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IT Infrastructure - Science topic

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Questions related to IT Infrastructure
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
8 answers
Recent long-term trends in world development, such as rapid urbanization, environmental problems, rising population and migration movements, as well as climate change affecting the entire planet, pose a serious imbalance in sustainable co-development between rural, sub-urban and urban areas. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented crisis in economic development and social life on a global scale, and highlighted the gap in access to hospitals in urban and rural areas. This policy brief will analyze the main causes of the negative effects of unplanned and rapid urbanization. To facilitate the long-term economic development and social cohesion this paper proposes recommendations on small and medium enterprises development, trade and investment support, infrastructure innovations and technologies in the framework of rural-urban sustainable co-development.
To ensure the long-term economic development and social cohesion the following causes of the negative effects of unplanned and rapid urbanization should be considered:
1. Global trade liberalization and rapid urbanization have significantly changed the patterns of production and demand, especially in the agricultural sector. The population in city centers has grown significantly, and the surrounding farms and factories are not able to produce sufficient amount of food and goods. Increased availability of imported goods decreasing income from farming in small and medium enterprises in metropolitan area (David Satterthwaite, 2010) (Islam, 1997).
2. The rural-urban infrastructure gap imposes long-term structural challenges. People (especially the younger generation) tend to migrate to cities; this is due to better access to modern types of employment, medical care, education, as well as social mobility and entertainment (World Migration Report 2020). The rapid urbanization increased demand on infrastructure in city area, and reduced demand in rural area. As a result, we have such challenges as an aging infrastructure, poor transport accessibility, lack of access to hospitals, schools and government services in rural areas. In urban areas, we can observe an overload of transport infrastructure, different types of pollutions, and negative spillover effects of overpopulation (inability to provide a good standard of living by city government) (Migration and Its Impact on Cities, 2017).
3. The lack of strategic planning and cross-jurisdictional cooperation shape the preconditions for social conflicts and economic instability. Land acquisition is one of the most challenging process, which associated with infrastructure development (Yoshino, 2018). Expanding of the cities and development of new transport infrastructure could provoke serious conflicts with residents of suburban areas (triggered by forced displacement, destruction of local cultural heritage, deforestation and negative impact on nature). Due to the cheaper cost of living, the rural and sub-rural areas most attractive places for migrants, the uncontrolled rapid growth of population can lead to significant threats to the local social and economic stability (Bingqin Li, 2016). New threats arising from the global interconnected transport infrastructure, high urban population density, climate and environmental challenges require the creation of innovative and technological solutions capable of managing complex systems in an emergency (Gabriel Lanfranchi, 2018).
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The initial stage is that there will be a widening of the gap. Only at a later stage, do we find the gap narrowing. Urbanization will present opportunities in the urban areas and people migrate to where the opportunities are. Infrastructure such as roads,schools and health facilities need to expand to rural areas to stem the rural-urban migration.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
12 answers
I live and study in Vienna, Austria. You know Austria is a wealthy and developed country, and Vienna is well-known for high standards and quality of living and it has been on the top of the list of the most livable cities in the world.
However, the coverage area of Eduroam wifi network is very limited here, and the speed of connection is too low. The coverage area is in some cases even smaller than the university buildings and campuses. For instance, in many parts of the AKH (the largest hospital in Austria and the main academic hospital used by the University of Vienna) or parts of buildings of TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) the Eduroam wifi signals is very slow or even not existing at all.
It is really a shame and disappointing fact for me as a PhD candidate in Vienna that I can't really count on Eduroam and I'm always dependent on other internet providers to connect to the internet and do my research.
How well does the Eduroam wifi network cover and function at your university, city or country in general? Would you share your experience? How could such problems be solved?
Thank you!
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CQuniversity is one of the few Australian Universities that is multi campus- CQUniversity has 26 campuses in every state of Australia. Using Eduroam WiFi is both effective, simple and fast connectivity. The link above illustrates how even local councils in Rockhampton have embraced the system allowing CQUniversity students connection in numerous public places even the river bank parks. Thus enabling online study to be convenient and easy in any location and online connectivity to be free from costs but high in quality of product.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
3 answers
We are in a process of manufacturing passive cooling shelters.
We want to design the cooling system for the purpose.
Request to guide.
