Science topics: MedicineGynaecology
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Gynaecology - Science topic
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Questions related to Gynaecology
A very Emergency case, The Mother of my best friend, the results of her MRI said that she had nodular peritoneal thickening that suggested peritoneal serosal carcinoma, and ovarian cancer, also she has ascites, what is the source of ascites in case of high CA-125? We are suggesting a surgery to remove the ovarian, peritoneal biopsy and taking different samples to histology laboratory for culture and characterization, Any Informations would be helpful and well Appreciated, Many Thanks

The patient is 4 days postpartum after a physiological delivery. Complaints of unbearable pain in the perineum and lumbar pain. There were minor internal tears. On examination, there is no inflammation, no swelling. Pain relief with ketoprofen is of little help. Can you please advise how to anaesthetise or partially relieve the pain?
In which trimester i.e. 1st or 2nd or 3rd, the mean score was higher on Revised Pregnancy Distress Questionnaire (NuPDQ) 17 items, references to the previous researches ?
Women undergoing risk reducing bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy especially if they are BRCA1 or BRCA2 pathogenic variant carriers are warned of a residual risk of primary peritoneal cancer. A meta-analysis of studies showed only a 79% reduction in risk of ovarian type cancer after BSO in BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers. Meaning for a BRCA1 carrier there could still be a 10% risk of primary peritoneal cancer with a high likely mortality rate. Having been involved in referring women to a gynaecological service that undertakes very careful surgery with bagging of the tubes and ovaries we have only now seen our first primary peritoneal cancer after more than 38 years of operations on nearly 600 carriers. Given that it is now thought that the great majority of high grade serous ovarian cancers originate from fimbrial precursor cells rather than for instance ovarian rest cells we feel that if careful surgery is undertaken early enough before the main risk period that this risk reduction is likely to be >95% rather than only 79%. This means a residual risk of only around 2% for BRCA1 and 1% for BRCA2. Do fellow clinicians agree?
Recently, I am curious to know about mechanisms of endometriosis and signaling pathways.
I have a question about the difference between signaling pathways in benign tumors and malignant tumors.
Since I studied, I noticed that the signaling pathway involved in benign and cancerous cells is similar, like MAPK signaling, Wnt Signaling, Apoptosis, Cell adhesion and angiogenesis.
So, what is the difference between endometriosis and ovary cancer in terms of pathway ?
Thank you in advance.
I want to find the elastic modulus of the uterine artery. I know it may differ from a person to another but I guess an average value should exist.
Like a new, better way of performing C-sections or avoiding pregnancy complications?
COVID-19 has pull people apart from each other. Social distancing is the main way to prevent spreading of infection. Tele-medicine, once used for rural area remote healthcare model, is the emerging new way of practice under COVID-19.
Different specialties have different practicing needs, what difficulties do you encounter on applying tele-medicine under COVID-19 in your specialty? Will tele-medicine totally uproot the usual face-to-face room consultation of medical practitioners? And becoming the new service model?
What is your view?
Some references:
Virtually Perfect? Telemedicine for Covid-19
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2003539
Covid-19 and Health Care’s Digital Revolution
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2005835
Telemedicine in the Era of COVID-19
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice
DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2020.03.008
Keep Calm and Log On: Telemedicine for COVID-19 Pandemic Response.
DOI: 10.12788/jhm.3419
‘Healing at a distance’—telemedicine and COVID-19
Public Money & Management
DOI: 10.1080/09540962.2020.1748855
The Role of Telehealth in Reducing the Mental Health Burden from COVID-19
Telemedicine and e-Health
DOI: 10.1089/tmj.2020.0068
A study of the factors influencing the knowledge and attitude of mothers of under five children of a selected area of Kunderki, Moradabad U.P. regarding immunization and efficacy of a need based intervention strategy towards its improvement. In this experimental research study i need a conceptual framework .so please help me to design a conceptual model.
We have recently seen a pregnant lady presented ln last trimester with cyanosis and breadthlesness for the first time and latter found to have pulmonary arteriovenous fistula..
The operation (Vaginal Hysterectomy) took place 14 days ago, and she will undergo K.U.B scan (Radiology procedure) and she is wondering if taking castor oil (oral) will affect her negatively?
