Science topic

Homeopathy - Science topic

A system of therapeutics founded by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), based on the Law of Similars where "like cures like". Diseases are treated by highly diluted substances that cause, in healthy persons, symptoms like those of the disease to be treated.
Questions related to Homeopathy
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
3 answers
How does Homeopathy Artificial Intelligence relate the Innovative Implications of AI's Revolutionary Role in Homeopathic Medicine?
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing homeopathic medicine by enhancing the precision and personalization of treatments. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of patient data, including symptoms and medical history, to identify the most suitable homeopathic remedies more efficiently than traditional methods. Machine learning models detect patterns and correlations that may not be evident to practitioners, leading to more effective treatment plans. Additionally, AI facilitates remote consultations and real-time monitoring of patient progress. This integration of AI brings innovative implications by improving patient outcomes, streamlining clinical workflows, and advancing research within homeopathic medicine.
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
5 answers
I was on line with famous nephrologist and come to know about kidneys treatment by allopathic medicine.
Then my question ❓ is kidney will get back normal' position.
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When it comes to treating kidney disease, particularly in the second stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD), both homeopathy and allopathy offer different approaches, and the effectiveness can vary based on individual circumstances.
Homeopathy is often touted for its potential to stimulate the body's immune system, which may help improve kidney function. Some practitioners claim that homeopathic treatments can lead to significant improvements in kidney health, potentially allowing patients to withdraw from dialysis or avoid more invasive treatments like transplantation. Homeopathy is believed to work by addressing the underlying causes of kidney issues and promoting overall health, which can be particularly beneficial for patients with conditions like diabetes and hypertension that complicate kidney disease
Allopathic medicine, which includes conventional treatments such as medications, dialysis, and kidney transplants, focuses on managing symptoms and preventing further damage to the kidneys. While allopathic treatments do not cure kidney disease, they can effectively manage the condition and prolong life by performing the essential functions of the kidneys.
For patients in the second stage of CKD, allopathic treatments may include medications to control blood pressure, manage diabetes, and reduce proteinuria, which can help slow the progression of kidney disease.
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
2 answers
Respected researchers. Our team would be happy to work with anyone who is interested in contributing to the writing of a single review paper on veterinary homoeopathy. The collaborator ought to be sincere and have some writing experience in the scientific field or publishing. You can directly message me on ResearchGate or email me at with a brief introduction about yourself.
Warm Regards
Dr. Abrar
Scientist, Department of Medicine
GADVASU, Ludhiana, Punjab
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I will help if you needed In Ayurved veterinary medicine review paper.
thanks for recommending me..
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
7 answers
This discussion seeks insights from researchers, practitioners, and the public to better understand the current trends in public perception and acceptance of homeopathy. Contributions on how these trends are evolving and what future directions might look like are highly encouraged.
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Homeopathy presents a unique challenge for biomedical and scientific authorities. Its remedies often defy conventional analytical methods and are consequently deemed invalid by these standards. However, this should be seen as an opportunity to expand conventional research protocols, which are typically not properly designed to evaluate natural medicine disciplines.
When applied with appropriate protocols, modern research methodologies can potentially contribute to the advancement of natural medical systems. Furthermore, establishing a common language for collaboration between natural medicine and biomedicine could be highly beneficial. However, such progress requires a foundation of mutual understanding and respect.
Instead, for decades, natural medicine systems have too often sought to be 'legitimized' by biomedicine and modern science. In doing so, they have frequently succumbed unnecessarily to the hegemony of these fields. Some who practice ancient disciplines such as Ayurveda, Tibetan medicine, and Chinese medicine have endeavored to adopt the ideology of Evidence-Based Medicine, attempting to gain acceptance from these relatively younger medical traditions.
Recently, the FDA has banned many homeopathic remedies in the United States. These bans raise significant concerns. It is necessary for people who use homeopathic remedies as well as homeopaths to fight for the recognition of homeopathy's long history of successfully treating illness and disease.
