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Greenhouse Effect - Science topic
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Publications related to Greenhouse Effect (10,000)
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Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics provides an introductory-level exploration of geophysical fluid dynamics (GFD), the principles governing air and water flows on large terrestrial scales. Physical principles are illustrated with the aid of the simplest existing models, and the computer methods are shown in juxtaposition with the equations...
Electric vehicles use electric motors, which turn electrical energy into mechanical energy. As electric motors are conventionally used in all the industry , it is an established development site. It's a mature technology with ideal power and torque curves for vehicular operation. Conventional vehicles use oil and gas as fuel or energy storage. Alth...
Electric vehicles use electric motors, which turn electrical energy into mechanical energy. As electric motors are conventionally used in all the industry , it is an established development site. It's a mature technology with ideal power and torque curves for vehicular operation. Conventional vehicles use oil and gas as fuel or energy storage. Alth...
Massive anthropogenic CO2 emissions, deteriorating atmospheric greenhouse effect and causing global warming and climate change, due to the remarkable consumption of fossil fuels have become the most significant obstacle to environmental sustainability. Hydrogen has no carbon, so it is promising fuel and material used in the industry to lessen carbo...
Renewable energy, like solar energy, has become a viable solution to the scarcity, environmental degradation, and greenhouse effects of fossil fuels. Many technology companies are developing reliable and affordable sustainable energy technology to convert sunlight into electricity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and nuclear by-products. In this...
With the intensification of the greenhouse effect, a series of natural phenomena, such as global warming, are gradually recognized; when the ambient temperature increases to the extent that it causes heat stress in plants, agricultural production will inevitably be affected. Therefore, several issues associated with heat stress in crops urgently ne...
The radiative impact of contrails has posed challenges for both scientists and regulators for decades, as this metric is essential to quantify the influence of air traffic on the greenhouse effect. However, it is clear that, depending on the sun's position and the contrail's lifetime, individual contrails can have a cooling effect on the Earth's at...
El libro «La deriva» es un libro de artista colaborativo, que carece de autoría propia, en beneficio del colectivo. Trata de un viaje visual y conceptual que explora la Naturaleza, a través del interior del alma humana, como metáfora de autobúsqueda, de pérdida y descubrimiento. En este sentido, los procesos de creación, desarrollados a través del...
A importância crucial do setor de transportes na busca por práticas mais sustentáveis é evidente. Os veículos elétricos (VEs) surgem como uma solução promissora para essa transição, oferecendo uma alternativa mais limpa e eficiente. No entanto, apesar disso, a infraestrutura de recarga ainda enfrenta desafios significativos, especialmente em relaçã...
El carbono orgánico del suelo (COS) es clave en la salud de los ecosistemas, ya que influye en las propiedades físicas, químicas y microbiológicas del suelo, como la retención de agua, la fertilidad y la diversidad del microbioma. La modelación del COS, mediante aprendizaje automático y teledetección, permite predecir cómo las prácticas agrícolas y...
To address global warming challenges, industry, transportation, residential, and other sectors must adapt to reduce the greenhouse effect. One promising solution is the use of renewable energy and energy-saving mechanisms. This paper analyzes several renewable energy sources and storage systems, taking into consideration the possibility of integrat...
In response to growing concerns about the greenhouse effect, the direct conversion of atmospheric CO2 has become a pivotal research focus. This research utilizes hydrothermal synthesis to develop Bi2WO6/MXene(Ti3C2Tx), which efficiently reduces CO2 directly at the gas–solid interface through photothermal synergy, without requiring additional sacrif...
O uso indiscriminado de sacolas plásticas de uso único fomentou a discussão sobre os impactos ambientais desses itens, e algumas cidades do Brasil contam com legislações voltadas a regular seu uso e distribuição. Em contrapartida, sacolas com maior resistência e durabilidade, reutilizáveis, apresentaram-se como uma alternativa mais sustentável. Con...
O Acordo de Paris da Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (UNFCC) de 2015 visa manter a temperatura média global abaixo de 2°C. Para a contribuição da meta global de mitigação, o Brasil e sua NDC (Contribuição Nacionalmente Determinada), comprometem-se reduzir em 43% o nível de emissões de 2005 até 2030. Os inventários nacionai...
Urban agriculture (UA) is a global development trend that is particularly prevalent in Vietnam. It offers numerous useful advantages, both now and in the future. Urban agriculture has developed primarily as a result of population growth and high levels of urbanisation, the need for clean agricultural products, the desire to reconnect with nature af...
