Science topics: EconHuman Resources
Science topic
Human Resources - Science topic
Human resources is the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, business sector or an economy.
Questions related to Human Resources
Why do you think the suggested structure is effective for a startup?
List some startup companies that follow the suggested structure.
This question is formulated for my research.
AI has become the future of HR and is transforming the way human resources professionals operate. It has encompassed almost every sectors of the society? Is it going to replace human resources in future?
I am researching for better Human Resource Practices which may be universally accepted by all organisations.
Request all to share the answers/ links/ any documents/ videos
j'ai un projet de fin d'etude sur le sujet de gestion des risque et management des ressources humaines
Workplace Mental Health: A Global Perspective
Workplace mental health has emerged as a critical issue in modern society, shaped by diverse cultures and national contexts. It has profound implications in two key areas. First, employee mental health is directly linked to productivity, performance, engagement, and workforce retention. Second, as people spend an increasing number of hours in their workplaces and interacting with colleagues, the impact on overall mental well-being has become significant. This book aims to explore workplace mental health challenges by inviting empirical research, case studies, and intervention reports. Its goal is to empower stakeholders globally with insights and strategies to effectively address these pressing issues.
Sections and Themes
The book,in English, will consist of five distinct sections, each focusing on different aspects of workplace mental health.
1. Workplace mental health and cultures
2. Workplace psychopathology
3. Workplace mental health and organization process
4. Workplace mental health and jurisdictions
5. Workplace mental health programs, interventions and programs
All the following topics are welcomed:
· Workplace stress
· Job-related anxiety
· Workplace trauma
· Burnout
· Work-life balance
· Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
· Mental health stigma in the workplace
· Workplace harassment and bullying
· Toxic leadership
· Organizational culture and mental health
Submission Guidelines
All submissions should follow APA style.
1. Abstract Submission Deadline: May 31, 2025 (500 words)
2. Acceptance Notification: June 30, 2025
3. Full Chapter Submission: September 30, 2025 (under 12,000 words)
4. Peer Review Results: October 31, 2025
5. Final Chapter Submission: November 30, 2025
Corresponding Editor:
Samuel Leung, PhD, International Business University, Toronto, ON, Canada
Managing Editor:
Alexander Amigud, PhD, International Business University, Toronto, ON, Canada
Digital transformation is reshaping industries worldwide, and the creative and tourism sectors are no exception. For these industries, the transformation of Human Resources (HR) is a critical component to achieving innovation and sustainable growth in a competitive global market. However, the journey is fraught with challenges, such as resistance to change, skill gaps, technology adaptation issues, and financial constraints. At the same time, this transformation offers significant opportunities, including improved operational efficiency, enhanced employee engagement, and access to global markets. This question aims to spark a discussion on effective strategies and best practices for addressing the barriers to HR digital transformation while capitalizing on its benefits. How can organizations ensure a smooth transition, build digital competencies among employees, and maintain competitiveness? Furthermore, what role do leadership, culture, and technology play in facilitating successful digital transformation in HR? Insights and case studies are welcome.
1. Different sectors/industries
2. Different departments ; * Entrepreneurship
* Supply chain management
* Procurement
* Human Resource
* Accounting
* Finance
El Laboratorio de Vidrio pertenece al Área Tecnológica de la Escuela Universitaria Centro de Diseño, de la Facultad de Arquitectura Diseño y Urbanismo. Se han propuesto históricamente actividades que integran las funciones universitarias. La investigación ha formado parte fundamental de la enseñanza en relación al material, donde se promueve la organización y sistematización para la interpretación de los resultados y la generación de conocimiento pertinente. El relacionamiento directo con el material así como el trabajo en el territorio, por medio de actividades con artistas, artesanos, diseñadores locales, fábricas y museos, permiten la integralidad de las propuestas donde estudiantes construyen aprendizajes significativos.
El Laboratorio de Vidrio ha promovido siempre la utilización de residuos de vidrio como materia prima para los ejercicios y actividades de investigación que desarrolla. El vidrio es 100% reciclable en el sector industrial aportando una reducción de hasta un 30% de energía en la demanda de los hornos de fundición. En Uruguay sin embargo, no existen industrias que lo fabriquen, por lo que la recircularización del residuo de vidrio debe proponerse mediante otros procesos.
