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Gender Studies - Science topic

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Questions related to Gender Studies
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
2 answers
I once read a book about sociolinguistics in my "Intro to language and education" course, dating back to 2019. That book demonstrated the relationship between the art of the language and gender studies (e.g. speech patterns). Nowadays, we can see that there are many genders out there alongside LGBTQ, and many educational institutions are promoting equity for these particular social groups. Similarly, it becomes clear that some students have different studying preferences when it comes to learning.
My question here is, what do you think about this case? Will it become a norm in the next decade? If yes, how should teachers respond to this situation? Look forward to hearing from different interpretations.
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Gender and education is moment subject espically in non stable countries where different ages of peoples escapes from schools due to life coast abd lack of eduction about future of knowledge
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
1 answer
I have been looking at family violence data in Australia and noticed a pattern of gender symmetry emerging in DFV murder victimisation. While men are still over represented in DFV perpetration data, it has made me question why there is such a strong focus on segmenting data by gender in DFV research, and why there is such a high level of polarisation around discussions of DFV data and public policy.
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Why? Because we live in the generally post-Truth Age of ShowBiz, which maintains divisive normalized mass-confusion and mass-delusion. Of course, the enabling syndrome is the normalized anti-ethical cultural illness of ecocidal consumerism, financialist globalization, and pandemic authoritariasn personality disorder. For more basics & details, see my preprint "Trump, Hitler, Freud, and Monstrosity" (available here via my RG profile pages), etc. (available elsewhere online).
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
1 answer
I need experienced scholar in Gender Studies - Women/Girl Education for guidance in my further research.
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There is a good number of RG scholars who are very experienced and who are specialized in Gender studies. Though I have not been able to do much for my academic career because of my acute neurological problems for many years, I did my MPhil and PhD on gender related issues.
My topic for my MPhil, however, was Employment of Women and Their Empowerment: An Analytical Study of Dhaka.
My PhD was on Child Caring and career Limitations among the Working Mothers in Dhaka City.
Your supervisor will guide you and s/he will be your mentor for your PhD research.
Thank you and best wishes to you.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
6 answers
When I embarked on this journey of exploring more on exploring the condition and status of gender equity and equality in architecture, or public spaces, or urban design, I found very little literature is available. Would be great to discuss on this topic. I have started to get an impression perhaps this topic is irrelevant or not trending at all. But I have strong feeling that has an importance, but very little research has been done on this. Would be great if you know of some documents or share some light on this.
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Designing Gender Sensitive Public Spaces – Cidco Smartcity (
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
21 answers
Respected Scholars! What are the sayings/views about intersex and trans people (Jesus) an old/new Testament/Version? I am entire need of it for my research.
Mouna (awaiting)
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Holy Scripture and the teachings of the Church unequivocally condemn homosexual sexual relations, seeing in them a vicious distortion of the God-created nature of man.
"If anyone lies with a man as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination" (Lev. 20:13). The Bible tells about the severe punishment to which God subjected the inhabitants of Sodom (Gen. 19:1-29), according to the interpretation of the holy fathers, precisely for the sin of sodomy. The Apostle Paul, characterizing the moral state of the pagan world, names homosexual relations among the most "shameful passions" and "lewdness" that defile the human body: friend, men on men doing shame, and receiving in themselves the due wages of their error" (Rom. 1:26-27). "Do not be deceived: neither the Malachis, nor the homosexuals...they will inherit the Kingdom of God," the apostle wrote to the inhabitants of corrupted Corinth (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). The patristic tradition just as clearly and definitely condemns any manifestation of homosexuality. The "Teaching of the Twelve Apostles", the works of Saints Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, Gregory of Nyssa, Blessed Augustine, the canons of Saint John the Faster express the unchanging teaching of the Church: homosexual relationships are sinful and subject to condemnation. The people involved in them do not have the right to be members of the church clergy (Basilius the Great, pr. 7, Gregory the Great, pr. 4, John the Lent, pr. 30). Turning to those who have stained themselves with the sin of sodomy, the Monk Maximus the Greek cried out: “Know yourselves, cursed ones, what a foul pleasure you have indulged in!... Try to get behind this most vile and foul pleasure of yours as soon as possible, hate it, and whoever claims that it is innocent, anathematize eternally, as an opponent of the Gospel of Christ the Savior and corrupting its teaching. Cleanse yourself with sincere repentance, warm tears and almsgiving and pure prayer... Hate this wickedness with all your soul, so that you will not be sons of damnation and eternal destruction.
