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History of Philosophy - Science topic

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This article explores the profound concept of aligning diverse human perspectives toward a common collective purpose, while embracing individual uniqueness. It delves into how cultural, temporal, and perceptual differences shape our reality and how, despite these differences, humans can harmonize their actions for greater good. Drawing from syste...
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L'article rend compte des relations enre le saint-simonisme et l'utilitarisme benthamien au travers du parcours le plus révélateur, celui de Saint-Amand Bazard, dans le premier tiers du XIXe siècle. Il montre sur quelles bases a eu lieu une tentative temporaire d'intégration de cet utilitarisme dans la vision saint-simonienne de la dynamique histor...
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Chinese 2017 General High School Physics Curriculum Standards explicitly include understanding the nature of science (NOS) as core literacy for students. History, philosophy of science, and sociology of science (HPSS) education is an important way to promote students’ understanding of the nature of science. In this context, this study analyzed the...
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Purpose of Review This article explores the history, philosophy, and applications of harm reduction strategies for opioid use disorder (OUD). By addressing foundational principles and evidence-based interventions, the review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of harm reduction’s role in mitigating the health and social harms associated w...
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This chapter defines “expert consensus in science” as a high level of agreement among scientists with relevant expertise about a specific scientific claim, methodology or science-based practice or policy. In the not-too-distant past, the topic of expert consensus in science would only have been of interest to scientists and scholars in the history,...
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“The Leadership Canvas” is a multifaceted collection of thought-provoking essays that dissect leadership, revealing the many colours of great leaders. Based on history, philosophy, and frontier technologies, Partha Majumdar explores timeless principles and current trends impacting leaders today. By doing so, this book provides tangible insights for...
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Literature and critical and creative thinking complement each other. The Bible’s classics status has been demonstrated and approved by many Western and domestic scholars, accordingly literary criticism of the Bible examined extensively and from different angles. This paper makes an interdisciplinary interpretation of the Bible text from the perspec...
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The study of mysticism has been at an impasse for many years, wavering between naïve realism around a common core hypothesis and critical questioning of the category of mysticism and its imposition. In this article, we review key 20th century developments in the study of mysticism to understand why the term was largely abandoned and unpack the cont...
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This article explores the reproductive health requirements for prospective state leaders according to Ibnu Khaldun and Al-Mawardi, and compares their views with Indonesian legislation. This issue is not explicitly regulated in Indonesian law, and it remains debatable whether reproductive health could impact a leader's ability to perform their dutie...
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This study aims to examine the impact of integrating the role of philosophy of mathematics education in mathematics teacher education on student learning outcomes and attitudes towards mathematics. Purposive sampling technique was used to recruit 10 in-service mathematics teachers from a Technical School in Kumasi. A qualitative case study approach...
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The interplay between wealth and democracy has been a central theme in history, philosophy, and political analysis. A critical focus is the influence billionaires wield in democracies worldwide. In the past ten years, governments of countries such as Mexico, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States have been led by individuals with immense...
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The Second Sex (1949) by Simone de Beauvoir is an avant-garde composition, traversing the women's situation through the lenses of biology, history, philosophy, and literature. In this meticulously researched massive chef d'oeuvre, Beauvoir attempts to examine the problems of women and the possibilities open to them. The aim of this research is to d...
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Amish Tripathi's Shiva Trilogy is a captivating reimagination of ancient Indian mythology, blending elements of history, philosophy, and fantasy. The trilogy, which includes The Immortals of Meluha, The Secret of the Nagas, and The Oath of the Vayuputras, offers a new perspective on the legendary figure of Lord Shiva, presenting him as a complex hu...
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Yeats's concept of "gyre" and "double gyre," used in the poem The Second Coming, is influenced by Hegel's idea of dialectic, where two opposite movements, thesis and antithesis be it in history, philosophy, politics, and theories-lead to higher integration (synthesis). Sometimes this has also resulted in anarchy but later it does maintain peace in...