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
4 answers
According to the mindsets of a patient and the nature of his disease, that patient must have a particular organic electric wave or frequency in his body. And when a person takes a homeopathic medicine in a healthy body, a special wave or frequency is definitely created in that person's body.
Now, if the electrical waves or frequencies of various homeopathic medicines from the animal's body can be recorded in the computer through an advanced technology, then it will not be difficult to select the right medicine with the similar frequency as the patient's electrical waves or frequencies. This task can easily be performed with the help of AI or algorithm technology. And if this can be done, then homeopathy will become the best medical system in the world. Please let us know your thought. thank you
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Yes, we are able today to register some electrical signals from the brain and other areas of the human body. However, accurate determination of these signals is not an easy task and hardly can be done with computer tools that today are wrongly called AI. Usage of computers in medicine today results in a lot of harm and problems. This is one of the reasons why US medicine is only in 47th place in the world. Homeopathic methods can be considered to be a part of drug-based medical technologies and it makes them partially harmful and reduces efficiency. Some much better and more efficient drugless technologies must be used instead. The problem is that the majority of medical professionals do not know about it and are not trained to use these tools. I am well-involved in these methods and have used them for about 4 decades with good results. I authored some new medical technologies and equipment for their realization, and actively used it practically every day. As a result, I never use any drugs except only antibiotics to fight infections. These technologies twice saved my life and allow me to keep my organism in good form. No drugs and no help from computer-based lookup tables or what you called AI. Efficiency is close to 100% and it was well-proven. Therefore, your predictions about homeopathic technologies being the best medicine of the future are not right. This is not an ideal solution and has a lot of limitations and even harmful effects. They, like almost any drug-based method, fight with symptoms instead of removing the primary reason for the problem(s). Drugless technologies are free from such imperfections and they are the best and they are the future of the right medicine.
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
9 answers
If we can combine essences from the theories of scriptures like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Acupuncture and modern medical systems, we can get a great medical science.
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yes, definitely dear Sir. If we proactively follow our traditional system of medicines we can prevent so many common seasonal diseases as well as minimizes the use of modern medicine except emergency conditions.
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
25 answers
Recently, WHO tweeted on their twitter account that "For millions of people around the world #TraditionalMedicine is their first stop for health and well-being. Which of these have you used?
Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Herbal medicine, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Traditional Chinese medicine , Unani medicine"
what is your preferred system of medicine?
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Yesterday kicked off the first-ever World Health Organization (WHO) summit dedicated to traditional medicine, including disciplines as wide-ranging as Ayurveda, yoga, homeopathy and complementary therapies. Billions of people use traditional healing systems, so some researchers have called for more rigorous science, such as randomized control trials or systematic reviews, to understand these practices and to ensure the safety of products such as herbal medicines...
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
5 answers
Deficiency is the cause of many diseases today. Many diseases are caused due to the deficiency of one or more of the essential elements of the body.
Inflammatory damage is behind this deficiency. Inflammation is caused by poisons or toxins. Toxins from parasites, germs, viruses, fungi etc. and poisons from metals, chemicals, plants, plastics and radiation etc. cause inflammation in different parts of the body.
Also mind-poison plays another major role. Frustration, turmoil, anger, tension, grief, sadness, depression and mental disorder cause inflammation in the body. Many times the mental irritation or pain of the mind is transformed into pain and inflammation of the body. Due to physical and mental trauma and emotional distress, toxins are secreted from the body's special endocrine glands and cause inflammation.
Proper treatment will be possible only if these deficiencies can be filled and the cause of inflammation along with inflammation can be removed in an evil-free manner. Palliative treatments that suppress disease or symptoms by medical professionals and traders are wreaking havoc on people. While curing one disease, these wrong treatment methods are giving rise to many diseases.
I have seen in many patients, the application of external medicine to cure a skin disease, which has suppressed that skin disease, and given rise to one or more other serious diseases. But in this corrupt society, if I leave the business perspective in the field of medicine and talk about the welfare of people, this society will become my absolute enemy.
