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会议征稿:第四届智能电网与能源互联网国际会议(SGEI 2024)
Call for papers: IEEE 2024 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Energy Internet (SGEI 2024) will be held during December13-15, 2024 in Shenyang, China. SGEI 2024 is hosted by Shenyang University of Technology.
Conference website(English):
收录检索:IEEE Xplore,EI Compendex,Scopus
由沈阳工业大学主办的2024年第四届智能电网与能源互联网国际会议(SGEI 2024)将于2024年12月13日至15日在中国沈阳举行。会议主要围绕智能电网与能源互联网等研究领域展开讨论。旨在为智能电网与能源互联网等领域的专家学者及企业发展人提供一个分享研究成果、讨论存在的问题与挑战、探索前沿科技的国际性合作交流平台。本次会议将大力推广能源领域的创新技术和实际应用,旨在充分实现各类能源资源的互联、开放、共享和协同,塑造绿色、低碳、高效和低成本的智慧能源系统。大会诚邀国内外高校、科研机构专家、学者,企业界人士及其他相关人员参会交流。
分布式能源:可再生能源和存储,微电网和虚拟电厂,电力电子和电网接口,能源和配送管理系统,能源系统的监测,保护和控制,智能电网技术,能源转换和存储  ,传输系统技术,HVDC和FACTS,配电系统和变电站自动化,智能电网的信息和通信技术,监测和控制智能电网的电能质量,多领域应用的智能电网,电源质量、保护和电磁兼容性,电力工程发电技术,电动驱动器及其应用,大电网稳定控制,电力系统通信与控制,电网智能调度,能源互联网的建模、仿真与设计,人工智能技术,智能配用电与微电网,能源互联网的装备核心技术,直流电网,物联网,支撑能源互联网的信息物理系统及信息安全,全球能源互联网,能源效率,能源战略与能源互联网 ,新能源系统及控制等。
SGEI 2024投稿,都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,最终所有录用的论文将由IEEE(ISBN:979-8-3503-6831-4)出版,见刊后由出版社提交至IEEE Xplore, EI, Scopus检索。
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  • asked a question related to HVDC
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I've been looking at digsilent to see how HVDC affects the control of generators. It's a simple HVDC connection of buses. The static generator is set up as a reference machine, but as you can see in the picture, no power is transferred via HVDC. This system is very simple, why doesn't it transfer power? I attach the setup of the HVDC below.
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  • Hi, try to take a look at the test models in the program's library. I think there's an HVDC model there.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
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Hi all pls i am working on a topic detecting faults on HVDC system using travelling waves .I tried using discrete wavlet transform toolbox on matlab to decompose the signal to enable the location of the time of arrival of the wave.The issue is its been very difficult due to the transient and nature of dc current .Pls if there is any advice on how this can be done i would appreciate ?
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Yes, detecting faults in HVDC systems using travelling waves and analysing them with wavelet transforms in MATLAB is a valid approach. However, you're right, the transient nature of DC faults can make it challenging. Here's why and some alternative techniques to consider:
Challenges with Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) for DC Faults:
  • DWT is effective with sporadic or repetitive signals. DC faults in HVDC schemes are momentary, meaning they arise for a short duration and don't repeat periodically. This can make it difficult to isolate the travelling wave component using DWT.
Alternative Techniques for Fault Detection with Traveling Waves:
  1. Time Domain Analysis:
    • Look for swift deviations in voltage or current at the converter stations. These swift changes specify the influx of the travelling wave caused by the fault.
    • This method is simple but may not be accurate for high-resistance faults or noisy signals.
  2. Fourier Transform:
    • While not perfect for momentary signals, it can detect the overriding frequencies existing in the travelling wave.
    • Look for high-frequency apparatuses appearing subsequently at the fault that might not have been present earlier.
    • This can help differentiate the travelling wave from the steady-state DC component.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
3 answers
Hello, hope you are safe and sound. I am working on HVDC systems and I have faced serious issues in simulating a Monopolar HVDC system. I need an example of this simulation with simple control structure, so that I can ehnace my knowledge about it. Can somebody help me in thi regard?
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Monopolar HVDC system simulation:
1. Power System Model:
- AC Grid: Represented by a synchronous generator and connected to a local AC bus.
- DC Link: Modeled as a transmission line with an inductor and a capacitor representing the line impedance and energy storage, respectively.
- Rectifier: Modeled as a controlled current source that converts AC power to DC power.
- Inverter: Modeled as a controlled voltage source that converts DC power back to AC power.
2. Control Structure:
- Rectifier Control: The control strategy in the rectifier is typically based on regulating the DC voltage. It involves a feedback loop that adjusts the rectifier firing angle to maintain a desired DC voltage level.
- Inverter Control: The control strategy in the inverter is usually aimed at regulating the AC voltage and frequency. It involves a feedback loop that adjusts the inverter firing angle and frequency to match the AC grid conditions.
- DC Link Control: The control of the DC link involves regulating the DC current and maintaining the DC voltage within a specified range. This can be achieved using proportional-integral (PI) controllers or more advanced control techniques.
