Science topics: GeoscienceGeography
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Glad to have been selected for the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Culture's Series "Artefact of the Month", edited by Thies Staack and Leah Mascia. On the Artefact of the Month Series in the editors' words: "Every written artefact has a unique and fascinating story to tell, be it about the materials and tools used to produce it, its contents,...
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The European Journal of Geography (EJG) Annual Report 2024 reflects on the pivotal role geography plays in addressing some of the most pressing challenges of our time, including climate change, urbanisation, geopolitical instability, and the rapid pace of digital transformation. The report highlights how geography continues to offer valuable insigh...
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The poster is about geography self exercise for Grade 12 social science students of the year 2025
Conference Paper
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Kerentanan adalah konsep mendasar bagi dimensi teoritis dan praktis bencana, terkadang menyimpang dari wacana fisikalis dominan dalam studi bencana. Manajemen bencana dan studi berorientasi teknik, konseptualisasi kerentanan dan penerapannya telah mengalami beberapa transformasi. Pemetaan yang akurat dapat mengintegrasikan sistem informasi geografi...
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Decentralized Finance (DeFi) adalah inovasi keuangan yang memanfaatkan teknologi blockchain untuk meningkatkan inklusi keuangan, terutama di negara berkembang. Dengan mengurangi kebutuhan akan perantara tradisional seperti bank, DeFi menawarkan layanan keuangan yang lebih mudah diakses, seperti pinjaman, tabungan, dan asuransi. Penelitian ini menge...
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The purpose of this research is to explore the application of the Center of Gravity Method (COGM) in determining the optimal factory location by considering transportation cost factors. The research method used is a literature review, where the author examines various relevant references about COGM and its application in location selection. Data an...
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The aim of this study was to compare the esthetic, functional, and psychosocial impact of mandibular crowding and maxillary midline diastema in black adolescents. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 420 black (brown and black, distinguished according to Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE) adolescents aged 12 with normal o...
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The Royal league tournament was launched in the format of a Scandinavian equivalent to the UEFA Champions League, consisting of the highest ranked teams from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The aim of the tournament was to enhance the performative competence of the Scandinavian teams by offering them with competitive opposition during winter months whe...
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A produção pecuária na Amazônia desempenha importante papel econômico no estado, segundo dados do IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística), em 2022, o estado do Pará foi o segundo lugar no Ranking de maior rebanho do Brasil, ficando atrás do estado do Mato Grosso com cerca de 34,3 milhões de cabeças de gado. O presente estudo buscou e...
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T HIS INTERDISCIPLINARY study analyzes the status of Geography as a subject matter in the Romanian education system, filling up a gap in the literature of Geography.of History, and of the sciences of education. From a geographical perspective, this study is important and original because it analyzes Geography school textbooks edited during the last...
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In der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte (AEMR), verabschiedet im Jahr 1948, spielen Fragen eines Schutzes von Natur bzw. Umwelt (noch) keine explizite Rolle. Erst mit den immer deutlicher werdenden ökologischen Krisen gegen Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts beginnt eine Diskussion darüber, ob und wie das System der Menschenrechte Fragen des Umwelt-...
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Este trabajo busca indagar acerca de la relación entre la productividad de la manufactura y el nivel salario en México. Con pruebas estadísticas variadas, se obtuvo que, para los años seleccionados y de manera paradójica, entre mayor es la productividad de un sector en México le corresponde un menor salario promedio, particularmente en el sector in...
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Physical Geography has used educational itineraries in natural environments as a key tool to promote practical learning and environmental awareness. In Castilla-La Mancha, National and Natural Parks serve as ideal settings for training activities organized by the Department of Geography at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, primarily aimed at fu...
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This paper explores factionalism in Nepalese political parties and its causes and effects on party factions. Nepal’s political culture is rife with factionalism, splinter groups, and power struggles. The paper traces the historical development of factionalization from ideological conflict and personal rivalry. The paper segments society into groups...
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With immigration rates on the rise, it is critical for policy makers to understand the impact of immigrant inflows on a range of domains. The paper examines the impact of immigration on local housing values at neighbourhood scale, using a first differenced model with spatial diffusion instrumental variables (IVs). A small but statistically signific...
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In a letter from the Younger Pliny (61-113 CE) to Tacitus (c.56-c.120 CE), he narrates the death in 79 CE of his uncle, the Elder Pliny (c.23/24-79 CE) during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Here we explore this death and demonstrate a hitherto potential unrecognised colorectal co-morbidity that may have contributed to his death. The Elder Pliny (c...