Si bien algunos programas de la Intendencia de Montevideo sí contemplan el vidrio hueco como material reciclable, el proceso de descarte y traslado complejiza la clasificación manual eficiente y segura del residuo recolectado, que no tiene salida comercial. De esta forma, el material desechado por quienes lo clasifican, realiza un nuevo viaje a la Usina 5 Felipe Cardozo, lo que aumenta el consumo de energía y la contaminación ambiental por el uso de combustibles, en la disposición de este residuo.
El resultado son toneladas de vidrio descartadas en disposición final y el ciclo de reutilización del vidrio anulado. Esto favorece la extracción de materias primas que pueden encontrarse en el residuo de vidrio y en otro sentido evita la revalorización del envase de vidrio como producto asociado a nuevos usos a través de modificaciones formales, mecánicas, químicas o de altas temperaturas.
En este marco, en Uruguay, no existen industrias que produzcan vidrio y reciban sus residuo, por este motivo el aporte del presente proyecto a la solución de la problemática, es identificar empresas y emprendimientos que utilicen residuo de vidrio como materia prima, para promover la recircularización del material.
Para contribuir a la disminución del volumen de desechos sólidos vertidos en disposición final el Laboratorio de Vidrio distingue como estrategia la ralentización del ciclo de vida de envases de vidrio. Este proyecto propuso cuantificar los volúmenes y definir las características (tamaño, color, forma, procedencia) del residuo de vidrio que producen los Mercados Gastronómicos de Montevideo; relevar y clasificar empresas o emprendimientos de procesamiento y uso del residuo de vidrio hueco en el contexto local, determinar sus capacidades, requerimientos y caracterizar los procesos que realizan, para diseñar una guía técnica que presente y sistematice las opciones para la recircularización del residuo de vidrio hueco generado por Mercados Gastronómicos que contribuya a la educación ambiental
del público en general.
Los resultados de la investigación revelan que los Mercados Gastronómicos de Montevideo relevados desechan 455 botellas de vidrio por semana, mientras que las empresas que transforman estos residuos procesan un total de 890 botellas semanalmente. Esto sugiere que es técnicamente viable reciclar todos los residuos de vidrio generados por los Mercados Gastronómicos. Entre las opciones evaluadas, la pulverización se destaca como la alternativa con capacidad para manejar diferentes tipos de botellas y superar la cantidad de residuos generados. Sin embargo, ninguna solución identificada puede absorber todos los residuos del sector gastronómico, destacando la necesidad de un plan integral para coordinar y fortalecer las capacidades de reciclaje.
Se propone la creación de un centro de trabajo con vidrio en Montevideo para centralizar y mejorar las opciones de reciclaje, reduciendo los traslados y minimizando el impacto ambiental. El estudio también señala limitaciones en la especificidad y escalabilidad de los proyectos de reciclaje de vidrio, así como una falta de formación en personas que trabajan con este material. Se recomienda invertir en recursos humanos y materiales para promover estas capacidades, incluyendo formación, infraestructura de menor escala, diseño de productos, sistemas y servicios y estrategias de venta.
Hello. good time By answering this question researcher, you can help her a lot
With the advent of new technologies (e.g., AI, big data), according to reports, the shortage of technological talents may affect the operations of organizations. So how should the human resources department improve the retention rate of existing talents?
I believe that effective motivational strategies should be adopted, such as employee experiences such as flexible working hours or remote working.
I would like to ask for your opinion on this aspect, thank you very much!
I have seen studies using platforms like Prolific to collect data from customers or potential customers. However, I haven't yet seen studies in human resources using Prolific for data collection. There are filters on prolific that allow you to screen participants according to employment related variables. I am wondering whether prolific is suitable or not for studies in this field. Thank you.
I am writing about the Ph.D. pursuing research scholars in the HR domain regarding the problems faced in finding and publishing their research articles in Scopus Indexed Journals only.
I have decided that I am Pursuing Qualitative Research.
Since the "Publication Rate" is the norm the Researchers are bound by the Institutions.
Could anyone please provide me with your guidance, on whether it would be possible or not, and if yes what should I follow?
What are the factors that help artificial intelligence in strengthening the relationship between human resources and production quality?
