic quantum mechanics, and the time dependence “t” is crucial for the majority of cases in our universe, since is out of equilibrium.
In addition, physical kinetics as a “method to study many-particle systems” involves the knowledge of 4 physics subjects: classical mechanics, electrodynamics, non-relativistic quantum mechanics & statistical mechanics.
The most important fact is that it studies the scattering/collision of particles without linear momentum conservation p, where: the time dependence & the presence of external fields are crucial to study any particular physical phenomena. That means that PK is the natural method to study out of equilibrium processes where the volume of the scattering phase space is not conserved & particles interact/collide with each other.
If the phase scattering space vol is not conserved, then we have the so-called out of equilibrium distribution function which follows the general equation:
df (r, p, t) / d t = W (p,p¨), (1)
where: d/dt = ∂/∂t + . ∂/∂r + p´. ∂/∂p, with units of t -1or ω/(2π).
The father of physical kinetics is Prof. Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (1844 – 1906) [1]. He was able to establish the H theorem which is the basis for the PK subject and also he wrote the main equation (1), i.e., the Boltzmann equation to describe the out of equilibrium dynamics of an ideal gas. & in d/dt are derivatives, p¨ in W is another momentum position
Another physicist who established the first deep understanding and condensed the subject into a book was Prof. Lev Emmanuilovich Gurevich (1904 - 1990). He was the first to point out that the kinetic effects in solids, i.e., metals and semiconductors are determined by the "phonon wind", i.e., the phonon system is in an unbalanced state [2]
Physical kinetics has 3 main approaches:
  • The qualitative approach involves the evaluation of several physical magnitudes taking into account the order of magnitude for each of them.
  • The second approach is the theoretical approach which involves complicated theoretical solutions of the kinetic equation using different approximations for the scattering integral such as the t approximation. For graduate courses, I follow [8], an excellent textbook by Prof. Frederick Reif. For undergraduate teaching, I followed the brief introduction at the end of Vol V of Berkeley Phys C.
  • The numerical approach since most problems involving PK requires extensive numerical and complicated self-consistent calculations.
The fields where PK is useful are many:
  • The physics of normal metals and semiconductors out of equilibrium.
  • The hydrodynamics of reacting gases & liquids, quantum liquids, and quantum gases at very low temperatures.
  • The physics of superconductors, phase transitions, and plasma physics among others.
There is a quantum analog to the classical Boltzmann equation, we ought to mention three cases: the density matrix equation for random fields, the density matrix equation for quantum particles, and the Wigner distribution function. Main graph 1 is adapted from [4] to the English language, LB picture from [7], and LG picture from [3].
Any contributions to this thread are welcome, thank you all.
2. Fundamentals of physical kinetics by L. Gurevich. State publishing house of technical and theoretical literature, 1940. pp 242
3. Lev Emmanuilovich Gurevich. Memories of friends, colleagues, and students. Selected Works, by Moisey I. Kaganov et. at (1997) pp 318. ISBN:5-86763-117-6. Publishing house Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics. RAS
4. Белиничер В.В. Физическая кинетика. Изд-во НГУ.Новосибирск.1996.
5. Lifshitz E., Pitaevskii L. 1981. Physical Kinetics. Vol. 10, (Pergamon Press).
6. Thorne, K. S. & Blandford, R. D., Modern Classical Physics: Optics, Fluids, Plasmas, Elasticity, Relativity, & Statistical Physics (2017) (Princeton University Press).
8. Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics: F. Reif Mc Graw-Hill, 1965
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Yes, Prof.
Zachary Knutson
, you are right. Perturbation theory works sometimes, but we must agree that there is not a unique approach to solving the kinetic equation.
I apologize for the late reply.
The reason why perturbation does not work always is that there are many physical phenomena that involve processes out of equilibrium with chaoticity and randomness, in addition to.
  • Nonlinearity.
  • Self consistency.
  • Many bodies.
  • Scattering involving those many bodies
So sometimes if the problem can be linearized, then perturbation can be used, but sometimes.
