Science topics: Social ScienceGender Studies
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Gender Studies - Science topic
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Questions related to Gender Studies
I once read a book about sociolinguistics in my "Intro to language and education" course, dating back to 2019. That book demonstrated the relationship between the art of the language and gender studies (e.g. speech patterns). Nowadays, we can see that there are many genders out there alongside LGBTQ, and many educational institutions are promoting equity for these particular social groups. Similarly, it becomes clear that some students have different studying preferences when it comes to learning.
My question here is, what do you think about this case? Will it become a norm in the next decade? If yes, how should teachers respond to this situation? Look forward to hearing from different interpretations.
I have been looking at family violence data in Australia and noticed a pattern of gender symmetry emerging in DFV murder victimisation. While men are still over represented in DFV perpetration data, it has made me question why there is such a strong focus on segmenting data by gender in DFV research, and why there is such a high level of polarisation around discussions of DFV data and public policy.

I need experienced scholar in Gender Studies - Women/Girl Education for guidance in my further research.
When I embarked on this journey of exploring more on exploring the condition and status of gender equity and equality in architecture, or public spaces, or urban design, I found very little literature is available. Would be great to discuss on this topic. I have started to get an impression perhaps this topic is irrelevant or not trending at all. But I have strong feeling that has an importance, but very little research has been done on this. Would be great if you know of some documents or share some light on this.
Respected Scholars! What are the sayings/views about intersex and trans people (Jesus) an old/new Testament/Version? I am entire need of it for my research.
Mouna (awaiting)
Hello my research belong to gender studies. i m working on high school teachers' psychosocial pressure risks from gender perspective. My MA research is about Gender and high school Teachers' Psychosocial Pressure Risks. the aim of my research is to invistigate whether male & female teachers have face the same psychosocial pressures ,during their teaching career, or because of gender(how man & woman are perceived, gender roles,cultures) they have differents problems? what are the causes of male/female teachers psychosocial pressures? during my research i m going to rely on some developed countries' experiences in the field and how they have dealt with this issue in order to reduce teachers' psychosocial pressures taking into account male's and femele's different.needs.thanks in advanced
There are certain emerging global issues in the field of women and gender studies. I would like to know your ideas on this topic.
Feminism & Women Empowerment in India
Most researches show that silence is either negative or positive. In most African fiction, silence is applied to mean either, void, submission, absence, fear, defiance or otherwise. How is this pattern of silence impacting gender studies?
This anonymous survey is open to all UK and Middle East academics, researchers, postgraduate students, and professionals. It takes 10 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey you will be offered the opportunity to fill in your details on a separate online form, in case you wish to be considered for the prize draw. To participate, please click on the link below. You are welcome to share the link with your professional and/or social network too.
This is a survey for a Master’s thesis and your support is greatly appreciated. The title of the study is ‘‘The role of leadership self-efficacy (LSE) in developing academic and professional leaders’’. You can find more information in the Participant Information Sheet, which is available with the survey.
Gender Studies
The situation of Amazigh women in Morocco
Why is science of technology geared towards males over females?
What is the relationship between vulnerability and poverty as well as gender and poverty?
Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C)
Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting are used interchangeably. However, this practice is practised in many countries around the world and is predominantly practised in some countries more than the other. The practice has been criminalised, however, there are several factors that impede the fight against FGM. Some of these impeding factors are cultural beliefs and religious misconceptions.
There are physical and psychological impacts of FGM/C on women's well-being. However, not much about these health hazards/challenges have been attended to.
Q. 1. What is the essence of this practice?
Q. 2. Are there any physical, psychological, or spiritual benefits of this practice on women?
Q. 3. What role does cultural beliefs play in the practice or prevention of FGM/C?
Q. 4. What role does religion play in the campaign against this practice?
Q. 5. What role do men play in the fight against FGM?
Q. 6. How have survivors of FGM/C been taken care of? = psychologically or socially integrated into the community to join the fight against ending the practice?
You may mention my name as a campaigner/activist against the practice if you like but due to some other activities I am not able to be present for now.
Thank you very much.
Hello Women leaders of tomorrow,
Hope you are having a lovely start to this year. You all have a very unique experience in your life, especially in workplaces. I, thus, want to know about your experiences when you are at your college, or offices.
I am trying to do a study to analyse your experiences and would love if you could spare a few minutes of your time to fill our survey out. Your insight will be greatly appreciated and would help in our understanding of your perceptions.
Here's the link:
Thanks and Regards,
Shardul Shankar
Research Scholar,
IIIT Allahabad
I am writing an article about the evolution of feminine and masculine leadership styles. According to my theory, genes and hormones "tune up" the attractors of femininity and masculinity, and these attractors then lead to "feminine" and "masculine" styles of leadership and management in the process of socio-cultural evolution (see ).
