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Hegel - Science topic
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Paulo Freire propuso una nueva concepción de la educación. Una de sus características principales es concebirla como una práctica emancipadora. Esta concepción ha sido fuente de inspiración en recientes desarrollos de la teoría de la objetivación (TO), por ejemplo, en conceptos como la subjetividad, la alienación y la ética comunitaria. El objetivo...
Hegel phát biểu rằng “đề cập đến triết học pháp quyền mà thay thế tư duy bằng cảm tính chỉ thể hiện sự khinh miệt đối với triết học”. Bài nghiên cứu này bình duyệt triết học pháp quyền Hegel như là khẳng định lại sự hoàn tất của duy lý trong pháp quyền cũng như kỳ vọng gợi mở một hướng phát triển nào đó mà tôi cũng chưa biết rõ hướng phát triển đó...
From the beginning of history till now, people have been interested in the study of philosophy. Therefore, there is common acknowledgement of the difficulty in summarizing or presenting one sufficient definition to the term. Yet, in simple clarification, philosophy can be defined as the study of general and essential questions about everything in t...
xxxiv + 794 pages. "There is great philosophical wealth in Jan Dejnožka’s [work].... His knowledge of my work is thorough and insightful. It is also informed by his expert grasp of the foundations of analytic philosophy, on which he has published two major books and many articles.... Many readers... did not see what Dejnožka does see, namely, that,...
Hyppolite y Derrida coinciden en haber subrayado la importancia del lenguaje en la filosofía de Hegel, revelando las importantes implicaciones que la semiología del Espíritu subjetivo tendría en la construcción del idealismo. La dialéctica del signo desarrollada por Hegel en ese lugar revela hasta qué punto el lenguaje debe ser considerado como la...
We can find a series of authors who, inscribed in the Marxist tradition, make use of the concept of dialectics, but referring to it in an adjective form, glimpsing a theoretical operation with said term. Thus, Louis Althusser’s behind-the-scenes dialectics, Walter Benjamin's dialectics in suspense, and Theodor W. Adorno’s negative dialectics alike...
Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Frage, wie "Zeit" aus philosophischer, soziologischer und physikalischer Perspektive verstanden werden kann. Aufbauend auf einem dialektischen Fundament (Hegel), erweitert durch Hartmut Rosas Resonanztheorie (2016) und die Theorie des prädiktiven Geistes (Clark, 2016), wird Zeit als ontologische Entität vorgestellt, die...
This paper examines how "time" can be understood from philosophical, sociological, and physical perspectives. Building on a dialectical foundation (Hegel), augmented by Hartmut Rosa's resonance theory (2016) and the predictive mind theory (Clark, 2016), time is presented as an ontological entity experienced subjectively, shaped socially, and ground...
In this paper we show how some fundamental concepts of modern topology can be understood philosophically in the light of Hegel's Logic as well how modern topological concepts can provide concrete illustrations of many of the concepts and deductions that Hegel used. This paper can be seen as a continuation of our paper \cite{pro} where we argued tha...
The title inspired by Bertrand Russell’s and Alfred North Whitehead’s seminal "Principia Mathematica", the philosophical enterprise "Principia Ontologia" can be described as a genealogically-cognizant, structurally-conscious, and phenomenologically-competent fundamental ontological inquiry. It is designed to answer the question Martin Heidegger’s 1...
The current context of increasing global inequality, economic instability, and political polarization underscores the need to re-examine foundational theories that address social change and class conflict dynamics. This study investigates the significant impact of Hegelian philosophy on the formation of Marxist thought, specifically how Karl Marx a...
Durante las últimas décadas, ha resurgido la polémica sobre la existencia de la “Filosofía en México”. Además del universalismo y el particularismo, hay una cuestión que aparece reiteradamente en esta polémica: la de la la distinción entre “Filosofía en México” y “Filosofía Mexicana”. Sin embargo, no todos la significan de la misma manera. Así, par...
The Modern Age (whether it was the original term, which summarized the modern literature and art or the one somewhat expanded social-philosophical category of Max Weber's "disenchantment") brought a decisive modification also in the basic vision in the specific definitions of the model of history, on the basis of which the history constituted till...
