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Hurricanes - Science topic
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Questions related to Hurricanes
Identifying tropical storms and determining storms and their paths have been challenging issues among climatologists. In one of the first studies on extraterrestrial storms, the frequency of tornado and anticyclone centers as well as the destruction centers of these atmospheric systems in the Northern Hemisphere was studied (Smagorinsky, 1950). Some early studies have shown that the North Atlantic Ocean, especially west and east of it, the North Pacific Ocean and the Mediterranean basin, especially during the cold period of the year, are the main tornado centers in the Northern Hemisphere (Withaker and Horn, 1984). . In early studies, a storm was manually identified and routed from synoptic maps, which was a time-consuming task (Flocas et al., 2010). However, due to the entry of computers into the world of science, automatic and machine methods made hurricanes objectively and intuitively identified and routed on digital maps (Ulbrich et al., 2009). Routing cyclones can be a useful tool to classify them based on their size (Rudeva and Gulev, 2007), their physical properties (Blender et al., 1997), and the degree of disturbance they cause in the atmosphere. Due to the lack of a single scientific definition of extraterrestrial storms, a large number of identification and tracking methods have been developed (Neu et al., 2013).
The first target method for Mediterranean storms was introduced by Alpert et al. (1990). In their study, they used ECMWF data based on monthly data for a 5-year period (1982-1987) to analyze storm frequencies and tornado tracks with low temporal and spatial resolution (12-hour temporal resolution and 2.5∘ spatial resolution). they used ). For this purpose, the minimum level of geopotential height of 1000 hectopascals was introduced with the interpolation approach to identify surface cyclones. For routing, the elliptical search area was used to determine the cyclone in the next step, whose main axis was determined using the 700 hPa wind vector. A gradient of 0.5 hPa at 500 km was determined as a criterion for identifying storms in four directions (north, south, east, and west) (Blender et al. (1997) from a two-step approach to identify mid-latitude storms and storm tracks in North Atlantic Ocean. The authors first considered the minimum geopotential pressure as a cyclone. This minimum pressure should occur on a 3x3 grid with a spatial resolution of 1.1x1. The positive slope was a height of 200 meters per 1000 km. After identifying the storms and clustering them using the k-means method, the storms were clustered in three types of storm tracks Their activity was mostly around the place of their formation. The second group of storms was identified as northeast cyclones. They moved east and west in a shorter spatial and temporal range and seemed to have a more limited regional activity.
In another study, Sinclair (1997) used ECMWF circulation data to identify and intuitively track bi-hemispheric storms, showing that they form and intensify in the Northern Hemisphere, near the eastern seaboard of Asia and North America. In the Southern Hemisphere, hurricanes form in mid-latitudes and in the oceans off the east coast of South America and Australia and break up in high latitudes. Mehmet et al. (2004) studied the variability of tornado tracks in Turkey and showed that the dominant tornado tracks are the tracks with the highest frequency of storms in winter. Picornell et al. (2001) identified and navigated western Mediterranean hurricanes for the period 1995–1999 at high resolution (0.5).
Does anyone know how hurricane are modeled in MATLAB? And how do I use its outputs to show the impact on the distribution network?
When a cyclone reaches land, it loses the energy of water vapor condensation, which is maximum over the sea. In a tropical cyclone, the energy of condensation comes in impulses. The night impulse is related to the diurnal variation of temperature. The daytime and nighttime surge of condensation is related to gravity (solar tide). For more details, see the dissertation of my graduate student Vadim Doli. Thus, the destruction of a tropical cyclone on land depends on the phase of diurnal and semidiurnal cycles of water vapor condensation. See my question "Why was Hurricane Katrina a disaster in 2005, but Hurricane Rita was not? They had the same energy." Maybe there is another explanation?
Interested but not limited to the following.
- Treatment centers
- Key Opinion Leaders/treaters on the island
- Prevalence
- Protocols
- Effects of Hurricane Maria on any of the above
- Resources
During 2018, Puerto Rico has exposed to many devastating hurricanes along with many other parts of USA. In Puerto Rico, hurricanes have created disaster in the society. There is no doubt that Puerto Rico has experienced major hurricanes during 2018. However, the country was not in the list of Top Ten “Long Term Climate Risk Index (CRI) in the past. Surprisingly, Global Climate Risk Index 2019 by GERMANWATCH has placed the country in the top of the list.
Can we define climate risk like that?

I would like your intuitive and diverse opinions of important variables or factors affecting the number of tropical storms such as hurricanes and typhoons on our earth.
The Southeastern region of the United States of America, including Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and the Caribbean archipelagos are being devastated by a higher number of hurricanes than ever before--Why? Are these stronger and more frequent wind and rain storms evidence of (1) global warming; or (2) climate change?
5. Mody L, Meza J, Kaufman M, Smith A, Shostrom V and Smith P. PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS IN NURSING HOMES. Gerontologist (2008) 48: 300.
