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Publications related to History of Religion (1,226)
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EDITORIAL It is with a burning heart that I am bringing out this dedicated issue of IJML. Though we have published dedicated issues of our journals earlier, unlike those, this issue carries dedication of two great literary kings and dearest senior members of our GIEWEC family. We have been most unfortunate to lose those luminaries within a period o...
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This article explores the complex nature of war as a social phenomenon and analyzes how society shapes the narrative of war. Using the theoretical framework of social constructivism, the article demonstrates that war narratives are not merely a collection of objective facts but rather social constructs shaped by various factors. The study identifie...
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Desde un enfoque de historia social, el objetivo del artículo es analizar la representación del protestantismo como sujeto histórico en la historiografía de las décadas de 1980 y 1990, tomando el caso de Jean-Pierre Bastian. El argumento que guía esta reflexión es que el historiador suizo construyó una representación general y homogénea sobre un pr...
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En el sur de Jalisco se encuentra un pueblo de nombre Tepec, mismo que está emplazado a apenas unos cuantos kilómetros de la cabecera municipal de Amacueca. En este poblado existe una tradición oral sobre una sombría maldición que puede caer sobre todos aquellos que tengan la mala fortuna de morir el 31 de diciembre, exactamente en el momento de la...
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Ideologia rosyjskiego świata (ruskogo mira) na Białorusi jest zintegrowana z historycznymi, religijnymi, językowymi i politycznymi aspektami kraju, wspierana na najwyższych szczeblach władzy. W białoruskim środowisku naukowym postrzegane jest to jako rosyjski projekt kulturowo-cywilizacyjny i geopolityczny, mający na celu integrację państw postradz...
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The inaugural issue of the Druze Studies Journal (DSJ) represents a pivotal moment for advancing interdisciplinary research on the Druze. Despite longstanding scholarly interest, studies on the Druze have often been fragmented across disciplines and lacked a dedicated platform. DSJ seeks to fill this gap by fostering a global and collaborative scho...
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This study proposes a novel approach to urban perception studies by integrating street view imagery and multi-source social media data to infer user perceptions and preferences of urban spaces, thereby informing placemaking strategies. With advanced pre-trained Google Cloud Vision AI, this study regards street view imagery as a baseline to compare...
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Una disyuntiva metodológica motivó las investigaciones que conforman el presente libro: la incorporación de la historia como una más de las humanidades, o bien su caracterización objetiva entre las ciencias sociales. Las propuestas-desde múltiples puntos de vista-re-dactadas por distintas historiadoras e historiadores: de-sarrollado interesantes ar...
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The rise of technological advancement in the modern era has ignited renewed expressions of apocalypticism and millenarianism, shaping societal anxieties about the pace of scientific progress. From fears of artificial intelligence surpassing human control to concerns about climate change, nuclear weapons, and biotechnological innovations, many view...
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Apuntes preparados para mis alumnos del curso de Historia de las Religiones en la UGM
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This thesis explores the linguistic and cultural connections between the Sumerian and Turkic languages, focusing on their role in shaping scientific, legal, and cultural norms. It introduces the concept of imology, based on the Sumerian word IM 򅎠meaning 'clay' and extending to 'sign' as the most important determinative peculiar to the ancient ages...
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El análisis de documentos distintos a los realizados por grandes sistemas religiosos, como las sumas teológicas o la Biblia, puede ayudar a entender la religiosidad practicada por la comunidad menos cercana a la ortodoxia doctrinal desde fuentes diferentes y menos convencionales. Al hacer un cotejo de la cultura tipográfica de la última etapa del p...
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This paper compares the ancient Mediterranean and Mesopotamian civilizations’ concept of borders and their relation with the spaces they transformed through a comparative approach of selected ancient civilizations, putting these cosmogonies into a chronological evolutionary line. The distinct motifs, symbols, and theological frameworks are examined...