Let us see, for example, superconductivity by only considering the T different from the 0 K case (Matsubara frequencies is usually and correctly named) and only taking into account the first term in the zero temperature energy gap (that takes into account self-consistency, or another example is the Vlasov equation in the case of linearization for plasmas is a wonderful example of linearization where perturbation theory applies as you stated.
Best Regards.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
4 answers
What will be the equivalent electrical circuit of the following set of multiplied and divided impedances:
Z1 / (Z2 x Z3)
It is assumed that each of these impedances itself represents an element or electrical circuit.
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Thanks dears for your valuable answers
It seems from your answers that this kind of impedance combination is rather specific to the electrical engineering field. Am I right or are there applications in other scientific fields, especially in electrochemistry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)?
  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
Hi, I was measuring the impedance of carbon materials for ORR using a three electrode apparatus with Hg/HgO as reference. The frequency was 10^6 to 0.1Hz, similar to the literature. However, the measured Nyquist plot was quite strange where at high frequency, the imaginary part was not zero. (it only shows half of the first semi-circle).
Does anyone know the reason for that? Another question is, based on this Nyquist plot, how can define the uncompensated resistance of my data?
I`ve attached the screenshots of both Nyquist and Bode plot here.
Thank you very much for answering/suggestions!
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Thank you both. Yes, I agree it came from the instrument. In our case, the electrode we use cannot respond with high frequencies.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
2 answers
I've included an example picture. Is this transition followed by Quarter Wave transfer rules? or, Can anyone assist me in properly identifying this transition section?
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You should know that this is not governed by quarter wave transition rules. A quarter wave transformer transforms between two different impedances not two impedances that are the same. The flare will introduce an effective lumped capacitance at the join and may be to compensate for other parasitic inductance or capacitance at the transition.
It probably isn't, but it may just be a badly designed transition. Not everything in published papers is good, especially if that wasn't the main point of the paper.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
2 answers
I want to deposit silver nanoparticles on glass substrate by thermal evaporation technique.what values of the parameter (accostic impedence,density,thickness) i should take.
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Can anyone please provide density and accoustic impedance of CZTSe compound.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
4 answers
I would like to simulate the concrete bar on COMSOL to obtain the electrical properties such as capacitance, permittivity as well as impedance in order to measure the porosity and moisture of the concrete.
The image contains a concrete bar with 2 electrodes (on the top), which is a kind of capacitive device. I would like to obtain the best electrode size and shape.
Which electrical properties (or parameters) are required to investigate the best electrode size and shape for the capacitive device? How to optimize the distance between the electrodes on COMSOL?
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Ítalo César Porto Xavier Thank you very much for sharing the docs.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
2 answers
Currently, I am performing electrochemical analysis on screen sprinted gold electrodes and extracting Impedance and CV curves. I am new to this field. From the literature, I read that charge transfer resistance is a combined effect of resistance and capacitance. I need only the resistance component. Is there a way to extract it?
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It sounds like you want a single value to assign to resistance of the electrode, to simplify your analysis. If this is your intent, then my answer is no: that would oversimplify the system, and you would be ignoring important changes at the interface if you took that approach.
That said, there is a way used by most experimentalists to avoid the complexity of impedance and the likely confounders such as side reaction products with your electrolyte. I don't recommend this, since it often produces poor quality research. However, if someone is pressuring you to generate results that match those in other publications, the solution is to fit your EIS data to an equivalent circuit - R(RC) is popular but R(C[RW]) is more likely to match your pristine gold electrode - and ignore all data except the value fitted by your software to the last resistor, which is often called charge transfer resistance. This means your research will be dependent on the algorithm used by one proprietary fitting program, you won't know if the circuit is an appropriate one for your system, and you'll be hiding behind the poor practice repeated by others. Best of luck.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
2 answers
I am trying a THz absorber for which help is required
thanks in advance
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HFSS does not use B and D field data, so there is no way to calculate permeability, and permittivity. You can only define these.