Discussions about the position of the so-called sexual minorities in modern society tend to recognize homosexuality not as a sexual perversion, but only one of the "sexual orientations" that have an equal right to public manifestation and respect. It is also argued that homosexual attraction is due to individual natural predisposition. The Orthodox Church proceeds from the unchanging conviction that the God-established marriage union of a man and a woman cannot be compared with perverted manifestations of sexuality. She considers homosexuality to be a sinful damage to human nature, which is overcome in a spiritual effort leading to healing and personal growth of a person. Homosexual aspirations, like other passions that torment a fallen person, are healed by the Sacraments, prayer, fasting, repentance, reading the Holy Scriptures and patristic writings, as well as Christian fellowship with believers who are ready to provide spiritual support.
Treating people with homosexual inclinations with pastoral responsibility, the Church at the same time resolutely opposes attempts to present the sinful tendency as a "norm", and even more so as an object of pride and an example to follow. That is why the Church condemns any propaganda of homosexuality. Without denying anyone the fundamental rights to life, respect for personal dignity and participation in public affairs, the Church, however, believes that persons promoting a homosexual lifestyle should not be allowed to teach, educate and commanding position in the army and correctional institutions.
Sometimes perversions of human sexuality manifest themselves in the form of a painful feeling of belonging to the opposite sex, resulting in an attempt to change sex (transsexualism). The desire to refuse belonging to the gender that the Creator bestowed on man can only have detrimental consequences for the further development of the individual. “Sex reassignment” through hormonal influence and surgical operation in many cases does not lead to the resolution of psychological problems, but to their aggravation, giving rise to a deep internal crisis. The Church cannot approve of this kind of "rebellion against the Creator" and recognize artificially changed gender as valid. If a "sex change" occurred to a person before Baptism, he can be admitted to this Sacrament, like any sinner, but the Church baptizes him as belonging to the gender in which he was born. The ordination of such a person to the priesthood and his entry into a church marriage is unacceptable.
It is necessary to distinguish from transsexualism the incorrect identification of gender in early childhood as a result of a medical error associated with the pathology of the development of sexual characteristics. Surgical correction in this case does not have the character of sex change.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
14 answers
Hello   my research belong to gender studies. i m working on high school teachers' psychosocial pressure risks from gender perspective. My MA research is about  Gender and high school Teachers' Psychosocial  Pressure Risks. the aim of  my research is  to invistigate whether male &  female  teachers have face the same psychosocial pressures ,during their  teaching career, or because of  gender(how man & woman are perceived, gender roles,cultures) they have differents problems? what are the causes of male/female teachers psychosocial pressures? during my research i m going to rely on some developed countries' experiences  in the field and  how  they have dealt with this issue in  order to  reduce teachers' psychosocial pressures taking into  account male's and femele's different.needs.thanks in advanced
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I think it depends on the work environment. In some cases both face psychosocial pressures in terms of retarding environment. otherwise, both gender have specific gender needs and gendered codes and psychosocial pressure vary from institution to institution, area to area, and culture to culture.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
22 answers
There are certain emerging global issues in the field of women and gender studies. I would like to know your ideas on this topic.
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There are several emerging global issues in the field. These may include gender based violence, gender inequality, Gender rights, gender health, gendered knowledge, gendered culture, practical gender needs, strategic gender needs, gender injustice, early marriages, freedom and choices etc. But it vary from country to country and culture to culture.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
25 answers
Feminism & Women Empowerment in India
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There are several factors not only single factor responsible for women empowerment. Firstly, we can conceptualize women empowerment in which domain mean political, household, educational, economic oriented, sale and purchase, familial, etc. Yes, off course it vary from class to class, caste to caste, race to race, and also have variabilities based on territorialisation.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
4 answers
Most researches show that silence is either negative or positive. In most African fiction, silence is applied to mean either, void, submission, absence, fear, defiance or otherwise. How is this pattern of silence impacting gender studies?
