Science topics: GeoscienceGeology
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Geology - Science topic
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The Landsat mission has captured images of the Earth’s surface for over 50 years, and the data have enabled researchers to investigate a vast array of different change phenomena using machine learning models. Landsat-based monitoring research has been influential in geography, forestry, hydrology, ecology, agriculture, geology, and public health. W...
El presente capítulo tiene como principal objetivo brindar un panorama de la influencia geológica que tienen y han tenido las masas de hielo glacial sobre la superficie terrestre durante el Cenozoico. Sin embargo, este enfoque, que puede ser enmarcado dentro del concepto de la geología glacial, resulta insuficiente si lo que se pretende es lograr u...
Este trabalho pretende apresentar um projeto pluridisciplinar que visa estudar as argamassas tradicionais na longa duração. Os seus principais objetivos residem num melhor entendimento das técnicas de construção e a sua evolução, recorrendo a processos minimamente invasivos e destrutivos. Para tal, a metodologia que seguimos conjuga ferramentas arq...
Na atualidade, a sociedade do século XXI vive uma transição energética, passando da energia de combustão para a obtida pela oxirredução. O elemento lítio, de número atômico 3 e massa atômica 7 é um metal leve e pouco denso, amplamente presente no meio natural e devido às suas propriedades físico-químicas tem fácil manuseio de seus constituintes atô...
O presente estudo teve lugar no âmbito do projeto AMPERE+CT - Arqueologia Mineira e Património Elétrico como Recursos Educativos mais Cultura e Turismo destinado à reabilitação e valorização do Museu Mineiro do Lousal, no qual se tornou possível o diagnóstico da componente expositiva do museu e se propiciaram condições para desenvolver uma abordage...
Long-term intake of high-fluoride water can cause fluorosis in bones and teeth or damage to organs. Fluoride in groundwater is primarily derived from reactions with rocks containing fluorine-related minerals, and fluoride concentrations are elevated in groundwater that has been reacting with these rocks for a long time. The purpose of this study is...
A worrying shortage of surface water has been caused by increasing irrigation needs and rapid population development. Since it is It can be difficult to find readily available surface water that can satisfy household and agricultural needs, the need for groundwater has grown. Finding surface water supplies that can support household and farming nee...
El TAAS es una reunión científica interdisciplinar en la que participan distintos profesionales de diferentes países sudamericanos y disciplinas como la biología, paleontología, geología, arqueología y ciencias forenses. Su origen se enmarca dentro de la necesidad de compartir los avances científicos y las reflexiones sobre la Tafonomía Actualístic...
The stacking of two-dimensional atomic-level thickness materials onto hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and graphene (Gr) not only significantly enhances their properties, but also exhibits a multitude of exceptional characteristics, promising widespread applications across various fields. Clay minerals hold profound significance in scientific researc...
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies play a critical role in achieving global and Swiss climate goals, particularly with Switzerland aiming to domestically store some of its residual $$\hbox {CO}_2$$ CO 2 emissions. In situ mineralization presents a promising avenue for stable and permanent $$\hbox {CO}_2$$ CO 2 sequestration. This study a...
The Red Sea remains a largely under-explored basin, with the Northern Egyptian Red Sea requiring further investigation due to limited borehole data, sparse case studies, and poor seismic quality. A petroleum system, regional structural cross-section, and geological block diagrams integrating onshore fieldwork from Gebel Duwi and offshore subsurface...
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir y analizar el proceso de construcción del sistema de documentación de las colecciones de la División Etnografía del Museo de La Plata, llevado a cabo durante el año 2022, con la aspiración de generar un sistema abierto, consultable y compatible con otras instituciones. Para la construcción del mismo...
The book contains the history of the Reden mine in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland and a description of its geology. A detailed description of the mining disaster was based on archival and court materials, and newspaper clippings.
Planning and urban sustainability depend equally on understanding land use and land cover (LULC) change, variability, and landscape risk (LR) assessment in earthquake-prone areas. This paper considered Barkal town and its environs (BTEN), an earthquake-prone area close to the 2003 Barkal-Rangamati Earthquake (5.7 Mw) for the LR change analysis from...
The application of blockchain technology and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) into geology offers potential for the preservation, management, and dissemination of geological data. This perspective paper explores the feasibility, benefits, and challenges of utilizing NFTs in managing geological data, particularly focusing on geology research materials. NF...