Medical History:
53 Y F, last degree prolapsed uterus presents with four ulcers, 2 on the surface of the uterus, one on the surface of cervix and another one (Can't recall the location). There is daily discharge. What is the appropriate treatment to eliminate the discharge until she undergoes vaginal hysterectomy? Local antibiotic therapy or what?
Medications she takes:
Bisoprolol 2.5 mg once daily for Atrial Fibrillation
Cetirizine 10 mg once daily for Allergic Rhinitis
Daflon 500 mg once daily for chronic venous insufficiency
Non-Alcoholic-Fatty liver disease (Not managed with medications)
Blood tests were done and no other abnormalities.
Surgeons who treat patients with vulvar malignancy should be aware of the serious defect (Fig) following radical vulvectomy, which need immediate reconstruction.
Numerous vascularized flaps have been designed and validated for obliterating the dead space and closing the vulvoperineal skin defect. But the reconstructive surgery with flaps is somewhat like a way that rob Peter to pay Paul.
I had systematically searched the relevant articles in Pubmed with the search strategy and selection criteria “vulvar malignancies”; “vulva”, “vulvar”, “vulval”;“vulvectomy” ; “vulvar reconstruction” combined with“vulvovaginal reconstruction”; “quality of life”, no paper regarding the procedure of vulvar transplantation was found.
Is it possible to perform allogeneic vulvar transplantation with anastomosis of the internal pudendal artery aiming at recovering an acceptable cosmetic appearance.
Thank you for your attention.
There is a uterine prolapse (Last degree) and there is an ulcer. The Q is how can the patient apply the cream prescribed for the ulcer along with the antiseptic and Gauze (Also Vaseline is prescribed).
Is the cream (Mebo cream aids in healing) applied on the ulcer only?, and we impregnate the gauze with the antiseptic (Betadine) and apply it on the cervix and the vagina only, or apply it on the entire prolapsed uterus, and if so, how? Because as we previously applied the cream on the ulcer, so there will be overlapping of two ingredients (Mebo and Betadine) ? And finally how we raise the uterus with the Gauze?
I downloaded the image for illustration.
Maslach burnout inventory questionaire is used to assess burnout in health professionals.
In the beginning of my study (2002), I treated my POF patients with COC. But the results of my study confirm that, RHT is better.
Thank you for your answers.
There are contradictory data, two references are attached. What would be your decision ? Recommend it or not ?
]Dear Colleagues and Researchers,
it is my great honor and privilege to invite you to submit original research or review for the upcoming special issue entitled "Natural Products and their Compounds in the Gynaecological Cancer Treatment". Your support and collaboration helps the special issue in reaching heights. It would be great if you could apply until 28 July 2017.
Detailed information:
For authors:
Please do let me know if you have any further questions.
Have a nice and healthy day!
With Kind Regards,
Guest Editor
Robert Kubina
Some medical professionals in our country believe that if amniotic sac sac stays intact during giving birth, it needs to be artificially broken at least at cca 8 cm of cervical opening during the first stage of labor. They believe pushing with intact membranes can otherwise CAUSE placental abruption, which is dangerous for both mother and a child. What is the origin of this claim ? Is there any evidence supporting or refuting it ?
(I have seen a Cochrane review, which does NOT recommend a routine amniotomy during first stage of labor. Frustratingly, though, in that article, amniotomy is framed only as a measure to speed up labor. Placental abruption is not among the outcomes. )
Any tool to measure the postnatal quality of life would be perfect.
Recently I've experienced strange finding in hysterectomy specimen with multiple myomas and adenomyosis and endometriosis in the serosal surface. Several clusters of endometrial tissue was found in the parametrial blood vessels and attached to the vessel lumen which doesn't seem to be just tissue contamination. What do I have to consider in this lesion?
Ovarian reserve testing for fertility prediction is a common practice in gynecological routine. Even in scientific events, some may have listened to the postulate that tests should be part of a periodic female evaluation, as a counseling tool for reproductive planning. I do not know any reference of the value of ovarian reserve testing for women who have not tried to conceive. As a matter of fact, in my point of view, the value of ovarian reserve testing (if there is any) is exclusive for infertile women. What is your opinion?
I received reasonable number of photos on breast from our colleagues in Research Gate.
I am looking for following as well, please see whether you can contribute. You will be acknowledged.