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This paper examines how religion has influenced Egyptian politics from its very beginning until modern Egypt, which is represented by the rule of the presidents Nasser, Sadat, Mubarak and Morsi. The history of the religious groups that have played a major role in Egyptian politics, mainly the Muslim Brotherhood, will be studied too. When and how di...
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Throughout history, religion has exerted a profound influence on societal development in diverse ways, occupying a pivotal role in the intricate dynamics of human progress. Religion was not merely an intangible influence; it also manifested in the fundamental statutes of the nation-states. In this context, constitutions can be classified into three...
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Conferencia inaugural realizada en el Congreso de Historia Latinoamericana sobre el Catolicismo: Desde el antiguo régimen hasta la actualidad, en San José de Costa Rica del 26 al 30 de agosto de 2024
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The current research article seeks to explore the convergences and divergences in the approaches to reaching God across the three major world religions within the context of religious diversity. The current article implements a review of the existing literature as a research method in order to gather conclusive and evidence-based data with the aim...
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The research aims to identify universal and specific lexico-phraseological means of representing Russian and British value systems, determined by their denotative correspondence. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the latest publicistic texts (the early 21st century) served as the source of factual material, which makes it possible to ide...
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Bengal, a land of beauty and prosperity in its cultural ancestry. The tradition is enriched by diverse folk art of various tribes and ethnic groups creating the uniqueness. Music, dance have great importance for recreational, aesthetic and cultural aspect of the state. The cultural background, social value and structure, history, religion and mytho...
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This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of the religious, socio-cultural, political, and economic intricacies within the Taraba North Senatorial Zone in Nigeria, focusing on its diverse ethnic groups. The study utilizes a qualitative analysis approach, drawing insights from scholarly literature and interviews with community members. By identifyi...
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This study aimed to explore the comparative acculturation of Islam and Christianity, both Catholic and Protestant, within Balinese culture throughout Bali's history. Employing a qualitative descriptive method with a historical approach, this research conducted a thorough literature review encompassing history, religion, and culture. Data were gathe...
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El objetivo de este artículo es identificar la definición del chamanismo como categoría analítica, la cual ha resultado problemática en la escuela italiana de historia de las religiones. En particular, el concepto de “chamanismo” desempeñó un papel fundamental para el pensamiento de Ernesto de Martino, pues lo utilizó en su reflexión sobre el magis...
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El zoroastrismo posee una importancia única en la historia de las religiones a causa de sus enlaces con las tradiciones occidental abrahámica y oriental dhármica. Se puede aceptar que el zoroastrismo se formó alrededor de 1600-1200 a. C., dependiendo de las fuentes usadas, en la región noroeste de Irán (Persia) por el profeta Zaratustra o Zoroastro...
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The multi-ethnic factor has influenced gender-based political parties and culture. Thus, we shed light on how political socialization through indicators of religion, history, and culture influences Chinese women's behavior and political involvement in Peninsular Malaysia. The political participation of Chinese women in Malaysia remains low, as evid...
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The Imperial Throne in Japan has consistently been handed down through the male-line. However, the Imperial Family is currently in danger of extinction as it has only three princes. Currently, arguments that the Imperial House Law should be amended to allow princesses to succeed to the throne have gained support, while there are also persistent cal...
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Islamic culture is a testament to the rich tapestry of human civilization, interwoven with history, religion, philosophy, and art. This paper embarks on a comprehensive exploration of Islamic culture's essence, importance, and distinctive attributes through an in-depth cultural analysis. Drawing upon a qualitative research methodology, the study fo...
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The purpose of the article is to analyze gender stereotypes in the depiction of female images and the use of female physicality for the purpose of forming new sex-role models. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, multifactoriality and objective knowledge. At the theoretical level of research, analytical, synthetic met...
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Threads of history, religion, and humanitarian problems interconnect in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, making it one of the most complex and long-lasting conflicts in the world. This research explores the Palestinian story, emphasizing its humanitarian impacts, religious relevance, and historical foundations. Palestine's millennium-long history...