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Current evaluations of synthetic tabular data mainly focus on how well joint distributions are modeled, often overlooking the assessment of their effectiveness in preserving realistic event sequences and coherent entity relationships across columns.This paper proposes three evaluation metrics designed to assess the preservation of logical relations...
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Entre o passado e o presente: antigos naufrágios e a questão migratória contemporânea. Uma abordagem etnoarqueológica sobre o Mediterrâneo Between past and present: ancient shipwrecks and the contemporary migration issue. An ethnoarchaeological approach over the Mediterranean Letícia Aga Pereira Passos* Resumo: Este artigo visa a estabelecer um pan...
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Between 700 and 1400 CE, South Asia and Southeast Asia witnessed the construction of some of the world's most remarkable monumental art. From the grand Hindu and Buddhist temples of India, Cambodia, and Indonesia to the early Islamic architecture of the Delhi Sultanate, rulers and artisans created structures that reflected religious devotion, polit...
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O livro Sistemas paisagísticos de Cerrado, organizado por Diego Nascimento e Giuliano Novais, apresenta uma coletânea de trabalhos desenvolvidos por docentes e discentes do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia do Campus Cora Coralina, da Universidade Estadual de Goiás. Essa colaboração entre orientadores e orientandos tem sido incentivada pela Co...
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Este artigo aborda a interação entre território, cultura local e educação rural, explorando como as perspectivas geográficas e ambientais podem contribuir para a construção de um ensino mais conectado à realidade das comunidades do campo. A pesquisa analisa a relação intrínseca entre o espaço geográfico e as práticas culturais das populações rurais...
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Este artigo aborda a interação entre território, cultura local e educação rural, explorando como as perspectivas geográficas e ambientais podem contribuir para a construção de um ensino mais conectado à realidade das comunidades do campo. A pesquisa analisa a relação intrínseca entre o espaço geográfico e as práticas culturais das populações rurais...
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Abstrak Teknologi drone yang di desain ini membuka peluang besar dalam berbagai bidang, seperti logistik, pemantauan lingkungan, dan pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun drone double blade versi La Heri dengan kemampuan membawa payload hingga 27 kg dan jarak kendali maksimal 21 km. Uji coba dilakukan pada jarak kendali...
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Map interpretations through graphic representations provide the learner with a spatial understanding of phenomena, processes or events occurring in the territory. The objective of the research is to propose a system of virtual maps for the study of Regional geographic the first year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Education - Geography, at the Central...
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El objetivo de esta sección monográfica es analizar la compleja, y a menudo contradictoria, representación de la figura materna o de la experiencia de la maternidad en diversos formatos. La diferenciación conceptual entre la maternidad (motherhood) y su práctica (mothering) ha permitido diferenciar entre un referente frecuentemente opresor y otro c...
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A B S T R AC T: This article examines the dissemination processes and geography of wheat species and varieties in Portugal between the 16 th and the 20 th centuries. Based on a wide range of sources, from monastic records to official agricultural reports and oral interviews , it is concluded that the conditions that shaped the traditional division...
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The paper provides a systemic analysis of the layout characteristics of a geodatabase comprised of a large sample of 331 global container terminals. Despite the propensity towards terminal standardization that can be expected from containerization, container terminals demonstrate a substantial diversity in measurable attributes such as perimeter, t...
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This study aims to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution of crime in Tokat city center and surrounding rural areas between 2017 and 2021. Crime, a universal phenomenon, is examined within the context of its relationship with geography, focusing on its spatial and temporal dynamics. The study area includes the rural regions under the jurisdi...
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This study examines cultural participation in urban and rural areas of Greece, analyzing engagement levels, preferences, and barriers to access. Using survey data, we assess how factors such as geography, age, gender, and employment status influence cultural engagement. The Cultural Intensity Index reveals significant disparities in participation,...
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The competitive push for business schools to publish in prestigious journals has resulted in a disproportionate number of papers in prestigious Management and Operations Research/Management Science (OR/MS) journals coming from a select group of institutions. Our analysis shows the Matthew effect of prestigious journals favors established schools wi...
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Proustowski świat w Combray miał tylko dwie strony: „dwie «strony», w które można było pójść na spacer, i tak przeciwstawne, że idąc w jedną albo w drugą stronę [d’un côté ou de l’autre], nie wychodziło się od nas przez te same drzwi: stronę Méséglise-la-Vineuse, którą nazywaliśmy także stroną u Swanna […] i stronę Guermantów”. Jak jednak wiadomo,...