Are these factors ideal or is there something additional?
1. Improving selection and recruitment processes.
2. Improve employee experience.
3. Improve production forecasting and planning
4. Improving training and development processes
5. Improving maintenance and operation processes
heavy use of Large Language Model will going to change the working style of organization?
We are looking for a research group that contains a research group in the field of management and human resources?
How is HR relevant to revenue growth?
Trying to get clarity on human resource accounting
If the academic member of the university in the field of human resources management with the rank of associate professor or professor is willing to cooperate in the quarterly "Management of Transformative Human Resources" as a member of the editorial board, please notify this email:
Responsible director of the quarterly Journal - Dr. Beheshtifar
Who agrees, for the sake of human decency, people should be trained to use the word banal, cliché, etc. instead of the word gay? How? Why? My answer: I agree for the sake of human decency, people should be trained to use the word banal, cliché, etc. instead of the word gay. How?: Through training to obtain human empathy, human dignity, and harmony. Why?: Often the term gay is misused and the banal should be addressed with respectful terms.
Did u experience video interviewing in process of selection and if u did how did u feel about it ?
The first round: Where and to whom do we give it and how do we improve green learning skills
During the last some years, artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting most areas of management, including the different functions of the management of the human resource. Which aspects of HRM, you think, are being affected the most in this regard and through what interventions?
Hello everyone ,
i am getting an assignment and it requires to make a report in Artificial intelligence implementation in middle east for Emirate or Qatary Companies.
looking your support for academic articles or reports discussing the AI with HRM practices in Middle East
Does Human Resources have any relationship with a Work Environment?
Procuro estudo sobre laboratório de ensino de habilidades de enfermagem (contribuições para o ensino, administração de recursos humanos e materiais, principais metodologias de ensino utilizadas)
all information related to the research, field in human resource (Business and Management Program)
In Yingxu Wang. "Software Engineering Foundations A Software Science Perspective" Auerbach Publications, 8 August 2007 (1444 pages)." Wang said that "Software engineering is an ideal testbed for existing theories and methodologies in disciplines mentioned above in the book, from mathematics to cognitive informatics, and from Science to sociology for two reasons:
(1) Software engineering is the latest and the most complicated engineering branch that humankind has ever experienced, and
(2) Software engineering s a transdisciplinary field with both its theoretical foundation and empirical applications inherently. An excellent book treated software engineering as a science.
In the gang of four (GoF) Book Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, et al. "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software," Addison-Wesley Professional, October 1994, and another huge number of traditional analysis and design patterns books are programming languages where they claim that Patterns are micro-architecture. Question: Where are the macro and mini architectures?
All the citations of Knuth (1974), Parnas (1998), Dijkstra (1998) & (2004) summarize the following problematic issues:
[1] Knuth indicated that software engineering (SE) is programming, and programming is an art.
[2] Parnas said that Software is a form of engineering.
[3] Dijkstra predicted the death of software engineering (SE) and named it
a. Radical Novelty
b. Miserable Science
c. Doomed Discipline
Dijkstra does not believe that SE is not Art, Science, or Engineering.
[4] Wang emphasizes that SE is a science.
[5] GoF and other traditional patterns are programming and have nothing to do with art, Science, and engineering.
During the discussion of these problematic issues with many academics and professionals and no good answers
What are the few causes of these problematic issues (will be addressed and criticized in different publications with examples):
(I) Most people working in computing (academics and partitioners) are software engineers, such as programmers, researchers, managers, and top Faculty, and this is the case with any engineering work.
(II) The existing programs at universities, training companies, Gurus, and top authors need to learn about proper software engineering. They inherited this from their previous education and training.
(III) In reality, most people treat software engineering as programming in the Colleges of Engineering, Science, and Business, and they are different.
(IV) The demand for SE positions is very high and will continue to be high. However, many organizations' hiring committees at universities and human recourses need to learn the proper qualifications for such positions. Unfortunately, discrimination influenced the hiring committees and Human Resources during the entire career experience. For example, the hiring process on hiring committees, once they kicked, prevented a seat in hiring and promotion committees.
