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Global Innovation - Science topic
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Questions related to Global Innovation
What are the business success factors of fast-growing startups rapidly building their manufacturing potential, conquering new markets, effectively occupying new market niches, achieving spectacular financial results, etc. basing their success on technological innovations?
One of the important factors in the business success of fast-growing startups basing their success on technological innovations is the efficient and cost-effective implementation of specific new technologies into the manufacturing, business and other processes realized in companies, enterprises and other business entities. However, in addition to the issue of efficient and economically effective implementation of specific new technologies into the business activities of companies and enterprises, there are many other important factors for the business success of fast-growing startups rapidly building their manufacturing potential, conquering new markets, effectively occupying new market niches, achieving spectacular financial results, etc. that base their success on technological innovations. Such factors include, among others, management efficiency and flexibility in adapting the business entity to the changing conditions of the economic, market, competitive environment, etc. The availability of various, convenient forms of external financing for the startup's current and investment activities; more or less favorable towards startups and other business entities of the SME sector economic policy shaped by the government; the activities of chambers of commerce, public institutions, non-governmental organizations supporting the development of innovation and entrepreneurship of companies and enterprises at an early stage of development; opportunities to join business organizations, cooperatives, clusters or other forms of cooperation involving mutual support of various developing business entities and institutions, etc.
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the business success factors of fast-growing startups rapidly building their manufacturing potential, conquering new markets, effectively occupying new market niches, achieving spectacular financial results, etc. basing their success on technological innovations?
What are the business success factors of fast-growing startups basing their success on technological innovations?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
What types of pro-environmental and/or pro-climate economic ventures are being carried out in your country as part of green entrepreneurship?
What kind of pro-environmental and/or pro-climate economic ventures are being carried out in your country that represent the development of green entrepreneurship?
What kind of pro-environmental and/or pro-climate economic ventures are carried out by citizens that represent green entrepreneurship development?
Are these, for example, innovative solutions implemented in the construction of small-scale, backyard electricity and/or heat generating power plants using renewable and emission-free energy sources?
Are they eco-innovations improving waste separation and recycling technologies? Or are they green technologies facilitating the capture of rainwater, which is then used for household purposes, agriculture, watering home gardens, etc.?
Or are they other kinds of eco-innovations, green technologies that contribute to green entrepreneurship?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
How can we improve the country's ranking in the Global Innovation Index?
What are the factors influencing the Global Innovation Index?
whether the development of international industrial corporations and large international banks and investment funds operating internationally will be the main factor of economic globalization in the 21st century?
What other determinants will shape the processes of economic globalization in the 21st century?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
I have described these issues in recently published publications:
I invite you to discussion and scientific cooperation
Best wishes
Due to the progressing global warming process, the issue of necessary ecological reforms should be one of the most important issues shaping the processes of globalization in the 21st century.
Will ecology become one of the key aspects of globalization in the 21st century?
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What was the pandemic and post-pandemic impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic on globalisation processes?
Increase in the scale of international scientific cooperation on SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus research and analysis of Covid-19 disease development; use of analogous anti-pandemic security instruments; disrupted chains of international supply and supply logistics; analogous changes in trends in financial markets, including raw materials markets, other types of production factors and stock exchanges; increase in the scale of digitisation of remote communication and business processes; increase in the scale of digitisation of public offices and institutions; increase in the scale of e-commerce, e-banking, e-payments carried out via the Internet, e-logistics, remote working, e-learning, e-government, development of online and mobile banking; negative social and economic impacts; a decrease in demand for energy and other raw materials in 2020 and an increase in demand for raw materials from 2021 onwards; a decrease in economic activity in the service sectors affected by the lockdowns; the analogous use of soft monetary and fiscal policy instruments; the emergence of inflationary pressures; an increase in inflation; the emergence of opportunities to accelerate the processes of pro-climate transformation of the energy sector, but these opportunities have been used to varying degrees in different countries, resulting in different levels of energy and environmental security in different countries, etc. These are just some of the effects of the pandemic and post-pandemic impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus on globalisation processes. I am conducting research on this issue. I have described the results of my research and key aspects of this problematic in an article which, when published, I posted on my profile of this Research Gate portal:
If you are conducting research in this area, or have a research interest in this area, I invite you to join me in a research collaboration.