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Very good question. As I understand that silence is only negative when it is the primary form of feedback your team members receive. Critical feedback is the most damaging form of feedback. This kind of feedback focuses solely on the negatives and ignores all the positives.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
7 answers
This anonymous survey is open to all UK and Middle East academics, researchers, postgraduate students, and professionals. It takes 10 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey you will be offered the opportunity to fill in your details on a separate online form, in case you wish to be considered for the prize draw. To participate, please click on the link below. You are welcome to share the link with your professional and/or social network too.
This is a survey for a Master’s thesis and your support is greatly appreciated. The title of the study is ‘‘The role of leadership self-efficacy (LSE) in developing academic and professional leaders’’. You can find more information in the Participant Information Sheet, which is available with the survey.
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Thank you! More than 300 responses received so far. The survey will be open until midnight (London, UK Time) today. Thank you for helping.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
3 answers
Gender Studies
The situation of Amazigh women in Morocco
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I think searching for gender inequality in media in google may help you to get some information in this regard. Then it will be clear what type of data you have to get through survey.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
47 answers
Why is science of technology geared towards males over females? 
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  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
11 answers
What is the relationship between vulnerability and poverty as well as gender and poverty?
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All sectors subjected to suppression and oppression would lodge the poor and those who are regarded as the weaker sex under the label of "vulnerability"! Both face the tyranny of similar oppressors.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
9 answers
Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C)
Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting are used interchangeably. However, this practice is practised in many countries around the world and is predominantly practised in some countries more than the other. The practice has been criminalised, however, there are several factors that impede the fight against FGM. Some of these impeding factors are cultural beliefs and religious misconceptions.
There are physical and psychological impacts of FGM/C on women's well-being. However, not much about these health hazards/challenges have been attended to.
Q. 1. What is the essence of this practice?
Q. 2. Are there any physical, psychological, or spiritual benefits of this practice on women?
Q. 3. What role does cultural beliefs play in the practice or prevention of FGM/C?
Q. 4. What role does religion play in the campaign against this practice?
Q. 5. What role do men play in the fight against FGM?
Q. 6. How have survivors of FGM/C been taken care of? = psychologically or socially integrated into the community to join the fight against ending the practice?
You may mention my name as a campaigner/activist against the practice if you like but due to some other activities I am not able to be present for now.
Thank you very much.
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Dear author, thank you for sharing this excellent question.
Good luck.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
3 answers
Hello Women leaders of tomorrow,
Hope you are having a lovely start to this year. You all have a very unique experience in your life, especially in workplaces. I, thus, want to know about your experiences when you are at your college, or offices.
I am trying to do a study to analyse your experiences and would love if you could spare a few minutes of your time to fill our survey out. Your insight will be greatly appreciated and would help in our understanding of your perceptions.
Thanks and Regards,
Shardul Shankar
Research Scholar,
IIIT Allahabad
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I'd be excited to collaborate with you on this. I have access to a good number of workplace women and can reach out to more. Do let me know the scope and trajectory of this research project. Are you open for collaborations?
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
3 answers
I am writing an article about the evolution of feminine and masculine leadership styles. According to my theory, genes and hormones "tune up" the attractors of femininity and masculinity, and these attractors then lead to "feminine" and "masculine" styles of leadership and management in the process of socio-cultural evolution (see ).
Riane Eisler (2002) has conceptualized femininity and masculinity in the same fashion, as attractors that are based on biology - without being determined by biology. Do you know, if there are other students of a) gender studies or b) biological evolution, who would have used this same approach?
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Thank you for giving us food for thought.
I share your appreciation, and I humbly consider that it is one more example of the lack of interdisciplinary work.
Greetings and thanks
Fernando (from Argentina)
Gracias a usted por hacernos reflexionar.
Comparto su apreciación, y considero humildemente que es un ejemplo más de la falta de trabajo interdisciplinar.
Saludos y gracias
Fernando (desde Argentina)
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
6 answers
I lecture and research on Igbo studies, literature, Culture, stylistics, and gender studies. I want to add them as my discipline to be able to get materials on them and also follow researchers on the subjects.
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. Thank you, Ahmed. I appreciate your recommendation.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
2 answers
Gender related Status in Odisha?
Gender gaps in Odisha in comparison to India and Asia?