(V) The existing software engineering books are all the same, and we cannot classify them as proper forms of Art, Science, and Engineering. Unfortunately, many software engineering instructors consider them all the same and do not offer anything related to software engineering. Therefore, they are flawed and have reductase art, Science, and engineering knowledge.
VI. All the existing research is done, and going on is a waste of money, time, and energy – Billions of $s. we need to have new directions and research agenda for accurate Software Engineering.
VII. The programmers think they are software engineers, which indicates that software engineering is programmers by the majority. According to proper software engineering, it is less than 5% of the software development lifecycle if done correctly. These answer the questions related to the cancelations of many systems, maintenance nightmare, disappearance, and short life spans of many existing software companies, failure of 98% of startups, and legacy systems (Billions of $s)
VIII. As practitioners and academics, we have been in software engineering for more than 45 years. Unfortunately, software researchers, academics, and professionals need deep knowledge of proper software engineering.
IX. The SE deals with two spaces: (1) the Problem Space and (2) the Solution Space.
(1) The problem space has three properties: (I) one problem, (II) represents the "WHAT," (III) Analysis of the functional and non-functional requirements.
(2) Solution Space has three properties: (I) Many Solutions, (II) Design, Architecture, and Coding, and (III) Represents the "HOW-TO."
The problem space only exists in some places. It is disastrous and misses the problem space in SE and leads to building software development as instance developments, leading to vast numbers of software applications per instance.
The solution space provides many solutions. However, unfortunately, this is also disastrous and misses the ultimate solution.
X. Specialized SE professors are needed at many software engineering programs in computer science, Computer Engineering, mathematics, information systems, and other colleges that need more—for example, Taken San Jose State University and all CSUs. Software Engineering Programs are extensive, with a minimal number of Faculty vs. the number of Students.
At SJSU, the Computer Engineering Department serves more than 2300 undergraduate and graduate students. It offers BS and MS degrees in computer and software engineering, and its Software Engineering Program serves more than 2000 graduate and undergraduate students. The funny thing, all the Faculty in SE are considered Software Engineering Faculty, and part-time lecturers (Who are not qualified) teach software engineering and management courses. In contrast, we believe all the systems exit in the Software section of the department to be Software Engineering courses.
XI. Existing software engineering methodologies/methods/techniques/processes have a lot of problematic issues and pitfalls that are not appropriate for SE, such as existing domain analysis, abstraction techniques, modeling, standards, functional and non-functional, design, architecture, testing, and many others
XII. We are developing instance-oriented software systems and applications based on what We call industrial objects (IOs) with the following properties: (1) Tangible, (2) Changeable, (3) Application Objects, [4] Known to most people, such as a specific book, or car, or computer, and others
The big question: Do we have ways to fix the above problematic issues and pitfalls?
Check the next Article – Old Question – Part Two.
Impacto na gestão dos Recursos Humanos tendo em conta a Constituição da República Portuguesa, a LBSE e o Estatuto da Carreira Docente.
By the third millennium, Talent Management began to develop into a popular concept among business people who increasingly realized the importance of managing Human Resources (HR) as knowledge workers in the midst of dynamic global business competition. What companies do to create value for employees and be able to improve the performance of the company.
What are the main dimensions of human resource activities?
I need to finalise a topic for my dissertation soon as a part of my course, i initially thought of doing something more in the lines of organisation behaviour or something that intersects with marketing as that is my forte but i don't have any solid ideas, any suggestions?
My name is Mohammad Azimi and I have decided to pursue my Ph.D. degree in the field of HR and organizational behavior. Regarding my M.A. degree which was in the field of marketing management, I don't have enough knowledge in the field of HR and organizational behavior but I'm really eager to learn about this field. I would appreciate it if anyone can suggest me some books that can boost my knowledge in the field of HR and organizational behavior.
Thanks in advance
I am a University student seeking support on the kind of research topic related to MBA -HROD for Hotel Industry. I am also looking for someone whom I can collaborate and can be my co-author of my study.
I want to find a thesis topic about human resources and gamification. Do you have a topic or resource you can recommend?
mis-management of agricultural worker. how they are creating burden for economy. how to increase the productivity of excess people involved in agricultural services (other than extension education)
I am a final year MBA student in India and I need to make a detailed report on any one function of my specialization,i.e. Human Resources, I'm looking for suggestions as to where should I start or what are topics I should explore to make my report worth my time as well as the professor's that will be grading it.
