Science topic
Homeopathy - Science topic
A system of therapeutics founded by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), based on the Law of Similars where "like cures like". Diseases are treated by highly diluted substances that cause, in healthy persons, symptoms like those of the disease to be treated.
Questions related to Homeopathy
How does Homeopathy Artificial Intelligence relate the Innovative Implications of AI's Revolutionary Role in Homeopathic Medicine?
I was on line with famous nephrologist and come to know about kidneys treatment by allopathic medicine.
Then my question ❓ is kidney will get back normal' position.
Respected researchers.
Our team would be happy to work with anyone who is interested in contributing to the writing of a single review paper on veterinary homoeopathy.
The collaborator ought to be sincere and have some writing experience in the scientific field or publishing. You can directly message me on ResearchGate or email me at with a brief introduction about yourself.
Warm Regards
Dr. Abrar
Scientist, Department of Medicine
GADVASU, Ludhiana, Punjab
This discussion seeks insights from researchers, practitioners, and the public to better understand the current trends in public perception and acceptance of homeopathy. Contributions on how these trends are evolving and what future directions might look like are highly encouraged.
According to the mindsets of a patient and the nature of his disease, that patient must have a particular organic electric wave or frequency in his body. And when a person takes a homeopathic medicine in a healthy body, a special wave or frequency is definitely created in that person's body.
Now, if the electrical waves or frequencies of various homeopathic medicines from the animal's body can be recorded in the computer through an advanced technology, then it will not be difficult to select the right medicine with the similar frequency as the patient's electrical waves or frequencies. This task can easily be performed with the help of AI or algorithm technology. And if this can be done, then homeopathy will become the best medical system in the world. Please let us know your thought. thank you
If we can combine essences from the theories of scriptures like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Acupuncture and modern medical systems, we can get a great medical science.
Recently, WHO tweeted on their twitter account that "For millions of people around the world #TraditionalMedicine is their first stop for health and well-being. Which of these have you used?
Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Herbal medicine, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Traditional Chinese medicine , Unani medicine"
what is your preferred system of medicine?
Deficiency is the cause of many diseases today. Many diseases are caused due to the deficiency of one or more of the essential elements of the body.
Inflammatory damage is behind this deficiency. Inflammation is caused by poisons or toxins. Toxins from parasites, germs, viruses, fungi etc. and poisons from metals, chemicals, plants, plastics and radiation etc. cause inflammation in different parts of the body.
Also mind-poison plays another major role. Frustration, turmoil, anger, tension, grief, sadness, depression and mental disorder cause inflammation in the body. Many times the mental irritation or pain of the mind is transformed into pain and inflammation of the body. Due to physical and mental trauma and emotional distress, toxins are secreted from the body's special endocrine glands and cause inflammation.
Proper treatment will be possible only if these deficiencies can be filled and the cause of inflammation along with inflammation can be removed in an evil-free manner. Palliative treatments that suppress disease or symptoms by medical professionals and traders are wreaking havoc on people. While curing one disease, these wrong treatment methods are giving rise to many diseases.
I have seen in many patients, the application of external medicine to cure a skin disease, which has suppressed that skin disease, and given rise to one or more other serious diseases. But in this corrupt society, if I leave the business perspective in the field of medicine and talk about the welfare of people, this society will become my absolute enemy.
Another important thing to mention in this context is, combining the best parts of various medical disciplines will create a superior medical science. If we can combine essences from the theories of scriptures like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, etc. and modern medical systems, we can get a great medical science.

Like Home remedies, ayurvedic, Homeopathic
I am doing an clinical research in homoeopathy "Efficacy of Osteo Arthritis nosode in the treatment of osteoarthritis of knee joint" For the same I need guide lines.
Only in homeopathy, the strength of a drug is more potent on dilution, which goes with the dilution principle of chemistry. As dilution increases, the activity also increases. Why don't we apply the same principle to existing drugs. This may revolutionise the existing pharmacology.