I guess, your question is related to troubleshoot the data fetched by HFSS from Maxwell? It always creates many doubts since the results sometimes are bizare, and the thing is almost not documented. Unit conversion is often incorrect, and I would also check these parameters. But do not know how.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
Hi Experts,
Is there any other electrochemical techniques or approach, except EIS, to determine the charge transfer resistance?
I appreciate it if you have any idea. Thank you
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Dear Mohiedin. You may also try to use the Butler-Volmer equation, but neglect the exchange current because you are working in an area far from equilibrium
  • asked a question related to Impedance
4 answers
I designed a antenna working at MHz range. I got -10 db impedance bandwidth for certain range of frequencies. In that range of frequencies I got a spike in impedance bandwidth for -2db. I tried reducing it. Can somebody help me on how I can approach this problem
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impedance matching is the practice of designing the input impedance of an electrical load or the output impedance of its corresponding signal source to maximize the power transfer or minimize signal reflection from the load.
Some papers are attached.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
10 answers
I need to verify the results of the classical PEC or İmpedance half plane results obtained by the theory of Physical Optics by using HFSS or CST.
I attached the figures of the geometry and the total wave result for the incident wave angle of 60°, the total wave (=incident wave+geometrical optical wave+diffracted wave) and
diffracted wave in MATLAB.
How can I verify it in HFSS or CST or any suggestion?
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Are you plotting the fields at a particular distance from the edge, or are these normalised far-field results? They look to me like the far-field scattering from the 50 wavelength square plate. I assume the plate is not 50 wavelengths square at 1, 2, and 3 GHz, but only at one of them, perhaps 3 GHz.
It is not possible to plot the far-field of a plane wave - it is a delta-function, so what you have is the polar diagram of the reflected wave, centred about 120 degrees, the polar diagram of the shadow the plate makes in the plane wave (see Babinet's principle), centred about 240 degrees, and low-level diffraction between these angles, and outside them too, but not so much.
I think your initial GO and GTD result (not PO) that you are trying to verify is in the near-field. The near-field for an infinitely long edge on a semi-infinite half-plane extends out to infinity.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
11 answers
The EIS measurements often require the conditions of stable state for batteries. So the perturbation signals for EIS measurement are low, such as 5-10 mV for the perturbation voltage. However, the EIS measurement time is usually long, such as 10 min or even 30 min. In this case, the battery may not locate at stable states. For example, the battery temperature or SOC is changed. Thereby, the measured EIS under the unstable state is not the true EIS at the setting point. Exactly, many factors would influence the EIS measurement. Which one is dominant? Which one is inherent?
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It was not possible to find this equation: "... the capacity change should be I/w*(1-cos(wt)).", in your existing paper[1]. Maybe, It will be shown in your next, paper, plans.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
6 answers
I want to find the resonance and anti-resonance frequencies of an ultrasonic transducer by analyzing its impedance.
so I need to buy a impedance analyzer or spectrum analyzer or something like that.
but my budget is limited.
do you recommend any device for my application and limited budget? :D
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If you want to measure impedance in a low cost way, get yourself
1) Suitable signal generator
2) An appropriately sized current sense transformer
3) a two-channel oscilloscope.
Measure the voltage and current as you vary frequency. Oscilloscope will give you the phase relationship between current and voltage across transducer. You can then calculate the real and imaginary components of impedance. I leave it as an exercise how you might calibrate this setup. Cheers!
  • asked a question related to Impedance
4 answers
I'm designing a CPWG in the 30 GHz range in HFSS. I noticed that in my design the characteristic impedance is variable across my simulation range from 15-50 GHz. I think this is to be expected but more importantly the impedance of the line seems to be quite sensitive to the port definition. If I use the suggested wave port width the port overlaps with the coplanar grounds and the impedance drops from 52 ohm to 14 ohm. Any suggestions or tips on how to accurately do this and ensure no artifacts from the wave-port definition?
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In CST it is possible to look at the port mode fields that have been calculated. It probably is in other codes. Keep making the port bigger until the fields stop spreading wider when you make the port bigger. Also keep making it bigger until the port impedance stops changing.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
is it possible to make a DIY impedance analyzer for checking the resonance frequency of high power ultrasonic transducers? for example a face mask welding ultrasonic transducer
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Yes, it is possible.
