Science topic
Health Education - Science topic
Education that increases the awareness and favorably influences the attitudes and knowledge relating to the improvement of health on a personal or community basis.
Questions related to Health Education
Sorry to bother you, but we need your help, do you know of any nutrition (or other topics) education programmes/interventions/workshops for children and young people with monogenic diabetes/MODY?
Thank you very much in advance.
Need assistance 5 topics for my research project. But prefer them to be more related to Mathematics and Natural sciences and Health Education for senior primary learners!
I have tried to apply the concepts of Grounded Theory to a small study on experimental basis. But I am not sure whether i am in right direction. Please help
Liminality was originally developed from ethnographic analysis of rites of passage, specifically related to spirituality. How does this translate to health education?
Call for Papers
Artificial Intelligence in Medical and Professional Health Education
We invite academics and clinicians in medicine and professional health educators to submit their work on this exciting topic.
What alternative ways universities use for academic assesment of students?
Social Services
We have conducted a manuscript to assess the Distant learning in Physical Therapy Education during the COVID-19 outbreak. The study design was cross-sectional study and was reported according STROBE statement.
The study evaluates the correlated factor and predictors for student satisfaction and quality of learning. The main outcome was Distance Education Learning Environments Survey (DELES).
We have submitted the manuscript for a number of Education journals. They rejected the manuscript because the STROBE design is not appropriate for education journals style.
Any suggested journals that are interest in physical therapy education or health education and follow the medical journals reporting guidelines?
Thank You
what do you think are the most important factors of spreading sober health culture in society ?
It seems evident that the SARS-CoV 2 pandemic is caused by the great transmission capacity of the virus (Ro = 3 (2.4-3.8) by droplets (Pflügger) by the survival capacity on the different inanimate surfaces and by the transmission of the asymptomatic.
Its incidence has reached such an extreme in each country that it is having great sanitary significance (collapse of the Health Systems and specifically of the ICUs) and, socially, due to the mortality associated with the disease of COVID 19. To the point that most of the Governments They are recommending quarantines and alarm states to achieve the confinement and isolation of individuals, families and the population. What will lead to great socioeconomic consequences with serious consequences and suffering for the most vulnerable such as the elderly and chronic
I am currently doing a systematic review of health education programmes among music students in higher education (i.e. conservatoire students), but the way in which I define such a programme is essential to what papers I include.
Health education initiatives were eligible if they represented stand-alone interventions or were part of wider health promotion programmes. Health education programmes were defined according to WHO (1998) and had to be any planned activity or set of activities aimed at increasing health literacy and developing life skills conducing to health (e.g. decision making, problem solving, critical thinking, interpersonal skills, stress management, coping with emotions). The content of such programmes could comprise counseling, teaching, training or other educational processes such as guided group discussions or behavioural modification strategies (Zhu, Ho, & Wong, 2013). Such programmes could be part of or separate from the formal curriculum, yet taking place in a formal education music institution (college, high-school, conservatoire or university, not clinics) incorporating any relevant health-related content (focusing on psychological and/or physical issues), multi-component or formed of a single session, of any frequency and/or length and provided via any delivery method (i.e. face-to-face, via telephone or internet). Only studies focusing on universal preventative interventions were included (i.e. ‘a measure that is desirable for everybody in the eligible population’ [Mrazek & Haggerty, 1994]).
Now, according to this definition, health education (unlike health promotion) should be aimed primarily at outcomes such as increasing knowledge and/or awareness, changing attitudes, beliefs, perceived responsibility, self-efficacy, as well as training relevant skills/abilities such as critical thinking, decision-making or problem-solving. It should not necessarily or on its own be aimed, at changing actual health-related outcomes such as reducing risk of injury or lowering depression/anxiety - for such outcomes, we are talking about health promotion (which incorporates health education but goes beyond it, also encompassing changing the broader environment and ensuring relevant services are in place). However, many authors use health promotion when they only mean health education.
I have two questions:
1. Where should I draw the line given that using such a broad definition for health education programmes (aimed at developing health literacy and life skills) means I need to include both evaluations of formal health courses (that come in the traditional format of a series of lectures and seminars) and evaluations of interventions involving group discussions, more applied sessions and more focused training of specific skills, albeit with music students in a higher education institution? They both fit into the WHO definition!
