Science topic
Hearing Disorders - Science topic
Conditions that impair the transmission of auditory impulses and information from the level of the ear to the temporal cortices, including the sensorineural pathways.
Questions related to Hearing Disorders
(Bithermal caloric test/ head shake test/gaze testing/smooth pursuit testing).
Many studies reported an association between nutrition and human hearing loss. These studies showed the incidence of hearing loss was increased with the lack of micro-nutrients such as vitamins A, B, C, E, zinc, magnesium, selenium and iron.Moreover, high carbohydrate, fat, and cholesterol intake, or lower protein intake, are responsible for poor hearing status.
Dear colleagues, Any more studies or experience about the relation between nutrition and hearing loss?
With the rising use of mobile phones a lot of new type of disease are getting into focus. People are getting more prone to cancer, blindness, loss of hearing etc.....What are the various type of side effects you have noticed?? and how we could minimize these side effect?
Patients who do not fit the hearing aids and have bad results of reconstructive surgery and who want to test BAHA.
Hi, I have a patient. she is 4 years old. Her hearing loss has been diagnosed 1 and half year a go. She has a severe to profound hearing loss. Parents claim that she was OK before and she gradually has lost her hearing. As there was not any previous hearing evaluation (even no hearing screening at birth!), we can not confirm that. She received hearing aid and auditory rehabilitation right away. Since then she has had 3 sudden reduction of hearing to profound hearing loss (parents recognize that because she do not react to sound at all with her hearing aid).
Otologist prescribed corton therapy and ketotifen... for two weeks in first two episodes. She had cold in one of them. She showed recovery after that. Today she came to me with same problem (again sudden reduction of hearing to profound and no reaction to sound).
What do you think is the underlying cause? (some thing is wrong for sure)
Can it be an autoimmune disease? (she seems totally normal and her blood test is normal)
Parents ask me is there a neural problem or cochlear? (How can I be sure?!)
Parents ask me if cochlear implant will resolve the problem?
Please help us. Thank you
Dear All,
I am looking for availability of Spondee's and mono-syllabic word lists in Arabic Languages. If there are available kindly indicate the source of availability.
Since learning sign language I have come to realize there are many deaf clients, yet many healthcare workers have a deficit in understanding sign language
Sign language is commonly used to teach learners who have difficulties in hearing. In most cases such learners may have complete loss hearing. However, sign language may differ from country to country making it difficult to have uniformity in the use of signs or symbols. There could be some of learner and instructor factors that affect the former's perception of the sign language.
I am conducting an evaluation for a project which was aimed at supporting children with hearing impairment in Malawi. Would anyone have conducted a similar study to share findings?
I want to create mathematics quizzes making use of Moodle and WIRIS and replace the paper and pencil assessments, which is problematic for Deaf and Hard of Hearing learners. Anyone ever tried it or have any suggestions?
Is there any case that a patient has different hearing loss frequency level and tinnitus frequency?
language, communication, emotion recognition, and empathy
The fraction of the population with hearing loss is already 1 in 6 and will be 1 in 4 by 2050: hearing aids which have 'music' settings often simply turn off feedback and noise cancellation.. we can and need to do better- but first we need to examine closely what is perceived as well as the technical aspects. We already know that aids that work well for music work well for speech- but the reverse does not hold
(Context I am a current research student in the Sir Zelman Cowan School of Music at Monash University- and use hearing aids myself)
From time to time, i meet different patients of tinnitus (HF-SNHL, Menier's disease, thyroid dysfunction, vascular) but in other patients no complaint except intermittent tinnitus during breathing (inspiration/expiration) & after excluding other causes of tinnitus, i diagnosed patulous ET. Please, you would give your experience regarding Patulous Eustachian tube, diagnosis & management.
Usually children with hearing impairment face many problems after integration to normal school. I would like to know what may be probably the major challenges these children faces in integrated school setting.