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This study explores the complexities of Germany’s energy transition, focusing on coal workers and their unions. Drawing from labor geography, the article examines how workers navigate the challenges of the coal phase-out. Despite strong union representation, co-determination rights, and negotiated economic provisions, coal workers express significa...
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This chapter interprets the scope and key definitions in Part II Marine Genetic Resource governance of the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) Agreement. The purpose of this chapter is to: (a) aid practitioners and policy makers’ understanding of the rationale underlying the treaty obligations and key gaps in interpretation; (b) outlin...
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Abstrak Sebagai negara kepulauan terbesar didunia, Indonesia seharusnya memiliki industri perkapalan yang handal. Saat ini terdapat sekitar 250 unit galangan kapal di Indonesia dimana sekitar 160 unit diantaranya mampu untuk membangun kapal baru dan sisanya hanya mampu melakukan perbaikan kapal. Utilisasi pembangunan kapal baru saat ini sekitar 45...
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A alimentação caminha junto com o homem acompanhando as modificações sociais, inclusive com muitos dos preconceitos que se arraigaram na sociedade. Alguns destes resultaram no “escanteamento” das mulheres no mercado de trabalho que, somada às outras características patriarcais, serve para a criação da teoria do “teto de vidro”. Trata-se de uma lent...
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At the global scale, cross-border migration as well as intra-country migration is common. As an individual-level adaptive strategy, migration has an important impact on economic development, socio-political and cultural process. However, scholars have mostly focused on spatial-temporal variations, predictions about migration using models and indivi...
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender o processo de acumulação por espoliação, provocado pela territorialização do capital agroflorestal nos municípios de Açailândia e São Francisco do Brejão, estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Está estruturado em duas etapas: a primeira abrange o referencial teórico e a sistematização de dados secundários, com dado...
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Este texto foi desenvolvido a partir de uma mesa-redonda de mesmo nome que o título deste manuscrito, da qual participamos como palestrantes, ocorrida durante a realização do XV Encontro Nacional de Pós- Graduação e Pesquisa em Geografia, na Universidade Federal de Tocantins (UFT), cidade de Palmas/Tocantins, no período de 9 a 13 de outubro de 2023...
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El Boletín de la Asociación Española de Geografía (ISSN 0212-9426) es una revista científica de acceso abierto, con periodicidad trimestral, editada y distribuida por la Asociación Española de Geografía
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Este artículo de revisión tiene como objetivo investigar la efectividad de los recursos digitales interactivos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudios sociales, promoviendo un aprendizaje significativo y duradero en los estudiantes de educación básica. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se utilizó una metodología que incluyó una...
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The relationship between traditional village landscape genes and the geographical environment is closely intertwined, exhibiting notable spatial differences and cultural characteristics during scale transformations. To effectively elucidate the formation mechanisms of these landscape genes, it is essential to construct a multi-scale analytical fram...
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Pencemaran udara dari partikel debu terutama PM2,5 akhir-akhir ini mulai banyak mendapatkan perhatian dari berbagai kalangan. Dampak negatif pencemaran PM2,5 pada suatu daerah dapat menyebabkan penurunan kualitas lingkungan yang pada akhirnya dapat mengganggu kesehatan manusia. Kajian literatur review dilakukan guna mengetahui bagaimana perbandinga...
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This paper analyses the search for identity from a cultural and social perspective, the struggle of the immigrants in achieving self-assertiveness with reference to Hanif Kureishi's novel The Buddha of Suburbia (1990). In my research I will refer to relevant studies of some theoreticians such as: Stuart Hall, Joanne P. Sharp's Geographies of Postco...
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The European long-distance passenger transport market is rapidly changing. There is a striking discrepancy between the relevance of long-distance travel for emission reduction goals and the lack of knowledge to support its design, planning and policy making. A conceptual representation of this market is provided, and four key scientific challenges...
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Platform digital, seperti e-commerce, ride-hailing, dan layanan pemesanan online, telah mengubah cara konsumen dan penyedia layanan berinteraksi. Konsumen dapat dengan mudah mengakses berbagai layanan dan produk dari berbagai tempat tanpa batasan geografis. Namun, dengan kemudahan tersebut muncul berbagai masalah, seperti penipuan, produk yang tida...