6. Cefalu CA. Disaster preparedness for long-term care facilities. Annals of Long-Term Care (2006) 14: 31-3.
7. Frietag D. Facing down hurricanes and whirlwind surveys. Director (Cincinnati, Ohio) (2005) 13: 52-3.
8. Anonymous. Is your facility up to snuff on fire safety, physical plant issues?. LTC regulatory risk & liability advisor (2001) 9: 1-3.
Book Review:
"Governing Disaster in Urban Environments: Climate Change Preparation and Adaption after Hurricane Sandy" by Jonathan Davies, Urban Studies
During the past two decades, the issue of environmental pollution has received increased attention and support at both the scientific and public levels. Pollution has spread to the Earth's atmosphere resulting in devastating natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes and tidal waves such as Tsunami. Global warming caused by the accumulation of carbon dioxide and other gases and toxins from factories and car exhausts led to high temperatures to unacceptable limits affecting all over the world and is getting worse in developing countries. Humans stay healthy due to the safety and cleanliness of the environment in which they live. The more pollution in the environment in which humans live, the more vulnerable they are. The environmental pollution is unfortunately accelerated in our environment today for many reasons. Micro, chemical, or radiation contamination of food and water have caused significant pollution in the environment. This has spoiled the quality of life and became the greatest threat to the world, whether industrial or non- industrial, because pollution passes on all countries and there are no limits preventing it and it was necessary to address this great danger coming to our natural world.
Hi everyone!
I am currently working on a thesis that has to do with social media analysis of disaster communications. Is there anyone who could point me to where I could get access to twitter data sets on Hurricane/Cyclone Debbie (2017) please? I can't afford Twitter firehose fees as I am a PhD student.
It seems that the moon is getting farther away from Earth. Yet, storms are getting more violent. Why? Do these ferocious storms (tornadoes, hurricanes, rain-wind-thunder-lightning storms) occur when the moon is closest to Earth?
In several countries, Civil Engineers work for the disaster(flood, cyclone/typhoon/hurricane, tsunami, storm surges) preparation, mitigation and disaster risk reduction. In Bangladesh, I found something different and mostly social scientists are evolving for the disaster resilience even though in academy.
The design mechanisms and methods of the invention are intended to minimize the problems associated with building safety in the event of natural phenomena such as earthquake, hurricanes, and lateral gusts of strong winds. This is achieved by controlling the deformations of the structure. Damage and deformations are closely related concepts, since by controlling the deformations, controlled and damage. The invention controls deformations, irrespective of the duration and intensity of the earthquake. It regulates shaking to the limits of the elastic displacement, preventing, inelastic displacement.
According to the present invention, this can be achieved by a continuous pre-stressing ( applied by the upper edges of the walls of the building) of both the building structure towards the ground and of the ground towards the structure, making these two parts one body Said pre-stressing is applied by means of the mechanism. Said mechanisms comprises steel cables crossing freely (through pipes) the edges of the structure vertical support walls and also the length of drillings beneath them. Said steel cable's lower end is tied to an anchor-type mechanism that is embedded into the walls of the drilling to prevent it from being uplifted. Said steel cable's top end is tied to a hydraulic pulling mechanism, exerting a continuous uplifting force. The pulling force applied to the steel cable by means of the hydraulic mechanism and the reaction to such pulling from the fixed anchor at the other end of it generate the desired compression in the construction project. Basically we have build one clamped structure with the ground from the nodes of the highest level. But if we want, we have the mechanism to impose compressive tensions from the nodes of the highest level at the edges of the wall sections. Before we build the foundation of the building, we apply tension to the tendons (twice the design stresses that the mechanism must take) between the height of the foundation soil surface and the anchoring mechanism at the depths of the drilling. When pulling the tendon, the anchor mechanism expands, exerting peripheral radial pressures on the loose slopes of the drill, ensuring (a) condensation of loose slopes, and (b) great friction at the interface of the jaws of the mechanism and the soil, creating conditions of relevance for the locking of the mechanism in the ground. While maintaining the mechanical stresses, we place an injection of reinforced concrete into the hole for further adhesion. By completing the locking of the mechanism in the ground, we have an in-depth foundation mechanism that successfully receives the upward and downward tensions of the construction walls. It follows the gradual construction of the project and the free passage of the tendons through the edges of the walls through diode tubes. The extension of the tendons is applied with bolt connections. There is the possibility, to have a simple clamped structure with the ground, or alternatively, we can apply compressive tensions to the cross-section with the mechanisms.
One method of the design methods, includes the construction of a sufficient number and size of reinforced concrete walls, with cross sections of different geometric shapes and directions, placed in the appropriate positions, in which the mechanisms impose on their upper edges compressive loads on all sides of their cross-section, in order to apply stability moments, against torsional moments. The compressive loads in the cross sections are derived from an external force, that of the foundation soil.