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This study aims to conduct a speculative psychoanalytic exploration of a complex psychiatric picture attributed to the God of the Old Testament. Through a comparison between imagined divine characteristics and various human pathologies, the possible intersection between hypothetical divine behaviors and human mental disorders is analyzed. Aspects s...
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A história da religião tem sido ao longo dos séculos uma espécie de dispositivo que legitima uma estrutura colonialista. Tal estrutura é dependente de formas simbólicas, um constructo que habilita determinadas matrizes religiosas a cometerem uma gama de violências simbólicas. Nosso ensaio tem como principal objetivo (re)pensar tais estruturas, perp...
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The concept of the frontier had a broad meaning for Ottoman intellectuals and subjects, yet for the state, it represented a starkly different reality the edges where there was a constant state of war, mutual raids, looting, and cross-border smuggling. After the Battle of Nicopolis in 1396, it became clear that the Ottomans, who crossed the Dardanel...
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Article History: religion is insulted. This problem is caused by the large number of cases of insults against the Islamic religion. Sayyid Qutb's thoughts were used as the basis, because he was an Islamic reformer and active against tyranny. For this reason, this article contains several problems: a.) what is meant by ghirah?; b.) how is the interp...
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This study finds a unique trend in the United States, where Arabic is one of the heritage languages of the superpower. Starting from the birth of migrants, Arabic has been more developed in America than in any other foreign language. Several educational institutions and grassroots movements could give birth to their ethnic group called ‘Arab-Americ...
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Las religiones no pueden definirse de manera breve y sintetizada, sino que llevan intrínsicamente una serie de cuestiones, que deben ser estudiadas de forma rigurosa, complejizando la situación del estudio de las religiones. Las religiones son fenómenos practicados eminentemente por humanos, y poseen una complejidad profunda y diversa, que integra...
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La situación de los estudios budistas en España: los programas docentes. JUAN ARNAU, MONTSE CASTELLÀ, FRANCISCO DÍEZ DE VELASCO, RICARDO GUERRERO, BASILI LLORCA, DANIEL MILLET, AGUSTÍN PÁNIKER, JAUME VALLVERDÚ, ABRAHAM VÉLEZ. Este artículo forma parte de la edición especial: «La educación budista en América Latina y España» A diferencia de otros pa...
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Since the dawn of history, religion has been a fundamental necessity in the life of human societies, as faith and work. The belief in the existence of supernatural forces beyond the rational nature of humans, and that these forces have an impact on the course of human life, on the one hand and performing certain duties, rites, and rituals imposed b...
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El agua fue un elemento primordial en el sistema religioso andino pues, por su carácter liminar, enlazaba los ámbitos celeste, terrestre y el interior de la tierra, así como el mundo de los vivos con el de los muertos, además de destacarse por su carácter purificador. La hipótesis que guía este trabajo es la existencia de un axis mundi constituido...
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Background It has consistently been shown that perceived discrimination is associated with adverse health outcomes. Despite this uncontested relevance, there is a lack of research on the experiences of discrimination in health care. Therefore, the following research questions were addressed: (1) How often do people in Germany report having been dis...
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The issue of tolerance in religion is crucial to discuss because it is related to laws that allow or prohibit it, so pro-contra traditions arise between one group and another. The pros and cons of the law regarding tolerance between religious communities are divided into two mainstreams: groups that prohibit it and groups that allow it. In detail,...
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A posse de relíquias pode projetar simbolicamente um território como sagrado, protegido por Deus e por seus santos, através de algo táctil, visível, concreto, uma espiritualidade que passa pela materialidade e manifestação divina protetora de uma região e de um povo especial, considerado separado e escolhido. Diante da possibilidade de rememoração...
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The development of women's higher education in the United States has gone through nearly two centuries since the 19th century. Social history, religion, politics, economy, and other factors are all influencing the development of higher education for women in the United States. Exploring the development and essence of higher education for women in t...