Another important thing to mention in this context is, combining the best parts of various medical disciplines will create a superior medical science. If we can combine essences from the theories of scriptures like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, etc. and modern medical systems, we can get a great medical science.
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Suppressive medications are the main cause of chronic disorders. Medical treatment is the main cause of death (Null et al). It is an incredible commercial success, and unlikely to change. This does not bode well for funding research in human wellbeing aside from commercial considerations.
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
1 answer
Like Home remedies, ayurvedic, Homeopathic
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Sure ma'am it's effects very good result.
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
1 answer
I am doing an clinical research in homoeopathy "Efficacy of Osteo Arthritis nosode in the treatment of osteoarthritis of knee joint" For the same I need guide lines.
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Research should begin with an educated idea arising from a clinical practice issue. A research topic rooted in a clinical problem provides the motivation for the completion of the research and relevancy for affecting medical practice changes and improvements. The research idea is further informed through a systematic literature review, clarified into a conceptual framework, and defined into an answerable research question. Engagement with clinical experts, experienced researchers, relevant stakeholders of the research topic, and even patients can enhance the research question's relevance, feasibility, and efficiency.
Planning and Conducting Clinical Research: The Whole Process - PubMed (
Consort - Welcome to the CONSORT Website (
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
3 answers
Only in homeopathy, the strength of a drug is more potent on dilution, which goes with the dilution principle of chemistry. As dilution increases, the activity also increases. Why don't we apply the same principle to existing drugs. This may revolutionise the existing pharmacology.
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I will explain the principle, it is very simple, or give you more references, contact jananamthapas @ gmail. com
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
17 answers
Hindi Name : Kalmegh
Sanskrit Name : Bhunimbh
English Name : Kalmegh
Latin Name : Andrographis paniculata Pennel
Medicinal use of Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh):
Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh) has been used since centuries for the treatment of various diseases. It is a great benefit to the Unani, Ayurveda, Homeopathy and household treatment. The chemical components present in it are Andrographolite, neoandrographolite, and deoxyandrographlide. The derivatives of it are andrographiside, andropanoside, andrographin and panicolin.
Medicinal uses of Kalmegh are interesting to know!
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  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
4 answers
The dawn of homoeopathy in the world unbolted a new epoch in medicine and gave new
connotation to the word “Cure”. According to Stuart Close, homoeopathy alone, of all therapeutic
methods, can legitimately claim to effect true cures by medication, as distinguished from recoveries
(natural recoveries following treatment consisting of mere palliation of symptoms); and this it claims,
first, because it is based upon a definite general principle or law of nature; second, because it is able to
successfully apply that principle to individual cases; and third, because it does actually restore the sick to
health, quickly, safely, gently and permanently, upon easily comprehensible principles.
After maintaining all these possible ways, we may fail to cure if there may present any deflected
current in the path of cure. We are aware about the fact that disease is manifested perceptibly by signs and
symptoms and cure is manifested by the removal of these signs and symptoms. Sometimes we may face
hurdle to remove the manifestation of symptoms and it may happen that patient is not improving. Strictly
speaking the removal of all the signs and symptoms of the case is equivalent to a cure, but if the
symptoms disappear and the patient is not restored to health and strength it means either that some of the
most important symptoms of the case have been overlooked, or that the case has passed beyond the
curable stage. So there is definitely obstacle to cure created either by the nature of disease itself (Incurable
diseases, Rareness of symptoms etc.) or by the physician (Limited knowledge of Materia medica,
impatience of the physician, mistakes in prescribing, mistakes in proper homoeopathic case taking etc.) or
by the patient in any form (patient does not give proper information, the patient gives a confusing or
inadequate report, patient fails to take remedy correctly, excessive use of medicines, life style factors,
drugs and alcohol abuse etc.). This article, portrayed about the obstacles to cure from homoeopathic point
of view.
Let's discuss.