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In this paper, drawing upon previous contributions to modern Schumpeterian economics , we argue that coevolution in economic systems operates when considering several evolving populations within a socioeconomic system, these populations mutually shape their respective selection, learning, and/or novelty generation mechanisms. The properties that ar...
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The third book in the ESERA 2023 Proceedings Book Series brings together research that spans four key strands of science education: Nature of Science: History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science (Strand 5), Interdisciplinarity and Education (Strand 6), Discourse and Argumentation in Science Education (Strand 7), and Scientific Literacy and Socio-s...
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In this Circle U. Open Lecture, I explore how the medical humanities can bridge the gap between evidence and action, using the SDGs as a key case study. To make this happen, we need a translational approach—one that connects insights from history, philosophy, and discourse analysis with scientific knowledge and practical efforts to address global c...
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Ibn Khaldun’s Introduction is concerned with the changes of society. Which area of knowledge encompasses his evolutionism doctrine? Analytical history, philosophy of history, static or dynamic sociology, or historical sociology. Which one? This article tries to give a brief description of Ibn Khaldun as a historical sociologist. Since the Ibn Khald...
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A scientific review of the problems that are relevant for researchers in the field of education in the last decade is presented. The issues of the content of education and its impact on the surrounding reality were considered by researchers from different fields of scientific knowledge: sociology, cultural studies, history, philosophy, political sc...
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This study looks into the fascinating field of history philosophy, revisiting its core ideas and illuminating the complex dynamics of historical judgment. This research aims to investigate the philosophical foundations that guide how we understand and interpret past occurrences while appreciating the massive impact that experience has had on the cu...
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This is a lengthy intellectual journal that ranges over a variety of subjects, such as Marxism, capitalism, history, many schools of modern philosophy, psychology, economics, and contemporary American politics. It also includes quite a few 'personal' passages, but I've kept those only because they seem to express common experiences and reflect the...
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Spatial Layout is an important concept in the literature on space and scene perception, while Composition is central in theoretical aesthetics, and art history, philosophy, and education. Both factors depend strongly on perceptual organization, and they could therefore have a similar impact on aesthetic appreciation. We aimed to reveal similarities...
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The Performance of Viking Identity in Museums explores the representations and uses of Vikings in museums across Iceland (case studies: National Museum of Iceland and Víkingaheimar), British Isles (case studies: Yorkshire Museum and Manx National Heritage) and Norway (case studies: Museum of the Viking Age, previously Viking Ship Museum and Lofotr...
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Prince Dimitrie Cantemir remains in international historiography a prominent promoter of universal culture, generating specialized research on his works. Humanist by polymath profile, Cantemir ranks in the panoply of illustrious personalities in human history, who contributed to the evolution of human culture through relevant studies in various sci...
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Türklerin birincil el sanatlarından biri olan keçe, konargöçer yaşam tarzı sürmüş Kırgızlar için de oldukça önemli bir kültürel miras ürünüdür. Nitekim keçe sanatı, günümüz Kırgız toplumunda modern çağın dinamiklerine uyarlanarak kullanım çeşitliliği ile güncel ve popüler olma etkinliğini sürdürmektedir. Bu bakımdan, Kırgız kültüründe keçenin geçmi...
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Writers are surgeons of the heart and souls of a community" (Ngugi ix); they articulate the intimate details of accidents and incidents that confront people across their various stages of physical and psychological growth; in doing so, they preserve the community's history, philosophy and culture. Readers are consumers of the writer's product, the...
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Resumen: Desde hace algunos años la educación STEM se ha propuesto en varios países para potenciar el desarrollo competencial del alumnado. Por otro lado, la inclusión de la historia, la filosofía y la sociología en la enseñanza de las ciencias resulta esencial para alcanzar una adecuada alfabetización científica de la ciudadanía. En este sentido,...