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Although globalization in the realm of education is often regarded as a homogeneous force, dissimilar countries in terms of development consistently experience widely varied effects. The purpose of this theoretical qualitative research study is to explore the differences and similarities in the impact of globalization on education between developed...
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Afghanistan is a historical country in that centuries have passed since its civilization and the formation of its government. The most obvious feature of this country is its various natural and human phenomena, and the history of this country, under the impact of geography, has passed wonderful events. The causes of forming this country are geograp...
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This paper examines the historical background and conduct of recent elections in two small island nations in Asia-Pacific, Fiji and the Maldives. It assesses the situation of democracy prior to elections, and afterwards in 2020-2021. This paper seeks to contribute towards filling the gap in literature, with regards to comparative case studies on el...
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El presente volumen colectivo recoge los resultados de un proyecto de investigación acerca de la noción de “hombre divino”. Esta figura del "theios aner", como aparece en las fuentes griegas antiguas, permite indagar en las ideas acerca de la divinidad o la santidad de personajes que destacaron por sus habilidades en el campo de las artes, las letr...
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Hans Jonas (Mönchengladbach, 1903-Nueva York, 1993) fue un filósofo existencialista que realizó importantes contribuciones a la filosofía de la tecnología, la bioética, la historia de la religión y la ética ambiental. En su libro Das Prinzip Verantwortung (El principio de responsabilidad) propuso un nuevo imperativo categórico: “Obra de tal modo qu...
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Throughout history, religion has drawn the interest of numerous academic fields. This implies that religion has been viewed from different perspectives. These include functionalism, and conflict theory of Karl Marx. In the process, such issues as protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism in Western Europe came to the fore. Significantly, Karl...
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The hulijing (狐狸精) is a typical stigmatized example of “evil woman” in the history, religion, and culture, which serves as a scapegoat of man under the traditional patriarchy in China. This paper aims to explore the image of hulijing and the destigmatization of “evil woman” in the episode “Good Hunting” of TV series Love, Death & Robots (2019) from...
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El etnohistoriador, Julio Caro Baroja, en su obra, "Las formas complejas de la vida religiosa (siglos xvi y xvii)", invitaba a los historiadores y antropólogos de la religión a tomar fuentes menos convencionales como la tradición oral y otros documentos que no eran generados por instituciones detentadoras del poder como la Iglesia o el Estado, sobr...
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A review of Reinhard G. Kratz and Bernd U. Schipper, eds., Elephantine in Context: Studies on the History, Religion and Literature of the Judeans in Persian Period Egypt.
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Police brutality is a universal phenomenon. It is a world issue that is discussed among the comity of nations. Police are meant to be friendly and polite in their civil activities to individuals in the society but rather the reverse is the case. They are supposedly ought to maintain laws and orders, protect the citizens and promote good governance...
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Este artigo analisa a emergência da noção e do conceito de espiritualidade não religiosa em obras de caráter terminológico, no âmbito da teologia e das ciências das religiões. Para tanto, considera o conceito geral de espiritualidade e específico de espiritualidade não religiosa, em obras de referência técnicas como dicionários, compêndios, léxicos...
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Chile ha sido considerado un país tradicionalmente católico y, si bien la separación formal entre la Iglesia y el Estado ocurrió en 1925, se mantiene hasta el presente un alto porcentaje de población que se declara católica. Esta raigambre religiosa se manifestó en los sellos postales diseñados, acuñados y emitidos por el Estado chileno durante la...
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This book offers a chronological account of the development of interest-bearing debt and how the issue of interest has been addressed throughout medieval and modern civilizations. It provides a review of the impact of these interest-bearing debt practices upon social relations and institutions, throughout the history of modern economics, observing...
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This study aimed to understand how the Chinese understand intercultural competence from the Chinese perspective to help improve it among Chinese university teachers. Twenty-six conveniently sampled male and female university teachers of 20 higher learning institutions in China with ages from 29 to 55 years old, and mostly with international travel...
