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Heritage - Science topic
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Questions related to Heritage
Particularly in terms of authenticity, cultural appropriation, and marketing tourism strategies? How do different stakeholders, including governments, businesses, and local communities, influence the portrayal of culinary heritage in tourism promotion?
Tourists motivations in visiting heritage sites when grouped according to educational background
Studies that explore how heritage farms contribute to preserving cultural and agricultural traditions while attracting tourists.
- Example: The role of heritage farming practices in sustainable tourism.
- Relevance: Aligns with Terra Verde’s identity as a heritage farm.
How can cultural products, such as art, music, literature, and heritage sites, be leveraged to foster urban development and enhance the quality of life in cities? Additionally, how can cities ensure that the benefits of cultural products are accessible to all residents, and what role can public and private sectors play in supporting and sustaining cultural initiatives within urban environments?
See this paper(Handicrafts as cultural creative clusters: a spatial-cultural planning approach for the regeneration of the urban historical fabrics:DOI: )
My surface swab samples are from paintings. I use DNeasy PowerSoil Pro DNA isolation kit (QIAGEN). My extractions are working but the yield is lower than 2ng/microL.
WHS, Cultural Heritages, protected area, UNESCO,ICCROM, ICOMOS...
My academic pursuits align with my broader goal of connecting traditional cultural expressions with modern pedagogical methods, ensuring that future generations can experience and appreciate authentic cultural heritage. This is particularly important in a time when cultural traditions are increasingly vulnerable to the pressures of modernity. I am committed to finding solutions that honor both the preservation of heritage and the evolving needs of today’s education systems.
- How can we formulate an international urban agenda that acknowledges the importance of urban heritage in its broad meaning and simultaneously be contextualised in entrepreneurship?
- How can urban heritage and cultural identity be a driver for entrepreneurship development that engage with broader population and its consumers rather than tourist-driven heritage preservation?
- How can the economic value of historic urban fabrics, neighbourhoods and market support local consumers and social capital of residents?
To examine the impact of community engagement in heritage preservation and interpretation
To study heritage of an island in the Caribbean what research methodology is recommended?
How traditional cooking techniques or heritage culinary practices were the unnoticed sustainable practices that were perfect and can now be used to create more awareness in todays culinary world.
How do we define heritage, and who decides its parameters? Scholars have pointed out that heritage is a dynamic process and not a mere monumental object.
Part of this "anti-monumentalist" approach is our appreciation of heritage. Hence, the question is: Can heritage be found in non-heritage contexts?
What if we look at our socio-economic dynamics? Let's say, we take a look at the spontaneous movement of people through an outdoor market, or a public bus moving through the metropolis, or a street football pitch?
Is heritage only associated with a specific timeline? Is it culturally justified?
Proposed Thesis Title:
Problem Statement
While traditional healing practices are prevalent across the African continent, there is a significant gap in scholarly research that comprehensively investigates the artistic and cultural dimensions within these practices. Existing studies often focus on medical efficacy or cultural aspects in isolation, neglecting the intricate interplay between artistic expressions and healing outcomes. This knowledge gap impedes our ability to appreciate the full spectrum of traditional healing, limiting insights into how cultural heritage and artistic traditions contribute to the effectiveness of these practices.
Understanding the artistic and cultural dimensions of traditional healing is particularly critical as these practices face various challenges, including globalization, modernization, and shifts in healthcare preferences. Documenting and comprehending these dimensions can not only aid in the preservation of cultural heritage but also inform policies that respect and integrate traditional healing within contemporary healthcare frameworks.
Research Objectives
1. To explore the types of traditional healers and their activities in Ghana.
2. To examine role of artistic elements in traditional healing practices in Ghana.
3. To examine the role of artistic traditional healing practices in the preservation of Ghanaian cultural identity and heritage.
4. To suggest a framework that explains the role of artistic traditional healing practices in the preservation of Ghanaian cultural identity and heritage.
Research Questions
1. What are the types and scope of traditional healing activities in Ghana?
2. How significant are the artistic elements in the healing practices of Ghanaian traditional healers.
3. How are traditional healing practices contributing to the preservation of Ghanaian cultural identity and heritage?
4. What framework can be suggested to explain the role of artistic traditional healing practices in the preservation of Ghanaian cultural identity and heritage?
