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Health System Research - Science topic

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Questions related to Health System Research
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
3 answers
Are there some unpublished case studies that discuss the impact of these lists on costs, satisfaction or quality?
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Studies on priority setting in healthcare using positive or negative lists involve:
1. **Positive Lists**: Identifying treatments or services deemed essential or highly beneficial for coverage or allocation.
2. **Negative Lists**: Identifying treatments or services excluded from coverage or allocation due to factors like low effectiveness, high cost, or limited resources.
Research in this area assesses the effectiveness, fairness, and practicality of using such lists to guide resource allocation and decision-making in healthcare.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
39 answers
When I discussed some people who once suffered from Coronavirus, they reported some sort of memory loss. I was surprised to know this. Are there any other reported eveidences revealing any type of memory loss in covid suggered people. Kindly share.
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Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 pneumonia have a higher risk of developing dementia than those with other types of pneumonia.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
22 answers
Some IRBs ask as part of their routine to add an ICF (informed consent form) for respondents? Is this mandatory or in other words is this part of the state-of-the-art practice for such studies or it is an internal decision from the local IRB?
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The answer essentially boils down to whether it is 'research' or a corporate evaluation activity or quality assurance activity. So it goes to the heart of the definition of research. And to make it a bit more complicated: quality assurance and corporate evaluation activities might morph into or become research activities; and will be certainly research activities if involve approaches that may pose risks for participants (such as being outed etc).
A good illustration you find for this continuum on
My advice: in doubt consult with your Ethics Committee.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
4 answers
Blood is an all important life saving component that any person can voluntarily donate and for which demand is steep. However,conflicting reports and suggestions by the medical fraternity indicate that willing diabetics are often deprived of the privilege of blood donation. Please clarify. 
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Controlled  diabetic in state of good health and not on insulin can donate the blood safely. 
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
9 answers
The increasing and alarming rate of Caesarean Section across the world is a worrisome issue. What are the solutions to address it? Ground realities and reasons are different and this issue is relevant to developed and developing world alike, unlike many health issues that are completely different in haves and have-not countries!!  What are the current evidence and updates?
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Dear Ganesh Dangal
The increase of births by caesar is a phenomenon that is observed all over the world; Three are the reasons in most cases where they are not indicated:
  • The desire for profit. Performing a cesarean operation, involves performing in a hospital, operating room (surgery room) and use of specialized personnel and expensive medicines. Of course in a normal pregnancy without complications there are fewer risks and lower costs of the procedure.
  • The mother's fear of experiencing pain with childbirth, which is avoided with the use of local or general anesthesia when a cesarean section is performed.
  • Fast living in big cities. The obstetrician-gynecologist dedicates less time and earns more money in fees with performing cesarean deliveries, compared to deliveries. Parents also have an urgent need for the child to be born as soon as possible and on predetermined dates, so as not to excessively violate their daily activities.
Jose Luis
Estimado Ganesh Dangal
El incremento de nacimientos por cesara es un fenómeno que se observa en todo el mundo; tres son las razones en la mayoría de los casos en que no están indicadas:
  • El afán de lucro. Realizar una operación cesárea, implica que se realice en un hospital, con quirófano (sala de cirugía) y uso de personal especializado y medicamentos caros. Por supuesto que en un embarazo normal sin complicaciones hay menos riesgos y costos inferiores del procedimiento.
  • El temor de la madre por experimentar dolor con el parto, lo que se evita con el uso de anestesia local o general cuando se realiza operación cesárea.
  • La vida rápida en las grandes ciudades. El gineco-obstetra dedica menos tiempo y gana más dinero en honorarios con la realización de las cesáreas, en comparación a los partos. También los padres tienen urgencia porque nazca el niño lo más pronto posible y en fechas predeterminadas, a fin de no violentar en demasía sus actividades cotidianas.
José Luis
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
2 answers
I am a postdoc at SAHMRI interested in improving side effect management in people undergoing cancer treatment. It would be really interesting to look at disparities in indigenous and non indigenous cohorts with regards to the incidence and management of side effects, access to supportive care, impact on life etc. 
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It is imperative to report all sorts of data for the cohorts and these include the toxicity and side effects that you confront during the period of the ongoing study.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
2 answers
My new project is on Universal Basic Income in West Africa. West Africa has 18 countries in total. I cannot possibly use the entire population as my sample, please can anyone make a suggestion of how many countries among this number that can be used to infer my findings and which can be termed accurate?
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Brilliant effort Mercy - would be keen to get updates on your progress.  First though, would need a few more details about what it is that you plan to do, before we could suggest sampling strategies.  The strategies could vary from pilot on one country, to random sampling of countries from the 18, to a World Values Survey type approach where relatively "small" samples are interviewed in many countries.   Go well, Paul
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
4 answers
I would like to know the methodology of this research and if possible the research proposal
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I agree with the other comments here - we need to know more about the problem before we can help. Also, your title seems to be a statement. If you phrase it as a question, it will be easier to read as right now I do not understand the title. 
