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Ichthyology - Science topic

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Publications related to Ichthyology (1,127)
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As redes sociais apresentam grande poder de propagação de informações à toda população. A investigação do Laboratório de Ictiologia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe em parceria com o Grupo de Investigação em Pescas do Instituto OKEANOS da Universidade dos Açores buscou desenvolver ações de divulgação científica na plataforma Instagram, com foco e...
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Descubra as profundezas desconhecidas dos ecossistemas aquáticos do Maranhão e do Brasil em "Pescando Conhecimento: Ciência e Perspectivas para o Pescado do Maranhão e Brasil". Este livro é um mergulho nas pesquisas mais recentes sobre os peixes, oferecendo uma visão abrangente dos esforços científicos dedicados a entender e preservar essas riqueza...
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En el presente póster se presenta la síntesis de la que será la serie de reseñas con 10 láminas consecutivas acerca de las investigaciones faunísticas llevadas a cabo en el territorio del estado de San Luis Potosí durante 150 años en las distintas disciplinas zoológicas que tratan de los principales y mas conocidos grupos de animales, tanto inverte...
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Knowledge regarding the early life history of neotropical fish, although incipient, is crucial for the accurate identification of larvae collected from the natural environment. Such details are important for defining spawning, drift, and nursery areas as well as the reproductive periods of species. Herein, the larval development of Cynodon gibbus w...
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This paper describes the conditions for teaching students and teacher-residents in the autumn of 2020 when professors in many countries needed to implement remote teaching. Also, the teaching and cultural institutions were closed and only functioning online. The context is a science and culture museum in NYC with a graduate college (Richard Gilder...
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Purpose. To create a general bibliographic list of English-language scientific publications devoted to the peculiarities of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca Linnaeus, 1758) reproduction in natural and artificial conditions using various technologies as well as to briefly highlight English-language professional sources, in which the main attention is pa...
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Brazil comprises one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots of the chondrichthyan fauna, currently with 12 orders, 44 families, 90 genera and over 200 species of sharks, batoids, and chimaeras. These species inhabit marine, estuarine and freshwater realms of coastal and oceanic zones from the North equatorial central to the South-western Atlantic Oce...
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As atividades de extensão desempenham um papel importante na disseminação do conhecimento científico, aproximando a academia e a sociedade. Por meio dessas iniciativas é possível fomentar o engajamento social e promover uma compreensão mais ampla e acessível das descobertas e inovações científicas, principalmente considerando a necessidade de divul...
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Generalidades y clasificación: La ictiología es la disciplina que estudia a los peces (del latín pisces)y el conjunto de sus especies constituyen la ictiofauna de un lugar; este grupo de animales posee características muy peculiares que los separa del resto de los vertebrados (tetrápodos); son ectotérmicos o de sangre fría (igual que los anfibios y...
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Ernesto Guevara, conocido como “El Che”, fue uno de los ideólogos y comandantes de la Revolución Cubana de 1959. A pesar de su fama, poco se sabe sobre su vida antes de sus estudios universitarios y posiblemente uno de los hechos menos conocidos sea su participación en el Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” (MACN). Durante...
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Large and diverse Eocene otolith assemblages have been described from the US Gulf and Atlantic coastal plains, various basins in Europe, and New Zealand. Here we described a highly diverse otolith association from the middle Eocene (Lutetian and Bartonian) strata of southern California, San Diego County, which was retrieved from the heritage of Joh...
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A new species of splitfin fish, Synagrops atrumoris sp. nov., from Dongsha Island, Taiwan, South China Sea, is described based on its morphological characteristics, including osteology and otolith morphology, and DNA sequence. Synagrops atrumoris sp. nov. is closely similar to Synagrops japonicus and can be distinguished by its black mouth cavity c...
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La monografia presenta le basi scientifiche per la creazione di una base di alimentazione nutriente e continua per gli allevamenti ittici, l'ampio utilizzo di fonti alimentari naturali, zooplancton, microalghe e macrofite, l'istituzione di stagni di riproduzione di Daphnia magna in stagni di pesca e l'utilizzo di monocolture di microalghe (Botryoco...
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A monografia apresenta a base científica para a criação de uma base alimentar nutritiva e contínua para as pisciculturas, a ampla utilização de fontes naturais de alimento, zooplânctons, microalgas e macrófitas, estabelecimento de viveiros de reprodução de Daphnia magna em viveiros de pesca e utilização de monoculturas de microalgas (Botryococcus e...
