Science topics: GeoscienceGeography
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Geography - Science topic
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Questions related to Geography
I am a PhD student in geography, working on integrating the concepts of climate change, sustainability, and geomorphology into a single research paper. I am looking for ways to integrate these concepts in a logical and coherent manner into a research paper that deals with a specific region in Jordan. I would like to ask you to help me suggest approaches and methodologies that can help me develop this topic in line with current research trends and contribute to providing solutions to environmental challenges. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
We often find new zones, hosts, geography, and country and state records of fungi. How far we are spending our valuable time on it. If it is a new record, we need to mention the latest feature from the existing one in a short note, or we copy all the information, including photo plates and add the latest information.
Are we just replicating the same information showing unlimited times?
Are we confusing the reader to find what is new in the ocean of copied information?
FFor reasons that are not worth mentioning, I do not have the funds to buy a copy, nor any way to obtain them.
The spatial scene is defined as a collection of spatial objects and their particular spatial arrangement (Nedas, 2008). In the city scene, road and building are two fundamental elements for urban structure analysis. There are various pattern types due to the spatial distribution of building and road(e.g. linear buildings along the straight road, etc.).
I would like to know the typology of spatial scene patterns, or if there are any relevant literatures discussing them.
The concept of a "nation" is not a natural geographical construct but a human-imposed idea shaped by political, cultural, and historical factors. While nations often align with geographical features like rivers or mountains, these natural elements serve as convenient markers rather than inherent boundaries. The idea of a nation arises from shared language, culture, or governance, and its borders are negotiated through treaties, conflicts, and agreements, rather than determined by nature. This distinction highlights the nation as a product of human imagination, organization, and social constructs, rather than geography alone.
I have studied and worked in areas across Geography and Demography for some years now and I have often reflected on, to no avail, this question. I came to Demography through Human Geography and am curious where practitioners of each, or even both, subject areas think the lines of differentiation of these two areas. I ask this not because of their differences, but because of their similarities. I believe that I have seen a lot of academic research and industry practice in both areas overlap or even blend elements of each other together, consciously or unconsciously.
I'd very interested to hear the thoughts of others on this!
25th October 2024
Book Title: Reimaging Indian Rivers for Sustainability
Book Theme: The rivers of India, vital lifelines that support agriculture, industry, and drinking water needs, are facing unprecedented challenges due to climate change and human activities of the Anthropocene. The impact of rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and increasing frequency of extreme weather events is profoundly affecting the geomorphology, hydrology, ecology, and socioeconomic fabric associated with these waterways. This book project (edited volume) explores how climate change is influencing Indian rivers (impact) and outlines potential strategies for mitigation and adaptation (resilience). It also covers the impact of various human activities on the fluvial morphology, hydrology, and riverine environment. Yet, as we step further into the 21st century, these vital waterways face unprecedented challenges. Reviving and restoring fluvial ecosystems is essential for reviving the health of India's rivers. This involves rehabilitating wetlands, reforesting riparian zones, and restoring natural river channels that have been altered by human activity. The need to reimagine and revitalize India's rivers has never been more urgent. To ensure their sustainability and health, a comprehensive blueprint is essential—one that balances ecological preservation with socioeconomic development. Research initiatives from a range of academic perspectives, including geography, biology, hydrology, geomorphology, environmental sustainability, environmental science, water economy, sociology, and political geography, are required for the book project.
If you are interested, please download the attachment for more details and message me in ResearchGate.
Recommend me some geographic information system journal with free publication charges and open access
Thank you in advance for your reply.
i want to understand how geography plays a role in planning urban areas and creation of regional development project
The number of relevant paper on this topic is limited and it seems oudate.
Two associate professor positions: The Institute of Geography of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile, has opened two competitions for associate professors in the subjects of:
- Urban Geography, with a focus on planning and land management.
- Physical Geography, focusing on hydrography and environmental systems.
Below you can find more information about the competition
Best regards
Hello, I am a PhD student in geography and rural planning. I am at the stage of choosing the topic of my thesis. I need your help all over the world to choose the topic.