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
5 answers
I am comparing the occurrence of arthropathy between carriers of haemophilia and a random sample taken using Population Register in Sweden. I have the entire population of carriers of haemophilia living in Sweden. I also have data on inpatient and outpatient hospitalisations and surgeries for individuals from both groups for about 22 years. I want to investigate whether carriers of haemophilia have a higher risk for arthropathy than the general population.
The problem is that carriers are usually a family member of a person with haemophilia (a mother, sister, etc.) and for this reason, they may have higher access to healthcare or motivation to check their health status more often. Carriers have greater knowledge on bleeding risk and are usually in contact with haemophilia centres. Even though that all persons living in Sweden have a relatively easy access to affordable healthcare services, those with chronic illness can potentially use more services due to their direct access to result in an overestimation risk of any disease but to a greater extent those which are linked to haemophilia (here is the arthropathy).
How can I ensure that the observed higher risk of arthropathy among carriers is not a product of higher service utilisation and access to healthcare?
Thank you o much for sharing your knowledge and experience in advance.
#register-based #studies #detection_bias #bias #observational_studies #epidemiology
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Hi Mehdi. Perhaps also look at the diagnosis criteria. If you compare the rates of more severe arthropathay as a subgroup (ie where you would expect medical consultation is more consistently required) you may avoid inclusion of the more 'worried well' diadgnoses. However I think it is a difficult bias to account for without a more objective prospective way to assess the arthropathy diagnoses.
Otherwise, if you are able to do some extra research, a small point prevalence study (survey) of a sample group from your haemophilia relatives versus the general popn asking about specific symptoms including severity,  of arthropathy, plus related health service consultations might give some further insight for the results from your large cohort study, so you are able to consider the size of the overestimation you might find and include that in your determination of the validity of you r large cohort comparison
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
4 answers
My name appears incorrectly on Research Gate--must have been a typo. It is Shelley not Shell. How do I correct this?
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You may write to Help Center of RG.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
6 answers
our research objectives is to find if the presence of appropriate healthcare services in schools and  health personnel who provide it 
we have collected our data contacting 40 random schools ( private,governmental) of all levels. asking about presence of healthcare equipments and the provider of care, number of incidence and how they managed it !
we thought of using chi-square test but the sample size is small , is there any other appropriate test we can use ?
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Comparing the presence versus absence of any item between private and governmental schools (total 40 schools) means you can arrange the data into 2x2 tables which fits for chi-squared test. if small numbers in some cells then use Fisher Exact Test as an alternative to Chi-squared test.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
2 answers
I am working on a similar project for elder care facilities, and plan to specify criteria and methods of measurements for these attributes.
Best regards,
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Thank you Eduardo, but aren't specific parameters and values needed in the protocol?
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
1 answer
why dose Schumpeter refuse "propensity to reserving(savings)" in basic society with ex-change economy befor development?
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Dear Ali Haeri
Thanks for recommending a good paper
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
4 answers
Dear Research Scholars,
I need your advice regarding statistical technique.
I have collected data on Knowledge Management Practices such as knowledge perception (8 items) Knowledge gathering (11 items) knowledge creation (12 items) knowledge sharing (18 items) knowledge diffusion (13 items) and Knowledge retention (8 items) (all items are 70) from the Europe, Asia and GCC
(15 Countries have been involved with 200 responds). I would like to show variance between Europe vs Asia vs GCC so, which technique is very best for analysis?
Thank you in advance for your response and advice.
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I need your advice regarding statistical technique?
Based on the information provided within the question above - if one of your 6 variables is Dependent Variable (DV) & they are collected as interval / ratio scale data, then you might want to consider 2-way ANOVA.  If they are collected as ordinal scale data, you might want to explore Kruskal-Wallis test.  If it is more than one DV from your 6 variables above, you might want to consider MANOVA.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
8 answers
It is a small 2 physician clinic, only details discussed are past acceptance of FP methods,
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It  is an evaluation of the care provided at the facility and will be used to improve the care offered. Clearance has been taken from the individual facility since the data is from a single facility. 
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
3 answers
Dear colleagues. I am researching into Malaysian import licensing laws focusing on the food sector. The kind of mechanism used in Malaysia is Approved Permits (APs). The term is widely used in Malaysia. I want to know the best practices in other countries and learn from them on the matter.
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OK, treated Mrs seek you information relating to the matter of Mexico and the Comrecio free (USA, Canada, Mexico).
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
1 answer
Nikola Bradic MD
Clinic of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine
Department of Cardiovascular Anesthesiology and Cardiac Intensive Medicine
University Hospital Dubrava
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
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Dear Nikola, in our Institution we have a busy ECMO programme both for vv and va support. In my ICU we mainly deal with va patients. The vast majority of patients is supported for refractory cardiac arrest (both IHCA and OHCA) and cardiogenic shock.