1. Nipple or breast piercing/ and their complications
2. tattooing in breast skin
3. breast implants and complications
4. developmental defects in breast
5. psoriasis, hydradenitis in submammary area/ breast skin
best regards
Patient is married from last 5 years and has a child. Now she has difficulty in conceiving the second child. She is on Metformin 500mg twice a day.
I can't find any case report about it
I assume this is an haematoma... But which exams will be mandatory after she'll give birth to her boy ?
Thank you
The pause of the female genital tract due to hormonal contraceptives, prevents abnormal ovules from recruitment during ovulation?
CT and MRI of the pelvis with contrast, confirmed no evidence of bowel/vaginal fistula.
Hysteroscopy biopsy showed no malignancy
The patient had tubal sterilisation 30 years ago
Dear friends and colleagues,
it is my great honor and privilege to invite you to submit original research or review for the upcoming special issue entitled "Natural Products and their Compounds in the Gynaecological Cancer Treatment". Your support and collaboration helps the special issue in reaching heights. It would be great if you could apply until 28 July 2017.
Detailed information:
For authors:
Please do let me know if you have any further questions.
Have a nice and healthy day!
With Kind Regards,
Robert Kubina
Guest Editor
There is a significant gap in the management of oligometastatic disease, especially in endometrial and cervical cancer relapses.
Does anyone have a questionnaire for endometriosis survey among adolescences ?
hey guys, do you know more about that why the VEGF was highly expressed in stromal cells but not in epithelial cells of endomertiosis lesions? pls help me to understand
For a dilatation more than 2cm is a high risk for rupture of membrane during the cerclage. From 24 weeks of gestation the fetus is viable (OMS definition).
A 28 years old lady, height 5 feet, weight - 70 kg has been trying to conceive for the last on and a half years. She has a 32-33 days' menstrual cycle. Husband's semen analysis, follicular study and HSG reports are normal. Ultrasound of pelvis reveals evidence of polycystic ovaries with normal sized one ovary and other of 11 cc. She has been put on Tab Metformin 500 mg three times a day and Chirocyst by another Gynaecologist. She gives H/O partial seizures and is on Tab Orcabezapine. The patient uses Ovulation predictor kit to time intercourse. She used it on 14th and 16th day of the present cycle. The menstrual period got overdue by 6 days, yesterday. The patient used the Ovulation predictor kit and the result was positive. Today, she had a normal period. This is the first time that she had a delayed period. The query is, can ovulation predictor kit show positive result just one day prior to the onset of the menstrual period? Do the drugs she is taking interfere with LH levels?
A 23 years old unmarried lady had reported during last week of August 2016 with C/O amenorrhea of approximately 55 days' duration. She used to have regular menstrual periods before that. Ultrasound of pelvis revealed complex cystic lesion in right adnexa ? Haemorrhagic cyst. She had normal periods on 01 Sep and 01 Oct. Repeat ultrasound on 14 Oct revealed complex rt adnexal cystic lesions. MRI pelvis was advised. Patient got MRI done on 10Nov. It shows rt adnexal complex cystic lesions showing septa and solid components. Contrast study has been suggested. She hasn't had periods after 01Oct. Otherwise, she is asymptomatic. How to go further in this case?
In all published literature available to me it is stated that in 1848, Henry Hancock, President of the Medical Society of London, presented a paper to that society describing the treatment of a 30-year-old female eight months pregnant in the Charing Cross Hospital in London [Hancock H. Disease of the appendix caeci cured by operation. Lancet. 1848;2:380–2.].
In only one book (published in 1899) it is written that François Mestivier, in 1759, incised an abscess in the right groin, in a woman eight months pregnant, and on autopsy found at the bottom of the abscess, the appendix vermiformis perforated by a pin [Mestivier FF. Observation sur une tumeur, située proche à la région ombilicale, du côté droit, occasionée par une grosse épingle trouvée dans l'appendice vermiculaire du cécum. J Méd Chir Pharmacol. 1759;10:441-2.].
I cannot reach the full-text of that article to confirm that this is the first published case. In all texts that mention Mestivier's article, a male patient is described and there is no mention of pregnancy (of course).