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  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
7 answers
I am chairing a special session at The Eleventh International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems, and Technologies (SECURWARE 2017). The special session will focus on Secure Software Development (SSD). The conference will take place in Rome from September 10th to the 14th.
Secure software development is the process involving people and practices that ensure application Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Non-Repudiation, and Authentication (CIANA). Secure software is the result of a security aware software development processes, where CIANA is established when an application is first developed. Current Secure Software Development LifeCycles (SSDLC) are just old Software Development LifeCycles (SDLC) with a security training pre-pended before the traditional development steps, and an incident response process appended to the end of the lifecycle. To solve application cyber-security issues, one needs to develop the models, tools, architectures, and algorithms that support CIANA on the first day of a development project.
SECURWARE is a terrific cyber-security conference and community to become associated with. Please let me know if you have colleagues or students who would be interested in submitting. Because this is a special session, I can take submission up until August 2nd. The late submission date makes it an ideal place for the dissemination of the results from your Summer research projects
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Peter and Martin you are absolutely correct in your definition.  Thanks,
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
3 answers
I am looking for ideas to improve the performance of cloud by optimizing cloud monitoring. pl let  me know....If any one working on this 
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Hi Chentan Bulla,
The approach I have seen in the past with Openstack is to have one or more dedicated monitoring VMs. This is expensive. Their size depends on how big the Openstack deployment. This is for rapid high performance debugging, not really for operational performance. is this of any help?
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
5 answers
i want to know which platform supports ns2 and the reasons behind it.
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I think that Ubuntu is more suitable for ns2
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
7 answers
can we use RPL routing protocol in healthcare application?
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Dear Sankar Sennan,
see these Papers about the RPL Applications in Smart Healthcare:
 M.  Al Ameen,  J. Liu and  K. Kwak: Security and Privacy Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks for Healthcare Applications, Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 36, Feb. 2012; DOI 10.1007/s10916-010-9449-4
 P. Kumar and H.-J. Lee: „Security Issues in Healthcare Applications Using Wireless Medical Sensor Networks: A Survey“, Sensors(Basel),  Vol. 12(1), 2012
 C. Abreu and P. Mendes: Wireless Sensor Networks for Biomedical Applications, IEEE 3rd Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering (ENBENG), Feb. 2013; DOI: 10.1109/ENBENG.2013.6518413
 C. Abreu and P. Mendes: „Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks for Biomedical Applications; Quality of Service Improvement through Network Lifetime-Extending“, IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom 2013), Oct. 2013; DOI: 10.1109/HealthCom.2013.6720665
 C. Abreu, M. Ricardo and P. M. Mendes: Energy-aware routing for biomedical wireless sensor networks, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 40, Apr. 2014;
 F. Gara, L. Ben Saad, R. Ben Ayed and B. Tourancheau: RPL Protocol adapted for Healthcare and Medical Applications, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 28 Aug. 2015
I wish you all the best
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
2 answers
The deadline on the last update of the special issue entitled "Recent issues and future directions on effective multi-tier supply chain management for sustainability" was 15th July. However, the information about it is not found anymore on the link provided. I kindly ask if the submission to this special issue is still available and if there are any changes concerning the deadline and the description of the special issue? Thanks in advance
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I would recommend to resent the Call for Papers with the subject matter and instructions on how to submit the paper.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
7 answers
I am trying to write a research proposal on Thunderstorm. I am interested to develop a metric (or a model with environmental parameters) to describe the chance of storm development well and  then the metric can be used to assess future storm activity, such as based on climate model simulations. I have lack of knowledge to select the necessary methods to chase the objective. Would anyone can help to complete my proposal? 
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Hi, Jitendra Kumar Meher
Thank you. Your guideline is very much helpful and relevant. However, at this moment i have to complete my research proposal immediately with an appropriate method. Therefore , i am trying to write a good methodology.
Best regards
Nipa Dutta 
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
4 answers
Is there any fast track journal OR any current Special Issue that is accepting papers in the field of Steganography/Security? 
Any response would be highly appreciated.
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You could submit you article to journal of computer science and technology
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
3 answers
I have been working on  wireless sensor networks and my guide asked me to incorporate Resource provisioning in Data in my research.So kindly explain me whether resource provisioning can be done in NS2.
