Science topic
Global Positioning System - Science topic
Related to GPS research and applications
Questions related to Global Positioning System
best specification of hand held GPS supplemented with GIS
What is the best 'free of charge' software for extracting GPS data from a video created from a GoPro camera?
I have checked the Telemetry Extractor ( for the GoPro with the hopes to use its free Lite version; however, that is not working for me. It's pushing me to use the premium version but the pricing is offensive.
Any help will be appreciated.
Does it matter how GPS coordinates are reported in field biology - as in, is there a general preference between reporting GPS data using sexagesimal degrees (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds) or decimal degrees (35.123456^o)?
The metric dimension of a graph is the smallest number of vertices from which the vector of distances to every vertex in the graph is unique. It may be regarded as a generalization of the concept of trilateration in the two-dimensional real plane, the idea underpinning the Global Positioning System (GPS).
I am looking for recommendations for GPS trackers to record the daily grazing movements of goats, cattle, and camels in the Mountains of Dhofar, Oman. In the past, I have used a tracker from Garmin that recorded a location every three seconds (which was great), but the battery lasted only about 12 hours (which was not so great) (see paper attached). Ideally, I would like to use a device that records the location very often (seconds rather than minutes) with a battery that lasts months rather than days. All your suggestions are more than welcome.
In a currently running following Youtube video, the British Astrophysicist and Professor Brian Cox claims that there would be 10 km difference/error in position per day for GPS location, if Einstein’s relativity is not used to make a correction in the GPS:
The engineers. H.F. Fliegel and R. S. DiEsposti of the GPS Joint Program Office of the Aerospace Corporation involved in the development of the GPS system back in 1997 in a published paper came to the following conclusion: “Except for the leading γ [gamma] factor [in their final equation], it is the same formula derived in classical physics for the signal travel time from the GPS satellite to the ground station. As we have shown, introducing the γ factor makes a change of only 2 or 3 millimeters to the classical result. In short there are no ‘missing relativity terms.’ They cancel out.” General Relativity Theory is not needed”. :
At about the same time (1997), Peter Wolf and Gérard Petit in a published paper on “Satellite test of special relativity using the global positioning system”, wrote: “A test of special relativity has been carried out using data of clock comparisons between hydrogen maser clocks on the ground and cesium and rubidium clocks on board 25 global positioning system (GPS) satellites. The clocks were compared via carrier phase measurements of the GPS signal using geodetic receivers at a number of stations of the International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS) spread worldwide. In special relativity, synchronization of distant clocks by slow clock transport and by Einstein synchrony (using the transmission of light signals) is equivalent in any inertial frame. A violation of this equivalence can be modeled using the parameter δc/c, where c is the round-trip speed of light (c=299792458m/s in vacuum) and δc is the deviation from c of the observed velocity of a light signal traveling one way along a particular spatial direction with the measuring clocks synchronized using slow clock transport. In special relativity δc/c=0. Experiments can set a limit on the value of δc/c along a particular spatial direction (henceforth referred to as “direction of δc”). Within this model our experiment is sensitive to a possible violation of special relativity in any direction of δc, and on a nonlaboratory scale (baselines >~20000km). The results presented here set an upper limit on the value of δc/c<5×10−9 when considering all spatial directions of δc and δc/c<2×10−9 for the component in the equatorial plane”. Phys. Rev. A 56, 4405 – Published 1 December 1997.
When collection of GPS data on public institutions which are available for public is done, is it mandatory to have the informed consent? As these are publicly available, it is know to the others. How should we process in these cases?
Dear Colleagues,
Is there any free software for GPS Vehicle Tracking?
Hi there,
I would like to know your experiences with GPS satellite trackers for vultures. We use mostly Eobs for areas with GSM and we are very happy. We will start a new project in a remote area in Namibia without cellphone network and we are looking into satellite trackers. Any advices based on your experience of trackers that perform (and advices on which ones do not perform) well?
Thank you in advance!
When I try to correlate the gps coordinates among points obtained from field and satellite for the same location there is a big difference among the two. I assume that this is partly due to the satellite image shift. Can anyone tell me how to correlate the two datasets that are actually same but have difference in coordinates?
