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Human Rights - Science topic

international human rights, humanitarian law
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Publications related to Human Rights (10,000)
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This book is a product of human-machine collaboration in social work and is a premier in global social work education and practice. Each chapter is organized by the book editor with a human-written introduction. Chapters focus on contemporary issues, providing an updated, comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the latest developments in the fi...
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Transformations sociales et subjectives à la lueur de la psychanalyse (enjeux cliniques, éthiques et politiques) S a m e d i 1 8 J a n v i e r 2 0 2 5 , 9 h 3 0-1 7 h 3 0 E S P A C E A N A L Y T I Q U E , 1 0 r u e L e b o u i s , 7 5 0 1 4 P a r i s MATINÉE 9H30-12H30 Discutant Alain Vanier Markos ZAFIROPOULOS-Antigone, Hamlet, Sygne, Sade...
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This research explores Public International Law as a primary tool for regulating relations between states and achieving justice and peace. It examines the evolution, principles, and objectives of international law, highlighting the challenges of its practical implementation, especially during global crises such as those in Gaza and Ukraine. These c...
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Ideally, every individual holds a balanced responsibility toward their rights and legal freedoms, as guided by Islamic Fiqh and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). However, in reality, imbalances between the exercise of rights and responsibilities often occur, both in social and legal contexts. This study aims to analyze the concept o...
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According to the UN (2002), “equality is the cornerstone of every democratic society that aspires to social justice and human rights.” Positive change in gender equality is associated with improvement in economic growth (World Bank 2011), it is also intricately linked to human development. Women and men share many aspects of living together, collab...
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DIREITOS HUMANOS, POLÍTICA DE SEGURANÇA PÚBLICA E CRIMINAL CARCERÁRIA NO BRASIL: DILEMAS E PARADOXOS RESUMO O que são, na essência, Direitos Humanos, seus princípios fundamentais e até que ponto a segurança pública pertence ao rol dos Direitos Humanos? A partir dessa problemática, a presente escrita foi construída não somente com o objetivo de resp...
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Electoral axiology and the effectiveness of electoral rights protection The subject of this study is the issue of electoral axiology. The system of values is a serious problem not only of electoral law, but of the law as a whole. In this paper, I analyze the normative acts, scientific views and decisions of authorities applying the law relating to...
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From its establishment as a European Union agency in the field of border, migration and asylum policies in 2005, Frontex tasked with coordinating the operational management of the European Union’s external border through support to the EU’s member states, has expanded significantly. Through a series of reforms, most notably in 2007, and 2016 and 20...
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HEB, ırk, cinsiyet, din ve siyasi görüş ayrımı gözetilmeksizin bütün insanların eşit ve özgür olduklarını ve bu hukuksal değerlerin insan onuru-na dayandığını ilan etmektedir. Beyannamenin evrensel hak ve özgürlükleri ilan ettiği 1948 yılından bu yana, doktrinde insan haklarının gerçekten ev-rensel olup olamayacağı sorusu üzerinden bir tartışma yür...
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O presente trabalho apresenta uma discussão sobre a política de acesso à educação destinada às pessoas com deficiência, a partir do debate envolvendo a exclusão e a luta pela garantia de direitos. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o Plano Viver sem Limite, sancionado pelo Decreto n.º 7.612/2011, a partir dos dados da proposta inicial e dos dados r...
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Considerando que políticas públicas podem ser consideradas como tudo o que um governo faz ou deixa de fazer, com todos os impactos de suas ações e de suas omissões, o âmbito educacional passa a ser constantemente debatido, na busca de melhoria constante para o alunado. Uma questão, contudo, que é fundamental para a sua delimitação é a atenção e res...
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Abstrakt Socialt arbete och folkhälsovetenskap har många beröringspunkter, inte minst i en gemensam värdegrund där social rättvisa och mänskliga rättigheter är viktiga vägledande principer, och i en praktik som verkar för social förändring och förbättring av människor hälsa, välmående och livschanser. Ett förebyggande perspektiv har också funnits m...