Co-production of geothermal energy and lithium is an emerging opportunity with the potential to enhance the economic potential of geothermal operations. The economic reward of extracting lithium from geothermal brine is determined by how the lithium concentration evolves during brine production. In the initial stage, production will target lithium...
Este manuscrito aborda el Paleoarte como una disciplina interdisciplinaria que combina el arte y la ciencia para reconstruir visualmente escenas del pasado prehistórico. Se inicia definiendo el concepto de Paleoarte, destacando que su origen radica en 1986 cuando Mark Hallett lo enmarcó como un enfoque científico-artístico para dar vida a los dinos...
Se analiza la respuesta institucional ejecutada ante eventos de inundación desde la visión de Gestión Riesgos de Desastre (GRD) y las implicaciones socioambientales de dichas eventualidades derivadas de lluvias extremas en el Área Metropolitana de Guada-lajara (AMG), México. En los últimos diez años, se ha observado que las lluvias extremas propici...
Over the millennial timescales, climate controls erosion rates and erosional fluxes in the Himalaya. However, the role of climate, particularly the strength of the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) and Himalayan glacial cover, on the distribution of erosion over the Himalaya is poorly understood. This study presents detrital radiogenic Sr-Nd isotope comp...
Because of local climate, a phenomenon called huaico occurs in the coastal regions of Peru, configured by an alluvial flow of surface runoff caused by precipitation and accompanied by the transport of solid particles. A total of 24% of the huaicos recorded in Peru from 2003 to 2019 were concentrated in the Department of Lima alone and affected 38,0...
Considering 1173 recordings of 35 stations from 67 aftershocks of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan Mw (moment magnitude) 7.9 earthquake, we investigate site amplifications and their variations in the Longmenshan region. Site responses of 35 stations are analyzed using the coda-wave and S-wave methods. For these methods, the site amplifications are computed...
Identifying Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs), especially in arid and semi-arid regions with limited water resources, is essential to their conservation and management. This study develops a methodology to delineate Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystem Zones (GDEZ) within the Sudan-Savannah region of Nigeria. Remote sensing technology was integrat...
Ce rapport se concentre sur l’étude de la mine de Djebel Djerissa, située dans le nord-ouest de la Tunisie. Il analyse les aspects géographiques et géologiques de la région, explore les ressources en minerai de fer, et évalue l’impact environnemental de l’exploitation.
Le document met en lumière la richesse de la mine en hématite et sidérite, ains...
The simultaneous interpretation of multiple geophysical data through their inverted models of various physical properties of subsurface geological structures and formations related to mineral deposits is a challenging task in mineral exploration. In this paper, a three-dimensional fusion algorithm based on the use of a two-dimensional contourlet tr...
The northwestern region of Bangladesh holds untapped potential for magnetic mineral deposits at shallow depths. Unlike much of Bangladesh, characterized by thick sediments of Bengal Basin, this area is an extension of the Indian Shield, often referred to as the Stable Platform. It is also geologically distinct, hosting structures related to the bre...
El aplazamiento de las clases presenciales en el sistema educativo, por causa de la COVID-19 durante el 2020 y 2021, fomentó cambios urgentes en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el contexto universitario. Igualmente, el retorno de la vida universitaria a la presencialidad exigió y exige aún, una adecuación en los procesos pedagógicos y didá...
Bridges in mining areas deform primarily because of surface subsidence caused by underground mining. Analysis of these deformations should consider the synergistic effects between the foundation soil and the bridge superstructure. The geology of mining areas, which is inherently complex, significantly effects the selection of soil mechanics paramet...
Todos sabem que “Ciência não é gasto, é investimento”, “exceto o Brasil” (Nader & Ribeiro, 2024, Quer impulsionar a economia? Invista em ciência. Folha de S.Paulo, 18.12.2024, grifo nosso). Graças aos investimentos, em 2023, o Brasil voltou a ocupar o 49º lugar do ranking das 50 economias mais inovadoras do mundo, segundo a última edição do Índice...
This article celebrates H.L. (Len) Vacher, the founding editor of Numeracy. While many readers of this journal are no doubt familiar with Len’s contributions here and to quantitative literacy as a practice and habit of mind, fewer are intimately familiar with Len’s history and impacts as a professor and colleague. This paper analyzes Len's contribu...
