Science topic
Hydroxides - Science topic
Inorganic compounds that contain the OH- group.
Questions related to Hydroxides
Debye-Huckel theory fails for such increased concentrations. On which assumption, researchers assume activity coefficient of hydroxide ions as 1.
When we want to calculate the hydrogen diffusion coefficient in a KOH electrolyte solution using impedance, is hydroxide being counted or hydrogen?
As a rule, when synthesizing geopolymers based on low-calcium aluminosilicates, caustic alkalis are used, i.e. hydroxides of alkali metals Na and K. Why do hydroxides of alkaline earth metals Ca and Mg not work for these geopolymers?
I'm following a paper for their HPLC methodology, but I'm having a hard time understanding how to make mobile phase A.
To quote:
"Mobile phase A is a mixture containing 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution and 20% tetrabutylammonium hydroxide solution (200:1, v/v)..."
I want to make a total of 500ml mobile phase solution.
My questions are:
1. How many grams or ml solution of potassium dihydrogen phosphate I should prepare?
2. How many grams or ml solution of tetrabutylammonium hydroxide I should prepare?
3. What does (200:1, v/v) mean?
Molecular weight
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4): 136.09
tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (C16H37NO): 259.47
I have very little background in chemistry and this is very confusing for me. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you!
It is observed that MnO2 stores charge by means of potassium (+) ion while cobalt oxide store energy by hydroxide (-) ion while both materials are employed as cathodes in separate systems.
I'm currently working on the PMS activation so I wonder about the difference between using MOF, metal oxide, or metal hydroxide as a heterogeneous catalyst, and what are the better ones. I'm looking forward to your answer. I truly appreciate your helping.
I have recently uploaded a research paper (Feasibility study of replacing currently used freons with Ammonium Chloride and Barium Hydroxide.
( on research gate and shared on facebook. Many of my well-wishers wish to study the paper but they were unable to find the article. What is this issue
The samples are Periwinkle shells, clam shells, whelks shells and snail shells. they were chemically activated by Sulphuric acid and Potassium Hydroxide.
The SEM and FTIR imagery is required for my Thesis.
Do defects of CNTs get occupied spontaneously with carboxylic acid and hydroxide functions only by being exposed to air?
During a green synthesis of Copper oxide nanoparticles using a given plant extract, Nano Copper hydroxide sulfate and nano copper oxide were formed . the xrd showed the presence of both( cuo and the hydroxide sulfate)
First i used NaOH to manipulate pH. Did the Nano copper hydroxide sulfate was formed due to the presence of NaOH or as a result of the used plant extract?
Second in the xrd, there are common peaks between both compounds. how can i realize if these peaks belongs to a given compound rather than the other?
Does anyone can offer a route to produce aluminium hydroxide nanoparticles in chloride solution especially using precipitation or hydrothermal method?
I am currently developing my SOP for sample injection into our soon-to-arrive Biorad Aminex HPX-42A column. The plan is to use HPLC grade water at 85°C for eluent. Based on the "Use and Care" guidelines provided for the columns, the HPX-42A has an acceptable pH range of 6-8. However, we intend to inject samples with a pH as low as 2. I would like to carry out neutralisation on the samples, but want to ensure that I am not causing any issues with my neutralising agent selection.
Are their limitations for neutralising agent use in samples to be injected into Aminex columns?
I am aware that there's a potential problem with counter ion replacement in these ligand exchange columns - if the cation that could exchange with the silver is in salt form, does this still pose a risk?
With a refractive index detector, there's a potential for eluent density fluctuation with salts that remain in the solution. Should I therefore use a neutralising agent whose salts precipitate? (Barium Hydroxide?)
Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
Can it help to improve the durability and corrosion resistance of the catalyst by minimizing the formation of surface hydroxide species or dissolution of the catalyst material?
Please cite some reference.
In theory, aluminum oxide as an amphoteric oxide can be soluble in strong alkali, and I used Y-alumina, but the experiment found that it is completely insoluble. Please find an explanation and dissolution method.
I mixed potassium hydroxide with pre-carbonized biochar in a ratio of 3 to 1. I heated the mixture in a tube furnace at 5 degrees/min, 800 degrees for 2 hours. Why did the activated biochar white in color and stick to the crucible? and there was an emission of large quantities of the sample. Please, I need answers urgently.