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Inclusive education ensures that all students, regardless of their differences, have equal educational opportunities. Therefore, inclusion, as a fundamental human right, promotes the dignity and potential of each individual. The aim of the research was to analyse inclusion as a human right in children with special educational needs. The methodology...
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Despite the inherent dangers of arms production, the responsibility of arms companies to prevent adverse human rights impacts in their business is too often surrounded by silence. What is more, the responsibilities of arms companies are rarely subject to critical historical interrogation, with contemporary arms trade literature paying primary atten...
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The 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945) has a very iportant fundamental role in the legal and political system in Indonesia, especially in ensuring the fulfillment of Human Rights (HAM) for the people in Indonesia. As the country's highest constitution, the 1945 Constitution not only determines the structure and powers of the state, but also regulates the...
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Resumo: Este artigo, buscando oferecer uma contribuição para o campo de estudos do Direito Constitucional, tem como objetivo analisar o diálogo praticado entre o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) e a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (Corte IDH), enfatizando o ponto de vista do primeiro. Os dados foram coletados no banco de jurisprudência dispo...
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Background: Little is known about the mental health consequences of human rights violations in forcibly displaced populations. Objective: The objectives of this systematic review are to examine: (1) the prevalence of mental health conditions among forcibly displaced persons; (2) to investigate methodological factors contributing to mental health co...
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The concept of abortions has been subjected to much debates and discussions because of the contemporary delivered in issued in countries like as the United States and India. These laws and judgments have a tendency to hinder the exercise of fundamental human right to medical aid and safe abortion and interfere with women's reproductive choices. Peo...
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This research looks at how, within the context of law, individual rights and group obligations interact. By examining important legal theories, case law, and constitutional principles, it investigates the intellectual underpinnings and legal ramifications of striking a balance between individual liberties and community responsibilities. The study a...
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Este trabalho está ancorado nas normas constitucionais e legais, de Direitos Humanos, que fazem a transição do modelo médico para o modelo biopsicossocial, no que diz respeito ao cuidado relativo às pessoas que apresentam transtorno mental gravee persistente, somado a dificuldades perante as barreiras sociais, o que desemboca no reconhecimento da d...
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Es posible observar una continuidad en la violencia dirigida en contra de quienes buscaron desafiar al régimen dictatorial chileno a través de imágenes fotográficas y los que experimentaron una brutal represión durante la Revuelta Popular de octubre del 2019 al intentar documentar los crímenes y violaciones a los derechos humanos que se perpetraron...
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s The focus of this study is to address the challenges and impacts of multinational corporations on the socio economic development of the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria. Indeed the region and Nigeria in general has been very much affected by the deleterious activities of the multinational corporations, operating in the country. Their abhorrent acts...
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Neurodata are those data resulting from analysis of human brainand nervous system activity. The purpose of this article is to investigate what might be the legal qualification and discipline applicable to them. In order to this, the multiple ethical-legal questions posed by them were examined. The analysis focused onattempting to frame so-called ne...
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TALIBAN RULE IN AFGHANISTAN: SECURITY IMPLICATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS, AND OF THE RESURGENCE OF NARCOTRAFIC AND TERRORISM Abstract: This article examines the multifaceted challenges facing Afghanistan under Taliban rule, focusing on five key dimensions: human rights violations, Afghanistan’s role as a haven for international terrorist grou...
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Este estudio examina las narrativas de solidaridad generadas tras el Estallido Social del 19 de octubre de 2019 en Chile. Se realizaron entrevistas a dieciséis personas que prestaron ayuda solidaria tras el inicio de las movilizaciones. Además, se revisaron archivos escritos, orales y fotográficos. A través del análisis de contenido, fue posible di...
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This study explores the role of digital surveillance technology as a primary tool for reinforcing authority and political control in authoritarian regimes, with a focus on China as a case study. The research analyzes China’s Social Credit System, which is used to evaluate and monitor individual behaviors, classifying citizens based on set standards...
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En este boletín, un equipo de investigadores asociado al Observatorio de Educación de la Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE) analiza el impacto que tiene la incorporación de estudiantes inmigrantes en el sistema educativo del Ecuador. Aunque la movilidad humana es un hecho universal, no es universal que los migrantes siempre sean bien recibido...