The most straightforward way is through Ohm’s Law. By using a voltage sensor to measure the test signal's voltage across the transducer and using a current sensor to measure the test signal's current flowing through the transducer, together with various signal processing algorithms, the impedance over the frequency range of interest can be obtained. The test signal can be produced by a signal generator. As an alternative, you also can use the Inductive Coupling Method for the measurement of the impedance of the transducer. More information about these methods have been detailed in my following papers/monograph:
[1] Z. Zhao, "Measurement setup consideration and implementation for inductively coupled online impedance extraction," Ph.D. thesis, Nanyang Technological University, Mar. 2021, doi: 10.32657/10356/146738.
[2] Z. Zhao, A. Weerasinghe, Q. Sun, F. Fan, K. Y. See, "Improved calibration technique for two-probe setup to enhance its in-circuit impedance measurement accuracy," Measurement, 2021, vol. 185, Art no. 110007.
[3] A. Weerasinghe, Z. Zhao, N. Narampanawe, Z. Yang, T. Svimonishvili, K. Y. See, "Single-probe inductively coupled in-circuit impedance measurement," IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., 2021, doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2021.3091761.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
1 answer
I am simulating a power converter circuit on Simulink platform. This also include a 400 V AC grid. I am not sure about a generic thumb rule to define the impedance of the cables for this 3ph 400V Grid system. Any suggestions?
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As an alternative, you can measure the grid impedance for the 400 V AC system directly. Please check our below publications for in-circuit impedance measurement:
[1] Z. Zhao, "Measurement setup consideration and implementation for inductively coupled online impedance extraction," Ph.D. thesis, Nanyang Technological University, advised by Prof. Kye Yak See, Mar. 2021.
[2] Z. Zhao, K. Y. See, E. K. Chua, A. S. Narayanan, W. Chen, and A. Weerasinghe, "Time-variant in-circuit impedance monitoring based on the inductive coupling method," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement., vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 169-176, Jan. 2019.
[3] Z. Zhao, K. Y. See, W. Wang, E. K. Chua, A. Weerasinghe, Z. Yang, and W. Chen, "Voltage-dependent capacitance extraction of SiC power MOSFETs using inductively coupled in-circuit impedance measurement technique," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 1322-1328, Aug. 2019.
[4] Z. Zhao, A. Weerasinghe, Q. Sun, F. Fan, K. Y. See, "Improved calibration technique for two-probe setup to enhance its in-circuit impedance measurement accuracy," Measurement, 2021, vol. 185, Art no. 110007.
[5] A. Weerasinghe, Z. Zhao, N. Narampanawe, Z. Yang, T. Svimonishvili, K. Y. See, "Single-probe inductively coupled in-circuit impedance measurement," IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2021.3091761.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
2 answers
For my research on inkjet-printable electrodes, I want to compare the capacitance/impedance of a parallel-plate capacitor with a planar interdigitated capacitor.
In order to verify my simulation results, I additionally want to calculate the capacitance/impedance of the interdigitated electrodes analytically, dependent on geometry and material properties.
Can somebody provide some formulas and/or respective source where I can find how to calculate such a structure?
Relevant answer
Are you comparing a parallel plate electrochemical capacitor to an interdigitated one of the same materials/chemistry? In that case, you probably already know to use EIS to quantify capacitance using an equiv. circuit model. However, the geometry will give you substantial differences because of edge effects. Each corner of the interdigitated electrodes will cause a distortion of the stored field, so if you're looking for solutions in lit, try searching the term "edge effects".
  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
Can somebody suggest me on why to find the impedance of the antenna after designing in a software then how to know whether to use impedance matching or quater wave transformation or impedance transformer etc so that the gain can be increased.
Relevant answer
For wave port, the impedance will calculate automatically using the actual port impedance you have for your structure so no need to renormalize and this usually what you have because in practice this will be the situation.
Please see the below link:
  • asked a question related to Impedance
14 answers
I have designed a split ring resonator with a metal ground so my S21 is zero. How can I plot the permittivity and permeability and impedance in HFSS?
