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ICT in Education - Science topic
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Questions related to ICT in Education
In recent years, digital technologies have significantly transformed the way English as a Second Language (ESL) is taught. Tools such as adaptive learning platforms, AI-driven tutoring systems, and mobile applications have enabled more personalized learning experiences that cater to individual student needs.
However, several questions remain regarding the effective integration of these technologies:
- What specific digital tools have proven most effective in addressing diverse learner profiles in ESL?
- How do we balance the role of the teacher with the use of these tools to ensure meaningful human interaction?
- What challenges arise in terms of accessibility, especially for students in under-resourced environments?
I invite fellow educators, linguists, and researchers to share their experiences, insights, and any evidence-based findings on the impact of these technologies in personalizing language instruction. How do you foresee the future of ESL teaching evolving with these innovations?
Looking forward to a stimulating discussion!
In your country's higher education system, which do you think is more important for the effectiveness of using mobile technologies to improve learning outcomes: student readiness and motivation, or appropriate content and instructional design?
Why and how can these factors be optimized to enhance the potential benefits of mobile learning for students?
How should schools, colleges and universities take advantage of new technologies so that they do not lag behind technological progress?
In recent years, the world has been increasingly influenced by the ongoing fourth technological revolution. Industry 4.0, biotechnologies, green technologies, innovation, etc. are being developed. The development of information processing technologies in the era of the current technological revolution termed Industry 4.0 is determined by the development and growth of applications of ICT information technologies, internet technologies and advanced data processing. The current technological revolution defined as Industry 4.0 is determined by the development of the following technologies, analytical techniques, ICT solutions, etc. : learning machines, deep learning, artificial intelligence, smart technologies, Big Data Analytics, Data Science, cloud computing, machine learning, personal and industrial Internet of Things, Business Intelligence, autonomous robots, horizontal and vertical data system integration, multi-criteria simulation models, digital twins, additive manufacturing, Blockchain, cyber security instruments, Virtual and Augmented Reality and other advanced data processing technologies Data Mining. New technologies and innovations are emerging from research institutes, R&D centres, new technology development centres, technology companies, universities and other entities, among others. On the other hand, newly emerging innovations and technologies find new practical and business applications through their implementation in the various fields of activity of actors. Also schools, colleges and universities try to implement new technologies into their activities, so as not to lag behind the technological progress.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How should schools, colleges and universities make use of new technologies so as not to lag behind the technological advances taking place?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

What journals would you recommend for publishing a research study that multiple journals have rejected? My study has been published as pre-print in Research Square
Title: Extent of ICT Integration in Science Based on SAMR Model
it was denied by these journals, though I understand that my research is very profound and doesn't really meet the coverage of journals. I would like to hear suggestions from you since I have been receiving requests that they are going adapt and benchmark my questionnaires so I'm eager to get it officially published for wide accessibility.
- Computers & Education - Journals | Elsevier
- Computers & Education OPEN - Journals | Elsevier
- Research in Science Education Springer
- Journal of Science Education and Technology Springer
- Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
- Education and Information Technologies
- Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
- Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research
- Journal of Research in Science Teaching - Wiley Online Library
Open AI such as chatgpt increase speed in reviewing large volumes of papers and generating original content.
How is likely to affect students examinations especially on essays and term papers?
👨🏫 Are you teaching in primary, secondary or higher education? Do you usually use videos as complementary resource in your classes? I would like this ResearchGate space to serve us to enhance our classes, by discussing on the main benefits and inconveniencies encountered when trying to integrate videos as pedagogical aids. Let's share our experience!
👍 As per my experience in integrating videos in STEM disciplines, they have noticeably increased the interest of students in the subject, as well as their motivation. When using videos for both conceptual and procedural learning it is expected to find an increase in performance (which is reported in literature). In my case studies I haven't been able to isolate their effect because it was developed during covid-19 pandemics and there were many factors affecting students' performance. However, a combination between quantitative and qualitative data collection led us to infer that videos did imply a mitigating effect for the adverse effects of lockdown (this case study is part of my research publications).
👎 In terms of disadvantages, I find that the main drawback is the time and resources that teachers need to invest in the creation of such videos. In order to overcome this difficulty, it is true that the internet is full of audiovisual resources that we might take profit from. They are mostly coming from informal education (dissemination, outreaching activities...), but many of them comply with main quality standards described in literature for pedagogical use.