Encouraging joint discussion on this issue, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
What was the pandemic and post-pandemic impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic on globalisation processes?
What do you think?
What is your opinion on the subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
In which direction will the current crises, i.e. the post-pandemic economic crisis triggered by high inflation, the energy crisis, the developing food crisis in some countries and the developing global climate crisis in the long term, change the globalisation processes in the 21st century?
Both the global financial crisis of 2007-2009 and the lockdown and quarantine crisis of 2020 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, the disrupted international supply and supply logistics chains and the supply problems of semiconductor-based microprocessors have seriously impeded the development of economic globalisation processes.
In addition, the currently developing crises (energy, food, climate) are also likely to modify globalisation processes in certain ways.
In view of the above, I address the following research question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
In what direction will the current crises, i.e. the post-pandemic economic crisis caused by high inflation, the energy crisis, the developing food crisis in some countries and the developing global climate crisis in the long term, change the processes of globalisation in the 21st century?
How will globalisation change under the impact of the crises currently taking place?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
What types of eco-innovation are being developed in your country?
What kind of ecological innovations should be developed in your opinion?
How should they be finansed, whether by the industry from commercial enterprises funds, or by the state from public funds or in the framework of public-private partnership?
What types of renewable energy sources should be refined and developed through new eco-friendly innovations? What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of ecological innovations?
Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
Can the activation of innovation and entrepreneurship be an important factor in defending the domestic economy against the forecasted, progressive slowdown in economic growth in the global economy in 2019?
Does the activation of economic processes through the development of pro-development innovation policy programs, activation of innovation and entrepreneurship can be an important factor in defending the national economy against a progressive slowdown in economic growth in the global economy and against the risk of a recession in the domestic economy that could occur through cross-border trade and international capital flows?
The importance of this question is important especially for countries with an open economy with a large share of cross-border trade and the growing share of globalization processes. In addition, this question is valid in the context of the projected slowdown in economic growth in many countries in 2019.
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
Can the activation of innovation and entrepreneurship be an important factor in defending the domestic economy against the forecasted, progressive slowdown in economic growth in the global economy in 2019?
Please reply
Best wishes
What should be the economic policy for supporting the development of entrepreneurship and innovation?
Should an active, Keynesian and interventionist policy be used to increase spending from the state budget on the development of entrepreneurship support programs and innovativeness of business entities?
However, should neo-classical economics expenditures from the public finance system for programs supporting entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities be small, according to the concept in which the essence of entrepreneurship and innovation lies in its self-acting objective initiation, organization and development?
Please reply
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Best wishes
Locally operating business entities should be promoted by chambers of commerce.
Entrepreneurship and innovation should be supported by central and local government units of public administration.
In addition, investment funds should co-finance innovative investment projects characterized by a high level of innovation.
However, in the education system, the issue of promoting local entrepreneurship of innovation may be taken into account, indicating the high level of significance of this issue for the economic development of the local self-government economy as well as in the context of the national economy.
In view of the above, the current question is: How to support and activate innovation and entrepreneurship?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
It has been over a year since global lockdowns began hampering development in a multitude of sectors and industries. Let's start a discussion and hopefully, learn from each other! Could you tell me:
1. Where you're from;
2. Your areas of research;
3. How your research was before the pandemic;
4. How the conduct of research has changed over the past year or so;
5. Any benefits that arose from the experience;
6. Lessons learned.
What are the advantages of conducting research in international research teams?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best wishes
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Economic globalization?
Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Economic globalization.
Please reply.
I invite you to the discussion
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of globalization of financial and banking systems are described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes
How do you assess the processes of globalization of financial and banking systems in the context of the analysis of the sources of the global financial crisis of 2008?
Please reply
Best wishes
Are open innovations in the scope of free information services the main factor of business success of the largest online technology companies, which include such concerns as Google and social media portals like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tweeter, LinkedIn and others?