Je dois rédiger et soumettre mon mémoire de Master sur le thème Gouvernance et Gestion et gestion socio-environnementale et économique.
Mon sujet porte sur la gestion de la brèche de la langue de barbarie à Saint-Louis du Sénégal et ses impactes sur la Situation de la ville.
Je voudrai bien avoir votre "Avis" sur la question.
Le sujet est-il bien axé?
Dois-je retirer, ajouter ou modifier quelque chose?
Que pensez vous de la brèche de la langue de barbarie, son ouverture et sa gestion?
Exploring the scientific foundation of Geographic Information Systems to establish geography or GIS as a science was once a significant issue in 1990s. However, the emergence of deep learning and AI has gradually shifted the focus of GIS towards application, gradually eroding its disciplinary independence.
Entramos na última semana de pré-venda do livro Caos e Desordem Territorial no Vale do Javari, Amazônia, Brasil.
Com 65% da meta batida, estamos quase lá! Falta só aquele último empurrãozinho, dos que deixaram esta emoção para a última hora!
O livro apresenta a historicidade da violência e dos conflitos na Amazônia brasileira a partir Dislala-Korubo, grupos indígenas que vive em isolamento voluntário após décadas de resistência a massacres e correrias. Uma obra corajosa que apresenta um dos debates mais caros para a democracia e os direitos humanos no Brasil atual, numa de suas regiões mais emblemáticas, o Vale do Javari, na fronteira com Peru e Colômbia.
Ao ajudar na edição desta obra você apoia a publicação de obras acadêmicas e a difusão da ciência e do conhecimento no Brasil. Além disso, ainda ganha mimos especiais da Editora (a partir de R$ 45)! Não deixe de participar desta ação! Contamos com o apoio de vocês! Boa leitura! Há braços!
Sandoval Amparo e Marco Targino!
💪🏿🌎🍃🗺 #LeiaBonsLivros #Geografia #PovosIndígenas #ValedoJavari #Amazônia#Brasil #Fronteira #Geografia *#História *#Antropologia

Which is preferable:
publishing an article in a close-access journal like Elsevier (or Springer), or publishing in an open-access journal with a low impact factor?
Is there a new approach to curriculum development, especially geography curriculum for high school?
Do all open-access remote sensing and geography journals require a publishing charge?
What is the most important factor of misunderstanding in teaching geography among students?
How can the teaching of geography be separated for students?
Thank you in advance for the links to the articles
Escribo una Antología del Anuario de Geografía, que se publicó entre 1961 y 1994, donde Guerasimov publicó un artículo, por lo que necesito más información sobre él. Agradeceré información al respecto.
Will the earth be full of humans both aged and infants? What would have happened to the planet earth if there was no death?
What are the most important mechanisms on which military geography depends in the twenty-first century?
Is it possible to distinguish between plant geography and vegetal geography?
Is there really a need to distinguish vegetal geography from plant geography?
The academic journal Urban Art Bio,issn:2830-9618 Urbanism, Architecture, Territory, Bioclimatic and Biodiversity is an international multidisciplinary journal, with a reading committee, which publishes articles devoted to theoretical and applied research in Urbanism, Architecture, Territory Planning, Geography, Bioclimatic, Biodiversity and Environment, etc., edited by AJPS Publications. It is open to several multidisciplinary themes and welcomes authors from a diversity of disciplines.
The journal focuses particular attention on the practice of urban planning, architecture, geography and environment in Algeria, the Greater Maghreb, Africa and the Middle East, and other countries in the world, and is distributed in electronic version.
Urban Art Bio Academic Journal is published three times a year (May, September, December). Each volume contains three issues, the first issue for architecture and urban planning, the second issue for geography and spatial planning and the third issue for the environment, bioclimatic, and sustainable development.
Articles submitted should include a clear research question or problem, a grounding in the existing literature, an analysis of the results in dialogue with the literature, and a clear discussion of the original contribution of the article to the field of knowledge that the proposed articles focus.