Management of ANSD patients is still a challenge for audiologists. In countries where people can't afford CI, can hearing aids with proper fitting strategies employed benefit individuals with ANSD?
In my institute (KAUH, KSU, RIYADH, KSA), during the work with my colleagues, CI surgeons (Prof. Al-Muhaimeed & Prof. Attallah, of the oldest & the best CI surgeons in KSA), we faced difficult cochleostomy despite a normal patent cochlea as confirmed by preoperative CT-Temporal.
2009, Of my knowledge, the above mentioned colleagues et al are the first worldwide who mentioned the explanation of this dilemma, mentioning a tilted (rotated cochlea) in their published article:
"Al-Muhaimeed HS, Al-Anazy F, Attallah MS, Hamed O. Coclear mplantation at King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: a 12-year experience. J Laryngol Otol 2009; 123:e20."
2010, Lloyd et al suggested a predictive tool which could diagnose a rotated cochlea by the preoperative CT-Scan, axial temporal bone, measuring the cochlear basal turn angle (BTA) in their published article:
"Lloyd SK, Kasbekar AV, Kenway B, Prevost T, Hockman M, Beale T,
Graham J Developmental changes in cochlear orientation – implications
for cochlear implantation. Otol Neurotol 2010; 31:902–907."
2015, of my knowledge, My colleague (Prof. Al-Muhaimeed HS) & I (Abdelwahed HY) were the first worldwide who investigated retro-prospectively the above mentioned predictive tool of Lloyd et al (BTA) & found that it was indicator & we suggested the solution to make cochleostomy more easy in such encountered difficult cases as mentioned in our published article:
"Al-Muhaimeed H S & Abdelwahed H Y. Difficult cochleostomy in the normal cochlea, Egypt J Otolaryngol, 2015 Jul, 31(3): 149-155. DOI: 10.4103/10125574.159791. Source: 1012-5574 © 2015 The Egyptian Oto - Rhino - Laryngological Society.'
I hope that all worldwide CI surgeons share my topic with their valuable comment & experiences regarding this important topic.
Can physical activity improve postural and dynamic stability for people with Usher syndrome type 1. The literature is very scarce so I wonder if anyone has experience working with this group?
Patients with radical mastoid cavities due to previous cholesteatoma, develop severe to profound hearing loss. Would you share your experience regarding implanting such patients. What is the best technique you perform, oplitrative (open) or non-opliterative (closed) technique?
We know about the several causes for Tullio's phenomenon. I would like to the treatment strategy for the same with any Clinical and research experiences?
This question aims to point out the difficulties that hearing impaired face in social life, in despite all the efforts made and different approaches taken to help them. Emphasizing the necessity of self-reliance of the hearing-impaired in social life and their substantial participation in the sustainable development of community, this question introduces.
Primarily due to presbycusis (age related hearing loss) and intonation? I have an abundance of literature from the viewpoint of the audiologist and musicians, but little from the singers perspective. It does seem an area that has not been greatly researched and is the subject of my MA thesis. As I say, I have plenty of general research material and am only looking for something in relation to voice experts and/or singers perspectives. I have contacted many obvious and relevant organisations but anything that individuals may be aware of from their corner of the ever growing research planet would be gratefully received.
Some FNS patients presented mainly audiological symptoms and their tumors are involved in CPA-IAC. They were suspected as VS before the surgery, but a facial nerve tumor was only identified during the surgery. Is there a method to differentiate them?
This is to give evidence to rehab advice given in clinic.
Would it indicate unilateral implantation in a patient with deafness in one ear and cholesteatoma disease in the contralateral ear with severe mixed hearing loss?
I am particularly interested in the temporal development of ototoxicity compared to nephrotoxicity in guinea pigs following ip administration. However, any information in any other animal model or even in humans would be very useful.
Are individuals with type 1 or type 2 diabetes just as likely to develop hearing loss or is it purely dependent on glycaemic control?
What about children with diabetes, is the prevalence of hearing loss and clinical outlook different for this population?