- Illustrate the Impact of Changing Climate on Indian Agricultural Heritage.
- Describe the historical resilience of Indian agriculture to climatic variations.
List of challenges of heritage preservation and promoting sustainable tourism
How to protect the biodiverse ecosystems of the Amazon Rainforest and other natural biodiverse forests, the unique old-growth trees that occur in them from logging, and also protect other biodiverse green areas from total degradation, from predatory pseudo forestry?
How to protect the Forests of the planet from destruction and thus save the world, protect the climate and biosphere of the planet for future generations of people?
Highly biodiverse natural forests have been forming for thousands of years, and through the use of predatory pseudo-management of forests, predatory logging of entire stands, including aged old-growth forests, burning of forests for productive unsustainable agricultural crops, etc., forest areas are rapidly decreasing year by year. Highly biodiverse natural forests are characterized by an abundance of many species of flora, fauna and other types of forms of living organisms linked by various ecological relationships and relations. They create a specific microclimate softening the local climate. They significantly increase water retention and water absorption by the biosphere of the forest ecosystem. High biodiversity of life forms, including ecologically interacting different life forms of flora, fauna, fungi and microorganisms creates sustainability of the adapted to specific climatic, geological, etc. natural ecosystems. Highly biodiverse natural forests are characterized by high levels of absorption of part of human-generated CO2 emissions and oxygen production. Highly biodiverse natural forests are also characterized by a high level of ecological, natural and environmental sustainability, as well as a high level of resilience to various adverse influences, the actions of external abiotic and biotic factors that could throw a sustainable natural ecosystem out of balance if it were susceptible to certain factors. Considering the more than 3 billion year period of evolutionary development of life forms, sustainability and biodiversity are the greatest achievements of the evolution of life on planet Earth. In view of the accelerating climate crisis, the accelerating process of global warming of the planet's atmosphere, the role of 21st century man who appreciates these resources and achievements of nature should be the ever-increasing scale of the protection of natural biodiversity and the pursuit of sustainability. In this regard, the unfavorable civilizational processes acting on natural biodiverse ecosystems should be reversed. Forest deforestation processes should be replaced by aforestation processes after industrial degraded areas. The increasingly frequent climatic disasters resulting from climate change, the increasingly rapid process of global warming, in addition to the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, force us to reflect on the scale of imbalance in nature by the development of civilization. It is necessary to reverse these negative processes, restore the balance, reduce environmental pollution, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, develop renewable energy sources, implement the principles of sustainable development based on the concept of sustainable green closed-loop economics, etc. It is necessary to change the development of civilization so as to increase the scope of sustainability, rehabilitate areas degraded by industrial development, significantly increase the level of protection of biodiverse natural forests, develop programs for reforestation of wasteland, areas of depleted soils, replace intensive and industrial agriculture with sustainable organic agriculture, etc. It is essential to increase the areas under strict nature protection and create more national and landscape parks. The entire area of the natural, highly biodiverse, containing unique species of flora and fauna, natural rainforests of the Amazon should be established not only as a national park but also as a planetary natural heritage park, and therefore the entire natural area of the Amazon should be placed under strict protection.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How to protect the biodiverse ecosystems of the Amazon Rainforest and other natural biodiverse forests, the unique old-growth forests that occur in them from logging, and also protect other biodiverse green areas from total degradation, from predatory pseudo forestry?
How to protect the Forests of the planet from destruction and thus save the world, protect the climate and biosphere of the planet for future generations of people?
How to protect the biodiverse ecosystems of the Amazon Rainforest from total degradation?
And what is your opinion about it?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Dariusz Prokopowicz

In Alt Right Dr. Edward Croft Dutton's logic(I use my own phrasing), any most privileged heritage community(or as the Alt Right states race) is only dysgenics away from becoming the most oppressed.
Work Cited
Piffer, Davide, et al. “Intelligence Trends in Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of Roman Polygenic Scores.” OpenPsych, July 2023. Crossref,
With huge investment opportunities for any recipient country, Multinational Companies are in a position to exert influence (may be) on certain local groups, institutions etc. to bring changes in the lifestyle or attitude towards set beliefs of the people to positively affect customers' choice towards various products/services that they offer. These big global entities even influence lawmakers of various countries to smoothly run their operations which may go against the heritage, culture and even the environment of the host nations.
