Science topic
Heteroptera - Science topic
A suborder of HEMIPTERA, called true bugs, characterized by the possession of two pairs of wings. It includes the medically important families CIMICIDAE and REDUVIIDAE. (From Dorland, 28th ed)
Publications related to Heteroptera (10,000)
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This introductory guide presents 69 taxa (genera and species) of true bugs (Heteroptera) found in Guadeloupe. Each species has been selected for its frequency, its biological originality or, in some cases, its morphological characteristics that make it easy to recognise during nature walks or field surveys. This work is aimed at naturalists and tho...
The stinkbug Riptortus pedestris , notorious for inducing soybean staygreen-like syndrome, employs a range of salivary proteins to manipulate the host plant for its benefit. Here, we show that RpSP1, a salivary protein specific to Pentatomomorpha, triggers plant defense responses in multiple plant species. RpSP1 interacts with and stabilizes a HSP4...
The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), is an invasive and a highly polyphagous species with a strong dispersal capacity. Unfortunately, there is currently no effective control method that can prevent or reduce the economic loss caused by this pest. Among natural enemies, microsporidia cause infections i...
The assassin bug Reduvius boyesi Distant, 1904 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae), currently placed in the subfamily Reduviinae, is here transferred to the genus Stirogaster Jakovlev, 1874 (Stenopodainae), resulting in the new combination Stirogaster boyesi (Distant, 1904), n. comb. The lectotype of R. boyesi is designated. A revised key, as well...
A new species of Haematoloecha Stål, 1874 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae), H. merkli sp. nov., is described from northern Vietnam based on micropterous males and females. A checklist of species placed into Haematoloecha and currently considered valid is presented.
Freshwater ecosystems under the influence of human activities are subject to multiple environmental stressors that lead to biodiversity loss and habitat modification. In recent years, various organisms have been used as bioindicators to detect environmental changes by their ability to perceive changes in community attributes. A good example is the...
La coevolución facilita que el insecto obtenga de las plantas fuentes de alimentos como: néctar, polen, savia y estructuras vegetativas. Así como atrapar a sus presas y encontrar parejas. La planta se beneficia del insecto con el proceso de la polinización. Al identificar el tipo de insecto se determina el motivo de su presencia en la planta, es de...
First record of the Flat bug species Aradus aterrimus Fieber, 1864 in Tyrol. This finding represents the first confirmed species record for Austria. A short overview about the distribution and biology of the species is given.
Due the little information on the presence of Brachystethus rubromaculatus Dallas in the state of Tabasco, Mexico, this work presents eight records of the species, made from 1965 to 2024, of which six are previous records and two are new records, including a new locality.
This report provides the results of a series of heteroptera and diptera surveys carried out on the Smithills Estate, owned and managed by the Woodland Trust. Eleven visits were made between September 2015 and May 2019, resulting in 1370 individual records of the presence of a species in a 100m grid square on a specific date. This was part of a wide...
The nomenclatural and taxonomic issues regarding the thread-legged bug genera Pleias Kirkaldy, 1901 and Bagauda Bergroth, 1903 are reviewed, and Pleias is concluded to be the valid name of the genus. A comprehensive review of Pleias is conducted, resulting in 18 new combinations and two new synonymies [P. aelleni (Villiers, 1970) comb. n., P. atypi...
This article presents the results of scientific research conducted in 1999-2023 on the study of species composition of Tamarix pests distributed in the deserts of Northwestern Uzbekistan. A complete list of 7 Orders (Thysanoptera, Homoptera, Heteroptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Euacarina), 4 Suborders, 30 Families and 175 species belo...
The plant bug species Taedia signata Carvalho & Gomes, 1971 and Taedia
jurgiosa (Stål, 1862) (Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirinae: Mirini) represents the
first record of the genus Taedia Distant, 1883 from Venezuela. An individual of
each species...
In Algeria, it is difficult to find a study that highlights the diet of the Moorish Gecko, Tarentola mauritanica (Linné, 1758), which is what motivated this work. The study of the trophic ecology of this species is based on the laboratory analysis of 65 droppings previously collected and preserved during the sampling period extending from October 2...
Im Zeitraum von August 2022 bis August 2023 wurden alle aquatischen Lebensräume im NSG „Tiefental bei Königsbrück“ auf das Vorhandensein von Wasserinsekten untersucht. Insgesamt konnten 119 Arten festgestellt werden. Diese verteilen sich auf folgende Ordnungen: 23 Ephemeroptera, 16 Plecoptera, 64 Trichoptera, 13 Heteroptera, 1 Megal...
THE CORSAIR ASSASSIN BUG Rasahus hamatus (Fabricius, 1781): NEW
The presence of the corsair assassin bug Rasahus hamatus (Fabricius, 1781)
(Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae, Peiratinae) is recorded at the first time
in a residential area from La Parroquia...