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In the modern world, the understanding of philosophy as an abstract, speculative and impractical pursuit has led to its dismissal by many people as a useless field of knowledge. However, throughout history, philosophy has consistently addressed fundamental concerns related to human existence and to the world of living. On the other hand, today's or...
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Intertextual elements contribute to increase the depth of meaning in literary texts through their associations with present and past texts produced by different authors in the literary world. In Gérard Genette’s terms, they bring together a palimpsest writing entailing references that are either highlighted or unwittingly removed from literary text...
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It all happened accidentally. In the second week of last month, I received a confusing message on the Research Gate website that Prof. Damodar Dharmananda Kosambi is following my research works. I could not believe it as I have read his works on Finsler Geometry published in French language in Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences (Paris) aroun...
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The growth of neuroscientific research from the progress of neurotechnologies imposed an evolving range of potential bioethical issues. In this context, neuroethics offers insightful guides for researchers to deal with such emerging ethical issues in neuroscience research. However, with diverse brain-related research areas worldwide, potential fric...
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In his famous discussion of the transparency of the photographic image, Walton (1984) claimed there are opaque photographs that fail to be transparent because of technological error, willful dishonesty, or author experimentation. Photographic history, philosophy, and epistemology have rarely interpreted such photos. The Fraenkel Gallery’s exhibitio...
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Pojedini afirmisani dvadesetovekovni naučni stvaraoci koji su obrazovani u oblasti matematike, fizike ili tehničkih nauka, premostili su jaz između naizgled disparatnih oblasti nauke modulišući istraživanja ka aspektima svetlosti koji su instruktivni u humanistici. Pavle Florenski, Viktor Bičkov, Sergej Horuži, Maks Džemer i Dejvid Lindberg izučava...
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Onomastics, a field within the humanities, focuses on the study of proper names. It is closely intertwined with various broader disciplines, including linguistics, ethnography, philology, history, philosophy, and others. Names are "special words used to identify a person, an animal, a place, or a thing, each carrying significance. In many instances...
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This scholarly inquiry critically examines the pedagogical aspects pertaining to the instruction and acquisition of Abstract Algebra within the realm of University Mathematics Education (UME). Drawing upon multiple lenses, including epistemological, cognitive, phenomenological, and institutional perspectives, this study investigates the formidable...
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The myth surrounding the creation of The Nobel Prize and an incorrectly published newspaper article has long dominated the conversation about the famed inventor Alfred Nobel. In actuality, this myth appears to have been fabricated by biographers. Nobel had a complicated relationship with views on scientific progress; he long contemplated the role o...
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Drawing on the rich body of literature on the history, philosophy, and practice of walking, the author finds strong connections to the US national parks that he explores in this essay. The piece begins with a brief summary of the walking literature illustrated with photos the author has taken along trails in the national parks, accompanied by exten...
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This contribution is located in the field of Historical Theology. It gives an overview (post-World War II) of the philosophical-theological discourse on technology and humanity, articulated by academics who were members and ordained ministers of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (NHKA). It serves to illustrate the close relationship betwee...
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The 21st-century “plant neurobiology” movement is an amalgam of scholars interested in how “neural processes”, broadly defined, lead to changes in plant behavior. Integral to the movement (now called plant behavioral biology) is a triad of historically marginalized subdisciplines, namely plant ethology, whole plant electrophysiology and plant compa...
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The methodology is intended for university teachers as a proposal to organize a 90-minute seminar for students of history, philosophy, political science, sociology, and other related fields. Students work with historical sources, academic literature, and internet resources. They analyze, sort the data, evaluate, and interpret the information. S...
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Modellkompetenz in der Sprachdidaktik – eine fehlende Grundlage sprachlichen Lernens und Lehrens? Modelle werden als Menge von Ideen verstanden, die eingesetzt werden, um Phänomene zu untersuchen und Erklärungen, Generalisierungen, Abstraktionen sowie kausale Schlüsse zu entwickeln (Passmore et al. 2013). Der Einsatz von Modellen kann somit deu...