The title inspired by Bertrand Russell’s and Alfred North Whitehead’s seminal "Principia Mathematica", the philosophical enterprise "Principia Ontologia" can be described as a genealogically-cognizant, structurally-conscious, and phenomenologically-competent fundamental ontological inquiry. It is designed to answer the question Martin Heidegger’s 1...
In “Modern Abstract Sacrifice in Robespierre’s Terror and Hitler’s Holocaust,” I use Hegel’s analysis of Robespierre’s Terror in the Phenomenology and Adorno and Horkheimer’s analysis of the Nazi Holocaust in the Dialectic of Enlightenment to identify what I term “modern abstract sacrifice” as the dominant kind of instrumental destruction that took...
Trata-se aqui de expor as primeiras figuras da consciência filosófica – certeza sensível e percepção – conforme foram desenvolvidas por Hegel na obra Fenomenologia do Espírito – 1807. Saber aparente e percepção representam dois momentos da relação entre sujeito e objeto que, muito embora não tenham o ser em geral, isto é, a coisa como unidade da di...
Mekân ve zamanda, hiçlikten meydana gelen varoluşçuluk, insanın varlık nedenine dair derin bir sorgulamayı temel alarak ortaya konulmaktadır. Heidegger göre, bireyin “Dasein”kavramıyla anlam kazandığı düşüncesi ayrıca vurgulanmıştır. Bu kavramın, insanın sadece var olanı açıklaması, kendi varoluşunu bir şekilde sorgulaması ve anlamlandırma çabasınd...
Este artigo apresenta as questões essenciais da teoria crítica de Axel Honneth a partir do quadro referencial teórico hegeliano. Seria preciso, assim, o entendimento das questões fundamentais que Hegel enfrentava em seu tempo, para, então, contextualizar a proposta filosófica de Honneth. Sem o entendimento do quadro referencial teórico hegeliano, a...
Ecological catastrophes of natural origin were known to – and even celebrated by – G. Cuvier and J.-B. Lamarck as 'désastres bienfaisantes'. Thanks to the philosophy of Schelling and Hegel, exposing integral natural totalities with inherent laws and values, and in the light of the industrial revolution that was on the rise in their time, it became...
O objetivo deste artigo é discutir a recepção do opúsculo À Paz Perpétua, de Immanuel Kant, especialmente no âmbito cultural germânico no período imediatamente posterior à sua publicação, bem como suscitar reflexões acerca da relevância dessa obra para os dias atuais. Nisso, o aludido texto será cotejado, em um primeiro momento, com as seções corre...
A questão acerca da determinação do idealismo de Hegel permanece central nos estudos hegelianos, hoje dominados pela visão de que tal idealismo seria tão somente uma continuação e elaboração do idealismo transcendental kantiano. Contra essa visão, neste trabalho nos propomos a investigar a maneira como Hegel concebe a filosofia, sua tarefa e seu ob...
O propósito deste trabalho é delimitar e colocar em perspectiva o lugar do particular na estética de Theodor Adorno, a partir de seus deslocamentos, sobretudo no que concerne: 1) à relação entre obras de arte específicas e a tradição; 2) à relação entre as obras de arte consigo mesmas e com a sociedade; e, 3) à relação entre o particular e o univer...
Purpose. The authors aim to investigate the evolution of the paradigm shift of the concept of evil in Western philosophical and psychological thought. Theoretical basis is determined by the latest methodological approaches in studying the relationship between philosophical, psychological, and theological approaches to understanding the essence of e...
This paper attempts to present the journey of the Byronic Hero’s consciousness toward self-consciousness in “The Prisoner of Chillon” and “Mazeppa”. In this regard, Hegel’s uppermost notion about lordship-bondage as stated in “The Phenomenology of Spirit” is applied to these narrative verses while concentrating on the interaction and relationship o...
O mundo atual, o mundo global, é um delírio hegeliano. Tudo o que queremos aqui, neste primeiro ensaio, é explicar essa afirmação. O mundo global poderia também ser tematizado como produto, ou melhor, como consequência da modernidade. Por isso a nossa questão sobre Hegel e a globalização poderia ser colocada como a questão sobre a relação entre Heg...
Marx, as one of the founders of Marxism, experienced a significant transformation in his thought during the period of 1843–1844. The Introduction to Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right (hereafter referred to as the Introduction) is one of Marx’s most representative works from this time. Lenin noted that this text, along with Marx’s On the Jewis...