Our international editorial board is composed of members who teach at the most prestigious universities. They are specialised in the following fields, related to :
Architecture, urban planning and urban professions
Earth and Space Sciences
Science and Technology
Research topics
The journal publishes original theoretical or applied research articles related to the following themes and areas
Architecture: landscape design, project management, etc.
Urban planning: Urban project, urban development, renewal, renovation and urban restructuring...etc.
City: urban spaces, public spaces, urban art, actors, etc.
Geography: territory, territorial planning, territorial dynamics...etc.
Environment: sustainable development, biodiversity, bioclimatic...etc.
What are the factors that cause the formation of snow? Does snowfall in a region generally depend on climatic and geographical factors such as latitude, altitude, distance from the main water sources and the type of air mass cycle in the region? What other factors are involved in your opinion?
Hello erveryone.
I want to try different global and temperature models and their data that want time, longitude, latitude, and height as inputs. I already tried different models for zenith tropospheric delay and precipitable water vapor, such as the Gtrop, Gpt3, Gpt2w, and Hgpt2 models. But I want something that looks like these models, which give me pressure and temperature in output.
Is there another model other than the ones mentioned that I can use?
It's important to me that you try more models.
Thanks a lot.
I would like to have some recent (since 2018) academic sources that illustrate the theory of Aesthetics and how different societies have different perceptions of it. I am looking for Eastern and Western thoughts on it.
Dear colleagues,
Do you know a source for groundwater time series data covering Jordan or the Levant?
I am particularly interested in
- daily, monthly, and annual data from
- spatial distribution across Jordan/Levant deriving from
- public domain/research institutions/NGOs over the
- time period 2001-2022
Many thanks for your suggestions and feedback!
For data sharing and questions or just a quick chat drop me an email:
Dr. Michael Kempf
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Department of Geography
Physical Geography -- Landscape Ecology and Geoinformation
Ludewig-Meyn-Str. 8 (R. 04.032)
24098 Kiel, Germany
I have been reading a lot of research considering a more-than-human approach to geographical phenomena. However, I did not come across any actual definition of "more-than-human" - nor have I been able to find one in research. Does anyone have a good reference defining more-than-human? I wonder to what extent scholars consider the expression "more-than-human" to be different from the joint binary "human/non-human".
First I would like to apologize for my limitations writing in English.
I am developing a doctoral thesis in geography whose theme led me to read about the BODY. So, I would like to know the opinion of colleagues regarding two questions:
- Is it possible to think of the body as a geographical analysis scale as legitimate as the others commonly used?
- In this context, what are the limits and potential of thinking of the body as space and object of study in geography?
** I accept indications of references on this topic. Thanks in advance.
I am looking for a book to support my lessons on Natural Resources for bachelor in Geography. I like very much the discussion Earth's Natural Resources, by John V. Walter:
there is a good degree of technological explanation on how to exploit the resources (explanation on solar energy, PV - rivers and basins and hydropower, wind and wind energy...) . Unfortunately the title will be going out of print.
Do you have a book top suggest that is in the similar style and that is suitable for a bachelor ?
According to Philostratus [Life of Apoll. 3.20], Indians founded sixty cities in sub-Saharan Africa 1500-1100 BCE, and according to Juba of Numidia [Plin. Nat. 2.34.97], there was an Indian colony in West Africa before 50 BCE. According to Cornelius Nepos [Geog. 3.5], an Indian tribe had sailed to Germania to do commerce, and according to Scymnus [Perieg. 167], the land of the Indians was located west from Sardinia, which would locate Indian colonies into Iberia.
Were these ancient writers referring to people who originated from India, or was the word "India" just a confused term to refer to all dark skinned people? If the latter interpretation is correct, who were these Africans who were claimed to have populated also western Europe before 150 BCE?
P.S. If you have good comments to these questions, you are warmly welcome to participate to the peer review of the India-Africa-Europe theory, which has been published at
I ask regarding the Experiments from 1926 until 1973 to measure the speed of light. If i want to put those measured velocities into relation to the equatorial diameter of earth, schould i then use
GRS 80, WGS 8419796.378.137,0 m
WGS 7219726.378.135,0 m
Internat. Ellipsoid19676.378.165,0 m
Hayford-Ellipsoid1910/246.378.388,0 m
Bessel-Ellipsoid18416.377.397,155 m
and why?