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Začetki stikov in strokovnega sodelovanja med slovenskimi, češkimi in slovaškimi znanstveniki, kjer pomembno mesto zavzemajo predstavniki geoznanosti, segajo v čase nekdanjega Avstrijskega cesarstva oziroma Avstro-Ogr-ske. Sodobna doba medsebojnega sodelovanja, pogosto tudi osebnega, neformal-nega, sega v drugo polovico 20. stoletja. Na slovenski s...
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Cities serve as the main platform for human socio-economic activities, where large crowds, products and information converge, forming complex societal interactions and the space for human to interact with each other. Like traditional geographical space, in cities, cyberspace and societal space also offer diverse channels for human interactions. Whi...
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Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengembangan aplikasi web interaktif yang memanfaatkan teknologi Geographic Information System (GIS) dan Penginderaan Jauh untuk pemetaan rute dinamis antar-cabang perusahaan. Aplikasi ini mengintegrasikan data geospasial dari citra satelit dan informasi geografis yang disimpan dalam database MySQL, diproses melalui API...
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« Ambohimangakely connaît une transformation rapide. L'urbanisation s'accélère à un rythme effréné, entraînant une augmentation exponentielle de la quantité de déchets à gérer pour la commune. Face à ce problème croissant, des solutions innovantes et durables doivent être mises en place d'urgence afin de protéger l'environnement, préserver la santé...
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This article explores how financial tools and investment strategies can be leveraged to create a just, sustainable, and harmonious global system. It delves into the current challenges the world faces, such as economic inequality, environmental degradation, and resource mismanagement, and proposes innovative ways to address these issues. By reth...
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Neste artigo analisamos os conceitos de conservação da natureza e regeneração natural e artificial no Tratado da conservação da saúde dos povos (1756), de Antônio Nunes Ribeiro Sanches (1699-1783). Nos concentramos nos métodos de interpretação dos fenômenos naturais, na proposta pedagógica e na construção da narrativa do Tratado, resultando em uma...
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تسعى هذه الدراسة إلى دراسة الاستراتيجيات الإقناعية في خطب أبي عبيدة المتحدث الرسمي لكتائب القسام، للوقوف على مدى تجلي آليات الإستراتيجية التوجيهية في التواصل بين المتلقين مع مختلف ثقافاتهم، وتنوع جغرافيتهم السكانية، ومدى القدرة الخطابية لأبي عبيدة في إقناع متلقيه والتأثير فيه، وقدرة على مواءمة هذه الإستراتيجية مع السياق الذي ترد فيه، اعتمادًا على ا...
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Geography teacher candidates need to build a pro-environmental attitude to solve critical land issues through the construction of appropriate research-based solutions. This study aimed to determine the effect of research-based learning conservation on the pro-environmental attitudes of geography teacher candidates toward the preservation of Meru Be...
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Lugares são espacialidades permeadas por emoções, vínculos e múltiplas formas de afeto que transcendem uma dimensão puramente extensiva do espaço. Em razão disso, faz-se possível estruturar geografias emocionais que interpretam as variadas relações corpo-sensoriais inerentes à lugaridade de ser-no-mundo. Nesse sentido, o ensaio almeja identificar c...
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La evolución que ha conocido la porción de litoral que actualmente corresponde con la provincia de Granada es el claro ejemplo de la alteración de un territorio que puede servir de laboratorio de trabajo para definir y exportar una metodología de estudio aplicable a otros sectores de la costa española en general y mediterráneos en concreto. Su conf...
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Geographers interest in the subject of disability has traditionally been confined to particular parts of the discipline, and usually been of marginal interest to most academics. In this article the author reviews some of the paths by which disability by examining the geographical literature of the recent past. The main purpose of this review is to...
Conference Paper
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El Programa de Geografía que se oferta en la Universidad Veracruzana cuenta en la currícula, con la impartición de la experiencia educativa de Geografía de la Atmósfera y del Clima, entre otras. El objetivo es mostrar cómo se les encausa a los alumnos que cursan dicha materia, en la realización de prácticas que versan en el conocimiento y aprendiza...
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Author Benefits Open Access: free for readers, witharticle processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE and SSCI (Web of Science), GEOBASE, GeoRef, Inspec, AGRIS, RePEc, CAPlus / SciFinder, and other databases. Journal Rank: JCR - Q2 (Environmental Studies) / CiteScore - Q1 (Geography,...
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Purpose Inadequate reporting of nutrition data can hinder the success of nutrition health policies. CONSORT provides guidance for reporting of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and is required by most journals today, yet reporting of nutrition interventions may benefit from a more tailored approach. A Federation of European Nutrition Societies wo...