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Die Monographie stellt die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen für die Schaffung einer nahrhaften und kontinuierlichen Futtergrundlage für Fischzuchtbetriebe, die breite Nutzung natürlicher Nahrungsquellen, Zooplankton, Mikroalgen und Makrophyten, die Einrichtung von Daphnia magna-Zuchtteichen in Fischteichen und die Nutzung von Monokulturen von Mikroalg...
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Acrossocheilus fasciatus is a stream-dwelling fish species of the Barbinae subfamily. It is valued for its colorfully striped appearance and delicious meat. This species is also characterized by apparent sexual dimorphism and toxic ovum. Biology and aquaculture researches of A. fasciatus are hindered by the lack of a high-quality reference genome....
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Fish colouration significantly influences various aspects of their biology, including communication, camouflage, and mate selection. Among the pigment cells responsible for generating colours, melanophores are particularly significant due to their ability to produce dark pigments called melanin. The Melanophore Index (MI) quantitatively evaluates m...
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The present study compiles data from 287 lots, of which 4 lots with 45 specimens belong to Belonion dibranchodon (Collette, 1966), 190 lots with 324 specimens to Pseudotylosurus angusticeps (Günther, 1866), 53 lots with 124 specimens to Potamorrhaphis eigenmanni (Ribeiro, 1915), and for Potamorrhaphis guianensis (Jardine, 1843), 40 lots with 108 sp...
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The textbook on the disciplines "Ichthyology" and "Ichthyology Workshop" for the training area 03/35/08 Aquatic bioresources and aquaculture discusses the classification of living representatives of fish and fishes in accordance with the latest (5th) edition of J. S. Nelson's monograph "Fishes of the World fauna" [Fishes of the World (Nelson, Grand...
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O livro “Pajeú e suas riquezas” surgiu da vontade de levar um pouco de ecologia e noções de conservação da biodiversidade para as crianças. Acreditamos que é desde cedo que o cuidado pelo meio ambiente surge e que esse sentimento de zelo deve ser sempre alimentado. As crianças das regiões do litoral e capitais têm acesso a diversas publicações no c...
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Astyanax keronolepis pertence à família Characidae (Teleostei, Characiformes) (Fricke et al., 2023) e teve seus primeiros exemplares coletados e identificados em Ubatuba. Foi descrita por Silva et al. (2019), sendo sua localidade-tipo o Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo Picinguaba, Rio Picinguapa. Confundida com Astyanax taeniatus, atual Deut...
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Un agente parasitario no identificado fue analizado en un lote de Pterophyllum scalare adquiridos por el Laboratorio de Ictiología y Peces Ornamentales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá. El lote de animales tenía como antecedente haber cursado su etapa de levante en estanques de tierra. Con el pasar de los días, durante el periodo...
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In Vietnam, the Ophichthus snake eel genus comprises 14 distinct species. This research aims to document and visually represent three previously undocumented findings and a newly discovered species. The species Ophichthus bicolor and Ophichthus machidai are meticulously described here, their characteristics based on five specimens each, gathered at...
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A new labrid fish species, Halichoeres sanchezi n. sp., is described from eight specimens collected in the Revillagigedo Archipelago in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Mexico. The new species belongs to the Halichoeres melanotis species complex that is found throughout the region, differing by 2.4% in the mtDNA cytochrome c oxi...
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Background Reversed condition is rarely found in most flatfishes in natural environment, except for some certain species. The mechanism controlling the reversals in flatfishes has been studied in some cultivated species, whereas some have only few cases for the entire family and remain unclear. Here, we report the first record of a dextral (reverse...
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The textbook is based on a course of lectures on comparative fish anatomy created from the origin of the Department of Ichthyology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, in 1940. The text of the lectures given by professor Sergei Gavrilovich Soin (in the 1980s) is taken as a basis, but it has been substantially changed and updated...
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The elongate barracudina, Paralepis elongata (Brauer, 1906), received limited attention in the past, with only a few individuals documented, mostly in publications focusing on the feeding habits of large predatory pelagic fishes. Furthermore, the taxonomic history of the species is complicated, with some earlier sources providing incorrect informat...