🔈 What is your experience in these regards? Do you count on additional resources or criteria when selecting video material? Is your experience it the classroom indicating any interesting phenomenon of video effects in students' motivation or performance? Please, share in this discussion. Let's build knowledge and share our experiences to enhance our teaching activity.
📚🔍 My research in STEM education is focused on some of these key aspects. I am open to collaborate in future case studies that might complement our experience and expertise fields. Don't hesitate contacting me through my ResearchGate profile.
Thanks for sharing!
Sometimes creating our own videos for classes is too time and resource consuming. Internet is full of audiovisual resources that we might select as pedagogical aids. From all criteria one could follow to select suitable videos (clarity, duration, expositive tone, who is the author...), which aspects do you usually consider?
Several leading technology companies are currently working on developing smart glasses that will be able to take over many of the functions currently contained in smartphones.
It will no longer be just Augmented Reality, Street View, enabling interactive connection to Smart City systems, Virtual Reality used in online computer games but many other functions of remote communication and information services.
In view of the above, I address the following questions to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
Will smart glasses replace smartphones in the next few years?
Or will thin, flexible interactive panels stuck on the hand prove more convenient to use?
What new technological gadget could replace smartphones in the future?
What do you think about this topic?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

Readiness for online learning-Survey
Are you a teacher or pre-service teacher, a university lecturer or a trainer in an educational organization? And do you have to move to online teaching because of COVID-19? Share your experiences in our survey and learn what others say! It should take maximum 10 minutes to complete.
If you are happy to participate, please click here:
If you would like more information about the questionnaire, feel free to contact Jo ( You are also free to share this questionnaire with anyone you wish.
Thank you for your time!
Jo, Sarah, Fazilat and Ronny
- Jo Tondeur, Vrije Universiteit Brussels
- Sarah Howard, University of Wollongong
- Fazilat Siddiq, University of South-Eastern Norway
- Ronny Scherer, University of Oslo �
I am interested to know more about the ICT tools (including websites, applications, devices) that are adopted to facilitate science education inside and outside the school context.
I am in the process of writing a literature review paper on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). Google Scholar shows more than 52700 publications talking about MOOC and I assume most of Edu. Databases will show more or less number. This is even if the first MOOC was introduced in 2008!
I know your recommendations and insights will enlighten the work. Please tell me first what you believe the future of MOOC will be and then recommend the keystones articles in your point of view.
During the last 10-11 months almost all countries have been fighting against the most terrible pandemic in the last 100 years. Many things have changed, among them, the teaching and learning process: how in your country and/or your institution have faced the difficulties, imposed by the pandemic to the HE sector? Has the Distance Education been a significant factor in looking for solutions?
Considering the current context in which many teachers need to migrate / transition their planned activities for face-to-face teaching to a remote / online teaching situation, as there were and still are not safe conditions to carry out face-to-face activities with many students. The need to develop teachers' media and digital skills was very evident. Such competencies will be necessary not only in this moment of transition, but later on for a post-pandemic scenario, to expand the teaching modality by the Blended approach. How are Universities and Institutions responsible for teacher training dealing with the development of media and digital competences of their teachers and the training of future teachers?
What type of project is the most frequent, the research project, the developmental project, both? What part of Educational Technology and e-Learning is currently the most frequent subject of the projects? Is Artificial Intelligence involved in some way?
Microlessons -an animated presentation, interactive and ICT based in instructions
We have designed a module to help students learn the basic astronomy concepts. Module used computer applications and gestures as tools. Along with change in conceptual understanding, we want to study the attitudinal change in students. Which is the best available for doing that. Medium of instruction is Hindi.
References I have been using date back to late 90s to early 90s. I believe social media tools do not replace the security within VLE discussions. A more recent reference is Vlachopoulos, Panos and Cowan, John (2010) Choices of approaches in e-moderation: conclusions from a grounded theory study. Active Learning in Higher Education, 11 (3). pp. 213-224. ISSN 1469-7874, Official URL is, Another source: All Things In Moderation Ltd, The 5 stage model at
I plan to use internet comics to assess students comprehension. How do I determine whether the graphics in the comics can help students to understand a text better apart from interviewing the students after sessions of reading comprehension with comics?
Which software may be user-friendly and educationally appropriate for early-primary school children which combining movement and sound can be used by digital (e.g. tablets) or non-digital technologies (e.g. desktops)?