The above statements are in the minds of many educated people across the world but do the business literature with the support of academic exercise reflect this reality on the ground?
I am currently workingo on a essay on Adenauer, De Gasperi and Schuman and the construction of european unity
We want to improve the visibility of modern heritage in the world heritage list. We can see that the platform of UNESCO does not provide any filters or advanced search. What would you suggest in terms of improving the web in order to facilitate/better visibility of modern heritage?
What are the acceptable thresholds of several types of degradation processes of Heritage structures?
Various test conducted for heritage masonary structure, mainly for bricks and mortar to ensure its durability and structure stability?
Can anyone recommend or discourage this conference?
- In the cases where the adaptive reuse of vernacular heritage buildings was successful, how and why did these successes occur?
- What are factor/criteria that impacted the outcome of adaptive reuse and how did those factors/criteria impact adaptive reuse?
- How can these criteria be transformed into tools than can be generalisable and be applied in various contexts with modifications to suit new contexts?
Can Ultrasonic pulse velocity test be used to determine parameters for non cement concrete material such as limestone ( used to build in heritage structures) ? if it is possible, how to measure parameters ? What are the guidelines?
I am researching on the impact of climate change on Heritage structures.
- How does the usability of the multimodal affect visitors' experience in heritage museum?
- What are the implications of the use of multimodal for visitors' experience in heritage museum?
- How to organise types of functions rather than specific features might be key to separate visual patterns from algorithms?
I carry out research on the Political Heritage of the Olympic games left for the host. If you have any scientific documents or willing to cooperate, I will appreciate to send me.
Thank you
This is one of the main questions I'm working on for my Ph.D. thesis but I'd love to hear external opinions about it this general hypothesis
BIODIDAC is (or was) a project of the University of Ottawa (Canada) financed by the Canadian Ministry of Heritage and the Government of Québec.
There are many original illustrations on all kinds of topics related to Biology, very useful in teaching.
Many of these illustrations can be found by search engines, but the original site does not seem to work.
I am conducting research in the area of heritage planning and conservation. Heritage Impact Assessment(HIA) is necessary before any kind of change or development in the built environment around a heritage site within a defined regulated area to determine its impacts on the potential of heritage. In India, it has now become mandatory by the National Monument Authority (NMA) in case of any centrally protected monument. Visual Impact Assessment is a very important component of an HIA to asses any future impact on the overall landscape of the place around the heritage site. To be precise, according to NMA guidelines, it is required to check the skyline concerning the heritage site, any visual obstruction in views of the heritage site, shadow on the heritage site due to new development, and consideration from building design bye-laws.
Guideline for HIA by NMA can be found here:
From the available example of HIA reports, I understood that experts are using 3D software, first to model the existing structures and then adding the proposed structure to generate the views in the form of images/renders to visualise the projected development. Sometimes, it is done by only drawing a section and marking the human eye angle. I am not sure how they are validating these views. From these images/renders only, one can not say very definitively whether these are accurate or not. Also, I am unsure about the view/camera point selection.
I have not been able to find any study on the assessment of the overall visual quality of the surrounding area due to new changes.
It would be great if you know of any study or documents or share some light on this.
Dear all, I want to derive a perfect definition for Culture, and would also like to know if you have published any articles on Culture, and Heritage. If you have done any research on this topic, do leave a reply with a link back to your scholarly work. It will help with with my literature review.
Dr. Cheryl Venan Dias
In my opinion, the formation of electronic jurisdiction of the metaverse is inevitable.
The question is, should we follow the theories of John Barlow and Lawrence Lessig, concepts such as the Common Heritage of Mankind, the Westphalian projection, or should we start building e-jurisdiction "from scratch"? Colleagues, I am interested in your opinion and views.
Thank you.
Arts and culture and creativity - both material and immaterial heritage, skills and competences - are resources that should be protected and promoted. They not only contribute to the realisation of the SDGs, but also make them possible to a special degree. Only culturally sensitive, creative, unconventional approaches to solutions ensure the success of measures to achieve the SDGS.
Why does art not appear explicitly in the SDGS? But purely as a cross-cutting issue?