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No as far i remember NS2 does not have that option
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
4 answers
To implement traffic in Urban areas based on Vehicular, I need to segment the road in ns2 How do I do it?while I've created vehicle mobility in sumo
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I suggest you study the road hierarchy structure in your network and divide the network according to their functions. Normally there are three main categories. Local access roads, the collectors and the arterials. The arterials  are at the top of the heirarchy while local roads are at the bottom. There are many sub classifications within each heirarchy. The best way is to use the road classification system of your country.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
3 answers
I just need help evaluating my portfolio layout
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Hello, this is the link to my portfolio! please kindly evaluate it for me! thank you!
<div data-configid="29460000/48188721" style="width:525px; height:173px;" class="issuuembed"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" async="true"></script>
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
5 answers
I want to connect my PC from outside. My PC is placed at my home and connected to internet. I know the dynamic IP of my PC.
Please help me how can I connect to it over the internet from remote location? 
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If you need a simple solution irrespective of your IP configuration, just download the current TeamViewer binary from, install it, and configure it for unattended access!
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
1 answer
Need some opinion about BHP
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  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
1 answer
How can we provide privacy on unstructured data like social media data/weblog data/EHR?
How to find sensitive information from unstructured data? 
can anyone guide me on this aspect?
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  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
11 answers
What are alternative ways to distribute your research, except from academic social web environments, repositories?
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According to my experience, publishing in good impact factored journals can certainly give you an edge. There may be some other journals which may not have a significantly high impact factor (like we have 'Economic and Political Weekly' and 'Current Science' here in India), but still can provide you a greater visibility. Publishing your work in say, newspapers, popular magazines etc, could also be helpful in the reach of your research to the grassroots level. 
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
9 answers
I'm working on paper focused on Cyber Security Models. Now I'm interested on research papers in this field and tools, methods and techniques to simulate the models. If someone have information how (from where) I can do this, please let me know.
Thank you in advance!
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CISSP study material will provide good information about security domains and models
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
4 answers
.please provide me some innovative ideas that i could do my final year project
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Ok Jafar ..could you send me your start the project.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
4 answers
is a risk assessment research exercise. Cloud service location can vary from on-premise to anywhere in the world. However, there are legal, ethical and of course quality control issues when choosing how to distribute cloud infrastructure. 
Your objective is to help companies mitigate geo-location risk.
Any one can help me for that?
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Yes location is big issue as global conflicts are growing recent example is conflict between turkey and Netherlands (Holland).  Turkey can ban organizations with data centers in Netherlands to work in turkey
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
3 answers
I research about federated identity systems for cloud users. 
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A good start could be "Federated Identity Management Systems: A Privacy-Based Characterization," which is available at
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
4 answers
For literature review
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  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
3 answers
QoS aware composite service selection with GA
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You could have a look at the Aniketos project:
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
5 answers
i am looking for related work on risk assessment in context to SCADA system. it can be possible equations or graph. i want to see related work on how other scholars assesses possible risk impact factor or assesses possible vulnerabilities or incidents in any related context which i can have a look.
thank you in advance
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
8 answers
Who can recommend up-to-date research on the trends (e.g., internet of things, the growth of mobile data, increasing demand for cloud-based services, the rise of machine-to-machine communciations) shaping tomorrow's telecommunication requirements (e.g., increasing need for mobile infrastructure, convergence between different types of infrastructure providers)? Many thanks in advance.
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Thank you for sharing the link, Olivier. Looking forward to reading your report
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
8 answers
Hi all, I need to generate intrusions dataset for cloud infrastructure using  simulator. what is the best simulator for that? and can we use ns2? 
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You are right...... thank you very much for this valuable Information
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
4 answers
How NDB can help in promoting infrastructure in member countries.What are the requirements to achieve the objectives?
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I wish, I had an example of political win-win game. Because politics is all about welfare of masses. Let's take an example of India and China. Both are major constituent of NDB, population density wise. In China the welfare of masses would come, only, if this factor of production (human resource/labor) is employed in some operating cycle, and chinese have rightly become the mass producer for most of the goods of mass consumption. Moreover, the policy makers in China have made such legal and academic infrastructure, that accumulation and explosion of the emotions is a rare happening. So welfare in China would come only with more operating cycles and more markets for the finished products of those operating cycles. Now look at India, a society, divided in small sections based upon caste, creed, religion, region and what not. Any segment can become vociferous at any given time and Indians lack the legal and academic infrastructure, so the explosion of accumulated emotions is a definite possibility and since the politics is all about welfare of masses, so pacifying the different segments of population is a major political agenda in India which drives the political willingness. If somehow we are able to overcome all these weaknesses of India then India is also rich with human resource/labor (Cheap factor of production) and harnessing of this Indian factor of production would mean search for market. Now we have a situation in which India and China both would be vying for the same market and now we are in a two person zero sum, game situation. So NDB would lack the political willingness and that,s why NDB would need a miracle.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
9 answers
Does aid (I mean physical infrastructures and others ) promote country development ?
i wanna know both the positive and negative effect
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All information on what is happening with aid is useful, but it is also important to know how economy develops and how aid can (or cannot) help this development.
