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Health Technology Assessment - Science topic
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Questions related to Health Technology Assessment
I am a Ph.D. candidate at China Medical University. We are conducting a project to develop a methodological quality assessment tool for health economic evaluation alongside pragmatic clinical trials.
We sincerely invite scholars who are interested in health economic evaluation to participate in this survey. Your insights and participation in this survey would be invaluable to this study.
This survey does not take more than fifteen minutes of your time.
If you would like to participate, please click on the link below: This link will redirect to the Qualtrics platform.
For questions, please contact me at or Thank you for your time and consideration.
Song Ruomeng, Ph.D. candidate
China Medical University, China
Hi to everybody.
I am a member of a working group at the Italian National Blood Center dealing with implementation of a Health Technology Assessment on the safety of intravenous iron administration in non-hospitalized settings.
How does it works in your country or did anyone of you implement specific local paths in this field?
Thank you
What are some of the most frequently used quantitative methods in HTA. Which one of the Multi Criteria Decision Making method are used in HTA? What are advantage and disadvantages?
I am new to fmm. If I run a two component mixture model I will have two sets of predicted values (one for each component). I can also generate the posterior prob and the most likely latent class membership. How do I combine these two sets of values to produce single predicted values which correspond to my dependent variable?
Dear statisticans and HTA experts ,
I am newbie and working on my first model using a markov model with probabilities varying according to time in state. After synthesis clinical trials, unfortunately I have difficulties to derive transition probabilities from pooled HR. How to calculate shape and scale parameter of Weilbull distribution from this pooled HR?
I really appreciate your helps.
Kind regards
During clinical consultation doctors and nurses interview patients about their medical history. But, patients are usually not prepared for the clinical consultation. In theory, if patients administer their medical history on a computer/tablet before their appointment with the doctor or nurse, then they should be prompted and prepared for the medical history interview. This is one of the hypothetical advantages of patient-administered computerized history taking systems/automated medical history taking systems. What quantitative and/or qualitative factors measures exist that would assess if patients are prepared for the medical history interview?
I'm actually interested in identifying doctor-patient communication and non-communication measures that would determine if a group of patients who took an electronic medical history questionnaire were more prepared for a clinical consultation compared to a group that didn't take the electronic history questionnaire.
I am working on an economic evaluation of a drug to promote wound healing on diabetic foot ulcers based on retrospective data (cost-consequences). I need to make a sensitivity analysis of efficacy and cost of the intervention. To an univariate analysis how to select the range of these variables? Which other alternatives can I use for the analysis?
I am trying to assess effectiveness of neoadjuvant treatment for pancreatic cancer using Markov model. However RCTs do not yet exist for neoadjuvant therapy. The best available is prospective phase II trials which lack a control group. Can I perform a meta analysis of this existing data from which to calculate my transition probabilities or would multivariate analysis be better?
There is a number of the formulas for calculation of the cost-effectiveness of the projects, novel treatment modalities, surgery, drugs etc.
But how to calculate the cost-effectiveness of the diagnostic questionnaire?
How to retrieve the cost of analyses from the countries with the system of Health insurance? Should I take into account interests of the insurance companies?
Thank you all in advance for your answers.
Dear Reader,
Please find below the detailled description of my current research and a couple of specific questions. I am glad for any opinion/input that you have on the topic, so please don't feel forced to answer the entire set of questions!
Many thanks and best regards
Stephan Schmidbauer
Combination treatments are an ever-increasing presence in oncology. In terms of explicitly approved drug combinations, the question is how the (additive) prices of these combinations can be reconciled with the financial power of the public healthcare system. If a clear advantage to overall survival can be demonstrated in a head-to-head clinical trial, the combination in question will usually be reimbursed. Often, however, manufacturers will refer to historical comparisons, one-arm trials, surrogate endpoints or adapted pathways for approval in order to provide evidence of efficacy. Despite subsequent approval, this leaves a significant degree of uncertainty in relation to efficacy and safety of new combination drugs. On the other hand, results on efficacy and safety in comparisons of phase II and III trials are frequently revealed to be in direct contrast (up to 50% of combinations are eventually found to be ineffective and/or unsafe, cf. doi:10.1038/nbt.2786 pmid:24406927).
A further case for consideration is the simultaneous administration (or sequential, if necessary) of drugs approved only as monotherapies; so-called “free combinations”. Aside from a pharmacological rationale, there is often no evidence to support such a regimen, yet the costs are additive.
- What data on efficacy, safety and (additional) benefit would you demand before reimbursing (as a payer) or prescribing (as a doctor) combination therapy instead of a monotherapy?
- Are surrogate parameters sufficient evidence of additional benefit in view of the significant (additional) cost of combination therapies?
- Do you differentiate between explicitly approved and “free” combinations when prescribing or reimbursing? (E.g. pertuzumab + trastuzumab vs. trastuzumab + anti-PD1; i.e.
- How will you meet the financial challenges posed to your healthcare system by the foreseeable spread of combination drugs?
- A:In your opinion, are the current combination drugs fairly priced?
- B:Given that the value (to patient–relevant benefit) contributed by the individual partner of a drug combination is normally unknown (i.e. it is unclear whether x months of drug 1 and y months of drug 2 contribute to i.e. Overall Survival ), how would you determine fair prices for the combination drugs?