The article reviews existing approaches to low-carbon hydrogen certification and offers recommendations for their improvement based on an assessment of the carbon footprint across the entire life cycle. A comprehensive assessment of the carbon footprint of hydrogen produced from water and methane during steam reforming is presented. The assessment...
Atualmente um dos principais desafios, enfrentado pelo homem, é a substituição das fontes tradicionais de energia por fontes renováveis. Isso se deve à possibilidade de esgotamento daquelas fontes de energia e aos impactos ambientais, decorrentes do consumo majoritário de fontes energéticas não renováveis nos últimos 200 anos. Portanto, o objetivo...
Les principaux faits démontrant le changement de climat sont détaillés : vagues de chaleur, cyclones, sécheresses récurrentes suivies d'incendies et même d'inondations comme au Maroc, fonte du pergélisol en Sibérie, élévation du niveau de la mer, se traduisant par une augmentation constante du coût économique de ces désastres naturels. Après avoir...
As atividades antrópicas impactam os estoques terrestres de CO², por meio do uso da terra, mudança no uso da terra e florestas, consequentemente, a troca de gás carbônico entre a biosfera terrestre e a atmosfera é alterada. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar como as mudanças na cobertura e uso da terra afetam a estrutura da paisagem e as...
The aim of the research is to examine the biophysical, spatial, functional, and structural components of the pre-Hispanic terracing systems located in the ancient city of Pisaq, considering the impacts of tourism, geological instability, and cultural loss on the ecological and economic value of the terracing system. The methodology includes site an...
Las sequías son un fenómeno de escala regional que afecta la seguridad alimentaria, la provisión de agua y energía, cuya severidad, duración y frecuencia se espera aumenten en un contexto de cambio climático. En el presente trabajo se estudió la tendencia en la precipitación anual y estacional en la provincia de Santa Cruz; la ocurrencia de sequías...
RESUMO Nos últimos anos, a busca por soluções sustentáveis para os desafios energéticos globais tem se intensificado, impulsionada pela necessidade de reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa e mitigar os impactos das mudanças climáticas. Nesse contexto, a exploração de fontes de energia renovável em áreas marítimas surge como uma oportunidade...
This review paper examines various technologies that aimed at reducing the interior temperature of car cabins when parked
under direct sunlight. The key technologies explored include solar ventilation, phase change materials (PCM), electric glazing,
car covers, heat pipes, car color selection, and insulation. These technologies are designed with se...
As mudanças climáticas são o principal problema de saúde pública atual e suas consequências na saúde humana têm sido cada vez mais frequentes. Além disso, a desconexão entre os seres humanos e a natureza tem sido crescente e pode impactar negativamente a preocupação dos seres humanos com o meio ambiente. Os hospitais, por mais que sejam os locais q...
This study utilizes the China Statistical Yearbook 2023 as the data basis to explore the temporal and spatial changes of total agricultural carbon emissions and the importance of reducing agricultural carbon emissions to solve the greenhouse effect in the context of China's transition to green and low-carbon agricultural production. This is achieve...
The release of greenhouse effects into the environment is one of the factors contributing to pollution connected to the development of transportation infrastructure. Warm mix asphalt (WMA) technology creates asphalt at lower temperatures (20-40°C) than hot mix asphalt, which makes it environmentally friendly although it has several benefits unrelat...
Actuellement, l’Est de la RD Congo est en proie à des conflits armés récurrents perpétrés par ses pays frontaliers, notamment le Rwanda et l’Ouganda. Il apparaît que la convoitise des fabuleuses ressources naturelles que recèle la RD Congo serait l’une des principales causes qui les incitent à imposer leur hégémonie sur sa partie orientale, dans le...
Resumo A concentração anormal de gases com efeito de estufa na atmosfera, engendrada pela atividade humana seria responsável pelo aquecimento global do planeta cujas consequências, poderão ser desastrosas tais como as mudanças climáticas, fusão das geleiras e interferências drásticas, em todos os ecossistemas cujos resultados seriam desastrosos. Co...
La necesidad de analizar nuevas técnicas en la búsqueda de alternativas sustentables para la pérdida de calidad en los alimentos se ha ido incrementando en los últimos tiempos de manera progresiva, debido a las cada vez más sobre explotadas condiciones a que se someten suelos y agua en las diferentes fases de crecimiento de los productos perecedero...
Se denomina cambio climático a la variación global del clima de la Tierra debido a causas naturales, pero principalmente a la acción humana. El reto de adaptarse a las nuevas condiciones climáticas y participar en estrategias de mitigación supone costos económicos que hacen del cambio climático un factor condicionante esencial de las característica...