According to the new theory of international trade (for to start, please see the paper below), the real wage level of a country depends on the set of production techniques that the nation can afford. If this is true (I believe it is), we should know how aid helps to change the set of technique.
The term set of production techniques has a well defined definition. A production technique is not a state of knowledge but a set of input coefficients (amounts of inputs for to produce a unit of product or service). Whole set of production techniques is a matrix and we denote it by A.
If the labor productivity in the production of a product improves, the labor input coefficient of the product decreases and A improves accordingly.
Now the set of production techniques A depends on various factors. Infrastructure of a nation such as roads, ports, railways, and others improves the transport part of the set of production techniques. If we omit discussion on corruption and others, aid spent on infrastructure helps to improve A.
However, if there is no improvement of other part of A, effect becomes saturated easily and further investment has no effect. Then, how can we improve the set of production technique A? It requires a bit of contrivance, improvement of the production process, better team work, more rational layout of machines, introduction of new tools and machines, and so on. Neoclassical economists often emphasize the importance of capital investment, but there are also many things to do along side with capital investment (for example, new machines). All these things depend on the workers, engineers and managers. If you do not have good work force, it is impossible to improve your set of production techniques A continuously and without limit.
To get a good work force requires (1) a good education and (2) good experience on the spot (I mean production spot). Learning opportunity is very important. Japan, Taiwan, Korea and now China developed and are developing by learning by doing. Then, the role of entrepreneurs is crucial, because they provide the opportunity for the people to learn how to work and produce. Financial system may help entrepreneurs to get their initial capital but financial institution matters at the last stage.
There are many good positive studies on aid and development but I am afraid that few in-depth studies appear. One of the reasons of this state may come by the relative neglect of theoretical studies.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
6 answers
The life cycle stages of a building/infrastructure project can be divided into planning, design, construction, operation and end of life stages.
In practice, each stage may generally takes a certain period of time, such as 1-3 years for construction of a building project in most countries.
Are there any articles commenting on this issue? Thanks a lot.
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I think that many people (architects, Engineers, and so on) are unable to predict the time for a construction. However, I think that if you can design a building or it's infrastructure in a short period of time, you may acquaint the construction time it may have to be build, using quantification and if you know anything about BIM, you, vfor sure can do that.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
4 answers
A survey conducted by eircom shows that only 14% of parents post images, status updates or blog posts about their child(ren) on social media (vs. 90% in Australia, or 56% in the US, as per other studies).
Is there something about the Irish culture, or the technical infrastructure, that could explain such low levels?
If not, it is something about the sample, or about the question, right? Or could there be another reason that I am missing?
For reference, the question was: ‘Sharents’ are parents who blog, tweet and post pictures online about aspects of their children’s lives. Are you, or do you have the potential, to be a ‘Sharenter’ in the future?
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There may be concerns over child safety as the people who are parents of children now grew up at a time where there were constant revelations about child abuse.  
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
2 answers
Practical examples of incidents and the way these incidents are analyzed and prevented from happening again will greatly help educating graduate students in asset management.
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Dear Rob,
                  I have written an invited editorial in the Journal of Asset Management on the route by which "civil infrastructure" affects market prices and outcomes in financial markets using two episodes of what may have appeared as violent land-grabbed industrialisation in India. I have shown how such knee-jerk accelerator physical actions can rejuvenate markets by creating land banks for example and realise the algorithmic approach towards implementing "goldenest of golden rule growth rates".If you will you can take a look at my RG page for the paper(s). SKM
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
3 answers
I am looking research on scheduling and monitoring relationship in complex project management.I want to work in this area please help 
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Simply stated, scheduling is how you plan the work while monitoring is how you work the plan.  For complex projects, consider looking at research in earned value metrics and critical path analysis.  Both of these focus on performance to schedule.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
3 answers
The University where I work is planning to move some of its workload to public cloud environments. I am not sure if it is the right decision because we have a very low bandwidth. Next year, the bandwidth could be increased to 1 Gbps which would provide access to about 10,000 people. I wish to write a [well supported] document with pros and cons about such decision.