2. Given that so many authors use health promotion and health education interchangeably and that only one evaluation of a health education programme looked at knowledge, attitudes and beliefs while all the others looked at health-related outcomes (although all were described as health courses), can I include all these outcomes as part of my systematic review? After all, I am looking at the effectiveness of health education programmes with regards to any outcomes! (health literacy and attitude change on one hand, and changes in actual health outcomes on the other hand)
Many thanks! I am really curious to read your views on the above!
I want to read studies that measure the efficacy of health education in producing behavioral outcomes.
My naive assumption has been that most health education has few objective affordances nor lasting benefits. I would like to confirm or correct that assumption with data.
By health education I mean anything that informs consumers about health risks and conditions for purposes of prevention or self-care. Academic, clinical, governmental, social, instructor-led, self-paced, online, printed, video etc.
What techniques are deemed effective; what is the evidence for that belief?
Canned juices are common and available every where. Some are of good quality, still most of the people called it unhealthy.
Hi Learned friends,
Are you working on a project and need a co-author? please feel free to reach out to me.
Is anyone knowledgeable and experienced in using the Delphi Method willing to collaborate on applying it to setting guidelines regarding musicians health literacy? I'd be most grateful to hear from you! Please see below (we will start with a series of workshops for now):
What should musicians’ health education sound like? The floor is yours!
Workshops funded by Realab and the IMR
Wednesday, 19 September OR Monday, 24 September 2018 | 11.30 AM; Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM), Manchester, UK
Tuesday, 25 September OR Saturday, 29 September 2018 | 11.30 AM
Institute of Musical Research, Senate House, London, UK
The physical and psychological demands of the training and practice that musicians must achieve to perform to a high standard can produce deleterious effects on their health and wellbeing. However, music conservatoires still endorse practices that are informed by tradition more than evidence, while health literacy and critical thinking are still not embedded in music students’ core training. Finally, there are no guidelines or regulations regarding what conservatoires should provide in terms of health education.
We want to address that AND we need your help!
We invite psychologists (both researchers and practitioners, from any specialism and not restricted to those who work with musicians) to join us in this discussion! We have prepared comprehensive lists of topics and we shall discuss their relevance and priority in small groups. Additionally, we will brainstorm ideas about what other topics might be needed as part of the conservatoires’ curricula.
Places are free, but limited. While we prioritise psychologists (due to the nature of our task and topic focus), we also welcome:
- Health professionals working with musicians
- Health educators
- Philosophers (yes, yes! We’d also like to discuss cognitive biases and logical fallacies!)
- Cognitive scientists
- Specialists in music education
- PhD students in any of the topics above
Please note the same workshop will be held four times. Please choose only one and register your interest here:
For any queries, please contact the organisers: Raluca Matei, AHRC-funded PhD student in music psychology: | +44 757 061 2760 OR
Keith Phillips, PhD student in music psychology:
Kindly share your experience of a health sciences (Medicine, Biology, Allied health Sciences, Biophysics, Molecular Biology, Statistics, Education, Health professions Education, Health Informatics etc) relevant concept that appeared very challenging and uncleared to you in the first setting. However, with time, practice and understanding it has reached to a level where it is unlikely to be forgotten. Indeed, it has significant shifted the perception of a subject.
Does starting a community based questionnaire survey requires IRB clearance?
Does the questionnaire is to be verified/certified or validated?
How to calculate the number of participants for the survey?
What is the role of teacher in sustainable Environment?
I'm looking for people with an interest in developing interventions aimed at increasing health literacy that would be part of the higher education curriculum.
WHO and the European Union have begun to carry out studies on health literacy in the population. The observations of health literacy in Health and Health Education would be comparable or we are talking about different concepts and / or terms because they value different aspects and components.
In my opinion, one thing is literacy and another Education. This involves empowering individuals to self-manage their health and make decisions and attitudes based on their knowledge about health and disease.
Dear colleagues,
I am working on a project regarding psychiatric education.
I would be very grateful if anyone can recommend me articles on psychiatric education and/or psychiatric training in South America.
Many thanks in advance.
