Science topics: Environmental EngineeringHydro
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Hydro - Science topic
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Questions related to Hydro
Grid has export capacity of 1 MW. However, its capacity is not utilized for most of the months. I have been researching the methods to determine the optimal PV size that would make the best possible use of grid capacity. However, I have not been able to reach the conclusion on optimal sizing. On the basis of solar energy curtail profile, 1 MW seems to have maximum annual energy. However, up to 225kW there is negligible energy loss in the system. It seems that optimal capacity lies within in these range, but I need the optimization method that best work for this system.
Has anyone been researching in this domain? If you have done some related work can you please share your insights that how we can reach the solution of this problem ?
Thank you !
When we want to integrate solar PV with co-located hydro, which optimization method or process should I follow to determine the optimal PV capacity. The project has grid capacity of 1000kW and now I want to determine what would be the best suited capacity to integrate in the POC of hydro. The area is more than enough to install 10 MW of electricity however, the concern is capacity of solar PV. If anyone has idea about it, would you mind sharing please.
The components as well as the type of data needed to design an electronic load controller for a 300kVA alternator(robust) for a mini hydro(150kVA).
The familiar fluid (Fluro Hydro carbon) in data center immersion server's cooling is very dangerous to Enviromental, can we create fluid less than enviromental impact and high specification/ capacity in cooling ?
Who of all of you that see, read this will make action' with me to save this world from its NOW happening global thermodynamics of of a very bad exterminating start of 01/05/2047, and into a broiler oven actuality at 15/06/2048. That causes Hydro Thermodynamics as making this globe world into a steam cooker/\broiler.
I have the complete answer methodology to prevent the event of 2047 and thus be no 2048 Hydro Thermodynamics.
MOTTO. For the Love of our Planet Earth, For the Love and care of Life for all.
I give make Hope and care to Planet Earths future to betterment. I make Hope to Humanities continued future. I make hope and care for all living species of life forms upon planet Earth. My DESTINY with TPEOM is to provide actuality, and the actual way for a continued life for all.
This is my life’s total unconditional, absolute RESOLVE!!!!!
Time and the thermal radiation of the we tagged as our sun will continue as it is doing!
23 years of misery before exact conclusion as being INTO heat prostration. a condition marked by dizziness and nausea and weakness caused by depletion of body fluids and electrolytes. symptoms: heat exhaustion.
What is your Decision?
For a single hydro turbine blade design, if I consider amplitude = 10 mm and wavelength = 50, what should be the value for a whole blade with 3/5 blades?
there is an a hydro geochemical cycle parallel to the hydrological cycle .
I am Umar Faruk looking for an expert on the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydro carbon compounds, Amino acid and fatty acids profile in the smoke fish products.
Considering the competitiveness of Hydro power in the renewable energy sector in Nigeria
I am having trouble with my autodock4 after creating modified docking parameter files, when i run; autodock4 -p ligand_HYDRO_protein.dpf -l ligand_HYDRO_protein.dlg
i get this errer;
autodock4: I'm sorry; I can't find or open ""
autodock4: FATAL ERROR: autodock4: I'm sorry; I can't find or open ""
What am i missing?
Thank you!
I want help on separating all possible types of trend present in hydro logical time series. Please suggest me appropriate methodology to separate different types of trend (linear, nonlinear, and stochastic) that mostly present in hydro logical time series.
I need to know how muskrats and beavers adapt upstream of a hydro dam from irregular water fluctuations. In a natural river flow here, the water get very high in September, then flushes itself out before it will freeze over in early November. After that, the river level will lower over the winter creating some shelf ice. Hydro dams will let the big water flush out in the fall but only to a point when they need to retain a certain level for winter use for hydro power. This water retention coincides with freeze up, then this controlled water will begin to lower gradually over the winter as power demand is needed.
Soon after water usage begins to recede sometime in November, air space under the main ice begin to form. By the end of the winter, the river ends up rock bottom with a huge air space under the shelf ice.
Soon as the ice form in November, this is the time muskrats build their pushups and likely abandon soon after due to the air space impeding them to reach their pushups. I hope to capture this fall during a pushup survey with a spear.
So far, I only found researches done downstream of hydro dams.