3. Simulation Steps:
- Define the power system model, including the AC grid, DC link, rectifier, and inverter.
- Implement the control structure for the rectifier, inverter, and DC link.
- Specify the initial conditions and parameters for the simulation.
- Run the simulation to observe the dynamic behavior of the Monopolar HVDC system under different operating conditions and disturbances.
To implement this simulation, you can use software tools such as MATLAB/SIMULINK, PSCAD, or other power system simulation software that supports HVDC modeling.
Good luck: partial credit AI
  • asked a question related to HVDC
4 answers
published paper on Studying and Mitigating the Effects of Harmonics in HVDC Transmission line Converter
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There are several ways to mitigate the harmonics on the HVDC converter station. However, the most common methods are:
1. Using AC harmonic filters. They create low-impedance paths to ground for specific harmonic frequencies which should be mitigated, and
2. Canceling out harmonics by using different converter configurations. Typically, 12 or 24 pulse bridges are deployed. 12 pulse bridge, for example, consists of two six-pulse bridges connected in series or parallel, with their AC connections supplied from a converter transformer that produces a 30° phase shift between the bridges.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
3 answers
I am trying to build a DEA soft robot actuator using VHB/silicone and carbon grease, it's now operating in HVDC 6~7 KV, but people already achieved <3 KV. Could anyone please share, what are the governing factors to achieve an efficient DEA actuator? Your expertise is highly appreciated!! Thanks.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
6 answers
I am looking for published sources with Cost/Price information regarding recent HVDC projects. Every contracted new HVDC project usually comes along with press releases, but they do not always contain information on the financial contract volume. If you have any information on the agreed price for recent HVDC projects (conveters, cable, total,...), I would be very happy
thank you in advance
  • asked a question related to HVDC
7 answers
Building PV modules in desert areas have lits of advantages such as inexpensive land and low-cost PV module which can benefit high irradiation.
However, transmission of power has its own challenges. As far as I researched, making supergrids and HVDC lines are the best options. My questions are:
1) What are economical solution to transmit power for PV plants in desert?
2) What are the risks?
3) What are the benefits?
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It is the firs time that I read your comment on my post on your question.
I think such projects as Desertec are very required and strategic. However they need intensive cooperation and transparency in dealing with the project as well as fairly distributing its benefits to all partners.
I would like that you read the essay in the link:
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to HVDC
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I want to design HVDC transmission line for simulation purpose in MATLAB but dont know how to set different parameters values any idea how can I do that? any artical/website/book from where I can learn that.
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You may find useful information and examples in CIGRE Technical Brochures 368, 492, and 831.
Best regards, Giulio Santagostino
  • asked a question related to HVDC
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I am third year electrical engineering student in Pakistan. I want you to kindly, suggest me topics for my final year project related to HVDC.
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Fault classification and location in Bipole HVDC transmission systems with a dedicated metallic return wire is a currently research topic. If you can find EMTP based test case, you can just create different types of faults at different locations such as along the line, bus, inside the converter, AC side, etc, and capture the transient responses. You can just feed the captured snapshots after faults and feed to a ANN based classifier available in Matlab, you can come with a results which more likely can be published in a reputed electrical in engineering conference.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
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Does anyone have any expertise in PI controller Tuning for HVDC model?
PSCAD Model is up and running and requires PI controller tuning to achieve the parameters
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I believe there is an autotune feature in this model.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
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Can anyone help me to learn about designing WAMS based POD control for SVC or TCSC or VSC based HVDC?
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I think I have a useful book for your requirements. Send me your contact information.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
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HVDC System
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Corona is there because of the ionization around a charge carrying conductor. Since the negative terminal of a DC link carries negative charge, it repels the negative charge around the conductor reducing the chances of ionization and hence less corona is observed around it.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
6 answers
Basically I want to develop auto reclosing schemes in HVDC system to differentiate transient and permanent faults and automatically reclose the faulty phase of transient faults after deionization. So I need an HVDC transmission test model to test those schemes.
Arif Mehdi
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  • asked a question related to HVDC
5 answers
Hello All,
I am working on HVDC VSC converters in DIgSILENT power factory. I have developed the grid and the DSL models of generators, controls and the VSC converters. But, when I run the simulation, it says something on inner-loop iteration reached for some models. I want to know how to resolve this error in DIgSILENT power factory. I have asked this question in the customer portal, but it didn't help me much. They suggested me what I already knew and have tried. I can send the pfd file if required.
I appreciate your help.
Thank You
Anand Prakasha
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Hi Im tuning 4 VSC stations for a HVDC grid, modulus optimum and symmetrical optimum. works????
  • asked a question related to HVDC
4 answers
In aerospace applications, low pressure, corona discharges occurs at lower voltage level than on the ground. What would be the long term effect of corona on the insulation, conductors ?
Can this facilitate the breakdown or modify the creepage distance and create a treeing effect ?