Riane Eisler (2002) has conceptualized femininity and masculinity in the same fashion, as attractors that are based on biology - without being determined by biology. Do you know, if there are other students of a) gender studies or b) biological evolution, who would have used this same approach?
I lecture and research on Igbo studies, literature, Culture, stylistics, and gender studies. I want to add them as my discipline to be able to get materials on them and also follow researchers on the subjects.
Gender related Status in Odisha?
Gender gaps in Odisha in comparison to India and Asia?
Feminist research methods incorporate the experiences of women and challenge the conventional notions of subjectivity and objectivity.
Dear colleagues,
I invite you to send a paper to the symposium I am coordinating on "Gender studies in business and the public sector":
Thank you!
The literature regarding gender and the distribution of personality traits ( Big five personality traits model as a reference,; McCrae & Costa) are pretty clear. Women score higher on traits such as agreeableness and openness for example. There are some examples in the literature regarding why there is a difference between men and women in terms of personality traits. However how does sociological factors such as the influence asserted by the individuals belonging to social group, ethnic group, culture etc. Can we say that women across the spectrum are more agreeable or open and men are less agreeable according the the big five personality traits model (McCrae & Costa 1985 etc) or are there other markers that also influence out traits...can it be that in some cultures women are less agreeable than men for example or do you think the big five model and the distribution of traits in terms of a gender perspective is universal? Are there any identifiable research gaps in your view? Best wishes Henrik
Hello everyone,
Please reach out if you work on gender studies, gender psychology, social psychology of gender, or gender-based discrimination. You can reach me here or write to me at
If you know any colleagues, friends, or collaborators who work on gender issues please tag them so that I can reach them. Looking forward to your support.
Best wishes,
Hi , Iam a first year phd researcher in the field of influencer marketing and iam looking for other memeber who are interrsted to discuss idees and help each other.
Recently, on RG there were discussions whether history is part of the sciences and if medicine is a case of applied sciences.
A discipline that is regularly criticized as non-scientific is gender studies. In Germany, among others some biologists denied that gender studies were a part science. It was also lamented that gender studies are too highly politicized and follow ideological paradigms rather than striving for objective insights.
Are there similar complaints in other countries? What do you think about the scientific standards in gender studies?
I am looking to integrate unheard voices into the survey class, before 1500. If you have secondary sources that you are willing to share please let me know.
I'm open to all point of view and fields on his subject : history, art, science, social studies, gender studies, etc.
Has anyone worked on agency in theory of practice in gender studies? Need insights.
Actually my research is based on women artworks as fiberartists and new embroderies creations. So, most of this women are kind of feminists and show a desire to take the textile as a new female medium. So, I'm asking myself as a woman and an art researcher : could we see a true difference between a man or a woman artwork nowadays? Is the gender studies are included in contemporary art equality?
Currently in Poland, a very lively debate on the issues of gender is taking place.
Opponents speak even of "gender ideology", using arguments that are difficult to accept calmly by the man who knows even the basic issues related to the topic.
Main opponent of gender theory in Poland is the Catholic Church, some of its representatives do not mince words.
Even in the Polish parliament the parliamentary group for the fight against gender ideology was formed.
I am trying to find some theoretical evidence for the fact that on personal-self construal level western nations(egalitarian) are less stereotypical when it comes to gender roles, if compared to eastern nations , but i couldn’t . Can you please help me in this regard and recommend some reads.
I found : own gender beliefs is higher (vs. lower) in eastern (vs. western) countries when considering other-stereotyping and when social comparison is salient, but the reverse was found when considering self-reporting, that is self-stereotyping.
The trend is well established in offering degrees such as Gender Studies, General Education (typically built on several minors with no major), and others broad based liberal studies degrees. What employment opportunities are available for these graduates? Should degrees lead to employment in the selected field of study?
Or any other studies that might be relevant to this topic?
I am completing my dissertation with a qualitative approach. I expect inputs for the use of two theories: structural functioning and transformative ecofeminism in understanding field facts. Can it be? Thank you
I am still collecting survey tools used by researchers who have used in studies of transgender men and women. The tools will be used to inform the development of a new survey tool that may be added to CDC's National HIV Behavioral Surveillance (NHBS) survey set. If you are willing to share your survey tool (and have not already done so) please do so.