Thanks so much
Hi everyone, I've been running this Sdevice code to obtain a 14 nm finFET thermal simulation, but the results doesn't match with the expected. Do you have any suggestions or tips that I could use to run this simulation? Thanks in advance.
# dessis.tpl
# for use with
#setdep @node|iClassDDmodToxWf@
#setdep @node|xreflect@
#define _Hmodel_ Hydrodynamic(eTemperature)
#define _EQUATIONSET_ Poisson Electron Hole eTemperature Temperature
#define _QC_ eQuantumPotential
Grid= "n@node|xreflect@_reflectx_msh.tdr"
Piezo= "n@node|xreflect@_reflectx_msh.tdr"
Current= "@plot@"
Save= "@save@"
Plot= "@tdrdat@"
Output= "@log@"
electrode {
#if "@Type@" == "nMOS"
{ name=gate voltage=0.7 }
{ name=gate voltage=-0.6 }
{ name=substrate voltage=0}
{ name=source voltage=0 Resistor=40 }
{ name=drain voltage=0 Resistor=40}
{ Name="substrate" Temperature=300 SurfaceResistance=1e-4 }
EffectiveIntrinsicDensity( BandGapNarrowing(OldSlotboom) )
eHighFieldsaturation( CarrierTempDrive )
SRH( DopingDep TempDependence )
Piezo( Model( DeformationPotential( minimum ekp hkp )
DOS (eMass hMass)
#if "@Type@" == "nMOS"
mobility(esaturationfactor=0.0 efactor(kanda sfactor=MCmob(Type=0)))
mobility(hsaturationfactor=0.0 hfactor(kanda sfactor=MCmob(Type=1)))
mobility (
Enormal(Lombardi(AutoOrientation) )
EffectiveIntrinsicDensity ( Slotboom NoFermi )
Recombination ( SRH(DopingDep) Auger )
Math {
NumberOfThreads= 8
*--Density and Currents, etc
eDensity hDensity
TotalCurrent/Vector eCurrent/Vector hCurrent/Vector
eMobility hMobility
eVelocity hVelocity
eQuasiFermi hQuasiFermi
eTemperature Temperature *
*--Fields and charges
ElectricField/Vector Potential SpaceCharge
*--Doping Profiles
Doping DonorConcentration AcceptorConcentration
SRH Band2Band * Auger
AvalancheGeneration eAvalancheGeneration hAvalancheGeneration
*--Driving forces
eGradQuasiFermi/Vector hGradQuasiFermi/Vector
eEparallel hEparallel eENormal hENormal
*--Band structure/Composition
ConductionBand ValenceBand
#if "@Type@" == "nMOS"
Solve {
*- Build-up of initial solution:
Coupled(Iterations=100){ Poisson _QC_ }
Coupled{ _EQUATIONSET_ _QC_ }
*- Bias drain to target bias
InitialStep=0.01 MinStep=1e-5 MaxStep=1
Goal{ Name="drain" Voltage= 0.7 }
) { Coupled { _EQUATIONSET_ _QC_ } }
Solve {
*- Build-up of initial solution:
Coupled(Iterations=100){ Poisson _QC_ }
Coupled{ _EQUATIONSET_ _QC_ }
*- Bias drain to target bias
InitialStep=0.01 MinStep=1e-5 MaxStep=1
Goal{ Name="gate" Voltage= -0.7 }
) { Coupled { _EQUATIONSET_ _QC_ } }
I started to use Arc Hydro tools' version of ArcGis 10.8 to perform the fill sinks step. I have made several attempts to complete the steps, but always displays a message saying there is a problem. If you have answers.
why the series compensated transmission lines connected to hydro power stations don't face the problem of subsynchronous resonance but the series compensated transmission lines connected to thermal or nuclear power stations or wind power stations faces the problem of subsynchronous resonance ?
For hydro power plants, turbine inlet valves spherical valves & butterfly valves are used . Also butterfly valves are used as penstock protection valve near dam or surge shaft.
My question is that which international standards are applicable for these valves. In India we have BIS standard for Butterfly valves ( BIS 7326) & spherical valves ( BIS 7332) , but these are very old & don't address the latest applicable practices .
In hydro power plants , pressure & power pulsations occur on various loads particularly on off peak regime , part loads , overloads, . Various standards are available for measurement of these parameters , but I have not come across any standard that defines the acceptance norm at operating conditions .