My research study explore the issues and challenges of youth with disability in health, Education and employment aspects.The locality of study would be rural villages of India?
Can anybody , suggest standardized tools to analyze the level of social exclusion in terms of accessibility,availability and social stigma?.
Dear colleagues,
I am conducting a feasibility clinical trial on a novel health related educational intervention in a clinical sample. As the education material be developed is new, and never been tried before, especially in Nepali culture, I am interested in learning if the novel education material is difficult or easy to understand.
Thus, I intend to use a valid scale to assess difficulty of understanding health education in our research.
I found an 11-point numerical rating scale; 0= "Extremely difficult" and 10= "Very easy" being used in the literature. In our culture, people find it difficult to use a numerical scale, so I am searching for a similar scale but in a "verbal rating scale" format, for example 0= "Very difficult"; 1= "Difficult", 2= ........; 5= "Very easy", or so.
I would be thankful if you could share your experience of using such a scale, or if you are aware of use of similar verbal rating scale to assess difficulty of understanding any health related educational interventions.
Thanking you in advance,
How do healthcare organizations cooperate? I'm looking for studies addressing the idea of heterophily instead of homophily. In regard to patient sharing relations, the concept of complementarity is more important to ensure healthcare provision.
Looking for stats, besides Pew, to determine if adolescents are using technology (mobile, social networks, etc.) to improve their mental health?
Many of us as scholars and academicians spend countless hours, sometimes consciously or unconsciously without food, exercise and so forth. Continual sitting, glued to our technological research devices leaves many of us with stress from work. Thus, there must be some efficient means of managing these stress for scholars to function properly in their research endeavors while avoiding needless ailments that can retard research progression.
The World Bank's Gas Flaring statement says, "there is, however, little data as to how proximity to flares, duration of exposure, etc. are linked to actual health problems as few studies of the health impact of flaring have been carried out." I was hoping some scientists might disagree and send me some links to relevant papers or current research! It's for my MA research and a project beyond that.
i want to gain knowldge about it. if it is suitable for measurement of learning stress, then i will use it for my study purposes.
Researchers around the globe, kindly assist me with links or soft copies of the scale that best measure my research work ''role of perceived cancer vulnerability and food eating behavior on attitude to physical health or activity.'' Thank you.
looking for Malay version of WOMAC
I´m looking for compartmental (dynamic) models that analyze the transmission of HPV.
Health promotion in theory and in practice is two different notions, theoretical knowledge can be extracted from the may standard textbooks for the same, but that would be different approaches that can be utilized for imparting practical knowledge?
This is because I have seen three variations: level teaspoon of salt plus eight level teaspoons of sugar plus one litre of clean drinking or boiled water
2. six level teaspoons of sugar and one-half level teaspoon of salt in one liter of (clean) water.
3.1 level teaspoonful (3ml) of salt plus 10 level teaspoonful or 5 cubes of sugar in 600mls of clean water No 3. Seems more popular in Nigeria. I.
The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act defines dietary supplements as a category of food. However, there is one exception:
if a dietary supplement meets the definition of a drug, it is regulated as a drug.!
Please if someone has access to a standard tool , I'll be very grateful if it can be shared with me.
I want to conduct health education in a village using posters and banners and following that want to conduct a research.
So how do you validate materials for health education to conduct a research ?
Kindly please if any one has a pdf please do share
Thank you
I have the HWQ questionnaire but I cannot find the scoring - has anyone had experience of this?
I want to write popular article in local language (Tamil) for health education regarding cutaneous and visceral larva migrans, for that i need the present status (Incidence and prevalence) of visceral and cutaneous larva migrans in india. Is anybody doing research regard this kindly help me, and provide some details for it.
Comparison of nursing education, practice and models of care between China and Canada
To me Health promotion as described in the Ottawa charter is already covering the domain of health Iliteracy. Or should we define Health promotion again in a more broader way?
I am searching for some contextual framework linking the different defenitions and showing their relations to each other: Health promotion, Health iliteracy, empowerment, community engagment
anyboddy an idear?
Hello everybody now I am working about this PICO question:
In Children, is the same effectiveness "conventional oral health education " vs "computer or tablet assisted" to increase the tooth brushing frequency?