In this study, we report the genus Myiomma from the Korean peninsula for the first time, with the description of a new species Myiomma koreana sp. nov. A morphological diagnosis for the genus is provided, accompanied by images of the dorsal habitus and female and male genital structures. Additionally, a key is presented for the identification of th...
Antennal sensillar structures respond to a variety of environmental stimuli. In the present study, the antennal sensilla of all three subfamilies of the family Lygaeidae are studied for the first time. This research shows the presence of five main types of sensilla (sensilla trichodea, chaetica, campaniformia, basiconica, and coeloconica). Their co...
Faunistic data of 107 species belonging to the family Miridae Hahn, 1833 (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) for the area of Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula) are compiled. In that territory 48 species and 1 subspecies are reported for the first time. Unpublished records of another 29 species are also provided. The data on the remaining 29 species and one subspe...
Zusammenfassung Limnephilus elegans wurde im Frühjahr 2024 im Jahnsgrüner Hochmoor im Westerzgebirge
mittels Lichtfangs wiedergefunden. Der aktuelle Fund ist der einzig aktuelle von drei isolierten Fundorten in Sachsen.
Die Fundumstände lassen auf eine Entwicklung im Gebiet schließen. Insgesamt wurden 20 Arten nachgewiesen.
Der hohe Anteil moorasso...
El 7 de agosto de 2024 fue realizado un tratamiento ruti-nario contra chinches de cama, Cimex lectularius Linnaeus, 1758, en un apartamento turístico de la ciudad de Granada. La propiedad recibió la queja de un huésped que vio una chinche de cama sobre la almohada antes de acostarse de madrugada. Esto motivó la solicitud de tratamiento que se llevó...
The life history of a dinidorid bug Megymenum distanti Kocorek & Ghate, 2012 was examined under controlled laboratory conditions. The female bug laid about 32 eggs after mating. Only 8 of these 32 eggs actually hatched, for a hatching ratio of only 25 per cent and these 8 nymphs were observed further. The eggs required 11 to 13 days to hatch. There...
In the present study, the rare true bug Bannacoris hyalinus (Schaefer & Ashlock, 1970), comb. nov. (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Pentatomomorpha, Pentatomoidea, Saileriolidae), which is endemic to Vietnam, is redescribed and transferred from the genus Saileriola China & Slater, 1956 to the genus Bannacoris Hsiao, 1964 based on morphological characterist...
Second locality of the brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) in Lower Silesia ]. The brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) has a Southeast Asian origin. It has been introduced to Europe at the beginning of the 21st century. In Poland, it has been recorded since 2018 in 11 localities distributed primarily in i...
The main tactics of soybean integrated pest management combine plant resistance and biological control. The impact of insect resistant IAC-24 soybean cultivar [caterpillars of Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in UFVS-2006 soybean cultivar susceptible to insects and water compared to A. gemmatalis in IAC-24 soybean cultivar resi...
Based on recent field survey of the moss-feeding lace bug genus Acalypta Westwood, 1840 (Heteroptera: Tingidae), two species, A. miyamotoi Takeya, 1962 and A. sauteri Drake, 1942, are recognized from Chiba Prefecture, southern Kanto District, Honshu, Japan. A. miyamotoi is newly recorded from Chiba Prefecture, and this discovery also represents the...
In this work a new species, Pelidnocoris paradisicola sp. nov., of the genus Pelidnocoris Stål, 1868 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae) is described from the southeastern Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. An up-to-date diagnosis of the genus and its species is provided, comparing them with similar-looking Discocep...
Possession of stridulatory devices (serrated forewing edge and metafemoral plectra) is suggested as a useful taxonomic character for classification of the complex group comprising Creontiades Distant, 1883, Megacoelum Fieber, 1858, Orientomiris Yasunaga, 1997 and an additional superficially similar taxon which is provisionally called the Orientomir...
The genus Dicyphus Fieber, 1858 (Miridae: Bryocorinae: Dicyphini) comprises small plant bugs well known for their zoophytophagous diet and predatory activity, making them useful in biological control. Despite their importance in plant protection, many species remain difficult or impossible to identify. This is the case of both species Dicyphus (Dic...
Shibhonia buxanthi gen. & sp. nov., living on Buxus hildebrandtii (senior synonym of Buxanthus pedicellatus) (Buxales: Buxaceae) on Socotra Island (Yemen) is described and illustrated. The new taxon is the sixth species of Miridae recorded from the island and the first endemic genus of this family. Due to the complex of its characters, it belongs t...