All the best,
I have difficulty differentiating analysis of gender studies with qualitative and quantitative approaches. I use the PRA method to interpret the gender of the community on the small island as a tool for obtaining and analyzing data qualitatively. Could it be? Thank you
Looking specifically at the developed world, countries like The Netherlands and the interplay between the sex industry and the status of women
What paper/scholar is considered to have introduced/popularized the notion of the "masculunity contest" in sociology/gender studies?
I've seen the concept in a number of studies (e.g. Jennifer Berdahl's work) and I think it's great, but I haven't been able to trace it back to a clear origin.
Hi, I am doing a study on understanding premarital sexual behavior among adolescents. In order to understand the individual differences I am thinking to use social control and learning theories to see the individual differences based on some variables related to social control and leanings, using the quantitative method, In order to understand the perspective of adolescents, I am thinking to symbolic interaction perspective (to understand the meaning and process involved), using an in-depth interview, qualitative method. My supervisor is suggesting me to see the gender differences and its reason also. I am getting confusion which gender theory can be used and how I can I link up with my other theoretical perspective. I would be very grateful, if any one can give us a genuine suggestion.
Hello, I'm working on gender differences in suggestibility during false-memory creation. Basically: would men be more prone to create false memory in the face of leading/misleading informations than women? For this I was thinking of using Gudjonsson's Suggestibility Scale for starters. But I need ideas... would the Creative Imagination Scale (Barber & Wilson) work better?
Should I just administrate one test or two?
If you have any advise or suggestion (scales, books, articles, hypothesis...) please tell me. Thank you !
The use of gender neutral language has been in stress in developing nations. The researchers in my Institute (TITI, Nepal) have come up with different fruitful findings and the issues they are still facing.
Thus, I intend to find out to what extent does gender biased language provoke sexual harassment, OR to what extent does the use of gender neutral language minimize sexual harassment in development nation like Nepal.
Is there a scale that looks at gay people's (the minority) own views on how homophobia affects them personally. Past research has called it internalised homophobia.
I'm proposing a research on "the girl child empowerment at the expense of the boy child" but materials on "boy child" seems to be limited therefore slowing down my research in building my literature review.
Hello everyone.
Basically, I will be looking at domestic violence against women, with specific reference to help-seeking and stigma. I use an ecological framework / ecological systems perspective as proposed by Bronfenbrenner.
That being said, my research questions are, in a nut-shell:
a. How does cultural stigma create institutional stigma?
b. How do both cultural and institutional stigma effect felt stigma at the individual level and ultimately, prevent help-seeking.
So here is the thing. The plan is to spend some time (around 6 months) overseas volunteering at an NGO in the field. In doing so, I would like to conduct ethnographic research, inclusive of interviews with key stakeholders: shelter staff, activists, psychologists, law enforcement, perpetrators, domestic violence survivors etc. No issues so far, but then I run into some confusion...
Does ethnography really suit my attempt to look at help-seeking from an ecological perspective, or is ethnography more about zooming into specific micro-cultures so as to understand the point of view from the people on the ground?
Basically, would there be a way to demonstrate the way in which the macro shapes the micro/community, and subsequently the way in which these forces impact upon the individual?
By speaking to domestic violence survivors I will be able to see how cultural and public stigma effects them directly, but as I see it, it would not be possible to look at the way in which the culture shapes the institutions this way?
Would some kind of multi-sited ethnography be good? Where I would interview so-called experts to get an idea on the cultural and institutional aspects, and then interview domestic violence survivors to see how this effects the individual?
If anybody has some ideas or tips / alternative methodologies / sub-types of ethnography to think about that would be great :)
Thank you so much.
Any book and article recommendations about gender and location-based media which are examined through the perspectives of media sociology and/or philosophy of technology? I am required to create a week in syllabus that reflects above given conditions to create a reading-discussion round in an article workshop under a peer-reviewed grad course.
thank you.
In particular the risks and harms that women face either in or out of treatment ?
Please let me know if you have seen any articles, papers or unpublished data / information, many thanks
Although transgender refugees can tentatively claim asylum based on various reasons, including political reasons or their membership of a particular social group, for example, in many instances this is very complicated if not impossible in contexts where UNHCR's guidance and interpretation of the Convention does not apply. In addition, within the complexity of the 'trans' gender, many individuals choose or are forced to not undertake any physical transformation, making their claim and justification much more complicated.
In this sense, I wonder whether this concept could also apply to the reality of these refugees.
How do I apply the appropriate model to determine if the presence of women in a corporate board influence the financial transparency of financial statements?
I am looking for quantitative studies on various interventions used for treating depression in LGBT community. I am finding very little. CBT, DBT, Narrative, etc. Anyone have any ideas. I am a graduate student studying social work and I am interested in this topic.