The history of deep time on our planet is delineated by Earth's stratigraphic layers. The task of identifying, analyzing, and dating the transformation processes at work within the Earth's systems falls within the remit of the geological sciences. However, the transition from the Holocene to the Anthropocene is turning geology into a social science...
Many aspects affect the accuracy of the geographical information system- and statistically-based susceptibility maps. These aspects can be divided into four categories related to: (α) study area, (β) scale, (γ) input data, and (δ) methods, used for susceptibility calculation, landslide representation and map visualisation. Most of these aspects hav...
Determining petrophysical properties remains a paramount concern for oil companies, encompassing crucial properties such as porosity, permeability, and water saturation. Constructing accurate models requires an in-depth understanding of sedimentary facies within reservoirs. Despite the challenge posed by the absence of core samples, this study inte...
Prioritization of factors responsible for a landslide trigger is an essential process in landslide susceptibility analysis. This allows the researcher to recognize how important each factor is. If time or resources are short, the least important factors may have to be left out. This paper aims to employ Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) to prio...
Artigo recebido em 05/02/2024 e aceito em 28/11/2024 R E S U M O A água que integra a paisagem e garante a perenidade de diferentes sistemas ambientais é um dos recursos primordiais para o pleno desenvolvimento das atividades humanas. Ainda que em diferentes matrizes, superficial e subterrânea, a água deve ser avaliada e gerenciada de forma integra...
The history of deep time on our planet is delineated by Earth's stratigraphic layers. The task of identifying, analyzing, and dating the transformation processes at work within the Earth's systems falls within the remit of the geological sciences. However, the transition from the Holocene to the Anthropocene is turning geology into a social science...
This is a Digital Cuban Geological Library which provides access to thousands of references and publications about geology, paleontology, stratigraphy, tectonics, mineral deposits, hydrocarbons, geography, karst, etc...
Monitoring of a CO2 underground storage site is one of the key operating costs for a storage site after the investments in injection well(s) and facilities. To achieve cost-efficient storage, the operator therefore has an interesting developing a monitoring strategy that is as low cost as possible while still providing the necessary information abo...
This study proposes a "modified novelty space" model for learning in virtual geological field trips. To do so, three field sites in Busan National Geopark were selected to explore geological characteristics. VR-based virtual field trips (VFTs) were developed for participation. These VFTs consisted of basic, plus, and advanced steps. The modified no...
Masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh pengguna air bawah tanah di Malaysia adalah kandungan mineral oksida besi yang tinggi. Komposisi air bawah tanah adalah dipengaruhi oleh geologi dan hidrogeologi setempat. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji potensi pasir silika dan karbon teraktif sebagai medium yang berkesan bagi merawat air bawah tanah...
The depletion of forest biodiversity arising from insufficient conservation of resources due to wood extraction, overgrazing, fire, and land use presents a significant challenge in the Mediterranean region. It becomes crucial to identify priority conservation areas for safeguarding biodiversity. We used plant species data taken from 800 plots in th...
Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Towara, Kecamatan Petasia timur, Kabupaten Morowali Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. dengan luas daerah penelitian ±17 ha. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survey geologi, logging bor dan analisis petrografi. Satuan geomorfologi pada lokasi penelitian ini adalah Antropogenik dengan kemiringan lereng lan...
Stabilitas lereng merupakan suatu aspek kritis dalam perencanaan dan pembangunan infrastruktur, terutama di wilayah dengan topografi yang kompleks seperti Desa Jatigede, Kecamatan Sumberrejo, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Faktor-faktor seperti karakteristik geologi lokal, intensitas curah hujan yang terjadi, serta aktivitas manusia yang dilakukan dapat sec...
In this study, ethnobotanical content (understood as the endemic cultural heritage and traditional knowledge about plants) is integrated into the Biology and Geology curriculum of 1st-year Secondary School Education (1º de ESO) to facilitate meaningful learning. The design of the intervention, its development with an expository methodology and the...
Plate tectonics is a unique feature of Earth, but its proposed time of initiation is still controversial, with published estimates ranging from ca. 4.2 to 0.7 Ga. Paleomagnetic data can provide a robust argument for one essential aspect of plate tectonics: large-scale relative lateral motions of distinct, rigid crustal blocks. Previously, the oldes...
The new submarine volcano Fani Maoré offshore Mayotte (Comoros archipelago) discovered in 2019 has raised the awareness of a possible future eruption in Petite-Terre island, located on the same 60 km-long volcanic chain. In this context of a renewal of the volcanic activity, we present here the first volcanic hazard assessment in Mayotte, focusing...