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Routledge Handbook of Gender in South Asia
Edited By Leela Fernandes
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
5 answers
Feminist research methods incorporate the experiences of women and challenge the conventional notions of subjectivity and objectivity.
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  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
24 answers
Dear colleagues,
I invite you to send a paper to the symposium I am coordinating on "Gender studies in business and the public sector":
Thank you!
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Dear Juabin Matey, I will convey to the organizers your appropriate suggestion.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
35 answers
The literature regarding gender and the distribution of personality traits ( Big five personality traits model as a reference,; McCrae & Costa) are pretty clear. Women score higher on traits such as agreeableness and openness for example. There are some examples in the literature regarding why there is a difference between men and women in terms of personality traits. However how does sociological factors such as the influence asserted by the individuals belonging to social group, ethnic group, culture etc. Can we say that women across the spectrum are more agreeable or open and men are less agreeable according the the big five personality traits model (McCrae & Costa 1985 etc) or are there other markers that also influence out traits...can it be that in some cultures women are less agreeable than men for example or do you think the big five model and the distribution of traits in terms of a gender perspective is universal? Are there any identifiable research gaps in your view? Best wishes Henrik
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Personality variations between men and women have a more heritability and socio-cultural basis than gender in particular. Cultural changes are very long-term, therefore the dynamics of personality variations are unhurried and steady.
Among four recent twin studies, the mean percentage for heritability was calculated for each personality and it was concluded that heritability influenced the five factors broadly. The self-report measures were as follows: openness to experience was estimated to have a 57% genetic influence, extra-version 54%, conscientiousness 49%, neuroticism 48%, and agreeableness 42%.
Refer to the study below:
Bouchard TJ, McGue M (January 2003). "Genetic and environmental influences on human psychological differences". Journal of Neurobiology. 54 (1): 4–45. doi:10.1002/neu.10160.
Also, differences in the magnitude of sex differences between more or less developed world regions were due to differences between men, not women, in these respective regions. That is, men in highly developed world regions were less neurotic, extra-vert, conscientious and agreeable compared to men in less developed world regions. Women, on the other hand tended not to differ in personality traits across regions.
Refer to the study below:
Schmitt DP, Realo A, Voracek M, Allik J (January 2008). "Why can't a man be more like a woman? Sex differences in Big Five personality traits across 55 cultures". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 94 (1): 168–182. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.94.1.168.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
8 answers
Hello everyone,
Please reach out if you work on gender studies, gender psychology, social psychology of gender, or gender-based discrimination. You can reach me here or write to me at
If you know any colleagues, friends, or collaborators who work on gender issues please tag them so that I can reach them. Looking forward to your support.
Best wishes,
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New module at Elsevier Researcher Academy: How to integrate gender and intersectional analysis into research
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
4 answers
Hi , Iam a first year phd researcher in the field of influencer marketing and iam looking for other memeber who are interrsted to discuss idees and help each other.
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Fabián Andrés Llano I will be happy if we discuss about our topics .feel free to contact me on my email address
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
10 answers
how is gender and cinema for phd?
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I think, your results would greatly drpend on methodology. Just elaborate rigorously, what are the selection criteria? What is the ligic behind selecting certain films?
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
17 answers
Recently, on RG there were discussions whether history is part of the sciences and if medicine is a case of applied sciences.
A discipline that is regularly criticized as non-scientific is gender studies. In Germany, among others some biologists denied that gender studies were a part science. It was also lamented that gender studies are too highly politicized and follow ideological paradigms rather than striving for objective insights.
Are there similar complaints in other countries? What do you think about the scientific standards in gender studies?
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I think most of the serious scientists who work within the field of gender studies (GS) wouldn't deny aspects of biology regarding gender, but what is largely criticised are biologistic/deterministic or essentialistic views on the topos of gender, sexuality and gender-identiy etc..
One has also to keep in mind, that "Gender Studies" (at least in Germany) terms an inter- and transdisciplinary University-Major, which centers around 'gender' as a main focus. It's not a homogenous field and you can study courses from a social science, cultural studies and/or MINT-spectrum etc. and combine.
Since Gender Studies is such a heterogenous field, the epistemological perspectives, methodologies, methods etc. differ greatly, too. I guess it's like everywhere else in science, but GS are especially critical (reflexive) regarding the productiveness of scientific constructions (like empirical research, theories that exclude e.g. the societal role of women (or certain kinds of groups), like in the theories of Karl Marx or Max Weber). Criticism of Science is often an important and integral aspect of GS, because of the situated knowledge (Donna Haraway) one has to deal with in research.