I have acquired GPS raw data from the Ublox Neo-6m module. Upon logging the raw data, it came to me as NMEA data. I want to postprocess those data in Matlab. Usually, Rinex observation data is processed, but how do I post-process NMEA data on Matlab without a Rinex file, or is there any procedure to convert those NMEA data to Rinex?
I need GPS location where noise level data (in dB) is measured for Delhi, Mombai, Kokata, bengaluru in excel/text format.
Dear researchers,
I am looking for a comprehensive source (e.g. book, article, thesis, etc.) that extensively covers the orbital characteristics of the GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou satellite systems to aid my ongoing study.
Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
If you have an area of several 25's of acres (several 100,000 m²) and your only source of GNSS Information is that of the drone, can there be distortion of the 3D Model / orthomosaic that are so large that calculations based on this model cannot be trusted?
In other words: Do GCPs not only add global georeferenced accuracy, but also decrease the error of the scale of the result (for example if you want to measure landfill, the surface area or the volume of some rocks or debris) ?
We are currently working on the drones project and looking for GPS datasets for drones under spoofing and jamming attacks.
Goodday, Please i need a Literature Review on 'AN INVESTIGATION OF GIS APPLICATION IN LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN TRACKING OF CARGO FROM POINT OF ORIGIN TO POINT OF DESTINATION'? i am using a GPS car tracker on the project to demostrate the application.
I have some data, which was collected by the fishermen using Garmin GPS. The collected data format is .adm
Please help to convert it in any other format like gpx, csv etc
Navigation of the ships in the past was impossible without the suitably placed lighthouses on the shore. In modern times we have GPS. My question is whether the lighthouse still plays any role for the sailors or is it nowadays totally irrelevant.
We are planning to collar more brown bear and elk for a project I am working on in Alaska. We want hourly fixes via iridium, we also want to include accelerometers on our collars to gather activity data. We have used telonics in the past and have had bad luck with them. I am considering Lotek and Vectronic and would appreciate some advice on other peoples previous experiences.
We will investigate the relationships between large herbivore movement and biodiversity. For this we need to track Oryx, Eland and Greater Kudu's. I am in contact with some companies (Lotek (UK), GPScollars (UK), African Wildlife Tracking(RSA), Vectronic (GER), Followit (SE)), but still would like to know if you have any recommendations for GPS collars for large herbivores in Southern Africa with irregular GSM-Network.
Thank you very much for sharing your expertise.
Hello everyone,
I am working on cell dosimetry by simulating cell irradiation in biological wells. In the wells, a volume of water in which the cells are constructed independently. Concerning the irradiation source, I want it to just fill the water volume but not the cells, and inversely. By researching, I found the (confine) method using GPS. However I could not apply it appropriately. Can have any help on how to apply it, or any already constructed example that implement this method ? Or even if there are any different methods ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
We combine data from different sensors like the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and Global Positioning System (GPS) to estimate the state of a robot e.g. position using Kalman Filter. My question is why do we need to estimate the position if we are getting it from GPS and IMU?
As far as I know, drones use GPS satellite systems to obtain their position. They usually have associated some degree of error at least you use differential GPS equipment. What other sources do the drone must use to ensure accurate measurement of land surface area?
I need help in preprocessing RINEX and SCINDA data files from IGS and GPS receiver. Initially I used the Gopi GPS TEC analysis software (versions 3.02 and 3.03), but it has stopped working (it can't download navg. files anymore). If anyone has an alternative or how to work with the current state of Gopi software I would really appreciate.
In some case studies use the GPS location of a nearby village or station when describing study sites, which can be problematic, especially if we want to use information about the site location to extract some data from gridded (mapped) datasets where we need to use the specific location of the experimental plots. For example, the GPS location may indicate urban land whereas the experimental plot lies in forests. Is there any online resource to check the land use type in which a given GPS (longitude, latitude) location lies?
I am currently working on GNSS Spoofing as my master's thesis and working on GPS signal generation using MATLAB.