The open innovations developed on the Internet concern, among others, free information and marketing services. The issue of the possibility of publishing certain content, texts, banners, comments, etc. on the Internet and free information gathering are the key determinants of the development of information services on the Internet. On the other hand, the largest online technology corporations receive revenues mainly from paid marketing services. The Internet environment is therefore a kind of a mix of free and paid information and marketing services, which simultaneously, simultaneously and simultaneously in a mutually connected way are developed by various Internet companies. Currently, research is conducted on the analysis of the development of open innovations in the scope of free information services, which are the main factor of business success of the largest technology companies in the world, which include such companies as Google and social media portals like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tweeter, LinkedIn and others.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
Are open innovations in the scope of free information services the main factor of business success of the largest online technology companies, which include such concerns as Google and social media portals like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tweeter, LinkedIn and others?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
Hope everyone is doing alright during these turbulent and uncertain times.
I am working on my masters dissertation (MSc International Management) and would like to answer the research question of "how adaptable are frugal health care systems in developed markets?" (such as U.S.). I am really stuck as I cannot get hold of any experts to interview and data/literature is limited, as I have found so far. Does anyone have an idea of how I could tackle the methodology or has any tips on where to get data from in this area.
P.S. : Would not mind changing the angle on research question in order to make finding data/literature easier.
Many thanks in advance, feel free to contact me, if you have further questions.
- Juliana
Anybody want to share on any country global innovation index study regarding:
1. Ways on uplifting a nation performance
2. Improving any enabler within the GII framework
3. Comparative study on the top 10 most innovative countries in the world
Thank you in advance for all feedback
Does the new online media, including social media portals, help establish international scientific cooperation between scientists?
Do new internet media help to build international research teams conducting the same research projects or interdisciplinary research?
Do you think the Research Gate portal helps to establish international scientific cooperation?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best wishes
Innovations in energy technologies are being developed, technologies for renewable energy sources, electromobility, waste segregation, purification of contaminated water in rivers, ecological material innovations, eg replacement of plastic packaging for biodegradable materials, etc. are developed and improved.
All this constitutes an element of systemic sustainable pro-ecological economic development based on the concept of green economy.
Thanks to the dissemination of systemic sustainable ecological development in the future, it will be possible to slow down the unfavorable warming of the Earth's climate and increase the scale of environmental protection and biodiversity.
Dissemination of systemic sustainable ecological development in the near future can save the planet Earth, many species of plants, animals and people from destruction, which may occur at the end of the 21st century, if the above-mentioned pro-ecological reforms are not introduced universally, globally, ie in all countries.
Do you agree with my opinion?
In connection with the above, I would like to ask you:
According to you, which eco-innovations are the most important for future protection of the environment and biodiversity?
Which ecological innovations do you think should be developed universally and to the greatest extent possible?
Please reply
I pointed out the high level of relevance of the issue taken up in the above question in the article:
Please respond with what do you think about the issues described in this article?
Best wishes
Dariusz Prokopowicz
For over a decade, the Cornell University, INSEAD, and WIPO, has been publishing Global Innovation Index (GII) Report consisting of a ranking system of world economies’ innovation capabilities and results. Furthermore, these ranking provides the scores based on a set of indicators analysed on national level. It has become a basis and reference for several studies and policy frameworks at national level for developed and developing countries. However, I am looking forward for the studies and projects done at metropolitan level in perspective of Global Innovation Index or studies which examines the indicators of GII at smaller level rather than national level.
I would be grateful for any suggestions/ideas ,
Innovation itself is not easy to measure but innovation in research, implementation and investment projects is measured instrumentally. The simplest method in the absence of advanced measurement models is the development of a scoring system based on the diagnosed determinants of innovation, for which point scales are created. In this way, innovation, i.e. a qualitative concept, acquires a quantitative dimension and can be quantified. The indicated quantitative dimension can be used to evaluate innovation as a subject of the transaction and a key factor of production in innovative startups and technology companies in which research works are carried out and new innovative technological, process, product and other solutions are created.
I invite you to the discussion
Are there research and development programs in your countries for cooperation between territorial self-governments and enterprises to activate entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities?