I want to hear your opinions or share papers about it.
Thanks a lot.
PhD Ebingen Villavicencio
I realized that most health professionals are ill-prepared to take care about patient´s sexuality. So they need training programs to help them. Thus, which kind of information is more important or urgent to offer to them?
Please, cite at least 3.
Please write which is your context of job in health care.
Rosenstock, I. (1974). Historical Origins of the Health Belief Model. Health Education Monographs. Vol. 2 No. 4.
I'm trying to find this original article and it isn't popping up on my university searches. Any idea where to find it?
The question of whether a research component should be an integral part of medical curriculum has been debated in the past and is still controversial.
In planning a cancer education intervention, I have minor interest in assessing cancer prevention knowledge, but am much more interested in behavior. I would like to have measures of cancer prevention behaviors that capture the wide range of risk/protective factors. For example:
Smoking, tobacco use, (+ second-hand smoke exposure)
Moderate to vigorous physical activity and sedentary behavior
Healthfulness of diet, including red/processed meat, fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, whole grains, sugar-sweetened beverages, etc.
Sun protection, including shade, peak sun exposure, hats, sunscreen, etc.
Vaccination for Hepatitis B and HPV
Maintaining a healthy weight (BMI percentile)
(+ Possibly also alcohol consumption)
Is there an available validated cancer prevention index for children or adolescents that combines factors such as these into an overall score?
Is there an established and valid way to combine objective and self-report items to get an index of cancer prevention behavioral risk?
Thus far, I've found the following citation, but haven't yet seen the instrument: Melnyk BM. Healthy Lifestyles Behavior Scale. Hammondsport NY: COPE for HOPE, Inc., 2003
We are planning to 'adapt' a pre-existing measure of a health related construct for application in a new setting. Our plan is to do a round of construct definition from scratch, and then to look at the existing measure to see how much that measure overlaps with our definition stage. Where there is overlap we will adapt those items, where there is no coverage on the existing measure we will write new items.
We are wondering at what point the measure which ultimately results from this process stops being an adaptation of the original scale, and becomes a new one altogether.
Any thoughts or references?
This is an open question with a pinch of Humour
I'm looking for an instrument to measure health literacy of students in university
Please, I need information on the subject
I'm looking for an instrument to measure health literacy of students in primary and secondary education
According to Adler et al (2011), The estimation of a position of a node within a wireless sensor network (WSN) is still a technical challenge. A localization solution should be energy efficient, low-cost and very accurate. we currently working on a TeleHealth project in South Africa and currently the traditional remote monitoring systems & infrastructure require cabling and are, thus, inflexible, expensive, and error prone. In contrast to some of the problem identified, we want to implement a ScatterWeb Tele-Health platform and it will be tested and deployed with the aim of providing a flexible system based on enhanced sensor wireless technology that combines robustness and high reliability with low-cost hardware. I would like to find out if are there any wireless sensor network simulation tools that I can make use of without relying only on the existing prototype, if there is none, can the existing ScatterWeb offer solutions to health and education environments? If possible, where can I get more relevant publications?
My research project is about “Assessment of Training Needs for Nursing Professionals in Sexuality” and I am developing scales to assess the training needs, beliefs and attitudes about sexuality for Brazilian population. I´d like to know other people with similar researches for a partnership.
I am primarily interested in valid/reliable instruments that were used outside the U.S. Especially instruments which measured nutrition educational processes through cultural erudition models such as Africentrism, etc.
Nurses as like as all healthcare practitioners have a professional responsibility to promote good health and well-being and making health promotion and health education are fundamental parts of their daily work.How can nurses promote their role in social health education?
Poor and illiterate individuals may understand complex health related topics. However, in order to sustain the knowledge they will need to reinforce it. Handouts and pamphlets may not be useful. Illustrative pamphlets may not be adequate. Audiovisual tools will be beyond affordability. How can such a population self- reinforce and revise the education provided to them?
There are many stigmatized Ebola survivors in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, whom lost family members in addition to suffering from the virus themselves. What role can they play in their communities?
health education
can an individual self manage diabetes?
I want to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of householders regarding unintentional injuries prevention and early management of these injuries in Iran. To do this I need to know if there is any valid and reliable tool for this already. And if not, is there any tool like this or close to this?