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Consultant-written evaluations of Myanmar’s on-going civil war often start with the various armed organizations. Before 2021, roadmaps to peace, good governance, free markets, and human rights were promoted by donors as the way to create the peaceful and prosperous world all dreamed of. Dozens of such reports were written and posted to the Joint Pe...
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The article examines the legal guarantees for healthcare workers both in historical periods and in the modern world, with a focus on their protection during epidemics and emergencies. Particular attention is paid to international legal norms, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO Convention No. 155, and WHO International Health Reg...
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Kofi Annan was the most significant and influential Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN). He was the first sub-Saharan African to hold the position of Secretary-General and to rise through the ranks of the UN system. His deeply held credo was that service with the UN was more than just a job: it was a calling. During his momentous time as S...
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La tematización de la persecución de la militancia política y del mundo de la cultura, los efectos del genocidio y la lucha del movimiento de Derechos Humanos, fueron una constante del catálogo de la editorial Libros de Tierra Firme, de José Luis Mangieri (1924-2008). En el presente artículo nos proponemos rastrear y analizar algunas representacion...
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This article aims to explore the relationship between gender equality and economic development. Through a comparative analysis of data from different countries, the article reveals the positive impact of gender equality on economic growth, employment rates, education levels, and health indicators. The study finds that gender equality is not only a...
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Los memoriales dedicados a las víctimas de violaciones de derechos humanos han sido abundantemente analizados en contextos de justicia transicional. En este artículo se estudia un tipo de memorial que ha recibido escasa conceptualización teórica y poca atención empírica: el “memorial funerario”. Situados en cementerios, estos memoriales ocupan un e...
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Objectives: Ensuring physical safety in its broadest sense is considered one of the most fundamental and essential human rights, possibly the highest of all. This right is closely associated with the individual, as the body is the abode of the soul and the source of all life activities. The objective is to preserve and protect physical safety from...
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Introducción: El creciente número de personas mayores afectadas por el desplazamiento forzado plantea la necesidad de comprender y abordar los riesgos que enfrentan. Metodología: Se ha llevado a cabo una revisión sistemática siguiendo las directrices PRISMA a partir de EBSCO y Google Académico, así como de repositorios de organismos internacionales...
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This paper analyzes the implementation of citizenship rights in Indonesia, focusing on the interaction between public officials and the public. The important role of officials in policy making and implementation, as well as the active role of the public in participation and oversight, are discussed in depth. In addition, the article also presents s...
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The research explores the relationship between forced migration and refugees, focusing on the challenges posed to national security and state sovereignty while emphasizing refugee rights under international law. It examines the legal frameworks governing refugee protection, such as the 1951 Geneva Convention and the principle of non-refoulement, al...
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Resumen: En los últimos años se han realizado varios esfuerzos para incluir la perspectiva de los pueblos del Tercer Mundo en las historiogra-fías de los derechos humanos. Entre estos esfuerzos es digno de destacar el aporte de José-Manuel Barreto, quien sostiene la tesis de que el Tercer Mundo ha desarrollado su propia tradición de derechos humano...
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Segundo a doutrina do controle de convencionalidade, todas as autoridades nacionais dos Estados-partes da Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos têm o dever de examinar a compatibilidade dos atos internos com o corpus iuris interamericano, que inclui não apenas os tratados de direitos humanos, mas também a interpretação que lhes dá a Corte Interam...
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Human Rights in India: Exploring Social Foundations and Constructs delves into the complex interplay between human rights and the diverse social, cultural, and political landscapes of India. This comprehensive exploration examines the historical evolution of human rights within the Indian context, addressing their intersections with caste, gender,...
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Lo que se busca por medio de este trabajo de investigación, es comprender y estudiar cómo se aplican los derechos humanos en la impartición de justicia en México. En nuestro país, existen actos de corrupción y violación de nuestros derechos, por lo que las víctimas de dichos actos, no tienen defensa contra ellos, y es ahí donde la comisión de los d...