Este artigo refere-se a uma análise da obra Comunidade da Diferença (2004), escrita pelo filósofo Miroslav Milovic (1955-2021). Foi realizado um estudo, baseado na obra de Milovic, sobre a viabilidade da democracia. A principal preocupação deste texto é assegurar que o projeto democrático, trabalhado por Milovic na Comunidade da Diferença, não pode...
This treatise addresses the current deadlock in the migration question. While the argumentation jumps between different points, it maintains stringency in its analysis of alienation. Contrary to Marx's theory of alienation, the analysis paints an unusual picture of the situation – not least because it understands critique of ideology (in the Kantia...
Is the writing of history a subjective translation of the past or a truthful recording of the facts? Some theorists suggest that historiography is a geo-political space to expand power and control while others insist that history is no more than a fiction. Through the comparison of different textual descriptions of the same Chinese historical event...
p>Supomo put forward the idea of political integralism ( Staatsidee Integralistik ), in the Indonesian State Establishment Session (1945), by referring to three Western philosophers: Spinoza, Adam Muller, and Hegel. The question from an academic aspect that has not been answered until now is why integralism must be based on these three philosophers...
Traditional literatures have analyzed entrepreneurship in terms of its characteristics under the frame of social-economic development, lacking discussions from individual’s perspective. This paper, based on the theories of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Mind and Marx’s The Econimic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, explores common features of entrepre...
O objetivo deste artigo é localizar o pensamento de Álvaro Vieira Pinto no interior da tradição dialética a partir da análise de categorias centrais àquele campo de reflexão, quais sejam: autorreflexividade, primazia do objeto, historicidade, contradição, trabalho e totalidade. Com esse fim, foram considerados, sobretudo, os dois volumes de sua obr...
This paper intends to discuss Byron’s “Sardanapalus” by focusing on the Hegelian master-slave dialectics. Written in 1821, “Sardanapalus” presents some trends about Lord Byron’s creation of the Byronic Hero. The Byronic hero is emotional, dreamy, and impulsive. Sardanapalus, the Byronic hero, is the Assyrian King who possesses the complicated natur...
It is a commonplace that imagination is heterogeneous: we need to draw a series of cross-cutting distinctions even to begin any serious general discussion of the range of activities we take to be typical instances. The nature of the heterogeneity being exhibited is usually left unclear, however, and thus so are its consequences both for our underst...
The structuralist and social-psychological perspectives on alienation are described, with attention to Seeman’s contention that the experience of alienation is based more on sentiment than on reason. The passions in early modernity are described, and the eighteenth-century moral sentimentalists Hume, Smith, and Kant are discussed. Romanticism is de...
This study presents an ontological analysis of the conception of the subject’s identity proposed by Emmanuel Levinas. The topic appears to be relevant due to the interest of the humanities to the category of the subject’s identity increasing over past decades. The paper deals with Levinas’s criticism of the classical model of the subject’s identity...
This article aims at illuminating the portrayal of women in three selected dramatic verses of Lord Byron according to master-slave dialectics of Hegel. This theory is based on the consciousness of being a master or a slave within three stages of confrontation, recognition, and acceptance. The process by which one perceives self as master or as slav...
Hegel’s early work The Life of Jesus ( Das Leben Jesu ) of 1795 presents Jesus as a teacher of Kantian morality and ends abruptly with his death, anointing of his body, and burial, such that Jesus could appear to be merely a figure of the remote past. However, within a few years Hegel’s view of the death of Jesus was to change radically. Writing of...
This paper is a comparative study between Ernst Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms and Naguib Mahfouz’s The Beginning and the End, paralleled with the authors’ concepts of tragic vision; based on the development of the theory of tragedy from Aristotle to Hegel as well as the personal philosophy of life as tragedy of both authors. Based on the researche...
Education and ethics were like two sides of a coin. This was stated by Hegel in the early modern period. However, these two concepts are viewed separately in the contemporary era. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to analyze both education and ethics enabling the well-ordered society to understand the relationship between education and ethi...
While sharing some features in common with presentist accounts of time, Hegel’s theory of time fundamentally offers an alternative to standard A-Theories, B-Theories, and C-Theories of time. While compatible with Kantian ideality of time on the one hand and spacetime in the theory of general relativity on the other, Hegel’s theory of time reaches b...