Besides the clinical aspect, we are also investigating a number of aspects pertaining to ECMO, cardiac arrest and neurological prognostication. If you have any specific interest or question please feel free to contact me:
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
4 answers
I am doing a panel and cross-sectional data analysis to investigate the impact of slums population on total fertility rates (TFR). Could you please identify possible instruments of slums that could be used in the IV estimations.  
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- Slum population fecundity rate
- Place attachment issues in slums
- Prostitution and illegal trade ring shelter in slums
- Restricted housing mobility of slum dwellers
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
1 answer
I would like to know how to measure the quality time spending of midwives or health care providers at rural health centers. Is there any tool or study that measures the quality time spending of health care providers at the particular health facilities in order to correlate with the community's satisfaction?
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Hello there,
I suggest you to develop a questionnaire based on your tailed needs to conduct a cross-sectional survey to examine the situation prevalent in your part. Dont forget to pretest the questionnaire and also the questionnaire in the local language would be a better option to reduce bias in your survey. Good luck
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
5 answers
It is obvious that the under- and over-nutrition problems are known as widespread nutrition problems in the population of the world. But which of the forms is more prevalent and how is its impact estimated on the health cost, productivity and prevention potential? Can anyone from the sector give me an overview of the situations? Thanks!
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To answer the question, you need at least two indicators. The prevalence of both under nutrition and over-nutrition (overweight and obesity) and the cost of dealing with these morbid conditions. Over-nutrition is associated with high probability of developing further chronic diseases and this must be taken in consideration.  The simplest answer to your question (based on judgement and limited readings)   is as Subedi  said ; under-nutrition is more common in underdeveloped countries and  logically the burden is high in these countries in terms of ill-health, death and burden on families and health care systems.     Over-nutrition is relatively common in rich countries with all its sequelae in terms of morbidity and associated chronic non-communicable disease. Now a days CNCD represent the prime killer of people everywhere but specially in rich countries.
To get better answer you need one of two things:
1. Make an extensive literature review looking for studies related to prevalence and cost. Alternatively, A research team may explore the possibility of carrying out an international study. 
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
6 answers
there is lots of evidence on the impact on user fee at the point of access for vulnerable populations and low- and middle-income countries. I did not find good evidence for countries like Sweden, UK etc.
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A very good question, to which I have long sought an answer.. Would be grateful if I could share in any positive suggestions.
Rudolf Klein
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
2 answers
I am looking at management approaches that improve the quality of care in hospitals in low- and middle-income countries. My particular interest is how to deal with the problem of vertical 'silos' and create decentralised teams that unite the efforts of clinical staff, administrative staff and supply chains in the service of patient care.
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I advise you to have à look at this paper:
Internal governance and performance: Evidence from when external discipline is weak
Journal of Corporate finance, April 2017, vol 43, Pages 193-216
Jonathan Kalodimos
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
4 answers
Are there any recent lists indicating to what digit level of ISIC classification data is available for individual African countries? I am studying the feasibility of extracting statistics on specifically the cultural sector, which often requires 4 digit-levels, and I want to get a quick overview which African countries already have this level of dis-aggregation in their economic activity data. Ditto for employment ISCO data, consumption COICOP data and so on.
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I would suggest either the IMF or World Bank websites.  You might have to spend some time sifting through the various options for GDP by Sector or GDP by Industry.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
2 answers
For example, it would save the national insurance budget,
cost benefit from physician, patients or caregiver..
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Look for Steve Humphries or J Kastelein, they have both published several papers concerning the cost-effectiveness of screening & treatment for FH patients. In addition if you look for primary prevention and statins you will find several publication discussing this topic.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
3 answers
For are planning an app for home care of elderly people. The financal partner wants to know the economic value of suchan app. So we are searching for an enonomic analysis of telemedical, especially tele-nursing applications (not only apps).
Thank you for your help!
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Business Insights is a website used by many University tech transfer offices for inventions based on the field in which the item will be used.  It does provide some basic outlook on the economic prospects in the particular field.  I did some literature reviews in the past on efficacy of telehealth for COPD patients.  The poster presentation on this topic is listed on my researchgate site.  I did find enough literature to at least do an effect size.  Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
4 answers
There are models that are used for measuring quality,but I feel, none of them can't  address all dimensions of quality. So what is the best model that mostly the researchers used for measuring it in this century? 
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I suggest you start by looking at this
And also at the Picker website. If you then have further queries please contact us direct
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
3 answers
So heaps of stuff on service user inclusion in service planing. But lots of non health people engage with various parts of govt health systems. I'm interested on work that looks at including all players in particular sub- systems. In my own work,service entry systems. but examples from other areas cool
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We had done a study on community based health interventions and the attached document may be useful.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
3 answers
Is there any research on "assesmentHealthcare providers readiness prior to the implementation of health insurance in developing countries"?