Hi, I am an anthropology PhD student, with a background of media sociology. Based on the concept of "site of memory" by Pierre Nora, I am currently trying to develop a method to analyze memory politics, by defining "memory" as a flow traveling among the place (I mean a heritage site), the media, and the people.
I am looing for references, especially from the field of heritage studies, memory studies and media studies, outlining the relation of site-media-people. Does anyone have suggestion?
By now, I have read literatures by Astrid Erll, Nick Couldry, Anna Reading, Ann Rigney, and James Wertsch.
Hello researchers,
I am working on mining heritage and tourism development for around four years now. I feel that my research topic is relatively new and fewer people are working in this field. Hence, I want to develop an academic network of people with similar interests so that collaboration may happen, and I can get more work opportunities and vice-versa. So, what is the correct way to find people with similar interests, what is the correct approach, and how to spread my own work to a greater audience who are interested in my research and capable to give the right feedbacks?
I am looking for studies and articles that can shed light on the development of public policies for the conservation of historical heritage in cities and local communities. Contributions are most welcome.
I am working on thesis about the urban heritage and cultural heritage importance in post-war reconstruction.
I believe technology has helped all field of science while heritage is one of the most valuable subject for people in all over the world. Protecting the heritage is a Serious responsibility because It is a trust in the hands of the present generation that must be preserved and handed over to the next generation and so how could be used new technology of HBIM to reach this goal.
I need help to find a journal indexed in social science especially covered cultural or arcitectural heritage, I can also pay for the rapid publication. thanks.
Hello Researchers,
I am interested to collaborate with researchers interested to work on mining heritage and mining tourism.
Hello everyone,
I´m in the next couple of months writing my dissertation. My thinking is along the lines of: Corporate heritage/history colliding with innovation and relevancy for the upcoming generation (millennials) in the luxury watch market. Especially the following paper has peeked my interest: "The corporate heritage brand paradox: Managing the tension between continuity and change in luxury brands"
However, there is also a lot of conflicting material and papers out there on the millennials, and not sure if I would end up studying two separate matters with this topic.
My question is if someone has any tips on how to attack this? If you have some expertise on the topics, and willing to share some thoughts/info/guidance it would be of great help. Ultimately, any help or feedback is very much appreciated!
The use of RSSI, (Received Signal Strength Indication) for problems of heritage location, which is the best technique, to create a map of patterns or triangulation.
Is authenticity more important for heritage site, museum and local environment visitation (physical and social), or, are most people and certain demographics equally satisfied with artificial replications and online images, videos, and abbreviated texts?
Are personally posted images and videos of museum collections, artifacts, and sites a good source of advertisement and marketing? Do they act as an effective advertisement for more physical in-person visitation, or, replace a desire for physical visitation?
As a number of US city planners contemplate the removal the highways from their metropolitan boundaries with a view to restoring long lost neighbourhoods are we looking at the post car era?
By the mid century gasoline and diesel power cars will be all but extinct. A few of them, like veteran biplanes will still be seen in heritage centres but the hundreds of millions of them that now inhabit the planet might be gone.
Is the highway and the car soon to join the stage coach and the pony express as a memory?
Recently, a wave of opposition was directed to the winners of a UNESCO and UIA organized competition for the rehabilitation on Al Nouri mosque area in Al Mousel, Iraq. The rational is based on the winners’ proposal to restore the mosque as it used to be but inject a more contemporary spirit in the surroundings. My pisition, is historical buildings should be restored but its context should be a represention of our contemporary time and using the architectural spaces and visual language which respect the uniqueness of the heritage but not copying in a superficial manner. I appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.
I'm working on my thesis right now about relationship between sport heritage values and supporter's sense of place (of the city they live in). I had the idea that I should first measure the general sense of place using a likert scale system of several statement similar to those of Willams and Vaske (2003) and Jorgenson & Stedman (2001).
Then I had the idea to compose statements (also in likert scale format) regarding the sports club (the ''sense of the sports club'' as it were) that I based on sport heritage factors/values I explored in the theoretical framework.
So in short: I want to measure two different sets of likert scale data from the SAME respondent group and then I want to measure if there is a correlation between the sport heritage data outcome and the sense of place data outcome. As in for example: does a high 'sense of sportsclub' result in a higher sense of place compared to a lower sense of sportsclub?