I wanted to know whether it is possible to use MATLAB for generating a complete signal of 5 satellites or not?
I’m looking for research testing the accuracy of GPS at various buried depths. I’m wondering if GPS, RTK and LoRa could be used to mark the location of underground utilities.
I am doing a forestry research. I need to record the geographical coordinates and altitude values of my experimental plot. Getting a GPS receiver is difficult for me and purchasing a GPS receiver is very expensive. I am thinking of using my smart phone (ios) instead of a GPS receiver. I do not know a very good, technically reliable ios application to get the works done. Please suggest me one ?
Also I need to know whether using a smart phone GPS application is a valid scientific method/scientifically acceptable in scientific researches ?
I would like to calculate the strain rates from horizontal velocities obtained from data processing of GPS permanent stations .
Planning to use a handy and affordable GPS receiver along with ArcGIS Field Maps for data collection.
I have widely inaccurate spatial distances in my "Pairwise Spatial and genetic distances written in column form" table output from SPAGeDI 1.5. For example SPAGeDi measures the distance between points -29.325094, 29.707921 and -29.322181, 29.707929 as 0.001178km (Spatial dist (km) column), but they are actually +/- 320m apart! I have entered the lat and long as decimal degrees (Lat = -29.322710, Long = 29.716432) in columns labeled X and Y. I have also specified Num Coords in the second line of my file as "-2". Are the spatial distances something else entirely and not the distance between GPS points?
I set up a number of control experiments indoors, placing soil samples in a number of boxes with openings above them according to different treatments. I would like to use this multispectral sensor to take pictures of these soil samples indoors, but it seems that it must be used in conjunction with a GPS tool? Is it possible to use it without GPS? It is like a digital camera that can take pictures manually.
Self-reporting bias is a challenge in case of GPS data collection, in studies where participants have to manually START and STOP recording their trip, unlike studies where GPS data is passively collected (continuously in the background) without the need for user intervention.
I specifically want studies which have mentioned the existence of self-reported bias in the context of GPS data collection.
I want to log GPS/GNSS data on an iPhone/iPad and look for a dedicated app. I want to log as much data as possible (DOPS, satellite data [strength, number, position,...], used constellations, frequencies...) over a longer period of time. Additional data from other internal sensors (IMU) would also be ideal. The recording should not depend on the position change, ideally in NMEA or RAW and stored locally. Other data formats are also possible if they contain the necessary information.
Does anyone know such an app for IOS? I have tried dozens and have not found one that meets the requirements.
The raw GPS data is useful for various post-processing tasks. What is good source of obtaining raw GPS data in RINEX format?
I am trying to calculate KDE home ranges for 50 polar bears for a research project. The bears were collared with Argos GPS collars, and each bear has around 200 locations (one location/day).
I am hesitating between using the Least-squares cross validation method (LSCV) or plugin to estimate the h smoothing factor; given my dataset, which of the two would be the best method?
Any advice would be appreciated!
What is the position error limit for GPS aided INS sensor fusion for small rockets?
The issue of grazing is a huge concern for the managers of all the conservation reserves (protected areas: national parks, wildlife sanctuaries). I would like to request my colleagues to provide some efficient ways to map high alpine grazing lands.
Thanks and sincere regards
Gowhar Meraj
Are there any available datasets of autonomous vehicles trajectories with GPS and date times specifications? if not, how would one adapt existing datasets, which are obtained from normal vehicles, to autonomous ones if possible?
Hello guys,
I'm currently doing a research on the working of Track and Trace, since it's a thing that is often used... My school has given us the assignment to look in the working of track and trace. But even though I'm looking a lot on the internet. I can't find a clear description on how it works.
Yeah it works (often) with a GPS signal. But what type of communication is this? Is it encrypted communication or is it unencrypted communication? If it is encrypted what kinda encryption is most likely used?
I am currently working on a study to estimate the traffic volume distribution of urban areas by utilizing mobile phone location records. Please, can anyone help me to find an open access dataset for the desired task? Your contribution in this regard is highly appreciated!
I mean besides the official interface control documents provided for GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, and BeiDou, is there a relatively recent document that lists the services broadcasted and the main signal characteristics (e.g. carrier, modulation, chiprate) at least for these global systems?