Some species of the Heteroptera (Hemiptera) suborder are of great agricultural importance, mainly as pests, and their control is often necessary. The use of Bacillus thuringiensis, an entomopathogenic bacterium normally extracted from the soil and used in biological control, is an alternative to the chemical control of these insects. Mortality test...
The capsids Sahlbergella singularis and Distantiella theobromae, the cocoa mosquito Helopeltis sp., and the green bug Bathycoelia thalassina are the main Heteroptera pests causing immense damage in cocoa fields in the department of Méagui, the main cocoa producing area of Côte d’Ivoire. The actual study was conducted to assess the spatial and tempo...
An entomological survey carried out in June 2024 in the Lérins archipelago, on the islands of Saint-Honorat and Saint-Féréol, yielded 25 species of Heteroptera. Among these species, Mimocoris rugicollis (A. Costa, 1853) (Heteroptera, Miridae) is new in mainland France.
Aradus mirus Bergroth, 1894 is trophically bound to native Central European species of pines, Pinus sylvestris and P. nigra, developing on dry(ing) broken-off branches lying on the ground. It inhabits various localities in warm or medium warm regions in relict pine forests as well as pine plantations in areas where relict pine stands once existed....
Breeding of the Entomophage Egg-Eater Trissolcus kozlovi (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) on a Non
Target Host – the Predatory bug Podisus maculiventris (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) The article presents the results of experiments on the development of elements of laboratory rearing of the egg-eater Trissolcus kozlovi of the Siberian population. The terms...
Im Rahmen des Moduls „Artenkenntnis und Taxonomie“ des Masterstudiengangs Integrative Zoologie an der Universität Rostock fand vom 8.-12. Juli 2024 zum zweiten Mal ein Freilandkurs in Nordwestmecklenburg statt, wobei Arthropoden in verschiedenen Habitaten mit unterschiedlichen Methoden gefangen und unter fachkundiger Hilfe im Gelände sowie im Ansch...
The Neotropical brown stink bug, Euschistus heros (F.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), is an important pest that damages soybean, especially in the central-west region of Brazil. The effect of insect growth regulator insecticides on fourth-instar nymphs and adults of the neotropical brown stink bug was evaluated under laboratory and greenhouse conditi...
Degonetus serratus (Distant) is a pentatomid bug belonging to the order Hemiptera of the class Insecta. The present work is a report on the outbreak of this bug on the teak trees in Ranchi, Jharkhand. The collection was made during the field visit in an urban area Rani Bagan, Bariatu, Ranchi. Several newspaper reports emphasized on the degree of da...
The Geocoridae (Big-eyed bugs) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea) are
small sized insects with phytophagous or predatory habits and a cosmopolitan
distribution, and some taxa are of agriculture importance due to they are used
in biocontrol programs against insect pests. In this paper, a revised and
updated checklist of the family Geocoridae r...
A record is made of the presence for the first time in La Parroquia Osuna
Rodríguez of the city of Merida, Merida State, Venezuelan Andes region, of the
plant bug species Proba vittiscutis (Stål, 1860) (Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirinae:
Mirini). One individual was captured on Turnera diffusa Willd. (Turneraceae).
The ant Crematogaster scutellaris, distributed across the western Mediterranean region and east to the west Balkans, is a visual mimicry model for various other organisms, including different other species of ants. It is an ecologically and behaviorally dominant species, foraging through large permanent trails that workers pugnaciously defend by bi...
A female specimen of Lethocerus cf. patruelis (Stål, 1854) was collected near the sea in eastern Sicily. This finding, the first record for the island (and administrative region), is discussed. An updated map at regional scale of Lethocerus is provided.
The Canary Islands were first settled by North African groups in the first millennium CE and, after a few centuries of interconnections with the mainland and between islands, remained isolated until the late medieval European expansion into the Atlantic. El Hierro is a small island located in the westernmost part of the archipelago that was inhabit...
Orthops is a widely distributed plant bug genus comprising 35 species. Its nominotypical subgenus includes seven species mostly known from the Palearctic, and four of them are widely distributed. Most of them live in sympatry having only little morphological differences. The species limits have never been tested using the molecular data. The aim of...
Lasiosomus enervis observed again in the Netherlands since 1956 (Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae)
A specimen of Lasiosomus enervis was swept from undergrowth along a forest path in the southernmost part of the Province of Limburg in July 2024, representing the first record in the Netherlands since 1956. Details about its life history are given and it...
Scutelleridae is a small family of Heteroptera comprising economically important bugs that feed on grasses, herbs, fruits, and flowers. In this study, three Indian species of Scutelleridae, Chrysocoris stollii, Poecilocoris hardwickii and Poecilocoris interruptus, all possessing the same complement of 2n =12 (10A+XY), have been differentiated based...