This article explores the central historiographical debate between cyclical and linear perspectives of historical progress, focusing on the contributions of Ibn Khaldun, Hegel, and Toynbee. Ibn Khaldun's cyclical theory emphasises the rise and fall of civilisations driven by social cohesion (Asabiyyah), economic factors, and moral dynamics. Hegel,...
In an era defined by rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, the relationship between human intuition and AI precision has become one of the most profound philosophical and technological questions of our time. Rooted in Hegelian dialectics, this paper explores the evolving dynamic between human creativity, contextual reasoning, and moral ref...
“Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844” is one of Marx's early important works. In the manuscript, Marx, based on his criticism of "alienated labor", provided a new method or a new perspective for people to analyze practical problems. Marcuse inherited Marx's theory of "alienation" and depicted the historical prospect of "comprehensive alienat...
This publication sheds light on the tension between subjective and objective consciousness in the works of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Hegel does not view consciousness as a static entity but rather as a processual, dynamic phenomenon that extends from purely individual experience to participation in social institutions and cultural forms of exp...
This publication sheds light on the tension between subjective and objective consciousness in the works of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Hegel does not regard consciousness as a static entity but as a processual, dynamic unfolding that ranges from purely individual experience to participation in social institutions and cultural forms of expression...
According to Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, the fundamental tool for understanding the development of thought is logic, and Hegel's philosophy of logic is approached in three stages: abstract logic, concrete logic, and the logic of spirit. Abstract logic examines the most basic conceptual framework of thought, while concrete logic explains how thes...
Présentation de la traduction de "La Question sociale" dans un échange culturel franco-allemand : Gans, Marx et la réception de Saint-Simon, par Myriam Bienenstock, par Hernandez Vivan Eichenberger
O artigo reconstitui a recepção do sansimonismo na Alemanha. Para tanto, mostra como hegelianismo e sansimonismo foram inicialmente confundidos. Carové e Gans, contudo, buscaram desde logo marcar as diferenças entre ambos. No caso de Gans, porém, o problema da plebe, presente no interior do pensamento de Hegel, levou-o a reavaliar, positivamente, o...
Aidiyet Diyalektiği kavramı ilk defa bu araştırmanın yazarı tarafından yazılan “Aşiret ve Siyaset İlişkisinin Gömülü Kuram Bağlamında Analizi: Van Örneği” isimli makalede ortaya atılmıştır. Söz konusu makalenin konusu Doğu Anadolu’da sosyolojik bir aidiyet olarak kabul edilen aşiret olgusunun Van ili örneğinde insanların algısındaki yerini tespit e...
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar que el rasgo más significativo del pensamiento del joven Hegel consiste en el análisis de los fundamentos primitivos de la religión cristiana y en la crítica a su desarrollo eclesiástico y doctrinal. Esto se expresa tanto en las diversas interpretaciones que en su período juvenil Hegel elabora sobre l...
En este artículo defiendo la tesis de que el reconocimiento estético constituye una variante independiente y hasta ahora desatendida del reconocimiento, sobre la cual se puede fundamentar una teoría crítica del reconocimiento. En primer lugar, expongo mi concepción del reconocimiento estético, que amplía el espectro de relaciones desarrollado por G...
If in Hegel the Ancient Greek ‘subjectivizes’ the sounds of Nature that s/he interrogates, in the more contemporary accounts of listening the subject is split; the echo comes back not from within, but through the other scene or stage of desire and the drive, and through the circuitous paths of language. To have one’s ears cocked is to be subject to...
U nemačkoj modernoj filozofiji s kraja XVIII i s početka XIX veka brzo je ustaljen stav prema kojem su Hjumova skeptička nastojanja u Kantovoj kritičkoj filozofiji našla ne samo svoje ispunjenje, nego i da su s koncepcijom kenigzberškog mislioca ona suštinski prevladana. Autor u radu polazi od pitanja šta je, u godinama tokom kojih se Kantova misao...
O artigo trata da reinterpretação crítica de Marx efetuada por Moishe
Postone, examinando, em particular, as categorias de trabalho determinado por mercadoria, totalidade e sujeito automático. Acompanhando a
crítica de Postone ao marxismo tradicional, o artigo explora a interpretação desse autor sobre a crítica que Marx formula, a partir de 1857, a...