Thanks for your help,
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No, I am not familiar with models or simulators.  I would strongly advocate collecting real, live data from your existing systems.  Linux systems, in particular, are very good about making system-behavior statistics available, for both bare-metal and virtualized systems.  I've never found Windows systems to be other than opaque, but thankfully also never had to work with them.  It's also often possible to get a very good idea of what's going on by just looking at raw device counters (such as network stats available via SNMP).
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
3 answers
What are the key factors of human resources development and quality infrastructure in education?
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I have an ongoing research project entitled "Quality Management in Legal Education". The premise is that high quality lawyers, judges, prosecutors, and public administrators are indispensable for countries to maintain or achieve a high level of development. The importance of well trained and efficient legal professionals cuts across all sectors of an economy, including a country's opportunities to participate in international trade and to negotiate favorable deals in individual trade and investment contracts, as well as for future terms of trade under the WTO. Based on this premise, the hypothesis of the project is that the quality of legal professionals in any given country - with quality being understood in its broadest terms, including substantive knowledge, procedural efficiency, as well as social and ethical responsibility - depends first on the quality of legal education in that country and that there are determinants of this quality that are universally applicable. In other words, I am trying to show factors that have to be present to achieve a high level of quality in legal education, factors that can be useful but may not be essential, and factors that are usually or even always destructive.
The project is organized as a multi-step research with the first step being an empirical survey of factors governing legal education in different countries around the world and their actual or potential impact on quality. Based on the empirical data, the second step will be the identification of highly desirable factors or conditions, somewhat desirable or neutral factors, as well as undesirable and highly undesirable factors or conditions. Finally, in a third step, I want to develop a blueprint for high quality legal education, from the legislative framework, institutional setup, resource allocation, all the way to the day-to-day management of a law school or program.
At the present time, the first volume with country reports is being prepared for publication. It will include analysis of legal education in Austria, Bulgaria, Egypt, Estonia, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, New Zealand, Sweden and Ukraine. Several colleagues are at work on the next batch of country reports, based on a common set of questions and guidelines. However, more country reporters are needed to achieve the goal of reasonably good global coverage. If you or any other colleagues are interested, I will be happy to share the questionnaire, as well as the DropBox access code with a variety of common resources, dealing in particular with legal education reform in different countries around the world.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
15 answers
I am about presenting a proposal for PhD research on rethinking ICT pedagogical integration to transcend infrastructure provisioning and minimizing adoption limitations in the classrooms.My assumption is that,the provision of ICT infrastructure does not translate to ICT adoption in the classroom.There must be effective pedagogy in the classroom if technology must yield desired  outcomes.Looking for a framework
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Scardamalia and Bereiter's Knowledge Building theory would work well for you. See ... (Then scroll down to Scardamalia, M. (2003d). Knowledge building. In J. W. Guthrie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of education (2nd ed., pp. 1370-1373). New York, NY: Macmillan Reference.
Also see (same link): Scardamalia, M. (2003e). Knowledge building environments: Extending the limits of the possible in education and knowledge work. In A. DiStefano, K. E. Rudestam & R. Silverman (Eds.), Encyclopedia of distributed learning (pp. 269-272). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
2 answers
When building an infrastructure for multiple federated cloud to manage centrally.
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Along with the attached file by Mr. Sedayo, you can also read the attached document.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
4 answers
Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is apart of it. But I would like to know if it have a testbeds or simulation tools to describe it.
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Dear Ms. Abdelnabi Saif,
I recommend you study the following paper. It will be definitely helpful for your research regarding Smart Grid issues.
Morteza Shabanzadeh
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
11 answers
I am interested in this area especially in the field of road infrastructure, both on highways and urban roads.
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concerning ITS for motorcycles, the PISa project ( proposed a prioritisation of safety functionalities to be integrated on powered two wheelers, based on estimated influence in real-world motorcycle crashes.
Attached is a link to related Executive Summary.
This activity was briefly presented at some conferences (see attached), but with poor details. And as far as I know there is not a journal paper on that.