What is acceptance norm for pressure & power pulsation in Hydro turbines , any applicable standards ?
I was studying about the main technical issues regarding the control of large scale electrical grid level water turbines. I came across an article which states that control structures of hydro turbines have been more or less the same for sometime now. Is it because we have already solved the major technical issues already, or are there still some major technical limitations regarding hydro turbine in case of large scale electrical grid implementation that are being researched on?
Dear colleagues,
I have some Raman spectra that puzzle me - we did some coating with a hexane-Ar plasma on glass. Thus, I think the films are surely (hydro)carbon films. The Raman spectra we took show only three peaks (so, the glass substrate is neatly covered). My problem now is that I have troubles identifying these peaks, except for the one at 1344 /cm, which is the first order D peak of graphite in my opinion. But there are two more peaks, a quite sharp one at 1541 /cm and a broad one at 2853 /cm. The only value I could find in the literature so far for the former one would be single carbon nano tubes but this is not supported by SEM microscopy and for the latter one I have no clue. Maybe some Raman expert could help me with the identifaction. I attached a spectrum to have a look. The parameters of the measurement were: 1.6 mW Laser power at 532 nm.
There is a difference between height of Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. Could it be explored for hydro energy generation using PCHs technology?
Hey, I am using Hec geo hms and arc hydro tool for input of HEC HMS model. While processing for Basin centroid in HEC geo hms, i am incurring the error. Has someone been through such error? If yes, than how'd you resolve it.
Dear all,
This is Dileep Kumar Chandragiri, Did my Masters in Structural engineering from NIT Allahabad, India in the year 2007. I have around 14+ years of experience as a structural engineer in India, with experience gained a lot of exposure to economic design and good detailing.
- I have hands on experience in Structural analysis, Design & Detail drawings of Hydro Power, Metro & Road Tunnels, Residential, Commercial, Educational & Industrial Building Structures.
- I'm planning to do Master's in earthquake engineering (Research) from New Zealand. I'm interestingly looking for exceptional concept/research work to do. Please guide/suggest me on the project selection/topic which will be more beneficial for career prospective based on my experience.
My Proposal :
The area of my experience always governs the earthquake design. The Design of all Hydro power projects are in high seismic zones (Himalayan region) and the area is porn to large earthquakes in India.
Dam, Intake and powerhouse operation sustainability is a major concern for the Hydro power Projects in India.
I would like to contribute to the field through meaningful research in Earthquake Engineering on “Seismic risk assessment of Hydro Power components Dam, Intake and Powerhouse". Which includes detailed structural modeling, risk analysis in order to develop high-level retrofit strategies to save loss of life.
Please suggest on my proposal as well.
Thanks& Regards
Dileep Kumar
+91-9650376635 (WhatsApp)
Heavy fuel oil is a combenation of a large number of different hydro carbon chains. I no the difference between boiling and flash point. I am reasearching cavitation of pumps and valves on heated fuel oil systems and would like to find a chart or table where different fuel would start to boil. This is difficult since the different hydro carbon chains boil at dirrerent temperatures. But I am intrested where the first hydro carbon chains would start to boil and have the potential to lead to pump or valve cavitation?
I am developing my postgraduate thesis on the application of the i-Tree Hydro hydrological model with different scenarios of increase in urban trees and its ecosystem benefits compared to the increase in gray coverage in an urban watershed in Costa Rica. I would like to know if there are related studies in Latin America, since I only know one implemented in Colombia in 2019.
Dear Fellows , I need sources with technical data for growing herbs in a Urban Hydro Farm , in cold weather conditions
Can we use Tesla turbines in place of conventional Francis turbines for generating much more power and also achieve a greater amount of energy?
Dear all,
I have written a paper about predicting the separation efficiency of hydro-cyclone separators by means of machine learning algorithms. To this end, I have collected 4000 single data comprised of 14 inputs (14 features of hydrocyclone separator), and one target (separation efficiency).
I have been asked by the journal to include an analysis into the computational complexity of applied algorithms (ANFIS, MLP, LSSVM, RBF), in terms of either run-time or big-o-notation. However, as I understand, the run time must increase commensurately by increment in the size of data (or size of inputs). But, strangely I have found out that by the increase in data size, the run-time for the respective models reduces dramatically. So, I am left puzzled how to report this, cuz as far as I know the big-o-notation diagrams cannot have a negative slope (the reduction of runtime by the increase in data size).