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A blokkban megjelenő szövegek Lukács György, 20. századi magyar filozófus és esztéta életművének társadalomelméleti és szociológiai aspektusaira fókuszálnak. Bár Lukács írásait jellemzően irodalomelméleti és -történeti, filozófiai, valamint esztétikai művekként tartják számon, a szociológiai szempontok rendre megjelennek ezekben, sőt igen sok írásá...
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The article examines the dominant methods in Russian humanities for understanding the phenomenon of actualization of the archaic. Some researchers, when analyzing the archaization of modern societies from the perspective of political science and history, philosophy of history, politics, culture and religion, put forward concepts that focus on the s...
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The review is devoted to the recently published textbook of Andrei Mikhailovich Orekhov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Social Philosophy of the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, «History, Philosophy and Methodology of Social and Humanitarian Sciences» of A.M. Orekhov».
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The book entitled: “Rethink Revolution: Transformative Waves Across Disciplines” is focused on an interdisciplinary approach involving team members from different disciplines working collaboratively, with a common purpose, to set goals, make decisions and share resources and responsibilities. In an era defined by constant change and evolving paradi...
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The book entitled: “Rethink Revolution: Transformative Waves Across Disciplines” is focused on an interdisciplinary approach involving team members from different disciplines working collaboratively, with a common purpose, to set goals, make decisions and share resources and responsibilities. In an era defined by constant change and evolving paradi...
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“AD Scientific Index” Methodology “AD Scientific Index” (Alper-Doger Scientific Index): This new index has been developed by Prof. Dr. Murat ALPER (MD) and Associate Prof. Dr. Cihan DÖĞER (MD) by using the total and the last 6 years' values of the i10 index, the h-index and the citation scores in Google Scholar. In addition, the ratio of the last...
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Kashmiri women are diverse individuals with a wide range of origins, histories, experiences, and aspirations. Women in Kashmir are deeply entwined with the region’s complicated socio-political landscape, especially in terms of the protracted conflict in Kashmir. The living patterns of women in Kashmir are severely influenced by insurgency, militanc...
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The AD Scientific Index (Alper-Doger Scientific Index) is a ranking and analysis system based on the scientific performance and the added value of the scientific productivity of individual scientists, unlike other systems that evaluate journals and universities. This new index was developed in 2021 by Prof. Dr. Murat ALPER (MD) and Associate Prof....
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Even if we deny any kind of exceptionalism to philosophy as an intellectual enterprise (see Williamson, 2007), it seems easy to concede that, at least concerning relations with its own history, philosophy is different from other fields of knowledge (see Williamson, 2018). However, questions regarding the scope, role and validity of the history of p...
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IMPACT STATEMENT ‘Negotiating hostile academic environment through theatre/stage performance’ is a research based on the author’s more than two decades experience of lecturing in Nigerian universities. It discusses how those in positions of authority, especially some Vice Chancellors use their position as means of getting even to dissenting voices...
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This paper studies the Wyatt Disney Company, mainly from the development history of the Disney Company, the main business, the advantages and disadvantages of the business strategy, and the main consumers in four aspects. The first part of a detailed study of the Disney company's founding history, philosophy, the development history of the company'...
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This paper aims to give a contribution to one of the most discussed issues in recent times, in both scientific and art communities: the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based tools for creating artworks. As the issue is strongly multidisciplinary, we structured the paper as a debate between experts in several fields (computer science, art histor...
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Most scientific equipment gets heedlessly thrown away when it’s no longer of use. But these often beautiful and well-crafted tools deserve a better fate, if anything to remind younger generations of the technological and scientific breakthroughs that they enabled.