I am preparing LDH with co-precipitation method using aluminium chloride and calcium chloride. Upon addition of NaOH to AlCl3.6H2O and CaCl2.6H2O, not only LDH but also Al(OH)3 is formed. How should I prevent formation of this hydroxide?
Hi! I need to etch silicon out from glass surface and at the moment I have no acces to KOH. Can I use other hydroxides such as NaOH or Ca(OH)2 and expect similar results?
I am attempting to replicate a HPLC method for the determination of water-soluble vitamins and the mobile phase consists of 0.1M Phosphate buffer (pH 7).
The paper states that they made up the buffer by "the addition of 0.1 mol/L potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.1 mol/L potassium hydroxide"
However, I would usually make up this buffer by adding potassium phosphate dibasic and potassium phosphate monobasic (in the correct quantities) to water.
Are these two methods the same and would the resultant buffer be the same?
Thank you!
I have two questions.The first is, is a proportion of water taken to the binder in the geopolymer industry, as in ordinary concrete, or do we rely only on additional water, hydroxide water, and silicate water?Is the superplasticizer taken as a percentage of the binder or something else? as in ordinary concrete, or do we rely only on additional water, hydroxide water, and silicate water?Is the superplasticizer taken as a percentage of the binder or something else?
I want to convert my quaternary ammonium iodide to its acetate form. In literature I usually see that people start from the bromide salt and then convert it to acetate. Does anyone know why it is not common to use iodide as the substrate? And in case I want to use my iodide as the starting material is the ion exchange from iodide to hydroxide using a methanolic solution and an ion exchange column packed with strong basic resin (OH form) efficient enough? Because if it is efficient then I can react the hydroxide with stoichiometric amount of acetic acid.
I want to know how I would prep 500ml of 25% weight/volume potassium hydroxide. From this stock, how would I perpare a 0.1M working solution?
If you could give as much detail on working out too please. I'd like to understand.
I want to do ICP-MS and ICP-AES of the solution having pH >7. The alkalinity of the solution by Na and K hydroxides.
I need to find the electronic states of strontium hydroxide. while, the binding energy difference is small.
With due respect, I want to inquire about that how I can characterize some noble metal bonded in hydroxide form to some support. We can usually see with the XPS as there would be some binding energy difference but it's hard to differentiate between the chloride form of noble metal and hydroxide. We can see some difference at oxygen O1S in the form of metal-O bond (maybe) but the error range there is also very high. So is there any other possible characterization? Thanks!!!
My group start some research on the development of new biodegradable nanoparticles based zinc. We where intersted to observe that based powder X-ray diffraction analysis, it was almost no differences between the Zn oxide and the Zn hydroxide.
What is key to differentiate between both following your experiences based powder X-ray diffraction analysis!
Hi everyone,
I wanna know if there is a robust method of measuring the iodine content in the cow milk. For plant samples usually the lab I been working uses Tetramethyl amonium hydroxide (TMAH) to extract iodine from plant samples and measurement is done by ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometer). But we want to know how we can do it with milk.
We have tried synthesis of molybdenum hydroxide using MoCl5 aqueous water solution by simple electrodeposition on nickel foam as negative or working electrode. After deposition we got brown/black product on nickel foam. Since material is amorphous (checked XRD), we are not able to find its form (Mo(OH)2 or Mo(OH)4). please guide us and provide some references to investigate the deposited product. Thank you so much.
Does any one know a paper discussed the reversible reaction of aluminium hydroxide in sodium hydroxide solution? Send me suggested papers plz.
Hello all,
I'm having some difficulties with the issue. my system is combined of two layers stacked on top of each other (graphene and Ni(OH)2) using VESTA and the relaxed structure was achieved using VASP.
Rotation of the graphene layer will cause a rotation of its unit cell (for not breaking the symmetry in terms of periodic conditions in VASP) whereas the nickel hydroxide's unit cell will stay still (rotating graphene against nickel hydroxide).
My question is, how can I calculate a new unit cell from the basic unit cells of the two layers (one is rotated and the other is not) so the combined unit cell will give the right full structure of rotated layers in terms of periodic conditions? I'm guessing that using supercells could somehow fix the problem but it could be less accurate and more time consuming.
Thank you,
our company uses potassium hydroxide as an electrlite in a hydrogen production electolysis cell, and we have a big stock of sodium hyroxide , can we use this sodium hydroxide as an alternative?
and if yes what parameters should be changed?