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إن معرفة كمية الإشعاع الشمسي الواصل الى سطح الأرض أمر مهم لتحديد موقع مشاريع الطاقة الشمسية، تهدف هذه الدراسة الى تحديد العوامل المؤثرة على التباين المكاني والزماني لتوزيع الإشعاع الشمسي في منطقة الدراسة أهمها الموقع الفلكي واتجاه الأرض وسطوع الشمسي وزاوية سقوط الأشعة الشمسية، وتحديد تباين الزماني والمكاني لكمية الإشعاع الشمسي الكلي بواسطة برنامج (...
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This study analyses the relationship between economic complexity and CO2 emissions using annual data from OECD countries from 1999 to 2021. We include measures of economic complexity associated with non-trading activities, such as patents and research publications, to complement traditional trade-based economic complexity. The PMG-ARDL approach sho...
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Cuando un director de un departamento universitario cesa en sus funciones, los miembros del mismo saben que necesitan un sucesor, de manera que, unos meses antes de que este hecho suceda, hay movimientos para lograr que se presenten personas candidatas para ocupar dicho cargo. Sin embargo, el proceso, lejos de ser fácil, previsible o lineal, está p...
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This study examines "VirtualGeo", a Mixed Reality and Generative AI platform designed to enhance U.S. geography knowledge among international students. By integrating immersive technologies, VirtualGeo allows students to engage with spatial content within an interactive digital landscape. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study evaluated the plat...
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The aim of this study is twofold: first, to introduce the concept of ‘geopolitical literacy’ to the national literature, and second, to reveal to reveal the geopolitics and geopolitical literacy perceptions of prospective geography and social studies teachers. This study adopted a qualitative approach using phenomenological methods to elucidate pre...
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Academic gender inequalities have been acknowledged as a long-standing issue. At conferences, a key arena for academic career development, these inequalities manifest themselves in various ways. This article aims to contribute to the debate on these issues by analysing, from a gender perspective, the EUGEO Geography Congress held in Barcelona in Se...
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El presente artículo se presenta en cuatro planteamientos. El primero contextualiza sobre lo que la geografía es, trascendiendo la idea escasa y general que se tiene de ella, a partir de relacionar su origen desde los griegos y cómo desde allí puede leerse que el espacio involucra una complejidad cuando se estudian sus objetos, sus contenidos, sus...
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Virtual learning spaces that are contextual and interactive have become a primary need in geography education, particularly in en hancing students’ spatial thinking skills. This study focuses on developing a virtual reality-based learning medium, designed as a digital learning space to facilitate the study of plantation resource potential. The purp...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan tren penelitian terkait e-taxation di era digital melalui pendekatan bibliometrik dengan data yang diambil dari Scopus dan dianalisis menggunakan VOSviewer. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa topik "e-taxation" menjadi node sentral dengan keterkaitan yang kuat dengan tema lain seperti "e-government," "informat...
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According to WHO stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. Everyone experiences stress to some degree. The way we respond to stress, however, makes a big difference to our overall wellbeing. But weath...
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Las voces que demandan una mayor atención al mundo rural en el ámbito escolar son cada vez más frecuentes, algo que coincide con la puesta en valor del Aprendizaje Servicio (ApS) como una estrategia metodológica relevante también para la etapa de Educación Infantil. Esta investigación presenta una revisión sistemática (basada en el protocolo PRISMA...
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The sub-district is the lowest element of government, having direct relations with the community. The district head has the authority to carry out administrative services. The administration of administrative services in sub-districts follows the Village Minimum Service Standards (SPM). The quality of the service measures the success of administrat...
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Inteligencia artificial en la Didáctica de Ciencias Sociales: Una aproximación exploratoria para la educación del futuro Artificial Intelligence in Social Science Didactics: An exploratory approach for the education of the future RESUMEN: Este estudio explora las oportunidades y desafíos que plantea la inteligencia artificial (IA) para la en-señanz...
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In the current educational context, the pressing need to redefine existing paradigms becomes undeniable, especially in the field of geographic education. Two portuguese teachers in initial training, confronted by this reality, chose to overcome challenges by introducing Problem-Based Learning into their classrooms, turning it into a fundamental pil...
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El paisaje es un concepto de primer orden en la geografía, pero las propuestas de enseñanza en educación infantil son escasas y no han explorado la estimulación del pensamiento crítico y el fortalecimiento de las capacidades del alumnado para tomar conciencia sobre la realidad. Por ello, este estudio tiene como objetivo conocer la representación de...