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The important aspects are power losses and electromagnetic interferences caused by corona. Both problems are described in numerous publications.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
4 answers
Is the following paper available with any body?
"Energization of large shunt reactors near static var compensators and HVDC converters" by H. Puente, M. L. Burgess, E. V. Larsen, and H. Elahi.
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  • asked a question related to HVDC
7 answers
To go on real time simulation, i am supposed to work with perfect model of wind turbines type 4 for offshore, and VSC based HVDC.
If it's not possible, would you give me some suggestions how could I represent whole system in PSCAD, for fault estimations through FRT, Frequency, Voltage Control?
  • asked a question related to HVDC
6 answers
Hello, I am trying to contact the researchers (Pengning Zhang; Lin Li; Juanjuan Zhang; Chong Gao) of the article “Vibration and noise reduction of HVDC anode saturable reactor by polyurethane damping elastomer”. We tried through the emails we retrieved through the internet, but we did not get any feedback. The authors are linked to the North China Electric Power University and the State Grid Corporation of China (China), but we also cannot get in touch with these institutions. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to contact them and if this is possible.
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Try to contact him via Reseachgates messages
  • asked a question related to HVDC
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i am trying to formulate an Economic Dispatch of HVDC transmission with Renewable energies...But unable to come up with biomass cost function. please help
  • asked a question related to HVDC
3 answers
For a thyristor based 6 pulses rectifier, is any open/closed loop control/firing-strategy that permits to match the behavior of a 6-pulse diode rectifier?
The answer is not just "set alpha=0", because during light/pulsating load operation we can consider discontinuous operation modes, which may require multiple firings of thyristors.
As I am not expert in this kind of technologies, I am not sure this is a problem well reported in the literature.
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  • asked a question related to HVDC
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Smart grids can be defined as supplying Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools to those traditional grids as one way to manage breakdowns and respond to emerging changes quickly and efficiently. Even when utilizing smart grids, some power outages may occur. In this case, the smart grids can perfectly spot the problem by means of softwares and level the power around the problem, preventing its spread. In fact, issues like power system restoration, blackout prediction, and resiliency are still posing problems even with the manipulation of some algorithms like Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA) and High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC).
Khediri, A. and M.R. Laouar. Deep-Belief Network Based Prediction Model for Power Outage in Smart Grid. in Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference of Computing for Engineering and Sciences. 2018. ACM.
Khediri, A. and M.R. Laouar. Prediction of breakdowns in smart grids: a novel approach. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing for Engineering and Sciences. 2017. ACM.
Abbasi, S., M. Barati, and G.J.J.I.T.o.S.G. Lim, A parallel sectionalized restoration scheme for resilient smart grid systems. 2017.
Abbasi, S., M. Barati, and G. Lim. A multi-objective MPEC model for disaster management of power system restoration. in IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings. 2017. Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE).
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Definitely it should be used several applications in control room for weather hazard on power system. SCADA system will be first source of information from power system and in control room can be used like base source for other application in control room. Smart grid applications in control room should have Intelligent Alarm Processing system, IAP. That application are feed from SCADA system and have special algorithm. With that, application will give in real time root cause analyses, which means it will be exactly pointed the first disturbance, which cause cascading event or blackout. Performance metrics for that application is running in real time, second or two delay in comparison with SCADA time. In circumstances like cascading events large amount of signals are inflow in SCADA and it is hard to recognized important signals for dispatcher in control room. Other applications in control room are weather applications. Lightning Location Detection system, LLS is crucial part of smart grid applications in control room. With that applications it is possible to track in real time storms and it is possible to do predictions where and when storms move. Performance metrics for that application is also real time, only few seconds’ delay after SCADA events. Complex LLS system use SCADA like source for own algorithm, beside the detection from lightning sensors. Blackout prediction is a complex process for Transmission System Operators, TSOs. It runs on various time horizons, yearly, monthly, daily, hourly and in almost second range. Energy Management System, EMS have state estimator which is operate each minute or more often in control center. In addition, it start calculations on topology change and calculate N-1 security constrain.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
4 answers
I am fresh user and our task is to model HVDC in PSS/E. I am looking for following answers, if possible.
1) what are the steps to create user defined model, I studied module writing chapter of POM.
- I am confused that what should be the flow of process.
-what should be the steps to write program.
2) I have licensed PSS/E 33- I wonder where to write the Fortran code?
3) How to link the input data with module?
4) Where will be the output of module shown?
Unfortunately, we have 3 weeks to finish the task. I will be thankful if someone can give us some guidelines.
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Ok with my pleasure
  • asked a question related to HVDC
2 answers
hey guys.
does any body knows about the common range of signal to noise ratios(SNR) for HVDC measurments? or generally, for electrical system measurments?
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I agree with Prof. Abdelhalim Zekry
Good chance
  • asked a question related to HVDC
2 answers
There are many publications about HVDC and MMC converters, and there are also different tunings for the classical PI controllers for the current controllers. 
If there are hundreds of submodules, what would the typical values for the time responses of the circulating currents (also called differential currents)?