The German debate about GS is IMO a debate about fundamental understandings of and how science can (and should) function or be practiced.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
6 answers
I am looking to integrate unheard voices into the survey class, before 1500. If you have secondary sources that you are willing to share please let me know.
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Dear Gwen,
Non-western cultures don't really care about gender. Gender issue is a western made concept and we see the consequences of this in several western countries. I am from West Africa and in several (religious) circles for example, the power is held behind the scene by a woman while men play the virility outside. But they don't have the essential power. The power is shared according to the type of task to be performed.
It is known that in the kingdom of Danhome (in the actual Benin Republic), the amazons were remarkable warriors. There are scientific papers on this female army. You can also read, Serbin (Sylvia), Reines d'Afrique. This is a remarkable piece of research that is commendable.
Good luck in your research.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
5 answers
I'm open to all point of view and fields on his subject : history, art, science, social studies, gender studies, etc.
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  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
8 answers
Actually my research is based on women artworks as fiberartists and new embroderies creations. So, most of this women are kind of feminists and show a desire to take the textile as a new female medium. So, I'm asking myself as a woman and an art researcher : could we see a true difference between a man or a woman artwork nowadays? Is the gender studies are included in contemporary art equality?
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I do not think that Abramović overshadows Ulay. I believe she was always simply better artist than him. In a way, their relationship was asymmetric. I have a feeling that she better knows what kind of an art form suits the moment better, while Ulay understands the effect of art better. OK, now this might sounds like male chauvinism (emotions versus understanding), but the point is that what one makes an excellent artist is not how and if s/he rationally understand art, but a distinct sense one develops. But than again I might be completely wrong about this for I am familiar more with her performance art, then with their relationship.
Best, Tomaž
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
33 answers
Currently in Poland, a very lively debate on the issues of gender is taking place.
Opponents speak even of "gender ideology", using arguments that are difficult to accept calmly by the man who knows even the basic issues related to the topic.
Main opponent of gender theory in Poland is the Catholic Church, some of its representatives do not mince words.
Even in the Polish parliament the parliamentary group for the fight against gender ideology was formed.
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Hi Marta
In India the situation for women is terrible. There is very meagre parliamentary representation and even the anti dowry and anti-violence legislations have been receiving backlash. In fact what is sad is the law is complicit in enforcing these hegemonies. Recently the Indian Supreme Court said that women are committing "legal terrorism" by "abusing" the anti-dowry and anti-domestic abuse Act. All statistics point in the opposite direction. The second article also talks about lower caste and vulnerable minority women in particular
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
2 answers
I am trying to find some theoretical evidence for the fact that on personal-self construal level western nations(egalitarian) are less stereotypical when it comes to gender roles, if compared to eastern nations , but i couldn’t . Can you please help me in this regard and recommend some reads. 
I found : own gender beliefs is higher (vs. lower) in eastern (vs. western) countries when considering other-stereotyping and when social comparison is salient, but the reverse was found when considering self-reporting, that is self-stereotyping.
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Natalia Krzyzanowska Thank You for your esponse !
Its related to Asia and Arab world being east .
I am looking into your reccomendation .
Thanks alot.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
2 answers
problem solved thanks
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Have you checked out this commentary from the Center for Strategic and International Studies? It might help you as you begin tackling your research. And to chime in on your question, I’d take a multifaceted approach.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
8 answers
The trend is well established in offering degrees such as Gender Studies, General Education (typically built on several minors with no major), and others broad based liberal studies degrees. What employment opportunities are available for these graduates? Should degrees lead to employment in the selected field of study?
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Thank you all for your very valuable thoughts and observations.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
4 answers
Or any other studies that might be relevant to this topic?
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Try these
Langston, J. (2016). Invisible fathers: Exploring an integrated approach to supporting fathers through the Mellow Dads Parenting Programme piloted in a UK prison. Journal of Integrated Care, 24(4), 176-187.
Gatrell, C. J., Burnett, S. B., Cooper, C. L., & Sparrow, P. (2015). The price of love: The prioritisation of childcare and income earning among UK fathers. Families, Relationships and Societies, 4(2), 225-238.
