Science topics: Grid Computing
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Grid Computing - Science topic

Grid computing is the federation of computer resources from multiple administrative domains to reach a common goal. The grid can be thought of as a distributed system with non-interactive workloads that involve a large number of files. What distinguishes grid computing from conventional high performance computing systems such as cluster computing is that grids tend to be more loosely coupled, heterogeneous, and geographically dispersed.
Questions related to Grid Computing
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
We are doing a project for infrastructure of grid computing organisation
And want to include risk of this bussiness in the conclusion ....
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Can I know more about grid computing ?
1.Explain risk in your business and how
you can protect yourself against risk?
2.How you can reduce IT overhead?
3.Where are the efficiencies within
technology used in organization?
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
4 answers
The edges of the triangular elements(Delaunay triangulation) are springs. And the equation of motion at each nodal point is that of a damped SHM under application of a certain shearing force. I have a potential energy function for the system that needs to be minimised to attain the final equilibrium shape under the constraints of conserved surface area and volume. Kindly refer to the 4th chapter in the attached book (modelling of single RBC).
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Goodmorning Monika Dash , ladies and gentlemen, It would NOT be enough to create tiny equilateral triangles to achieve the mesh. Above all, it is necessary to find the optimum surface capable of taking up the spherical shape with the conditions of curvature or geodesic angles. First establish the calculations of the geodesic lengths, then the optimal traingular surfaces according to the size of the circumference of the sphere. We agree that there must be proportionality.
I think this way will make it easier for you to have the constant spring technique in the traingle. The choice of the nature of the triangle, equilateral, isosceles and rectangle must be justified according to their flexibility effiiency.
Maybe you have fixed this problem and you can conveniently share the solution for others who may find themselves in the same situation as you.
Good question! Thanks and good luck.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
Hi there. Im writing a program in C to solve the viscous burgers equation in 1D using the finite volume method. I am currently using a structured uniform cartesian grid as my computational grid. However i want to implement adaptive mesh refinement in my program. Could anyone tell me the steps i should take in order to do this. Would i have to make i have to make an additional function like say Adapt_Mesh() as well as my Init_Mesh() function and call the Adapt_Mesh() function in the main time loop every time the mesh needs refinement and how could i go about determining if my mesh needs refinement or how would i go about this. Im relatively new to the realm of CFD hence im struggling a lot by thinking how to go implementing this. Could anyone help me. Id be willing to share my current code if anyone could point me in the right direction in regards with how to get started.
*EDIT: Also i have a current gird with 100 cells. If was to adapt the mesh would it refine the mesh so that NX is always 100 ie. by making areas of less density and areas of higher density so that the total points add up to 100 or does the adaptive mesh increase the number of total cells everytime the mesh is refined. This is something im unsure of.
If anyone is curiosus i have attached my program below just incase anyone wanted to take a look
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If you want to increase your definition step by step, you can add a parameter to your array or similar data structure:
-step 1 a[i,j], that's your current description with large cells
-step 2 a[i,j,k,l], that's the higher resolution with smaller cells in each of the previous large cells
within the neighborhood of each (i,j), you introduce further divisions (smaller cells: parameter k horizontally and l vertically)
In this way you can always go back to less definition.
Does it help you?
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
9 answers
I want to know practical differences
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Just see this complete and modern hot reference:
Article Cloud IoT as a Crucial Enabler: a Survey and Taxonomy
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
11 answers
Thanks in advance for your replies.
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Just see this complete and modern hot reference:
Article Cloud IoT as a Crucial Enabler: a Survey and Taxonomy
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
36 answers
Do the differences include resource pooling, rapid elasticity, on demand resource provisioning?
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Dear Dr. Dheeraj Rane ,
Just see this complete and modern hot reference:
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
45 answers
Yes, I know, both terms are realtively "fuzzy", but - as they are (or were not so long ago) pretty "trendy" - let us try to be as precise as possible. Some time ago, I thought cloud computing can be considered a subdomain of grid computing - a GRID is a very wide term, containing so different systems as Globus, BOINC and NEOS, so ... almost everything can be considered to be a grid, also clouds.
But just lately, I realized that clouds are, actually an *opposite* of grids!
In grid computing you donate *your* hardware and software resources so that either your own or others' computations/data are performed/stored on them.
And in clouds you send your data/rpgorams "somewhere" (you don't even know where) and buy some "something" (a very volatile something) to process them. You have no idea, *where* your programs/data are stored, but what is certain, is that they are *not* on your own hardware...
I'm not sure if what I've written is clear, but what I'd like to hear are the opinions of people working with clouds/grids. How do you consider your disciplines? Do you consider grids/clouds a competition or a "sister-project"?
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All what you need about this subject is here in a hot and new paper:
Nidhal El-Omari, “Cloud IoT as a Crucial Enabler: a Survey and Taxonomy”, Modern Applied Science, The Canadian Center of Science and Education, published by Canadian Center of Science and Education, Canada, p-ISSN: 1913-1844, e-ISSN: 1913-1852, DOI:10.5539/mas.v13n8p86, 13(8):86-149, 2019.
