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Health System Research - Science topic
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Questions related to Health System Research
Are there some unpublished case studies that discuss the impact of these lists on costs, satisfaction or quality?
When I discussed some people who once suffered from Coronavirus, they reported some sort of memory loss. I was surprised to know this. Are there any other reported eveidences revealing any type of memory loss in covid suggered people. Kindly share.
Some IRBs ask as part of their routine to add an ICF (informed consent form) for respondents? Is this mandatory or in other words is this part of the state-of-the-art practice for such studies or it is an internal decision from the local IRB?
Blood is an all important life saving component that any person can voluntarily donate and for which demand is steep. However,conflicting reports and suggestions by the medical fraternity indicate that willing diabetics are often deprived of the privilege of blood donation. Please clarify.
The increasing and alarming rate of Caesarean Section across the world is a worrisome issue. What are the solutions to address it? Ground realities and reasons are different and this issue is relevant to developed and developing world alike, unlike many health issues that are completely different in haves and have-not countries!! What are the current evidence and updates?
I am a postdoc at SAHMRI interested in improving side effect management in people undergoing cancer treatment. It would be really interesting to look at disparities in indigenous and non indigenous cohorts with regards to the incidence and management of side effects, access to supportive care, impact on life etc.
My new project is on Universal Basic Income in West Africa. West Africa has 18 countries in total. I cannot possibly use the entire population as my sample, please can anyone make a suggestion of how many countries among this number that can be used to infer my findings and which can be termed accurate?
I would like to know the methodology of this research and if possible the research proposal
I am comparing the occurrence of arthropathy between carriers of haemophilia and a random sample taken using Population Register in Sweden. I have the entire population of carriers of haemophilia living in Sweden. I also have data on inpatient and outpatient hospitalisations and surgeries for individuals from both groups for about 22 years. I want to investigate whether carriers of haemophilia have a higher risk for arthropathy than the general population.
The problem is that carriers are usually a family member of a person with haemophilia (a mother, sister, etc.) and for this reason, they may have higher access to healthcare or motivation to check their health status more often. Carriers have greater knowledge on bleeding risk and are usually in contact with haemophilia centres. Even though that all persons living in Sweden have a relatively easy access to affordable healthcare services, those with chronic illness can potentially use more services due to their direct access to result in an overestimation risk of any disease but to a greater extent those which are linked to haemophilia (here is the arthropathy).
How can I ensure that the observed higher risk of arthropathy among carriers is not a product of higher service utilisation and access to healthcare?
Thank you o much for sharing your knowledge and experience in advance.
#register-based #studies #detection_bias #bias #observational_studies #epidemiology
My name appears incorrectly on Research Gate--must have been a typo. It is Shelley not Shell. How do I correct this?
our research objectives is to find if the presence of appropriate healthcare services in schools and health personnel who provide it
we have collected our data contacting 40 random schools ( private,governmental) of all levels. asking about presence of healthcare equipments and the provider of care, number of incidence and how they managed it !
we thought of using chi-square test but the sample size is small , is there any other appropriate test we can use ?
I am working on a similar project for elder care facilities, and plan to specify criteria and methods of measurements for these attributes.
Best regards,
why dose Schumpeter refuse "propensity to reserving(savings)" in basic society with ex-change economy befor development?
Dear Research Scholars,
I need your advice regarding statistical technique.
I have collected data on Knowledge Management Practices such as knowledge perception (8 items) Knowledge gathering (11 items) knowledge creation (12 items) knowledge sharing (18 items) knowledge diffusion (13 items) and Knowledge retention (8 items) (all items are 70) from the Europe, Asia and GCC
(15 Countries have been involved with 200 responds). I would like to show variance between Europe vs Asia vs GCC so, which technique is very best for analysis?
Thank you in advance for your response and advice.
It is a small 2 physician clinic, only details discussed are past acceptance of FP methods,
Dear colleagues. I am researching into Malaysian import licensing laws focusing on the food sector. The kind of mechanism used in Malaysia is Approved Permits (APs). The term is widely used in Malaysia. I want to know the best practices in other countries and learn from them on the matter.