My sample is a zeolitic membrane which includes Al, Si, Na, O, ethylene glycol, TMAdaOH (N,N,N-Trimethyladamantan-1-aminium hydroxide), trimethyl amine, and alpha alumina as a substrate. TGA occurs in 20-600 centigrade degree and in air. I expect a small weight loss and I face with this increase.
Is it related to ethylene glycol boiling temp and intensity to react with ingredients ?
or Is it possible to face such a result?
Anyone know of any bases with boiling points < 100C that I can pretty easily boil off after a reaction? the lower the better and cannot contain any amines so ammonia is out
thanks in advance!
Can you please send me JCPDS:
Bi oxide
Co oxide
Bi hydroxide
Co hydroxide
I am synthesizing a material and thus far based on other scans I thought that it was a metal oxide at all stages but it has been suggested that the as-synthesized compound might be a metal hydroxide which after I anneal becomes a metal oxide. I am trying to determine a way to tell the difference between the two.
I have done the standard characterization on the as-synthesized compound (XRD, Raman, EDS, XPS) and trying to determine if something in one test will show up if it is a hydroxide and be absent for the metal oxide form.
I saw that Raman might have some OH bonding out near 3200-3500 cm-1 that might not appear in the metal oxide version. In previous Raman tests I did not attempt to scan out that far. If that is true will scanning the higher wave numbers help me determine the difference or is there another method that might be easier and more certain to differentiate between the two materials? Thanks for any help.
Can 'Ethoxide' ions generate when ethanol and sodium hydroxide solution were mixed and boiled over 160 celcius degree?
I have 241 ppm EC50 values to F.oxysporum
I want to know the difference in kinetics of reaction would happen if MgO added in the form of carbonate and hydroxide during Iron ore sintering.
I am going to use iron (ii) and (iii) solutions in my experiment and need to prevent the formation of iron hydroxide. As the precipitation might occur at high ph and the target ph for my experiment is 5, I want to know if there are any other methods (chemical) to prevent the formation of iron hydroxides?
Regards and thanks.
Whether using a mixture of silicates and alkali solutions (e.g. Sodium/Potassium hydroxide and water glass) or an alkali solution on its own, how does its temperature affect the polymerization and setting time?
From my own experience I noticed the setting time to be significantly decreased when using a hot solution rather than a room temperature or cold solution.
Any input would be appreciated.
I could not find any specific name.
I am examining the materials for a silver discovery in Mexico in which a significant portion of the silver is refractory, hosted within argentiferous pyrolusite and aurorite. There is also the more easily accessible halides cerargyrite and bromargyrite, plus native silver. I interpret this to be a distal, lower temperature phase of an epithermal silver deposit environment.
I want to synthesize cobalt substutite alpha nickel hydroxide from Ni(II).(NO3)2 and Co(II).(NO3)2 precursor by increasing solution's pH.
During the precipitation reaction, anions in the solution are intercalated to Ni(OH)2 structure. To obtain a stable alpha nickel hydroxide, oxidation state of Co must be 3. But in the solution, cobalt's oxidation state 2.
Is it possible to synthesize Co+3 intercalated Ni(OH)2 from such a system.
Thanks in advance
In microemulsion method (synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles), why we use alkali hydroxide (NaOH aq or NH4OH aq solution) along with oil, surfactant and co-surfactant?
I appreciate the response.
Thank you.
is there a simple method for the wet activation of polystyrene using Potassium Hydroxide or Sodium Hydroxide? For activation, I intend the addition of Carboxylic group COOH to the surface of a common ELISA plate.
Thank you.
I try to synthesis Zinc Hydroxide by using Zinc Nitrate and Sodium Hydroxide.
I know that the excess amount of Sodium Hydroxide may lead to form Zn(OH)4.
So, I stoichiometry synthesis Zinc Hydroxide by using 0.1 M Zinc Nitrate and 0.2 M Sodium Hydroxide following by this literature. (Equal volume of Zinc Nitrate and Sodium Hydroxide + Single addition of Sodium Hydroxide to Zinc Nitrate solution (pH after mixing is about 8.4), then washing by pump filtration technique, and drying overnight at 50 C in the oven.)
Turn out that the white precipitate that I synthesized is quite a pure phase of Zinc Oxide (Identified by XRD) which is completely different from this literature. So, I wonder what is the cause of this problem?
Thank in advance
"Zinc oxide and zinc hydroxide formation via aqueous precipitation:
Effect of the preparation route and lysozyme addition"
I am trying to measure trace metals contents of 48% Potassium Hydroxide with ICP-MS (Agilent 8900 QQQ).
