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Dear Researchers and Academicians,
The Blambangan Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences (BJNHS) is delighted to announce a call for papers for publication in Volume 3, Issues 1 and 2, 2025. We welcome high-quality original research articles, reviews, and case studies in the fields of nursing and health sciences.
Why Publish with Us?
- No Publication Fee: Submissions for these upcoming issues will be published free of charge.
- Open Access: All articles are freely accessible to the global academic and professional community.
- Rigorous Peer Review: A robust peer review process ensures the quality and credibility of your work.
We welcome original research articles, review articles, case studies, and other scholarly works in the following areas:
- Nursing
- Public Health
- Medicine
- Midwifery
- Pharmacy
- Health Education
- Healthcare Management
- Other health-related disciplines
Submission Guidelines:
Manuscripts should be prepared according to the journal’s submission guidelines, available on our website. Please submit your articles directly through the following link:
Important Dates:
Submissions for Volume 3, Issues 1 and 2, will be accepted until further notice. Early submissions are encouraged for timely review and publication.
We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions and collaborating with you to advance the fields of nursing and health sciences. Should you have any questions or require assistance, feel free to contact us.
Warm regards,
Editorial Team
Blambangan Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences (BJNHS)
Dear Researcher,
As the editor of the Blambangan Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences (BJNHS), I am pleased to invite dedicated professionals and researchers to join our peer review team. Your expertise and insights are invaluable in advancing the quality of research and scholarship within the fields of nursing and health sciences.
By serving as a peer reviewer, you will play a critical role in ensuring the integrity and excellence of the articles we publish while contributing to the growth of scientific knowledge. This collaboration also offers an opportunity to expand your professional experience and strengthen your academic profile.
We welcome experts in the following areas:
1. Nursing
2. Medicine
3. Midwifery
4. Public Health
5. Pharmacy
Other related disciplines
As a token of our gratitude for your valuable contributions, you will also have the opportunity to publish your articles in our journal free of charge.
If you are interested in becoming a peer reviewer, kindly email us at with the following details:
1. Name:
2. Contact email:
3. Affiliation:
4. Area of expertise:
5. Scopus ID:
6. Google Scholar ID:
Your participation will be instrumental in maintaining the high standards of our publication. We look forward to welcoming you to our peer review team and working together to make a significant impact in the nursing and health sciences community.
Thank you for considering this meaningful opportunity.
Best regards,
Mahmud Ady Yuwanto
Blambangan Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences (BJNHS)
Challenge that we faced and felt lost:
The choice of search terms plays a critical role in the quality of bibliometric analysis. Variability in terminology and the use of synonyms, abbreviations, or alternative spellings across different publications can lead to inconsistent results. We as team were often struggling with the trade-offs between broadening the search to include various keywords and narrowing it to ensure relevance to the research question. This included several back and forth work to simplify the same....
So how did we handle the same, as team lead, it was my responsible to brainstorm regarding this concern!!!
We picked it up this way: To mitigate this challenge, systematic development of search strategies is essential. Using controlled vocabularies like MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) for health sciences or keywords from a standardized thesaurus can help ensure consistency in capturing relevant articles (This is very crucial to appraise the time trend and evolution of the vocabulary of the same disease , eg: decay versus dental caries presently. Additionally, combining various search terms and using Boolean operators can help refine search results while minimizing omissions.
Citation: Boulton, A., & Hughes, G. (2016). Bibliometric Analysis: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Research Evaluation, 25(1), 102-110.
Why are review articles increasingly important in health
sciences, particularly for clinicians?
Hello Dear Researchers,
I am a PhD 2nd Year student at a university in Japan. I am from health science/ rehabilitation medicine background.
I am trained to be an independent researcher. From my first year, I have realized I couldn't make many things which I supposed to do. In that case, as I am trying to be an independent researcher as a PhD student; please give me your tips how to be more productive and focused in my study and research. However, you might share the routines and habits that I should have.
Want to get experitise in use of deep learning models for health sciences like heart disease prediction among others. Also want to know which libraries, frameworks, and packages can be used in this regard?
Good Day to all,
Currently, I searching a reference book or link for
i. Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis for Health Science
Really appreciate any comments from you.
Thank You
Urgent reform is needed for all higher education in the world for the interest of the students ! Of course fine-art majors' students may need sometimes even face to face, one to one study with their academicians !
I'm doing a cross-sectional study on sport and health sciences. Before to use a questionnaire in the survey, I want to know what are the steps to validate it?
Hi everyone
Anyone having publication experience with international journal of Public health science?
I submitted my manuscript in May 2022. It's still under review.
No reply on mail to editor.