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it is useful
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
15 answers
Are immunity enhancer medicine (Homeopathic and Ayurvedic ) helpful to prevent yourself from Corona virus?
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AYUSH Remedies - Approved by Govt of India to fight against Covid19 - The basic
concept is to boost up the immunity - - as advised by Ministry of Home Affairs ( MoHFW ) , India .
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
14 answers
The modern world is returning back to the nature! Organic/ Natural/ Unprocessed/ Wholemeal foods for good health, longevity - have become a craze now. But in case of treatment and prophylaxis - why do everyone opts for allopathic (the science based modern) medicine? Why not first the traditionals: Ayurveda/ Homeopathy/ Oriental/ Herbal/ Naturopathy/ Acupuncture/ Massage/ Yoga/ Dietary etc?
Aren't these scientific enough? Are they developing in appropriate pace with allopathy?
Why do modern clinicians still neglect/tease some of theses modes of therapies?
Why the new generation not getting solid confidence on these natural treatments?
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In rural and semi-urban India, traditional medicines are still the first option for treatment of diseases. People of all generations understand the importance of traditional medicines, that's why they are gradually shifting towards natural and plant based medicines as stated by Professor Amit Baran Sharangi Sir in his post.
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
3 answers
Do we really need validation of symptoms ?
Does homoeopathy really need validation of symptoms?
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Yes it is required, our Materia medica contains different variety of symptoms such as Proving, Clinical, Toxicological etc. with different levels of evidence also collected years back, so verification and validation will definitely boost the faith and confidence of young Homeopaths.
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
25 answers
Homeopathy has a long history and relaid on utilization of natural substances to cure diseases without performing any modifications of body parts as done in Allopathy.
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Homeopathy has a long history as you mentioned and as a holistic medicine in many treatments work and heal .
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
3 answers
The Dolos List team is interested in homeopathy and the pseudoscientific and predatory journals that promote it. Here are our conclusions:
Elsevier remains a serious scientific publisher, but its traditional rigor does not exempt it from being studied by my office and I sincerely hope that Elsevier will take the appropriate decisions.
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Dear Jai Ghosh,
At first, I would like to draw your attention to this:
And to this :
Then, I would like to remind you of some of your comments:
"I strongly disagree with professor Georges where he is trying to force his line of thinking on every scientists. Whatever he is saying is nothing but his personal opinion and he has no right to make these public in order to brain-wash every scientists right to publish their work in their journal of choice. Treat this as a warning message."
Are you sure it's a good idea to send me a warning message? I let you guess how I interpreted it by reading what will follow:
In case you have not consulted the rules of the Dolos list (, Part II, Subpart 2, Section F, Sub-section b, indicates that "In the event of a threat to the office, the addition to the list of a journal or publisher is final." and Part III, Subpart 3, indicates that "It will be preferable that the journals and publishers added to the list adopt an approach of acceptance and change of their practices. Threats taken seriously may be subject to permanent addition or prosecution.".
OMICS is therefore added to the Dolos list, as a predatory publisher, permanently. He is ineligible for the probation procedure. A permanent addition may be accompanied by other actions sanctioning questionable business practices, conduct contrary to scientific ethic, and threats.
In this case, by honesty, I will ask you to specify your links with OMICS in your future complaints. Indeed, your lack of transparency about your interests, which are in fact the reason for your complaint, is not indicative of an ethical line of conduct. But that's not surprising from a predatory publisher editor.
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
4 answers
I am working on homeopathic medicines for which I am using my basic sample as cupric oxide and mixed it with lactose and grinded it in a mortar and pestle. XPS analysis of these samples shows a chemical peak shift for cupric oxide and it is mostly coming to be as copper. Is it possible to get cupric oxide reduced to copper by reacting with lactose while grinding in a mortar and pestle? 
Thanks in advance
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Dear, Basu
In the redox reaction , cupric oxide can be reduced to copper by reacting with lactose while grinding in a mortar and pestle due to the availability of carbon source in lactose. The oxygen from the copper oxide is quite reactive and formed a news table compound with carbon. The publication of Asohk et al, show the differents mechanisms of reaction.