Hindi Name : Kalmegh
Sanskrit Name : Bhunimbh
English Name : Kalmegh
Latin Name : Andrographis paniculata Pennel
Medicinal use of Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh):
Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh) has been used since centuries for the treatment of various diseases. It is a great benefit to the Unani, Ayurveda, Homeopathy and household treatment. The chemical components present in it are Andrographolite, neoandrographolite, and deoxyandrographlide. The derivatives of it are andrographiside, andropanoside, andrographin and panicolin.
Medicinal uses of Kalmegh are interesting to know!
The dawn of homoeopathy in the world unbolted a new epoch in medicine and gave new
connotation to the word “Cure”. According to Stuart Close, homoeopathy alone, of all therapeutic
methods, can legitimately claim to effect true cures by medication, as distinguished from recoveries
(natural recoveries following treatment consisting of mere palliation of symptoms); and this it claims,
first, because it is based upon a definite general principle or law of nature; second, because it is able to
successfully apply that principle to individual cases; and third, because it does actually restore the sick to
health, quickly, safely, gently and permanently, upon easily comprehensible principles.
After maintaining all these possible ways, we may fail to cure if there may present any deflected
current in the path of cure. We are aware about the fact that disease is manifested perceptibly by signs and
symptoms and cure is manifested by the removal of these signs and symptoms. Sometimes we may face
hurdle to remove the manifestation of symptoms and it may happen that patient is not improving. Strictly
speaking the removal of all the signs and symptoms of the case is equivalent to a cure, but if the
symptoms disappear and the patient is not restored to health and strength it means either that some of the
most important symptoms of the case have been overlooked, or that the case has passed beyond the
curable stage. So there is definitely obstacle to cure created either by the nature of disease itself (Incurable
diseases, Rareness of symptoms etc.) or by the physician (Limited knowledge of Materia medica,
impatience of the physician, mistakes in prescribing, mistakes in proper homoeopathic case taking etc.) or
by the patient in any form (patient does not give proper information, the patient gives a confusing or
inadequate report, patient fails to take remedy correctly, excessive use of medicines, life style factors,
drugs and alcohol abuse etc.). This article, portrayed about the obstacles to cure from homoeopathic point
of view.
Let's discuss.
Are immunity enhancer medicine (Homeopathic and Ayurvedic ) helpful to prevent yourself from Corona virus?
The modern world is returning back to the nature! Organic/ Natural/ Unprocessed/ Wholemeal foods for good health, longevity - have become a craze now. But in case of treatment and prophylaxis - why do everyone opts for allopathic (the science based modern) medicine? Why not first the traditionals: Ayurveda/ Homeopathy/ Oriental/ Herbal/ Naturopathy/ Acupuncture/ Massage/ Yoga/ Dietary etc?
Aren't these scientific enough? Are they developing in appropriate pace with allopathy?
Why do modern clinicians still neglect/tease some of theses modes of therapies?
Why the new generation not getting solid confidence on these natural treatments?
Do we really need validation of symptoms ?
Does homoeopathy really need validation of symptoms?
Homeopathy has a long history and relaid on utilization of natural substances to cure diseases without performing any modifications of body parts as done in Allopathy.
The Dolos List team is interested in homeopathy and the pseudoscientific and predatory journals that promote it. Here are our conclusions:
Elsevier remains a serious scientific publisher, but its traditional rigor does not exempt it from being studied by my office and I sincerely hope that Elsevier will take the appropriate decisions.
I am working on homeopathic medicines for which I am using my basic sample as cupric oxide and mixed it with lactose and grinded it in a mortar and pestle. XPS analysis of these samples shows a chemical peak shift for cupric oxide and it is mostly coming to be as copper. Is it possible to get cupric oxide reduced to copper by reacting with lactose while grinding in a mortar and pestle?