The L5 signals from GNSS (US GPS/NaVIC/GLONASS) are being explored for wide applications. With focus on assessing the errors in (GPS) location data, what are the fundamental steps involved in determining errors or corrections that are necessary. Key points on validation mechanism.
I am exploring this topic and it will great if specific literature on fundamentals corrections adopted on processing of L5 signals can be highlighted.
Thanks in advance.
We're currently planning a pilot study to explore movement behaviour within urban and sub-urban greenspace, as well as the contribution of greenspace-based physical activity to total weekly physical activity. Participants will be given accelerometers to capture movement, but we're looking for a good (but affordable) method of capturing location. Dedicated GPS devices remain prohibitively expensive for this project, with a potential solution available through using smartphone data collection.
I'd be really interested and grateful to receive recommendations for smartphone apps that would facilitate this capture. Naturally, I'm interested in accuracy, but would be willing to compromise somewhat in order to obtain an app that is cross-platform, simple to use and share data, and possesses precedence for research use. The app also needs to be ethically sound with regard to data sharing and privacy. The choice in available apps is overwhelming, and any recommendations would be most welcome, especially those based on experience.
For GPS - INS fusion how to find the rotation matrix from body to navigation frame and how the coriolisis and gravity will effect the navigation purturbation equations?
If a GPS tracking device is placed on animal, I assume it will more or less affect the movement of the individual. So, is there a way the animal can get rid of the device by itself or everytime you place a device you will need to remove it for the animal later.
Hello everyone. I am a PhD student at the Czech University of Life Sciences, I am working on the development of data collection collars (tags) for different animals species (and, what is more critical - sizes). At this point, I am looking for colleagues, coauthors and collaborators who are working in the field of animal behaviour and automatic data collection (i.e. accelerometers, gyroscopes, GPS). To continue the development and appliance of animal behaviour data collection devices and analysing tools for that purpose. If you are interested in more details, you can contact me here or by email:
Given millions of GPS points located in the same area. What would be the least cost method to extract all the neighboring points of each entry in the dataset ( i.e. all the points that are within a given range of another one) ?
It is to be noted that this process will only be done once for the entire dataset.
I work for FL Fish and Wildlife Commission and have 50+ old Wild turkey non-rechargeable VHF and GPS transmitters that no longer work. Does one know what options I have for disposing or recycling them?
How can we determine the tangent point (lattiude, longitude, and altitude) from position of LEO and GPS satellites?
Dear all,
we are preparing a multibeam survey on the Canary Islands and ask ourselves which GPS RTK service would allow for smooth operation near the south coast of Lanzarote. Fugro marine star is not accurate enough, we need a "real" RTK service providing positions in the centimeter accuracy level. Most preferentially we would like to catch the signals via mobile internet near the coastline via NTRIP. We would highly appreciate recommendations or shared experience for canary island surveying ;)
best regards Jens
During field mapping, geographic coordinates are collected using GPS, and later on these coordinates are plotted on the digital geographic map. Then, I would like to have different steps to download the GPS coordinates and plot them on a digital map. thank you
Since I am working on autonomous vehicle, I am interested in developing a path planning/navigation system for guiding in row crops. Please tell me about the type of algorithm/programme that needs to be developed for same. Also, inform me what type of camera and GPS system (Make; Model) for real time application will be the best that can identify the crop rows.
Is there any firm in India which can provide the necessary equipment/components.
C language
GPS module is neo-blux m6
I am looking for an accurate way to measure the surface of agricultural plots with very irregular shapes and less than 1ha.
A potential method is doing polygonations with a GPS or an app on the phone, but it looks like they make 25% error or more when the plots are tiny (100-300 m2).
Do you know of any good alternative I could try?
Thank you very much!
I am interested in products of less than 1 g in weight, for bats of about 10 grams. Thank you for your recomendations in advance.
(Im aware that telemetric transimtors of such weight exist, yet am currently looking into other options)
We are designing a system that is named as "GPS based traffic monitoring system", that will be helpful in reducing accidents, data collection, traffic congestion avoidance and a lot more. could you please assist me in doing so?