Cuando las personas se permiten adquirir prendas de vestir y accesorios de moda, en muchos casos desconocen lo que conlleva la confección de estas, como la caza furtiva, maltrato animal, contrabando de especies exóticas, contaminación ambiental, sobreexplotación laboral, por citar algunos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar una revisión si...
L’industrie génère un cinquième des émissions directes de gaz à effet de serre (GES) dans le monde selon l’AIE. A ces émissions s’ajoutent par ailleurs les émissions indirectes liées en partie à la production d’électricité, premier secteur d’émission au niveau mondial. La diminution des émissions générées par l’industrie apparaît donc comme un enje...
Dans quelle mesure une recherche sobre peut-elle advenir ? Cet article considère la propension déclarée des acteurs et actrices du monde de la recherche à réduire leurs pratiques de recherches les plus émettrices de gaz à effet de serre telles que les déplacements en avion ou l’utilisation d’équipements énergivores. Nous nous appuyons pour cela sur...
Increasing levels of UV‐B radiation caused by the greenhouse effect has become an emerging threat to crop health and yield. The glutathione (GSH) metabolic pathway is generally involved in plant stress responses through scavenging accumulated reactive oxygen species, and is therefore believed to play an essential role in enhancing plant tolerance t...
En el marco de los acuerdos ambientales internacionales, Chile se ha comprometido a ser un país carbono neutral al año 2050, lo que significa importantes desafíos para todos los sectores productivos, en especial, para la ganadería bovina. Para alcanzar lo anterior, además, se debe considerar la distinta participación y planes que puedan generarse r...
The carbon dioxide (CO 2) conversion to useable compounds remains a great contest to scientists, engineers, and environmentalists with regard to the reverse of the oxidative degradation of organics. This conversion is essential for the development of complementary fuels and raw materials for various industries, which in turn will help in avoiding t...
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o papel das energias renováveis na mitigação das mudanças climáticas, explorando suas potencialidades, desafios e implicações para o desenvolvimento sustentável. A pesquisa, de caráter bibliográfico, baseou-se em uma revisão de literatura científica sobre o impacto das fontes de energia limpa na redução das e...
Nos últimos anos, vem sendo discutido de que forma a sociedade precisa mudar os comportamentos, inclusive no consumo de combustíveis que contribui para a diminuição da poluição do meio ambiente, estando incluso nessas escolhas encontrar alternativas mais limpas para substituição de combustíveis fósseis nos motores de combustão interna tanto veículo...
Industrial CO2 emissions contribute to pollution and greenhouse effects, highlighting the importance of carbon capture. Potassium carbonate (K2CO3) is an effective CO2 absorbent, yet its liquid-phase absorption faces issues like diffusion resistance and corrosion risks. In this work, the solid adsorbents were developed with K2CO3 immobilized on the...
Abundant geomorphological and geochemical evidence of liquid water on the surface of early Mars during the late Noachian and early Hesperian periods needs to be reconciled with a fainter young Sun. While a dense CO2 atmosphere and related warming mechanisms are potential solutions to the early Mars climate problem, further investigation is warrante...
A preocupação com o meio ambiente foi o ponto de partida deste trabalho, que tem como objetivo analisar, sob a ótica dos clientes, os impactos da adoção de práticas de sustentabilidade nas redes hoteleiras. Considerando que a indústria hoteleira possui um impacto ambiental e social significativo, devido ao elevado consumo de energia, à grande geraç...
Busca-se analisar a falácia da noção de transição energética. Para tal, baseamo-nos no estudo da produção e consumo de energia e na emissão de Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE) do Brasil e, mais particularmente, do grupo Petrobras (Petróleo Brasileiro). Partimos da hipótese que a transição é um mito que encobre a real urgência de diminuir o aquecimento...
A pesquisa destaca a importância de análises sobre gestão e gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos – RSU– em universidades. O objetivo do estudo é apresentar as correlações existentes entre a Universidade de São Paulo–USP, campi e unidades do município de São Paulo, com a Red Latino-americana de Recicladores –RED LACRE para mitigação de gases de...
The ocean has taken in a significant amount of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (Cant) since the Industrial Revolution, which effectively mitigates the greenhouse effect on the globe’s climate. Among others, the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica, defined broadly as the oceanic areas south of 35°S, has absorbed approximately 40% of the anthropogenic...