In a country where Graphing Calculators are still out of reach by secondary level students and considering the positive effects of the use of graphing calculators in facilitating understanding of math concepts , what alternatives are being used in teaching and learning of mathematics? Are they as effective as using actual graphing calculators?
Good morning
Maybe you have the same problem:
By this moment my articles have:
2 names Ingrid del Valle
and 2 last names
García(father) and Carreno (mother)
I have a lot of references as Carreno.
How can I fix it, because the h indice is not real?
In Spain we have to sign complte is a cultural way.
For example
Carreño, I.D.V.G. (2009). E-mentoring and e-leadership importance in the quality of distance and virtual education Century XXI. In A. Méndez Vilas, A. Solano Martín, J. Mesa González, & J. A. Mesa González (Eds.), Research, Reflections and Innovations in Integrating ICT in Education (pp. 728–732). Badajoz, Spain: Formatex.
Carreño, I.D.V.G. (2014). Emergent leadership: E-leadership implications for virtual education. Revista de Estudios Para El Desarrollo Social de La Comunicación, 10, 308–324.
Articles References and factor h
Good morning
Maybe you have the same problem:By this moment my articles have:2 names Ingrid del Valleand 2 last namesGarcía(father) and Carreno (mother)I have a lot of references as Carreno.How can I fix it, because the h indice is not real?In Spain we have to sign complte is a cultural way.
For example
Carreño, I.D.V.G. (2009). E-mentoring and e-leadership importance in the quality of distance and virtual education Century XXI. In A. Méndez Vilas, A. Solano Martín, J. Mesa González, & J. A. Mesa González (Eds.), Research, Reflections and Innovations in Integrating ICT in Education (pp. 728–732). Badajoz, Spain: Formatex.
Carreño, I.D.V.G. (2014). Emergent leadership: E-leadership implications for virtual education. Revista de Estudios Para El Desarrollo Social de La Comunicación, 10, 308–324.
I wonder where the main difference lies between personalized learning platform (PLP) and intelligent tutoring system (ITS)? Is PLP the ITS with some additional features? What it the proper classification?
Any ideas?
If so, I invite you on behalf of the organizers (to which I will also belong) for registering. Below I quote the invitation that we send to potential participants with full information.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We invite you kindly to take part in the 10th Annual International Scientific Conference entitled “Theoretical and Practical aspects of Distance Learning” DLCC2018 (subtitle “E-learning and Smart Learning Environment for Preparing the Specialists of New Generation". that will be held on the 15th and 16th October 2018 organizes by the Faculty of Ethnology and Sciences of Education in Cieszyn, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Conference partners and co-organizers are:
Ostrava University (OU, Czech Republic),
Silesian University in Opava (SU, Czech Republic),
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (UKF, Slovakia),
University of Extremadura (UEx, Spain),
University of Twente (UT, Netherlands),
The Lisbon Lusíada University (LU, Portugal),
Curtin University in Perth (CU, Australia),
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (BGKU, Ukraine),
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.Petersburg, (HSPU, Russia)
Dniprodzerzhinsk State Technical University (DSTU, Ukraine),
Ministry of Science and Higher Education, (Republic of Poland),
IADIS – International Association for Development of the Information Society, a non-profit association,
Polish Pedagogical Society, Branch in Cieszyn,
Polish Scientific Society for Internet Education.
The theme of the conference is:
"E-learning and Smart Learning Environment for Preparing the Specialists of New Generation".
Ecosociety, the knowledge society, the digital society are transforming into an intelligent society. It is built on "smart" work, which is done by "intelligent" government and business representatives, based on "intelligent" infrastructure and "intelligent" citizens, playing a key role in creating intelligent culture. In addition, the priority is the development of such industries as smart transport, smart health, smart energy, smart food, etc., which will eventually lead to the creation of a smart world. SMARTs will play a special role in the preparation of new-generation specialists, in which e-learning and personalized learning will have priority positions.
In an intelligent society, technologies, previously based on information and knowledge, are transformed into technologies based on interaction, cooperation, exchange of experiences - smart technologies.
Citizens, new generation specialists, turn their activities into "intelligent" and implement innovative changes in management strategies. This means that society needs more creative and open thinking, so that human dignity, based on flexibility and originality, is a priority. The most important issue is the training of staff with creative, creative potential, able to work and think in the new world.
(Smyrnova–Trybulska, E. (2018). Technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne i e-learning we współczesnej edukacji [Information and communication technologies and e-learning in modern education]. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. 572 s. ISSN 0208-6336 ISBN 978-83-226-3070-9 (print version) ISBN 978-83-226-3071-6 (digital version).