- Do you view drugs reaching the market via accelerated approval processes more critically than drugs with full approval? If so, why? Do you reimburse/prescribe differently depending on the route to approval?
In the SF12v1, four items are 2-level.
In de SF12v2, those items are 5-level.
I would like to know how I can convert the answers on the SF12v1 to the SF12v2.
Critics claim that there is an increasing number of drugs declared as “innovative” entering national markets even though they do not offer any additional benefit in comparison to the comparable therapies already available. Any opinions on this statement highly appreciated!
Dear statisticans and HTA experts,
I am still a "newbie" in health ecnomic modelling, but i am working on my first evaluation in metastatic melanom using a three-state markov model with the states PFS, PD, OS (my master thesis). I want to compare the available therapies for metastatic melanom. Unfortunately I have difficulties to derive transition probabilities.
I found a HTA report (attached) which includes fitted distribution for the comparator. It states two log-logistic parameters for PFS and OS respectively and also the hazard ratios for the other interventions i want to compare with.
I also have a Kaplan-Meier plot (only for the comparator intervention).
Can you tell me, how I can derive my probabilities? Since I am not a good statistican, I dont know how to use the formulas probably. If I dont need to extrapolate the trial data, would it be easier?
Kind regards
Isabel from Germany
The parameters stated are on p. 63-65 in the attached HTA report
I am specifically interested in publications that dealt with the development, validation and improvement of performance indicators in the cardiovascular or cerebrovascular diseases.
I can only found generic instruments as the WLQ and the WPAIQ. Thanks
Focus would be on the Intermediate Care (IC) run mostly by NPOs which are subsidised by government and donations.
Possibility of doing a retrospective or prospective study
either follow the patient route from hospitalization to intermediate care unit
or create different strategies: hospitalisation, IC, and current status
I’m interested in the area of EdTech applied to reduce adverse event in the elderly but independent population, specifically in the area of medications interaction, aka, medication reconciliation. The main idea is to use interactive learning via mobile devices to follow up with elderly patients after they had been discharged from hospital and help them to better understand the risks of wrong medications combination and the importance of follow specific instructions, aka, health care (post discharge) plan; the final target goal will be to reduce readmissions due to adverse events associated with medication interaction. I can see 2 characteristics in the target population, 1) the possible lower literacy in the use of mobiles devices applications, and 2) the stress associated with the recent discharge from hospital. I’d appreciate any reference useful resources in those areas.
Thanks a lot.
We are a Health Technology Assessment unit in a University hospital and we are actually gathering data on the efficacy of hybrid operating room dedicated (most of the time) to trauma care . The purpose of our investigation is to make evidence based recommendations for the implementation of hybrid operating room dedicated to trauma in our hospital. We are wondering if one of you can help us to identify a person to contact for filling a brief questionnaire about how it was implemented, reporting experience or any data on efficacy... This hybrid operating room must be equiped for angiography or chirurgical procedure as well as resuscitation and must be dedicated for trauma care most of the time. We have for reference the RAPTOR model implemented in Calgary (Canada) and Sydney (Australia).
Thank you for your collaboration
Commonly the term "acceptability" is used within evaluation of health technology or interventions. However, I can't find any clear consensus as to what "acceptability" means as a researcher, some papers identify it as response rate others as likelihood for future use. I'd be interested in your thoughts...
The HTA approach is adopted by decision makers for assessing drug, medical device, treatments, but also immaterial resources as well as the organizative choices, care models, etc. Today few internationals studies have explored the use of HTA on nursing. Yet nursing plays a leading role in health care. How do you explain this?
I'm looking for a checklist or an outline of the steps designed specifically for the appraisal of health technology assessment articles.
I would like to compute bias corrected accelerated 95% confidence intervals for bootstrapped ROC curve analyses with the minimal sum of misclassification as cut-off criterion. Can anyone help me out? Any syntax for SPSS, SAS or R would be very appreciated.
Are there relevant studies about this?
I'm studying OA, trying to do a cost-utility analysis but I am having some problems with the efficacy evaluation.
I’m planning to investigate a framework about ethics in health technology assessment for elderly person. I read about various methods for assess policies in Canada. I’m really looking to find out what you’d consider to be the most efficient method as an ethical approach.
If yes, under what circumstances?
We are studying how to insert the results of economical evaluation of health technology in clinical guides or in health policies. We need references about it.
I am looking for comprehensive elaborations, presenting a set of criteria for introducing / adopting / market approval of drugs and medical devices. Could you recommend some reading?
Does every decision-maker (either in the public or private sector) decide using the same framework? Or the some indicators? How is the decision-making characterized?
I am developing a questionnaire to assess the QALY gain/loss attached to a (temporary, short term) procedure. We are considering TTO (both standard and waiting time trade off) but I cannot find much in the literature about how to ensure the questions posed are valid and will return useful values. It was suggested that I look in the field of experimental economics, but I have so far failed to find much of use. Please can anyone offer any advise/evidence/publications?
I need to assess readiness of our clients and the community for promoting health that may also provide management for some conditions using the existing technologies available in our settings. I am talking about developing country settings with cultural factors, where technology is not fully used as a tool for health benefits. Any ideas?