Öt éve jelent meg Francis Fukuyama hiressé vált tanulmánya a 'történelem végé'-ről. Fél évtized elméleti irásokat nem szokott történelmi távlatba helyezni. Az elmult öt évet azonban nemcsak egyszerűen történelmi, de 'világtörténelmi' korszaknak kell tekintenünk. Az természetesen, hogy mitől 'világtörténeti' egy korszak, bonyolult módszertani előfel...
In this paper, I compare and contrast what Max Stirner has to say about the philosophy and politics of education in two of his works, a not so well-known text entitled The False Principle of Our Education (1842), and the much better known The Ego and its Own, which was published three years later. In both of these works, Stirner engages critically...
Many people consider Nietzsche to be a philosopher who is fundamentally anti-theoretical. According to Bernard Williams, Nietzsche is so far from being a theorist that his writing "is booby-trapped not only against recovering theory from it but, in many cases, against any systematic exegesis that assimilates it to theory." Many people would specifi...
Esta investigación llamada el contexto y las TIC como estrategia para mejorar el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas en los estudiantes del grado sexto de la Institución Bilingüe Andrés Bello de Istmina – Choco, tuvo como objetivo diseñar una estrategia que articule el contexto y las herramientas tecnológicas TIC en el proceso de enseñ...
En la experiencia del doble el yo verifica que hay otros yo en él mismo. A pesar de su radical afirmación del yo, convertido en el todo, Juan Ramón Jiménez vivió fuertemente este fenómeno del doble. Juan Ramón crea un yo conscientemente en su obra poética con el que pretende realizar su yo ideal. Además, siente la existencia en su interior de otros...
Hay razones de más para asociar la crisis contemporánea a la situación metafórica a la que alude el nombre de Babel, incluyendo sus connotaciones apocalípticas. Y las hay igualmente para preguntarse por el rumbo que ha ido tomando la idea de libertad. Pero sobre ambas, Babel y la libertad, hay múltiples lecturas. El artículo propone un marco hermen...
Este artículo está dedicado a identificar las líneas generales de recepción y asimilación de la filosofía de K. Ch. F. Krause en España durante el siglo XIX. En términos generales, los objetivos de este trabajo son: sintetizar parte de estas cuestiones sobre la penetración de la filosofía krausista de la religión y el derecho en España y explicar s...
En el presente artículo analizo las operaciones críticas que realizan Judith Butler y Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak sobre ciertos planteos de la teoría de la historia de Hegel en dos trabajos de los años ochenta: Sujetos del Deseo. Reflexiones hegelianas en la Francia del siglo XX (Butler, 2012 [1987]) y “Estudios de la Subalternidad. Deconstruyendo l...
Differenz heisst vor dem Horizont der philosophischen Semantik, dass sie nur in einer Konzeption funktionieren kann, welche erstens von Unbestimmtheitssemantik gepraegt ist und zweitens diese Unbestimmtheit auf postmoderne Weise nicht legitimiert haben will.
Vortrag, geplant für die Hegel-Konferenz der Internationalen Hegel Gesellschaft in Toulou...
Diese Abhandlung behandelt die gegenwärtige Sackgasse in der Migrationsfrage. Während die Argumentation zwischen verschiedenen Punkten springt, bleibt die Stringenz in der Analyse der Entfremdung gewahrt. Die Analyse zeichnet, entgegen der marxschen Entfremdungstheorie, ein ungewöhnliches Bild der Situation – nicht zuletzt, weil sie Ideologiekritik...
Waehrend es im Prinzip eine Gesellschaft existieren kann, in der keine Religion in unserem heutigen Sinne existiert, kann es keine Gesellschaft existieren, in der es keine Erziehung existiert. So vernichtet das Differenzdenken soziale und sozialontologische Realitaet und Empirie.
This article discusses the work «Absolute Idealism of Hegel” from among the works of the philosopher scientist M.N. Boltaev dedicated to Western philosophy. In this, the great ideological predecessors of Master Hegel, the life and works of Fichte, Fichtean idealism as a description of the «foundation” of Kantian criticism, as well as issues related...
This article addresses a conceptual and artistic issue that is vital for Norwid’s entire work, namely the relationship between time and movement. This question has preoccupied philosophers and poets since antiquity, giving birth, for instance, to the ingenious concept of time-space developed by Alfred Einstein, and leading further to string theory,...