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In India a state government scheme to provide free (cash-less) services to below poverty line expectant mothers in hard to reach districts was developed using voucher scheme. The supply gap in terms of doctors and providers was huge and as a result a significant effort was put in to invite private providers come in those places. Similarly while designing the hospitalization insurance for the country (RSBY) for people below poverty thresholds experiences significant supply shortage. Somewhere the assessment is not done and it is assume the provision of financing will create supply of providers, which at times does not hold where supply-demand gaps are huge. So this is an important areas to focus on help government policy makers in developing countries. You may refer the following paper echoing the same issue. Best
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
6 answers
I am searching for information in
  • Saudi Arabia,
  • Kenya,
  • Singapore, and
  • India
I am using Boolean and keyword combinations:
  • "Ministry of Health" AND "[Country Name]" AND "mHealth"
  • "Research Institute" AND "[Country Name] AND "mHealth"
  • "NGO" AND "[Country Name]" AND "mHealth" 
If you have other suggestions, I am open to them.
Thank you,
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 Thank you Nabila for sharing this compelling research. I will read it carefully and let you know what potential points of overlap there may be with my current research shortly. 
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
3 answers
Currently specialization divides medical disciplines into sectors, much like slices of a cake. The results are that (i) patients with multiple morbidities are shunted from one doctor to another to another etc., (ii) it is impossible to have all the necessary specialists in one place unless that place is sufficiently large (and wealthy), (iii) emergency cover is unsustainable in all areas unless certain specialists double for others, (iv) the inevitable consequence is that a specialists, even if perfectly trained and competent, cannot deal with a patient with a malady accorded to a different specialty than his own, (v) specialists leave the simpler aspects of their field to their juniors, as they prefer to deal with the complex, "more interesting" issues (except in private practice). (vi) the system is more and more expensive to run, (vii) specialization leads to further "super-specialization" and further fragmentation of medicine, (viii) the model is exported to LMICs with catastrophic results as they cannot afford nor accommodate such a system, (ix) inevitably medical schools will be pushed to limit training of their students pertaining to their final specialty destination, (x) the specialties are themselves not defined and "turf wars" are created in bordering areas of practice, both in terms of departmental control and patient care.
There is no proper definition of the generalist, neither in medicine nor surgery. Yet, on the shoulders of this dying breed rests the burden of most "ordinary" patients' treatment worldwide.
Where therefore are we going? Is it not time to define the "Generalist" as a "Specialist" in his own right, and let him deal with the central part of the cake, leaving the periphery to be divided by the particulate specialists?
After all, everyone knows that the cherry is usually in the middle of the cake.
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My apologies for my nuanced take on your question and the accompanying elaboration Michael.
For me there needs to be clarification on various points to be sure that we are on the same page. First, by division of the medical cake do you mean total health spending by sector? Second, by "proper" division do you refer to an agreed upon allocation level bereft of value judgement?  Third, by generalist do you mean the general practitioner (GP) or primary care physician or the hospitalist - in the context of the US?  Just focusing on the third point, although the GP can be considered one and the same to the primary care physician the competencies between the two can be vary varied between health systems.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
1 answer
I need some help in designing as better survey methodology to assess the Nutrition of Pregnant women
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It would be helpful to briefly describe the survey methodology you are trying to improve as well as how you will use the data.  There many good survey methods for assessing nutrition depending on what you want to know.  You can use diaries, frequency questions, pictorial scales, etc. 
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
13 answers
For assessing the early response of Government and other other supporting agencies during natural calamities, particularly, focussing on the devastating earthquake in Nepal. 
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I propose a qualitative research based on narrative interview or, if it is too full of emotions, I would use a more neutra tool, the autobiography
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
12 answers
currently i have been working on the estimation of health personnel needs for PHC, the staff working has been divided into 5 main categories: MD, Nurses, Midwives, health workers, and non-health personnel, what is the best method to estimate the number of each categories for health centers for the coming years
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Yes, there is a soft-cover (paperback) version of the book. It is available from Routledge directly (UK) or from booksellers. As editor and an author, I don't handle sales or distribution of the book. The publisher's website for the book is
If you are specifically interested in occupational health services (and I hope you are), you may also be interested in our book from 2011, Global Occupational Health, Oxford University Press. This is a multi-authored, authoritative textbook of oh for health professionals and managers (not limited to physicians and nurses). The URL is
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
3 answers
We conducted a study to estimate the economic burden of ADHD in United States using the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (national survey by Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality). Our primary objective was to estimate the incremental cost for ADHD compared to the non-ADHD population. We used a two-part model to estimate the incremental cost for ADHD. The variable total cost is the sum of direct and indirect cost categories mentioned in the table attached here. We ran separate models to estimate incremental costs for each category. However, when we add the incremental estimates of each cost category, it does not equal to the incremental estimate of the variable "total cost". We looked for literature that might explain this anomaly but could not find any explanation. Can total cost ever be lower than the sum of individual incremental cost estimates? Did anyone come across a similar situation before. Please share your thoughts on it. I have attached the results table (Title: Cost) for your reference.