The walls may be on the perimeter of the building, (excluding shop facades) to surround the stairway and the elevator, (strong wells - cores) and possibly be internal walls separation of apartments, extending throughout the height of the building. The placement of many strong walls brings great stiffness, and a substantial reduction in the fundamental natural period of construction. This, combined with the view q = 1, leads to a correspondingly large increase in the seismic loads of the structure. However, it should not be overlooked that precisely because of the many strong walls the strength increases or, otherwise, the cross sectional loads are reduced, despite the large increase of seismic loads. The walls under seismic excitation receive torques (M), right forces (N) (compressive and tensile), and shear forces (Q). The wall under the compressive stresses of the mechanism, increases its strength, to the shear forces (Q) up to 36%. Enforcement of compressive forces in the cross-sections of the walls, is applied, to zero the tensile stresses, to create the torque of stability, against the wall torque overturning, and increasing the cross-sectional strength to the shear force. The application of compressive forces to cross sections has very positive results as it improves the orbits of the oblique tensile strength, ensures reduced cracking because there are compressive forces, while increasing the active cross section of the wall.
The compressive forces (N) are taken up by the cross-section of the wall and transferred to the grounding mechanism, which sends them into the slopes of the drilling. The mechanism increases the strength of the loose foundation soil creating strong territorial zones to receive static loads. Upward tensions and vertical load components of the wall create tensile strength (N). Upward tensions, which overturn the wall, are received by the tendon from the nodes of the highest level and deflecting these directs them into the ground, removing one of the two forces that creates the tension on the wall side. This method stops the rotation of the base shoe, and the bend of the wall, causes, which generate the torque of the nodes (M) responsible for the bending of the trunk, of the beam and of the wall. The tensile stresses (N) on the wall side no longer exist.
With the design method, of the clamped structure from the nodes of the highest level with the ground, hope I will deflect the inertia tensions of the construction and direct them straight into the ground, removing those from the areas currently driven, preventing and avoiding deforming shapes, which are so many, as well as the various directions of earthquake displacements, so that the tension in the structure,
to appear limited, while at the same time ensuring a stronger bearing capacity of the foundation soil. If we design the correct dimensioning and shape of the walls, and place them in appropriate locations, we prevent the torsional buckling which appears in asymmetrical and metallic high-rise constructions. The opening of the drilling shows us the quality of the foundation soil, which hides many surprises because of its natural inhomogeneity. The clamped structure does not allow vertical bounces, eliminating impact stresses that increase construction and ground loads. It maintains the construction, within the limits of the elastic phase of displacement, irrespective of the intensity and duration of the earthquake, preventing coordination.
The Mechanism of relevance. Problems and solutions.
The collaboration between concrete and steel is achieved with the relevance. By the term relevance defined the combined action of the mechanisms which prevent relative slippage between the reinforcement bars and the concrete surrounding them. The mechanisms of relevance are adhesion, friction and, in the case of steel bars with ribs, the resistance of the concrete that is trapped between the ribs. The combined action of these mechanisms considered to be equivalent with development shear stresses in the concrete and steel interface. When the stresses reach limit resistance, relevance of concrete is destroyed along the length of the steel rods and the steel rods are detached from the concrete.
A) The first problem of relevance is created by the high strength of steel, which turns the failure in shear failure and is extremely brittle. To solve the problem of shear failure, we need to ensure that it will not be created. As a partial solution of the problem , we know the following. The reduction of stresses is achieved by increasing the concrete coating and reducing the diameter of the reinforcement bars. The increase in the limit value of strength, is achieved by increasing the strength of the concrete. Placing horizontal reinforcement works favorably, limiting the opening of growing cracks. 1) Requested.
A method where the concrete receives only compressive forces and the steel receives only tensile stresses.
B) Second problem, uncounterbalancing, forces
When the wall is bent, are being developed, compressive forces on one side and tensile stresses on the other side. When the tensions reach to a marginal
point a failure occurs in a specific area of the cross section at the bottom of the ground floor which it is called critical failure area which you notice the maximum concentration of compressive and tensile stresses. It's the area where it exists the bend of the wall and which separate their direction the tensile forces in left and right directions, and the region of the other side,
where they collide the compressive forces. The contrast of the tensile forces
in this area, separates the trunk of the wall in two parts with uncounterbalancing, forces. The lower region receives higher stresses,
(those of the great moments where the lever arm of the wall lowers down to the base) with a shorter length of relevance. The result is early inexpediency
and failure of relevance. 2) Requested
A cooperation method of concrete and steel, in which will presented counterbalancing, forces.
C) C) Third problem. Lever arm.
