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Gold Mining - Science topic
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Questions related to Gold Mining
I found most of the papers used magnetic survey (airborne or ground) to explore new gold mine. However, almost all papers uses additional geophysics method (IP, SP, Conductivity, resistivity, EM etc.) to support the magnetic data.
I wonder why do we need support since the magnetic data can gives precise reading on the magnetic anomalies of those associate minerals (Sulfides especially) in the field.
Thank you so much in advance.
Dear colleagues
Good morning. Diamonds have been known from various locations around the world, some of which are unconventional (far away from cratons). The Roman writer Pliny the Elder mentioned that diamonds had been found in the gold mines of Ancient Philippi in Greece. Have any diamond-related rocks (kimberlites, lamproites etc.) ever been found Greece? What is your opinion about the Ancient Philippi diamond occurrence (see attached PDF)? If you have any additional information, please provide it.
Best regards
Dear Network,
I am currently working on a project involving filter tailings derived from an underground gold mine. These tailings will be mixed with unmineralized waste rock to construct the final deposit. To assess the liquefaction potential of this mixture, I am interested in using the cyclic triaxial test.
I would be grateful if anyone could share information on a standard procedure for preparing and conducting cyclic triaxial tests for this purpose. Specifically, I am interested in learning about:
- Recommended number of loading cycles
- Reference value for the Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR)
- Other special considerations as you jugde needed.
Any comments or insights you may have on this topic would be highly appreciated.
Hello fellow researchers,
I am currently reviewing technical papers and research on gold nugget exploration in Victoria, Australia. While there is a wealth of information available in academic literature, I have noticed that many unofficial sources and media reports also share findings of gold discoveries in this region.
To enhance my understanding and develop a more effective exploration strategy, I am seeking insights on the following aspects:
- Geology and Zoning: What are the key geological features and zones in Victoria that are most conducive to gold nugget formation? Are there specific regions or terrains within Victoria that are known for higher concentrations of gold nuggets?
- Detection Techniques: What types of metal detectors or other geophysical methods are recommended for gold nugget detection in this region? Are there specific models or technologies that have proven particularly effective?
- Technical Estimations: What methods are used to estimate the size, concentration, and distribution of gold nuggets in a given area? How can one evaluate the potential yield before undertaking extensive mining operations?
- Suggestions and Solutions: Are there any innovative approaches or recent advancements in gold nugget exploration that could improve the efficiency and success rate of finding gold in Victoria?
I am particularly interested in understanding how to integrate geological data with practical exploration techniques to optimize the search for gold nuggets. Any detailed suggestions, case studies, or references to recent research would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your valuable insights and contributions.
Best regards,
A. Ebrahimi
Arabian Nubian Shield is made up of juvenile Neoproterozoic rocks that are part of a significant accretionary orogen. It was formed as island arcs in the late Tonian-Cryogenian period(1000 Ma-720 Ma), on the site of the Mozambique Ocean that was created by the breakup of Rodinia which is characterized by arc collisions, magmatism, volcanism, sedimentation, and orogeny.
The Shield contains hundreds of gold occurrences and evidence thousand years history of gold mining. The main deposit types are orogenic gold and gold associated with volcanogenic massive sulfides (VMS).
The known occurrences of gold-bearing Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide(VMS) deposits in the Nubian Shield are mainly confined to arc assemblages in the northern half of the Shield, from northern Ethiopia upwards. While the greenstone belts of western and southern Ethiopia do contain Neoproterozoic juvenile, submarine volcanic rocks, there are only limited indications of VMS mineralization in these areas. Why?
Is it an accidental occurrence or is it essential for say, good ones? There is an excellent CODES sponsored writeup of Lihir, the gold mine, that points to anhydrite as a significant and essential factor in developing the high grade zones because the anhydrite causes secondary porosity and mineralization focused on the permeability and got trapped there. What is it like in the porphyry world. I hear it is not well reported. Our PIMA work did not even pick it up...although you could see it in hand sample for long intervals and our best intercept was digenite in crumbly gypsiferous after anhydrite granitic stockwork breccia of some sort. Obviously secondary mineralization but still...the copper and the anhydrite are going along with each other. We just don't have a very good handle on the role of anhydrite...except that it is obviously a sign of "hydrolytic" alteration. But so? Oxidation....yes the magma was It's good to have oxidized magmas...but a paragenetic relationship does not give you much information on mass use a process geochemical adage.