Culpin, I., Heron, J., Araya, R., Melotti, R., & Joinson, C. (2013). Father absence and depressive symptoms in adolescence: findings from a UK cohort. Psychological medicine, 43(12), 2615-2626.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
6 answers
I am completing my dissertation with a qualitative approach. I expect inputs for the use of two theories: structural functioning and transformative ecofeminism in understanding field facts. Can it be? Thank you
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For gender analysis to be understood from two thoeries, you requere a good grasp of discources analysis. this will strengthen your qualitative analysis and draw insights of gender issues.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
7 answers
I am still collecting survey tools used by researchers who have used in studies of transgender men and women. The tools will be used to inform the development of a new survey tool that may be added to CDC's National HIV Behavioral Surveillance (NHBS) survey set. If you are willing to share your survey tool (and have not already done so) please do so.
All the best,
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I follow the question
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
9 answers
I have difficulty differentiating analysis of gender studies with qualitative and quantitative approaches. I use the PRA method to interpret the gender of the community on the small island as a tool for obtaining and analyzing data qualitatively. Could it be? Thank you
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See some of my work in this field
  • Pannilage, U. (2017). A Socio-economic Analysis on the Gender Wage Gap Among Agricultural Laborers in Rural Sri Lanka. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS), 30(1), 338-350.
  • Pannilage, U., & Gunawardane, C. P. Military War Widows in Post-war Sri Lanka. Journal of Conflict, Peace and Development Studies (JOCPDS), 1.
  • Pannilage,U., ( 2013). Role of Women in Rural Development. Gamana Gte Ltd, Colombo
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
1 answer
Looking specifically at the developed world, countries like The Netherlands and the interplay between the sex industry and the status of women
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Please let me know if this reference/site is helpful to you:
Women in sports.
INF25 Gender equality and elite sport - Council of Europe
by G Pfister - ‎Cited by 10 - ‎Related articles
Nov 28, 2011 - 2 .... In Norway team handball is a sport dominated by women, whereas female.You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 9/10/17.
Please see reference attached.
Dennis Mazur
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
4 answers
What paper/scholar is considered to have introduced/popularized the notion of the "masculunity contest" in sociology/gender studies?
I've seen the concept in a number of studies (e.g. Jennifer Berdahl's work) and I think it's great, but I haven't been able to trace it back to a clear origin.
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Please see this book: Men and Masculinities by Chris Haywood and Mairtin Macan Ghailloi.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
9 answers
Hi, I am doing a study on understanding premarital sexual behavior among adolescents. In order to understand the individual differences I am thinking to use social control and learning theories to see the individual differences based on some variables related to social control and leanings, using the quantitative method, In order to understand the perspective of adolescents, I am thinking to symbolic interaction perspective (to understand the meaning and process involved), using an in-depth interview, qualitative method. My supervisor is suggesting me to see the gender differences and its reason also. I am getting confusion which gender theory can be used and how I can I link up with my other theoretical perspective. I would be very grateful, if any one can give us a genuine suggestion.
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Thanks Sergio A. Silverio, Kaliya Madam, Dede and Robin,
1.    Research questions
The main purpose of this study is to understanding the pattern and process of changes in premarital sexual behaviour among adolescents in the changing context of Nepalese society. More specifically, it will focus on answering the following research questions:
·       What are the prevailing practices around premarital sexual behavior by age, sex and place of residence (urban/rural)?
·       What are the underlying intermediate and structural determinants of changes in premarital sexual behavior?
·       How do adolescents and other key social agents perceive premarital sexual behavior (risk taking, pleasure, good, bad, etc.)?
·       How do adolescents make negotiations and decision around premarital sexual behavior (voluntarily, involuntarily, forcedly etc.)?
Am thinking to conduct the study in two phases employing both quantitative and qualitative methods, so it employs a mixed method.  The first phase, will focus on quantitative study, two answer first two questions . This phase will focus on describing the prevalence of premarital sex, and the strength and direction of influence of selected factors drawn from the literature. This will be undertaken using secondary data from the National Survey.