Please guide.
What Research tools and software do you recommend for researchers in the Sports Science discipline?
This thread is for the Non-predatory journal with fast review time for health science/multidisciplinary category.
I have created and validated a Campus Climate Identity Survey, as part of my doctoral work at NYU dealing with my home institution and am now looking for collaborators. The survey is validated with the pilot and really designed as a way to get comprehensive data in all the schools in academic health science centers not just the medical school component. Are you looking to gain a comprehensive view of the plight of your staff, students, and faculty at an academic health science center, then I'd love to chat with you.
regarding my project, I am wondering if it would possible to you to help me find the method to calculate sample size and data collection strategy in a qualitative study? also, questions to include and a timeline for evaluation.
Majority of our questions were in Likert scale (from 5 very frequent to 1 never), and we use a pretest-posttest methodology. To compare the pretest and the posttest, we wanted to use paired sample t-test. However, this is a parametric test wherein the data should be normally distributed.
I have also read in the work of Norman, G. (2010) that parametric statistics can still be used with Likert data even with non-normal distributions.
What would be the best option here? Should we proceed in using the paired sample t-test, or go for Wilcoxon tests since the data is not normal? Thank you for answering in advance.
Norman, G. (2010). Likert scales, levels of measurement and the “laws” of statistics. Advances in health sciences education, 15(5), 625-632.
Dear Researchers in evidence synthesis,
We are mostly dependent on Google Scholar, PubMed, and Cochrane only for our search to cater and include the studies. How much of the total health sciences records are covered by these engines? What are the others available open access? Can we add as an engine?
Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) is a method of quantifying disability in multiple sclerosis that is the most widely used measurement tool to describe disease progression in patients with MS.
How can we as address this problem of unethical occupation of positions by unsuitable and under qualified individuals in to important positions in Universities ?
This is currently happening in B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS) where a businessman and not a professor(but still uses the title) is given the position of Vice Chancellor. Political majority and totalitarianism in democracy is an issue I believe that need some deliberation.
Hello, I will try to produce Sb2S3 films with thermal evaporation technique using Sb2S3 pellets or Sb pieces. Then I will complete the production with thermal annealing. Could you please give information about the risks of Sb2S3 pellets or Sb pieces and the precautions I should take?
Some of the health science disciplines are very keen on adopting conceptual framework in their thesis/dissertation. This has been used for both quantitative and qualitative studies. But, not all health science researchers are interested in it. Why is it so?
Two indices known to be health indicators.
Hii expert,
I am a first-year PG student enrolled in Public Health (Community Medicine). I am looking for a list of Scopus/ISI indexed journals with no processing fee. In the area of medical education/public health/community medicine/health science. Please help me. Thank you in advance.
When viewed from health science, what time of sleep is the best for us?
If you are a current health science student (Nurse, Dr, Midwife, Paramedic, etc), I am keen to learn about your experiences of Work Integrated Learning (WIL).
Reflective questions:
- What have been the positive and negative experiences of Work Integrated Learning?
- Do/did you find your university gives/gave you enough preparation and support?
- Are/were your mentors supportive?
- What is/was the culture like in your area?
- What could be done better?
My name is Thaise and I am doctorate student at the Federal University of Bahia. I'm working with neuroscience and Altered State of Consciusness (ASC). I am looking for an EEG data set recorded with participants during ASC or in trance (mediumship), or having spiritual experience, speaking with spirits and / or in disorder of consciousness.
Can someone help me, please?
Thaise Toutain
Federal University of Bahia
Institute of Health Sciences
I have just registered on PROSPERO the protocol for a systematic literature review and started wondering to witch journals could I submit it. The review is on the use of therapeutic music-based interventions, in the acute hospital setting, with patients with dementia.
There are number of registration bodies for medical and health sciences systematic reviews e.g. PROSPERO. Is there any for the education, technology or any of social science domain.
Thank you
Online teaching methodologies that can be adopted during this lock down
We want to conduct a study on patient satisfaction with outpatient service (like satisfaction with appointment, with nurse, doctors and hospital facilities) in general hospitals. I will be appreciated if anyone can share a standard study questionnaire which was used in others studies?
Thank you
Conozco algunos centros comunitarios que trabajan con este tipo de medicina, y considero que parte de la sabiduría en ciencias de la salud parte de como se tratan las enfermedades actualmente en las comunidades de los pueblos nativos.
I’ve come across several articles explaining Qualitative Descriptive Approach in Health Sciences specifically where the reseacher is not bound to choose GT, phenomenology, Ethnography etc.
now what I’m curious to know is that can I use QD in social sciences where I could ask participants about their views using semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis as data analysis method.