The conference topics include the following thematic sections:
1. E-environment and Cyberspace
· E-environment of the University.
· SMART-Universities
· SMART Technology in education
· E-learning in a sustainable society,
· Internet of things
2. Effective development of teachers' skills in the area of ICT and e-learning
· Computer training for prospective and practicing teachers in the area ICT and e-learning,
· Teachers’ and learners’ competences in distance learning and computer science.
· Distance Learning and Lifelong Learning
· Self-learning based on Internet technology
3. E-learning and Intercultural Competences Development in Different Countries:
· Legal, social, human, scientific, technical aspects of distance learning and e-learning in different countries,
· Psychological and ethical aspects of distance learning and e-learning in different countries,
· Collaborative learning in e-learning,
4. E-learning Methodology – Implementation and Evaluation:
· European and national standards of e-learning quality evaluation,
· Evaluation of synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning, methodology and good examples,
· MOOCs – methodology of design, conducting, implementation and evaluation,
· Contemporary trends in world education – globalization, internationalization, mobility.
5. ICT Tools – Effective Use in Education:
· Selected Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 technology,
· Cloud computing environment, social media,
· Multimedia resources and didactic materials, Video-tutorial design.
6. Theoretical, Methodological Aspects of Distance Learning:
· Successful examples of e-learning,
· Distance learning in humanities and science,
· Quality of teaching, training programs and assessment,
· E-learning for the disabled.
7. E-learning in the Development of Key Competences:
· Key competences in the knowledge society,
· Use of e-learning in improving the level of students’ key competences,
8. Alternative Methods, Forms and Techniques in Distance Learning:
· simulations, models in distance learning,
· networking,
· distance learning systems,
· m-learning.
The official language of the conference is English.
Dissemination of conference proceedings
Conference materials and authors’ paper will be reviewed and published in a monograph entitled “E-learning and Smart learning environment for preparing the specialists of new generation” (notified in ISBN catalogue), 9th vol. of the publishing series on E-learning (notified in ISSN catalogue, ISSN 2451-3644 (print edition) ISSN 2451-3652 (digital edition)),
Series on E-Learning is indexed in the international scientific bibliometric databases, in particular, in:
- Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science)
- Journal Factor
- Academic Research Index
- Polska Bibliografia Naukowa
- Google Scholar.
It is our plesure to inform you that the 9th International Scientific Conference DLCC2017 monograph (“Effective Development of Teachers’ Skills in the Area of ICT and E-learning”) has been just indexed in the Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science).
and in International Journal of Research in E-learning
Per-reviewed journal
ISSN 2451-2583 (Print) ISSN 2543-6155 (Online)
IJREL indexed in the international scientific bibliometric databases, in particular, in:
- ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus (82.36 points)
- The Central and Eastern European Online Library CEEOL
- Academic Research Index
- Google Scholar
- BazHum
- Polska Bibliografia Naukowa
- Journal Factor
Venue of the conference:
Hotel STOK
43-460 WISŁA,
ul. Jawornik 52A
Contact for accommodation:
Izabela Sikora
phone: +48 33 856 41 24
mobile. +48 692 472 457
In framework of the conference a trip to the Residence of the President of the Republic of Poland in Wisła is planned as well as a walk along the crown of the Czerniańskie Lake dam (the place where Biała and Czarna Wisełka join).
Please find in attached of the Conference Invitation, the Application form for participants and the Guide for authors of a paper.
More detail information about conference you can find on the conference Web-site:
Thank you very much in advance for your interest in participating in the conferences. We are looking forward to meet you in this international scientific forum in October.
Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska
Coordinator of the DLCC2015 Conference
In behalf of the Organizational Conference Committee
Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, dr hab., associate prof. – Coordinator of the conference
Conference Organizing Committee:
Anna Porczyńska-Ciszewska, dr – Sekretarz konferencji, e-mail:
Małgorzata Bortliczek dr, e-mail:
Natalia Ruman dr, e-mail:
Andrzej Szczurek mgr. inż., e-mail:
Tel: (+ 48) 33-8546-113, (+ 48) 33-8546-224,
Fax: (+ 48) 33-8546-101 , Mobile: (+ 48) 608-655-386
The Faculty of Ethnology and Sciences of Education in Cieszyn, Bielska 62, 43-400 Cieszyn
University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, Bankowa 12, 40-007 Katowice
This is to help build the teaching methods of creative Arts in school
I'm planning to organise a series of workshops on English Language Teaching (ELT).