From an engineering point of view, this can be justified by bearing in mind that the algorithms can better recognize the target when higher characteristics of hydro cyclones (inputs) are fed. But, this remains as a paradox analyzing it through AI engineering.
I appreciate it if you help me out with this matter
It's about quinine (alkaloids) andfluorescence test
Hydro chemical data analysis for the significance test.
I have ArcGIS Desktop 10.5, ArcHydroTools_x64 and HEC-GeoHMS 10.2 installed. I am able to run Preprocessing, Project Setup, and Basin Processing on the GeoHMS toolbar. When I run Characteristics or Parameters on GeoHMS, I get errors saying: "Tool not found. Please add GeoHMS Tools on the toolbox and try again!". For example when I run River Length on Characteristics, I get the following error: "RiverLenght tool not found. Please add GeoHMS Tools on the toolbox and try again!" I was able to load Arc Hydro tools into ArcToolbox, however I don't know how I can load GeoHMS tools into ArcToolbox. Please assist me. Thanks
I want to design PV/wind /hydro hybrid system for rural electrification.
We obtain solar, wind and other information from NASA and other websites. For finding the hydro information there is exist any way like NASA OR OTHER WAY
I know this won't be accurate but it is a last resort in an attempt to estimate hourly hydro discharge output and the relationship between reservoir water level. I have monthly discharge & water level and hourly water level. I need to extrapolate hourly discharge.
Dear colleagues
could you please suggest a simple method for study and evaluation the hydro geothermal resources ?
thanks an advance
The best mitigation measure to reduce atmospheric carbon will be promotion of green energy and increment of forest cover. However, Hydro-power development a source of cost-effective and low-carbon renewable energy adopted about 160 countries with capacity of 1209 GWe generates about 3500TWh per year along in Asia with 542GW installed capacity and 2,204 GW potential. Does promotion of hydro power development can contribute to reduce GHG or CO2 emission in the atmosphere than another green energy promoting technology ?
We would like to use a Dimethyl polysiloxane dispersing medium in the Malvern 3000 Hydro MV sample preparation. During use, we find that the background is very difficult to adjust and the bubbles formed interfere with the measurement. Could you suggest something?
Stirring was reduced, which helped, but even so, the first two signals fluctuate and the background is inadequate.
For Nuclear power plant, return period of flood to be considered in 10,000 years
For coal fired Thermal power plant it is 100 years
For gas fired Therma power plant it is ?
For Hydro Power plant it is ?
Also, is there any standard reference stating all these figures.
I invite you all to give your views on the following finding
Experiment Findings Conceptual HydroGIS Model development framework
Electricity generation expansion planning (EGEP) is a process of planning for additional generation capacity from certain energy sources (coal, nuclear, gas, wind, hydro, solar, etc) over a period of time because there is more electricity demand, and or the old generators' life cycle has come to an end. Optimization models are popular in EGEP.
I want to model and do an optimal control of transients in a hydro electric power plant but for that i need to know all the transients phenomenon that can happend in the hydroelectric power plant.
Which software is appropriate?
Much is said about the integration of renewable non-conventional sources. But does this improve the demand profile?
Hello all esteemed experts, I wish to learn design procedure for hydro mechanical components of hydro power step by step.Can you all please share your knowledge and whatever resources you have on design calculation for different hydro mechanical components of a hydro power (Intake gate, Penstock size and thickness, manhole, expansion joints, trashrack to name a few)
Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) and BPDB identified 19 potential small hydro sites in 1981. LGED has carried out a study in 2004 on prospective micro-hydro sites in the Chittagong Hill Tract regions and eight potential sites were identified with anestimated capacity of 135 kW .
What type of parameters are required for a vehicle to sense for flow mitigation and reduction of hydro carbons, carbon monoxide and carbondioxide.
I am getting strip line error in CARTO 10 m DEM. There is one strip of no data value strip which is causing error in hydro morphological operations.
suppose that a country will phase out the traditional thermal plants as well as nuclear plants and replace them with renewable (wind-solar) farms. However, due to good potential of rivers, the main load is targeted to be met by Hydro plants and pumped hydro storage facilities. Can anyone picture the negative points of such a scheme?