Nikola Bradic MD
Clinic of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine
Department of Cardiovascular Anesthesiology and Cardiac Intensive Medicine
University Hospital Dubrava
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
I am doing a panel and cross-sectional data analysis to investigate the impact of slums population on total fertility rates (TFR). Could you please identify possible instruments of slums that could be used in the IV estimations.
I would like to know how to measure the quality time spending of midwives or health care providers at rural health centers. Is there any tool or study that measures the quality time spending of health care providers at the particular health facilities in order to correlate with the community's satisfaction?
It is obvious that the under- and over-nutrition problems are known as widespread nutrition problems in the population of the world. But which of the forms is more prevalent and how is its impact estimated on the health cost, productivity and prevention potential? Can anyone from the sector give me an overview of the situations? Thanks!
there is lots of evidence on the impact on user fee at the point of access for vulnerable populations and low- and middle-income countries. I did not find good evidence for countries like Sweden, UK etc.
I am looking at management approaches that improve the quality of care in hospitals in low- and middle-income countries. My particular interest is how to deal with the problem of vertical 'silos' and create decentralised teams that unite the efforts of clinical staff, administrative staff and supply chains in the service of patient care.
Are there any recent lists indicating to what digit level of ISIC classification data is available for individual African countries? I am studying the feasibility of extracting statistics on specifically the cultural sector, which often requires 4 digit-levels, and I want to get a quick overview which African countries already have this level of dis-aggregation in their economic activity data. Ditto for employment ISCO data, consumption COICOP data and so on.
For example, it would save the national insurance budget,
cost benefit from physician, patients or caregiver..
For are planning an app for home care of elderly people. The financal partner wants to know the economic value of suchan app. So we are searching for an enonomic analysis of telemedical, especially tele-nursing applications (not only apps).
Thank you for your help!
There are models that are used for measuring quality,but I feel, none of them can't address all dimensions of quality. So what is the best model that mostly the researchers used for measuring it in this century?
So heaps of stuff on service user inclusion in service planing. But lots of non health people engage with various parts of govt health systems. I'm interested on work that looks at including all players in particular sub- systems. In my own work,service entry systems. but examples from other areas cool
Is there any research on "assesmentHealthcare providers readiness prior to the implementation of health insurance in developing countries"?
I am searching for information in
- Saudi Arabia,
- Kenya,
- Singapore, and
- India
I am using Boolean and keyword combinations:
- "Ministry of Health" AND "[Country Name]" AND "mHealth"
- "Research Institute" AND "[Country Name] AND "mHealth"
- "NGO" AND "[Country Name]" AND "mHealth"
If you have other suggestions, I am open to them.
Thank you,
Currently specialization divides medical disciplines into sectors, much like slices of a cake. The results are that (i) patients with multiple morbidities are shunted from one doctor to another to another etc., (ii) it is impossible to have all the necessary specialists in one place unless that place is sufficiently large (and wealthy), (iii) emergency cover is unsustainable in all areas unless certain specialists double for others, (iv) the inevitable consequence is that a specialists, even if perfectly trained and competent, cannot deal with a patient with a malady accorded to a different specialty than his own, (v) specialists leave the simpler aspects of their field to their juniors, as they prefer to deal with the complex, "more interesting" issues (except in private practice). (vi) the system is more and more expensive to run, (vii) specialization leads to further "super-specialization" and further fragmentation of medicine, (viii) the model is exported to LMICs with catastrophic results as they cannot afford nor accommodate such a system, (ix) inevitably medical schools will be pushed to limit training of their students pertaining to their final specialty destination, (x) the specialties are themselves not defined and "turf wars" are created in bordering areas of practice, both in terms of departmental control and patient care.
There is no proper definition of the generalist, neither in medicine nor surgery. Yet, on the shoulders of this dying breed rests the burden of most "ordinary" patients' treatment worldwide.