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The circulating current controller’s dynamic response usually affected by the sampling time, switching freqency, etc.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
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I am planning to simulate it in PSCAD, with VSC converters HVDC. Also grid penetration of wind firms and stability should be checked with other fossil fuel generation to the Grid.
Would you recommend any paper or in which direction I should go through with my research?
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Thanks, I will be back soon.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
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I want to know how to calculate the total number of thyristors that are connected in series for the design of HVDC converter station ?
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Number of modules or valves = Operating voltage of converter / voltage rating of each module.
Normally the number pairs will be six to twelve...
  • asked a question related to HVDC
11 answers
i have modeled a lightning strike as below(current source),and i want to impose it to my HVDC line. im using 1.2/50 microSec model of lightning but i need to know the current peak. ill be glad if any one could help about peak value of lightning current in mentioned situation.
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Actually 1.2/50 microseconds is waveform of voltage impulse, not current impulse. Waveform of lightning current impulses, for example, for surge arrester testing is 8/20 microseconds. (30/60 or 45/90 microseconds for switching current impulses).
  • asked a question related to HVDC
5 answers
PSCAD is a software designed specifically for power systems by Manitoba HVDC Reseach Center.
Looking for profound users who can help with 1) Licensing of Software.
2) Power System(s) Designing over it.
3) Compiler(s) and Custom Compilation Interfacing.
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me too
  • asked a question related to HVDC
1 answer
hi guys
i appriciate to let me know about DC side filter of a HVDC transmition line connected to a 50HZ AC system from one side (e.g. rectifire side) and to a 60HZ AC system from the other side(e.g inverter side)
as u know, even harmonics are considered for DC side filters,imagining a 12 pulse csc converter, so it means using a "12*50HZ" filter at one side and using a "12*60HZ" filter at the other side?
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Dear Saber,
What do you judge in your question is correct. It is so that the filters are designed to suppress the harmonics starting with the first harmonic after the fundamental. If you designed the filters at both sides at 50 Hz fundamental frequency in both sides it will work well at the 60Hz side as it will cuts off at an mealier frequency. But you can not use the 60 Hz side filter in both sides.
Best wuishes
  • asked a question related to HVDC
4 answers
Please i need to calculate the Power losses of the HVDC converter stations using simulated HVDC technologies on simulink.(LCC-based, VSC-based, MMC-based technologies).
i have simulated these HVDC systems already i just need to know how to go about calculating the power losses of these technologies so that i can compare with the results i got analytically.
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whenever calculating rms values of the IGBTorThyristor current conduction period of individual switches are taken into consideration having said that i want to say that usually IGBTmodules or STAKPAK or thyristor valves are being used ,the total switching losses can be calculated by summing all the individual losses
  • asked a question related to HVDC
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Can anyone be kind enough to provide simple comparison of HVAC vs HVDC transmission system simulation in MATLAB/Simulink?
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Dear Affan,
You can find several examples for HVDC systems with relevant models in the Simscape Power Systems Examples of Matlab 2017. The directory to follow is listed below with a fig attached as reference.
Matlab>Simulink>Simscape>Power Systems>Specialized Technology>Facts>
  • asked a question related to HVDC
5 answers
I obtained a Power length relationship formula
V=5.5* (0.62*L + 3*P/100)^(1/2) .
L = distance in km
P= Power in kW
V= Voltage in kV
When I applied it to my case study it proves inaccurate.
Please does anyone know of any other formula with similar relationships.
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Sufficiently answered,
A caution, earlier empirical formulae were voltage regulation based / loss based / temperature rise based/criteria applicable for radial lines, single m/c infinite source or long lines with ideal voltage sources. In integrated network with FACTS controllers, voltage and line length relationships have lost significance. For HVDC for example length is no limit and voltage options are based on choice of device and over all economy.
For cables, yes reactive power continues to dictate length and reactive compensation, and mechanical handling etc.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
6 answers
hi guys
i have a practical question
i wanted to know if a same earth well connection is used for DC filters and converters in converter station????
or the use seprated ground connections?(one earth well and earth connection for DC filters and another for converters)
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There are different types of earth electrode connections besides well type. There are separate earth connections with many earth switches in between and all separate earth connections converge into one main electrode connection. Off-course the connection of separate earthing depend upon specific topology. I would recommend you reading this document for more details.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
2 answers
hey guys
im working of HVDC protection techniques and i need a CSC bipolar HVDC test system simulink file to test my protection ideas on that.
can any one help?
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  • asked a question related to HVDC
7 answers
Some researchers told that HVDC is better transmission system .HVDC eliminates the problem of AC system as well as economical benefits ,on the other hand the initial cost of the FLAC(low frequency AC transmission )system is lower then HVDC System.
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we have been using AC system and HVAC system for the past 100 years. Now with the significant improvements in DC and the FACTS devices, Thyristors etc, the HVDC is becoming viable for long distance power transfer, the break even would be 700 kms and 1000 MW transfer which does not required reactive power compensation, requires less number of conductors and reduced losses. the greatest advantages would be to reduce the loop flows in the AC system if planned carefully. I think Germany is utilizing multi terminal HVDC systems effectively to mitigate the wind and solar variability. 
