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Historical Research - Science topic
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Questions related to Historical Research
domestic violence in historical research this must include introduction, problem statement, hypothesis/ aim of research, points of departure an assumption, conceptual of central research theme, proposed chapter outlay and conclusion ?.
It is historical research that focuses on the promotion of art music via the radio mass media.
What recording and transcription apps/tools are best for historical research? I will be conducting interviews of about 60 - 90 minutes.
Differentiate primary sources and secondary sources of historical research. How are their reliability and validity examined?
Is anyone aware of a time and motion study conducted of historical researchers?
Por la conmemoración del 143° aniversario de la Batalla de Tacna y de Arica, la Asociación de Estudios Históricos de Tacna lanzará un nuevo número de la Revista INTIURKU.
Los interesados en participar de esta revista de investigación histórica internacional, pueden hacerlo con su artículo. Los artículos deben ser inéditos y serán revisados por pares.
La revista contará con el apoyo de Universidades Internacionales para su indexación. Quienes deseen aportar a esta revista, lo podrán hacer escribiéndonos a donde se les hará llegar los formatos editoriales, plantillas y documentos anexos para la publicación de artículos.
Los artículos tendrán un máximo de 10,000 palabras; mientras que, los ensayos, tendrán una extensión de 8,500 palabras.
Los tópicos a desarrollar son:
Los interesados pueden registrarse en el siguiente link:
What is the process of Internal Criticism and External Criticism?
Hi Everyone,
Kindly share a copy of historical research paper.
Thank you very much.
In education faculty are types of research project, such as survey project, experimental project, quasi-experimental, and historical research project, there is need to know whether research hypothesis is required in the four types of research referred to above.
. What are the scientific foundations and methods that can be applied gradually and in the future in order to develop the mechanisms of historical research?
What are the scientific foundations and methods that can be applied gradually and in the future in order to develop the mechanisms of historical research?
I'm researching concepts as an operational tool, trying to use Deleuze-Guattari ideas. The objective is to use them in concrete historical research.
When investigating past events and in the case of more than one ("competing") explanation being given to understand a historical event, is it valid to apply Occam´s Razor? In the sense, not of choosing the simpler explanation (which I think is an erroneous interpretation of the use of the Razor), but of choosing the simpler explanation given that it explains equally well the outcome than more complicated, competing hypotheses.
For example, if historical subject "X" promotes event "E" to happen and two explanations compete:
1) "X" wanted "E" to happen
2) "X" did not want "E" to happen, but was somehow forced to make it happen.
And no final proof is available to choose between both explanations.
Can we reject 2) based on Occam´s principle?
Thanks a lot!
Will you please share with me your ideas how to conduct a historical study on marketing research during the last 10 yeas and is there a similar study which can inspire me and what are the evolutions that marketing research knew during last decade ?
I am looking for some literature that you can share with me regarding historical research design.
I am conducting a historical research about water management in Iran, and I need to know about these methods in order to better manage my work.
Dear readers, I'm doing historical research (17th and 18th century) on the development of wine taste. Adding SO2 to wine was a very much used practise for different reasons. I would like to know what exactly happens with the yeast when you add SO2 during the fermentation stade of wine.
I am going to do a historical research in CDA on the role of language on staff's avoiding doing their responsibility. What is theoretical framework to do that? How can I collect date doing data. Thanks a million in advance.
"Transnational history”, an exploration into, in David Thelen´s words, “how people and ideas and institutions and cultures moved above, below, through and around, as well as within the nation-state” (David THELEN, "The Nation and Beyond: Transnational Perspectives on United States History", Journal of American History 86:3 (Dec. 1999), 967): I toy with an idea that the experience of the WWII governments-in-exile contains some elements of the "definition" above.
I have a list of 8 treatises starting from Bernard de Rosier (1436) to Conrad Bruno (1548). I am aware of later ones like de Vera, Mothe le Vayer, Wicquefort and Callieres but would like a comprehensive list. Thanks for any help.
I suppose that some speculation about the rat introduction and their infestation in the ships in XV-XVI Century are published?
Crosby books dont talk about the topic.
I'm looking for sources that discuss American Indian student involvement.
I am looking for collaborators to study use of chemical history aspects in graduate chemical area courses.
I am studying the ways that Japanese and American history spoke of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. I read Japanese fairly well, but I'm struggling to find a large number of Japanese authors to talk about the atomic bombs. I wonder if someone in the group would have indications of books, authors and other types of sources that can help me.
Does anyone know about any scholarly research on the Austrian Novara expedition, particularly in relation to art? Thanks very much in advance!
I'm travelling to the Russian military archive in Podol'sk soon and would be very grateful if anybody could give me any information on sources that might be there for Operation Kreml (the German plan to deceive the Soviets into thinking that the summer offensive would be directed at Moscow).
Doing research paper on how Rocky IV reflected cold war sentiments and the film's effects on public opinion regarding the cold war. Need this info for context.
I am interested especially those articles that could go further into the research methodology of historical floods.
Does the space where someone lives affect the way he/she understands and narrates his/her life?
Written and iconographic sources might be from Portugal, Brazil, Spain, Africa, or others.
The digital humanities have created a lot of buzz in recent years. They change the way we do research, communicate with each other, and share our findings. Working mostly with Arabic source texts, computerized text analysis is still a bit tricky and has often created more problems for me than it solved. More than that I have become aware of and come to treasure the format of the academic podcast.
There are a number of podcasts with usually a very high quality, as far as my knowledge goes at least. To name just a few:
It is great how these formats offer an introduction to general as well as specialist issues. However, apart from their educational and entertainment value, is it possible, yet, to make use of such formats in our work as well? To speak frankly, is it possible to rely one's research argument on statements from a podcast?
I ask this question specifically with respect to historical research questions and with regard to the podcast as a new form of secondary literature, not as source material for media or social studies.
What do you think? Can we integrate such audio presentations in the same way as we refer to talks and lectures given 'in the real world'?
These directions are two distinct trends or the same?