Where therefore are we going? Is it not time to define the "Generalist" as a "Specialist" in his own right, and let him deal with the central part of the cake, leaving the periphery to be divided by the particulate specialists?
After all, everyone knows that the cherry is usually in the middle of the cake.
I need some help in designing as better survey methodology to assess the Nutrition of Pregnant women
For assessing the early response of Government and other other supporting agencies during natural calamities, particularly, focussing on the devastating earthquake in Nepal.
currently i have been working on the estimation of health personnel needs for PHC, the staff working has been divided into 5 main categories: MD, Nurses, Midwives, health workers, and non-health personnel, what is the best method to estimate the number of each categories for health centers for the coming years
We conducted a study to estimate the economic burden of ADHD in United States using the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (national survey by Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality). Our primary objective was to estimate the incremental cost for ADHD compared to the non-ADHD population. We used a two-part model to estimate the incremental cost for ADHD. The variable total cost is the sum of direct and indirect cost categories mentioned in the table attached here. We ran separate models to estimate incremental costs for each category. However, when we add the incremental estimates of each cost category, it does not equal to the incremental estimate of the variable "total cost". We looked for literature that might explain this anomaly but could not find any explanation. Can total cost ever be lower than the sum of individual incremental cost estimates? Did anyone come across a similar situation before. Please share your thoughts on it. I have attached the results table (Title: Cost) for your reference.
I am currently working on reverse innovation in global health care and I am trying to assess the growth of the phenomenon
I wonder if recommender systems can be useful in health, could it be helpful to enhance health related search? or can we use it to create a personalized fitness program or diet? Is there any work done in this field?
i intend to research of whether there are specific provisions for the poor and the vulnerable in the Nigerian National Health Bill 2014. They key questions include, are the provisions rights or privileges; who is eligible and who is to advocate for the poor? I would like read about other researchers critique of Health Bill in relation to equity and inequity in the Nigerian health system.
What is the latest research on health outcomes and cost savings attributable to behavioral health interventions in clinical settings?
Now might be a great time to start the baseline of a longitudinal study of NCDs, especially cardiovascular disease, in Cuba before foreign direct investment by companies such as McDonald's, Yum Brands, etc. takes over the island. It would be interesting to see if, as incomes rise and people have more disposable income, whether they eat fast food, whether their BMI increases and if this causes higher cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. We have anecdotal evidence from East Asia following the 1997 currency crisis, where because the value of the bhat and other currencies fell relative to the dollar, people could not afford to eat fast food as much as they had been. People reported that they didn't eat fast food as much and felt better after moving back to a more traditional diet but there is no quantitative evidence of the effects on the incidence of cardiovascular disease.
Just a thought.
The study is looking into how community based organization utilized outreach mobile health methods to reach out to young people of ages 16 - 25 years in the community to provide reproductive and sexual health promotion. I have contemplated lots of theoretical frameworks but at the moment indecisive. The study will be a mixed methods case study of two CBOs and a statutory health facility.
Data collection in nearly all the small developing countries in the Pacific Islands is haphazardly paper-based. Practice or policy decisions or improvements cannot even start where maternity staff cannot even tell you how many low birth-weight babies or stillbirths were born in their hospital in the previous year or what the proportion of their deliveries were by caesarean section. Other disciplines with self-taught clinicians have developed rudimentary databases based on an Excel or Access platforms.
I wonder if there is a database out there we can use in the Pacific Island countries to collect birth data which then can be utilized to generate monthly or annual reports.
Research communication in Nepal is so far neglected. University students and young professionals can be the cornerstone in promoting research communication in Nepal. However they are not mentored and supported, and ill-supervised. Importantly, they lack encouragement to do quality research work.
So as a researcher, I assume that young people's research capacity needs to be built. Moreover they need to be encouraged and mentored. This could be achieved with providing small grants to them, and mentoring through all the processes of research and development.
I need your inputs. Maybe the case stories of successful youth engagement in research in developing countries can be really helpful to us. Is it difficult to find people or organization who could support these initiatives.
