Science topic
Human Exploration Projects - Science topic
The benefits of astronautics and space life sciences for human health and medicine.
Motto: "We are discovering the universe, for to finally find ourselves."
Questions related to Human Exploration Projects
Terraforming Mars has captured the imagination of scientists, engineers, and space enthusiasts alike. Traditional proposals involve timescales of centuries and even millennia to revitalize Mars. In this discussion, let's explore various approaches with a special focus on methods that could accelerate the process. One such approach, explained in my latest preprint involves creating dayside magnetic reconnection events at the Mars-Sun L1 point to speed up atmospheric building and surface warming. I would love to hear your feedback and discuss other promising techniques for rapidly transforming Mars. Keep in mind that when I use the word 'terraforming,' I do not necessarily mean that we could walk around outside without suits, but rather kickstart the planet by building its atmosphere, partially melting the ice caps, heating the surface, raising water from the bedrock, etc., and initiating noticeable and significant progress. Let’s discuss diverse ideas and strategies that could make Mars a home for future generations faster than previously imagined.

At around 3:00 Pm in10/07/2017 after going through a few lecture conversation I had come across this statement "Risk Management in Project Management" and now I'm doing my research on this topic to address the key issue in this and beyond for the next two month.If anyone aboard wish to work with me ,I'm appealing for assistance in kind for supplying vital information on this topic
Gravitational Binding Mass Nonequivalence and the Foundations of Physics
With the Lageos Satellite As a Laboratory
B.A. Soldano 5
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[PDF]International Journal of Fusion Energy
Jul 8, 1985 - Editorial Policy. The International Journal of Fusion Energy (IJFE) is an independent sci- ... by B.A. Soldano ... Program held at Goddard Space Flight Center, July 5, 1985. ... tween inertial and gravitational binding mass, leads.
[PDF]International Journal of Fusion Energy
Oct 12, 1985 - changes to IJFE, Fusion Energy. Foundation, P.O. Box .... winski 1983; 1985; Nagl and Popp 1983; Popp, Li, and. Nagl 1984). ...... x 10"12] between inertial and gravitational binding mass. The major and .... equal to 7.297351 x 103 (Soldano 1985), a = 1 rad rje,7/2 IT ...... 1613-1615 (July 1985). This papers ...
[PDF]And Hypersonic Flight
Jan 2, 1986 - ... to tone down its interim report on inertial confinement fusion research, which praised the na- ...... Committees semiannual conference, Reston, Va., July 1985. See also ...... by Benny A. Soldano, Professor of Physics,. Furman ... The quarterly IJFE covers the latest experimental results, and the hypotheses ...