I have another paper for the is related suggest an engine over the cloud for Image Processing is:
Nidhal El-Omari, “An Efficient Two-level Dictionary-based Technique for Segmentation and Compression Compound Images”, Modern Applied Science, The Canadian Center of Science and Education, published by Canadian Center of Science and Education, Canada, p-ISSN:1913-1844, e-ISSN:1913-1852, DOI:10.5539/mas.v14n4p52, 14(4):52-89, 2020.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
4 answers
For Example, I have a South Carolina map comprising of 5833 grid points as shown below in the picture. How do I interpolate to get data for the unsampled points which are not present in 5833 points but within the South Carolina(red region in the picture) region? Which interpolation technique is best for a South Carolina region of 5833 grid points?
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Dear Vishnu,
in which format is the data, which you would like to interpolate, available: NetCDF, ASCII-Text, Excel, ... ?
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
7 answers
I need HEC-HMS file, with continuous rainfall data and GRIDED subbasin.
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Don't go with HEC-HMS for filling sinks and other purposes. Do them all in ArcGIS and import that DEM into HEC-HMS. Next create the catchment or sub-basins shapefiles containing the following labels: catchment area, catchment centroid in lay and long. Import this shapefile into HEC-HMS and give its projections. In GIS module of HEC-HMS, follow the required steps and finally create GRID.
The input files are to be given in gridded format only. For that use asc2dssgrid batch file for generation of time series gridded data.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
10 answers
I just started using gmsh for 2D triangulations and I'm observing that both the nodes and elements are being outputted in ascending order (consecutively). This is good as it makes reading the data easier but I want to know if this is always the case.
Secondly, I also observed that the physical-line boundaries are outputted as elements with two nodes  (line-elements in a 2D triangular mesh). I have also figured out that the actual elements (triangles) are listed after these line-elements. This then means that the true number of triangles (elements) in the mesh is the number of elements oputputted in the mesh file less the number of line-elements. Kindly let me know if this is the correct idea.
Thanks in anticipation.
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The documentation on the MSH file format states:
"All the node, element and entity tags (their global identification numbers) should be strictly positive. (Tag 0 is reserved for internal use.) Important note about efficiency: tags can be "sparse", i.e., do not have to constitute a continuous list of numbers (the format even allows them to not be ordered)"
So better not make that assumption. I would be surprised if nodes and elements in MSH files generated by gmsh weren't in ascending order. However, gmsh can still read and modify MSH files for which this is not the case - this could for example be the case when you're manually editing or creating MSH files.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
2 answers
the computing of X,Y hilbert transformations composant using oasis montaj software gives 2 files with FHX,FHY grid extension wish software can read and transform these format to geosoft or surfer grid file
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The output Fourier transform grid files have the same prefix as the
input file and suffixes .FHX for the x-component and .FHY for the
y-component. Use USGS_FTINV.GX to inverse Fourier transform the output
Avant de calculer ces 2 grilles , il faut préparer et transformer ta grille au domaine de Fourier pour avoir (.FHX et .FHY).
Alors ces deux fichiers (.FHX et .FHY) sont dans le domaine de Fourier , il faut appliquer la transformée de Fourier inverse à ces deux fichiers de sortie.
NB: Lisez bien le fichier attaché
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
4 answers
I would like to know what are the different task scheduling algorithms used in grid computing
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Many scheduling techniques/algorithms were presented and you should read some survey papers on this.
Read the related works section of following paper:
Also you can check these out:
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
in grid computing after the authentication process there the authorization that allows resource access only to autorised subject i tru to introduce trust in authorization process and i need simulator to try my work do you know some grid authorization simulators
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Grid computing system is a widely distributed resource for a common goal. It is Brother of Cloud Computing and Sister of Supercomputer. We can think the grid is a distributed system connected to a single network. This types of computing work with the large volume of files. Basically, it is a cluster types system. So people call it cluster computing.
Grid computer tends to be more geographically disperse and heterogeneous by nature. Grid network also has various types. A single grid is like dedicated connection but a common grid perform multiple tasks.
The size of the grid is large. So grid computing is like supercomputing. It consists of many network, computer, and middleware. Grid computer is dedicated to some specific function of the large volume of data. In the grid process, each task divided into a various process. All the process starts execution simultaneously on a different computer. As a result, very few seconds needs to execute and enjoy the flavor of supercomputing.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
4 answers
How can we calculate time complexity of grid computing network?
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Grid computing system is a widely distributed resource for a common goal. It is Brother of Cloud Computing and Sister of Supercomputer. We can think the grid is a distributed system connected to a single network. This types of computing work with the large volume of files. Basically, it is a cluster types system. So people call it cluster computing.
Grid computer tends to be more geographically disperse and heterogeneous by nature. Grid network also has various types. A single grid is like dedicated connection but a common grid perform multiple tasks.
The size of the grid is large. So grid computing is like supercomputing. It consists of many network, computer, and middleware. Grid computer is dedicated to some specific function of the large volume of data. In the grid process, each task divided into a various process. All the process starts execution simultaneously on a different computer. As a result, very few seconds needs to execute and enjoy the flavor of supercomputing.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
2 answers
- How effectively are Monte-Carlo methodology and Grid-Computing technology used in Finance for Corporate Performance Measurement?
- How extensively are these used in different business sectors/industries for Corporate Performance purposes?
- In terms of costs and benefits, how can the trade-off between short-term and long-term of operating Monte-Carlo and Grid-Computing be evaluated?