Thanks in advance
How would we go about specifying the position of our solar system in the universe, let us say
to an intelligence residing in an unknown part of the universe (assuming for simplicity that we can neglect the sun's motion in our galaxy).
Are there any objects or "landmarks" in the universe that could be used as known points of reference that could be used to specify our location to other intelligent beings residing in a distant part of the universe ? I am thinking of an exact analogue of longitude and latitude for the earth's surface.
An obvious answer would be simply to specify the aspect of the sky (and all known data) as seen from earth or the sun. But would this really be helpful, even if this did specify uniquely our position ?
Relativistic considerations further complicate matters.
Kindly help me on how geography as a subject promote these goals .
I'm considering topics for a PhD dissertation in Economics and I've considered the topic of rural exodus and its relationship with public policy and urban planning as a recommendation by my director. However, while I find it interesting, I am not familiar with the literature. Where should I start?
We know that the threshold value varies by geography. For the reason identifying this value is challenging and there is a considerable risk of identifying the incorrect value. That is why my primary goal is to precisely determine threshold value so that I can separate vegetations for a specific area from the rest of the landscape.
In my previous question I suggested using the Research Gate platform to launch large-scale spatio temporal comparative researches.
The following is the description of one of the problems of pressing importance for humanitarian and educational sectors.
For the last several decades there has been a gradual loss in quality of education on all its levels . We can observe that our universities are progressively turning into entertaining institutions, where students parties, musical and sport activities are valued higher than studying in a library or working on painstaking calculations.
In 1998 Vladimir Arnold (1937 – 2010), one of the greatest mathematicians of our times, in his article “Mathematical Innumeracy Scarier Than Inquisition Fires” (newspaper “Izvestia”, Moscow) stated that the power players didn’t need all the people to be able to think and analyze, only “cogs in machines,” serving their interests and business processes. He also wrote that American students didn’t know how to sum up simple fractions. Most of them sum up numerator and denominators of one simple fraction with the ones of the other, i.e. as they did it, 1/2+ 1/3 according to their understand is equal to 2/5 . Vladimir Arnold pointed out that with this kind of education, students can’t think, prove and reason – they are easy to turn into a crowd, to be easily manipulated by cunning politicians because they don’t usually understand causes and effects of political acts. I would add, for myself, that this process is quite understandable and expected because computers, internet and consumer society lifestyle (with its continuous rush for more and newer commodities we are induced to regard as a healthy behavior) have wiped off young people’s skills in elementary logic and eagerness to study hard. And this is exactly what the consumer economics and its bosses, the owners of international businesses and local magnates, need.
I recall a funny incident that happened in Kharkov (Ukraine). One Biology student was asked what “two squared” was. He answered that it was the number 2 inscribed into a square.
The level and the scale of education and intellectual decline described can be easily measured with the help of the Research Gate platform. It could be appropriate to test students’ logic abilities, instead of guess-the-answer tests which have taken over all the universities within the framework of Bologna Process which victorious march on the territories of former Soviet states. Many people can remember the fact that Soviet education system was one of the best in the world. I have therefore suggested the following tests:
1. In a Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky (1868-1945) painting “Oral accounting at Rachinsky's People's school”(1895) one could see boys in a village school at a mental arithmetic lesson. Their teacher, Sergei Rachinsky (1833-1902), the school headmaster and also a professor at the Moscow University in the 1860s, offered the children the following exercise to do a mental calculation (
(10 х 10 + 11 х 11 + 12 х 12 + 13 х 13 + 14 х 14) / 365 = ?
(there is no provision here on Research Gate to write square of the numbers,thats why I have writen through multiplication of the numbers )
19th century peasant children with basted shoes (“lapti”) were able to solve such task mentally. This year, in September, this very exercise was given to the senior high school pupils and the first year students of a university with major in Physics and Technology in Kyiv (the capital of Ukraine) and no one could solve it.