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El Libro de Job representa la puesta en cuestión de la teología sacrifical que fundamenta la historia de la religión l. Job se rebela contra una divinidad pendenciara que apuesta con Satán, le engaña y le priva injustamente de sus hijos y de su prosperidad. El libro de Job se nos muestra como la racionalización del sacrificio de Abraham. Job concl...
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Programme de l'année 2021-2022 : Titres, rangs et fonctions dans la Chine ancienne : les rites impériaux dans le Duduan de Cai Yong (133-192)
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My initiative involves making the arts more important in Jewish education and teaching classical texts through the arts. Art used to be more integrated into Jewish education. A hundred years ago in the US, the pioneers in Jewish education realized how important art was to make Judaic subjects more "concretized," as Jewish educator Temima Nimtzowitz...
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In 1973, through Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court established for the first time a woman constitutionally protected right to free choice to have an abortion. The decision's derivative interpretation of the Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment to due process grounded the right to abortion in the right to privacy, and the right to abortion has had...
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This essay analyses Christopher Marlowe's play Tamburlaine the Great and its intricate interweaving of historical events and cultural nuances. Focusing on the character of Tamburlaine, the essay explores themes of power, revenge, and divine justice within the context of the broader Shiite-Sunni conflict and the tragic history of Imam Al-Hussein. By...
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The lifestyle in Nigeria is shaped by distinctive ethnic groups and their culture. Most times, people come together in centres, public spaces to experience their culture, lifestyles and exhibitions. These centres are in most cases, called cultural centres. Over the years, they have played tremendous role in societies by promoting the arts, history,...
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Reseña Cortés Guerrero, José David. Historia de la religión en Colombia, 1510-2021 (1a. ed.). Bogotá: Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2021.
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El texto busca visibilizar un fenómeno religioso conocido popularmente como “mesianismo”, “movimiento de raíces hebreas” o bien “judaísmomesiánico” en América Latina. Grupos de origen cristiano evangélico —principalmente pentecostal— quienes, almargen de las instituciones oficial estanto judías comocristianas, construyen mediante unahibridación cul...
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Postmodernism is a critical period that brought many literary and cultural changes in the contemporary scenario. In the context of the technological world, the socio-cultural characteristics of postmodernism are relevant and should be discussed in the intellectual realm. Chronologically it emerged after modernism and brought various theories and ch...
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The discriminatory treatment of the Philippine Muslim minority dates back hundreds of years due to Spanish colonial politics that were highly allergic to Islam. Furthermore, minority nationality and ethnicity issues relate to national integration, class struggle, and economic dispossession. This study aims to explain the historical forces that shap...
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This article aims to analyze in more detail the role of evangelism throughout US history, especially during the revolution. In this article, which aim to provide an overview of the intersection of history, religion and philanthropy in the United States, the case study design, one of the qualitative research designs, was used. The data of the resear...
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Contracapa, ano 2002: Embora no Brasil budistas estejam presentes, de uma forma ou outra, há mais de 150 anos, a pesquisa sobre este tema está consideravelmente atrasada. Os onze artigos reunidos neste livro, de autoria de especialistas em áreas diferentes como a Ciência da Religião, a História da Religião ou a Antropologia da Religião, são contrib...
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THE ECOLOGY OF THE MIND The subject of my reflection in this first chapter, that came quite late in my three months, emerged when I opened the Russian doll of the word « eco-cultural » in which the cultural always seemed to be contained by the ecological. I wondered for some time what culture was at stake. I observed and read a lot and came to the...
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AI In Modernity En el año 1998, la agrupación musical británica de Heavy Metal, Iron Maiden, sacó al mercado el álbum titulado Virtual XI, mismo que iniciaba con el tema Futureal, el cual hablaba de la posibilidad de que una tecnología pudiera manipular tan a grandes rasgos la manera de interpretar la realidad que hiciera que los sujetos se pregunt...