Now comes my question(s): Is this a good idea? and so yes, how to measure this? Which statistical analysis should I use or is it maybe better to make sport heritage statements with only yes/no answers? Or am I tackling it the wrong way? (statistical analysis isn't my strong suit)
Any advice is welcome!
Hi everyone,
Am doing research about strategies families use in the home to support heritage language among family members. I will analyse language interaction between parents and their children using interactional sociolinguistics but I do not have much idea about it. so anyone can help, please?
Barracks, Forts and Ramparts: Regeneration Challenges for Portsmouth Harbour's Defence Heritage, by Celia Clark with Martin Marks OBE. Tricorn Books 2020. ISBN 9781912821648. 450 pages, illustrations, bibliographies, references, index. Available from £40 + £4 postage and packing (UK); overseas postage costs on request. This book is a successor to Celia Clark and Samer Bagaeen's earlier book: Sustainable Regeneration of Former Military Sites (Routledge 2016).
Portsmouth Harbour's long history of defending the nation - and recent experience of how the local ex-defence sites have found new civilian life - offer useful lessons for other once defence-dominated communities seeking new roles for their specialised physical legacy. The harbour contains in microcosm all the challenges as well as impressive examples of how to repurpose historic defence sites. This new book ends with an agenda for further research of this widespread but under-reported land use change at international level.
In the new era of Globalised Education, when everyone wants to be a part of the Global Ranking mechanism and race, there are some civic and social roles of institutions to be taken up for safe-guarding local ecology, culture, and heritage. What are the ways to get this pro-local approach for the academic institutions?
I am a sociolinguist/applied linguist whose part of research focuses on heritage language education. I would like to know details on GCSE/A levels in community languages (number of those who sit those exams, grades and pass rates, which languages, how many boards, chronological changes etc.). Where do I find data on GCSE/A levels in community languages?
The punishment for crucifixion is found in the texts of religious heritage, but is it a religious or human basis?
I am in the planning stages of creating an African-American Studies course for my high school.
I would like it to be a celebration of success and achievement, but also a critical examination of pre-slavery, and African heritage.
I may contribute for this project from Indian Psychological Perspective, if you wish to say yes and give some more details . Individuals are being attached with their culture and heritage not only at the level of behavior or rituals , but also with socio -cognitive -emotional and biological justifications, Once these traces becomes weak then the process of conservation may get weak. So can we discuss bit more on this , if you are interested.
Hello everyone,
I´m in the next couple of months writing my dissertation. My thinking is along the lines of: Corporate heritage/history colliding with innovation and relevancy for the upcoming generation (millennials) in the luxury watch market. Especially the following paper has peeked my interest: "The corporate heritage brand paradox: Managing the tension between continuity and change in luxury brands"
However, there is also a lot of conflicting material and papers out there on the millennials, and not sure if I would end up studying two separate matters with this topic.
My question is if someone has any tips on how to attack this? If you have some expertise on the topics, and willing to share some thoughts/info/guidance it would be of great help. Ultimately, any help or feedback is very much appreciated!
How can we restore the initial conditions of thermal comfort in a historic building (built heritage)?
We know that materials change their physical behavior because of their mishandling over time.
What do you think about cultural heritage of Hagia Sophia? Can you share any photo, photograph of its interior? Do you think that these images can be destroyed soon by some radical Muslim faction?

It happens that some buildings often designed in an innovative way, according to innovative concepts, which were later found to be crucial for the development of a specific era in the history of artistic development, are considered as a kind of architectural works of art. Architectural objects of this type are designed by globally known architects, they become the main objects of architecture, a kind of showpiece of a specific city, region of the country and quickly become tourist destination destinations and are covered with special protection as recognized as a significant contribution to the history of architecture and national heritage development of the country.
Do you agree with my interpretation of architectural works of art?
Please reply
Best wishes

Interpreting heritage as cultural capital has a clear parallel with the definition of environment as natural capital.
Economic valuation of heritage investment evolved from methods traditionally
used in environmental economics.
The hedonic price method, widely used in urban economics, is emerging
as a better tool for evaluating heritage-related investments.
Cultural projects contribute to urban livability, attracting talent, and providing an
enabling environment for job creation. It also provide unemployed unskilled labor the jobs via tourism, associated FDI, managerial and spillover effect in the peripheral area via knowledge based firms investments/business.