The first records of Gonocerus juniperi Herrich-Schäffer, 1839 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae: Gonocerini) for Albania are reported. Additional information on the distribution of the species and the genus Gonocerus Berthold, 1827 is given. A new host plant is reported.
A total of 93 species from 35 genera of Aradidae have been reported from Madagascar to date, which belong to the subfamilies Aneurinae, Aradinae, Carventinae, and Mezirinae. Microcalisius madagascariensis gen.n. et sp.n. is the first representative of the subfamily Calisiinae from Madagascar which is described and illustrated below.
Since the first European observation in 2015 of Erthesina fullo (Thunberg, 1783) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Halyini) in Albania in the region of Durrës and Tirana, observations have remained limited to this 40 km wide region. The number of observations of E. fullo increased significantly in this region in 2023 and 2024. For the first ti...
Perillus bioculatus (Fabricius, 1775) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae) is reported for the first time in Italy. Several specimens were attracted by the abundance of Ophraella communa LeSage, 1986 (larvae) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) on Ambrosia artemisiifolia. The distribution of the species in Europe is summarised.
Pentatomomorphan bugs can form symbiotic associations with bacteria belonging to the supergenus Burkholderia sensu lato . This relationship has become a model for understanding environmental symbiont acquisition. Host insects can utilize various symbiont strains from across Burkholderia sensu lato ; however, host colonization success and benefits c...
Flavonoids have multiple functions, including host- plant defense against attacks from herbivorous insects. This manuscript reviewed and analyzed the scientific literature to test the hypothesis that flavonoids can be utilized to manage pests without causing significant harm to beneficials. The methodology involved using recognized literature datab...
The aradid fauna of New Guinea Island remains insufficiently known. The tropical rainforests and neighbouring lowland forests are hotspots for biodiversity and the habitat of numerous endemic animal and plant species. Of the aradid subfamily Carventinae, twelve genera with around 50 species have been described to date. Material collected by Alexand...
Kojderus Magnien & Gierlasiński gen. nov., with a single species, Kojderus maximus Gierlasiński & Magnien sp. nov. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tessaratomidae), is described, being the fi rst representative of the subfamily Natalicolinae in Madagascar. The new taxon is diagnosed and described and photographic images of habitus and genital structures of...
Heteroptera are aquatic insects sensitive to environmental impacts that are frequently used in biomonitoring programs. Resolving families and genera provides consistent responses and can be a useful alternative to accelerate monitoring results and simplify protocols. Our objective was to evaluate which taxonomic levels may be more effective in asse...
This study reviewed faunistic and systematic studies on the Heteroptera fauna collected from numerous localities in Anatolia, particularly Eastern Anatolia between 1963 and 2017 and their distribution and biogeography are analyzed material in Atatürk University Biodiversity Science Museum, Erzurum, Türkiye (ABBM). Totally, 407 species in 221 genera...
Currently 19 species of Aradidae (flat bugs) are known from the Cretaceous deposits of Burma (Burmese/Kachin amber). In reviewing unidentified aradid species from this deposit, an unnamed species was located. This aradid includes a unique combination of features from several Cretaceous aradid genera coupled with apomorphic antennae morphology allow...
The mitochondrial genome of Metazoa is predominantly maternally inherited, providing a valuable genetic marker in various fields such as phylogenetics and phylogeography. However, mitochondrial heteroplasmy, where multiple copies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) coexist within an individual or even cell, presents a challenge to the use of mtDNA markers...
First records of Anepsiocoris encaustus (Puton, 1869) in Cape Verde and Morocco (Heteroptera, Rhyparochromidae)
The orthotyline plant bug genera Pseudoloxopidea Yasunaga, 1999 and Pseudoloxops Kirkaldy, 1905 are reported from Vietnam for the first time based on the discovery of two new species Pseudoloxopidea ruberuniformis sp. nov. and Pseudoloxops clavolineatus sp. nov., along with the record of Pseudoloxops lateralis (Poppius, 1915). Detailed descriptions...
True bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of the Polanka Redłowska and its neighbourhood (Baltic Coast)]. The paper lists 135 true bug species representing 22 families collected from the early summer of 2022 to the autumn of 2023 within and close to the Polanka Redłowska, part of the city of Gdynia (northern Poland). The list includes Aphanus rolandri (Li...
Ishikawaella is an obligate gut bacterium in stinkbugs that belong to Plataspidae family (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). It is vertically transmitted to newborn nymphs through capsules laid on eggs by maternal stinkbugs. Previous research has established a pattern of strict cospeciation between Plataspidae stinkbugs and Ishikawaella. However, the possibi...
This paper presents the first observation of the mass wintering of the lime seed bug Oxycarenus lavaterae (Fabricius, 1787) on the thuja shrub (Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus, 1753) in Poland. Additional information about the biology of this species is also provided.