- Grid Computing and Cloud Computing are not the same, although they are mostly used synonymously in all-day life. Grind Computing has the ambitious vision to "connect and share" heterogeneous hardware for specific high-performance computing (e.g. running complex and resource-intensive calculations with distributed CPUs, RAMs, etc.), while Cloud Computing is till now mostly focused on services used as an interconnection of storage space and telecommunication:
- There are several scientific Grid Computing platforms, like e.g. BOINC; but for the Finance world this seems to be quite in an initial phase ...
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Grid computing system is a widely distributed resource for a common goal. It is Brother of Cloud Computing and Sister of Supercomputer. We can think the grid is a distributed system connected to a single network. This types of computing work with the large volume of files. Basically, it is a cluster types system. So people call it cluster computing.
Grid computer tends to be more geographically disperse and heterogeneous by nature. Grid network also has various types. A single grid is like dedicated connection but a common grid perform multiple tasks.
The size of the grid is large. So grid computing is like supercomputing. It consists of many network, computer, and middleware. Grid computer is dedicated to some specific function of the large volume of data. In the grid process, each task divided into a various process. All the process starts execution simultaneously on a different computer. As a result, very few seconds needs to execute and enjoy the flavor of supercomputing.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
1 answer
Please provide information regarding workshops related to Grid Computing in IITs and NITs and other reputed institutions in India.
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Grid computing system is a widely distributed resource for a common goal. It is Brother of Cloud Computing and Sister of Supercomputer. We can think the grid is a distributed system connected to a single network. This types of computing work with the large volume of files. Basically, it is a cluster types system. So people call it cluster computing.
Grid computer tends to be more geographically disperse and heterogeneous by nature. Grid network also has various types. A single grid is like dedicated connection but a common grid perform multiple tasks.
The size of the grid is large. So grid computing is like supercomputing. It consists of many network, computer, and middleware. Grid computer is dedicated to some specific function of the large volume of data. In the grid process, each task divided into a various process. All the process starts execution simultaneously on a different computer. As a result, very few seconds needs to execute and enjoy the flavor of supercomputing.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
2 answers
Grid computing provides multiple resources geographically distributed, to operate as a single integrated system.
Apart from Petri Nets, what are the other computationally effective techniques to model scheduling problem in the single-grid and multi-grid environments?
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  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
2 answers
I need to  download the EEE05 dataset used for the  "The eee-05 challenge:a new web service discovery and composition competition". it seems it doesn't exist anymore.  Please,  can anyone give me a link to get it.  Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
7 answers
,, and what if synchronity is mandatory, the job delay will increase accordingly?
I have a collegue who suggested that that it is up to the user to devide, on which I didnt agree, but I didn't found an argument from litterature; in fact it depends on the disponibilite of the resources, so if the code is very tight, the delay will increase relatively to the program size
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All Grid and cloud computing platforms have a dispatcher or service broker to manage the distribution of requests. Above diagram explains it well.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
4 answers
A starting 2D Quad grid is available generated using TFI.
I want to improve the quality, boundary orthogonality and smoothing, using the Winslow equations for elliptic smoothing.
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Thank you,
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
8 answers
why we would prefer Hadoop on :
middlewares when implementing grid computing ?
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Devang Swami ,
Thank you for your answer ,I appreciate it.
best regard.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
9 answers
means : can we consider Hadoop is a way to perform a grid platform ?
OR this two concepts can't use together because just one of them can do the work ?
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Kennedy Chinedu Okafor
Thank you for your answer
can you tell me the right one please ?
best regard.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
8 answers
i need an example of xml file of a grid computing security policy or cloud computing security policy to analyse it where can i find and example , or how can i generate it ?
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Hi Sara
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. The last couple of weeks have been somewhat fraught.
Anyway, my interest lies in all aspects of cloud, whatever the flavour. My initial focus was on key management issues, followed by technical vulnerabilities and forensic issues, which can be problematic. I have tagged IoT into the mix along the way, and will then move on to the the Threat Environment itself. By tackling the problem from different angles, my hope is that a better all round solution can be found. And there remain other issues yet to be properly addressed. This might take some time. Often, companies do not exactly help themselves as much as they could. It will be some time before all the holes can be properly identified, and properly mitigated.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
2 answers
I run RegCM model and I have obtained NetcDF outputs.I want to interpolate 3D gridded data with bilinear method.Do you have any idea how I can do this using Matlab? 
Thanks in advance.
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maybe i can help you but need more explanation what you want exactly!
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
4 answers
Where can I find the SETI@Home dataset in .xls format?
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Dear Mariusz,
If you can please share your data please. I will acknowledge your contribution in my work too. 
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
2 answers
Hi there, anyone could tell where I could find the user guide (for administrator) for SGE 6.2u5? Many thanks...
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
8 answers
Major grid middlewares are
- Globus Toolkit
 - gLite
- XtreemOS
- etc...
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Globus Toolkit
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
4 answers
I am performing Grid can i perform test to optimize for best solution.