Greetings everyone,
Hope all of you are good in this pandemic situation.
I need some good reference papers and if possible some good ideas which can be useful in the designing of a compact Triple Band GPS/IRNSS patch antenna.
Thanks in Advance.
Hello, I was wondering whether there is a non-invasive technique to apply a GPS collar to a wild dog. I was thinking about e.g. a tree hole with some food where they have to put the head through the (elastic) collar to get in, which then automatically attaches to the dog? Or maybe remote controlled (with the help of a camera trap) - like a reversed drop-off mechanism? Or anything else... Thanks!
I'm working on a project which will involve using a mono-camera or stereo-camera and accelerometer to detect the location of an object(as offline GPS). I want to implement the data form camera and sensor in an embedded system with algorithm to get the location. I know, there are many embedded system like beaglebone, raspberry pi and stm32.
so my question :
What is the best way to start selecting a suitable embedded system for this project?
Hopefully, somebody can guid me in the right direction.
Hello Experts,
I want to know that how to find theta maximum when i am using GPS and sphere and surface type distribution. and using cosine distribution.
then i want to know that is there any mathematical calculation to find theta maximum for biasing.
like in the Geant4/examples/advanced/radio-protection theta maximum is 0.003 deg. how they got this using the surface area of source or object. like how can i get for my object ?
any type of help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance !
Best Regards
My research is related to the Ionospheric disturbances for an earthquake, and the point of my question is after I calculated and plotted the Ionospheric Pierce Point (IPP) & Sub-Ionospheric Point (SIP) trajectories, and the values of STEC and their anomalies from the closest satellite to the epicenter of an earthquake area by using several observation stations from sugar, I stopped on the step of calculating or plotting the STEC & VTEC for all my GPS stations because I don't know even I don't have the Matlab script for it. (please provide me a full Matlab script for it) with thanks
I want to find accurate locations of some static objects to be used as landmarks for localizing other mobile object. As the landmarks will be used to localize other object, their own location must be accurate. Kindly suggest some practical methods for accurate positioning of static objects(landmark).
Best regards
Gravitational or else called acceleration time dilation, has actual effects on clocks since it slows down matter vibrations and thus time evolution of matter and therefore tick rates on clocks. The larger the acceleration the slower time passes (i.e. not time itself but how time is measured). A clock coming out of acceleration into an inertial frame of reference would be found relative to lack in time. So acceleration would have caused a permanent effect on the clock (lost time) independent of the frame of reference. Gravitational or else called acceleration time dilation is an actual physical effect and phenomenon that slows down molecular vibrations on matter. This above, includes also biological clocks and the aging process of living organisms. A man on Jupiter would age much slower than a man on Earth, assuming he/she is immune to the hostile environment of Jupiter :)
Kinematic time dilation or else named constant velocity time dilation is a different phenomenon. It is an apparent time dilation effect but with real consequences on how we measure time and our everyday life like the GPS satellites which loose in average 7μs in time each day compared to clocks on the surface of the Earth due this SR kinematic effect. At the same time they gain time about 45μs due the gravitational time dilation effect [GPS and Relativity][1] .
These two opposite effects must be accounted for 45-7= +38μs per day, a total amount of time dilation the clocks on the satellites are going relative ahead in time (faster) compared to the clocks on the Earth surface and compensation must be applied so all clocks are in synchronization.
For the question one may rise that the velocity is not constant in the case of a GPS satellite orbiting the Earth so that it should not be considered as a SR kinematic constant velocity time dilation since velocity vector is changing all the time direction and therefore this is an acceleration and not constant velocity?
However, relativistically when the two motions are compared and not each as isolated cases, this is not true since relative to the Earth's spin which is also circular motion effectively it is the same situation as two objects moving with different constant velocities in two parallel linear straight paths in space. The GPS satellites orbit the Earth (not Geostationary or Geosynchronous orbit) about twice every day (2 orbits in a 24h period at about 14,000 Km/h speed).
Last but not least, I must clarify what I mean with the term above "apparent" time dilation effect and phenomenon?