The essay is dedicated to Anatoly Myronovych Lysak, a well-known Ukrainian scientist in the field of Early Precambrian geology, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, associate professor of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. It is shown the formation of A.M. Lysak as a geologist and scientist, his activities, which are inextr...
To enable a sustainable and responsible use of the Earth's subsurface environment and accelerate Australia’s energy transition to net zero, industry and government rely on a quantified knowledge of Australia’s geology and structure to inform their decision-making. Despite the wealth of subsurface data available across the continent, including strat...
Human activities and climate change have significantly harmed biodiversity, making ecosystems more fragile.
Türkiye faces similar challenges, as it hosts around 12,000 plant taxa with an endemism rate above 30%, due to
its diverse climate, topography, and geology. This study aims to protect 11 endemic species through ex-situ
conservation in Uludağ...
China's Chang'e‐6 (CE‐6) is the first mission in human history to return samples from the far side of the Moon. CE‐6 landed in the mare plains of the southern Apollo basin (153.98°W, 41.63°S) within the South Pole‐Aitken (SPA) basin on 2 June 2024 and returned 1,935.3 g of samples on 25 June 2024. The unique geological history of the Apollo basin o...
ABSTRAK Tanah longsor di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Giritengah dipengaruhi oleh kondisi geologis, curah hujan, geomorfologi, jenis tanah, dan praktik penggunaan lahan yang tidak sesuai. Penelitian ini menganalisis kerentanan tanah longsor, menilai dampak penggunaan lahan terhadap kerentanan tersebut, dan merancang struktur konservasi tanah dan air...
Transport infrastructure provides a basis for economic activities in the rural areas in the long term. But the environment consequences can not be neglected only foreseeing long term economic benefit. Difficult topography and unstable geology make the road construction difficult in the rural hills of Nepal. Beside, the predominantly absolute povert...
Al-Qur’an merupakan mukjizat terbesar yang diwahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad 14 abad yang yang lalu. Meski wujudnya tidak ḥissiyyah (fisik) seperti mukjizat lainnya, namun al-Qur'an mempunyai ciri dan metode tersendiri yang tidak dimiliki mukjizat lainnya. Al-Qur’an adalah kalam Allah Swt yang diwahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad memiliki kekuatan yang lu...
Remote sensing (RS) image classification is an important content of RS research area. How to solve the classification of the multi-category image, avoid the existence of “same objects with different spectrums” and “different spectrums with same objects” phenomemon, and achieve certain accuracy requirement is a key question in RS application researc...
Time series, as one of the most fundamental representations of sequential data, has been extensively studied across diverse disciplines, including computer science, biology, geology, astronomy, and environmental sciences. The advent of advanced sensing, storage, and networking technologies has resulted in high-dimensional time-series data, however,...
Wetland cover mapping is very important in the sustainable planning, identifying its areal extent and the rate of change over time. This study aims to map the areal extent and its rate of change in Kuala Terengganu district for its future sustainable develoment. Three LandsatTM images, which dated on 15th October 1998, 14th July 2002 and 15th Augus...
Unconventional gas reservoirs, characterized by their complex geologies and challenging extraction conditions, demand innovative approaches to enhance gas production and ensure economic viability. Well stimulation techniques, such as hydraulic fracturing and acidizing, have become indispensable tools in unlocking the potential of these tight format...
A. Dasar-Dasar Pengetahuan Ilmu pengetahuan berasal dari keinginan manusia untuk mengetahui alam yang dihadapinya, baik alam besar (macro cosmos) maupun alam kecil (micro cosmos). Manusia sebagai makhluk rasional diberi oleh Allah rasa ingin tahu. Keinginan itu berlangsung sejak anak-anak. Pertanyaan seperti; Apa itu?, Apa ini? selalu keluar dari m...
Wave ripples can provide valuable information on their formative hydrodynamic conditions in past subaqueous environments by inverting dimension predictors. However, these inversions do not usually take the mixed non-cohesive/cohesive nature of sediment beds into account. Recent experiments involving sand–kaolinite mixtures have demonstrated that wa...
ABSTRACT- Overbreak, defined as the excavation of
excess material beyond the required tunnel profile, is a
common issue in tunnel construction, particularly in tunnels
constructed using New Austrian Tunnelling Method
(NATM). In the context of Jammu and Kashmir, India, five
tunnels are currently being constructed along National
Highway-44 (NH-...