I have seen and read interesting diabetes education resources called KiDS Diabetes Information Pack India which were recently developed by the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), HRIDAY (Health Related Information Dissemination Amongst Youth), the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and Sanofi India Limited. They announced the roll-out of the KiDS (Kids and Diabetes in Schools) ‘School Diabetes Information Pack’ designed for India in public and private schools in Delhi.
This is the link for the education pack where they are available in English:
I personally think these resources should be translated to all languages (e.g. Arabic, French, Portugese, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish, Persian, Italian, etc....), validated, and to be used in daily clinical practice and schools. I think each child together with his/her parents should be active members of diabetes self management thus education is essential for better lifestyle and quality of life.
Would appreciate your thoughts.
Kind regards,
Health promotion and health education have provided much information to the public and advocated for healthier public policies, among other issues, yet supporting women to breastfeed infants is still a major challenge. There are data relating the decline in breast feeding with the childhood obesity problem that most societies today are facing. There is clear evidence of the nutritional value of breast milk and the emotional value in bonding, in addition it is the first time in a person's life that they are able to decide how much to eat and when they feel satisfied. While bottle feeding has the risk of overfeeding an infant.
Our group is working on the high education aspects of a broader research that aim to analyse the health Industrial Economic Complex and the structural challenges for the Universal Health System in Brazil.
Physical education teachers play a key role in promoting health-seeking behaviors. However, teachers will successfully serve the role of a health promoter only if they themselves display a positive attitude towards their own health. I am looking for information about health behaviors (e.g. physical activity, proper nutrition habits, prophylactic behavior, health practices) undertaken by physical education teachers.
I would be glad to receive some references as well.
One of our challenge, is to involve the health services managers as facilitators of the educational process and development of their team.
I've argued for over a decade now that it is 'essential' that the terms health promotion and health education are delineated and separated out. Many health practitioners use the terms interchangeably to mean the same thing. Many of those practitioners might view the 'difference' between them as semantics; as not important - especially those working in healthcare and health service-based settings. I, however, have suggested that the only way that health professionals can be seen to be credible with the wider health promotion community, is if we all fully use the exact language and context of health promotion and health education and apply this to clinical practice and other health arenas. Do you agree - or have a differing view?
In addition to stigma and discrimination, HIV discordant couples who desire having children are afraid of infecting their HIV-negative partner.
What would be your suggestion (Counselling/ help) for this kind of couple as a doctor?
I'm organizing workshops for a public health program with adolescents and I would like to use education theories to prepare my sessions. According to you, what is the book I must have to get a good overview of the different theories and a bit of help to use them practically?
I am currently teaching a Term 1 “Introduction to health-related research” course in an Masters occupational therapy program. We have students from a wide variety of backgrounds (e.g. psychology, sociology, basic science, kinesiology, womens’ studies, and many more), and hence a wide range of experiences and understandings about how paradigms and philosophical understandings influence knowledge and research studies. Some students are really struggling with these concepts – and just want the “right” answer. There is also confusion in the field - e.g. the way that the word "naturalistic" is used can vary a lot and it takes some experience to understand these differences and nuances. Apart from giving them more foundational readings, I wonder about other teaching and educational strategies that you have used in this kind of situation. Any suggestions?
I would like to have your opinion and your recommendations please.
I would like to carry this out as a survey exploring patterns of use including types of resources used, new learning versus revision of previously learnt material and incentives to usage. I have done a preliminary literature search but not found anything useful. Any pointers to any previous research on this topic?
This fall we are planning to integrate iPads in cases developed for use in human simulations, both standardized patients and mannequins. We have the following programs:
Osteopathic Medicine
Physical Therapy
Post-Professional DPT
Podiatric Medicine
Physician Assistant
Promotion of breastfeeding, vitamin and mineral supplementation, and advances in food fortification continue to show increasing impact on people’s lives and improve their health.
I mean primary and secondary school level subject (health) - not studies of medicine!
(in national public health promotion management context)
What are the medical, psychological, social, economic and ecological implications of obesity? The role of education, parenting, peer pressure and media are to be discussed among other issues as well in order to determine the contributing factors to the obesity phenomena.
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