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The World community is currently observing the expanding use of sanctions by states and regional organizations without or beyond authorization of the UN Security Council. Unfortunately, majority of this measures violate international obligations of states and their illegality cannot be excluded via the mechanism of countermeasures. They constitute...
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La Sentencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos de 8 de octubre de 2024 (Aghajanyan vs. Armenia) otorga protección, a través del derecho de libertad de expresión del artículo 10 del Convenio para la protección de los derechos humanos y las libertades fundamentales, a un trabajador denunciante de su empresa por la generación de riesgos medioam...
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Research progress and innovation are hindered by barriers, inequalities, and exclusions within academia. Embracing equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) is not only an ethical imperative but also essential for advancing knowledge and addressing global challenges. EDI principles ensure that researchers from all backgrounds have equitable opportun...
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This paper tends to analyze the contemporary state of international law which has human rights as a significant aspect and most civilized nations are gradually becoming guardians of international human rights beginning from the practice in their domestic legislations. This research is not purposed to undermine the fundamental principles of internat...
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The ethical training of military forces is essential for democracy as it guides respect for human rights, observance of the laws of war, and protection of institutional legitimacy. For this reason, military ethics has become a crucial tool to guide the behavior of the military in complexenvironments and ensure responsible decision-making. In this c...
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This article investigates the complex dynamics of migration and humanitarian governance at the U.S.-Mexico border, specifically at the northern Mexican cities of Tijuana, Nogales, Ciudad Juárez, and Piedras Negras. The study presents detailed data from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (USCBP), which include 6.83 million encounters with irregu...
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This study examines the ethical implications, challenges, and responsibilities involved in the development and deployment of AI. Understanding the ethical considerations surrounding AI is crucial as these technologies can have far-reaching impacts on privacy, employment, security, decision-making, and human rights
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Kebebasan pers merupakan pilar demokrasi yang penting, diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 1999 tentang Pers. Meskipun kebebasan ini dijamin, terdapat tantangan dalam praktik pemberitaan yang sering kali mengandung ketidakakuratan, yang dapat merugikan individu atau organisasi. Hak jawab muncul sebagai instrumen hukum yang memberikan kesempat...
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Este artigo examina o impacto da pandemia de Covid-19, na expansão do trabalho remoto, acompanhado do avanço tecnológico e da comunicação instantânea por aplicativos de mensagens, que alteraram significativamente a rotina dos trabalhadores brasileiros. Como consequência, observou-se um aumento nos diagnósticos de Síndrome de Burnout. Por meio de re...
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Este estudo comparativo investiga os sistemas penais da Argentina e da Colômbia, sendo motivado pela necessidade de compreender as particularidades de cada país em relação às suas legislações, estruturas judiciárias, direitos dos acusados e condições carcerárias. O objetivo principal é identificar as semelhanças e diferenças entre esses sistemas, d...
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Resumo A presidência de Jimmy Carter foi sem dúvida controversa, porém, o período seguinte, quando deixou o cargo derrotado para Ronald Reagan em 1980, está entre os mais férteis da história de um homem público americano, notabilizada por vários sucessos no campo dos direitos civis e humanos, saúde, assistência aos pobres e a promoção da paz mundia...
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Reseña de la obra colectiva coordinada por Digno Montalván-Zambrano e Isabel Wences, La justicia detrás de la Justicia. Ideas y valores políticos en la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2023, 302 pp.
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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a atenção dada à saúde dos povos indígenas na agenda simbólica presidencial brasileira no que se refere ao período de 2002 a 2022. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, documental com abordagem quanti-qualitativa. O estudo foi delineado com base nos pressupostos teóricos da Ciência Política, especificamente,...
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In the past decades, a backlash against globalization has been brewing, especially in advanced economies. Despite this backlash being only partly determined by trade, we observe an increasing demand for transparency on procedures, methodologies, and results. Impact assessments (IAs) aim at identifying expected effects of trade agreements and at hig...