2. Exercise of a famous mathematician Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855): to calculate mentally the sum of the first one hundred positive integers:
1+2+3+4+…+100 = ?
3. Albrecht Dürer’s (1471-1528) magic square (
The German Renaissance painter was amazed by the mathematical properties of the magic square, which were described in Europe firstly in Spanish (the 1280s) and Italian (14th century) manuscripts. He used the image of the square as a detail for in his Melancholia I painting , which was drawn in 1514, and included the numbers 15 and 14 in his magic square:
16 3 2 13
5 10 11 8
9 6 7 12
4 15 14 1
Ask your students to find regularities in this magic square. In case this exercise seems hard, you can offer them Lo Shu (2200 BC) square, a simpler variant of magic square of the third order (minimal non-trivial case):
4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6
4. Summing up of simple fractions.
According to Vladimir Arnold’s popular articles, in the era of computers and Internet, this test becomes an absolute obstacle for more and more students all over the world. Any exercises of the following type will be appropriate at this part:
3/7 + 7/3 = ? and 5/6 + 7/15=?
I think these four tests will be enough. All of them are for logical skills, unlike the tests created under Bologna Process.
Dear colleagues, professors and teachers,
You can offer these tasks to the students at your colleges and universities and share the results here, at the Research Gate platform, so that we all can see the landscape of the wretchedness and misery resulted from neoliberal economics and globalization.
I would like to know your opinion about the prisoners of geography around the world.
- How to overcome the individualistic idea of poverty?
- What is the relationship between the poverty of the places and the poverty of the people?
- How can one think of a general model to analyze the topic of local structures versus household poverty?
I am interested in seeing whether the focus of GIScience studies have shifted over the last few decades from being more local or regional in scale towards global. My assumption is that due to the availability and accessibility of global datasets (e.g. user generated data) and technical advancements that make it possible to analyse these datasets triggered a shift in geographic focus.
In a recent review of OpenStreetMap related publications, we found that 6.5% of analyzed publications had a global focus [1] . I was wondering if there are similar review papers that are broader in scope.
Research becoming more transdisciplinary with each passing day, the boundaries drawn between each discipline and paradigm is constantly changing. Kindly substantiate your answer
Hello, for an article I am looking for maps of the Crimean peninsula (ideally textbooks or atlases) from Russia and Ukraine to compare. Does anyone have appropriate materials or know of suitable contacts (textbook publishers or universities)? Best regards.
Mainly their works are in German or in Swedish, may be someone has read Politishce Geographie in English?
The ancient Amazon women cultures had been described in the very early books of Hecataios from Miletos, Herodotos from Halicarnassos and others as well as in the book of Geography written by Strabon from Amasia, all from Turkey, where Amazon women had named cities like Termiskyra at the Black Sea coast, Ephesia, Smyrna at the Aegean Sea coast, etc. Why could we not find any remainings from Amazon women cultures, besides their graves?
Interested to join the launched 'Climate and Environmental Change Network' at the biggest university and research association "Unimed" for multilateral scientific cooperation.
Get more info at
Deadline : July 30th. Don't miss it ↗️
I'm part of a project creating a public atlas to document and map people's subjective experiences of extreme weather events. I've included information and a link to a short survey below. Feel free to fill this out yourself, and/or forward to your networks via email, social media, etc. Thanks!
Extreme Weather Events Survey
Ecologies of Harm: Mapping Contexts of Vulnerability in the Time of Covid-19
The University of British Columbia
This is a digital commons project intended to provide equitable access to knowledge.
COVID-19 presents the potential for people and groups to become exposed to harm in new ways. To see the overlapping ways in which these harms may be occurring, we’ve designed a survey for experiences of extreme weather events that are affecting people across the world.
This is a citizen / community observation survey, open to anyone 18 years of age and older who wishes to contribute. Your descriptions will upload directly to an interactive map of the world that is publicly accessible on this website:
Your participation is entirely voluntary, and you do not have to answer every question. If you do wish to participate, you do not need to record your name. You may contribute as many observations as you like!
Please share widely, and keep in mind that re-posting, “liking,” or “following,” will be visible to others on public network platforms.