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Morphological methods of fish research provide an opportunity to study their biological systems – cells, tissues, and organs in normal and pathological conditions – in depth at all levels of structural organization. The work aimed to investigate the morphological features of localization of skin pigment cells in scaly carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) of d...
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Up: Females of the extremely progenetic infantfishes Schindleria squirei, 19.2 mm SL (above) and Schindleria praematura, 18.4 mm SL (below) (photo O. Macek, H. Ahnelt). Bottom: Heads of the same specimens in lateral view (photo O. Macek, H. Ahnelt).
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Expressed subtype of paralogous genes in functionally homologous cells sometimes show differences across species, the reasons for which have not been explained. The present study examined hypophysiotropic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons in vertebrates to investigate this mechanism. These neurons express either gnrh1 or gnrh3 paralogs,...
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Triplophysa yarkandensis, a species of freshwater fish endemic to Xinjiang, China, is currently classified as endangered. The objective of this study was to obtain the chromosome-level genome of T. yarkandensis using PacBio and Hi-C techniques. The PacBio sequencing technology resulted in an assembly of 520.64 Mb, with a contig N50 size of 1.30 Mb....
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Apresentamos neste trabalho um relato de experiência no contexto da 1ª Oficina de Coleções Biológicas, um evento de popularização da ciência realizado pelo Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá, Instituto Federal do Amazonas e Universidade do Estado do Amazonas. A proposta central deste evento foi promover a divulgação do conhecimento c...
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Introductory essay to "Ichthyology in Context (1500–1880)", ed. Paul J. Smith & Florike Egmond. Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2024, pp. 29-90.
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Aquaculture by-products can be compromised an important liming material of increasing soil pH and soil fertility. The aim of this research was to assess the effect of mussel shells on soil pH, on organic matter and on soil nutrients. In this study a pot experiment was carried out at the De-partment of Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment (University...
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The relationship established between popular media and elasmobranchs, especially sharks, is barely sympathetic and generally includes a common-sense idea of terrible ocean creatures that are a threat to human life. Elasmobranchs are threatened, and the preservation of these animals has been a matter of concern to conservationists worldwide. This st...
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To gain a deeper understanding of the genetic factors influencing the growth and development of Eriocheir sinensis, a well-known species of hairy crab found in Yangcheng Lake, this study focused on the de novo genome and full-length transcriptome information of the selected subjects. Specifically, Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs were chosen as the exper...
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Los peces son un componente fundamental de los ecosistemas marinos. Sus diferentes aspectos morfológicos, fisiológicos, ecológicos y comportamentales, ofrecen diversas y fascinantes formas de estudio. Estos organismos habitan ecosistemas heterogéneos: arrecifes coralinos, praderas de pastos marinos, bosques de manglar, fondos blandos y costas rocos...
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The main activities causing the degradation of fish stocks in the wild are over-exploitation and the use of destructive and unselective fishing gear. One strategic step is the development of conservation areas. Dissemination activities regarding the impacts of overfishing and the importance of developing conservation areas to support the sustainabi...
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We identified that the genes heat shock transcription factor 5 (hsf5) and ring finger protein 43 (rnf43) happened fusion in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), called hsf5-rnf43, and provided the characteristic and functional analysis of hsf5-rnf43 gene in fish for the first time. Analysis of spatiotemporal expression showed that hsf5-rnf43 was s...
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The Decapoda or decapods are an order of crustaceans within the class Malacostraca, including many familiar groups, including crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, and prawns. They are also commercially important to many economies as highly valued edible shellfish. They constitute one of the major sources of nutritious food for human beings. The domes...
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Ao longo de 29 anos, o Laboratório de Ictiologia da UFRGS tem monitorado aictiofauna do Guaíba, acompanhando as populações de peixes que ocorrem em diferenteslocais do lago. Este trabalho contou com vários colaboradores ao longo destas quase trêsdécadas, que participaram deste esforço continuado de coleta, triagem, análise eidentificação das amostr...
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El Boletín del Postgrado en Ciencias-Biología (BPCB) de la Universidad del Valle, se fundó en 2015, ocho años después presentamos a nuestros lectores el volumen 10 del boletín, todo un hito de perseverancia que representa la continuidad y apoyo institucional a una publicación seriada que divulga las actividades y logros de la comunidad académica un...