  • asked a question related to HVDC
4 answers
I think there are two methods are available to improve HVDC circuit breaker which means make the dc current artificially zero.
They are 1)LC oscillation method 
                2)Add external voltage source method
If you know any methods other than above two then give me your answers.
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Hi Nithya
I hope the attached document can help you in this regard
  • asked a question related to HVDC
36 answers
Some experts told that HVDC is better transmission system.
HVDC eliminates the problems of AC system as well as economical benefits.
On the other hand, the initial cost of the LFAC (low frequency AC Transmission) system is lower than HVDC system. 
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Hi Aung,
Nice to be participating in one of your discussions after considerable time!
It is true that the genesis of HVDC as an accepted technology is rooted in long distance transmission problems. There are some well known (I would say, almost classic !) aspects that are known to have contributed to the evolution - some of these are commonly cited in HVDC texts:
  1. Long distance inter-area bulk power transactions, that in AC would "collect" excessive reactive power burden due to line capacitance, and be associated with consequent poor transmission efficiency is perhaps the major motivation to switch to DC ! Cases in point being the several high capacity links in the North America.
  2. Almost as a follow-up of #1, we have the requirement of transmission across submarine cable routes, between several utilities in Europe. (Cable routes are almost always more capacitive than OHT's !!)
  3. Another follow up of #1, which additionally brought forth possible stability issues with regard to AC over long distances ! A good example is the hydro generation in the Brazilian Andes that by plan and design, was expected to provide for industrial loads close to the Brazilian coast - leading to the classic Itaipu HVDC station (a project by ABB, if I am not wrong), and a volley of concepts related to unit connected converters.
But with all this, one must not overlook a genesis of HVDC that facilitates power transactions between networks functioning at different base frequencies. The so called back-to-back (or B2B) links need not involve long distance at all ! They simply uses the feature of AC-to-DC-to-AC conversion, which can operate with different frequencies at the two ends.
If I am not wrong, The B2B concept has origins in Japan, though it has thereafter been implemented successfully by many nations and utilities.
Hope that helped !
With best wishes.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
1 answer
Temporary Overvoltage (TOV) in HVDC systems
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There are other related Authors on the particular.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
5 answers
I have done the load flow studies of AC grids having HVDC links by Newton-Raphson method using MATLAB. Now, I want to verify my results by doing the same using any other simulation software. I know SimPowerSystems can be used for pure AC grids but don't have any experience with HVDC.
Your suggestions and experiences are most welcome.
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All major grid planning suites facilitate power flow with HVDC links, e.g. PowerFactory, NEPLAN, PSS/E, Simpow. In addition, you can use open source programs like MATPOWER (running on MATLAB). Most of these programs even also support transient stability simulation (rms) with HVDC links.
PSCAD does not have any load flow module, but is most powerful for electromagnetic transient simations (emt).
  • asked a question related to HVDC
2 answers
I am doing master thesis in which I have to optimise active power flowing through HVDC link and it is installed in parallel to AC line. I need to know how can I make obective function and what would be my constraints for this function?
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I have to maximize hvdc transmission power. 
  • asked a question related to HVDC
3 answers
Is there any criteria for above question ? The values of hvdc parameters will be affected or not? Please provide me good reference for selecting power flows values in hvdc system
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In HVDC systems, Converter control parameters can determine the power flow. for example Control firing angle of converters.base reference in hvdc systems is:
Power System Stability and Control 1st Edition
by Prabha Kundur (Author) chapter10
  • asked a question related to HVDC
3 answers
I have to start researching about  "Integration of Off-Shore Wind Energy Conversion Systems" but I am confused what parameters to research for? 
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thanks guys
  • asked a question related to HVDC
5 answers
I am wondering if there is any potential damage/fault can be caused by low-frequency electrical resonance within a power grid or system due to internal or external inductive and capacitive components.
If this is possible, what would be some good examples to prove this point?
Thanks so much!
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Very important are the transient stability, oscillation produced in power system, reason why we cannot run system, at unity p.f (though it is efficient and economica) even with online fast computer control (instrumentation, protection and control) at load dispatched center.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
7 answers
Which software can I use to make model and simulation for frequency response or SVC or CVC or VSC or CSC of HVDC MTDC? 
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PSCAD with ETAP is a good choice. I would prefer using MATLAB & SIMULINK with its power system toolkit.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
4 answers
In fact i'm looking for concrete example about it (image,schemes,language...) 
i found many papers about the IEC 61850 standard on IEEE Xplore but there is no significant values for instance the latency, the time operation between two devices.
i think i understand the principle of this communication standard but i don't really exactly see the matching of some virtual logical to the real substation. 
thank for your help
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ABB and SEL are the leading protection relay manufacturers operating in the GOOSE/IEC61850 space.  RuggedCOM, recently became a Siemens subsidiary, supply the first IEC61850 grade switches.  You should be able to find white papers from each of these companies implying what the minimum lags that their devices transmit at, and you can maybe make assumptions based on those documents.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
2 answers
How to control full bridge modules in MMC HVDC to ride through DC side fault?