After the Napoleonic wars, a completely new and simultaneously alarming situation emerged for the European nations. 'The world spirit is on horseback', like Hegel called it in his PHENOMENOLOGY OF THE SPIRIT, has immediately shown, that the fate, as well as the frames of the social and historical existence are now quite certainly dependent on the '...
This paper aims to analyze the way in which Marx addressed the antinomies of the constitution and the question of democracy in the Critique of Hegel's philosophy of law, which are issues of paramount importance for constitutional law and political modernity. Moreover, the text contains a brief historical contextualization of the main philosophical,...
Este artículo analiza la apropiación que Theodor W. Adorno ha realizado de la dialéctica hegeliana, a modo de exhibir su potencialidad como crítica inmanente. Aunque el artículo señala las grandes divergencias entre ambos pensadores, el énfasis está puesto en sus continuidades como vía para demostrar la actualidad de la dialéctica como ejercicio te...
The aim of this study is to present the two most notable forms of ‘psychology’ in the late eighteenth and the first half of the nineteenth century in the Czech Lands and Austria (since they still formed largely one political, cultural, and intellectual space at the time, and their universities followed similar rules). This is a period that usually...
Periódico quadrimestral que encerra como temáticas de estudo Filosofia e Direito, Agon (Ἀγών), Revista de Filosofia da UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul tem grande pertinência para a Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, tendo em vista que procura desenvolver uma per-versão filosófica, ou seja, apresentar uma outra versão da História da Fil...
Selo Editorial integrante do OmniScriptum Publishing Group, a Editora Novas Edições Acadêmicas - fundada na Alemanha em 2002 e que tem escritórios em toda a Europa, África, Ásia e América Latina e cuja sede atualmente está localizada em Londres, no Reino Unido - está publicando o Ensaio de Ontologia Fenomenológica do Professor-Pesquisador Luiz Carl...
In this essay, I explore possibilities for phenomenology beyond Hegel with respect to questions of conscience, guilt, and ethics. In the first section, I briefly introduce Heidegger’s phenomenology. The next section provides an interpretation of conscience in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit . Like Hegel, Heidegger claims that conscience states my g...
O objetivo desta pesquisa, síntese de um trabalho mais amplo no campo da teoria marxista da educação, é o de avaliar as formas teóricas do humanismo na obra de Karl Marx a partir da análise que dela fez o filósofo francês Louis Althusser (1918-1990), e de como o humanismo acaba sendo o fundamento das pedagogias críticas brasileiras, especialmente a...
Hegel’s ‘Natural Law’ essay is widely discussed but its substance and the implications of its argument are misunderstood. Hegel’s essay is most often read via other philosophers. Interpretations of this kind are useful but only illuminate those parts of Hegel’s text that intersect with other philosophers’ concerns. This article takes a different ap...
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, 1999
Charlotte Iserbyt is to be greatly commended for having put together the most formidable and practical compilation of documentation describing the “deliberate dumbing down” of American children by their education system. Anyone interested in th...
In dieser Identifizierung wird eine wissenssoziologische Tatsache wirksam, die wegen der vielen Diskussionen über Hegels vermeintlichen „Konservatismus” unterging, und zwar Hegels Verbindung mit dem Liberalismus. Sowohl die Hegelsche Philosophie selber, wie auch die deutliche Mehrheit der ihr entwachsenen, neugegründeten Schulen waren naemlich mit...
War has always been a crucible for human ingenuity and a stage for profound psychological and philosophical exploration. Beyond the strategies of the battlefield, the psychological and philosophical underpinnings of war have shaped how leaders manipulate societies, mobilize soldiers, and justify conflict. This paper explores the contributions of 14...
This paper compares the views of Hegel and Schelling regarding the problem of individuation, i.e. the question of what makes an individual (a) numerically distinct from others and (b) the very individual it is. My focus is on how Hegel approaches this problem in his metaphysics and how that relates to Schelling’s views as articulated in his ‘negati...
O presente artigo pretende discutir a transformação, proposta por Hegel, da noção kantiana de liberdade como autonomia no paradigma do reconhecimento recíproco. Na primeira seção, vou retomar alguns pontos da Fundamentação que vêm sendo interpretados como conduzindo a paradoxos na concepção de autonomia (1). Em seguida, pretendo recordar esquematic...