What can be an interesting way / topic to start with?
Hi Experts
I want to examine the relationship between Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Knowledge Management. I found dimensions of knowledge management from literature e.g. knowledge acquisition, knowledge absorption, knowledge sharing etc. but am still struggling to find concrete dimensions (or factors) of information and communication technology. Can you please suggest some dimensions of ICT so that I can investigate their relationship with knowledge management's dimensions?
Several sets of pedagogical ideas and theories have emerged during the last years, one of them, connectivism. What, among them, could be considered an emerging pedagogy, not only because it is an emerging one, but because of its consistency and/or completeness?
I am now writing a thesis on comparing the use of TPACK and SAMR, yet I still get confused whether they are the same that they are MODEL or FRAMEWORK. can somebody help me explain how TPACK and SAMR take a role in teaching (especially teaching language). Thank you
I just started my journey with PhD in computer science, and I am completely new to research field since I did my master in course mode.
I want to choose a topic related to M2M communication and not deeply using math, I picked resource allocation in M2M, I spent a couple of months reading about it and seems quite difficult for me since it involved a lot of math.
Is there any area in M2M communication that does not involved a lot of math or very few?
In case I have to learn math , what area of math should I learn eg,
probabilities, ...?
if there is an area/topic that does not involved a lot of math such as big data,...
Please help me,
Many thanks in advance
transition to classroom education
statistic on failed transitions to classroom teaching from bedside nursing
My primary interest is in applications used in secondary, higher, and professional education. I am also interested in applications that can be used with under-served populations in economically depressed areas.
I am sure there are methods to reduce the time for course development and support students.For example, make digital content in the classroom (webinar, voice recorder, photo blackboard), consultation only in forum of the course (not social networks and e-mail), estimation via smartphone during travel by bus / sunway, the views that the responses from students only in text form (not files), the involvement of students in forum to help each other. What else?
Please recommend me study or ideas to optimize work in Moodle
Can you help me with a model of indicators to evaluate the use of ICT in educational environments? And an example of an institution that using.
Me pueden ayudar con un modelo de indicadores para evaluar el uso de las TIC en ambientes educativos? Y un ejemplo de alguna isntitución que los este utilizando.
We want to choose some ICT tools and software for supporting students learning .We need know why it is needed in under development countries then to get also the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed one
The situation is: in our Institution there is a Msc. Program that have been taught during more than 30 years. Frequently this program is updated, accordingly to knowledge progress in the field. Now we are in that kind of proccess, and one of the courses we want to update is ICT in Education. It should be introductory, basic course, because later, will be several courses related with ICT on Education, more specific.
Currently, I am trying to find data about the use of ICT with SEN children in the schools contexts. I am a SEN teacher, but a student too, and I am investigating why it is so hard to find teachers that use these technologies with these children when the results are quite promising. There is a little evidence of this, and it is comes down to specific technologies to use with specific disabilities. That 's okey for my investigation but I need another information, focus on teachers and their concepts, aptitude and attitude towards the use of ICT with their special pupils. Because finally, they are gonna be the ones who use it and decide how to use it.
Thanks in advance.
I mean that for some social media and social information systems, a ritual view may play some roles in facilitating the user engagement and involvement.
i want research on detecting learning style. I need dataset for compare my research . many thanks
I have F value, df, sum of squares, mean squares but neither sample size of control group and experimental group nor mean for control and experimental group. Could you please advice me how to insert data in comprehensive meta-analysis?
There are some tools exploring teachers attitude towards ICT, It would be better if there is any for the teachers attitude towards using ICT Tools in Classroom practice ?
I am aware of TPACK framework but the question remains.
How can we ensure and measure teachers long-term skills development and positive attitudes towards ICT without appeal permanently CPD training sessions?
Rita Tavares
Dear all, could you please provide some examples of really innovative ways of using ICT to support teaching and learning? I am looking for un-orthodox, unusual and perhaps radical implementations and/or interventions. It does not matter if it is in a formal school setting, e.g. grade 3, or upper-secondary (high-school), or higher education (college/university), or outside formal teaching, e.g. informal learning, web sites etc. The main thing is that there is a curricula (some sort of plan), leaders/teachers, participants, a content (stuff that is being taught), and that the teaching and learning is supported by some sort of ICT technical solution. This ICT solution should also be a part of the plan, i.e. not just tossed in for the sake of being modern. Rather, the technology is used with a clear goal of enhancing the teaching and learning. All the Best and Thanks in advance! Kent
Interested to learn about best practices of ICT in inclusive education - preferably in developing countries.