Thanks in advance
I am planning to make a research on the history of instruments, utensils and materials of ayurvedic therapies, e.g. swedana, shirodhara, udvartana, abhyanga, etc. This project has the following goals:
1.- Compare the instruments and utensils used in ayurvedic therapies from ancient times in India to those one used nowadays. For example, when ayurvedic therapies were described in old ayurvedic texts there were no plastic objects, electricity, ... Perhaps today the use of artificial materials is damaging the results of these therapies.
2. - Analyse the possible consequences of those changes mentioned in point 1.
3.- Study the exact recommendations about the use of certain materials and instruments given in the most relevant ayurvedic texts, i.e. Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga Hrdaya. Contrast this information with the ayurvedic practice from ancient times to the present.
4.- Determine the materials the different ayurvedic utensils and instruments are made of and analyse how their quality depends, for example, on the social position of the patient, etc.
Thank you
recently I have seen a homeopathic formulation mentioning Blatta orientalis as one of the ingredients along with other plants for treatment of cough. Cockroaches are considered as household nuisances with a hated look and possibly aggravate allergies to asthmatics.
Climate change is causing new types of diseases.
The recent article by Jakub Zawiła-Niedźwiecki & Jacek Olender, two philosophers of science, recently attempted to refuse homeopathy as a “modern” science, stating that: a) Homeopathic practitioners do not possess current scientific knowledge that provides the foundations for medicine—it follows that they are unfit to practise as physicians due to their lack of prerequisite knowledge; b) Homeopathic practitioners do possess current scientific knowledge that provides the foundations for medicine but choose not to follow it—in which case they are in violation of the commonly accepted principles of medical practice. And finally reported that Science, logic, and ethics require that homeopathy be removed from the practice of medicine and relegated to the history of medicine.
Surely, they met my agreement. I frequently tried to report this concern in many of my criticisms, stating that homeopathy suffers from empiricism, an obscure, cryptic terminology and tenets funded on not demonstrated models. Without any foundation ground on science, homeopathy appears as a student's prank.
The paper by Jakub Zawiła-Niedźwiecki & Jacek Olender is claimed as a “not gentle refutation...”. Ask you why....
The recent Letter published by Prof. Silvio Garattini would put the word "end" to that bulk of pseudo-evidence of homeopathy in clinics. Aside from appealing topics coming from physics, chemical-physics or quantum mechanics (see video links), any of you could retrieve this truth by simply accessing to Cochrane Database and to authorative medical journals, which published strong clinical evidence for homeopathy exclusively in somatoform illness (fibromyalgia, IBS) or spontaneously resolving immune ailments, accounting for a placebo effect, causality and very low diluted remedies (so, herbal therapy-see interview by Dawkins to Fisher). In Verona a recent Congress on high dilutions and homepathy (XXIX GIRI Meeting) lacked public announcement and was held closed-doors....why? Dawkins shows that homeopathy should be described as a drop in a sea...Whether or not tap water, even diluted thousands times and mechanically stressed might heal cancer and any Pandora's evil (!!!!), to date is undoubtfully ineffective, as empiricism appear to be the only method. I suggest physicians to care those homeopaths resorting to hospitals with still water or sugar pills....I believe that we could solve many Government financial troubles...( a boutade)
I am interested in burning mouth disease.
I am looking for a series of datasets (raw-data) in brain (EEG or MEG) or cardiac (HRV) activity of patients under homeopathic treatment. We want to research the phase transition of the human holistic complex system with modern tools of nonlinear analysis and complexity theory.
Thank you for your attention.
I want to use crude extract ( seed powder ) to treat animals, is it necessary to go for GC-MS for this extract or should i have to use aqueous or methanol extract for this study
Can we succinctly compare and contrast these health paradigms? Are they mutually exclusive? Are they synergistic? If so, how and why?
I want to know about the cure of these dental diseases in homeopathy, Ayurveda or any other traditional medicine for this.