In recent years, cooperation programs of territorial self-governments with enterprises have been developed in some countries to activate entrepreneurship and innovativeness of business entities.
Because in developed countries information, innovations, new technologies and entrepreneurship are considered as one of the most important factors of the country's economic development and, as a consequence, also economic growth measured, for example, by the Gross Domestic Product in subsequent years.
In addition, research and research and implementation works are conducted in these themes, which further underline the high level of significance of innovation, new technologies and entrepreneurship in contemporary national economies.
In connection with the above, I would like to ask you the following question: Are there research and development programs in your countries for cooperation between territorial self-governments and enterprises to activate entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
I'm studying how to measure innovation in companies and propose a framework to apply in brazilian companies.
Do you know any innovation index or innovation maturity model? Could you share it?
This questionnaire provides a description of your leadership in technological pursuit which I will use for my research. It is for evaluation of leaders in academic and industry that are making feat in technological advancement. Twenty‐seven descriptive statements are listed. Judge how frequently each statement fits you. The word others may mean your followers, colleagues, clients, students, staffs, or group members
Please feel free to share any areas relate to the Innovation through technologies.
What do you understand the phase "Innovation through technologies."
Share the Innovation through technologies in your workplace etc
Any related articles etc
Do you have any insights into this topic? Case studies of companies, best practices? I am trying to set up a research group on this topic around the following conceptual core: "Milton Friedman consacrated an understanding of the relationship between ethics and business eventually known as 'The Separation Thesis', the main tenet thereof is that business decisions have no moral content, moral decisions have no business content. This view has been mainstream in management theory and practice for decades, yet it is being increasingly challenged from many sides. This research line aims at taking stock of recent developments in cognitive sciences, economics, sociology, philosophy, organization studies, and corporate responsibility that point to the manifold ways in which ethics and business are actually embedded. Building on this, it is our purpose to delve into the question, how ethics is driving innovation in every aspects of business, including strategy, organizational design, product, decision making processes, and culture".
If you are interested, please get in contact withme
Nations of the world vary in their technological capabilities as they do in other measures of development. these nations can be classified into multiple Technology clubs, such as highly advanced or innovative nations that still create most of the innovations in the global innovation network, then there are those who are good at acquisition and adaptation of innovations originated elsewhere, these nations innovation systems are developing fast. and then there are those who show no signs of active convergence towards becoming an innovation driven economy. The first and second types have innovation systems and thus innovation policies at varying degree of effectiveness. while the third type are passive learners being dragged behind the global innovation train only growing with whatever trickles down, from the global innovation and production system, or serendipitous creative repairs type adaptation.
Effectiveness of institutions and policies is necessary for existence and performance of innovation systems, which are in essence, intentional and created systems not occurring in normal capitalist market mechanisms. thus these technology clubs must also be divided along the policy lines. Whether innovation policy institutions exist and how effective they are, might be a determinant of technological capabilities development.
what would be the measures of effectiveness of innovation policies? Output measures as well as input and throughput measures. What is the bare minimum threshold of effective technology/innovation policy? What policy guidelines should be suitable for such passive learning economies to escape their technology lock-in state?
More than ever, in times of crisis (but not only) is required to find solutions to "move things"! In these circumstances innovation is an example given by those who studying business.
I would be glad to find out more examples. Thank you in advance!
Based on a large corpus of literature (e.g. Edgar M. Hoover, Frank Giarratani, Erik Dahmen, Stan Czamanski to name just a few), we can argue that industrial cluster is an a-spatial (a-territorial) phenomenon. Yet there are as many publications that prove the opposite. What do you think? Please provide your own judgment.
Do you think this research question make sense for master thesis.
With the public available patent data, there exists an exciting source of raw data around innovation activities. We want to go a step further and are continuously looking for further, innovation-related open data, like technology transfer deals or M&A activities in high-tech industries. Besides these raw datasets, we are looking for ontologies or common vocabularies which help us to better integrate and analyze the relevant data sources. Any suggestions are highly welcome!
Developing countries produce raw material in abundance for sale to major international fragrance production companies, however, I see that there is almost no perfume factory or even a perfume laboratory prefabrication in this country.