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Hi Rakesh,
I have a couple  comments based on your post:
I don't think you used the appropriate model for your estimations. A two-part model starts with estimating the probability of having any costs (>0), and the second part is modeling the costs that are >0. In your data, you are comparing those with and without ADHD, and I am assuming that those in the first part are non-ADHD, and then those in the second part are ADHD? If so, this is not the intent of the two-part model. Moreover, I would argue that there is inherent bias in who has zero costs vs those with >0 costs (regardless of their disease status). In this case, the more appropriate model is a Heckman selection model, which estimates the two parts separately. Moreover, there are model checks to see if indeed the two parts follow different underlying processes.
As for the issue of total costs being lower than the sum of the variable and fixed costs: If those are adjusted costs (ie., you estimated some model and these costs are the predicted values as opposed to the actual values), then yes, I can see how those separately estimated costs may be higher than the actual total costs.
Without any adjustment, does the sum of the various costs add up to the total cost? If not, then there is a problem with the data. Also, the MEPS data is weighted. Did you use that weight in your models?
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
17 answers
I am currently working on reverse innovation in global health care and I am trying to assess the growth of the phenomenon
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Thank you all very much for your answers and advices. Very helpful!
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
3 answers
I wonder if recommender systems can be useful in health, could it be helpful to enhance health related search? or can we use it to create a personalized fitness program or diet? Is there any work done in this field?
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There are various personalized fitness and health trackers in existence now.  There are even employee health plans that utilize them, for example to encourage their members to get more exercise or quit smoking; and I've heard of mental health apps too.  And there are many personalized diet programs that have a smartphone application.  
They can theoretically be used for health research, for example to evaluate the effectiveness of health messages or to assess how many minutes per week people actually exercise, the times of day, routes taken for running, sex and age differences, etc..   But some problems are that the information gathered is self-reported, and it may be difficult to get meaningful results without large numbers of participants.  But they have the potential to be useful.   I don't remember the source, but I read somewhere that personalized health apps that pair the participant with a buddy or an on-line counselor are effective.   Part of their effectiveness is probably that they serve as reminders, partly social pressure, and partly from tracking the participants' progress towards achieving health goals and giving feedback. 
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
5 answers
i intend to research of whether there are specific provisions for the poor and the vulnerable in the Nigerian National Health Bill 2014. They key questions include, are  the provisions rights or privileges; who is eligible and who is to advocate for the poor? I would like read about other researchers critique of Health Bill in relation to equity and inequity in the Nigerian health system.
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Yes Westin.  The Nigerian Government is attempting to implement a free basic minimum health services (whatever that means) to all Nigerians and also to implement another category of exemption from payment from health services for an unspecified poor and vulnerable group to be determined by the health minister. Apart from the problem of eligibility, there is lack of a legal framework for the enforcement of these services in the 2014 National Health Bill and health system. In other words, from the Government’s point of view, these provisions are merely privileges and governmental philanthropy and not rights to health care. The citizens cannot seek redress in the court if government fails to implement this policy effectively.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
7 answers
What is the latest research on health outcomes and cost savings attributable to behavioral health interventions in clinical settings? 
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I'll add to Brian's comment in that you need to additionally define what do you mean by behavioral intervention. There are psychological, social, and psychosocial behaviors that could be targeted for change and a multitude of approaches that target these. See the links below, for example
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
16 answers
Now might be a great time to start the baseline of a longitudinal study of NCDs, especially cardiovascular disease, in Cuba before foreign direct investment by companies such as McDonald's, Yum Brands, etc. takes over the island. It would be interesting to see if, as incomes rise and people have more disposable income, whether they eat fast food, whether their BMI increases and if this causes higher cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. We have anecdotal evidence from East Asia following the 1997 currency crisis, where because the value of the bhat and other currencies fell relative to the dollar, people could not afford to eat fast food as much as they had been. People reported that they didn't eat fast food as much and felt better after moving back to a more traditional diet but there is no quantitative evidence of the effects on the incidence of cardiovascular disease.
Just a thought.
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Another thought. Don't assume that Cuba will follow the experience of other countries in this regard. Don't assume that the Cuban people are naive and that the country will be so vulnerable. Cuba has a well-developed public health infrastructure with plenty of well-trained, smart people and a population that is literate and engaged. The Cuban government is also unlikely to open the gates abruptly to investment and development it sees as contrary to the national interest. Small-scale private food services (essentially, fast food, Cuban style) was one of the first economic reforms introduced a while back and is a way for families to earn in their neighborhood. Cuba could well go down a very different track, esp. compared to SE Asia.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
6 answers
The study is looking into how community based organization utilized outreach mobile health methods to reach out to young people of ages 16 - 25 years in the community to provide reproductive and sexual health promotion. I have contemplated lots of theoretical frameworks but at the moment indecisive. The study will be a mixed methods case study of two CBOs and a statutory health facility. 