All suggestions are welcome and if you can also share the pre-existing material I can refer to for the same, would be highly appreciated.
In addition to large enterprises having an independent vice president of personnel to oversee personnel operations, the human resources department of general medium-sized companies and below is of the same rank or level as the general department. If the human resources management department can be upgraded to the same level as the audit department directly under the board of directors, is it possible? How to effectively integrate human resources and assist company operations?
Human resource accounting has been an area that has evolved recently,, what are some of the current trends in this are?
If the independent variable is Perceptual Management skill and the dependent variable is Management Models( Contextually based human resource, happiness factory, situational crisis communication). Which statistical tool is the best multivariate regression and Manover?
Hi everyone,
I am currently leading research activity on the topic of organisational risk assessment with a particular focus on issues referring to work-related stress evaluation. I would like to collect and study as many as possible works of research dealing with this field. In particular, I am interested in works developing practical engineering cases also contemplating thorough evaluations of diverse COVID-19 effects on psycho-physical well-being of human resources in industrial workplaces. I have already found several interesting papers but I feel the production on this field is still somehow limited, so any tip would be extremely appreciated and welcome.
Many thanks for your precious time,
In waterfall, you might have information about your people's occupation (if it is going to be high or low within the next month) because you have some estimates of how much people (and sometimes who) are you needing in the future. How does this work in agile? Can the companies have any overview after the current sprint? Because I haven't found much about the topic and I assume that since the best estimates are only on a backlog without names, therefore you can't really have an overview of your resource's availability in the near future, which is somehow troubling if you want to allow someone to go on vacations or schedule some trainings without impacting the projects.
I am currently looking for a scale (or more scales) measuring the perceived impact of HR practices and services within organizations. It would be great if it could measure the effectiveness of HR practices/services such as:
- recruitment and selection
- onboarding
- training and development
- performance appraisal/management
- comp&ben
- two-way communication
- diversity & inclusion
Thank you very much for your help!
In a research to find the effect of workaholism and how it affect the psychological and physiological life of an employee, and to see how work-addicted people are born, and finally how working in stressful environment can have on employee performance overtime.
Please note that this question is related to my future study.
I always belive that doing things before time is a good time management skill.
Thank you in advance to all those who will answer my question.
I have started doing my research on Artificial Intelligence and Human Resource Functions.
The problem I am facing is in finding any standardized questionnaire for the same.
Can anyone help me with any questionnaire or provide me details on what kind of questions I can add to show the Impact of AI on HR functions, specifically in the IT industry.
Human Resource Analytics (HRAs) is now a topical area in the field of Human Resource Management. But how applicable this is in the African context is somewhat an issue. What are some of the practical benefits that Africans can derive from adopting HRAs? How practical are HRAs in your part of the world? How can we better the adoption and implementation of HRAs in organizations in Africa?
I am looking for company level secondary data sources in the field of Human Resources such as information about information about CEOs previous job experience within the same company or any other company, his level of closeness with immediate subordinates and so on...Can anyone share such websites?
In your opinion, to what extent do you think that there is a tendency for companies and institutions to rely on external sources in the management of human resources?
Nowadays, with the development of globalization, more and more talent and trained people with international vision are more attracted in human resources marketing. Therefore, the International K-12 schools are built up like bamboo shoots after the rain, in which many combined courses are adopted, such as A-level, AP, IB. However, it's difficult for students and parents to distinguish which course is the best and suitable one for themselves. So if you have the chance to make some choice in different curricular, which one would you like to choose, A-levle, AP, or IB?
Adequate and effective social infrastructure is very much necessary for the economic growth of the country.According to Sullivan:
“Social infrastructure refers to those factors which render the human resources of a nation suitable for productive work.”
A developing country is drastically different in terms of how its labour laws are regulated, how its citizens are educated, and how their health is handled. What are the unique ways to create and develop,and sustain social infrastructure in a country (particularly developing).
The doubt is raised because there are several methodologies to estimate the degree of maturity of certain processes, such as computerization, communication, human resources, among others, and there would be the interesting thing how much they have contributed this knowledge to the entities.
please take it in the US and China's trade war context.