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Arm overcurrent protection turning IGBTs off after the threshold be passed
  • asked a question related to HVDC
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This is a slide that does not provide details of the design process
but I can make myself some idea of this process , I want your view to clarify my ideas
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hello Orlando Nina Ali
i think the attachment is beneficial for you.
have a nice day 
  • asked a question related to HVDC
2 answers
The goal is to make the initial study for HVDC link back to back , want to do the basic design of the station Back to Back , to model and simulate
I want this study as a reference to plan the station and its final design study
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Ms Sanjoy
Thanks for your advice and your time
I will review that information
  • asked a question related to HVDC
3 answers
How to ensure interoperability of converter stations from different manufacturers in DC Grid?
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Thanks for your valuable answers
  • asked a question related to HVDC
3 answers
How integrating different MMC converter in the same DC grid from differents vendors ?
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Thanks for your valuable answers
  • asked a question related to HVDC
7 answers
any technique to reduce.
any test we can conduct to reduce it
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Conceptual base for corona effect: local electric field exceeding the critical value, free charges and ionization process.
Possibilities to reduce corona effect: Lower applied voltage, larger diameter of the conductors, optimized arrangement and diameter of conductors when in bundle, suitable condition of the conductors surface (smooth, without nicks or burrs or scrapes), the condition of the hardware surface, its position and shape (rounded rather than sharp edges and no protruding bolts with sharp edges).
  • asked a question related to HVDC
6 answers
How does a rectifier work as an inverter in HVDC system?
Since it has two converters at either ends, in my knowledge for a rectifier to work as an inverter it needs a negative DC source on DC side. 
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It depends on the technology. The line-commutated-converter (LCC)-based HVDC can change the power direction by shifting the firing angle, whereas the voultage-source-converter (VSC)-based HVDC do not need to reverse voltage polarity, only the current need to be changed.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
7 answers
From a technical viewpoint or from an economic perspective, which one of the following methods for power supply is more beneficial?
1) Distributed Generation (DG);
2) High-Capacity Power Transit (e.g., HVDC).
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Dear Samuel,
That’s not the way I see it.
At first glance, it seems that DG is much better than HVDC however, the transmission network of a country can be connected to the grids of its neighboring countries using HVDC technology and as a result, such interconnected systems can provide so many technical and economic benefits for each country at a macro level.
Furthermore, the private investments on DG installation seem a time-consuming and lengthy process.
What is your idea?
  • asked a question related to HVDC
8 answers
HVDC systems are known to be difficult and expensive to tap small amounts of power from them.
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Dear Inno Davidson,
Please read the abstract for the article:  HVDC tapping station: power tapping from a DC transmission line to a local AC network
The authors describe a new concept for tapping off a small amount of power from a high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission line to a local network. The proposed new concept for a series tapping implies power conversion in two steps from the line to a local AC network. This will make it possible to the use a single phase transformer between the DC line potential and ground. The converter bridge connected in series in the DC transmission is of the current source line-commutated type, while the other two converters are of the voltage-source forced-commutated type. The basic functions of the converter are described and illustrated by the results from simulations with the EMTP program.
Check the link for full paper download.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
4 answers
Hello everyone
is Back to back VSC HVDC is consider as a FACTS device and if so, who got the best performance between the HVDC back to back and the UPFC 
Thank's in advance
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VSC -HVDC is basically converting AC to DC and then DC to the AC. FACTS devices are basically  for the increase in transfer capability,  improvement in transient stability voltage stability etc. In VSC-HVDC both controllers are series-series connected. None of the controllers inject any voltage either in series or parallel. FACTs devices are basically injecting the voltage in phase with with  terminal voltage, in loss or perpendicular with the current. Therefore in my view VSC-HVDC shall not be included in the FACTS category.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
11 answers
I want to study the dynamic behavior of a complex power system, including some HVDC links. In which simulation software can I study this?
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Dear Mohammad
you can try MATLAB, PSCAD, EMTP-rv, Neplan
good luck
  • asked a question related to HVDC
7 answers
that anyone have the cost of the dc breaker that will be used in multiterminal hvdc system ?
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Thanks for your valuable answers
  • asked a question related to HVDC
6 answers
What does fault-ride-through mean for an HVDC system and how should the requirement be  interpreted?
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Thanks for your valuable answers
  • asked a question related to HVDC
12 answers
In electrical power system Which one is the best option, HVDC transmission system or EHV AC with FACTs devices and why?