Link to survey:
Project Email:
Principal Investigator: Dr. Leslie Robertson
Any recommendations for a good "Research Methods" textbook suitable for Geography undergraduates? Which textbooks do you like? Or any recommendations for open source online research methods textbooks?
Dear colleagues,
Does anyone know if there is any rainfall threshold (mm/year, month or day, etc.) for a city to be considered "rainy" or "very rainy"? Or the rainfall intensity thresholds (weak, moderate, heavy, etc.)? Are there any international standards, for example from ISO or another institution? If there is a reference to support it, it will help better.
Ditto for wind speed thresholds (m/s or kt) for a place to be considered "windy". Does anyone know any references?
Thank you in advance for your attention.
I can think of geography when trying to find the top peak or the lowest valley.
What else in our physical world or perception that can relate to this concept?
Like waves also have so many local optimums ...
Also related are covex set rule
that all end points have to be connected? Is this something from biology?
Recent view from DeepLearning on the switch to saddle points rather than global optimums ...
(298) The Problem of Local Optima (C2W3L10) - YouTube
I am looking for feedback from English language learners who have developed their language skills through the fields of Cartography/Geography.
Dear all,
I am new in the Mobility of populations movement, coming up with 2 questions:
1. What is the definition of Mobility and Migration in terms of populations movement? What are their differences in Geography and Anthropology?
2. What are the common or well-known conceptual and analytical frameworks and theories for the study at micro and macro levels?
Thanks in advance,
I'm interesting in know the periods during the Miocene where the Balearic Islands could have been submerged and, the periods (before the Messinian) where the islands could have been connected to the Iberian Peninsula.
Lahore Journal of Policy Studies
Special Issue on Covid-19
Call for Papers
Dear Sir/Madam
We intend to take out the next issue of the Lahore Journal of Policy Studies on Covid-19. The novel Coronavirus has come as a major calamity out of the blue leading to a sudden economic halt across the world. There had been other pandemics earlier but the response was never so severe, widespread and universal. The Third World acted largely on the basis of scientific predictions and policies originating in Developed Countries without any policy based on locally grounded scientific/medical knowledge. With the high death rate reported from Italy and Spain followed in a couple of months by even higher deaths in US and UK the world was terrorized. The fast pace of statistics did not allow for a cool headed debate and reflection nor did people have any facts on which to develop some degree of understanding and make an opinion. Except for a few critical special publications, the media has been more interested in statistical reporting than any critical analyses. With the passage of time many riddles and paradoxes, have come to the fore and call for reflection. There is need to explore these riddles and paradoxes because many revelations are likely to come out of these. For instance,
· Why have there been far more deaths in the prosperous and highly developed countries of US and Britain than in the countries of the Third World
· Why have there been far more deaths in the urban areas which have more awareness and healthcare facilities compared to the backward rural areas
· Is the pandemic primarily a medical issue to be dealt with by doctors or a socioecological issue to be dealt with through political debate and policy
· What has been our experience of pandemics in the past. In India whether it was bubonic plague, Spanish flu or smallpox, in each instance the epidemic continued for many decades. What communities and what geographies were affected. What conditions brought the disease under control
· What was the role of vaccines in ending the pandemics
· What was the relation of poverty to the number of deaths and why? Was it because of hygiene or was it because of food and healthcare
· What is the relationship between our economic goals of productivity and development and the onset of disease
· Industrial agriculture including deforestation, monocultures, genetic selection and animal feed lots have greatly increased production. What is its relationship with the pandemics
· The growth of giant cities in the Third World has created new environment for the spread of disease. Why has this aspect not been highlighted in the coronavirus debate
· What is the role of globalization of commodity production, services and people in the generation and spread of pandemics
· Where has this virus come from? Has the frequency of deadly viruses like Ebola, MERS, SARS, Corona, H1N1 increased in the past few decades? Is there any common process of generation between them
· How has the pandemic changed the ecologies of work such as education, commerce, health, entertainment and hospitality
· The impact of the lockdowns on gender inequality
You may choose a topic or write generally about the impact and origin of the disease.