Since I have used metal ground I also can't find the phase of S21.
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See this article
  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
Hi all, I get my admittance data using Impedance Analyzer for the PZT transducer attached to a plate. I measure three times with 15 minutes interval on the first day (fig.1) and then measure three times with 15 minutes interval the next day (fig.2). The obtained curves are different in the same day and also in the different day (fig.3).
I read papers but cannot find how to explain this phenomenon. From the theoretical expression of admittance or impedance, it seems the capacitance of PZT contributes to this difference, if my guess is right, why the capacitance of PZT varies everyday? (The temperature are 25 ℃ with +/- 3℃). Could anyone help to give any hints or references about this? Thanks.
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Robert Lirette ,Hi Robert, thanks for the reply. I do optimize my circuit based on your reply. It helps. So now I can obtain the same results within the same day. But I still get different curves measured at different days. I am trying to find the factors. Thanks again.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
4 answers
Please explain VersaSTAT MC Multi channel electrochemical system with details regard handling of software for a VersaSTAT Studio, please how/where to set potential window value and Where to set the Current Density value (1A, 2A, 3A or mA) into Charge-Discharge in order to supercapacitor form a charge discharge experiment.
Using VersaSTAT chronopotentiometry, what is the procedure of cyclic charge discharge method procedure step wise, 1) where to set applied potential and current density value (A or mA). CV and Impedance much better.
Please anybody help me how to what is the procedure using in (VersaSTAT Studio) software chronopotentiometry charge discharge options and settings.
please mention references for the same.
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Thirumal Vediyappan I am able to do what you are asking for. You are looking to run a Cyclic Charge Discharge (CCD) at constant current between your intended voltage range for a supercapacitor.
The way you do this on VersaSTAT is as follows:
Open a new experiment and in the experiment properties window (where it says actions to be performed) insert Chronopotentiometry. In the properties for chronopotentiometry use the current value you need and in the scan properties use data resolution (eg. time per point (s) = 0.001) and duration (eg. 200 s). In the limits use potential (eg. potential >=1 for aqueous capacitor or >= 2.7 or 3.0 V for non-aq capacitor). Then insert another Chronopotentiometry step, this time use a negative current (for discharge) and use same scan properties and put the voltage limit to <=0.
Now press shift and select both Potentiometry steps and keep pasting below. I typically do it 5 times (5 charge and 5 discharge steps).
Screenshot attached. Please let us know if this works?
  • asked a question related to Impedance
11 answers
Recently, I'd like to collect some formulas for some specific transmission line structures in PCB (single-ended stripline, single-ended microstrip line, etc)
I found that there is no formula related to the impedance of the microstrip line with solder mask (the region above the solder mask treated as the vacuum or the air)
Is there any suggestion to find that?
Thank your reading
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In this case case I would go for a numerical evaluation which is rather easy these days..even if there is a formula somewhere it will be an approximation and not straightforward to solve
  • asked a question related to Impedance
6 answers
I am trying to understand impedance spectroscopy for resistive switching studies. I am wondering what would be the best resource to start.
Thanks a lot
Relevant answer
You can follow this review article for resistive switching and their measurements like Impedance Spectroscopy
  • asked a question related to Impedance
5 answers
With Regards,
I have designed a patch antenna in HFSS for 2.45GHz.
S11 is around -44
Impedance 49.6+0.46j
But the problem is with gain which in -ve in dB scale.
I could not understand why? What may the reason for that?
Can someone help me?
I am attaching the plot for your referance.
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Just because something is resonant and matched does not mean it will radiate. A resonant cavity can be matched, and will not radiate. However, it may be that your antenna is radiating and you are looking in the wrong direction or at the wrong polarization.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
5 answers
Dear Researchers,
I am working with a Silicon Substrate based sensor and getting CV curve with Initial and Low voltage -0.2V and High voltage 0.4. However, in the EIS test, the Nyquist plot is not giving the circular shape it's supposed to give at the beginning. I am using CHI660E and in A.C. Impedance test, do I need to set the peak voltage at which I am getting the oxidation peak? Also what should be the voltage range of CA depending on the CV parameters? Your help would be really appreciated.