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Look at social construction theory -Ore, T.E. (2003) The social construction of difference of inequalities or read  Olivier M. 1998 Theories in Health Care and Research
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
7 answers
Data collection in nearly all the small developing countries in the Pacific Islands is haphazardly paper-based. Practice or policy decisions or improvements cannot even start where maternity staff cannot even tell you how many low birth-weight babies or stillbirths were born in their hospital in the previous year or what the proportion of their deliveries were by caesarean section. Other disciplines with self-taught clinicians have developed rudimentary databases based on an Excel or Access platforms.
I wonder if there is a database out there we can use in the Pacific Island countries to collect birth data which then can be utilized to generate monthly or annual reports.
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You may want to know PAHO Regional Perinatal Center (CLAP) ´s experience in more that 35 countries of the Region of Latinamerica and the Caribbean, Since 1982 a Perinatal Information System has been developed and in many countries is the National Standard. You may google it or check a couple of links i attached   It is a free  domain system that has evolved and from Haiti to Buenos Aires or Bahamas has created very complete data files in maternity hospitals.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
3 answers
Research communication in Nepal is so far neglected. University students and young professionals can be the cornerstone in promoting research communication in Nepal. However they are not mentored and supported, and ill-supervised. Importantly, they lack encouragement to do quality research work.
So as a researcher, I assume that young people's research capacity needs to be built. Moreover they need to be encouraged and mentored. This could be achieved with providing small grants to them, and mentoring through all the processes of research and development.
I need your inputs. Maybe the case stories of successful youth engagement in research in developing countries can be really helpful to us. Is it difficult to find people or organization who could support these initiatives.
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Dear Dr. Shiva Raj Mishra,
I fully understand your concern and as a citizen of your neighboring Country, I have idea of the prevailing condition in your place. India has several opportunities exclusively for young scholars. It will be a sort of "full paper" to mention all; however, I am providing information to some of them in a nutshell:
Will you please see the websites of INSA (Indian National Science Academy), ISCA (Indian Science Congress Association), DST (Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India) UGC (University Grants Commission), CSIR (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)to start with. You will see plenty of provisions for Young Scientists/Young Researchers in the form of Fellowships, funding of Project proposals, financing international travels to present papers in Conferences. I have named just a few. In India, there are  so many avenues for young researchers. Even the CSIR provides funds/scholarships to promising School students so that they can pursue studies Basic Science. There is Sir J.C. Bose Science Talent competitive examination for school level students for long.  
Siddhartha S. Ray
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
5 answers
For measuring the women's autonomy/ attitude towards the utilization of maternal health care services in context of the low resources countries like South-east Asian and Sub-Sahara Africa countries, whereas still utilization is lower...
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Literature review= 1 st step to make a questionnaire.
Look at face validity, content validity, stability reliability....
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
2 answers
There are various frameworks that are available to assess global health governance, but there is not in my knowledge any framework for for assessing governance at global health.
Also I want to ask about the role of influential and non-influential countries at global health governance, do they have the same say in global health matters?
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Have you made any progress with your idea?
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
3 answers
Could anyone point me towards any papers investigating research/audit capacity in resource poor settings (low and middle income countries)?
I'm interested in looking at work being undertaken in this area, but it seems to be rather neglected and I haven't turned up much on PubMed or Google Scholar. Audit in particular is an essential component of local quality improvement, yet from my recent experience of working in the Republic of Congo and Rwanda, this is an area in need of considerable development.
Many thanks!
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For anyone following this thread, you might be interested to know the the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine have just published a WHO sponsored supplement entirely devoted to "Narrowing the knowledge gap in sub-Saharan Africa".
The link is provided below.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
7 answers
Qualitative research
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Yes definitely matters.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
2 answers
I am working on income-related inequalities in health, and decomposing the concentration of health inequalities in Pakistan. I tried my best to find a single study done in Pakistan but failed. Does anyone have any references to a study done in Pakistan on this topic?
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1. Do health inequalities between the poor and better off exist in Pakistan? How large are they?
2. Do the rich have more health care visits compared to the poor? What is the level of this inequality in health care utilization?
3. What extent have economic-related inequalities in health and health care changed over time in Pakistan?
4. What are the major contributing factors to income-related inequality?
The objective of this study is to measure the trends in income-related health inequalities, and, to decompose the concentration off socioeconomic inequalities in child health outcome indicators and maternal health care utilization in different regions of Pakistan
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
5 answers
Is it possible to apply the model considering the particular characteristics of the Mexican population?
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It is just a heuristic tool to order you concepts and variables. You will need other theories if you really want to come to testable hypotheses, and scientific work that goes beyond mere describing conditions and outcomes.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
1 answer
Tobacco use is a threatening health related problem in our contemporary society. Laws have been established to control the uses by identifying smokers and non smokers zones in public areas.
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Despite that there is WHO FCTC little effort has been dedicated by country members to cessation of tobacco use. The offices put ash trays which might be a catalyst to smoking. In Africa Tobacco farming is encouraged without an alternative crops as the best way to farmers shifting from tobacco business.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
4 answers
FGM practices still exist in some African countries, regardless of the enforcement of the law against inhumane practices towards women. What could the reasons be?