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Abstrait La mondialisation et la souveraineté nationale sont devenues des concepts très débattus au cours des dernières décennies, façonnant les discours en économie, culture, politique et droits de l'homme. Si la mondialisation a rapproché les nations par le biais du commerce, de la technologie et des migrations, ses implications pour la souverain...
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Vivenciar práticas inclusivas para que seja possível promovê-las em diferentes contextos é um desafio permanente no ensino superior, muitas vezes, reprodutor de uma educação freireanamente reconhecida como “bancária”. A formação inicial de professoras/es para a educação inclusiva, na perspectiva dos direitos humanos, requer que os cursos promovam e...
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El presente ensayo aborda la situación de las mujeres refugiadas en México en la actualidad, con un enfoque en su inclusión laboral y los avances en derechos humanos que han impactado positivamente su integración social en los últimos cinco años. En un contexto donde México ha pasado de ser un país de tránsito a uno de destino para las personas en...
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Globalization and national sovereignty have emerged as highly debated concepts over recent decades, shaping discourses in economics, culture, politics, and human rights. While globalization has connected nations more tightly through trade, technology, and migration, its implications for national sovereignty remain controversial. Proponents highligh...
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En términos de inclusión social de las personas, el derecho a la participación en los distintos ámbitos como la educación, el empleo o las relaciones personales resultan fundamentales e incuestionables. Desde la realidad de las personas con discapacidad, a pesar de la publicación de la Convención sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad...
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En la última década, se ha registrado un alarmante incremento en las muertes violentas, lo que representa un desafío significativo para la seguridad pública. En este contexto, el objetivo de la investigación es analizar de manera exhaustiva las características, la distribución geográfica y temporal, así como los factores asociados a las muertes vio...
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Freedom of expression in a conflict of rights. Freedom of expression is one of the issues that society considers important for various reasons. Its application, however, gives rise to many conflicts. This article discusses the conflicts that come from both plurality of opinions and misunderstanding of freedom of expression. It focuses on the confl...
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Este artigo objetiva apresentar a Educação em Direitos Humanos (EDH) enquanto conteúdo interdisciplinar, explorando os principais desafios que dificultam sua incorporação no âmbito do Ensino Superior. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa possui abordagem exploratória, sendo desenvolvida por meio de revisões bibliográficas e análise de algumas legislaturas...
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The European Court of Human Rights has long been cast as a defender of democracy in Europe. Yet, this idea has not always been at the core of the Court’s perception in the literature or indeed aligned with its jurisprudence which are often viewed in more Dworkinian terms. We suggest that there are good reasons, however, to take this idea more serio...
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For Georgian politicians, the future development of a free country has always been closely linked to the European states. The vision of Georgia’s alignment with Europe and its integration into European frameworks dates back to 1918-1921. Considering this fact, Georgia’s current aspirations for European integration reflect a desire to return to its...
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As the editor-in-chief of the Canadian Open Accessed Journal “Contemporary Issues in Artificial Intelligence”, I would like to inform the authors and readers a collective monograph has been published “Digital Transformation in Ukraine: Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse and Society 5.0”. The monograph has its own DOI, and each publication of the m...
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This chapter examines the traditional views on disability (e.g., the charity and medical models), how activists, organizations of persons with disability (OPDs), and international organizations made disability a human rights issue, and discusses the central relevance of the CRPD for humanitarian policy and practice. In short, this chapter discusses...
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As climate change worsens, millions of people around the world will be displaced, further exacerbating conflicts and resource scarcity. In recent years, individuals displaced by climate change have sought legal recognition as 'climate refugees' under the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1951. This...
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The article is dedicated to the legal analysis of abortion in the context of the legislation of foreign countries and the Republic of Azerbaijan. The article explains the meaning of the term "abortion," provides a brief overview of the history of abortion, and examines whether abortion is permitted in the legislation of various foreign countries. T...
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O livro se compõe dos trabalhos apresentados em grupo pela Cátedra UNESCO de Juventude, Educação e Sociedade no Congresso de História dos Direitos Humanos 2023 da Universidade de Salamanca. Os textos abordam sucessivamente os direitos humanos da população idosa, da primeira infância em Portugal, as relações com a inteligência artificial, as relaçõe...