I am developing a SOP for soil texture analysis (mastersizer 3000 hydro EV, wet process) but I find different results each time;
I have to decide on:
-Choice of refraction and absorption index (I use 1.53 and 0.1)
Choice of dispersion (I use pre-measured ultrasound for 5 min with a frequency of 50% (max 40Khz)) but it does not allow disintegration if the agitation is low.
-Choice of agitation (2500 rpm) that breaks down the particles and the soil becomes silty to clayey.
-20% sucking
-Choice of measurement time.
Thank you for your feedback
In case of load frequency control for interconnected power system, which have different conventional energy sources( Thermal and Hydro generators each having 2000MW) along with DFIG based wind turbine of 3.6MW.
1. How we convert the 3.6MW turbine parameters on a common base.
2. For inertial support mode , what configuration should used.
A form of clean/ green energy alternative sources
(if large scale energy storage systems are pumped hydro, CAES etc)
One compound is Completely Hydro Carbon and aromatic. The another one also but having Two Halogens. Even eluting the mixtures in Preparative TLC by n-pentane, the spots were not separating. I wants to separate the Compounds without Prep.HPLC.
- Like I used ANN controller in DFIG associated with small hydro power plant, I am used ANN controller in rotor current in q-axis for controlling the active power and in d-axis for controlling the reactive power. But the mean square error is coming around 3000 .is it correct or not?
I'm looking at Earth Volumetric Studio, Arc Hydro Groundwater with Subsurface Analyst add on, and Hydro GeoAnalyst. I'm working with large testhole data sets and want to create 2D cross sections for publications and 3D volumetric models. I'm mainly concerned about modeling glacial out-wash aquifers. Any suggestions or thoughts on software?
I am looking for video, exercise, practice options, books and tutorial of python for atmosphere and ocean science (climate, hydrology, hydro climatology, cryosphere).
Hi BT. I'm over here in Nepal - dealing hydro developments. Rockmass/tunnels here need love (and your mathematical brain power). Neighbouring headrace tunnel - typical squeeze. Anyhow your paper is welcome - as a tool for us. Hope you are doing great. Cheers
I want to fabricate CoMnO3 nano particles through one step hydro thermal method. i kept the FTO inside the atocalve but the nano particles have very low adhesion with FTO glass what should i do any idea plz?
Among the various conventional sources, hydro-electricity is a source of reliable and flexible energy. PHES is the world’s largest energy storage system, representing more than 90% of installed storage capacity worldwide. PHES plants serve the grid in wide range of applications as a source of flexibility.
Some of the major applications of pumped storage hydro plants could be peak shaving, load balancing, frequency regulation, back-up reserve, spinning reserve, quick start capability, black-start capability and voltage support etc. Ramping capability is a major indicator of flexibility available from a generating station. Despite hydropower’s seasonal nature, the flexibility viz. overload capability, fast ramping & peaking support etc. rendered by hydro generators has immense value for balancing of grid and for reliable, secure and economic grid operation. Its ability to run as a synchronous condenser also helps significantly in managing reactive power imbalance & controlling voltage, thereby ensuring power quality & voltage stability.
In view of all such capabilties PHES could be a very good candidate to support RE integration and grid balancing.
I am working on synthesis of nano metal chalcogenides-Copper sulfide, tungsten sulfide and molybdenum sulphate (nanoparticles). currently i have done experiments on hydro/solvothermal and microwave irradiation method. I aimed for different morphologies but have got uniform particles from 40-60nm.
I look forward for hirearchial structures. Kindly let me know which is the better alternative for such hirearchial structures.
Also i aim at getting covelite (CuS) but have got digenite (Cu1.8S-non stoichiometric) structures. Kindly help me out. Also suggest which is the better respective metal and sulphur source.
looking forward to your replies!!!
thanks and regards
According to API 6D, minimum duration for hydrotest is 2 to 30 minutes. What happens if the duration exceeds those. Is n't there a maximum time?
Landfill site selection is one of the most important tasks for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Management planners. Rajshahi is considered to be one of the most growing cities with enormous potentialities to physical and environmental development. The city has taken over air pollution, and it should now shift their focus on preparing to face the consequences of rapid urban growth. With completely unorganized solid waste management even after the absence of industries and mega industries, the city surely has a chance of collapsing in the time of any large development movement. To encounter the potential risk, we are trying to identify the suitable place to dispose of Metropolitan Solid Waste in Rajshahi Metropolitan area with the combination of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) considering Environmental, Technical and Social factors. In order to select suitable site for landfill several important criteria, such as geology/hydro geology, land use, slope, aspect and distance from settlements, surface water body, roads, railway, streams, and protected areas were chosen according to standards and regulations.