I wanted to determine the mineral depositional type at the area marked with green (Maran, Pahang - Central Belt of Peninsular Malaysia). The regional geology study shows the mineral deposition of this area is mainly in metasediment. There are 2 mines nearby the study area which are the RED and the PURPLE. I wonder is it possible to determine the mineral depositional type of my study area based on the nearby deposition type?
RED - Skarn type deposits copper mine (Au is very less)
PURPLE - VHMS type deposits gold mine
ORANGE - Normal fault (NW - SE trend) associate with serial of synclines (NE - SW trend)

Can mercury pollution in waterbodies be detected using hyperspectral imagery?
Thinking along the lines of detecting evidence of gold mining.
Any feedback or paper recommendations you have would be great, thanks!
Does anybody know where I could find detailed information on Chinese mechanization of artisanal, small-scale mining of gold in Ghana? And could anybody recommend some literature or researches on the mining-process with those machines (including the harsh chemicals used during this process)?
I am grateful for every hint on interesting researches about this topic!
On-the-ground experience would suggest that sound/noise pollution and mercury contamination may be coincidental in artisanal and small-scale gold-mining stakeholders and their bodies. If so, does any literature make explicit this coincidence or explore it further?
All the search engines i used tend to give me information that is not relevant to Archean lode gold deposit in Southern Africa so i would like to know specifically their link to South Africa and Zimbabwe green-stone belt.
Are you able to provide some literatrure or presentations of your findings to date on the composition of white mica from IR and applications to gold exploration.
This year the desert truffles are flourishing with production levels at amazing quintities . Yet such gold mine in the hand of nature. How one can be over come the ambiguity of the ivestment in desert truffles production.

Hello Hossein;
I'm mining engineer from Morocco, I'm working now in open pit gold mine in West Africa.
I'm interesting to make Investigations or study to apply continuous mining equipment (like Bucket Wheel Excavators and others...) in a Shovel and Truck existing large open cut Phosphate mine. Exemple Phosphate OCP Operations, (Office Chérifien de Phosphate) based in Morocco :
Can I participate in your project about selection optimum haulage methode ?
It will be my first contribution in continuous mining
Thank You
Best regards
Senior mining engineer
In a project I collected samples from a metals rich environment of gold mine. Isolated the bacteria residing in metals contaminated environment from a long time, purified, characterized and sequenced whole genome and all the stuff related to categorise the strain. Problem is that, the strain that i got is similar to Rhodanobacter thiooxydans LC2 & 2 strains of Rhodanobacter denitrificans NCBI BLAST as 99%. On another very authentic site "ezbiocloud" where they only have type strains to compare, I got 97% with Rhodanobacter thiooxydans LCS and 2 strains of Rhodanobacter denitrificans and Rhodanobacter thiooxydans LC2. Funny thing is when i make the phylogenetic tree, it appears to be different from both. Strain is pure and I have 16S results all the annotations and whole genome sequence but still I am not sure which thing I should consider. and how I can assure the real strain. or if this strain is some what in between them then how can i confirm the thing.
- The purpose of this study therefore is to support national efforts to eliminate worst forms of galamsey among School dropouts in artisanal gold mining (galamsey) in Ghana.
- In view of the aforementioned problems, the researcher sought to investigate further and bring to bear the dangers of school dropouts engagement in galamsey activities and the impact of awareness creation through the use of illustrated booklets and flyers in an attempt to curb galamsey among school dropouts.
I need to know the number of workers and the productions of
each one of the copper production processes (including mining / concentrator / smelter / refining) in Rio Tinto Kennecott. Is there any way to access these data?
Thank you for your help
currently, I am now conducting my research for my final year project. the title is a biogeochemical exploration of a gold deposit in Sokor, Tanah Merah, Kelantan, Malaysia.
1) firstly can someone give me an idea about the species of plant that can be an indicator for a gold deposit which suitable with the climate here?
2) secondly about the method. can some give a clear explanation about the sample preparation and digestion for plant and soil sample?
thank you.:)
Could anyone advise me which is the most well-known classification of gold ore? I just want classification of gold ore and not classification of gold deposit.
Thanks a lot.