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
3 answers
I am planning to make a research on the history  of instruments, utensils and materials of ayurvedic therapies, e.g. swedana, shirodhara, udvartana, abhyanga, etc. This project has the following goals:
1.- Compare the instruments and utensils used in ayurvedic therapies from ancient times in India to those one used nowadays. For example, when ayurvedic therapies were described in old ayurvedic texts there were no plastic objects, electricity, ... Perhaps today the use of artificial materials is damaging the results of these therapies.
2. - Analyse the possible consequences of those changes mentioned in point 1.
3.- Study the exact recommendations about the use of certain materials and instruments given in the most relevant ayurvedic texts, i.e. Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga Hrdaya. Contrast this information with the ayurvedic practice from ancient times to the present.
4.- Determine the materials the different ayurvedic utensils and instruments are made of and analyse how their quality depends, for example, on the social position of the patient, etc.
Thank you
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There is a article in Sri Lanka, but it is in Sinhala language. Will try to translate and send a summery of it
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
9 answers
recently I have seen a homeopathic formulation mentioning Blatta orientalis  as one of the ingredients along with other plants for treatment of cough. Cockroaches are considered as household nuisances with a hated look and possibly aggravate allergies to asthmatics.
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It  seems  like several discoveries by chance, on the basis of above observations (A lazy servant did not clean the kettle which had cockroaches in it. The tea was therefore also boiled cockroaches. The drinker had asthma attacks so caused by the Blatta. Eureka. The new medicine was created. Ghose, Sarat Chandra, HAPCO, Calcutta 1984, Drugs of Hindoosthan With their Homoeopathic Uses, Provings, and Clinical Verifications) in response to:-
Why is Blatta orientalis (Indian Cockroach) used in homeopathic formulation to treat Asthma? What is the active principle? - ResearchGate. Available from: [accessed May 26, 2016].
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
57 answers
Climate change is causing new types of diseases.
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Homeopathy is a specific training in which the underlying principle is that "like treats like".  The practice utilizes dilutions of herbs and minerals singly or in combination to treat anything form illnesses to mood disorders.  It is profound yet subtle treatment.  Homeopathy was the leading discpline in medicine in this country a hundred years ago and is still widely practiced in Europe where there are entire hospitals that use only Homeopathic medicines.  Hahneman Medical School in Philadelphia was originally a school of homeopathy.  (It has since been bought by a big hospital chain and had its name changed.)  You can buy certain homeopathic remedies in your local health food store, but there are practitioners who specialize in this area and can create individually designed remedies for a specific patient.  To promote oneself as a "Homeopath" requires no specific training, certification or licensure.  Caveat emptor.
Naturopathy is a field of medical care which utilizes foods and supplements as medicine.  The degree of ND is conferred in a school of naturopathy of which there are several in this country, mostly in Washington and Oregon.
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
95 answers
The recent article by Jakub Zawiła-Niedźwiecki & Jacek Olender, two philosophers of science, recently attempted to refuse homeopathy as a “modern” science, stating that: a) Homeopathic practitioners do not possess current scientific knowledge that provides the foundations for medicine—it follows that they are unfit to practise as physicians due to their lack of prerequisite knowledge; b) Homeopathic practitioners do possess current scientific knowledge that provides the foundations for medicine but choose not to follow it—in which case they are in violation of the commonly accepted principles of medical practice. And finally reported that  Science, logic, and ethics require that homeopathy be removed from the practice of medicine and relegated to the history of medicine.
Surely, they met my agreement. I frequently tried to report this concern in many of my criticisms, stating that homeopathy suffers from empiricism, an obscure, cryptic terminology and tenets funded on not demonstrated models. Without any foundation ground on science, homeopathy appears as a student's prank.
The paper by Jakub Zawiła-Niedźwiecki & Jacek Olender is claimed as a “not gentle refutation...”. Ask you why....