Research Proposal
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Planned to be published in 2025 as a part of History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences
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Purpose: The paper explores the nature of modern institutions to see if Islamization movement sufficiently attempts to remove the obstacles which the structural design of modern institutions brings in the path to achieve the moral goals of Islamization movement. Methodology: The paper being theoretical in nature uses a conceptual and critical inte...
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Palm leaf manuscripts (PLMs) are of great importance in recording Buddhist Scriptures, medicine, history, philosophy, etc. Some damages occur during the use, spread, and preservation procedure. The comprehensive investigation of Sanskrit PLMs is a prerequisite for further conservation and restoration. However, current damage identification and inve...
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Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Philosophy is present to answer human questions that are not addressed by other fields of knowledge. Every branch of knowledge begins with philosophy and ends with art. This means that all sciences, both natural and social sciences, originate from philosophy before undergoing further development. As the founda...
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Clifford Geertz's The Interpretation of Cultures (1973) is widely regarded as one of the most important contributions to the humanities and social sciences in general and anthropology in particular. On its 50 th anniversary, the literature drawing on this monumental work is so vast that it is hard to see how anything of significance may still be ad...
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This study analyses the sustainability of cultural heritage and urban tourism in historic cities. The study areas are Melaka, Malaysia and Istanbul, Turkiye, as both cities are rich in cultural heritage that attracts many tourists due to their historical significance. These cities face urban problems due to rapid population growth and economic deve...
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The development of an increasingly advanced era has had an impact on various dimensions of human thought. In the context of Islam, there are indications that understanding of Islam cannot only be limited by one approach or scientific field, but requires various approaches based on various scientific disciplines. Therefore, an interdisciplinary appr...
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This argument draws from the pillars of Science Teaching, History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science, as well as the gender issue in the scientific world, argued that a contextualized approach to the teaching of science through the discussion of a historical event in which a woman plays a central role can contribute to the engagement of women in...
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Digital humanities integrate the methods from conventional humanities disciplines (such as rhetoric, history, philosophy, linguistics, literature, art, archaeology, music, and cultural studies) and social sciences. It encompasses both digitized and born-digital materials. In addition to altering our way of life, contemporary technology has also had...
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This study examines a painting by Kemaleddin Behzad, a Persian miniaturist who utilized space to represent events and action. Within the context of this study, a comparative analysis is conducted between two paintings from the Renaissance period and Behzad's painting, which focuses on the same historical subject. The purpose of this analysis is to...
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The discussions of hypothesis testing and the p value are enduring. They are, however, done in relative isolation; theorists inspect them using mathematical arguments, and applied scientists scrutinize them via experimental intuition. Most are aware that the interpretation of the p value needs to be contextual, but what does ‘‘contextual’’ mean? He...
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Terry Pratchett was one of the most prolific and influential fantasy writers of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, best known as the creator of the Discworld, a flat world placed on the back of four elephants standing on the carapace of a giant turtle who endlessly traverses the universe. Pratchett's world presents a mixture of traditional fan...
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Background and Aims Traditional Mongolian Medical Education (TMME) was developed based on Manba Datsan (MD) in harmony with the Buddhist philosophy‐medical system in Mongolia. It was developed intensively during the 17th–20th centuries and was interrupted for a while, but it is still a part of medical care in Mongolia, training traditional medicine...
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The fundamental question about the origin of human persons asks for a multidisciplinary approach. Biology and genetics have made remarkable progress in the last two decades. In addition, (pre-) history, philosophy, and anthropology could contribute significantly to a correct solution. Also, the Jewish-Christian tradition could provide elements to t...
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The word "philosophy" finds its etymological root in the compound Greek term "Philosophia," composed of the affix "Philo," which signifies "wisdom" or "friendship," and "sophia," which means "love" or "knowledge." As a result, philosophy can be perceived as an intrinsic quest for knowledge. The significance of the etymological origin of this term i...