There is a gold mine in Zimbabwe whose liners are not lasting according to their expectations, so they need liners which are able to last longer so that the downtime for relining them is reduced. So according to literature l found Cr and Mo being the best alloying elements l could use according to our context.Greetings. I would like to ask if you may assist me in this regard. Thank you in advance.
I would like more information on the organisation of female labour in artisanal and small-scale mining communities in South America. What roles do women play in these settlements, as service providers and miners? Is mining a way to supplement their income or is it their main profession? How is mining gendered in South America?
I am trying to obtain a better understanding of the modern history of gold mining (and the mining sector more broadly), and how it intersects with trends in the global political economy. In particular, I am interested in understanding the situation in developing countries in the post-WW2 period (e.g. Indonesia, DRC, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Tanzania, Ghana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, ...).
Who can help me about methodology of placer gold deposits exploration?
I have some data and sampling data?
I am writing a history of the human search for scarce and valuable metals from the Bronze Age to about 1960. The metals are: gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, mercury. The book is based on a set of case studies--each is an important mining site, was mined for anywhere from 100 to 4000 years, and currently has a good interpretive museum and underground tour. The sites are: Great Orme Mine (Wales), Laurion (Greece), Rio Tinto (Spain), Reed Gold Mine (North Carolina), Erzgebirge/Freiburg (Germany), Almaden (Spain), Potosi (Bolivia), Copper Region (Upper Peninsula Michigan, US) and Gold District (Johannesburg, South Africa). A narrative history of world mining will tie the cases together. I would be interested in information about any of the study sites, especially personal familiarity, interest in chapter or manuscript review, or in hearing from anyone who would find this work useful for their own research.
we have gold in pyrite ore, we extract this gold by flotation, but some time we have with our ore kaolinite clay which interfere with gold in flotation and give and give us bad gold recovery.
I am in need of materials or links on the subject above. I need information on the epochs of gold mineralization and on the provinces where they can be found. Also, information on factors influencing the deposition of gold in such provinces would be very helpful.
Thanks much.
I want to know the minimum and maximum permissible level of Cyanide compounds in soil (Not effluents, wastewater) at various sites i.e Electroplating Industries, Gold Mine Industries, Copper Mine Industries, and Jewellery Industrial sites, since these are major cause of contaminate the soil with cyanide.
I am looking for information based on mesothermal lode gold deposits in Africa.
In plant tissue from abandoned gold mine site I found that there is significant amount of these metals (around 4 ppm), so I want to investigate amount of these metals in mine waste.
In the heart of the gold country of NW Quebec, where "structurally controlled" gold deposits are the norm, there are two deposit types that have been puzzles: at least two "porphyry-type" (disseminated gold in crosscutting veins and stringers within a porphyritic intrusion) that were mined out (only one brief publication on one of them) and a stratigraphic chert unit that was only partially mined (only a brief publication). The mines are now closed.
In Fig 1 the porphyry type intrusions were on a higher elevation half the way between the North and South Malartic Faults. The chert horizon -whose full extent was never explored - and its thicker "wedge" near the Sladen Fault appears to be - in this plan view - the source of the gold metal that created some or all of the other gold deposits along the various faults at that level.
Greenschist to lower amphibolite metamorphism affected this area. Figures are in feet.

I've conducted an initial literature review for research on the topic and have only found laboratory based studies. I'm curious if this methodology has been introduced in the field.
At the border of a gold mining tailing pond with high levels of cyanide we observed many species of amphibians calling three years ago. We even found a tadpole. This year numbers were about the same, so the populations remained stable and seemed to reproduce. We even found just metamorphosed Phylomedusa froglets in the bushes bordering the pond. No alternative fresh water is present. It concerns at least 9 species of amphibians.
Is there an easy way to calculate what the penetration depth is for X-ray florescence in gold? This is for a 50 kev system. I am trying to determine how deep our system can "see" into natural gold nuggets.
I have used cyanid for leaching, but no significant gold was observed in cyanide solution.
It is for general knowledge.
A graben with existing and historic vein-hosted gold production on its west side has similar style veins that have hosted historic silver production on the east side. Are there regional controls on the mineralization of epithermal systems that would control Au/Ag ratio vertically and/or horizontally across a graben? Could it simply be a matter of lighter elements, such as silver, precipitating from cooling epithermal fluids at lower temperatures or pressures than heavier elements, such as gold, do?