What would be the ideal dilution factor to measure it without contaminating the tool?
Last time, I tried 10% dilution, and it ended up pausing the tool. I also used 1.5% HNO3 for acidification.
If anyone has experience with measuring KOH, please share your advice. Thank you!
Hi all! I am trying to extract DBM from bovine and porcine bone, however removing the soft tissue has become time consuming. Doing some research, I found that dipping the bones in a 10% KOH (potassium hydroxide) solution would make it easier. However, I am concerned that this will affect my bone morphogenic protein.
Any help would be great!
Hello all,
I believe I've got (BiO)4OHCO3, but can't do employ my whole toolbox of techniques to confirm this because I can't find sufficient structural info on this phase. XRD pattern 00-038-0579 from ICDD's PDF-2 pointed me towards this phase- but our older database doesn't have structural info. I'd like to be able to run CrysTBox on the electron diffraction, and play with ball and stick models of this phase. If you have access to a reputable .cif, or can point me in the right direction, it would be very much appreciated :)
I tried to synthesize pure alpha Ni(OH)2 by chemical precipitation ( Ni(NO3)2 + ammonia) following the ( ).
after the 4hours chemical precipitation reaction, I washed with distilled water with stirring and dried the results at roomtemrature, vaccum state.
However, the problem is my product contains nitrate ions. the xrd and raman spectra shows that my alpha Ni(OH)2 has nitrate intercalation.
Are there any possible tips for making pure alpha ni(OH)2 by chemical precipition or removing nitrate ions from the product?
(except for changing nickel nitrate to other nickel salts/ ammonia to KOH or Na(OH))
Dear Researchers,
I am trying to optimize the metal complex and metal nitrate (Chloride and hydroxide) structure in the DFT with basic sets such as B3LYP/cc-pVDZ , B3LYP/LanL2DZ, CAM-B3LYP/cc-pVDZ , CAM-B3LYP/LanL2DZ using gaussian 9 software. But every time it stopped progress and shows link died. what would be wrong. how to solve this problem?

I am trying to increase the yield for the reaction below. I did the column and I saw that the major side-product is the symmetric dimer formed by 4-bromobenzyl bromide. I imagine that NaH is hydrolyzed and the ions hydroxide (NaOH) eliminate the bromide by SN2, then this molecule does a second SN2 on 4-bromobenzyl bromide.
I ordered a new NaH, however, our glove box is not available at the moment. So, I am trying to find a solution to increase the yield of this reaction and achieve a final synthesis in gram scale.
Aiming to hinder the hydrolysis of NaH, I am purging N2 into the old flask every single time that I need to open the NaH flask, but I am not sure that this technique avoids the salt hydrolysis.
Thank you!
FYI, I have used XRD analytical technique for phase identification of a crystalline transition metal hydroxide. The analyzed material was finely grounded. I got some short and long peak for particular compound. How can I identify these peaks?

Hello forum,
I would like to know if TBA.OH is volatile in mixtures of acetonitrile or methanol. I want to analyze peptides that were previously dissolved in TBA.OH-conatining solution, but dried and re-dissolved in 0.1% FA. Would TBA.OH have been evaporated?
Thank you!
Dear Colleages,
I want to know what is the hydroxide behavior in methanol? Will hydroxide remains as an ion like in water?
We recognized something interesting lately when dissolving iron(III)nitrate nonahydrate in pure alcohols: When dissolving litte iron(III)nitrate nonahydrate in pure alcohols, a solid forms, which is iron(III)hydroxide or iron(III)oxide. When adding more iron(III)nitrate nonahydrate, the solid dissolves and a clear liquid is obtained. The effect seems obvious to me: The hydrate water acts as additional solvent, and as water is a better solvent for any salts, the solubility is enhanced. Unfortunately this effect is superimposed by the oxidation of the alcohol, which makes it more complicated to investigate the phenomenon.
Is there any other solution known that has a similar behavior? A kind of "minimum solubility" of a salt?
Can I use ethylene glycol as solvent for polyelectrolytes bearing carboxylic groups or hydroxide ions at room temperature? Concerning that ehtylene glycol can serve as either base or acid, will it react with carboxylic groups or hydroxide ions at room temperature? Thank you!