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Os conceitos de complexidade e transdisciplinaridade, na perspectiva de autores como Edgar Morin, Basarab Nicolescu e Maria Candida de Moraes, são um convite para repensar a educação para o presente e para o futuro, uma vez que propõem a religação de saberes e evidenciam a multidimensionalidade da condição humana. O objetivo deste estudo é compreen...
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Hermeneutics is a branch of philosophy concerned with interpreting meaning. In Islamic religion, hermeneutics have something in common with interpretation. It is the presence of a text or message, the person delivering it, and the person who needs to understand it. This writing aims to expose Khaled M. Abou El Fadl's hermeneutics in his book On the...
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This book aims to encourage the reading of "On the Origin of Species" and to include it in the teaching of evolution. With a comprehensive overview of the development of Darwin's theory, the volume provides relevant aspects of Darwin's life and work in connection with the broader context of his time. The historical and philosophical analysis, mirro...
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Teacher Education in Nigeria comprises of courses in Foundations of Education, Methodology courses, Teaching Practice, Project, General Studies in addition to courses in one or two teaching courses. Either at the Colleges of Education or Faculties of Education at the University level, student teachers are required to take courses in Foundations of...
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Drosophila melanogaster has been the subject of several studies in history, philosophy, sociology, and teaching of biology, evidencing the relevant role it has played as a model organism for experimental practices in genetics and other areas. However, these works are not usually closely intertwined. Therefore, this article intends to contribute to...
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Drosophila melanogaster has been the subject of several studies in history, philosophy, sociology, and teaching of biology, evidencing the relevant role it has played as a model organism for experimental practices in genetics and other areas. However, these works are not usually closely intertwined. Therefore, this article intends to contribute to...
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В статье рассматриваются вопросы формирования и развития степного знания тюрков, отражения его содержания, функций, когнтивной и коммуникативной природы в современной литературе и искусстве Казахстана. Данный концепт осмысливается в широком цивилизационном историко-культурном диапазоне, с привлечением данных философии, археологии, истории, мифологи...
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Citation analysis has become an important tool for researchers, publishers, and funding agencies seeking to evaluate the impact and quality of scholarly research. However, it is important to recognize that citation metrics are only one measure of impact and should be interpreted in light of other factors, such as the quality and novelty of the rese...
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Nilalayon ng papel na ito na isalin ang sanaysay na "The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man" (1876) ni Friedrich Engels (28 Nobyembre 1820-5 Agosto 1895) mula sa salin nito sa wikang Ingles tungo sa Filipino. Kilala si Engels bilang katuwang ng pilosopo't ekonomistang pampolitika na si Karl Marx. Gayunman, hindi matatawaran ang...
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This article presents the results of an archaeological archive research. Field recording documents from the Rivaux site in France, which was excavated from the 1970s to the 1990s, were exploited. After digitising a set of field notebook pages, the author developed an application, called Archeotext, which allows transcribing and georeferencing these...
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With the continuous development of computer technology, the teaching of ancient Chinese has realized a quantitative and statistical research path for a large-scale corpus. In this paper, based on a multidimensional analysis model, six disciplines in the humanities domain (Chinese literature, history, philosophy) and social sciences domain (economic...
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Foundations of Education courses comprises four pillars —each representing a vast area of study on its own. These pillars are: History of Education, Philosophy of Education, Psychology of Education, and Sociology of Education. History of Education traces the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial periods of Nigerian education history. Philosophy...
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La traduction est un processus qui est exécutée autour de plusieurs systèmes langagiers au niveau socioculturel, etc. Aujourd'hui, l'exercice devient plus en plus indispensable dans les autres domaines de connaissance du monde entier. La traduction comme discipline permet ses influences autour des autres champs du monde, c'est-à-dire la sociolingui...
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The purpose of the study is to outline the historical and philosophical foundations of neoclassical ballet, investigating the artistic reasons for its origin, key features, and ideological elements that have determined its further development. Research methodology. The research involved a comprehensive analysis of the historical background of neocl...