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As you are simulating practical conditions in Fluent, you should validate your results with the experimental data you have. First you make a grid that produces the same result as that of the experiments did within an acceptable limit (this may be 2-5 % typically). To make sure that your result is grid independent, you change the no. of grids globally not locally. Say you increase/decrease the no. of grids to 10% of your total grids and if the results do not vary then you can say your result is grid independent. You need to perform this at least for five different grids. To optimize your grid you need to find what is the minimum no. of grids that gives you the same results as obtained by the previous simulations within the acceptable error limit.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
7 answers
State of the art of Security Solution for Data Transmission and Storage Management in Cloud Computing
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Maira Abur - Adding to the above papers, you can refer my research work on Intrusion Detection System for Cloud. 
These papers are published in 2015. You can find the latest and current situation of research on IDS via my papers.
Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
5 answers
I'm coding an algorithm for surface mesh smoothing. Boundary point distribution is prescribed. Initial quadrilateral grid computed with TFI.
I need to smooth this initial grid (or generate smooth grid) with boundary orthogonality.
I've found several algorithms of elliptic smoothing. The problem is: the initial grid is very complex (for example an aircraft) and I do not know how to decompose it to simple parts which can be smoothed by this algorithms. I've tried to split it in fragments with common parts, but that does not work.
Thanks in advance.
UPD: Surface is parametric r=r(u,v)
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Elliptic smoothing can be done using 2D or 3D surfaces, and 3D volumes. For surfaces comprised of structured grids where there is an underlying orthogonal system for the computational coordinates mapping one to one from opposing sides, you can use the methods of Steger & Sorenson or Thomas & Middlecoff. I prefer Steger & Sorenson because you can reconstruct the Poisson equation at each point. This is a boundary value problem where you specify the orthogonal condition, usually with a dirichlet boundary, then solve the PDEs at the boundary for the source terms. From there you can interpolate the source terms onto the interior with TFI or simply decay them from the boundary using bi-linear interpolation with an exponential function to get the source terms in the domain. Then, lagging the solution to linearize the non-linear equations, you can solve the PDE iteratively. You will have to update the right hand side terms at each iteration or use a planar implicit solver. The same holds for 3D, but is far more complex. Check out AIAA 2003-0952 for 3D.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
I have modelled a 50 KW PV system(in MATLAB) using which I want to feed grid in which no load has been connected.For the initial few seconds in simulation the power of PV remains 50KW but drops later to 0 and remains constant at this value.When I run the PV model in isolation 50KW remains maintained.What could be the possible reason for it?
Secondly my inverter o/p waveform for the initial few seconds deviates from the characteristics required but when PV power becomes zero desired phase voltage characteristics are obtained.what could be the possible reason for it?
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Observe the PV characteristics of your PV. Note the MPPT. In my opinion the voltage is such that Power is zero. "This is not surprising and not a wrong statement". The PV curve is like an inverted parabola so there is a potential where power is zero.( this is a voltage other than zero itself).  More so your inverter input maybe at this potential causing the power to be zero. I would recommend using a dc-dc converter between PV and inverter. The duty cycle ratio should be inverter input voltage:PV voltage. Of your MPPT is lets say 40V, use a boost converter (for example) to give 80v then a inverter followed by a step up transformer. Voltage regulation is also desirable, follow the MATLAB vid on PV-grid integration, by carlos.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
6 answers
Please I need a help in emergency,
I would like to ask if anyone has a benchmark, or workload data on Grid/Cloud or Peer to peer systems, or any client/server applications, to provide me with these data and to allow me to use them for academic purposes, to make some experiments on these data. 
Any help will be acknowledged, or even best, if some one is interesting by sharing the data in a collaboration form...
I will be very very grateful..
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Thank you Joan Navarro, these are interesting benchmark generator, hoiwever I need a real benchmar or data set.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
4 answers
I am looking at the impediments of cloud computing service adoption in the developing world.
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Hi Tamuno Tobi, just to add to list provided by Jiwan Ninglekhu, the following barriers should be considered:
1. Insufficient Bandwidth Penetration - a successful cloud implementation requires careful attention to bandwidth needs.
2. Deficient Power Supply ( Underpowered) - the quality (consistent availability) and cost of electricity is also a big factor in many developing economies (e.g Africa) since they influence datacentre offerings (i.e. the cost of running generators during power outages).
3. Lack of Internet Coverage - cloud computing’s lifeline is connectivity-meaning all services, benefits, and opportunities that it is envisaged to deliver only exist when we are connected to the network  i.e. no network = no services.
4. Lack of Access Device -  for businesses (especially SMEs) to maximise cloud computing benefits, services should not be limited to those only available through mobile devices but extend to computers. This is true for services offered by IaaS delivery model, where appropriate devices might be PCs not only mobile devices like Tablet PCs, PDAs, or mobile phones. Hence the need to provide these services, as well as the connectivity capacity, is a daunting challenge for developing economies.
5. Inadequate Infrastructure - is one of the key impediments to faster economic growth. Most rural communities in developing economies lack basic infrastructure such as good access roads, telecommunications, electricity and water. Considering the fact that, these infrastructures are the backbone of any development initiatives. This is clearly not helping in the fight to bridge the digital divide. Moreover, the absence of such infrastructures leads to the unavailability of Internet infrastructure and escalating costs of such services and the costs of devices to access the Internet.