Hello Fellow Researchers,
I am an MPhil Management student from Calcutta University. Looking for research topics in Human Resources on a varied spectrum right from organisational culture to HR Analytics.
Request you to pour in your suggestions generously.
Thank you.
i was researching the relationship between psychological contract breach and work engagement, is there a research gap of previous studies that discuss the issue. please recommend to me a few articles that discuss these issues?
For my Master I'm writing a thesis about OBC.
In my research I plan to measure OCB of app-workers (employees under algorithmic management). If I use the 10 items of the Fox and Spector OCB-checklist, should I calculate a total score for this? Or should it be done in another way? And what is the minimum OCB score?
Thank you in advance!
It is natural that employees can have emotional effort as well as physical and cognitive effort. Emotional labor—the effort required to manage one's feelings or emotions at work—plays a significant part in many occupations.
Employees’ emotional efforts that are in harmony with business ethics can be defined as emotional labor. Evaluating emotional labor based on business ethics seeks to enable managers to reduce the negative consequences of emotional labor while preserving the positive ones.
Surface acting does not involve real feelings. It depends on fake emotional presentations. Therefore, surface acting can be evaluated as unethical emotional efforts. As a result, these fake emotional presentations can not be accepted as emotional labor.
Öngöre's findings (2019, 2020) showed that natural emotions do not cause emotional exhaustion (burnout), while surface acting causes emotional exhaustion. Meanwhile, natural feelings causes vigor and dedication (work engagement).
Öngöre, Ö. (2016). A theoretical study about the place and value of emotional labor in working life, Atatürk University Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 30(5), 1161-1177.
Öngöre, Ö. (2019). Determining the Effect of Emotional Labor on Work Engagement: Service-Sector Employees in Private Enterprises. Turkish Journal of Business Ethics, 12(1), 126-134.
Öngöre, Ö. (2020). Evaluating emotional labor: A new approach. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 39, (4):35–44.
I will be working on human resources, I'm interested in mixing cultural aspects within it but I still cannot form my question. I'd appreciate your help.
How important are human resources in your institution? Do you think that in the current conditions it still occupies a leading place?
Dear Colleagues,
Please find the link for Impact of Covid-19 on Human Resources below:
Please fill and submit.
Further, please forward to your esteemed group of researchers/academicians/corporate managers.
I need some reference and idea to survey how HRM strategies can improve occupational safety and health ? Please give me some reference to survey this relation.
As Tourism sector is complicated which is mostly human resource nature based, how can we innovate sustainable-HRM on strategical and practical view in post- corana virus?
Thanks for sharing your science, view and opinion.
Restaurants, hotels, airports and manufacturing industries started their service providers with use of robots. It is accelerating. In near futrure, the robots would be an obsolute. Given this situation, how thickly populated countries are going to manage?
In our company, Learning and Development Department is separated from Human Resources Department. No matter how linked our activities are, we always work separately - we collaborate, but our systems are being managed independently. Can you be of help?
Work-family conflict (WFC) results when work interferes with family time or space; or when family matters interfere with work. These WFC events can cause tension within family or at work. Can you suggest what theoretical lens (or theories or conceptual frameworks) can be used from sociology, organisational theory, family literature, feminist studies or psychology or conflict literature to study WFC?
There is that sardonic joke that talks about the academically high achievers who end up working for their school-failing peers. The joke is circulated in different cultures. Do you think academics, researchers and intellectuals who are dedicated to knowledge do not fit for political leadership or administrative positions?!
I intend to write a research proposal that is the part of a PhD application, I recently has done thesis on workplace bullying and it's impact on employee creativity, so please suggest me latest topics for my proposal. Thanks
In developing countries (developing countries), the weakness of health systems, including insufficient surveillance and laboratory capacity, the scarcity of human resources in public health and limited financial resources, are obvious.
Impact of COVID-19 on Human Resources
The questionnaire aims at seeking information regarding the impact of COVID-19 on human resources. You are requested to give some of your precious time (5-7 minutes) and respond fairly. Your response will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for research purposes.
Please fill all fields and after submitting the questionnaire, you are requested to share it with at least one more executive/employee of another company and your executive group also.
Link is below:
Please fill it and submit.
Please forward it to your esteemed social media groups.