By this I mean that this kinematic SR time dilation effect is observed and can be measured only during flight and its due the finite speed of light c and the relative different positions in space each time of the two objects in relative motion. Due the finite and not infinite speed of light, time delays are introduced on each of the two observers residing on the two objects trying each to measure the clock reading information of the other so that at the time one observer receives the clock readout of the other due to the propagation delay of this information, an added amount of time has already passed on the clock of the observer at the time it receives this information.
Therefore the observer perceives this as if his/her clock is running faster than that of the opposite observer. The effect is larger the more larger the relative speed is. This is however an apparent effect observed only during flight and has no permanent effect on matter (tick rate of clocks). Therefore, assuming that their relative constant velocity motion would come to an abrupt stop and totally neglecting the acceleration time dilation effects (i.e. gravitational time dilation effects due this abrupt stop in relative motion) then the two observers meeting back both in the same inertial frame of reference and comparing their clocks' time readouts would see no difference on the time recorded on their clocks. Their clocks will show exactly the same time!
Is there a way to test experimentally and prove this above hypothesis that SR kinematic time dilation has no real effect on matter (i.e. clocks' tick rates) in contrast to gravitational acceleration time dilation which does actually affect matter and slows down the tick rates of the clocks and therefore affects physically interdependent of frame of reference, how time is measured?
Well I believe yes. Compensate a GPS satellite for a year only for the gravitational time dilation (i.e. clock on satellite runs +45μs faster per day) and do NOT compensate for the whole year for the kinematic SR time dilation effect (i.e. clock on satellite appears to run -7μs slower per day).
According to the above information at the end of the year the clock on the orbiting GPS satellite would lack in time about 365x(-7μs)= -2.55 ms. Bring the satellite down to Earth from orbit to stationary position and read out its clock time.
My prediction is that there will be no any 2.55ms time difference and the satellite clock will display the same exact time as the reference clock on Earth within the error bars of the experiment [2].
In summary for the case of the kinematic SR time dilation, it is not that the matter of the two objects is time dilated but rather the measurement information traveling from one observer to the other that is time dilated during flight.
Note: The satellite would probably burn out during reentry but the atomic clock could be shielded and safely landed with an ejection mechanism and parenthood.
Research Proposal Does Special Relativity's kinematic time dilation have a phy...

Are global navigation satellite signals like GPS, Glonas, Navic, or Galelio received under water ? Can Radio frequency signals penetrate underwater ? Up to what depths ? If not then what sensor systems are used for navigation?
I need to collect driving data such as speed, battery SOC, GPS location, ambient temperature, elevation for a specific EV ( say Renault Zoe), but I'm not sure what is the best way to do this and what I would need.
Many studies have used OBD-2 loggers. There are other cloud-based technologies like Geotab or Airbiquity. Also, I wonder if there are any mobile apps that can fulfil these requirements.
Thank you.
Tell me about the apps you can’t live without
In the U.S., Executive Order 13905( Federal Register : Strengthening National Resilience Through Responsible Use of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Services) signed 02-12-2020, ordered several federal agencies to conduct vulnerability assessments related to critical infrastructure. I'm looking for qualified opinions / research on the potential for degradation or loss of access to GPS / GNSS to potentially impact critical infrastructure at hydro-electric dams.
I am preparing a grant and would like to collect 24-hour HRV at multiple time points. I'm looking for affordable, validated devices that would be ideal for my study- and importantly, they cannot have GPS capabilities. I cannot use any of the devices I am familiar with, and I am not having much luck with identifying other possibilities. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
I need to calculate the abundance of a single species from the occurrence data collected from the field. It is not possible to record every GPS co-ordinates for the species in an area more than 250 square kilometres. Is there any apt method to estimate abundance, like random replacement model?
Thanks for your time for me. My query is on finding out the (X,Y) coordinate of an IMU (Using 6050 MPU) mounted object (Without any GPS).
While performing the task we are getting fluctuating acceleration data how can we resolve it?
It will also be very helpful if you suggest any other MPU for better performance.
Thank you
With regards,