Do you think there are any other effective elements that can be added to this list?
We have the Mastersizer 3000 with a Hydro MV dispersion unit. My emulsion is with sunflower oil but I don't want to use it as a dispersant so i'm looking for an oil with similar properties. I tried mineral oil however I feel it is too viscous. When I empty the dispersion unit the oil still stays in the tubes and the measuring unit which makes it very difficult to clean between samples. Any ideas how to solve this? Thank you
can you suggest a good software I may use ?
Hydro logical models are suitable to predicate stream flow and sediment .yield.
Following are the conversion pathways for sustainable bio-jet fuel production.(Serial 1-4 are ASTM certified)
1.Hydro- processed Esters and Fatty (HEFA)
2. Fischer-Tropsch (FT)
3.Direct sugars to hydro carbon (DSHC)
4.Alcohol to jet (ATJ)
5. Pyrolysis
6. Hydrothermal Liquefaction
In order to make a business case we must link conversion techniques with the feed-stock (2nd Gen.)
Literature focuses on any one type of feed-stock. For example in agriculture waste, wheat straw would be considered for Gassfication and FT, but it can also be considered for Alcohol to jet or Direct sugars to hydrocarbon.
Here is my categorization:
1. HEFA-Algae and non-edible oil seeds
2. For all other pathways MSW, Forestry residue, agriculture waste, wood waste.
There is a hydro plant upstream and a downstream power plant. The discharge of the upstream plant was decided to be increased from 40-70m3/s, meanwhile the downstream plant is completely dependent of the upstream plant ( the former has no own reservoir). So, the upstream plant provides a short-term regulation for the downstream plant, the downstream plant has a max discharge of 45m3/s. So, in case we increase the discharge at the upstream plant we will have around 70-45=25m3/s water spillafe because of no short-term regulation downstream. Those 25m3/s will be spilled 6 hours per day so 25*6= 150m3/s (1,8GWh production loss in a year) per day spillage downstream. The question is how to calculate the monetary value of that spillage? Do I just need to mulptiply those 1,8GWh by the average power price?
System stability conditions are affected by operating patterns and load patterns. Because interference can cause stability to become a major problem on the generator side, stability appears in accordance with mechanical and electrical rotor angle fluctuations so that the use of new technologies and controls is needed, to improve operation under oscillation conditions. The Extreme Learning (ELM) engines is used to detect early warnings during transient conditions.
Yuli Asmi Rahman, A.S., and irwan Mahmudi, Stability Issues in Presence Variable Distributed Generation Into Radial Distribution Network International Conference on Industrial Electrical and Electronics (ICIEE) 2018.
Siswanto, A., et al., Stability improvement of wind turbine penetrated using power system stabilizer (PSS) on South Sulawesi transmission system. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018. 1941 (1): p. 020036.
Gunadin, I.C., Z. Muslimin, and A. Siswanto. Transient stability improvement using allocation power generation methods based on moment inertia. in 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs). 2017.
i want to know how to calculate the propeller dimension
is there any diffrent between propeller in water and air turbine ?
can some one give me a refrence to design my on propeller so i can use it in my hydro electric power plant
There is evidence that the Alternating Current (AC) total interference of power lines may have negative impact on personnel and equipment in close vicinity. The evidence show that the touch voltages increases with increased distance between electromagnetic source and human body.
What is the chemical composition to be considered for Consequence modeling for heavier hydrocarbons like crude oil/Vacuum residue/Vaccum gas oil/Diesel,, etc.?
What is the general practice and referance guidelines?
I do have the initial flexibility of the hydro power plant (as a %). So, in case I want to calculate the new flexibility due to the refurbishment of the plant (I have found the price index, which is 1,12). How can I calculate the new flexibility in % of the average price, if I have the average price. the price index, the production and the income from flexibility?
Hello, can anybody help me to find a precise protocol for preparing a methanolic and hydro alcoholic extract of watermelon seeds?
i can't find the methods in articles.
thank you