Bringing all these factors together, from a business persepctive, the concept of cloud computing adoption may be challenging but not impossible to implement in developing economies.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
GRID computing, how to setup a grid computing over the local area network (LAN). In case of molecular dynamic software, is it possible with gromacs or NAMD to use grid computing to increase the computation power required during md simulation.
Is there any other molecular dynamic software capable of utilizing the grid computing facility.
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Yes u can setup a grid computing env in local area network, You can have Eg: 1 head node and 2 Compute nodes. If more compute nodes are added  gromacs or NAMD, Simulation (Execution) will be faster.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
Data centers load is basically server work load and cooling load associated with it. In literature papers, there are ways to model the IT load (delay tolerant and delay sensitive) and also cooling load, but how can we use that model to find uncertainty of the load. Is the uncertainty assumed by specifying the range of demand, or can be solved as a stochastic optimization considering different scenarios
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
9 answers
In research papers, I have come across terms like Grid sites or clusters. I was wondering if these two words can be used interchangeably? 
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A grid is a collection of resources. Those resources might be clusters or clusters plus other resources. In general, a grid is a geographically dispersed and more importantly organizationally and administratively diverse collection. I.E. a virtual organization. It is usually about more than just scheduling jobs on compute clusters, although for some grids (such as NSF's TeraGrid) that turns out to be the most important aspect. It can be a mushy idea since it was taken up and used as a marketing term, often by folks you didn't fully grok it. The classic paper as a reference is
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
10 answers
Please, what is the issues for using Parallel Programming using distributed PCs with shared data for every PC program by shared dropbox folder with one dropbox folder?
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I see nothing wrong with using dropbox for this.  But you should be aware that dropbox is not a charity: they'll only let you use services free for quite low levels of activity.  As others have mentioned, there are a variety of other free providers that you might leverage.  Of course, that means you'll find yourself wasting time managing a "farm" of free file stores, rather than getting work done.
I sympathize with the need to get by with low budgets, but I'm not sure you've thought carefully about how cheaply you can do network-storage yourself.  After all, the main value of dropbox is the syncing and platform coverage - if all you want to do is shift files over the internet, dropbox may not be idea.  For instance, there are many, many website-hosting sites that provide unlimited storage and bandwidth.  You may actually find it much more convenient to use https to get and put files - you may even find that some of your information is best stored in a DB (again, cheap hosting often provides preconfigured SQL access.)
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
6 answers
For showing the performance of resource discovery algorithm, we should simulate it in mobile grid computing by a simulation tool.
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Mobile grid computing can be categorized as a peer to peer computing, any peer to peer simulation tools can be used to simulate it. One of the simulation tools example is PeerFactSim.KOM. 
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
2 answers
I have a grid data of shape (512, 512) and want to extract all the nearest pixels and their corresponding positions within some arcmin of a specific area of the data and regrid the small area using gaussian convolution.
This will help me to zoom that small area. Can someone show me how to do this in Python? Thanks in advance.
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I'm not sure I fully understood what you're trying to do but the following code does the steps you've requested. You may however adapt some of them for your intended purpose. The code 1) creates a 512*512 array, 2) selects a bit of it, 3) rescales it to have more array elements, 4) Passes the gaussian filter over it, 5) and finally views all results (with matplotlib).
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as im
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X = np.linspace(-5, 5,512)
Y = np.linspace(-5, 5,512)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
R = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
Z = np.sin(R)
x0,x1 = 200,400 # X COORDINATES OF PARCEL
y0,y1 = 400,512 # Y COORDINATES OF PARCEL
nx = int(1/((x1-x0)/512)) # APROX. NUMBER OF REPEATABLES FOR X
ny = int(1/((y1-y0)/512)) # APROX. NUMBER OF REPEATABLES FOR Y
Z3 = Z2.repeat(nx,axis=1).repeat(ny,axis=0) # BUILDING A RESCALE FOR Z2
Z4 = im.filters.gaussian_filter(Z3,3) # SIGMA 3 (PUT WHATEVER YOU WANT)
plt.title('Rescaled parcel')
plt.title('Gaussian convoluted rescaled parcel')
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
4 answers
My thesis work on bandwidth guarantee in cloud computing.
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If network simulation is important, you should definitely consider the SimGrid toolkit ( that relies on fluid network models whose validity has been thoroughly evaluated (see for example and whose implementaion is often orders of magnitude faster than classical packet-level based simulators (
The Simgrid toolkit ( ) has been extended to address virtualization and cloud computing challenges. Additional information regarding some examples are available on
There has recently been work on using simgrid for cloud computing simulation (see for example I was not involved in this work but simgrid seemed flexible enough to model non-trivial performance phenomenon of  VM migrations. 
Knowing little about your phd subject, I cannot tell whether SimGrid is perfectly fitted for you but you should definitely look into it...
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
9 answers
Node consolidation, data centers, grid computing are used to save power in access network. Please tell me how power is reduced.
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data centers house thousands of compute, store, and communicate devices to service users requests and application. While energy efficiency is not a goal, the major business objective of most of cloud providers is to achieve minimum service downtime and efficient response. However, if energy efficiency is a goal, virtualization can be used to limit the number of servers that are powerd on. Workload from under-utilized servers can be migrated and consolidated on fewer number of servers, thus achieving energy efficiency. The overhead to workload migration come in terms of IP changes and storage migration cost etc. 