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As discussões e críticas recentes ao conceito de “religião”, que se intensificaram na arena internacional e iniciaram a “virada reflexiva” nos estudos da religião nos últimos trinta anos, tiveram pouco impacto no campo da história da religião sul-levantina antiga. Enquanto o uso de fontes “extrabíblicas” e a colisão com outras disciplinas desencade...
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As discussões e críticas recentes ao conceito de “religião”, que se intensificaram na arena internacional e iniciaram a “virada reflexiva” nos estudos da religião nos últimos trinta anos, tiveram pouco impacto no campo da história da religião sul-levantina antiga. Enquanto o uso de fontes “extrabíblicas” e a colisão com outras disciplinas desencade...
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As for the phrase “artistic education”, in this paper work, it was used in the way of cultivating individual, authentic artistic talent, of acquiring individual skills, abilities and techniques, with the aim of training artists in different fields of arts, as well as the assimilation of theoretical and practical knowledge from the fields of theory,...
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The natural self-respect of dignity and glory that people have towards their nation's land, population, culture, civilization, history, religion, literature, art, politics, philosophy of life etc. is called nationalism. Poet Maithilisharan Gupta has written- "jisako nij gaaruv tatha nij desh ka abheemaan hai vah nar nahin nar- pusu nira hai ya mere...
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El libro La diversidad religiosa en España: reflexiones y ejemplos es el resultado de la maduración de una serie de esfuerzos de investigación y reflexión que tienen a España como foco y a la diversidad religiosa y su construcción progresiva como eje. Dividido en cinco capítulos que tratan de la visibilización de las minorías religiosas, la presenc...
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A nation is a collection of people who have common culture, history and values so that these values can cause cohesion and solidarity among different groups in a country. Transitional factors such as culture and language, common race, common history, religion, etc., play a role in the formation of a nation. These factors are among the things that c...
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Por primera vez se presenta en español un artículo del destacado historiador ruso Serguéi Tókarev que tiene como caso de estudio el culto a las montañas en las creencias del mundo. Se trata de un artículo que data de 1982 y que destaca por centrarse en aspectos metodológicos relevantes para el estudio de la historia de las religiones. Dado que los...
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Genetic research of Ashkenazic Jewry has made an enormous leap forward with the introduction of modern DNA research. It is characterized by the influence demography, history, religion, and politics have on the interpretation of the results. By way of a sample article the author shows how geneticists report results pertaining to mitochondrial DNA (f...
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Islamic philosophy as a branch of knowledge emerged following the triumph of Greek philosophy. A large number of studies focused on various aspects of Islamic philosophy throughout the world. The present study aims to analyze the articles published in the SCOPUS-indexed journals on different issues of Islamic philosophy in the 21st century from cen...
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States are increasingly pursuing soft power policies to improve their international support, position in international relations, and security by taking advantage of low cost, language, culture, and political values, in addition to maintaining a hard power (military) and economic dominance in their foreign policies. Accordingly, Mongolia has a long...
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Over the years, there has been a proliferation of writing by women authors in Northern Nigeria, central to their concern, is negotiating between what culture is and is not, especially as it relates to the women folks. With literature’s overwhelming role, in its stance as the mirror of the society, is the forceps with which one can gather the custom...
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En este trabajo brindo una visión polifónica y plural de la historia de las religiones de origen afrobrasileño en Argentina, mostrando que entraron al país tanto a través de Porto Alegre como de Montevideo. Rescato la memoria y los nombres de quienes abrieron los primeros templos locales y resalto la diversidad de las naciones religiosas batuqueras...
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Native American literature is comes the under the umbrella term of "American literature" which sprouted during the period of Native American Renaissance. It commences with the oral tradition of the amble of Indigenous cultures of American and it reaches the evolutionary transformation in the aspect of writing. The writing of the Native American wri...
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En este trabajo brindo una visión polifónica y plural de la historia de las religiones de origen afrobrasileño en Argentina, mostrando que entraron al país tanto a través de Porto Alegre como de Montevideo. Rescato la memoria y los nombres de quienes abrieron los primeros templos locales y resalto la diversidad de las naciones religiosas batuqueras...