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Religious Reasons
Even though FGM occurs among Christians, Jews, Animists, and Muslims, there is no authoritative religious statement giving justification for that practice. Many Muslim communities hold that FGM is religious-mandated. However, the Koran does not mention FGM. Some people reads a much-disputed allusion the Sunna -- A collection of the words and actions of the Prophet Mohammed.-- supporting FGM. The saying is “Do not cut deep; this is enjoyable to the woman and preferable to the man” has stirred up opinions and served as an argument both for and against FGM (Sahlieh, 1994).
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
14 answers
I am involved in research which aims at comparing health outcomes of pediatric hospitals units. The specific problem in pediatrics is that both the sample of hospitals and the sample size of patients within each hospital are very small. Methods such as hierarchical modelling do not work. The literature I have reviewed suggests two solutions which are not really satisfactory: (1) to drop the hospitals below a certain patient sample size; (2) to pool the data over a certain number of years. Does anybody know of other suggestions or solutions?
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This is a very familiar debate! Some colleagues and I had similar discussions last year when preparing outcome reports for individual surgeons in the UK NHS. Some of our concerns are published in a recent Lancet paper.
The Lancet 2013; 382: 1674 - 1677
I would caution against any comparisons when volumes are small, even if mathematically plausible models exist.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
16 answers
Is it ok to use same values for calculation of catastrophic expenditure on health care for all diseases and health related conditions (5-20%) or should it be different for non-communicable/chronic illnesses?
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In addition to what Mizanur Rahman suggested you may use following references for methodology purposes.
Xu K, Evans DB, Kawabata K, Zeramdini R, Klavus J, Murray CJL: Household catastrophic health expenditure: a multicountry analysis. Lancet 2003, 362: 111-117
Xu K: Distribution of Health Payments and Catastrophic Expenditures Methodology. Geneva: Department of Health System Financing, WHO; 2005.
Rahman MM, Gilmour S, Saito E, Sultana P, Shibuya K: Health related financial catastrophe, inequality and chronic illness in Bangladesh. PLoS ONE 2013, 8: e56783.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
5 answers
I'm looking some strategies for expand the coverage and quality of dental services in marginalized communities.
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get in contact with the dental department of the Ministry of Health. They just published a paper on the use of ART in marginalised population groups in Mexico as part of a oral health strategy. Free to be downloaded from PubMed.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
13 answers
I have found various tools that have been developed to measure structural aspects of integrated care as well as measures assessing healthcare provider’s attitudes toward care teams but have been unable to find a measure specific to integrated care delivery.
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The question you raise is a key theme I focus on in my doctoral thesis. I published a paper entitled "Shared Mental Models of Integrated Care: Aligning Multiple Stakeholder Perspectives" which focuses on the issue of understanding how managers and clinicians perceive and understand integrated care strategies. The framework presented in this paper has been modified recently through consultation with diverse stakeholders in Canada. My next task is to develop a measurement tool based on this framework. I would be happy to share the final version of the framework with you by email, if you are interested.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
3 answers
As we know odds ratio is calculated in case control studies but we can see most of the cross sectional studies also calculate it. I am unaware about this. If we can calculate, what terminology should we use?
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I agree with Mehul. In a cross-sectional design, when the prevalence of the dependent variable is low (<30%, conventionally), Prevalence Ratio and Odds Ratio show similar values.
In a situation of high prevalence, however, PR and OR show a trend to separate one another and OR value may be higher than PR value. In this case, OR may overestimate the strength of association.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
7 answers
For 10-19 year old participants of the study employing self administered questionnaire (pencil and paper). Should we take written consent from them or not?
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Hi Kiran, have you consulted your local ethics review board? Most boards demand that in case of inclusion of minor participants, informed consent has to be given by legal representives.
F.e. see here:
or here:
This page states the following: "Even if the child ASSENTS, his or her legal guardian(s) must still CONSENT in order for the child to participate."
Hope, I could help you.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
1 answer
I am interested if any country uses the same ESA85 and ESA50 forms. Or if there are any other forms alike - could you suggest any certain policy paper (of any European country) for seeing the explanations (and imperfections) for certain workability assessment method.
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No one has done exactly what the UK has, but NZ has just merged the sickness and unemployement benefit into a jobs-seekers benefit, and medics have to estimate what work someone can do.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
6 answers
An interesting development in Gujarat State of India where the government has imposed geographical restrictions on blood banks. Under this a blood bank can not promote voluntary blood donation activity outside the province/district neither conduct a blood donation camp. State administration argues that by restricting blood banks a donor is compelled to donate blood in local blood banks and hence blood availability in district will increase. Blood requirement in cities could be higher than towns (due to high density of hospitals and advanced medical care). State bureaucrats and politicians argue that a patient should manage family replacement instead of depending on blood availability without replacement.