Please if someone has the full-text of that article send it to me or if anyone has the knowledge of some earlier descriptions of appendectomy during pregnancy or postpartum inform me.
mitogen-activated protein kinases
I know that the production and maintenance of lactation is predominately the hormonal game triggered by the sucking reflexes of the little one. Do the galactogogues ( foods that promote breastmilk production) like fenugreek , garlic, oats do an effective job.
Ruptured corpus hemorrhagicum is a common cause of pelvic collection in patients with uncontrolled anticoagulant therapy. When to operate and when to restart anticoagulation? What is the best time to remove the drains postoperative and start anticoagulation?
I have thought if patient with ovarian cancer needs compulsorily lymph node ressection when surgery is performed after neoadjuvant chemotherapy or of rescue once disease is already advanced and para aortic and pelvic lymph node ressection increase morbidity to surgery process.
We can analyse or visualise the presence of connexins between an oocyte and the surrounding granulosa cells but this does not mean these connexins are functional. Is it possible to follow the uptake of a dye or a fluorescent molecule from granulosa cell to oocyte ? And in another experiment add a gap junction blocker to prove that gap junctions are involved ?
Harmonal changes, Gingivitis,gingival enlargement, bleeding, epulis, periodontitis, tooth mobility, dental erosion, caries
A 47 years old lady who is not in physical relationship for the last few years develops rashes over face following masturbation. Areas of hyperpigmentation are left over face after few days. What could be the reason? How to manage?
Could iron-deficiency anaemia secondary to heavy menstrual bleeding be a potential risk factor to the formation of venous thromboembolism (bilateral PE)?
I encountered two cases within 2 months of obstetrics and gynaecology posting? Especially those were given trenaxamic acid.
Appreciate your comments and thoughts.
A 33 yr woman with 8.4 weeks estimated gestational age with last menstrual period revealed following reports on transvaginal ultra-sonography:
1. Bulky uterus
2. Single gestation sac of about 5.43X4.62X3.34 cm size in uterine cavity.
3. Crown to rump length of embryo is 16.3 mm which correspond to 8.2 weeks of gestation.
4. Normal yolk sac seen in gestation sac.
5. Trophoblastic rim is normal in thickness and ecogenicity. A small anechoic area seen right laterally.
6. Gestation sac contains single embroyo without cardiac pulsations.
Pathology impression: finding suggstive of missed abortion. Minimal separation of membranes noted.
Physician recommend to undergo D&C (dilation and curettage). What would be the actual action to be taken under such circumstances i.e. D&C or wait for few weeks. Is such kind of sonography reports are always true.
Dear colleagues, does anybody know MHT drugs or OCP containing estetrol (E4) that are already used in routine practice? I’ve read about the results of the finnish research FIESTA and OCP “Estelle” (produced if I’m not mistaken at Belgium). But the last news was that clinical investigations are still at the phase III (please, correct me if I’m wrong).
I appreciate your comments.
Especially for primipara mothers?
Is there a place of leaving the placenta in-situ without removal or any other conservative measures
I try to find an answer for a question which part of follicle have an importance role in initial primordial follicle. I think if we can stain mice oocyte before they were born could partly answer this question. Do you know any chemical which can go through mother mice to prenatal mice ?
Thank you so much for your help.
Hello dear colleagues, my topic of study is about human vaginal lacobacilli. I want know if my isolates produce bactoriocin or bacteriocin like substances. How this please, and I should test them against all pathogens that I have?. Thank you in advance. best regards
we will be very grateful if we can get an approval for instruments related to male midwives for final year projects.
By comparing total scores (better the score, better the sexual function) or by determining the rate of dysfunctional women in each group using the cutt-off of 26?
Looking for validated questionnaires to investigate psychological and sexual impact of dysplasia/HPV/colposcopy.
For 90 year old women, uterine prolapse can be a daily struggle, but surgery is not worth the risk, pessaries are not comfortable and result in putrid discharge sometimes. In a woman who is no longer having intercourse, why not sew up the lips to keep the uterus in? Has anyone tried this?
I can't find any data about the post commercialization data on ectopic pregnancies and Jaydess.
Hi, I am interested in measuring reproductive functionality in women aged 18-35 (menstrual irregularities, pain, duration, etc). Are these any scales out there?
The yang patients with metabolic syndrom, have a lot of disorders a MC. Frequently syndrome was present oligomenorrhea. What is managment of this pathology?