The walls are powerful lever arms, where their height extends from the roof to the base. They have an invisible fulcrum at the point of bending and a articulation located at the side of the base. The method of reinforcing the concrete, with the mechanism of relevance, helps the lever arm to multiply
and to lower very high torques at the base, imposing large torque loads in the cross section of the wall and the body of the foot girders. In the large longitudinal columns
( walls ), due to the large moments which occur during an earthquake, it is practically impossible to prevent rotation with the classical way of construction of the foot girders.
A method of reinforcing the concrete where it does not exist the mechanism of lever arm that multiplies the tensions of torques which drops to the base.
A) In the new design method for the cooperation of cement and steel, the concrete receives only compressive forces at their two opposite ends, up and down, and steel receives only tensile strengths. We know the concrete it can withstand 12 times more in compressive forces than it does in tensile forces, and that the steel has high tensile strengths.
The absence of shear stress in the concrete and steel interface, which is achieved by the free passage of the tendon through the concrete cross sections of the wall with the help of the passage pipes, combined, with the high strength of concrete in the compressive forces, as well as the high strength of steel in tensile stresses, are three great factors offered by the new method which contribute to higher strength of construction, with less steel.
Because with this method do not exist the premature material failure of the concrete and the concrete, giving steel the time to exhaust its specifications for its high tensile strength.
Economics in steel with greater durability. All that needs to be calculated is the cross sections of the concrete, to has the required strengths to compressive forces and the steel the corresponding strengths in tensile stresses.
B) The new design method does not present non counterbalancing, forces as presented in the relevance Tensions are applied at both ends of the tendon.
At the upper end it receives compressive forces resulting from its application
torque stability of the mechanism, against upward tensions of the wall overturning torque. At the lower end of the tendon we have frictional tension between the bars of the clamping mechanism and the drilling slopes. The tensile stresses in the cross section of the tendon separate in the middle of its length.
Result. balance of tension equilibrium, counterbalancing forces, up, down
C) The new design method eliminates the lever arm mechanism and the large torques that are lowered near the base. Because there is no torque at the nodes, there is no bend in the wall responsible for the lever arm mechanism, which increases the torque intensities, if there is no tensile on one side of the wall, as well as if there is no turning of the wall.
Result. a) Removes stresses from the construction b) Removes tension from the tendon of the mechanism c) Does not lower any torque on the base.
And where are directed these tensions are removed;
Inside the ground. Today we drive them cyclically over the sections of the bearing elements
As it is known, sandstorms and hurricanes have huge amounts of energy, do you think it is possible to reduce their risk by depleting some of this energy and using it to generate electricity ???

It could be simple: a mine= a school or an Hospital. If mining societies weren't so stupidly greedy, they should get aware it could help a lot of people, and that way, maybe they won't be bothered by local maffia and maybe, if offering a new quality of life, maybe they could prospect in zones they weren't welcome. Mozambique, for example, needs everything, after last year hurricanes. Nobody, not Romans neither Portuguese, dug for gold, because it was founded in alluvial sands.
Dear Colleagues/Researchers,
I'm trying to find out the physics how a fast and slow (separately) moving Hurricane/Tropical Cyclone/Typhoon influence storm surge generation. But so far I haven't found any detail explanation except some generalized statements.
What are the differences among the hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones?
The Ultimate Anti-Seismic System
My name is Ioannis Lymperis and I live on a small island of Greece called Ios I have a patent for the anti-earthquake technology of construction
I have invented a design method and a mechanism that joins the nodes of the highest level of the structures with the foundation soil in order to stop the deformations.
The control of structural deformations in a major earthquake is associated with the brittle damage of the structure.
The question is. Do you want to work together?
Do you want research collaboration to prove the theoretical and experimental results of the project?
I would be delighted to have a positive answer.
I have a solution to all the problems of the earthquake.
My applied theoretical and experimental research has a ten-year duration.
The simplest description of the method I can do is that if we join the nodes of the highest level with foundation ground, it will withstand larger lateral overturning forces than another wall that simply rests on on the ground. If we stop the primary torque of the wall overturning by this method we have stopped the displacement of the structure. By controlling the displacement of the structure, you also control the failures .
It is a method that uses a mechanism to pontoon all the upper edges of the construction walls with earth and which dynamically deflect the lateral load of the earthquake through the vertical support of the walls and the tendon of the mechanism, and directs them into the ground controlling in this way the displacements of the construction which causes deformations responsible for structural failures on the trunks of bearing elements.
Brief Description of the Invention
The principal object of the hydraulic tie rod for construction projects of the present invention as well as of the method for constructing building structures utilizing the hydraulic tie rod of the present invention is to minimize the aforesaid problems associated with the safety of construction structures in the event of natural phenomena such as earthquakes, hurricanes and very high lateral winds. According to the present invention, this can be achieved by a continuous pre-stressing (pulling) of both the building structure towards the ground and of the ground towards the structure, making these two parts one body like a sandwich. Said pre-stressing is applied by means of the mechanism of the hydraulic tie rod for construction projects. Said mechanism comprises a steel cable crossing freely in the centre the structure’s vertical support elements and also the length of a drilling beneath them. Said steel cable’s lower end is tied to an anchor-type mechanism that is embedded into the walls of the drilling to prevent it from being uplifted. Said steel cable’s top end is tied to a hydraulic pulling mechanism, exerting a continuous uplifting force. The pulling force applied to the steel cable by means of the hydraulic mechanism and the reaction to such pulling from the fixed anchor at the other end of it generate the desired compression in the construction project.
My own experiment. The model in this experiment
From 2.45 minutes to 2.50 minutes, that is, within 5 seconds, made 20 journeys of 25 cm ... so in 20 seconds made 80 journeys with 25 cm of oscillation width. These oscillations from one end to the other measure, and their respective time in sec. Frequency (Hz) is the fraction: v = number of such paths / corresponding time. 80/20 = 4Hz ...9.81 is the acceleration of the earth and we divide it with the acceleration we found to find the g. That is, how many times the acceleration is accelerated by a body that falls on the earth. In a natural earthquake I did this experiment with a 0.25 cm oscillating amplitude and a frequency of 4 Hz we have an acceleration ... a = (- (2 * π * 4) ^ 2 * 0.22) / 9.81 3,14x2 = 6,28x4 = 25,12X25,12 = 631,0144X0,22 = 157,754 / 9,81 = 16 g acceleration
The specimen in the experiment had a general mass weighing 880 kg. The second floor because of the inverted beam it carries is more pounds than half so I would say it is about 450kg and the ground floor is 430kg So to find the inertia force F first on the ground floor we say ... F = m.a 430 Χ 157,754 = 67834,22 Newton or 68 kN. and the first floor 450 Χ 157,754 = 70989 Newton or 71 kN. Total force F (Inertia) 68 + 71 = 139 kN Moment of inertia Strength X Height ^ 2 Ground floor 68Χ0,67Χ0,67= 30,53 kN First floor 71Χ1,35Χ1,35 = 129,4 kN Total Inertia Torque 30,53+129,4 = 160 kN
Τhe patent achieves the following
1)The consolidation of the nodes of highest level of the walls with the ground, using the mechanism of the invention, deflects the upward tensions created by the wall overturning torque transporting them freely and directly from the roof into the ground and in this way stops the displacements responsible for all growing tensions on the body of the bearing elements which they cause inelastic bending deformations and failures in a major earthquake. 2 ) Also the mechanism and method of anchoring provides very strong foundation in soft soils 3)The wall receives only compressive stresses at both ends a) at the upper end b) and the facing lower end near the base. Does not exist anymore tensile strength. This means that there are no longer torques in the nodes Does not exist anymore mechanism of concentric forces failure The floor mechanism (soft floor) does not exist anymore 4) Does not exist anymore coordination because the whole construction is shifted with the same frequency and the same oscillation amplitude 5) The wall also receives horizontal shear forces. Apply tension at all edges of the wall with the patent mechanism increases the ability to horizontal shear forces.
Publication of the applied research of the project in a scientific journal with peer review
I wanted to observe the rotational velocity of the Hurricane which was reported to be around 175mph, but when I looked at reanlysis products like ERA Interim or 20CRV2C the maximum wind speed I can get is about 45mph, why is the speed in the reanalysis products so low. Or is just that they are measuring different speeds?
I am looking for sensor data (for eg., Satellite, Remote Sensing etc.,) associated with Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michael? If you have or pointers to it ... Could you share?
Are we nearing to climax of the Climate Change or the worst is yet to come? How fast the wind gusts could be in worst case scenario? How high the water level could be in case of strongest of the hurricanes? Do we need to revisit the hurricane categories? What could be the most disastrous for our planet Earth among the following:
1. Near-Earth Ojects (asteroids)
2. Earthquakes associated with Tsunamis
3. Climate Change
Hi community, I have been looking for what happens to marine communities during storms and hurricanes and what effects they could have, unfortunately most of the papers focus are about the economic impacts, is there any author or paper that you guys could recommend? Thank you for your time.
I'm suppose to be writing a paper on this but I can't come up with something that sticks. I though about "Does corruption in government affect the preparation in natural disasters." Apparently it was broad and don't really know how to not make it sound so broad. I thought about involving New Orleans Hurricane and corruption but don't know how to come up with a good question for that. Or maybe Island nations natural disasters and Corruption but same result. Sorry I babble too much. Any Advice?
I am working on a toolkit of social protection (SP) policies and programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean, and I am interested in knowing more about SP tools that have proved effective to protect individuals, families, and communities from the consequences of natural disasters (such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc.), especially in a developing country context. Thanks.
Extrapolating the spacetime concept of Einstein, The Great attractor is super massive object that human mankind could discover. It is so massive, it is actually, exerting great gravitational force on all galaxies. As we all know that super massive objects, create a warp in spacetime structure. This is the biggest discovery which is capable of explaining couple of paradoxes in science ( i will talk about one aspect here). IF Einstein could right about different timezones with in universe and if an Alien is riding towards earth from distant galaxy with a speed of light, then our future will become his current NOW. in this case, Einstein is also proposing that our future is deterministic and already written, then only spacetime concept will hold true. If future is not deterministic then spacetime concept loses its ground. That means whatever we events that have taken place in first clock of universal cycle, are going to exactly replicate in next cycle as well. However, this rises another question about life sustenance because if Big Bang destroys life, then how would it originate again. secondly, even scientist are of the opinion that eventually we will lead to cold death. And Big bang will again start. that means spacetime is cyclic and we are looped into infinite circles. This theory is referred as conformal cyclic cosmology (CCC), is a cosmological model in the framework of general relativity, advanced by the theoretical physicists Roger Penrose and Vahe Gurzadyan. In CCC, the universe iterates through infinite cycles, with the future timelike infinity of each previous iteration being identified with the Big Bang singularity of the next.[4] Penrose popularized this theory in his 2010.
Source 0: Big Bang comes the few paradoxes,
If we started from big bang and whole universe exploded and we are receding or contracting, then it would exert linear force on earth's orbit and deviate it from its course but that has not happened.
Moreover, when universe was singular, how can you crush most fundamental unit of matter (to attain singularity, we must break electron basic mass).
Secondly, it does not tell you, how matter got gravity (if matter later formed). If the whole universe was singular, then the electron or quasi particles (or whichever most fundamental unit of matter) must have been crushed beyond their absolute mass. This raises a very basic question, how can we crush the most fundamental unit of matter.
Even if I assume, Universe started from some other fundamental particles (finer than electron or quasi), then how come they all become electrons and we have no trace about them.Even on a farther imagination, let just assume, that there were super quasi or electrons (finer than electrons) and got changed to current electrons. then how and when matter acquired the property of gravity.
In this article, i would like to postulate that universe is operating through infinite cycles but not through big bang rather orbiting around The Great Attractor.
Asser 1. By theory of relativity, if earth is orbiting sun for the last million years without any change in orbit then it would mean, the overall movement of universe is supporting the earth's orbit. with the discovery of the Great attractor, it is clearly found that the Great attractor (with multibillion to size of earth or whole observable universe) is imposing angular motion. It simply means that our universe/galaxy/milky way is orbiting around the great attractor.Since, there is a gravitational force at play here (between The great attractor and other celestial objects), referring source 2, they must be exerting centripetal force. Even scientist themselves are claiming that it is exerting angular deviation.Source1:" The variations in their redshifts are known as peculiar velocities, and cover a range from about +700 km/s to −700 km/s, depending on the ANGULAR deviation from the direction to the Great Attractor. ""The Great Attractor is an apparent gravitational anomaly in intergalactic space at the CENTER of the local Laniakea Supercluster"Source 2:"In Newtonian mechanics, gravity provides the CENTRIPETAL force responsible for astronomical orbits. "Asser 2. As per the study done by university of California, there is a growing evidence that the whole universe is following a common pattern or structure. Golden Ratio (1.61) and magic figure (1/137) all suggests that universe does follow a particular design. If we start looking at the structure of universe, it follows a certain pattern, electron is cyclic, natural cycles are cyclic, earth's orbit is cyclic, sun is orbiting black hole, milky way is round, galaxy are circular. if all the subset of a larger set are cyclic/circular, then we have to believe that parent force (angular force exerted by The great attractor on celestial bodies) and motion of our universe is also cyclic. In layman language, just like in hurricane, all of its particles will have circular trajectory because the overall shape of hurricane is cyclic/circular (but the eye remains at calm). we can consider the whole universe as big hurricane whereas its eye is at calm (I.e. The great attractor).Moreover, just like atoms have orbiting electrons around nucleus (with bulk of the mass concentrated at nucleus, similarly, the great attractor is having bulk of the mass and rest galaxies/celestial are having only approx. 15% of the mass.Asser 3. Recent studies (in 1998) shown that the universe has an acceleration. no theory could justify this. as per this theory, since universe is also orbiting around a prime foci or the great attractor, it is now entering or exiting in perihelion zone, as all know when earth enters into perihelion, there is a change in rotational speed. that might be the prime reason why natural calamities are increasing because it is changing the gravity of the earth and hence changing the KE and potential energy of the nature. while coming it to equilibrium state, nature creating earthquake, tsunami. No theory in the existing modern age can answer all such questions, why natural calamities have increased and why universe is accelerating, change in earth’s gravity etc.Source 3: 4. In the 1920s, Milankovitch hypothesized that variations in eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession of the Earth's orbit resulted in cyclical variation in the solar radiation reaching the Earth. Milankovitch and other hypothesized that variation in eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession of earth's orbit are cyclical and thousands years of periodicity.this theory can only be valid if we are to believe that time is cyclic otherwise this theory loses its ground.Source 4: 5. According to law, total mass/energy of universe is constant. That means there are only 2 things that exists in the universe, Matter (which has a mass) and Energy. As we know that matter is also form of energy and law of conservation of energy, energy can not be created or destroyed. That brings us to the fact that Universe has finite energy.For any finite object, we can afford to take universes as closed environment. As we know in an closed environment, all motions become periodic. in layman language, if you download lunar ball or billiard game, reduce the friction to zero and cover all the pots. then no matter what shot we play, it is always going to periodic or all events will have its periodicity.Asser 6. As recent study shows that earth magnetic fields have also changed around 200 BC and it always flips their North and South Poles. which also means they are also cyclic.Source 6: means the time is cyclic with Universe orbiting around The Great attractor not with Big Bang. Spacetime concept of Einstein was right, with a only tweak that like Time, we are only moving forward (yet cyclic), so as with space. New Answer to Paradoxes
Even in case of Big bang, we never talked about origin of cosmos, (we always believed that hydrogen gas already there and other assumptions, whereas origin means irreversible process), in this theory, we got to believe that this peculiar skeleton of the universe cant be created, and it was always there. This structure is independent of time.
Taylor Oil Spill – NEW ORLEANS – LOUISIANA COAST – GULF OF MEXICO: Will it be worse than BP Deep-water Horizon Disaster?
1. Is it a continuous unsecured crude-oil discharge?
2. If it is a continuous spill, will it exceed 200 million-gallon mark – making THE WORST – in the history of oil spill?
3. Is it leaking right from 2004?
4. If it is from 2004, why were the wells – that have been penetrated in a grave of mud and debris – have NOT been located so far (but just focusing on containing the leaks - fearing that the “locating operation” may strike some other existing oil pipes or wells; and thereby making the risk even more powerful)?
5. Will this spill take the tally to about 600,000 gallons of crude oil spill per annum in Louisiana from offshore platforms?
6. Why is there NO law for the oil companies to raise “Public Awareness” on such sensitive issue?
7. Hurricane “Ivan” – associated with the global-warming / climate-change be blamed – for the failure of the oil-production platform?
8. National Response Center (NRC) – U.S. Coast Guard – Designated Federal Point for ALL Oil discharges into the Environment – How about the information on the size and nature of the release, the vessel involved and the parties responsible for the release?
9. Clean Water Act – Discharge of Oil Regulation (Sheen Rule) – Whether the spill does NOT cause a sheen (discoloration) on the surface of the ocean?
Did the spill NOT violate the Water Quality Standards?
Did the spill NOT lead to a sludge or emulsion – deposited at the ocean bottom?
10. NAOO and EPA – Still in the early stages of the assessment?
11. Spill’s impact on Marine Life?
12. Whether the spill is running marshland and making its way to beaches?
13. Commencing of Atlantic story even before the completion of Gulf Spill?
I'm a student of atmospheric sciences, and I'm analyzing two different hurricanes, I'm using latent heat flux data from NARR, but I'm not sure about the results that I obtain because all of them are negative values, which I interpret as condensation...I've read this from nasa's page and they obtained opposite values during the development of hurricane Frances, I don't know if I should multiply by -1 or there's an agreement for the interpretation of the results of this kind of data from NARR?
If I could have your help I'd be very greatful, this is part of the work I'm currently doing
thank you!
We have reveiwed plans where all the local SNFs propose to use the same transportation providers in the event of a hurricane. They all file their plans but comparative common sense suggests this wont work. CMS leaves this to the states. Any policy tanks looking at this?
I am particularly interested in the ability of rammed earth walls in a simple, one-story house to resist tornado debris and tornadic winds. I am aware of the Matta et al. paper on Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks and high winds, "Earthen Masonry Dwelling Structures for Extreme Wind Loads."
Have any studies been done on RE (wind-borne) debris resistance?
How is a continuous load path created for a house with rammed earth walls? Rebar? Geogrid? Are there articles which address this?
Thank you.
I would be very interested in understanding what are you specifically looking at and I am also interested in future collaborations.
We have a number of graduate and undergraduate students in Puerto Rico conducting urban social-ecological research at different scales and over 400 pre-hurricane urban vegetation plots (i-Tree Eco). Anyone has any suggestions on small grants or ways to find or channel resources to conduct post-hurricane surveys and at the same time provide stipends for researchers who lost all sorts of income and health care due to Hurricane Maria?
We are ready to work, we are prepared to conduct research, we want to keep our research efforts alive.
Global Warming
Please refer to the links below:-
The simple equation Pressure ( Volume) = nR ( Temperature) giving us the condition to say the Pressure varying directly with the Temperature since the volume will be constant in this case. Therefore Pdirectly proportional to T
If the Temperature increases also the Pressure. Perhaps we can show that global temperature or regional temperature increased, therefore, the pressure triggering a hurricane.
In what ways can the federal, state, local governments and its responders can be prepared.
Has your opinion changed about weather anomalies and climate change based on the recent Hurricane events? Why or why not? Could you add some clarification?
Harvey; Irma; Jose; Katia
Spreading an endothermic (absorbing energy) substance like potash onto the cloud of the hurricane will potentially reverse the vapor to cloud process and dissipate the clouds, thus weakening the storm.
I know it has not been tried before, but why on earth not? Do people want to see more destruction?
I am looking for collaboration in data collection and processing to perform a supply chain resilience study. During the emergency situation, we won't bother anyone, but we can start to collect data from online sources.
Let me know if you have the capacity to help me in that.
Is there any connection between Global Warming and Hurricane Harvey?
What factors caused what effects?
Can you establish (or cite a literature) with a clear tracked linkage or a correlation to the two phenomena?
Hi. Have you published this work somewhere, or do you have protocols that you could share with our research team? I am part of an investigative team conducting a natural experiment (longitudinal cohort) in Houston. We are trying to figure out how hurricane Harvey will affect our retention and which measures we could implement to optimize retention while being sensitive to participant's situation. Thank you in advance.
Observed records of Atlantic hurricane activity (e.g. Emanuel, 2007) show a strong correlation, on multi-year time-scales, between local tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and the Power Dissipation Index (PDI). PDI is an aggregate measure of Atlantic hurricane activity, combining frequency, intensity, and duration of hurricanes in a single index. Both Atlantic SSTs and PDI have risen sharply since the 1970s, and there is some evidence that PDI levels in recent years are higher than in the previous active Atlantic hurricane era in the 1950s and 60s. (Source:
Could you please suggest a bibliographic reference about it?
Just like the Best track datasets, is it possible to develop a idealized hurricane morphology datasets based on the observations we have now?
Best known projects available on PubMed are about how individuals or small communities as families prepare for Hurricanes in the States. We're looking for similar projects that are not (yet) PubMed listed on how individuals or small communities can or do prepare to cope with local risls as floodings, earthquakes, eruptions etc.
In reference to the Hurricane Katrina incident in North America. What are the best messages and channels in given crisis situations?
What is the theory of PRECEDE - PROCEED? How is said theory applied to determine specific program goals in health communication planning? Should theory, PRECEDE - PROCEED make a difference for a population (marginalized)? Especially if PRECEDE - PROCEED was used to assess compliance for emergency preparedness with a goal of population health?
What objectives should a public health communication specialist, keep in mind when forming behavioral, social and organizational objectives towards a prospective goal?
What skills does a population health communication specialist need to be effective in crisis contexts?
The Safir-Simpson hurricane scale is a classification method to identify the intensity of a tropical cyclone by civil engineer Herbert Saffir and meteorologist Bob (Robert) Simpson, but this method proved to be useless due to its failures to identify the two thirds of the top 156 deadliest hurricanes from 1851 to 1996. I found the overgeneralization problem caused this.
I developed a new classification method to deal with this problem, but many reviewers and editors told me that even though what you said is correct, we still insist on using SSHS, and your paper can't be published at least in the journals of USA due to common people accepting SSHS. I really don't know why this thing could happen in scientific world, any people know the true reason?
In the response of my last question related to Saffir-simpson Hurricane Scale(SSHS), some people claimed that "Stronger TCs usually have stronger winds but do not always have stronger damage to human and vice versa." I think that he doesn't know OGP problems of SSHS. SSHS use the maximum sustaining winds to stand for the intensity of a tropical cyclone, so there is an overgeneralization problem(OGP), due to the area of the maximum sustaining winds is just very small part of whole area of a tropical cyclone. For example, a person has a big head, but his body is very short, we can not say the man is very strong man. That is the OGP problem!!
Is it funny that some people didn't know this and made a wrong conclusion to
comment on a new classification method for tropical cyclones?
There are models for the structure of hurricane winds (e.g. Holland, 1980, Holland et al., 2010) which are typically applied at the the sea surface for studies of air-sea interaction. We know that in the surface boundary layer, under neutral conditions, Monin-Obikov theory may be applied to find the wind speed as a function of altitude and this is an exponential curve (so called "law of the wall"). Is there any reason that the wind direction might also be a function of altitude? Has the vertical profile of wind direction in a hurricane ever been measured (at a stationary point in the hurricane reference frame)?
I would like to model and to solve real scenarios related to natural disasters (e.g. floods, hurricanes), specially in the relief phase.
I am looking at the intensity of natural events, both climatic and geologic, that are predicted to intensify due to climate change. My main interest is the increase in the number and intensity of hurricanes.
Global warming effects on hurricanes.
Very beautiful names are given to disastrous tropic storms that destroy lives and properties. Is the naming scientific mythological?