Development is by nature a joint public and private effort. Historic city Core, heritage development and under utilized land use require adaptive reuse aka balanced conservation
Cultural Heritage has 3 aspects of value assessment
1. Market value measured with 5 different approaches likes cost and revenue analysis, social cost benefit analysis, using rational expectations via revealed and stated preferences, travel cost analysis and hedonic value analysis( information change in properties/real state values of local area especially via geographical information system)
2. Non market value/non use-value. It is of three kind’s like that natural capital value analysis. Existence value of heritage, option value of that heritage and bequest/legacy value for intergenerational concerns.
3. Cultural value. It is multidimensional and includes aesthetic, symbolic, spiritual, social, religious and traditional etc. aspects. It includes tangible cultural value natural as well as manmade, intangible value like traditions/production methods etc.
In recent years, a new form of investment, known as impact investment funds, has emerged in the market. Th e impact investment funds are designed as a socially responsible investment not driven exclusively by profit and generally targeted toward addressing heritage, environmental, and social issues. Impact investment is defined as actively placing capital in businesses and funds that generate social or environmental good and a range of returns to the investor.
How can we have a framework for sustainable conservation of cultural heritage in todays world?
Is it possible to preserve the heritage, religious and cultural identity of city centers, and are there standards for conservation that are consistent with modern technology?
Keenly looking suggestions about the prospect and challenges of scientific study in Heritage, Indigeneity and Folklore Studies (HIFS) at the educational institution around the world.
can we really, by the conversion of industrial buildings, consider them heritage
the need to seek solidarity, empathy and humanitarianism, can be related to forms of collective care through culture, literature, heritage
Dear All,
Are you willing to help us to Safeguard the Dolmen 1 of Vale da Lage (Tomar, Portugal)?
If so, please access to
Under "amigos da anta do vale da laje"
and add your comments about the most unbelievable destruction of this Dolmen.
Would you please help us to Safeguard this Heritage, that belongs to every one of us?
The current product of architects and urban developers will it be at one time a legacy for our future generations and they will be proud of it or will they criticize it and leave it and blame us for its future view and heritage is the beginning of a new term that is The inheritance of urban
How could digital technologies such as VR and AR support the protection of lost tangible and intangible heritage?
Perhaps first the term heritage needs to be defined to address this question. What is the value of heritage? While I strongly believe in the value of heritage for the city, I do not understand why. Up until this point I have found closure in the understanding that it is an analogical answer, and thus very personal and beyond total grasp, but I wonder if there is a more logical approach to understanding this question.
Fossils are pieces of the planet evolutionary history, because of that are considered geological heritage. However, in several countries is common and legal its trade. This could be risk for this heritage? Which is the best practice to preserve this heritage?
My research topic is related to cultural tourism in a known and unknown heritage centers. The already known heritage sites are known and there are also unknown. I will use both qualitative and quantitative research approach where the qualitative one will be mainly use FGD, Participant observation, case study and interview (mainly to respondents around the sites and institution). For the quantitative approach both domestic and international tourists will be the target population. However, they are unknown. Which formula is helpful for this type of study?
I will appreciate if you also drop me your ideas to
Thank you!!
I am an IT graduate diploma student and I stumbled upon your project while looking for papers on Cultural and Architectural Heritage dissemination and I really loved the subject. I am currently writing a Literature Review on the subject and I am not quite sure if I know enough to tackle it.
What do you consider to be essential to know in order to do it properly?
Jiuzhaogou site was among the first group of natural bueaties in China that were designated as the World Heritage by UNESCO. Its natural wonders are really spectacular! It is a must-visit place of a life time for any human being! However,what is the mechanism of interplay and harmonization amongst the water,soil,vegetation and rocks? These questions become pressing especially becasue of the 7.0 degree earthquake that hit the site right in the middle and damaged some of its best lakes.References and discussions are welcome and your efforts will probably help to save the world heritage!
Since Turkey is located in the Mediterranean macroclimate region in the sub-tropical zone, great rainfall variations can be seen between the years. at the north part, extreme rainfall and flood hazards and at the south and south-west part overheating are among main problems. However, the severity and of these variations is different from region to region. how can we define the most risky region, which its built heritage will be affected more in terms of future climate change?
This follows from the study of numerous samples of the world heritage. See