Many thanks
Academic research has been challenging for many local communities as it does not serve community needs. Moreover, many local communities see the term "research" is a different form of colonization for their community, land, and culture, particularly for many Indigenous communities. As a researcher, this is high time to transform our research into community capacity building. What are your perspectives on this challenge from your research? How are you trying to solve this?
What are the qualities, personality traits or recommended skillsets you would associate with a "Good Clinician" in the health care field?
What would differentiate them from a Health care Academic or a Researcher in your opinion?
Dear colleagues
We are starting to publish a new peer-review journal entitled: " Revive journal of wellbeing” is an international, peer-reviewed journal. RJW is designed to publish articles covering a broad spectrum of topics related to all aspects of medical and health sciences. We aim to create a top-level journal that publishes high-quality articles in the field of Medical and health sciences. The quality of a journal is in a way reflective of the quality of its Editor(s) and Editorial Board and its members. RJW is seeking energetic, qualified researchers to join its editorial board team as a member of the editorial board and reviewers. If you feel an expert in your field of interest, do not hesitate to write to me and join our journal. Applicants should submit their CVs with a complete list of peer-reviewed publications. The Review Board will consist of scholars willing to reviewing around 2-4 papers per year.
For further information and submission of your request (along with your CV) contact me:
I have to prepare a set of expository text material targeting the entry level undergraduate health science students. Which is the most appropriate readability test I should go for?
Hello everyone,
Nowadays there is much going on about LGBT+. Sensibility concerning gender and sexual orientation are on the ride. I would like to ask you how you deal with gender while collecting data through online questionnaire.
Are you asking biological gender at birth?
Are you giving as options male/female/other/not declare?
Are you giving as options male/female/not binary?
Can anyone suggest a better way?
And what about methodology? Are you including in the analysis? I recently collected a sample of around 5000 cases for a researc about mental health. Only about 20 claimed themselves as "else". How would you deal with it?
Excluding them from your analysis?
Including even if the sample is definitely not consistent enough?
Thanks in advance. Any input is very much welcome!
What is the difference between public health and population health sciences? Please don't share links in reply. Comments in your own words will be appreciated.
It could be a Science discipline like Natural Sciences or Maths
It could be a Artistic discipline like Arts and Craft, Social.
it could be a Health Science discipline like Physical Education
It could be a Humanities discipline...
es mi necesidad y de varios doctores, realizar estudios de Post doctorado, somos de Ecuador, si alguien pertenece a una universidad o conoce de la existencia de una institución académica, por favor comuníquennos. estamos trabajando en áreas de salud y conflictos y enfermedades sociales, psicológicas.
I am a Nurse Educator from College of Health Sciences University of Malaya.
Please share with me on how to get the CLEI questionnaires.
En este mundo tecnificado y globalizado existe un peligro de deshumanización creciente. En el ámbito de las ciencias de la salud, más concretamente en enfermería, este hecho sería nefasto para la naturaleza de la profesión. ¿Puede estar ocurriendo ya en nuestros hospitales? ¿Es necesaria la formación de los alumnos, futuros enfermeros, para que no pierdan de vista lo esencial a su misión?
Kindly share your experience of a health sciences (Medicine, Biology, Allied health Sciences, Biophysics, Molecular Biology, Statistics, Education, Health professions Education, Health Informatics etc) relevant concept that appeared very challenging and uncleared to you in the first setting. However, with time, practice and understanding it has reached to a level where it is unlikely to be forgotten. Indeed, it has significant shifted the perception of a subject.
It seems as people who should benefit from all the researches are not benefiting at all, especially in the food and health sciences areas where public education is essential to alleviate community problems. I think there are no effective community engagements from researches because they focus on numbers of papers published to enhance their careers rather than what the contribution made to the communities.
one more thing, I still wait for the day I shall find science research article that my mom who general understand English but is not educated can read and understand.
We are implementing the HoloLens as a teaching tool in our anatomical and health sciences course in early 2018. Does anyone have any experience with this device? We would love to hear your thoughts regarding simplifying the gesture-style inputs to make it as easy to understand as possible.
This will enhance the experience that we already provide in regards to using VR and AR in anatomy (link below).
Lets see which software excels the expectation of health sciences researchers
What are the differences between effect and impact in the environmental and health sciences context?
What happens if there is high and low osmolarity compared to blood osmolarity?
information resources includes Books and non-books in the libraries
Could you please recommend me on the sample size for reliability testing of a scale.
Is 15 people appropriate for testing reliability of a scale? Thank you very much in advance for your kind advice.
Is anyone working on this project or interested in joining our project on this procedure?