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
27 answers
Which frameworks are available for BigData processing? Is any framework available involving workflow processing? What additional configuration of distributed environment is required to get real power out of Big Data processing?
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real-time go with Impala/parquet on HDFS
Analytics fo with Spark/parquet/HDFS
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
11 answers
what are the various parameters that affect scheduling process in grid environent
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the Grid environment is changing dynamically in time mainly due to load of the system, available network bandwidth and also due to other events such as resource or network failure or recovery.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
I would like know the charcterization of tasks and their representions that reflects the hetroginity in the cloud?
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Speed, elasticity, cost, and support are few factors that you may want to consider. For instance speed lets you know how many MIPS can your task handle on a reference VM instance, say small. From here you can extrapolate to other instance types. Time in seconds can be used instead of MIPS. The size of the task can be used to determine itsmigration time. If tasks are web apps processing throughput can be considered. In this case each task would have a rate at which it consumes and produces messages. Elasticity can be derived fron here. Depending on the incomming messages you may need to add/remove tasks so that messages get consumed immediately. The cost also derives from here but depends not only on how many tasks you have but also on how many VM instances you use to run them. Finnaly certain instances may not support your task. For instance one without a certain library or with the wrong OS.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
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There is not really enough information to provide you with an accurate answer BUT if the FE model you are using is able to capture the exact solution then mesh refinement is superfluous.  For example, all (most) finite elements can model exactly a constant stress state so if your loading conforms with such a state the solution will be independent of mesh refinement. 
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
17 answers
I want some suggestion on this topic . If I have 300 desktop computers with quad core-4 core each (total 1200 core processors), can I assemble them to build one highly powerful system? Which technology and programming language should I learn to complete this task?
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For distributed computing most people will use MPI. If this is the case for you that you will use MPI for parallelization in programming your software you can just install an MPI library on these computers, e.g. MPICH2. In addition to this you probably also want a job scheduler. Have a look for PBS and qsub. There are many compatible implementations of these, most of them providing also free or open source versions. Another alternative for the job scheduling is Condor which also works with Windows. The only problem you will encounter with this kind of setup is that speed-ups will not be very high. The network will be the bottleneck unless you can keep communication in your applications to a minimum.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
Actually I am working on checkpoint storage strategies in grid computing and I am not able to find any tool or simulator which I can use to analyze different approaches.
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You should also look at SST, the structural simulation toolkit. The SST/macro tool might be useful in your work. See for more info.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
7 answers
There are several papers which suggest that in order to save more energy, some network switches in a cloud data center should be turned off in a specific period when there is not any load on them. However, they usually do not discuss how is it possible to temporarily turn off some switches! Is there any software approach for that? If so what is the most efficient approach and also which part of the system is able to control it?
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The answer lies in software defined networks and OpenFlow enabled switches. I lot of work has been done in this regard recently.
The software approach you are talking about can be implemented as an application of NOX OS.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
12 answers
I want to know if MapReduce paradigm is better than MPI (Message Passing Interface)? Which type of parallelism i.e. data or task parallelism is followed in MPI and MapReduce?
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Hi Sudhakar,
Have a look at this paper:
Chen, W.-Y.; Song, Y.; Bai, H.; Lin, C.-J. & Chang, E. Y.
Parallel Spectral Clustering in Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 2011, 33, 568-586
MPI is a message passing library interface specification for parallel programming.
MapReduce is a Google parallel computing framework. It is based on user-specified
map and reduce functions
It also says: "In general, MapReduce is suitable for non-iterative algorithms where nodes require little data exchange to proceed (non-iterative and independent); MPI is appropriate for iterative algorithms where nodes require data exchange to
proceed (iterative and dependent).
Best Wishes,
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
1 answer
The Grid involves almost 200 buses with 60 generators and over 200 lines
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
I need a benchmark data for minimum spanning tree problems. Can any researcher who works in this field share a data set with me?
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My email address is:
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
7 answers
Grid computing, Cloud Computing, and Big-data Computing are used as distributed computing mechanisms. What are common and overlapping concepts? Why are research efforts that are spent on one not easily applicable to others? Which research issues can be handled in common? Are research efforts of various researchers used effectively?
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As you say, both grid anc cloud are distributed computation paradigms. Also
cloud computing and grid computing are both scalable. Scalability is acheived through load balancing of application instances running on a multitude of operating. CPU and network bandwidth is allocated and de-allocated on demand.
However, there are several differences, for example:
1) grid efforts often focus on running very large applications in batch mode while the cloud isn't a batch system and has a focus in the web application delivery space as opposed to data centers
2) grid typically requires expert knowledge in setting up and in execution (the end users are at least proficient with distributed computing) while cloud does not require any proficiency at least from the end user (he does not have to care about the mapping of task into resources, etc.)
3) it can be argued that cloud computing can be offered on top of grid computing by offering on-demand resource provisioning ( but this is not always the case
Big Data is quite different since it targets to address specific challenges that arise when data have high volume, variety and velocity (IBM adds also veracity). So if cloud and grid focus on the infrastructure and platform part, big data focuses more on the platform and application domain part. Note that there is an overlap on the platform side and it is also quite possible to have cloud enabled Big Data solutions (for example to provide on-demand access to resources). In this manner they can be complementary ( athough both can also exist on their own.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
2 answers
Seeking information on resource allocation
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Inter-operability among various Grid middlewares.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
5 answers
I intend to do research on cloud computing and how it is changing the speed of the processor frequency in a virtual machine.