My lab has just installed a new IC from thermo. I‘ve had no trouble at all finding other anions of intrest, other than iodide, which is pretty important to our work. I’m using hydroxide as the eluent, a 500 uL injection loop, and an AS28 column. I understand the case might be that I need to look into another column, but hoping anyone has been able to identify iodide with this column?
Lime is soluble in water to a small extent forming calcium hydroxide. What methods are available to increase the concentrations of calcium ions and hydroxide ions in aqueous solution?
Dear friends,
Why aluminium hydroxide reaction with hydrochloric acid AR give yellow solution.
we required clear solution.
Please suggest .
What is the photocatalytic mechanism of hydroxide based materials? Example : Mg(OH)₂, Ti(OH)₂, Fe(OH)₂,Ca(OH)₂ . How to write equation form of mechanism?
I am looking for either a temperature based equation or a graph of Cp versus T.
i. Arsenic hydroxide
ii. Selenium hydroxide
iii. Aluminium hydroxide
iv. Chromium hydroxide
v. Copper hydroxide
vi. Iron hydroxide
vii. Lead hydroxide
viii. Mercury hydroxide
References should be sent to me including:
a. Author(s)
b. Year
c. Title
d. Edition
e. Volume
f. Location
g. Publisher
In the synthesis of geopolymer cement, it is suggested to prepare the hydroxide solution 24 hrs before using it in the mixture so that it cools down. How the setting period is significant? If I used the solution 72 hrs after preparation, does that affect its reactivity?
Please attach any reference that discusses the reactivity of NaOH solution with time.
I have screened 2 fungal strains isolated from serpentine soil for the Cu tolerance (0 ppm - 2000 ppm). At the very first copper in the 1600ppm and 2000ppm (incooperated into Potato Dextrose Agar) were precipitated during the adjusting of pH of the media. But i continued the culturing of fungi in those concentrations also. After 12 days the results was their growth has decreased with the concentraion increment. But next time i added a same volume of EDTA of concentration 30 ppm to each copper concentration + PDA to avoid the precipitation of copper hydroxide. But after 12days the result was confusing. The growth of the fungi has increased with the increment of copper concentration. Can anyone please help me to solve this confusion.
Chloride salts of following organic bases are commercially available. How can I get their anhydrous hydroxide form?
N,N-dimethylamine, N,N,N-trimethylamine, Guanidine, N-mrthylguanidine and N,N-dimethylguanidine
a friend of mine found the following question in preparation tests for medicine:
How much water do you have to add to 1 ml of solution with pH 8 to reach pH 5?
I assume they want simply calculation pH = -log [H+]
But in reality, what would be the pH of for example NaOH with concentration e.g. 10^-9 M? In such case the concentration of OH- originating from the hydroxide would be 10^-9 M, so at first sight, one could say the pH would be pH = 14 - pOH = 14 - (-log(10^-9)) = 14 - 9 = 5.
But of course the hydroxide will not have acidic solution, because the water dissociates. Is there a (simple) way to calculate the pH?
Just to make sure - that question is nonsense, right?
Thank you
I have been looking into MSDS of KOH of 0.1 M, and it says use proper ventilation area while working. But in my lab, we don't have fume hood to work with. And I am not able to find any safety sheet on 0.001 M KOH solution. I would also like to know about any possible health effects of this.
What are the essentials for carrying out a reaction between lead nitrate and sodium hydroxide?
I am cunducting an experiment in which t have successfully removed phosphorus in the form of hydroxyapatite. My experimental results showed that the reaction might be diffusion contrlolled("Shrinking core model" in particular) and modelling also confirms the result.
I will be highly grateful if anyone kindly provide me with any relevant information.
Thank you in advance.
Hello All,
Is there any recommendation to modify chitosan by hydrazinium-hydroxide to increase amino groups? Thank you.
I am researching electrochemistry and supercapacitors seem very interesting to me, but poorly I don’t find very much research on really high-capacitance metal-oxide free ones. So I wanted to ask what were the highest capacitance values ever achieved in a metal oxide-and hydroxide free type? I am searching for 500F/g and ascending.
thanks a lot
I am trying to make 0.5M zincate solution in order to measure zincate crossover of my membrane. Basically, I need to dissolve zinc hydroxide in KOH, 7M solution to get it. However, I do not have zinc hydroxide in the lab. I was wondering if I dissolve zinc chloride or zinc sulfate in KOH, 7M. will I get zincate solution suitable for my test? or presence of chloride ot sulfate ions in the solution may intervene in the process? Thanks