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The current in the electrochemical electrodes are composed of the following current components:
- The displacement capacitive current due to due to the electrode electrolyte capacitance
- The conduction current due to the charge transfer to the surface of the electrode.
If you scan the voltage you will have displacement current because such current is proportional to dV/dt.
If you measure your electrode under static conditions you will get only the charge transport current only.
The third current may be a form of interference or man made noise current because the impedance of the electrode is high in the range of the measurement.
I see that the if you increase the voltage further the current will increase appreciably pointing out the onset of the electrochemical reactions.
The other thing is that the rapid increase and fall with the voltage may be due to
some form of interference or noise or contaminated chemicals.
For typical electrochemical electrodes performance for water analysis please see the paper in the link:
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
One of my colleagues said, "the impedance you can measure with the three electrodes and with the specific sequence varying the frequency"
Is it possible to configure the potenciostat without the FRA module, with these settings? If so, how could I do that?
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Years ago I usually did that using an analogue potentiostat, a function generator and a plotter to draw the E/I Lissajous pattern for each frequency. Today you can use a data acquisition card to do the work: polarizing the cell through the potentiostat and recording the E/I output.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
1 answer
I am trying to plot a surface impedance of a metal patch vs patch dimension (square patch). I have designed a unit cell consisting of a grounded substrate, a patch on the top of substrate, master/slave BCs on the four sides of my unit cell and a Floquet port on the top.
For some reasons that i don't really know, I can't obtain the expected results .
Please could someone help me find out what I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
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Use the De-embedding at the surface of the structure for getting the correct results.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
8 answers
How can I fix the port impedance in HFSS for an RFID Tag? In my simulation I always take it the conjugate of the Chip impedance but I never validate it by the measurement. I want to know if there is some other method to fix the port impedance in HFSS or if this method is right  is there any one who  validate it by the measurement?
Thank you,
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I'm glad to see the question, because I meet the same problem. I want to know how you set the excitations and wether use the lumped port.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
1 answer
While performing measurements , using a solartron based Impedance analyzer (with range 36 micro Hz-36 MHz), i am facing the same repetitive pattern of noise/oscillations during frequency sweep from 1 MHz to 0.1 Hz, even at 0V DC.
Noises are being observed in specially 3 regions of frequency, as shown in attached figure.
1) First one is above 1 MHz
2) At or just below 100KHz
3) Below 100Hz (Exactly at 50MHz) & heavily random noises towards 1 Hz.
The above 3 Noise /oscillations are dominating/ growing with increasing Dc voltage.
At 50Hz (as shown in 2nd figure) , it is expected to be the interference of outside Ac noise of 50 Hz( as we are not using Faraday cage) but what about the other frequency ranges ? Is it due to the aforesaid reason and will be solved by using metal faraday cage during impedance measurement or anything else are the culprits?
Here,for reference, i am attaching 2 figures of measurements, Please let me know the possible reason and their remedies for smooth Impedance data.
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Ideal arrangement, use as much averaging or integration as possible. Operate the DUT on battery if an active device. If you are not in a screen room or a Faraday cage, making noise measurements is tough at best! That said, you can make a Faraday cage large enough to house the DUT and the measurement instrument using copper screen and a wooden box frame. Try running the test instrument on an isolation transformer. If you suspect low frequency noise degradation is a bigger issue, try obtaining mu metal as used in shielding CRT's. Make a mu metal shield for the DUT. Even steel chassis with some iron alloy added will assist.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
2 answers
When building a circuit using Impedance Model Editor in Gamry EchemAnalyst software I am getting the warning "One or more components has missing wires".The images with warnings are attached. Can anybody suggest the exact way to biuld a model circuit avoiding these warnings?