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Not very clear. Speed ​​tasks with virtualization. Compare with the performance evaluation of algorithms?
You can get carried away by the experiments, different virtualization different hypervisors, etc. Ask what you want to explore.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
Especially for ZFS and other filesystems, Including SmartOS?
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Here's one article my students made with me. Maybe it's going to be helpful.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
1 answer
GridSim and SimGrid are two frameworks/toolkits widely used for research in Grid. Apart from those, Which simulators directly support simulation of workflow scheduling?
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WorkflowSim supports simulation of workflow scheduling.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
12 answers
There are many simulators (eg: DCNSim, NS3) to simulate the architecture of data center networks. Which one is more powerful and provide good flexibility?
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I would suggest NS3 is more powerful simulator for data centre architecture. But on the other hand it is not that easy to manipulate and person's should have programming skills. on the other hand, CDNSim have GUI support which is a plus point but in my recommendation NS3 is mush better. But at the end choice is your because you know the scenario and your test requirements.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
25 answers
As we know there are several data center network topologies that have been proposed in the literature. Which one is common in cloud computing infrastructure?
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as far as topology itself is concerned, the tree-based ones are still dominant in the existing operational DCs, either single-rooted or multi-rooted (fat-tree). In most cases, they are single-rooted tree with redundant roots, i.e.,border routers/switches running such as VRRP.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
1 answer
Climate change and meteorology
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Hi Mr.Singh,
First you have to open two .nc files in GrADS (eg:, and let us take one variable pr.
I can give u a sample grads script ( for doing composite.
*open two files
* pr.1 means variable pr from file 1
* taking variable pr from file 1 (
'set time 1jan2002'
'define x1= pr.1'
'set time 1jan2003'
'define x2= pr.1'
'set time 1jan2004'
'define x3= pr.1'
* taking variable pr from file 2 (
'set time 1jan2005'
'define x4= pr.2'
'set time 1jan2006'
'define x5= pr.2'
'set time 1jan2007'
'define x6= pr.2'
'define composite= (x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6)/6.0'
'set gxout contour'
'd composite'
This script may be useful for you.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
2 answers
Is there any practical, real implementation of market oriented grid computing in the world in which money is exchanged for use? Does QoS oriented grid computing exist in reality? Any literature related to these two utility driven computing. I would like to know about real systems.
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I am not aware of any grid computing service offered in exchange for money. And I believe there are very good reasons: grid computing developed as a way to share and federate excess resources within a certain community. Therefore, grid security model is based upon the concept of trust. Access to resources is only granted to trusted individuals and services. Trust can not be bought with money.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
6 answers
Share your view in the light of performance tradeoffs, resource requirements and monetary costs of creating and deploying applications on each platform.
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Cloud computing in my opinion should be used for storage only. While I have reservation about privacy and viability, most IT technicians have the idea that cloud computing can take the place of a true server,,,it does not. Systems such as NAS should be what they are and nothing more. NAS is more cost effective for what it does and nothing thoughts.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
13 answers
With cloud computing, you have the opportunity to grow capacity of computing more quickly, helping users to have many servers available for work.
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Using the term of cloud computing is only marketing hype. Before we had clouds, I used webmail. Now, I am using the exact same thing, even the user interface did not change, but it's called e-mail in the cloud. I used to have my calenders and contacts stored with an on-line service, now they are in a cloud. People used to have FTP servers and the like, now files are stored in the cloud.
Basically, the concepts haven't changed, but now everything is called "to be in the cloud". This means that cloud computing is outsourcing HPC. Though cloud computers are not the same thing as regular clusters since they are usually based on virtual machines.
So, the real question is if companies will outsource HPC or use their own clusters. In some cases it is a trade-off between confidentiality and cost (with cloud computing you only pay what you use). If a local cluster is used heavily cloud computing might not make sense financially. Therefore, I guess that cloud computing is not replacing HPC for everyone.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
I am searching resources about of DICOM specification
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DICOM Part 3 contains the "DICOM model of the real world" and information object definitions.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
7 answers
some peer to peer networks/protocols such as Tor, Torrent address application of anonymity and storage in an infrastructureless and distributed framework. However I wonder if such a P2P network/protocol is available for distributed cloud computing such that people share their computer processing power ( CPU and/or GPU) to let other people enjoy parallel and distributed processing?
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Yes. People may share their computer processing power (CPU or GPU) to let other people enjoy parallel and distributed processing. Around ten years back, such a technique had a fancy name called Grid Computing. It was the task Grid Middleware such as Globus, gLite, UNICORE, etc. Examples of fastest virtual super computers are Folding, Bonic, etc.
I suggest to have a look at the following link at wikipedia.
Similar kinds of things are possible in case of P2P networks or protocols applied to distributed cloud computing.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
There are many workflow management systems to execute scientific workflows in Grid computing? Which ones are better for Globus based Grid? Are there any other popular WMS for non-Globus based Grid?
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Kamel Mazouzi : Does GridWay really support workflow execution?