Which one would you prefer most of the time and why?
24-years-old came for fertility consultation. She is obese (75 Kgs), Primary Amenorrhoea, Karyotype 46XX/47XXX (50%/50%) and streak ovaries on laparoscopy. She has almost all features of triple X syndrome. FSH 76, LH 25, AMH 0.6 (low fertility), estradiol 36pg/ml (Premenopausal range). she bleeds on withdrawal with MPA or Ovral-L.
Someone has advised her IVF-ET.
My question is that can she be tried for IVF with so high FSH and does she need physiological sex steroid replacement till 45 years of age (even when she has fair amount of estrogen production)?
In my study, the particularities of the POF treatment differed, and depending on the age at which POF appeared. If it happened at the reproductive age, than HRT was preferential, with dosage corresponding to the early follicular phase Estradiol valerate – 2 mg+ progestins. The COC for this group was not most appropriate. The selected progestin depended on the hormonal status and phenotype of the woman. The clinical symptoms of the menopause have disappeared after 3 months of HRT treatment. During following 11 years of treatment there was no case reported on osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, depression, Cr., and other late POF symptoms.
is there any current publications of efficent drugs
I have a patient, 23 years old, primigravida, pregnant 7 weeks with single, viable intrauterine pregnancy.Diagnosed 1 month before pregnancy as having a low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion.That time was presented with postcoital bleeding since the beginning of her marriage(& months).Next Pap smear is due after 5 months, but she presented now with postcoital bleeding.What do You advise?
From literature i found that OGT is a promising placental biomarker for prenatal stress but I am unable to find it.I want to separate the case and control group by using the OGT level in cord blood. so someone you there help me to aware about the exact level.
29-yrs-old delivered 6 months back in a village, following which she developed severe difficulty in passing motions. Rectocele is present on examination. After all conservative failed, MRI defecography revealed severe rectocele and Recto-Rectal Intussusception. Stapled transanal resection of the rectum (STARR) is planned but will she benefit from combined rectocele repair or it should be performed in separate setting.
There is a definite cohort of women that this is true of. Often they are the ones not responding to stabilisation exercises.
I am wondering if they are the minority or not?
Should we be assessing pregnant women's pelvic floors internally and treating with manual therapy if they are overactive?
What criteria do you use to surgery? Which embolization technique do you use?
We are trying to organize a fertility preservation program for prepubertal girls
If the answer is yes what is the mechanism?
Direct trocar insertion through Palmer's point with 10 mm trocar OR Veress needle insufflation prior to trocar entry through Palmer's point? Which one is preferable or practiced?
I am working on a psychiatric case report related to Postpartum case
1. Like Pubmed is there any research literature database for Psychiatry articles
2. Is depersonalization present in any other condition other than psychiatric condition ?
3. What about in any gynaecological disorder or pregnancy relataed complication ?
4. Is there any criterion for justifying that a patient has depersonalization?
5. Can depersonalization be present independant of depression ( no depression) in Postpartum case?
6. Has there been any systemic review and meta analysis on non pharmacologic vs pharmacologic basis in managing depersonaltion
7. Can you suggest any good journal(relevant for this case report) which will give a good academic lesson even if it rejects this case report
8. Has there been any case report of Depersonalization independant of depression in Postpartum case
if anyone has a reference to this question please attach pdf too
Does anyone have experience of hair loss with LNG IUS (Mirena or Jaydess)?
Does anybody have experience from pregnant female patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis? I think about research other clinical experience.
I have across across two patients with cronh's disease. They have quiescent disease and have been complaining of malodorous vaginal discharge with persistent vaginal irritation. They have sought multiple treatments. They don't have enterovaginal fistula or the desquammative inflammatory vaginitis.
Female of age 45: Had a fibroid uterus and underwent a hysterectomy surgery of 2 years before. From that surgery she took many medications for 2 years, but has pain in the right and left hypochondrial, hypogastrial, iliac fossa as well as irritation along the line of suture.
How can it be cured?
Please help!
Is there laparoscopic training box especially for laparoscopic Gynaecology now? and do you think that is it useful?
Postpartum hemorrhage managment is a major concern to reduce maternal mortality.
We are interested to know the results in different scenarios.
The increase of the ligand increases the receptor and the enzyme or only one or the other.