The Al Hoceima region of northern Morocco experienced an earthquake of magnitude Mw 6.4 on February 24, 2004, the strongest recorded in the region until then. This earthquake was devastating in a radius of about thirty kilometers around and was felt several hundred kilometers from the epicenter. In this paper, we present results of field investigat...
It is related to the realization of the benefit of state-owned resources and the long retainable development of thecountry to evaluate the mining property rights to improve the using rate of the mineral resources. Guided by theprinciple of prospective return, a method for evaluating geological potential value was put forward whichemphasized on the...
This study aimed to find out to what extent an intuitively developed ESP module for Science majors, taught at Sultan Qaboos University is appropriately written in terms of lexicon when compared to a core Geology textbook. The module was developed based on key topics which appeared in the Geology textbook. This study will only be evaluating vocabula...
Geological assessment of rock lithologies of the fourteen deer stones at the Uushigiin Uvur deer stone complex, west of Mürün in north-western Mongolia, indicated that natural jointing a product o regional geological stresses in the insitu rock-was an important component in stone selection by the deer stone fabricators. Near surface exfoliation fra...
Cognitive linguistics is considered as one of the most appropriate approaches to the study of scientific and technical language formation and development, where metaphor is accepted to play an essential role. This paper, based on the Cognitive Theory of Metaphor, takes as the starting point the terminological metaphors established in the research p...
El contexto material donde vemos emerger los jeroglíficos egipcios y el protosinaítico alfabético que se inspira en ellos, ambos en la tierra de Egipto, se pone en relación con la materialidad fonética orgánica que tienen en común redactores y receptores del texto, como posible vía de acceso para una construcción identitaria. El contacto permanente...
The current study focuses on the previous research on paleopalynology of existing plants from different regions of the Eocene strata of South Asia. This study was conducted for the first time in the study area to highlight the distributions, identifications, and abundance of the floral paleopalynological record of the Eocene in South Asia. The stud...
Wilayah Sindangkerta dan Cipongkor, dua kecamatan di Kabupaten Bandung Barat yang kaya akan potensi alam, merupakan wilayah yang menarik untuk dipetakan, terletak pada koordinat 6°57'00" sampai dengan 7°00'00" Lintang Selatan dan 107°21'50" sampai dengan 107°24'25" Bujur Timur dengan luas wilayah kurang lebih ±5 km x 5 km. Letak geografisnya yang s...
The study area which constituet the Ziway-Abijata & Langano lakes corridor and its surroundings is located in the central part of the main Ethiopian rift. This region is characterized by active tectonics, volcanic activities, varied geological and structural history, geothermal activity, and doted lakes on the lower lands of the rift floor. The res...
This study was aimed to investigate the relationship between Language Learning Strategies (LLS) and the level of proficiency of students in Arabic Ab Initio language. There were also several studies done to investigate the achievement of students and their frequent usage of these Language Learning Strategies. Meanwhile, the level of student profici...
O Comitê Científico é composto por 20 representantes de diferentes instituições, que tem como competência a emissão de pareceres relativos ao planejamento, desenvolvimento e avaliação das atividades científicas no território do
Seridó Geoparque Mundial da UNESCO, assim como de outras que direta ou
indiretamente possam ter repercussões no domínio ci...
Pulau Sulawesi yang terletak di bagian tengah Kepulauan Indonesia menyerupai huruf K. Bentuk ini dipengaruhi oleh pergerakan tiga lempeng utama dunia. Berdasarkan wilayah fisiografinya, Pulau Sulawesi terbagi menjadi Lengan Selatan, Lengan Tengah, Lengan Utara, Lengan Timur, Tenggara Lengan dan Leher. Gorontalo yang merupakan bagian dari Lengan Uta...
The fields of physics, chemistry, geology, and biology are closely interconnected, each offering unique insights into natural phenomena and processes. These fields work together to explain the various aspects of nature through distinct approaches. Below, we explore the primary aspects of the interaction between physics, chemistry, geology, and biol...
The remote sensing image can not only show the panorama information of the fault distribution, but also offer the information about the geology, physiognomy and digital elevation with high precision. In this paper we took the Hangzhou area as the example and systematically introduced the application of the remote sensing technology in the optimal d...