Data-driven approaches to philosophy have emerged as a valuable tool for studying the history of the discipline. However, most studies in this area have focused on a limited number of journals from specific regions and subfields. We expand the scope of this research by applying dynamic topic modelling techniques to explore the history of philosophy...
The article deals with Hegel's distinctive conceptualization of language, which takes a speculative form. Not only does language play a crucial role in understanding Hegel's speculative philosophy, but it also provides a novel way of understanding the inner mechanics of thought formation and explication. While language does fulfil a common communic...
Esta investigación analiza la interpretación hegeliana de América. Por un lado, mostraremos su carácter más problemático, al reducir toda actividad del hombre americano como parte de la categoría «culturas naturales», aun cuando se registraron noticias de las civilizaciones azteca e inca. Por otro lado, también se revalorará a las civilizaciones al...
This article analyses the discussion that Milton Santos establishes with Louis Althusser in two works central to the theoretical formulations that he developed from the 1970s on. Its objective is to confront the structuralism of the French philosopher with the category of socio-spatial formation then proposed by the Brazilian geographer. Contrary t...
Axel Honneth's earlier conception of recognition as an ethical ideal has received significant critique from feminist Foucauldian critical theorists, such as Judith Butler, Lois McNay and Amy Allen, for undermining how recognition can often be a conduit for subordination. As a result, there has been an increasing ambivalence about the nature of reco...
Aufklärung, Bd. 36: Gott
Begriff und Kritik der Gottesinstanz in der Philosophie, den Wissenschaften und Künsten des 18. Jahrhunderts
CUSANUS: Over de wetende onwetendheid. Vertaling Gert den Hartogh. Damon Eindhoven, 2023. 312 p. ISBN 9789463404075. Nikolaus Chryppfs (1401-1460) uit Kues (klein stadje in een bocht van de Moesel) die zich later naar z'n geboorteplaats 'van Cusa' of 'Cusanus' liet noemen, hoort thuis in de galerij van 'grote westerse denkers'. Hij staat enerzijds...
Partiendo de los desarrollos de Hegel sobre el derecho de propiedad de la persona sobre su cuerpo, este artículo intenta esclarecer ciertos límites para su ejercicio e hipotetizar argumentos para defender derechos subjetivos que involucran al cuerpo. En primer lugar, se aborda el concepto hegeliano de persona. La autorreferencia del yo y el reconoc...
It is well known that the problem of finity and infinity is the basic problem of mathematics, and it is also the basic problem of Philosophy. This paper puts forward the Infinite Exchange Paradox, which strongly questions the idea of actual infinity in the Hilbert Hotel Problem, and points out the irreconcilable contradiction inherent in the idea o...
Este artigo aborda a dimensão estética na construção de sentidos pela prática pedagógica na Educação Infantil, sob a ideia da polissemia da linguagem transcendente da estética como bela arte (HEGEL, 2001), relacionada com a produção do que é próprio da criança. Destaca-se a escola como um âmbito estético habitável (HOYUELOS, 2020), proveniente do p...
This paper addresses the problem of patriarchy in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right by focusing on his conceptualization of family life. The question is not whether the social order envisaged by Hegel is patriarchal or not: his account of the domestic relations between the sexes, in the first place, leaves no doubt about the fact that what he has in mind...
El presente artículo es un análisis sobre el valor moral que propone la Pedagogía del oprimido del autor brasileño Paulo Freire. Analiza la realidad social para poder determinar cuál es el paradigma educativo que impera en la sociedad, principalmente en la realidad de Latinoamérica. Además, este análisis permite identificar la educación bancaria co...
Pretende-se nesse artigo confrontar as posições de Theodor Adorno e Friedrich Hegel acerca da concepção de progresso, inferidas do rearranjo adorniano das categorias de particular e universal, que depreendem da filosofia hegeliana. O propósito é expor a crítica de Adorno, formulada na Dialética negativa, à noção de Hegel de que o curso da história...
Kierkegaard presents his critique of a Hegelian philosophy of history in the works of his Climacus pseudonym, the Philosophical Fragments and the corresponding Concluding Unscientific Postscript . It has been contested whether he addressed his arguments toward Hegel directly. In this paper, I argue that these arguments are systematically pertinent...