Any information on successful programs and projects would help.
Several years ago, I ran a debate with one of my professors at Education Department about human working memory. He insisted that technology has ruined human memory; many people rely more and more on their mobiles and laptops instead of their own memories. He also presented some research evidence showing that.
At that time, it was hard for me to accept this idea. I argued that human is a clever being. If tools or technologies would help us to save our memories, then is it logical to kick these technologies out or even reduce our usage of them because they harm our memories? However, my opinion was not supported by a solid theory. Cognitivism and Constructivism clearly state that our inner memories are important in a learning process.
This debate has carved in my mind and the case was not closed, at least for me. Recently, we have investigated some of new learning theories. Among a long list, we visited Actor-Network Theory, Community of Practice, and Connectivism. And to be honest, I found Connectivism wide enough to answer my question and to build upon. Knowledge is a network and learning is a process of finding patterns reside in this network. Inside or outside human skull, it does not matter.
This is not to end the discussion; actually, it is to open it. Are you with or against of proposing new learning theory? Our understanding of knowledge network, learning and Connectivism presented in this paper.
What are the emotional, psychological and cultural impacts of ICT use on learners from marginalized and/or minority communities?
This is an invitation to participate in the next special issue of EDUCAR titled “Emerging technology for formative assessment in pre-professional practice”
End date: 26 February 2016
Pre-professional practices have assumed a relevant role at curricula, with a great concern about continuous evaluation, linked to improvement processes of development of competences. This monograph aims to inquire about opportunities of Information and Communication Technology to evaluate learning, for learning and from authentic learning of professional practice. During last years new emerging technologies have been consolidating. They are technologies oriented to evaluation of learning process (digital portfolios, blogs and audio-visual or virtual resources) and of collaborative work (multimedia annotations and digital rubrics).
Contents could include themes as:
New opportunities for learning at pre-professional practice:
Adaptive learning
Learning analytics
Evaluation of processes with ICT
audiovisual and virtual supports
Evaluation of collaborative work
Multimedia annotations
Mobile apps
Antonio Bartolomé (UB)
Manuela Raposo (Uvigo)
Students at elementary level sometimes struggle within the school system to learn basic literacy skills. How can a school monitor and share information with teachers as students are promoted using ICT?
ICT influences the learning process. Hence is there any previous study to measure it.
Greetings to all! Please help me to find a country statistics on the use of information and communication technologies in higher education (2002-2014). I'll appreciate any suggestion from your experience.
I'm trying to put together a list of educational software applications that are more than drilling exercises or trial-and-error. So far I found only a handful, surprised by how few there seem to be! So I throw the question out there: what educational software do you know of, that has been used in regular classrooms for a specific topic? Note: I'm not looking for just technological "tools" or resources that assume a task defined by the teacher, but applications that work more or less independently for training knowledge or a skill within the curriculum (e.g. biology, history, languages, math, however math seems heavily overrepresented). Target age group 4-15, possibly up to 19 years. Some good, well-documented examples I found are Betty's brain, SimStudent and Critter Corral (for young children). Surely there must be more, e.g. for training foreign languages? I'm very grateful for tips & if possible links where one can try the software!
I'm looking for research reports or scientific papers based on representative national samples. They have to be recent (since 2012), methodologically and statistically explicit. I'm looking for solid and hard data on the topic in North America, Europe or Australasia.
We create a research group to study ICT use on the learning improvement of dentistry students. We are basically evaluating the general use of the internet and other tools as complementary methods of presenting content. Our results demonstrate that, here in Brazil, the ICT educational potential still remains poorly explored. We are observing learning improvement when games, pictures, podcasts are offered, however, we are interested on new methodologies and ideas. We are also willing to contact other groups to propose the development of cooperative research.
I am calling for academics who are interested in contributing in a paper. I have already carried out a thorough literature review on the subject... I am enclosing an abstract herewith:
Can any one help me to find the right definition of the framework and model ?