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Both are complementary technologies:
The role of HVDC is to interconnect ac systems where a reliable ac interconnectionwould be too expensive :-Independent frequency and control. -Lower line cost . -Power control, voltage control and stability control possible
 The large market potential for FACTS is within AC system on a value added basis where : -The existing steady-state phase angle between bus node is reasonable. -The cost of FACTS solution is lower than the HVDC cost . -The required FACTS controller capacity is lesser than the transmission rating
  • asked a question related to HVDC
7 answers
I need to study which is more reliable to use for harmonic mitigation in case of HVDC ,active or passive filter
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Active filters are frequently considered for HVDC systems because they provide superior harmonic performance and avoid problems which are often encountered in passive filter applications,but also more costly!
  • asked a question related to HVDC
8 answers
I want to know how to do modelling of HVDC system in corporation with AC system for IEEE bus system? Please suggest me articles in this area.
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Maybe my  paper could help you,:
This paper presents a comparison between HVDC link and an HVAC link in a 29 Bus multimachine system, based on load flow analysis using Newton-Raphson method for the AC link case, and sequential method for the HVDC link case.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
9 answers
Most of the symmetrical monopole two-level VSC-HVDC system are solid grounded from the midpoint of the dc side capacitors. What about grounding through a high impedance, e.g., a large resistor? It helps to suppress the fault current during dc pole to ground fault and through simulation, I did not see any disturbance during the normal operation. But why it is not used in real applications?
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Thanks, Ali, I mistakenly assumed no grounding loop exists in the system, so the high impedance grounding will not shift the grounding potential.
Now I realize the grounding loops may be formed by AC side filters and dc grounding or cable parasitic capacitors, which will increase the insulation requirement for components in a high impedance grounding system.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
5 answers
Does anyone know where i can find the research papers on High Voltage Direct Current Transmission (HVDC) by using ETAP Software? I want do do the power analysis of AC system by incorporating HVDC systems.
Please help to find the research papers on the same topic by using ETAP software.
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Thanks again Vyas,
But i want some good journals like IEEE Transactions, Elsevier Journals and Taylor and Francis Journals.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
5 answers
Please explain with sufficient theory
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I dont think that k=1.2 is to allow blanking time between switching ON a switch after turning OFF another switch of the same leg. Because by cheking the model both switches of the same leg change at the same time after the "Relational Operator".
  • asked a question related to HVDC
12 answers
We know that high voltage engineering is a very traditional subject. Judging from the present condition, it seems that American universities seldom conduct researches on this area now. However, in Europe and Japan, there are still many researchers in this area. Maybe it is because some large companies like ABB, SIEMENS, ALSTOM, and TOSHIBA, etc. have the motivation to make products with higher voltage level and larger capacity and all theses companies are in the mentioned regions. My question is, are there any institutes, especially universities, doing research related with high voltage or electrical insulation in the USA?  
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Dear Boya Zhang, I can tell you at least one USA university with research on HV engineering: Mississippi State University. Please check in its HV laboratory website:
  • asked a question related to HVDC
2 answers
What should i change inorder to simulate it in undermodulation and overmodulation and saturation modes? Is it Kpwm? I'm using space vector pwm technique with Kpwm*e^(-sTsw) as converter.
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please see
  • asked a question related to HVDC
4 answers
Hi everyone,
 I have a question about DC line. According to the DC line model(modeled by an rectifier and inverter), the AC power first is converted into DC power through the rectifier and then converted back to AC power. I've checked the mathematical relations between the AC terminal voltage/current and DC voltage/current/firing angles. If the AC terminal V/Is are known, the DC voltage/current/firing angles should be calculated as well. However, due to the complex nonlinear relations. The calculated results, for example, the firing angles might not conform with the standard, like for the rectifier it should be less than 90 and for the inverter it should be bigger than 90 degree. In real-life practice, like the HVDC, if the two connected AC areas are intrinsically stable, namely, the terminal AC V/Is should be certain values, so certain firing angles should be adjusted based on the relations. However, like I have mentioned before, the results might be unrealistic. I am wondering how to solve this problem. Many thanks!
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You can model the system using PSCAD/EMTDC to confirm. 
  • asked a question related to HVDC
5 answers
I want to transmit the power flow from the wind farm to the grid through HVDC by using matlab simulink
could anyone help me especially in the controlling the VSC HVDC?
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I recommend you study the following worthwhile paper. It gives you some hints to devise a mathematical model for your problem.
"Information Gap Decision Theory based OPF with HVDC Connected Wind Farms"
by Abbas Rabiee, Alireza Soroudi, Andrew Keane
Good luck,
Morteza Shabanzadeh
  • asked a question related to HVDC
6 answers
Can anyone out there share information, exchange ideas, share knowledge on HVDC Technologies and applications in Africa?