Hello everyone, I am working on an intervention which involves selecting a subset of young female participants from peer groups to try and promote a menstrual hygiene product to fellow peers. We would like to identify participants who are likely to feel comfortable discussing the products with peers and who are influential within their peer groups. Does anyone have any suggestions on processes to identify "influential" participants through a participatory process?
Lately, I have been thinking very much about religious conversion and social change with respect to gender. I have also been thinking of race and gender together. The attached video recording which somebody sent me raised for me further questions to which I invite possible answers: How can the world become more peaceful? How can race- and gender- based inequalities be brought to an end? Thanks in advance.
Writing a short paper on hyper-masculinity in the presidential debates. Why is it displayed? For whom is it put on display?
I'm investigating how gender stereotypes are changing during the last twenty years in animation cinema. Disney and Pixar are triying to introduce new points of view and new opportunities for their main characters, if they are masculine or feminine, but, how and in what kind of issues are they modified?
Women and children are often referred to as the most vulnerable groups in society, particularly during conflicts. The impact of displacement that follows when people are resettled into IDP camps are often harrowing. This question thus seeks know the impact of displacement, with particular reference to women and children in such IDPs' camps across the world. .
I need to rank the various methods, that can be used to improve financial literacy, according to their importance using the Relative Importance Index (RII). Please help by identifying possible ways.
I am writing a formal research paper regarding women war correspondents. I am including the history (i.e. when women began reporting), discrimination from colleagues, treatment by military personnel, the role female journalists have played, and the unique perspective offered by a woman.
What are some ways in which, we can encouraged female participation in development in the society, ways to empower them to do things and voice their thoughts. Promote gender equality.
wish to find out how women representation in public enterprise is still at its lowest, can i get some literature or studies to this effect?
I'm looking for qualitative methods to evaluate policies concerning gender equality.
Which different theoretical perspectives (within feminist theory) would you make sure to include?
Need insights on gender entrepreneurship pertaining to family
There is no any questionnaire measuring the effects of social stigma on mental health status of third gender people. Please suggest. I have to measure effects of social stigma on mental health status of third gender people.
As in the social norm set the believe to the people that gender and sexuality is the same thing. For instance, man has sexuality as male; expecting to be like a man: strong, confidential, and avoiding acting like sissy, those people who act differently, violated to norms, will be seen as strange and not to be accepted.
I am really interested to see if there has been any work on this in the UK. I have read a lot of work done further afield but am coming up with nothing over here. It's such a different context, does anyone know if it's been studied? I would be grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction....
If I wanted to analyze gender representations in characters of a video game, which would be, in your opinion, the most relevant theoretical frameworks to take into account?
Thank you!
I want to assess the degree that inclusive language is used in self-serve online university marketing material. Any citations on the topic or ideas of what tools can be used from other disciplines are welcome.
Women, Peace and Security is one of the most contentious areas one can be involved in. In your experience, what are some really good approaches to training people to make them more receptive to WPS concepts and engaged in WPS implementation?
There is very little evidence that stick figures have changed over time, gender is usually depicted by hair or shapes, but has that evolved from ancient cave drawings that depict the first stick figures?
are you aware of any Guidelines/Manuals/Information which take into account the needs or the special circumstances of Lesbians/Gays/Bisexuals/Transgender/ queers* when they experience highly stressful situations such as domestic violence or homelessness?
I am looking especially for something aimed at first responders (e.g. Crisis hotline).
Thank you!
I am conducting a study on intercultural partnerships/marriages/cohabiting couples, and I am wondering where can I go to find participants? They need to be two individuals from different cultures or of different nationalities (e.g. Chinese-American, Colombian-Peruvian, Russian-Mexican...), preferably living in Florida, but will also consider anywhere in the world if they have access to Skype. I am putting out flyers in different places and an online add, but would appreciate any suggestions.
My goal is to get a cross-disciplinary perspective.
Is capitalism the main source of explanation or are there other explanations which outweigh capitalism?
I have recently been made aware of a possible unexpected gender pattern involving Twitter - It may be the case than many females like to see personal information mixed with professional posts whereas males want them compartmentalized. Not sure if this is true but it made me wonder if there are other possible gender differences. I have observed, for example, a recent list of "supposed" education technology leaders promoted by a blog, only to find 80-90% of the leaders were male? Your thoughts?
I am trying to connect female literary tourists' behaviour/experiences to women's reading practices
I am looking for papers which deal with the problem of gender and how this variable can condition the answer of kids and their consumption method.
Are they some effects concerning the financial leverage of the firm, the level of R&D or intangible investments, or the amount of liquidity hoarding if women are more and more present in the board of directors of big companies listed on the stock market? Could you quote if any some studies done in that area? Thanks.