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Day by day, as China is opening up and coming up in economy, affinity grows between the Chinese and the Igbos of Nigeria. The Igbos being doggedly industrious in their yearnings for more economic prosperity have seen the need to cooperate with the Chinese more frequently, same way has the Chinese people seen need to cooperate more with the Igbos wh...
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Estos últimos años se ha logrado un gran avance en el estudio de las “peñas sacras” de la Península Ibérica, del que se ofrece una síntesis con las principales novedades. Las peñas sacras son peñas que tenían carácter “sobrenatural” y connotaciones “mágicas”, como reflejan sus ritos y mitos asociados. Son conocidas desde la Antigüedad, pues respond...
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The 1050th Anniversary of the Baptism of Poland is an important historical date – the commitment to self-examination and tasks for the future. In the age of media coverage important commitments are also journalists. The task of the journalist is to understand the culture of their own nation, which consists of history, religion, literature, art, tra...
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bstract Gobi desert region of Mongolia is home to petroglyphs from Bronze Age, eneolitics from Stone Age, which are related with worship of ancient people. The areas has many of petroglyphs with stamps, topic of life and religion, which are concerned with latest era, drawn using ink paint and carving on surface of natural rocks. Especially surveyin...
Conference Paper
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“Meteorology and Myth” is an ongoing project for geographic and science education. The project examined methods to teach general education topics in Physical Geography, Meteorology and Climatology. Special-topic classroom lectures, student activities, and videos were developed. The series is meant to bridge concepts in meteorology and climatology w...
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Mir Mohsun Navvab (1833-1919) is an important poet, literary, scholar, painter, historian, musician, lecturer and publisher who grew up in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan in the 19th century. He has more than twenty works in the fields of literature, history, religion, music and astronomy. Some of the works he wrote were published in his private...
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With the exception of a few remarkable female luminaries, traditional Tibetan literature hardly has any room for the public voice of Tibetan women. Women have been mostly excluded from and totally marginalized in the Tibetan republic of letters, which has been a men’s world for an extremely long time. The Tibetan intellectual scene and Tibetan lang...
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Women’s sexuality has been defined, regulated and restricted throughout history, religions and cultures. Bible teachings regarding women’s sexuality have also responded to the concept of sexuality in its world. This research analyzes 1 Corinthians 7 using a socio-historical perspective to see how Paul applies specifi crhetorical patterns to revise...
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Everybody knows that the history and culture of Lahaul is almost unknown and neglected. If we talk about history, we know that history is never zero, nor is it ever complete. What is today will be history tomorrow. New facts, events will be added. So, this book has tried to add some new facts. The Chandrabhaga Sangam Festival started here, the Atal...
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Confucianism has existed since two thousand years ago and today has become the identity and source of East Asian culture. This thinking is based on moral and ethical values. Confucianism upholds three core features in the political system, namely conservativeness, hierarchy, and the necessity of right behavior. This paper uses a descriptive qualita...
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A la luz de las nuevas maneras de desarrollar vías de comprensión e interpretación de la diversidad religiosa en la teología cristiana del siglo XXI, este trabajo se propone analizar algunos de los elementos fundamentales de lo que debe constituir una hermenéutica teológica interreligiosa, que sostenga y ayude a dar forma a las variantes actuales d...
Conference Paper
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From the beginnings of the history of "sport" in a wider sense athletic and sports were defined by ethnic exclusion and inclusion and organised along ethnic lines. The first example of a well organised sport event in ancient Greece, the ancient Olympic Games, were a celebration of the greek diaspora from all over the mediterranean coming home, "the...
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The hypothesis of this article on application of DS resources in place that could be applied in teaching sociology by, for, and about FGWC, especially within the DS collections on the topics of Art, History, Religion and Culture, etc. is that DS could and have to be successfully applied in support of teaching sociology by, for, and about FGWC perso...