Submission of abstracts 31st August 2020
Submission of final papers 31st October 2020
Whatever contributions we receive by the end of October 2020 will pass through a process of refereeing before they are accepted.
Please mail queries and abstracts to
Rabia Nadir
Editor, Special Issue
Lahore Journal of Policy Studies
Note: The Lahore Journal of Policy Studies is a refereed journal. The journal has a broad scope, covering national, regional and international political, economic, social and cultural issues of immediate relevance to public policy. It aims to be a forum for significant new ideas and seeks to challenge thinkers and intellectuals to policy debate. It is neither a journalistic magazine nor an overly technical one. Rather, it is a scholarly journal containing provocative, thoughtful, but well-researched writings with an educated and discerning readership in mind. It seeks originality and rigour of argument. The selection of papers will be based on topicality, originality, clarity, the extent to which they advance knowledge, understanding and application and their likely contribution towards inspiring further development, research and debate.
What are the major differences between philosophy and methodology in geography
Hi I am currently doing a geography dissertation studying the representation of future space in climate fiction films thinking about ideas of capitalist hegemony and power inequalities in reference to gender and race. In terms of methodology im confused about the difference between textual and visual analysis (texts, at least in geography referring to pretty much everything), are they the same or is one better at analysing different aspects. Further in terms of actually carrying out the analysis how should my results be presented as due to it being on films i can't include parts of the film itself.
I'm working in the broad field of political ecology and I'm currently co-authoring an article about the social-ecological consequences of the digital economy (material anchor, territorialities, conflicts). I'm therefore looking for literature about the digital economy I might have missed so far. I'm pleased about all suggestions. Many thanks in advance!
Hi colleague researchers!
I've been preparing research on Digital twin and machine learning adoption at retail/wholesale companies. But it appears that ML is applicable in a limited number of operations, in reality. Such as demand forecasting in category management. In your experience what is the situation in the industry?
Geography of my data source is Central Asia and Former Soviet Union countries.
I am also open for joint research in this field.
Dear respectful community researchers,
I am interested to find out the impact of Institution, Geography, and Trade on Economic Development of a single country.
I do know that for several countries' analysis, researchers mostly used the Hausmann and Taylor (1981) model to find the impact. Unfortunately, I have no idea if any model exists to be suitable to execute on a single country.
I am very much looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you so much indeed
Best Regards,
Abdul Rahim
I am conducting a state-of-the-art analysis of these concepts. If you have contributions, please, send me.
i have french B1 as my advantageous criteria. i am interested in finding an internship for the year 2020 in these fields, i have a 3 year degree and a fresh graduate. please help.
Do you like to watch the National Geography channel and why?
Need to be more involve in my area of interest
We are living in a world that sometimes two brothers or sisters may not understand each other. In such a situation, a number of historical records, literature phrases, and similar subjects may get confused or misused.
The question is here how physics may solve those kinds of difficulties.
What spatial tools can be used to analyze the spread of the new coronavirus? What models can be adopted and what spatial epidemiology can be used to study the spread across the globe. Many thanks for your contribution.
Dear All,
I need the bathymetric data of the Persian Gulf in a text format (x,y,z.txt). Does anybody have these data to help me?
Given the two following patterns: the left or the right, which one is more beautiful than another?

Sediment is relatively younger than the soil in the depositional environment as the sediments are consequence of the accretion of particles transported either by waters or by winds, whereas, soil profile is stable lacking any sort of movement. Soil profile is developed with time span which is a stable one, but the movement of the sediment particles developed those soil profiles in so many physiographic set up, are they (soils and Sediments) differed chemically, do they possess different chemical environment?
Geography has always been seen as a classical subject and rarely been linked to realised socio-economic development, or community’s problem-solving. The literature is scarce about the role of geography in overcoming challenges.
Here is however, one introductory paper for further readings
The aim is to get acquainted with the field and conduct a literature review. While South East Asia (and particularly India) are of most relevance but I want to learn the main theories in the field of youth sociology. I've been coming across a lot of work from geography but need guidance re work from sociology discipline at the moment. Appreciate your help!