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Verplichte zorg kan ook bij zwangeren nodig zijn. Het is daarbij extra van belang de praktische haalbaarheid en de proportionaliteit mee te wegen in de beslissing.
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Agenda-setting may not always be a rational process and depends mostly on the perception of the policy problem made by the policy entrepreneurs to the decision-makers where ‘non-decision’ or ‘policy-inaction’ is also a kind of decision to avoid certain issues. Taking the existing ship-breaking policy of Bangladesh as a case study, this study tries...
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Se analiza el rol de los órganos constitucionales autónomos en el sistema político mexicano como parte de la transición a la democracia y su actual encaje constitucional. Primero, se estudia el presidencialismo como forma de gobierno y específicamente su variante en México. Segundo, se exami-nan los órganos constitucionales autónomos como una de la...
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This article examines the application of Islamic criminal law standards in the context of contemporary crime anticipation. Islamic criminal law, which is based on ethical and moral values, offers a relevant approach to dealing with various forms of crime today, such as cybercrime, bullying based on fear, and insults. This research distinguishes sev...
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Este análisis examina el caso de Giovanni López como un ejemplo de desaparición forzada y violaciones graves de derechos humanos en México. Se analiza la detención violenta y la posterior muerte de Giovanni López, resaltando las deficiencias en la investigación estatal y la falta de transparencia. El estudio destaca la respuesta violenta del gobier...
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Introducción para del libro La planeación en la Ciudad de México. Inconsistencias, problemáticas y alternativas desde el enfoque de los derechos humanos, el cual tiene como base una intensa discusión teórica y práctica sobre el proceso de planeación y el papel de los derechos humanos, así también incorpora los resultados de los encuentros, foros, c...
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El acceso al agua potable es un derecho fundamental reconocido a nivel internacional y que es vital para la existencia humana. En el Ecuador, este derecho ha sido confirmado y reconocido a través de diferentes normativas legales. Este artículo propone analizar el derecho humano al agua mediante la revisión y análisis jurisprudencial, lo que permiti...
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Media plays a pivotal role in influencing public opinion, shaping policy responses, and mobilizing local and international support. Arguably, terrorism is not a new phenomenon; it has long been a method of violent action by organizations and individuals attempting to achieve political goals. Indeed, terrorism is not an end but rather a modus o...
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Esta investigación se centra en el problema social que surge de la criminalización de la protesta en Ecuador, donde se analizara los principales acontecimientos ocurridos entre 2015 y 2022. Dado que, en ese periodo, se llevaron a cabo diversas marchas lideradas por destacados líderes indígenas, como Luisa Lozano y Servio Amable Angamarca, quienes p...
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Background The widely inefficient agricultural use of phosphorus (P) causes environmental damage. At the same time, an uneven resource distribution risks supply shortages for this essential nutritional element. Effective governance solutions help to stimulate a more sustainable P management and fulfil the human right to food. This article applies a...
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La investigación tiene como objetivo diseñar una estrategia pedagógica para los docentes de la Unidad Educativa “Luis Espinosa” que permita mejorar la inserción de estudiantes con NEES asociadas a la discapacidad y el desarrollo de sus competencias y habilidades basados en las teorías de Dewey, Vygotsky y Ausubel en el proceso de enseñanza aprendiz...
Conference Paper
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La presente ponencia tiene por objeto comentar la sentencia del caso Galetovic Sapunar y Otros VS. Chile, de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, enfocándose en el conflicto entre la prescripción extintiva y el derecho al recurso judicial efectivo, respecto de las víctimas de la dictadura.
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La investigación examina el término de dos días establecido por el Acuerdo Ministerial Nro. MDT-2021-219 y el artículo 621 del Código de Trabajo para contestar una solicitud de visto bueno en el contexto laboral ecuatoriano. Este plazo breve ha suscitado preocupaciones sobre su compatibilidad con el derecho a la defensa, consagrado en la Constituci...