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
We usually found lot of SLA framework for web services (WSLA, WS Agreement) and few for cloud. What about Grid?
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We want to respect two SLA attributes: data transfer time and job execution time.
I.e., if we want to make sure that the data transfer between two Grid sites occur within specified time and job completes its execution on particular Grid site within specified time, how is it possible?
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
In my simulation experiments for Job Scheduling policies, I need to define/assume the job's deadline. However the job's computational running time and the number of CPUs are already defined. I need a perfect solution to generate the job deadlines.
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If we want to estimate for some real system, not on a simulator, is it possible to estimate it?
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
2 answers
What are the available algorithms by which one can handle large mesh deformations? The problem I have at hand is a dynamic one and involves large deformations of boundaries, which then requires the interior grid points to adjust accordingly in such a manner that it preserves the quality of the deformed mesh to a certain extent. Does anybody have any experience about how to take care of this issue?
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“A multiobjective mesh optimization framework for mesh quality
improvement and mesh untangling”, Jibum Kim, Thap Panitanarak, and Suzanne M. Shontz, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng 2013; 94:20–42. Maybe this paper can help you.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
1 answer
Are there any LRM software which support measurement and prediction of performance of batch jobs?
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What do you mean? The behavior of any batch system is knowable exactly as much as you know the distribution and properties of running and queued jobs. Do you know the actual runlength of the jobs? Do the jobs have differing resource requirements (cores-per-process, memory-per-process, processes-per-node, etc)?
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
7 answers
Grid computing has addressed many problems relating to resource management and resource usage crossing space (organizational) boundaries. Where as Cloud is creating boundaries for resources in both space and time. What parts are over lapping between Grid and Cloud. What solution concepts of Grid can be applied to Cloud? Does Cloud computing have long future ahead?
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There are a number of hot issues in Cloud Computing, as mostly listed down in the following paper. In my view, the research issues that need immediate attention include data confidentiality and auditing.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
3 answers
We would like to test advance reservation functionality of Sun Grid Engine using Globus toolkit 5.2.3. Does Globus support that? Through which commands and API? What other Grid middlewares support advance reservation of resources? Are there any Grid broker or workflow management systems that support advance reservation based execution of Grid applications?
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According to the RSL specification ( I would say it's not possible. You can easily do/check a reservation by executing remotely qrsub. The real problem is how to pass the AR number with GRAM. The GRAM-SGE perl module is a helper around (qsub, qdel, qconf).
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
7 answers
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platform as a service from open source community and redhat: openshift
this p-a-a-s software is included in linux distribution fedora 19.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
4 answers
I want to connect some PCs together and form a grid. Using Globus is one option. I would like to hear about other options and also, what are the challenges in this work and, if it has a bright future in India.
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OpenStack is one of the best available option for it open source and freeware we can do all the type of R&D upon it. Its implementation is little bit hard but we can try to understand it .. here is the refrence link ...
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
6 answers
I want to know which is the best platform available to do this task. I have 2 PCs with linux os and I want to form a grid environment.
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Globus toolkit is widely used Grid middleware for implementing Grid computing concepts. You should visit
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
6 answers
I want to implement distributed association rule mining algorithms on either or both but don't know much about programming in grid or cloud environment.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
7 answers
grid validation
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If by "print" you mean publish, an alternative can be grouping those instances in OWL files.
  • asked a question related to Grid Computing
87 answers
Can anybody please help me to find some good survey/review paper on parallel and distributed association rule mining, grid based, and cloud based association rule mining?
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Before you ask what sections should be contained in a survey paper, you should first understand what is a survey paper. What it is *not* is simply a core dump of a bunch of papers in a common area.
Think of a survey as a research paper whose data and results are taken from other papers. This means that you should have a point to make or some new conclusion to draw. And you'll do so by collecting data from a broad collection of previous works.
As a previous responder has said, you should have a thorough and deep knowledge of the field that you are surveying. This knowledge should be sufficient to be completely aware of the the main themes, directions, controversies, and results in that field.
The point you will make will determine the organization of survey paper. The structure of the main sections of the paper will reflect the structure of field. Some possible example structures (which of course depend completely on the topic) might be:
1. Increasingly complexity or scale: There may be a spectrum of solutions and you might organize them by complexity or scale.
2. Static vs. dynamic: Many field organize by static techniques, dynamic techniques, and even hybrid.
3. Partitioning the design space: Lots of systems are made up of components, so maybe for an compiler paper, you could divide by the classic scanner, parser, symbol table, code generator and optimizer.
4. Major techniques in a field: For example, in fault tolerance, you see fail stop vs. fail forward, or logging vs. hot-backup. In concurrency control, there is a natural divide between optimistic vs. pessimistic techniques.
5. Historical: sometimes the course of development of a field has a clear linear nature and is intrinsically interesting in itself. This is an over-used techniques in many cases where it really doesn't add understanding.
There are lots of possibilities for a given topic and it is this organization that is the hardest part of writing a survey paper. (I'm sure that many of you can give good examples of organizations that have worked well for you.)
You'll have written a successful survey paper if you can communicate not just the list of results, but more important, your understanding of the structure of the field.
This is a high bar to set. And it is also why I never ask students in my graduate classes to write such papers; they just don't have the experience and perspective to write a good survey.