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Ranjit - do you mean "the difficulty is to prove that there is something more than the placebo effect"?  It seems that it needs to demonstrated that there is a greater effect from the homeopathic treatment than the control (or placebo) effect in double blind studies. 
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
95 answers
The recent Letter published by Prof. Silvio Garattini would put the word "end" to that bulk of pseudo-evidence of homeopathy in clinics. Aside from appealing topics coming from physics, chemical-physics or quantum mechanics (see video links), any of you could retrieve this truth by simply accessing to Cochrane Database and to authorative medical journals, which published strong clinical evidence for homeopathy exclusively in somatoform illness (fibromyalgia, IBS) or spontaneously resolving immune ailments, accounting for a placebo effect, causality and very low diluted remedies (so, herbal therapy-see interview by Dawkins to Fisher). In Verona a recent Congress on high dilutions and homepathy (XXIX GIRI Meeting) lacked public announcement and was held closed-doors....why? Dawkins shows that homeopathy should be described as a drop in a sea...Whether or not tap water, even diluted thousands times and mechanically stressed might heal cancer and any Pandora's evil (!!!!), to date is undoubtfully ineffective, as empiricism appear to be  the only method. I suggest physicians to care those homeopaths resorting to hospitals with still water or sugar pills....I believe that we could solve many Government financial troubles...( a boutade)
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Homeopathy has been around for about 200 years and has been used successfully by those well trained and experienced.  Same with Naturopathy, the oldest form of medicine, which goes back pre-history: get a good practitioner and you're in good shape.  Same with the Johnny-come-lately Allopathy: get someone who knows what he/she is doing and how to use it rightly, and it works fine.  Same for Massage, Acupuncture and many other forms of medicine.  
These days, science is steeped in materialism, closed off from the many layers of human experience.  What is not understood is often frightening to those closed-minded or narrow-minded "evidence-based", "only-if-I-can-see-it", pseudo-scientific cultists.  They tend to be in the same league as the downtown fundamentalist religionists.  However, the wise, open-minded healers will base their comments on direct experience, reasoning from facts, and on competent testimony.  Like Traditional Medicine, the efficacy of Homeopathy has stood the test of time. 
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
3 answers
I am interested in burning mouth disease. 
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There is only weak research evidence for homeopathy in this condition. Two non-peer reviewed projects have been published, both by Chebel IFO in 2012. Title: "Acoa do tratamento homeopatico na sintomalogia da sindrome da ardencia bucal em duas fases: estudo duplo cego placebo controlado e estudo alberto. Thesis, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil." One was an open uncontrolled observational study of individualised homeopathy in burning mouth syndrome with 28 participants, showing a reduction in burning measured using VAS by 64.6%. The second was a double-blind trial comparing homeopathic Arsenicum album with placebo, including 31 participants, showing a reduction of burning measured using VAS by 44.5% in the verum group and 12.7% in the placebo group.
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
5 answers
I am looking for a series of datasets (raw-data) in brain (EEG or MEG) or cardiac (HRV) activity of patients under homeopathic treatment. We want to research the phase transition of the human holistic complex system with modern tools of nonlinear analysis and complexity theory.
Thank you for your attention.
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  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
8 answers
I want to use crude extract ( seed powder ) to treat animals, is it necessary  to go for GC-MS for this  extract  or should i have to use aqueous or methanol extract  for this study
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Yes; IF you know. But if you do not know it is a waste. And still: it should be or made volatile, otherwise you should use LC.
  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
1 answer
Can we succinctly compare and contrast these health paradigms? Are they mutually exclusive? Are they synergistic? If so, how and why?
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  • asked a question related to Homeopathy
12 answers
I want to know about the cure of these dental diseases in homeopathy, Ayurveda or any other traditional medicine for this.
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In Traditional Persian Medicine(TPM), the astringents such as sumac and Pomegranate sauce are considered as remedies for gingivitis in some instances. However, the patient's temperament(mizaj) should be considered for any prescription in TPM.