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Inno, grid extension and reinforcement is a huge topic in Austria and Germany as a consequence of enhanced wind and solar power generation. More information on HVDC in Germany on: ...unfortunately most data there is in german. Attached I also send you a list of HVDC projects.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
10 answers
I work in HVDC systems ,its converters needs transformer in each side of HVDC link ,this transformer must be performed by a tap changer control, i need to know, what is the purpose of this tap changer and the difference than transformer turns ratio.
thanks in advance
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Dear Mr. Hamed, I guess you are refering to "on load tap changers" and not to simple "off load" ones. Indeed, HVDC systems require big power transformers, usually with 3 windings (primary, secondary, tertiary) and an on load tap changer, or "Jansen switch". This switch follows the load changes and changes the voltage level according to the terminal user. Although a much complicated system than the off load tap changer, it is required in this case. Irrelevant to your load, you have to keep a fixed voltage at your end terminal, of course under the specified tolerances (say +-5%). This end-voltage requires in turn a fixed DC voltage at both sides of the transmission line, or with other words a constant DC voltage drop. If the demand increases, an additional voltage drop is produced, therefore keeping the same voltage at the end, requires a higher voltage at the primary side or more turns in the primary winding. Here comes the "on load tap changer". An off load tap changer cant do that, because it is required a constant load monitoring, with switch on and off frequently. The switching produces a high current and arc, which can not be ceased in a simple off load tap changer. The on load is equiped with an arc eraser chamber (usually with insulation oil). 
  • asked a question related to HVDC
4 answers
I am working on power electronic converters. The problem is that there is a particular sequence of switch states for H-bridge. I am not able to understand where to use this sequence, in carrier wave or use any other triangular wave or what? e.g my sequence of is [1101, 1010, 0101, 1001, 0110] as 1st two bits are for 1st cell two switches (other two switches are complementary of these two) while last two bits are for 2nd cell two switches (other two switches are complementary). How do I manage the sequence of switch states while I have triangular (carrier) and sine waves (fundamental frequency)?
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Dear Amir,
Are you working with a single phase frequency inverter ? If it's the case you could just use a triangular wave form as a carrier and use two sine waves opposite one of the other in 180º. Each of these sine waves can vary between 0 and 1. 
One of the sine wave you use to the first leg of your H bridge converter and it's opposite you will use in the other leg.
The command sequence for the converter switches will be done naturally with the modulation.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
7 answers
It will be installed as two switches in parallel.
Every switch must switch ON/OFF with an accuracy of 2 microseconds, the current will flow in both directions.
It must be switched ON and OFF at maximum voltage and minimum current, but it will pass through every switch 20 kiloamps.
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Dear Javier,
a thyristor will turn off naturally if the current goes down to zero and the trigger is off..
As your description said "turn-off at minimum current" I assumed you would turn off in zero current condition according to the diagram you added.
The datasheet value correlating to 10ms is given, because this refers to using the device in a 50Hz application. I'm sorry I didn't recognize the time scale in your figure was µs and not milliseconds.
Critical voltage slope for the device I linked to is 2kV/µs and with 7 in series, turns to about 14kV/µs. Thus, 50kV can be turned off in less than about 4µs.
A solution using High-Voltage IGBTs will be even more challenging and demand even more devices, series-connecting IGBTs is rarely done in the industry.
You would need 6.5kV switches, maximum current today is 750A.
Wow - at least 8 in series to achieve your 50kV but at least 27 in parallel will get you 216 modules per direction, 432 for the whole switch and controlling these will get even worse. The number of gate drivers alone scares me :-)
So yes - possible but challenging.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
2 answers
We are aware of partial discharges in AC systems, but the same effect at HVDC level can cause serious damage to system, can anyone provide relevant information, test results on this sector.
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@Despoina Pitsa .... actually am unable to view the article as access to the jounal is not available .. can you share a printable version ?
  • asked a question related to HVDC
1 answer
hvdc systems
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Matrix converter usually comes with bulky filter which could be troublesome in HVDC application. Also there is no DC-bus in matrix converter.
If it is AC-AC converter, "Generalised analytical methods and current-energy
control design for modular multilevel cascade
converter" from Yun Wan shows such an application using modular multilevel converter you could achieve similar (see fig 3c)
  • asked a question related to HVDC
4 answers
Would each antiparallel diode conduct only when its anode is the most positive (or cathode the most negative)? Or is the induced voltage (by the source reactance) enough to ensure the diode conducts when the transistor is switched off?
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Omar that is the purpose and function of the "fly-back" diodes. This allows the load current to transfer or commutate from the power transistor to the diode to allow the transistor to switch off. If not the transistor will be destroyed.
It is actually the load and stray or leakage inductance that causes the diode to conduct.
  • asked a question related to HVDC
1 answer
Analysis of HVAC and HVDC. Maybe reactive power problem in HVAC cables. What else?
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a major constraint when designing traditional AC transmission lines over long distances is the significant inductance such a line will have. The effects of both the line inductance and capacitance have to be compensated along the AC line and this adds costs for long distances.
A rough approximation of savings in line construction is about 30%. Furthermore, long-distance AC lines usually require intermediate switching stations and reactive power compensation which increases the overall AC transmission cost
The break-even distance, where the HVDC solution becomes more economical than an equivalent AC, greatly depends on land conditions and project specifications. The reasons for choosing HVDC are generally economic and not technical. Power system stability improvements and environmental circumstances may, however, also be reasons for using this technology.