Conference Paper
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collaborative groups research on the question of whether Archimedes designed a water clock or not. Participants of this activity were 40 undergraduate students who were registered in teaching programs in the faculty of education at a private university. The course approach was to teach history of science through a timeline with the support of weekl...
Conference Paper
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Call for papers of the 14th Organization, Artifacts & Practices (OAP) workshop jointly organized by Université Paris Dauphine-PSL (DRM), ESSEC and ESSEC Metalab. This event will be an opportunity to come back to the issue of Artificial Intelligence and its relationship with the history, philosophy and politics of management and organization.
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Historical inquiry is seldom used in South African nursing research and South African historians seldom conduct research into the historical contributions nurses made in South African healthcare, specifically the nursing discipline. In this article, the authors discuss the challenges of conducting historical inquiry within a South African nursing (...
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The humanities (and social science) are the disciplines that study human, which are essential in helping us to understand ourselves and others and the world around us. Since science is the study of everything in the universe and human is a material system consisting of the same atoms that make up other nonhuman systems, humanities are part of scien...
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Basing itself on the universality of the Buddhist ethic, this book manifests much learning on the part of the author as acquired from many a complementary branch of study including History, Philosophy, and above all Jurisprudence. Celebrating both Eastern and Western thought, parallels are convincingly drawn between contributions made by such seemi...
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In the article, the author raises the question of the relationship between the religious factor and the culture of collective remembrance. The very issue of how societies and communities remember affects the present. The source base for the work was the works of famous foreign researchers, such as Alayda Assman, Marianne Hirsch, Winfried Georg Seba...
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Digital Humanities (DH) is an interdisciplinary academic discipline that employs computational techniques to address humanities and social science problems. It merges various domains such as history, philosophy, literature, and modern languages, offering unique approaches to traditional inquiries. DH has gained considerable popularity among student...
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Teachings of Islamic education Shaykh Shamsuddin ibn Abdullah as-Sumatrani. With a literature study approach discussing Shaykh Shamsuddin as-Sumatrani and his teachings in Islamic education as a prominent Muslim intellectual and prominent scholar. As a character who mastered many languages but there was no definite clarity regarding was origins and...
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A definition of sustainability as maintaining ‘utility’ (average human wellbeing) over the very long term future is used to build ideas from physics, ecology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, history, philosophy, economics and psychology, into a coherent, interdisciplinary analysis of the potential for sustaining industrial civilisation. This po...
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Throughout this chapter, my aim has been to emphasize different aspects of two distinct perspectives. The first perspective belongs to a researcher who recollects his past as a student in a communist country, and interprets his life experiences through the lens of his impact on his education and teaching profession. The second perspective is that o...
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One of modern science's most important tasks is to research and examine the era, perspective and philosophical views of the genius scientist Lotfi A. Zadeh, who served science for 70 years and raised it "from earth to the universe" in the context of the historical philosophy. This article describes the "era" of Lotfi A. Zadeh, which started in Azer...
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There have been a variety of attempts by scholars to neatly define and categorize Asian martial arts terminology, often in connection with martial arts history, philosophy, and practical training activities. Overall, the English term ‘martial arts’ is typically linked to East Asian fighting activities. In comparison, Western fighting methods, such...
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The purpose of this paper is to present the history, philosophy, social and pedagogical bases and significance of kurash. Furthermore, it discusses the character of humanity and the educational importance of kurash. Kurash is considered one of the most spectacular and attractive sports developed in the world. Unfortunately, the problem of developin...
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So far, corrupt convicts continue serving full sentences even though they have paid part of the replacement money. At the same time, there is no specific formulation regarding calculating the amount of compensation paid for the length of imprisonment for replacement money that needs to be paid more. This is certainly a problem for the prosecutor's...
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This white paper outlines the plans of the History Philosophy Culture Working Group of the Next Generation Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration.