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Human Security - Science topic
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Questions related to Human Security
Various pandemic diseases have taught us various lessons from time to time, lastly, the spread of corona virus spread has shown how fickle human condition or survival is in face of sudden outbreak of dangerous diseases!
What are the human security implications of 'corona virus spread' around the world?
In your opinion, should the issue of ensuring climate and environmental security for people become part of basic human rights? Should adherence to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the urgent implementation of the green transformation of the economy also be recognized internationally, globally, as the basis for ensuring the conditions of existence for the life of future generations on planet Earth, ensuring the possibility of saving the biosphere, the biodiversity of natural ecosystems and the climate for future generations of people, for reducing the scale of the occurrence of global climate and environmental catastrophe in the near future? Therefore, for all of the aforementioned issues, should they be upgraded and recognized as one of the key factors in ensuring the survival of humanity on the planet and, therefore, recognize that they are important determinants of basic human rights? Recognize the right to clean air, to clean water, to an undestroyed biosphere, to a forest undegraded by predatory management, to an unsterilized soil, etc. as basic human rights, i.e. rights that will ensure human security for future generations of people?
With reference to the article published titled: "HUMAN SECURITY AS AN ELEMENT OF THE CONCEPT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN INTERNATIONAL LAW" of research results on the issue of climate and environmental security, the accelerating process of global warming generated by civilization's greenhouse gas emissions, the increasing scale of the negative effects of the climate crisis, the decreasing scale of human security, the increasing importance and scale of the implementation of the goals of sustainable development and the need to accelerate and increase the efficiency of carrying out the green transformation of the economy, I propose a discussion on the above topic. The research shows that one of the important factors in the increase in the importance and scale of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the need to accelerate and increase the efficiency of carrying out the green transformation of the economy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, slowing down the process of the planet's greenhouse effect, slowing down the process of global warming, which continues to progress faster and faster, reducing the scale of droughts, forest fires, water shortages, declining production of agricultural crops and other negative effects of progressive and human-induced climate change is to recognize human security as an important factor in the context of legislation and to recognize the issue of ensuring climate and environmental security as an important element of basic human rights. In view of the above, the issue of ensuring climate and environmental security should become part of basic human rights. Adherence to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the urgent implementation of the green transformation of the economy should also be recognized internationally, globally as the basis for ensuring the conditions of existence for the life of future generations on planet Earth, ensuring the possibility of saving the biosphere, the biodiversity of natural ecosystems and the climate for future generations of people, for reducing the scale of the occurrence of global climate and environmental catastrophe in the near future. Therefore, for the aforementioned all issues should be upgraded and recognized as one of the key factors in ensuring the survival of humanity on the planet and, therefore, recognize that these are important determinants of basic human rights. Recognize the right to clean air, to clean water, to an undestroyed biosphere, to a forest undegraded by predatory management, to an unsterilized soil, etc. as basic human rights, i.e. rights that will ensure human security for future generations of people.
These considerations are inspired by the research results contained in my article entitled: "HUMAN SECURITY AS AN ELEMENT OF THE CONCEPT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN INTERNATIONAL LAW"
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the problems of this article. Please respond whether you agree with the above theses? I invite you to discuss and cooperate scientifically in this problematics.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, should the issue of ensuring climate and environmental security become part of basic human rights? Should adherence to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the urgent implementation of the green transformation of the economy also be recognized internationally, globally as the basis for ensuring the conditions of existence for the life of future generations on planet Earth, ensuring the possibility of saving the biosphere, the biodiversity of natural ecosystems and the climate for future generations of people, for reducing the scale of the occurrence of global climate and environmental catastrophe in the near future? Therefore, for all of the aforementioned issues, should they be upgraded and recognized as one of the key factors in ensuring the survival of humanity on the planet and, therefore, recognize that they are important determinants of basic human rights? Recognize the right to clean air, to clean water, to an undestroyed biosphere, to a forest undegraded by predatory management, to unsterilized soil, etc. as basic human rights, i.e. rights that will ensure human security for future generations of people?
Should ensuring climate and environmental security for people become part of basic human rights?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

Should the protection of the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems as a key factor in humanity's security be included in basic human rights?
In connection with Human Rights Day 2023 (10.12.2023), I propose to discuss the issue of protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems as a key factor for humanity's security in the context of basic human rights as well. If mankind does not manage to smoothly carry out the green transformation of the economy during the current decade, including the green transformation of the energy sector, the amount of greenhouse gases that will enter the atmosphere will exceed the tipping point, so that the increasingly rapid process of global warming will become irreversible. The green transformation of the economy also includes, among other things. such green projects as afforestation of wasteland and post-industrially degraded areas, forest deforestation processes are reduced, agriculture carried out according to the robbery model of economy is being transformed towards sustainable pro-environmental pro-climate ecological agriculture of mainly vegetable crops, urban agglomerations are being developed according to the concept of green smart city, sustainable construction based on green energy-saving low- or zero-emission construction technologies is being developed, production processes are carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and circular economy, consumerism reduction and sharing economy programs are developed, within the transport sector, transport based on electromobility and hydrogen power is developed, within the energy sector, renewable and emission-free energy sources are being developed, including new developments in solar power, wind power, geothermal power, in addition to eco-innovative solutions based on hydrogen power and, in transition periods, nuclear power and low-carbon power based on biogas plants, etc. If the process of global warming is not stopped then the future, including the existence on the planet of future generations of people is at risk. The key issue is to stop the increase in the average temperature level of the planet's atmosphere at max. 1.5 degrees C counting from the beginning of the first industrial, technological revolution. A number of scientific studies show that human efforts to date in carrying out the green transformation of the economy are still insufficient. The high level of relevance of this topic is also pointed out at the annual UN COP Climate Conferences. The 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) is being held in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) from November 30 to December 12, 2023. Studies of long-term climate change processes show that 2023 was the warmest year in 125,000 years. As a result, the question is increasingly topical: Why is humanity under-implementing the process of green transformation of the economy? Do people care too little about the future state of the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems? Is the future of future generations of people still not being taken seriously? Why are the pledges made by governments and corporations at the UN COP Climate Summits to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy still not being implemented on the right scale or only marginally implemented? Why, in the sphere of business and politics, does the question of the future of the planet and humanity continue to give way to current, short-sighted, selfish, subjective and cynically pursued business goals? In this regard, it becomes necessary to recognize the issue of protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems as a key factor in the security of humanity, and should therefore be included in basic human rights.
I have taken up this issue as part of my research and presented the results from my research on this topic in the following article available on this Research Gate portal:
I invite scientific cooperation in the present problematic.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Should the protection of the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems as a key factor in the security of humanity be included in basic human rights?
Should the protection of the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems be included in basic human rights?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

When talking about human security, we are talking of aspects such as
Economic security.
- Food security.
- Health security.
- Environmental security.
- Personal security.
- Community security.
- Political security.
Therefore, what would be needed is to scrutinize the above mentioned aspects, then trying to see how the second republic is doing, in terms of delivering those.
Iam writting related Thesis Research about New seurity threaths? Whethere its biological or nchemical weaponused for independent purpose. today its more transmitted, dangerous and active,. before security was state centric tradiotn treaths from other externatl state, but it broader during new system shifted As acrot htrought international affairs us soft power advanted to project power,They , creatining division beteween society, and shape and govern there beliedf. I want expert and posiible suggestion of literatury. To explained Human secuirt, soft power, new wars.
I wish to examine the impact of environmental degradation on human security in Bangladesh.
I am looking into the issue of the effects of Covid-19 on global health, as well as its impact on human security.
Any studies that you can share with us?
Living robot named Xenobot has been developed using stem cells of frog . These managed by supercomputer with algorithms. They are self - repairable on any destruction.
May it create threat to life of human on further progress like LIVE BOMBS bet and nuclear or hydrogen bombs?
Cyber is like the human body. You need to accept the fact that you will get infected, but your immune system will detect these threats, fight them off, and reduce the impact. The system is working well in some companies. There is even a report details seven case studies of attacks that were intercepted and neutralized by cyber defence AI, including insider threat, ransomware, and IoT attacks.
Now, how will the system detect these cybercriminals and identify them?
This is because today’s threats are so fast-moving that they can take down entire datacenters in a matter of minutes. With these attacks getting more advanced by the day, and the digital business growing in scale and complexity, human security teams simply cannot respond to threats fast enough. Therefore, there a need for proactive defence, detection and identification to bring these criminals to order.
- I am working on the topic: Cyber immune system to detect and identify cybercriminals.
I have discarded framework and models used in development field, such as IRR, SL, IDAM... I am looking for something more focused on the risks. I'have read that Humane Security could provide an interestin approach but I can't find an analytical framework. Any suggestions are welcome!
Which one is more costly? Is DC transmission will reduce losses? Which is more safe in terms of human security?
Trying to find up to date articles on the concept
I am interested in any kinds of insecurity (e.g. psychological; physical; legal; economic etc.). Papers on real and perceived threats associated with irregular status would be most helpful.
Thank you in advance
please share me how are separate N. serotinus and N. obsoletus and Which criterion are used?
thank you very much for your cooperation.
Şevket ALP
please help me completing my paper. I do not know how to write down the analysis part? what are the components of papers when we use AMOS Graphics? for example what should I write on methodology? results or other parts of the paper. the paper title is: causes of competition among regional organizations member states. I identified 4 factors: Political, Economic, Cultural and Geopolitical that are effective on competition. their factor loading on competition respectively are: .80, .64, .75, .86. please send me sample papers for using as a model.
Thank you in advance.
I wish to advance a human security dimension in examining violence against foreign nationals in south Africa. In my paper I wish to examine how language of contempt, naming, and identity labels attached to foreign nationals fuel violence and thereby undermining several facets of their human security. This whole issue of politics of belonging is taking to the center stage especially in view of the porousness of national borders.
I am preparing this paper for the August Sustainable Development Summit at Ibadan, Nigeria.
I will be grateful if your insights my paper to suit the conference theme: sustainable development
Actually i want to do a research on how disasters effect on human security? what can be the major solutions to protect human security issues regarding disasters ?
Please help me to explore some recommendation for me in this regard. Thanks in advance. :)
As part of a Carnegie funded project, we are mapping current approaches to impeding corruption. Based out of the Institute for Human Security at the Fletcher School, the work looks across sectors and even includes projects where anti-corruption may not be the primary emphasis. All references to projects or ideas of where we can find actually projects are most appreciated. Thanks!
I am conducting empirical research on the Climate Change impact on Human Security and looking for yearly data of human security index or related data. I appreciate for your comment and suggestions.