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History of Social Science - Science topic
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Questions related to History of Social Science
Which is the best book for understanding Social Sciences Statistical analysis tools?
Hello Friends!
I have been in search of best book for understanding and applying social sciences statistical analysis tools. I am new in this field please seniors recommend some best books on the topic.
Dear All,
I have created a mind map of a literature review on How Ontology, Epistemology And Axiology Relate To Develop New Knowledge Through Research Methodology And Research Design.
The summary is at :
I want critical comments on my thoughts.
The outline of the finding is as follows and you can follow the above link for a more clear image.
Thank you
Please refer following links of ideas and make critics;
· I found that any research needs to add new knowledge
· That knowledge is resulted from answering a question/s or/and finding a solution/s
· Each problem or solution has its ontology, epistemology, and axiology
· The ontology, epistemology and axiology collectively form a research philosophy while those influence developing research questions or hypotheses or a mix of both regarding the problem or solution.
· As the research philosophy and questions/hypothesis origin from the same sources to both should be conceptually related to each other.
· Then research design is formulated to answer those research questions or hypotheses or a mix of both
· same time the research methodology is underpinning the particular research’s ontology, epistemology, axiology and philosophy continues
· Then research design and research methodology both make the selection of approach in theory development. As well, research design and research methodology make and formulate the rest of the steps in the research.
· After that, the steps are clear. However, the selections of methodological choices, strategies, data collection techniques and analysis techniques are interrelated decisions.
· Finally, all these activities resulted in new knowledge
Who leads the advances in science?
Whether, practitioners research and develop new approaches, then scientists define the conceptual frames using the established methodologies
Or else?
Any empirical researches on this?
I am looking for a specific issue of René Worms' Revue internationale de sociologie somewhen between 1925 and 1927. Do you know of any online archive beyond Gallica?
The Third World academic dependency means the dependency of ideas, technologies, theories and concepts, media of ideas, aid and investment in education to Europeans and Americans.
Marginal revolution is understood to have occurred in 1870’s. However, Blaug (2001) shows that Germany and France were ahead of UK in topics and tools like subjective value theory and demand and supply diagram. J.R. Hicks claimed that the most important characteristic of the marginal revolution was the shift from plutology (economics of production) to catallactics (economics of exchange). The image and meaning of the so-called marginal revolution must be drastically changed. What is your opinion? What does it mean for the present-day economics?