We need some questionnaire to assess knowledge, attitudes and skills of CPR students health sciences.
I'm trying to find any research on the percentage of patients who search for information on the Internet, but DO NOT report their findings to their doctors. I have a figure of 65% from a few years back, but I don't have the reference :-(. If anyone can help me, that would be much appreciated.
In health sciences education, the definition of progressive levels of expertise in many skills is important for the longitudinal planning of curricula and of assessment programs. After coming across the Dreyfus model for skill acquisition ( Dreyfus, Stuart E.; Dreyfus, Hubert L. (February 1980). "A Five-Stage Model of the Mental Activities Involved in Directed Skill Acquisition"), I am interested on views of those who are using or considering to use (or not to use) the model, in particular at the undergraduate level.
I am particularly interested in examples which educators could reasonably expect non-specialist learners of statistics to adapt for use in their own working lives. (Therefore, it should not require considerable training in programming in order to create the visual.)
I am conducting a Delphi study intending to design and develop guidelines to integrate spirituality and spiritual care. I would like to request researchers with knowledge and skills with regard to these constructs to please assists me.
Your participation in the study would be highly appreciated.
I am a librarian working for the school of nursing and public health at the University of Namibia. In this regards I want to study to become medical librarian to be able to assist student nurses , lectures and health professionals to access the most current information available on health science topics as well as to offer technical services such as selection of book titles, journals and other health information sources.
I am about to dig myself into & conduct a research on health marketing, more specifically health-consciousness & prevention in general. I would be more than happy to know which the top relevant papers in this field are. What is the best scale to measure health-consciousness & prevention in general?
I will do my research in Hungary. Should you be interested to collaborate to compare research findings in different countries/cultures, please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
Wondering what research has been done about the health outcomes regarding the time of the day that exercise occurs
Much of the literature on risk (tradeoffs) in environmental/health science focuses on local phenomena. Are there risk conceptualizations in the primary literature that speak to sustainability concerns relevant on a global scale?
as Aspartame is rapidly hydrolyzed, how can I measure Aspartame levels in blood? and what are the important aspartame metabolites to be measured?
I would like to find some research that has used the Nola Pender Health Promotion Model and the LOTR scale for optimism and in a sample of University students in health sciences.
In terms of efficacy, %1RM and volume
I am currently working on a study that aims to develop guidelines and will be using the Delphi process as a method. I just need an example of studies that will assist me and guide me through this process.
I'm looking for a method to evaluate the vitality of the research group in the field of health sciences (with exception of the estimated mortality). Does anyone know where I can find works that use the statistical method of survival in the natural sciences.
Frontier research has been recently impulsed and defined for multiple sciences, included some health sciences, however what about specificly for veterinary medicine?
I am trying to determine if the amount of variability within a treatment algorithm at different centers is associated with a specific outcome. For instance, when treating emergent conditions, such as a heart attack, there are multiple potential drugs that are given and there is considerable variability within each institution on which drugs are given based upon provider preference. Is there a way to quantitate that variability within an institution so that the amount of variability between multiple institutions could be compared to a single outcome?
I've done a prescription survey on gynecological drugs prescribed in Bangladesh. It was a project work. Now I'm developing it to a research article and highly expecting suggestions to make it a clear and complete article.
In the frame of a peer review of our curriculum the reviewer suggested to remove the social sciences module because he said it has not many associations with health sciences. The module contains basic information on societies such as societal changes and transformation processes and also basic sociological theories. Would you agree or disagree?
The estimation procedures I have come across so far are mainly in econometrics. My model is in health science.
Problems and dilemmas, manifested during past projects, as well as in planned current qualitative research, inspired me to bring up this question.
Could you please, highlight the key problems, during secondary data analysis, from any perspective ?
Could you give the names of researchers from the areas of health sciences, sociology or anthropology who methodologically refined the issue of secondary data analysis?
Share your opinions, knowledge and experiences.
I am looking for a good tool to use for a systematic review of oberservational studies
Food alone is not enough to stop/prevent or reverse stunting (most aggressive nutrition/food based intervention achieved 0.7 Z-score reduction in stunting or one third only). Many other factors play an important role in how the body receive, react, benefit from and respond to food. Enviromental enteropathy, gut microbiota, food toxins such as mycotoxin to mention a few all play a role. Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on how to tackle this problem?
I would like to know if a boundary exists between food insecurity and nutrition insecurity, and if there exist such a boundary, how easy is it to identify that
Databases are amazingly big for this situation.
I am searching resources about of DICOM specification
What are the advantages and disadvantages of patenting science? Can patenting be dangerous for science? Your opinion?