For measuring the women's autonomy/ attitude towards the utilization of maternal health care services in context of the low resources countries like South-east Asian and Sub-Sahara Africa countries, whereas still utilization is lower...
There are various frameworks that are available to assess global health governance, but there is not in my knowledge any framework for for assessing governance at global health.
Also I want to ask about the role of influential and non-influential countries at global health governance, do they have the same say in global health matters?
Could anyone point me towards any papers investigating research/audit capacity in resource poor settings (low and middle income countries)?
I'm interested in looking at work being undertaken in this area, but it seems to be rather neglected and I haven't turned up much on PubMed or Google Scholar. Audit in particular is an essential component of local quality improvement, yet from my recent experience of working in the Republic of Congo and Rwanda, this is an area in need of considerable development.
Many thanks!
I am working on income-related inequalities in health, and decomposing the concentration of health inequalities in Pakistan. I tried my best to find a single study done in Pakistan but failed. Does anyone have any references to a study done in Pakistan on this topic?
Is it possible to apply the model considering the particular characteristics of the Mexican population?
Tobacco use is a threatening health related problem in our contemporary society. Laws have been established to control the uses by identifying smokers and non smokers zones in public areas.
FGM practices still exist in some African countries, regardless of the enforcement of the law against inhumane practices towards women. What could the reasons be?
I am involved in research which aims at comparing health outcomes of pediatric hospitals units. The specific problem in pediatrics is that both the sample of hospitals and the sample size of patients within each hospital are very small. Methods such as hierarchical modelling do not work. The literature I have reviewed suggests two solutions which are not really satisfactory: (1) to drop the hospitals below a certain patient sample size; (2) to pool the data over a certain number of years. Does anybody know of other suggestions or solutions?
Is it ok to use same values for calculation of catastrophic expenditure on health care for all diseases and health related conditions (5-20%) or should it be different for non-communicable/chronic illnesses?
I'm looking some strategies for expand the coverage and quality of dental services in marginalized communities.
I have found various tools that have been developed to measure structural aspects of integrated care as well as measures assessing healthcare provider’s attitudes toward care teams but have been unable to find a measure specific to integrated care delivery.
As we know odds ratio is calculated in case control studies but we can see most of the cross sectional studies also calculate it. I am unaware about this. If we can calculate, what terminology should we use?
For 10-19 year old participants of the study employing self administered questionnaire (pencil and paper). Should we take written consent from them or not?
I am interested if any country uses the same ESA85 and ESA50 forms. Or if there are any other forms alike - could you suggest any certain policy paper (of any European country) for seeing the explanations (and imperfections) for certain workability assessment method.
An interesting development in Gujarat State of India where the government has imposed geographical restrictions on blood banks. Under this a blood bank can not promote voluntary blood donation activity outside the province/district neither conduct a blood donation camp. State administration argues that by restricting blood banks a donor is compelled to donate blood in local blood banks and hence blood availability in district will increase. Blood requirement in cities could be higher than towns (due to high density of hospitals and advanced medical care). State bureaucrats and politicians argue that a patient should manage family replacement instead of depending on blood availability without replacement.
I need a method to measurement an ranking of health system (county by county) in Iran.
Around 2002 and 2007 there were two events leading to a spike in deaths across the UK where I have inferred a spatial spread of excess deaths. See attachment. Are there any factors other than the spread of an infectious agent that could cause such a spatial spread?
In both experimental and quasi-experimental studies, sometimes it becomes known to the researcher that one or more participants have been compromised with regard to the study goals. This "contamination" can occur when a member of the control/comparison group is exposed to factors (eg, receives treatment) that are similar to the experimental group. It can also occur when members of the experimental group unintentionally receive a different or additional type of treatment than the original study design intends. Does removal or censoring of a limited number of participants impact the reliability of the study results?
Indicators like health factors(access to care,quality of care,social and economic factor ...) and health outcome like mortality and morbidity index.
Tanzania health system is trying to include the spectacles provision as part of treatment in the eye field.