The second phase will focus on answering that what are the reasons behind the individual and genders differences in premarital sexual behaviour, how do adolescents and other key social agents perceive premarital sex, and how do they involve in negotiating decision around premarital sex. This will be undertaken through the qualitative study, which comprises in-depth interviews (if anay one can help me toa have ethical protocol and the questionnaire, please)  with adolescents and focus group discussions with adolescents and influencers.
All theories agree that the sexual behaviour is not innate but socially constructed, however through different mechanism. Thus, focusing on only one factor is unlikely to explain much about the premarital sexual behaviour. Similarly, the review of theories of premarital sex have revealed a piecemeal theoretical statements and inconsistent empirical support for them. There is a paucity of well-developed comprehensive theories to describe, explain, or predict premarital sexual behaviour among adolescents. I am thinking to use social determinants of health  (purposed by WHO) as an overarching theoretical framework expecting that this will help to understand several dimensions highlighted by other theories, as well as structural dimensions. Integration of multiple dimensions will present more powerful multifaceted explanation of premarital sexual behaviour than any one theory in the context of Nepal, where there is scarce of information in this issue.
Is there any studies which have used this framework relevant fro my studies.  
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
6 answers
Hello, I'm working on gender differences in suggestibility during false-memory creation. Basically: would men be more prone to create false memory in the face of leading/misleading informations than women? For this I was thinking of using Gudjonsson's Suggestibility Scale for starters. But I need ideas... would the Creative Imagination Scale (Barber & Wilson) work better?   
Should I just administrate one test or two?
If you have any advise or suggestion (scales, books, articles, hypothesis...) please tell me. Thank you !
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Sounds like an interesting project. My limited expertise supports your choice of the Gudjonsson scale. It gets directly at the question you're studying: the power of influence to create false memories.
I don't know how big a project you want this to be. Were I to suggest anything, it would be to add two additional measures. One of these would be a suggestibility measure (not involving false memories); the other, a false memory test (not involving persuasion). For the first, you might consider something like the Barber Suggestibility Scale (or some other hypnosis-related measure) or perhaps the Multidimensional Iowa Suggestibility Scale developed by Roman Kotov (if you'd rather use a self-report). For the second, you might use the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm. I'm attaching materials relating to each.
I'm sure there are other equally good (or better) measures out there. These are just initial suggestions; let's see what others have to say. 
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
3 answers
The use of gender neutral language has been in stress in developing nations. The researchers in my Institute (TITI, Nepal) have come up with different fruitful findings and the issues they are still facing.
Thus, I intend to find out to what extent does gender biased language provoke sexual harassment, OR to what extent does the use of gender neutral language minimize sexual harassment in development nation like Nepal.
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It is assumed that gendered language demean the position of women in any situation and make them feel subordinated. Thereby it may also act as a factor of sexual harassment of women at workplace. 
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
5 answers
Is there a scale that looks at gay people's (the minority) own views on how homophobia affects them personally. Past research has called it internalised homophobia.
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Hi Peter!
there are several measures of internalized homonegativity/homophobia:
In my researches, conducted in Italy, I used very often the Measure of Internalized Sexual Stigma, MISS (Lingiardi, Baiocco, & Nardelli, 2012). Two versions exist for lesbian and gay people, both of 17 items. It composed by 3 dimensions: one related to identity, one related to the social discomfort, and the last one related to sexuality.
There are also:
-The Internalized Homo-negativity Inventory, IHNI (Mayfield, 2001), which measures internalized homonegativ-ity in gay men. It was made of 23 items that load on 3 sub scales, which were labeled Personal Homonegativity, Gay Affirmation, and Morality of Homosexuality.
-The Lesbian Internalized Homophobia Scale, LIHS (Szymanski & Chun, 2001), composed by 52 items divided into 5 sub-scales;
-The Internalized Homophobia (IHP) Scale (Martin & Dean, 1992), composed by 9 items in one only dimension;
-The Nungesser Homosexuality Attitudes Inventory (Nungesser, 1983). It's a 34-item instrument which provides a general measure of homophobic prejudice i n homosexual men.
I hope I was helpful
Best regards!
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
4 answers
I'm proposing a research on "the girl child empowerment at the expense of the boy child" but materials on "boy child" seems to be limited therefore slowing down my research in building my literature review.
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Fascinating research question. Please keep updating the progress of your work. 