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Dear colleague,
A very interesting question. In general, territorial restrictions can only be implemented when there is a contract guaranteeing blood supply between regions in case of shortage or emergencies. Otherwise, regions with less blood donors might end up in need of emergency supply. It might be helpful to know the attitude of your healthy volunteer unrelated non-remunerated blood donors regarding territorial organisations. If you have good data, that your donors might love the feeling, that they donate for their neughbors in need, this might increase the local donation rate. On the other hand, if donors feel, that there should be a nationwide cooperation and help, this might be a good reason NOT to implement territorial restrictions.
Obviously, big cities have a higher use of blood components than the more rural areas due to the reasons you already mentioned. On the other hand, at least in Europe, the more rural areas have a higher percentage of inhabitants donating blood on a regular basis. Therefore, it is mandatory that the territorial restriction has a fair balance between cities and more rural areas. This might be different in your country.
The most important issue is to promote donations by unrelated healthy non-remunerated blood donors. This is a joint action of your local and regional health authorities, the hospitals and the blood transfusion services as well as the blood banks. Education of the population starting with children at school about the need of blood donations, the health benefit for the donor, the use of single use items for donations only, etc. is a key element in this. Don´t forget other options to show your competence and professionality as blood bankers! Organise "open lab days", ask clinicians to tell the population about their inability to perform certain operations without blood components, etc. There are a lot of ways to help increasing awareness and potentially also willingness of parts of the population to donate blood.
Such activities - at least from our experience in Europe - offer a more promising approach compared to territorial restrictions.
You might want ot have a look at the Donor Management in Europe (DOMAINE) project:
Best wishes,
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
3 answers
I need a method to measurement an ranking of health system (county by county) in Iran.
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Dear Nader,
There are many ways of assessing health system performance. One of the most notable is the WHO model included in "The world health report 2000 - Health systems: improving performance". The Commonwealth Fund also have an interesting approach (, Basically most approaches focus on some measures of efficiency, equity and responsiveness. For efficiency it's basically what resources are used and what is the result. Equity tends to relate to financing and access. For a county by county approach you would probably need to look at comparing resource use per capita by each county health system - though comparability might be tricky. Material around geographic resource allocation formulae (e.g. RAWP or Wagstaff and van Doorslaer) might also be useful.Thanks.
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
13 answers
Around 2002 and 2007 there were two events leading to a spike in deaths across the UK where I have inferred a spatial spread of excess deaths. See attachment. Are there any factors other than the spread of an infectious agent that could cause such a spatial spread?
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Hi Sam, As you will discern from my work on financial risk it is the volatility in attendances, admissions and hence costs that drives risk and the capacity margin (both in terms of physical and staff assets but also funding) needed to absorb that volatility. In the UK every healthcare organisation is expected to break even every year, which clearly defies the real world. No surprise that managers are stressed attempting to do the impossible!
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
7 answers
In both experimental and quasi-experimental studies, sometimes it becomes known to the researcher that one or more participants have been compromised with regard to the study goals. This "contamination" can occur when a member of the control/comparison group is exposed to factors (eg, receives treatment) that are similar to the experimental group. It can also occur when members of the experimental group unintentionally receive a different or additional type of treatment than the original study design intends. Does removal or censoring of a limited number of participants impact the reliability of the study results?
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Removal of "protocol deviation" subjects from analysis reduces the statistical power of the research study for the control or comparison group but I don't know why this would compromise the internal validity of the study. If such "protocol deviation" events become more than simple isolated occurrences (e.g., a cluster at a single treatment center) then it does raise questions regarding the capability of the investigator(s) at that institution to participate and comply with the requirements of the research study and the potential of other (hidden) "protocol deviations" that might alter the results of the study findings.
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Indicators like health factors(access to care,quality of care,social and economic factor ...) and health outcome like mortality and morbidity index.
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It is a very good question, but also a question without a precise answer! this means that , as It often happens in economics, there is no single recipe.
It depends on what you define performance and on what is the aim of assessment. In my opinion, for instance, performance should assess how much health you produc compared with other goods (allocative efficiency as well as effectiveness and appropriateness), how you do it (productive effciency) and for whom, the most risky, or the ones who can benefit more, or pay more, etc. (equity issues).
The aim is important because it is useful to give priority to different dimensions: do you want to stress whether the same health outcome is achieved by using the minimum total resources, or do you want to verify if everyone who needs receives the appropriate health care service? Efficient systems are not necessarily also effective or equitable Which dimension should get a higher weight?
In all cases, performance assessment is a very useful exercise because it helps to make priority and criteria more explicit and transparent..
  • asked a question related to Health System Research
1 answer
Tanzania health system is trying to include the spectacles provision as part of treatment in the eye field.
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With a restricted budget, you have to concentrate to the children, mainly young one when the brain is still plastic to get quickly new skills. The very critical point is reading and writing learning process. All your energy has to be oriented toward the detection of vision deficiencies at school.
To help I suggest you contact Essilor Foudation (