O setor agropecuário é responsável por gerar impactos ambientais em diversos âmbitos, como emitir cerca de 26% do total de Gases do Efeito Estufa em todo planeta, alterações no uso da terra, como por exemplo: desmatamento e queimadas, utilização de água doce, eutrofização e acidificação. Os impactos estão associados aos altos níveis de consumo de p...
Electrochemical reducing CO2 into formic acid has been demonstrated to be an economically viable pathway to relieve the greenhouse effect and obtain value‐added chemical feedstocks. Herein, Bi/Bi2O2CO3 is developed via the combination of sulfur‐assisted disassembly and an in situ reconstruction process. Profiting from the enlarged surface area and...
Hidrogênio, o elemento químico mais simples e abundante no universo, é obtido a partir da separação de compostos como hidrocarbonetos ou água. Ele é amplamente considerado o combustível do futuro devido à sua alta densidade energética por unidade de massa, sendo três vezes superior à da gasolina. Suas propriedades vantajosas, especialmente quando c...
Le changement climatique est un fait vécu et l'atténuation de ses effets indésirables se pose comme importantes pour satisfaire dans la durée le confort hygrothermique. Connaitre les effets potentiels futurs permettrait aux architectes d'adapter les stratégies bioclimatiques en vue de satisfaire, même dans les conditions du changement climatique, l...
El Parque “La Isla Tena” es el bien proporcionado por la naturaleza que posee la ciudad de Tena para atenuar el cambio climático mediante la captura de carbono. Sin embargo, los escasos datos sobre la cantidad de carbono capturado limitan la creación de estrategias para la compensación de CO2 y la sostenibilidad ambiental en Tena. Misma que atravie...
The catalytic hydrogenation of carbon dioxide is not only a way to mitigate the greenhouse effect but also provides high-value chemicals. In this work, a medium-entropy oxide catalyst (FeCoCuZnNa)O was prepared by the sol–gel method for highly active and selective hydrogenation of CO2 to value-added hydrocarbons. When reacted at 290 °C, 2.5 MPa, an...
This study aims to investigate the impact of straw addition on soil activation effects under different tillage practices, providing a scientific basis for establishing reasonable straw return measures in the southern Northeast Plain, thus enhancing soil fertility, and mitigating greenhouse effects. Soil samples were collected from various straw ret...
Direction de la recherche forestière Territoires où les résultats s'appliquent. Évolution temporelle des stocks de carbone du sol organique après scarifiage dans des pessières noires à lichens de la forêt boréale commerciale Par François Hébert 1 , biol., ing.f., Ph. D., Boris Dufour 2 , biol., Ph. D, Jean-François Boucher 2 , biol., Ph. D. et Mari...
Os impactos ambientais são mudanças negativas no meio ambiente que resultam de atividades antrópicas, como a construção de infraestrutura, extração de recursos naturais, diminuição dos mananciais, erosões, extinção de espécies, poluição, agravamento do efeito estufa e destruição de habitats. Esses impactos podem ter efeitos devastadores no ecossist...
Objective: This paper proposes research on the state of the art of automation and carbon footprint in aquaculture. Theoretical Framework: The development of electronics and automation, which are so prevalent in everyday activities and industries, has contributed to the advancement of automation levels in aquaculture. The use of electrical sensors c...
Human-produced CO₂ by fossil fuel combustion, combined with the rising atmospheric CO₂ concentration and the observed temperature increase, enabled a compelling narrative to be constructed, in which these three facts, in that order, formed a chain of causality. The narrative was embraced by global political elites to promote their interests and bec...
O objetivo principal deste texto é discutir como estimar as emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEEs), ou “pegada de carbono” para o minério de ferro extraído no Brasil. Nesse sentido, argumentamos que quando avaliamos as emissões vinculadas a setores de commodities, como muitos dos minerais brasileiros, as atividades logísticas podem contribuir si...
Background. The urbanization process is accelerating every day, which entails significant changes in the natural landscape. This leads to microclimatic changes, air pollution, thermal effect, etc. Due to air pollution by man-made emissions in urbanized areas, the thermal regime is changing; the concentration of carbon dioxide and water vapor has no...
Photocatalytic CH4 oxidation to CH3OH emerges as a promising strategy to sustainably utilize natural gas and mitigate the greenhouse effect. However, there remains a significant challenge for the synthesis of methanol by using O2 at low temperature. Inspired by the catalytic structure in soluble methane monooxygenase (MMO) and the corresponding rea...