Relevant answer
Hi Kaushik
You probably have the attachment of the wires of the highlighted component in reverse. I suggest deleting the wires and reattaching
  • asked a question related to Impedance
8 answers
I get the impedance values (real and imaginary parts) from the EIS technique. Can we correlate to it any dielectric property (dielectric loss, dielectric strength, or dielectric constant) using an equation, etc?
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I do not have an exact answer. Maybe this reference can help it is a Maple worksheet if you have Maple software.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
4 answers
I am testing the impedance of a material that will be used for ECoG electrodes.
I was told to test it at a frequency range from 1 Hz - 100 kHz but why is this range used? I wasnt able to find a satisfactory answer.
Which impedance values are good for recording and why? Is there a range ?
Kind regards
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Lester Viray can you help him professor
  • asked a question related to Impedance
4 answers
Can anybody tell me about the theory for the ionic conductivity measurement with AC impedance analysis using Arrhenius and VFT plots?
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Dear @Puhup
Since electrical conductivity is the reversal of the resistivity , so you can conduct EIS measurement and then in Nyquist plot, the intersect of the plot with the real axis is the solution resistance and its inverse is equall to the conductivity.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
Our lab has developed lower limb exoskeletons for gait training and rehabilitation.
The exoskeleton implements low and high impdenace through force-sensor based impedance control.
In this case, the user's dynamics such as weight, muscular force, joint impedance are considered as a disturbance.
I want to operate the impedance of the whole dynamic model, including robot as well as human.
For example, the robot user can feel his leg as a baby's leg under the low impedance mode.
If anyone knows how to implement this condition by using the exoskeleton, please attach any articles in the comments.
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This is not what you want, however you can read this article and gain some knowledge. Our project's end goal is same.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
2 answers
Hi guys
anybody can suggest an equivalent circuit for this impedance data? i tried so many models based on the may occur in my system but not fitted. my problem is with the loop in the low frequency. anyone can explain the probably meaning?
my WE is an copper mate wich i guess a barrier layer formed in the surface and its proof by XPS analysis, but my model not fitting.
i attached the files
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Before you start analysing the EIS data you should check that data are correct. This is done performing Kramersd-Kronig transform. In your case a si mple test shows that the data are incorrect.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
4 answers
Dear friends,
I need equivalent circuit to fit in the electrochemical impedance data?
I have separate Equivalent circuit diagram for screen printed carbon electrode and polypyrrole on stainless steel. Kindly refer  the attached file.
With thanks and regards,
Eswaramoorthy K V
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prof V.S Muralidharan Sir i want to know the procedure of ink preparation from PANI and polypyrrole?
  • asked a question related to Impedance
4 answers
We checked the impedance of the SCE reference and found that is was about 500 ohms when placed directly in the cell and about 5,000 ohms when using the Luggin Bridge.
By adding more NaCl to the solution in the Luggin we reduced this to about 4000 Ohms
We replaced the frit on the Luggin, but no difference.
are these impedance measurements normal/acceptable?
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Dear Dr. Martin Burke,
It's very important for optimum potentiostat performance that the impedance of the Reference Electrode in your cell is low! A high impedance Reference Electrode will cause problems that range from simple overloads to potentiostat oscillation. When in doubt...check your Reference Electrode.
The impedance of your Reference Electrode should be less than 1 kohm. An impedance higher than 1 kohm is not good and an impedance higher than 5 kohm is unacceptable and must be corrected. With a Gamry Reference Electrode, the problem is easily corrected by changing the Porous Glass Frit.
You can find a “Testing Procedure” at:
A reference electrode with a gas bubble interrupting its electrolyte path has a very high impedance. The bubble can be produced by electrolysis, from deaeration gas, outgassing of a heated electrolyte, or from trapped air. You should always check that your electrochemical setup has an unbroken electrolyte path from the working electrode to the sensing element within the reference electrode.
Be especially careful if you reference electrode has a flat isolation frit. If this flat surface is horizontal within the cell, it can easily trap a gas bubble. A 45 degree angle on this surface allows natural convection to remove any bubble that tries to stick on this surface.
Luggin capillaries are also notorious for problems with bubble entrapment.