I hope it is of help.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
10 answers
in the near future with this technology evolution . What happened to the Internet of Things( systems) when there is internet fallout or insufficient infrastructure? 
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  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
64 answers
Building knowledge management infrastructure in an organization is essential to get many required benefits. How/what factors/issues should be considered to do so? Your respected answers and experiences are so welcomed and needed.
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I would like to start with a view on: What kind of infrastructure is necessary to build effective and efficient knowledge management in an organization?
According to my experience, the following is required:
- KM organization with budget
- KM processes and methods
- KM specific IT infrastructure
The KM organization usually is a small central team with responsibility for KM strategy, goals and implementation throughout the organisation. It is advisable to include one or more knowledge brokers who ensure that urgent requests find a timely and satisfying answer.
KM processes and methods incorporate best practices in knowledge management and make them accessible throughout the organization. Processes include systematic approaches to the identification of knowledge assets, codification, documentation, storage and retrieval. Methods may include blue prints for lessons learned workshops or building ontologies.
Special skills may be needed to properly execute the processes and methods, e.g. facilitating a lessons learned workshop, interviewing techniques, etc. These skills may be held centrally or distributed throughout the organization.
IT infrastructure needs to be designed to support the specific KM strategy and the business of the organization.
- The core IT infrastructure of a project business organization may be a DMS (document management system) specifically configured to support a structured project base, cooperation of the project team including versioning, check-in/-out, review and approval workflows.
- The core for a service business may be a knowledge based call center, a knowledge base that is accessible to customers for self service or a Q&A questions & answers catalog generated from the knowledge base.
- The core for a consulting business may be a knowledge base together with an internal social network enabling consultant profiles, building of personal networks, provision of knowledge items via blogs or other features, domain specific groups, rating of content, appreciation, cooperation e.g. via shared project rooms, communication features.
Important aspects with respect to IT infrastructure are:
integration with existing IT landscape, dimensioning, performance parameters/ service level agreements, selection of standard software like DMS, search engine, web 2.0, social media/ networking platform, proper roll-out including training, support.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
3 answers
As an infrastructure provider hosting a number of multi-tier application services what are the most important challenges in understanding and managing the performance of multi-tier applications in the cloud in order to enhance better resource management for these kind of applications? What are the most important questions to ask?
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thank you sir,
i'll go through them
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
5 answers
The image is drawn on paper and at times a digital image, how to find out the surface area?
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For Image drawn on paper, one can use a Planimetre. For digital images, it is necessary to know the extension of that file.
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
14 answers
This question is mainly asked for knowing what are the problems that IT people are facing and to do my project by picking from it.
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Turning to the use of cloud technologies all face problems only :)
  • asked a question related to IT Infrastructure
1 answer
In the context of a European project (find more info at we are trying to survey EU ICT infrastructures capable of supporting the experimentation of so called future internet services with a particular focus on smart city scenarios. We are now drawing some conclusion out of this work and we are seeking comparative studies, feedback, ways to improve the population in the repository and ways to actually make researchers and experimenters use the repository.
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Infrastructures for future networks, including new Internets, must have the following characteristics:
1) Provide the right abstractions to software layer, in order to enable software-defined design, including management and control.
2) Hardware must be generalized and exposed for better resource exposition and orchestration.
3) Semantics rich resource description to enable proper orchestration at software layer.
4) Real-time support for time sensitive software-based management and control.
5) Flexible hardware to enable hardware implementation changes on the flow, e.g. FPGAs.
6) Identifiers must be decoupled from locators to enable improved traceability, mobility, and multihoming.
7) High level of physical connectivity and redundancy at hardware and software functionalities.
8) Cooperate each other to enable "social emergent" behaviors. Autonomic functionalities for self-management, self-awareness, self-situation, self-organization, self-adapting. In general, to enable self-* and *-awareness.
9) To enable simultaneous virtual entities over every physical resource.
10) Police-driven and context-aware control and management.
11) Contract-based exposition, orchestration, virtualization, life-cycling, etc.
12) Self-similar design to avoid unnecessary overlapping.
13) To explore deep synergies among design ingredients to avoid unnecessary overlapping.
14) Alignment to the digital business ecosystem idea.
15) High reliability, resilience, redundancy, capacity, and efficiency.
I hope to have helped.
Kind regards,
Antonio Alberti,
Future networks architect, NovaGenesis designer.
Inatel. Brazil