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Gender diversity is not limited to essentialist gender paradigms based on binary gender identities. In fact, various gender identities embedded in indigenous beliefs and culture have emerged as a result of various social, cultural and political factors. One such example is the Bissu community among the Bugis peoples of South Sulawesi. Using an indi...
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Mahatma Gandhi, líder y defensor de la independencia de la India, consideraba la diversidad y la inclusión como pilares fundamentales para la construcción de una sociedad justa y armoniosa (Fischer, 2002). Sus enseñanzas, basadas en la no violencia y la resistencia pacífica, continúan siendo relevantes en el contexto actual. Gandhi defendió la igua...
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Tom Friday is a dedicated civil rights activist from Yei, South Sudan. As a passionate advocate for social justice and human rights, Tom has been actively involved in various initiatives aimed at promoting equality, freedom, and democracy in his community. A student of Uganda Martyrs University, Tom is pursuing his academic interests in social scie...
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Deprivation of national citizenship is one of the strategies used to counter the phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters, that is, individuals traveling abroad for the purpose of terrorism. This Article begins with a short overview of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights on the deprivation of citizenship. In these cases, the contesta...
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En el contexto de la narrativa chilena de la posdictadura, Rodrigo Ramos Bañados nos lleva al escenario sociocultural del norte de Chile, a un lugar que se ha convertido en el tema principal de su trabajo literario. Ciertamente, como periodista y escritor tiene mayores ventajas para observar los síntomas de la migración y darles voz a los propios p...
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This document presents a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between social work and disability, examining the historical evolution of disability models and their impact on professional practice. Originally published in Spanish (2017) and translated to English (2025), it offers a systematic review of key theoretical frameworks from Puig de l...
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Esta investigación presenta una perspectiva integral sobre la compleja temática que constituye la responsabilidad penal de los menores en Ecuador, por ello describe particularidades de su sistema de justicia adolescente. Determina como objeto de estudio el análisis sobre necesidad de redefinir la minoría de edad dentro del contexto de los estándare...
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This work aims to present various educational experiences implemented within the Citizen Training Plan in schools in Los Angeles, Chile. The plan aims to promote citizen participation in Chile’s political, social, and cultural life, as well as to promote values such as tolerance, solidarity, equality, and respect for human rights. To achieve this g...
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Este artículo fue presentado en Eje II. Memoria, verdad, justicia y reparación durante el X Coloquio Latinoamericano y Caribeño de la REDLACEDH en la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Bogotá, Colombia, del 11 al 13 de octubre de 2023, promovido por la Red Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Educación en Derechos Humanos y la Red Colombiana de Educación...
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Este artículo se deriva de la ponencia presentada en el eje II memoria, verdad, justicia y reparación del X Coloquio de la Red Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Educación en Derechos Humanos. Algunos apartes corresponden al capítulo III de la tesis doctoral titulada: Trayectorias profesionales y prácticas de enseñanza de los pasados traumáticos de cuat...
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Este artículo examina las deficiencias en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la formación policial en Latinoamérica, a partir de una revisión de 42 estudios publicados entre 2018 y 2024. Se identifican problemas en áreas clave como derechos humanos, técnicas de investigación, ética y gestión. de conflictos. Solo el 40% de las academias incluye...
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The global tuberculosis (TB) response is at a crossroads. In recent years, new ideas, technologies, and political commitments have reinvigorated the fight against this age-old disease that kills more people each year than HIV and malaria combined. But with key indicators just beginning to recover after moving in the wrong direction during the COVID...
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The unfettered authority of sport-governing bodies (SGBs) has given rise to human rights claims and led to the distortion of EU free movement of persons and competition law. Following International Skating Union and European Super League Company , SBGs cannot exercise their right to achieve legitimate sporting aims like integrity and sporting fairn...
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Resumo Objetivamos com este trabalho traçar as principais características da racionalidade neoliberal e discutir, em linhas gerais e para um começo de conversa, a maneira como ela interfere na concretização dos direitos das pessoas LGBTQIAP+ no Brasil. Nosso método, para isso, parte de uma revisão bibliográfica mediada por uma pesquisa essencialmen...