For more details, please the source of these info at:
Best regards, Pierluigi Traverso
  • asked a question related to Impedance
5 answers
Dear colleagues, I have some EIS spectra to interpret that are not trivial. Do you recommend any review article or book chapter about EIS spectra of gels over electrodes? Thank you in davance
  • asked a question related to Impedance
6 answers
Can anyone suggest me an equivalent circuit for (CdS thin film/Na2S2O3/Pt) photoelectrochemical cell? CdS thin film is deposited on FTO glass and used as the working electrode. Pt electrode was used as the counter electrode and Ag/AgCl as a reference. Observed Nyquist plot and Bode plot are attached herewith. I have simulated some equivalent circuits such as [R(RC)], [R(RQ)], etc. But the right side bend of the phase curve in the bode diagram didn't match with any of I tried.
Thank you.
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the very simple R(RC) ECM (equivalent circuit model) is valid (only) at the (far) forward bias regime, both under:
1)dark [R(RC)]dark, as well as under varying
2)illumination(s)[1] [R(RC)]L_Fluxes
In reverse bias (regime), (ECM) things are more rich (and complex); but things seem to be much more interesting, as a materials' (and device's parameters) science tool.
So, in reverse bias, try the, quite good, ECM "R(R1Q1)(R2Q2)", both under dark and under[1] illumination(s).
1. Avoid heating (by cooling the substrate, ...) under very high illumination fluxes.
  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
Can someone please help me to understand the attached picture of Derivation of Impedance matching.
I know the Fresnal equation but how they have added relative permeability in equation 1 and relative permittivity in equation 2 and then how we got sqrt of relative permittivity in equation 3.
I have attached reference paper also from which this derivation has been taken.
Thanks in advance
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  • asked a question related to Impedance
3 answers
I am going to build an energy harvesting circuit, which includes several diodes.
Diodes are non-linear components, whose impedance varies for different input voltage. This means that even for a given level of input power (AC input), the impedance varies all the time.
How can I determine the parameters of the impedance matching network in ADS to fulfill maximum power transfer from an antenna to a non-linear circuit under a given level of AC input power?
How can I check whether the impedance matching network for non-linear circuits is well designed (by using a vector network analyzer or some other methods) in practice?
Please kindly give me some instructions if you know any answer about either of the two questions.
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There are some good designs of rf wireless power harvester in the literature. One may use a series resonance circuit between a low impedance antenna and the rectifier circuit. The series resonance circuit is composed of RLC wich is made to resonate at the rf frequency. The resistor is used to adjust the quality factor of voltage boosting series resonance circuit.Since the voltage is boosted then the rectifiers which are normally Schottky rectifiers will show low resistance compared to the impedance of the clamping capacitors in the ladder boosting network. Therefore the diode can be considered with linear I-V characteristics.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Impedance
7 answers
Hello, I am actually working on corrosion in reinforced concrete but I have bad results applying EIS technique. The problem is that in high frequency range I can not get positive values in Z", additionally theta values show negative results and I have read some publications that this is typical of inductive materials.
The problem is that I have run some test without apparent problem but the most of of times I have the above mentioned problem and I think that problem is in connection but I don´t know how to correct this issue
The test is run with a Cu/CUSO4 RE, an inoxidable steel plate as CE and the WE is a corrugated carbon steel bar.
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Edgar Ulises De Los Santos Preferible medir desde 10KHz en una década a alta frecuencia no se pierde mucha información, pues solo verías la resistencia en serie ;)
  • asked a question related to Impedance
8 answers
Can someone please help me to understand the concept of Impedance matching in Metamaterial Absorber. I have attached a picture. In the picture at 2.06 GHz, there is peak for Real (z) at and for img(z) is in negative so how its impedance of Metamaterial absorber matching with free space impedance.?
Thanks in advance
  • asked a question related to Impedance
6 answers
I want to found out that is an equivalent circuit has associated with its corresponding impedance spectrum?
Conditions: 3E system in KOH 6M solution at the potential range of 0.1 to 100000 Hz and in open-circuit potential (Eocp=0.3 V).
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I appreciate your taking the time to respond to me.