Os eventos extremos, acentuados pelas mudanças climáticas, podem desencadear situações de secas prolongadas e chuvas intensas, impactando expressivamente o gerenciamento de recursos hídricos. Neste contexto, o presente estudo objetiva avaliar as consequências das mudanças climáticas sobre o regime pluviométrico na bacia hidrográfica do rio Verde Gr...
Background. Air temperature observation data covering the years 1981–2022 of about 70 hydrometeorological stations operating in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan were used in the study. In order to determine the influence of climate changes on the air temperature regime, the results of 1981–2010 were compared with the corresponding result...
Excessive emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) have caused the greenhouse effect and environmental crisis. Therefore, the carbon reduction and negative carbon technologies are particularly important. Among these, the negative carbon technologies that convert CO2 into carbon materials or carbon‐based chemicals for reuse have attracted significant atten...
The use of fossil fuel for power generation releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The average world temperature is steadily rising, the greenhouse effect continues to intensify and the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has also surpassed 400 ppm. According to the World Health Organization, climate change is expected t...
Resumen: Este trabajo presenta el panorama general de las energías renovables en México, en específico, las tecnologías que actualmente se utilizan para la generación de energía eléctrica. Se analiza el estado actual de cada una de ellas, incluyendo la eólica, solar, hidroeléctrica y geotérmica, y se proponen escenarios que contribuyan a alcanzar l...
Due to the large-scale consumption of fossil fuels and the extensive emission of combustion gases, the greenhouse effect has intensified, with CO2 being one of the primary greenhouse gases causing severe environmental impacts. To address this issue, this paper investigates the flow and gas–liquid interface mass transfer behavior of CO2 bubbles in m...
Looking at pasture-based beef cattle production systems, there needs to be more pasture management and low zootechnical indexes, which culminate in low productivity and environmental impact. In this sense, cattle farming has been labeled as harmful to the environment due to the emission of gases that can contribute to the excessive increase in the...
En los trabajos que componen este dossier, el artista Oliver Ressler (Austria, 1970) sustituye el concepto de “democracia participativa” —que había caracterizado obras como la emblemática What is Democracy? (2009)— por el de “justicia climática”, con filmes en los que el protagonista es la emergencia ante el calentamiento del planeta provocado...
Hypoxia is a major problem in aquaculture practices that is caused by the depletion of the optimum dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in water. The sudden deterioration of the DO level will lead to anorexic stressful condition known as acute hypoxia in fish and ultimately leads to mass mortality events in aquaculture systems. Extreme weather condi...
This research aims to explore the practice of the Sustainable Livelihood Tourism Framework (SLTF) in post-disaster management in the Mount Merapi area, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The focus of SLTF achievement in this study encompasses ecological, economic, sociocultural, and institutional dimensions. Research on the SLTF has indeed become a significant fo...
O estudo propôs realizar a estimativa do gás metano (CH4) gerado nas condições previamente conhecidas pela atividade de aterro sanitário sendo este o aterro sanitário localizado no município de Minas do Leão – Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brasil. Os resultados compostos apresentam 322.844 t/CH4, e/ou 8.071.580 t/CO2e acumulados no cenário recomendado, e...
This article presents an evaluation of the environmental impact of forestry based on landscape theory. It has been argued that this type of forestry offers a positive impact on the climate because there is a balance between the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and the absorption of these gases within an entire forested area. However, this analysi...
China is still the biggest carbon emission entity at present, which is mostly produced by resource-based cities. It means that actions to control carbon emissions in order to mitigate the greenhouse effect are urgently needed. The purpose of this study is to examine resource-based cities' low-carbon development strategies after the dual carbon regu...
Ce travail utilise la modélisation ascendante pour explorer les trajectoires d’évolution future du mix électrique marocain. Trois scénarios ont été développés en utilisant le modèle OSeMOSYS. Celui de référence reflète l’évolution du secteur électrique marocain dans la situation du maintien du statu quo (Business As Usual-BAU). Le second scénario,...
Abundant geomorphological and geochemical evidence of liquid water on the surface of early Mars during the late Noachian and early Hesperian periods needs to be reconciled with a fainter young Sun. While a dense CO2 ${\mathrm{C}\mathrm{O}}_{2}$ atmosphere and related warming mechanisms are potential solutions to the early Mars climate problem, furt...
Methane (CH4) oxidation is an important reaction to reduce the greenhouse effect caused by incomplete combustion of CH4. Here, we explored the mechanism of CH4 oxidation catalyzed by CeO2 and Ni-doped CeO2, focusing on the redox properties of these catalyst surfaces, using density functional theory (DFT). We found that the barriers for CH4* activat...