Im working in a study investigating the use of ICT in Arabs schools and I would like to create a model or (Framework) that help to improve the use of ICT in education.
before I start I would like to know whats is the difference between Model and framework and what you think is much suitable from your opinion
What are the current studies / researches in the field of " ICT in education / ICT in Teachers Education"? Does anybody have any sources or any link please ? I'm Teaching ' ICT in Education' course to the Masters in Education students and interested to conduct research on my pre and in service teachers, looking for the standard tools ( if there any ) to justify the participants perspective or attitude towards ICT in Education.
In recent times and because of the rapid development, easy access and application of ICT in language education it is said that it can be well integrated with several approaches, especially with collaborative language teaching and learning. It would be important for a foreign language situation to have an understanding of the shared features that these two domains have for language teaching and learning.
The Saudi Ministry of Education 2007 supplied many schools with the most ICT equipment but found that after 2 years that most of the devices like (computer, Ipad and Laptop) didnt use by teachers and students and that half of those devices were broken. MOE 2014
Digitalisation (and not to be mixed with digitization, which means converting analogue signals into digital signals) of schools is a multifaceted social process involving multiple stakeholder groups, such as: teachers; pupils; and IT managers.
I would like to ask you all this specific question:
How and to which extent do you think that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) would influence/change teachers' daily school-related work situations/activities?
I have tried, in some of my works, to provide a measure of ICT skills based on previous works of Steayert 2002.
Does anyone know of similar research on this topic?
I am looking for examples (excluding large-scale initiatives such as LMS implementations) of innovative uses of new technologies created by teaching staff in university courses that have gone beyond the proof-of-concept stage and that continue to be adopted and adapted by other teaching staff?
Educational e-portfolio [1] applications facilitate students' reflection on their learning or courses. Through this reflection learning is supported. This approach is referred to as 'learning through reflection'. Please answer to any of the following questions beginning with the first ones.
Which educational e-portfolio web applications have you used or learned about? Could you provide a ranking or suggestion? Which is their type, for example commercial, open source or ad hoc? Do they feature interoperability with VLEs/LMSs? Do they offer social networking? What does their content management system provide (blogs, resumes, file management, views)?
You may also provide any interesting references.
Thank you.
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I want to know, if there are empirical studies, in which the conditions and outcomes of e-learning / blended-learning are evaluated? I'm especially interested in studies which have taken place in western europe. I'm not interested in general guesses or theoretical possibilities. Thank you.
Scholars are in agreement that the leadership role of the principal is critical in the implementation of ICT for teaching and learning. However, teachers seems to be reluctant in using ICTs to enhance professional curriculum practice.
My first version of the ICT competences framework aimed at teachers, has three dimensions “technological, pedagogical and research-professional development”, and two skill levels: level 1 (use) and level 2 (application and creation).
The technological dimension is based in interactions aspects with technology, and the efficient development in digital environment, so as the communication and collaboration in an effective way with other users. Furthermore, topics of computer security were added, undoubtedly necessary at present.
The pedagogical dimension include interaction, implementation and collaboration in virtual learning environments, elaboration or re elaboration of the learning resources in different media, so as the application of new didactic strategies, which take advantage ICT resources, oriented to the development of a critical, creative and innovative attitude in the students.
The professional-research dimension include aspects for the treatment of information pertinent to its development area, creation and participation in virtual research networks so as the spreading of its scientific and professional production.
It may be said that face-to-face teaching is the best method for EFL/ESL or foreign language learning. Do you believe that the Cloud concept is changing the future for face-to-face teaching and learning?
I'm doing my doctoral research in CLIL. Is anyone there with the same area of interest? Would you like to collaborate?
The advent of printing press was probably the first wholesome and (to date) the last invention that truly revolutionized the information transmission and archiving. It also had shaped the core teaching/learning systems with book(s) as the nucleus. Since then inventions like radio, TV, computer and Internet have created a lot of optimism but, till date, no revolutionary achievements seem to have been made
Do you think any of the contemporary developments have the potential of realizing the big dream?
I'm going to observe students doing learning activities using ICT. What I am looking for is the independent learning within their collaborative learning. Could anyone suggest any categories or pattern I'm supposed to expect from 15 - 16 year old students? Or if you have come across similar research, kindly share it here.
In short, there is a general idea that teachers are not much competent in using ICT for instruction and that it is necessary to re-educate them. When we try to do it, beliefs and other personal and professional characteristics, such as their pedagogical ways seem to be the strong barriers for the goal to enable them to use technology regularly in their practices.
In order to estimate efforts for a WEB software project we need to use a software cost estimation