Conference Paper
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Since the advancements in technology, it has led to a transformation in various learning approach. The convenience to access information from online-databased has rapidly prompted schools worldwide to start incorporating certain technologies into teaching and learning practices as deemed appropriate. In this research, the Google Maps application wa...
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Este artículo presenta un análisis de los conocimientos sobre la geografía de España que poseen un grupo de estudiantes del tercer curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) de las Islas Baleares. Para la obtención de la información se ha empleado un instrumento validado que incluía un cuestionario sobre contenidos de carácter geográfico y un...
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Traditional Minangkabau traditional houses are also called Rumah Gadang. Rumah Gadang is a traditional house located in West Sumatra, Indonesia. This traditional house is used by the community as a residence for the Minangkabau people or tribe. Rumah Gadang resembles a ship. Rumah Gadang is also called the traditional bagonjong house (barter house)...
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Perang antara Rusia – Ukraina menimbulkan berbagai dampak strategis yang dirasakan oleh berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia. Bagi Indonesia, perang Rusia – Ukraina bisa memberi ancaman pada stabilitas nasional yang mempengaruhi ketahanan nasional. Dalam situasi ketidakpastian global akibat perang, Indonesia perlu menyusun langkah strategis untuk an...
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El contacto intergeneracional constituye una fuente de indudable valor para el aprendizaje geográfico. Las relaciones entre personas jóvenes y mayores ofrecen oportunidades didácticas que han sido aprovechadas con cierta frecuencia en contextos formativos informales; sin embargo, el impulso de proyectos educativos que faciliten el vínculo entre gen...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es problematizar el anarquismo transnacional de finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX –estudiado principalmente desde un prima masculino y occidental– con el fin de priorizar una mirada de género y poscolonial. Para ello, indagamos en la vida y la obra de dos intelectuales anarquistas europeas: la sueca Isabell...
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Se presenta un proyecto de innovación docente para su implementación en las asignaturas universitarias sobre la historia del pensamiento geográfico, materia esencialmente teórica para el estudio de las diferentes corrientes geográficas y sus personajes más significativos, su obra y cronología. El curso se estructura en tres bloques temáticos para r...
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This article addresses the geopolitics of urban knowledge production by focussing on articles published in the past six years (2018–2023) in six ‘international’ journals. It aims to contribute to ongoing debates on the questioning of Anglo‐American hegemony and the decolonisation of geographic scholarship through the analysis of the where of urban...
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La entrevista a Luísa Ferreira tiene como objetivo dar a conocer las principales áreas de su trabajo fotográfico que, iniciado a mediados de los años 80, abarca más de 35 años de actividad tanto en el ámbito del fotoperiodismo como en el desarrollo de proyectos personales y encargos de diferentes entidades. En un tránsito entre las últimas dos déca...
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Con este trabajo se pretende evaluar una innovación docente basada en el uso de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) para la enseñanza de dos asignaturas Topografía y Sistemas de Información Geográfica, y Expresión Gráfica de la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales de Badajoz (Grado en Ingeniería Eléctrica y Grado en Ingeniería Química Indus...
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The paper researches the topic on the border between tourism geography and transport geography. It focuses on the geographical distribution of cycling tourism in the Giant Mountains, the highest mountain range in Czechia, which is a popular destination for predominantly Czech tourists. In several localities of the mountains, signs of overtourism we...
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Pemetaan batas desa (dusun) sangat penting untuk mengatasi masalah administrasi dan inventarisasi aset desa. Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi adalah ketidakjelasan batas administrasi dan aset fasilitas desa yang belum tercatat dengan baik. Pemetaan desa bertujuan untuk mendigitalisasi data desa dan menyajikannya dalam bentuk peta. Desa Singajaya m...
Conference Paper
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Müzeler; tarih, kültür ve doğa varlıkları ile ilgili taşınır, taşınmaz bütün bilimsel, sanatsal belge, eşya, anıt ve kalıntıların korunduğu, saklandığı sergilendiği, toplumun bilimsel ve kültürel geçmişini yansıtan ve geleceğini biçimleyecek öğeleri araştıran yerlerdir (Artut, 2020; Atagök, 1999). Tarihin ilk çağlarından itibaren insanoğlu kendisi...
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El presente trabajo estudia los antropomorfos contextualizados en la denominada pintura rupestre esquemática de la provincia de Granada, tradicionalmente conocidos como antropomorfos en Y, doble Y, X y que aquí se engloban bajo el término «orantes». A través de un análisis métrico y estadístico, se pretende obtener una mejor definición tipológica,...