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This article contains the data on the Length-weight relationship (LWR) parameters play a crucial role in fisheries management, particularly in fish stock monitoring methods like fish visual census, where biomass estimation relies on the measurement of individual fish lengths in situ. Localized LWR parameters provide more accurate assessments of loc...
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In 1985, Carter and Cohen noted that there are several yet-to-be described species of Monomitopus (Ophidiidae), including one from Hawaiʻi. Recently, blackwater divers collected a larval fish off Kona, Hawaiʻi, similar to the previously described larvae of M. kumae, but DNA sequence data from the larva does not match any of the six previously seque...
Conference Paper
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Muestreos exploratorios para caracterizar coinfecciones por caligidosis, piscirickettsiosis, virus ISA y AGD en Salmo salar mórbidos en un centro de cultivo en Curaco de Vélez, Chiloé insular el 2011, y aparentemente sanos en otro centro en Hueihue el 2013, mostraron la presencia estacional de la amebiasis. Las muestras histopatológicas y de PCR en...
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The Amazon River basins present distinct natural and anthropogenic characteristics that influence the structure of stream habitats and their associated biota. The influence of these characteristics can be evaluated through different spatial scales. We aimed to assess the influence (with and without the effect of spatial-geographical factors) of loc...
Research Proposal
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The conference aims at connecting researchers in the general area of Environmental Sciences, Atmosphere and Climate, to share their most recent results in investigation techniques and data analysis of Atmospheric Composition, Meteorological and Climate parameters, Remote sensing, Environmental Pollution and Restoration, Topography, Bathymetry, Ecol...
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Este trabalho apresenta a infraestrutura computacional e-DIVA, que constitui um processo de integração de bases de dados ictiológicas referentes a diferentes sítios de pesquisa, além de oferecer um cenário computacional para gestão e análise dos dados científicos relacionados ao Programa de Pesquisa Ecológica de Longa Duração: Diversidade da Várzea...
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To analyze the differences between different-sized Acipenser dabryanus, we randomly selected 600 3-month-old A. dabryanus juveniles. Four months later, the blood and white muscle of these fish were analyzed. The results showed no significant difference in the length-weight relationship (LWR) b value between the large and small A. dabryanus. The lev...
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When observed in their preferred environments, animals display behavioural changes, such as an increase in resting or a reduction in agonism, suggestive of positive affect and improved welfare. However, most studies focus on the behaviour of individuals or, at most, pairs of animals; even though in group-living animals beneficial environmental chan...
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The evolution of freshwater fish diversity is multifaceted and driven by a number of mechanisms and factors. This makes freshwater fish a promising model for studying the processes of diversification and speciation, as well as of the environmental factors shaping their evolution. Current issue of Journal of Ichthyology is aimed to provide a platfor...
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A mid-level data fusion coupled with multivariate analysis approach is applied to dual-platform mass spectrometry data sets using Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry to determine the correct classification of salmon origin and production methods. Salmon (n = 522) from five different region...
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El pez mulegino Abudefduf troschelii es un actinopterigio teleósteo del orden de los Perciformes perteneciente de la familia Pomacentridae que se ubica en los arrecifes del Golfo de California. Su temporada de reproducción en Baja California Sur empieza en verano y continúa en otoño, siendo organismos ovíparos que mantienen los huevos adheridos a s...
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Trade restrictions for endangered elasmobranch species exist to disincentivise their exploitation and curb their declines. However, trade monitoring is challenging due to product variety and the complexity of import/export routes. We investigate the use of a portable, universal, DNA-based tool which would greatly facilitate in-situ monitoring. We c...
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Trichomycterid catfishes have long been considered as absent in the Parnaíba River basin, Northeastern Brazil, in what constitutes their most conspicuous gap in geographic distribution. Herein we report on the first occurrence of the family in that basin. The new species is described from the riacho da Volta, right tributary to the upper rio Parnaí...
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Controlling the food preferences of fish post-larvae after resorption of the yolk sac as well as their stocking density are the determining factors for the success of fry production. In order to contribute to the production of African snakehead fish, Parachanna obscura fry, a study was carried out from May 8 to June 17, 2022 at the Applied and Rese...
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The size of Dunkleosteus and other late Devonian arthrodire placoderms has been a persistent problem in paleontology. The bony head and thoracic armor of these animals are typically the only elements preserved in the fossil record, with the rest of the body being lost during fossilization. Accurate length estimates of arthrodires are critical for r...
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A new labrid fish, Terelabrus toretore sp. nov., the fifth species within the genus, is herein described from two specimens collected at a depth of 140 m from a mesophotic coral ecosystem in Tahiti, French Polynesia. Terelabrus toretore sp. nov. is characterized by having 43-44 scaled rows in longitudinal series; 42 pored lateral-line scales; 5+10...
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Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest biodiversity and fish producers in the world. Demand for fish consumption in the world continues to increase, on the other hand, there is a threat of decreasing fish biodiversity in the wild due to overfishing, destructive fishing gear, water pollution, and others. This phenomenon occurs because of...
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Fishes is an international, peer-reviewed, scientific, open access journal published monthly online by MDPI. It covers fishes and aquatic animals research. The Iberian Society of Ichthyology (SIBIC) and the Brazilian Society of Aquaculture and Aquatic Biology (Aquabio) are affiliated with Fishes and their members receive a discount on the article p...
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Fishes is an international, peer-reviewed, scientific, open access journal published monthly online by MDPI. It covers fishes and aquatic animals research. The Iberian Society of Ichthyology (SIBIC) and the Brazilian Society of Aquaculture and Aquatic Biology (Aquabio) are affiliated with Fishes and their members receive a discount on the article p...
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Inserido integralmente no território do estado do Paraná, o rio Tibagi é o maior afluente do rio Paranapanema, que por sua vez é um dos principais tributários da bacia do rio Paraná. Ao longo de seu curso, o rio Tibagi atravessa os municípios de duas das quatro maiores cidades do estado, Londrina e Ponta Grossa. Levando em consideração a importânci...
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Este trabalho constitui-se de um relato do projeto de extensão Ferramentas de divulgação científica em ictiologia e conservação da bacia do rio Tocantins-Araguaia, desenvolvido pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins, campus de Porto Nacional. No contexto da divulgação científica e extensão universitária, o projeto objetivou apresentar a diversidade...
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Abstract A new miniature species of Characidium is described from the midde rio Guaporé, rio Madeira basin, Rondônia, Brazil. The new species can be readily distinguished from all congeners by the sexual dichromatism, with females having narrow dark bars on body absent in males, and by the presence, in both sexes, of a black midventral dashed line...
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In 2019, the tribute cycle called “Pioneers: the female scientists of the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales” began as a new way of making notorious the role of women in science. This cycle, carried out by women of the Museum, seeks to recognize and honor the first women dedicated to scientific activities at the Institution. This fourth edition...
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Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is the principal species of inland-farmed fish in the Western hemisphere. Recently, we diagnosed in farmed rainbow trout a disease in which the hallmark is granulomatous-like hepatitis. No biotic agents could be isolated from lesions. Still, unbiased high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics analyses revealed...
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Sustained elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been shown to be essential for regeneration in many organisms. This has been shown primarily via the use of pharmacological inhibitors targeting the family of NADPH oxidases (NOXes). To identify the specific NOXes involved in ROS production during adult caudal fin regeneration in zebra...
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RESEARCH ARTICLE| JANUARY 24 2023 Habitat Usage, Dietary Niche Overlap, and Potential Partitioning between the Endangered Spotted Turtle (Clemmys guttata) and Other Turtle Species Eaqan A. Chaudhry; Tami S. Ransom; Christina J. Bradley; Eric B. Liebgold Ichthyology & Herpetology (2023) 111 (1): 20–28. Article histo...
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This study was conducted to investigate the effect of spraying the hatching eggs of layer eggs (Lohman) with water extracts of pomegranate, clove, and anise on the hatching characteristics and the weight of the hatched chicks. The eggs were distributed randomly into five treatments, each containing 60 eggs per treatment as three replicates. The exp...
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En este artículo nos proponemos una revisión de trabajo citado el que consideramos entre unos de los más importantes de la extendida producción realizada por el Dr. Emiliano Mac Donagh. Esta obra al momento de su publicación ha trascendido el ámbito de la Ictiología, ya que el autor ha logrado realizar un singular aporte contextualizando el estudio...
Conference Paper
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La diversidad funcional permite ampliar la comprensión de los patrones de la biodiversidad y