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
7 answers
I am particularly interested in women's letters.
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  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
33 answers
Hello everyone. 
Basically, I will be looking at domestic violence against women, with specific reference to help-seeking and stigma. I use an ecological framework / ecological systems perspective as proposed by Bronfenbrenner.
That being said, my research questions are, in a nut-shell:
a. How does cultural stigma create institutional stigma?
b. How do both cultural and institutional stigma effect felt stigma at the individual level and ultimately, prevent help-seeking.
So here is the thing. The plan is to spend some time (around 6 months) overseas volunteering at an NGO in the field. In doing so, I would like to conduct ethnographic research, inclusive of interviews with key stakeholders: shelter staff, activists, psychologists, law enforcement, perpetrators, domestic violence survivors etc. No issues so far, but then I run into some confusion...
Does ethnography really suit my attempt to look at help-seeking from an ecological perspective, or is ethnography more about zooming into specific micro-cultures so as to understand the point of view from the people on the ground? 
Basically, would there be a way to demonstrate the way in which the macro shapes the micro/community, and subsequently the way in which these forces impact upon the individual? 
By speaking to domestic violence survivors I will be able to see how cultural and public stigma effects them directly, but as I see it, it would not be possible to look at the way in which the culture shapes the institutions this way? 
Would some kind of multi-sited ethnography be good? Where I would interview so-called experts to get an idea on the cultural and institutional aspects, and then interview domestic violence survivors to see how this effects the individual? 
If anybody has some ideas or tips / alternative methodologies / sub-types of ethnography to think about that would be great :)
Thank you so much.
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The stigma is a robust theme to an ethnografic study. I recommend you to read Discipline and Punish of M. Faucault in order to reinforce your theorethical framework as well as the works of Basil Bernstein. A movie named SING STREET treats this theme with a great dignity. Good luck.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
4 answers
Any book and article recommendations about gender and location-based media which are examined through the perspectives of media sociology and/or philosophy of technology? I am required to create a week in syllabus that reflects above given conditions to create a reading-discussion round in an article workshop under a peer-reviewed grad course.
thank you.
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Manuel Castells' essay 'Network Societies'. 
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
11 answers
In particular the risks and harms that women face either in or out of treatment ?
Please let me know if you have seen any articles, papers or unpublished data / information, many thanks
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Hello Ian,
Italy has a recent (2015) study you might like to peruse as well...
Looking forward to your contribution.
Blessings~ Bre
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
6 answers
Although transgender refugees can tentatively claim asylum based on various reasons, including political reasons or their membership of a particular social group, for example, in many instances this is very complicated if not impossible in contexts where UNHCR's guidance and interpretation of the Convention does not apply. In addition, within the complexity of the 'trans' gender, many individuals choose or are forced to not undertake any physical transformation, making their claim and justification much more complicated. 
In this sense, I wonder whether this concept could also apply to the reality of these refugees.
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Well, given that Betts is now looking at the issue of forced migration from a contemporary perspective, it seems reasonable to believe that "survival migration" in the changed and "updated" meaning of the word could also apply to transgender refugees - however only if those transgender individuals are persecuted or rejected by their governments due to the nature of who they are, ie for gender or sexual reasons rather than political reasons where I don't see why transgender refugees should be singled out from the rest of the poor and unfortunate refugees.. That would be reversed PC ism in an ironical sense of the concept (rather than word) 
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
19 answers
How do I apply the appropriate model to determine if the presence of women in a corporate board influence the financial transparency of financial statements?
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That is fine.
 In this case you have to consider your data as panel data (50 companies x 5 years= 250 observations) and use OLS in addition to fixed effect and random effect. If your data has tails, then you may use generalised method of moments (GMM).
Hope this helps
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
3 answers
I am looking for quantitative studies on various interventions used for treating depression in LGBT community. I am finding very little. CBT, DBT, Narrative, etc. Anyone have any ideas. I am a graduate student studying social work and I am interested in this topic.
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With depression in the LGBT+ community, there is often underlying (or ongoing) trauma. Using polyvagal theory to ground psychotherapy is one approach and a terrific framework for understanding our emotions. Look for works by Dr. Stephen Porges. It's a way to work on the nervous system and help people come out of somatic (body) dysregulation. The modality is not specific to LGBT, but can be applied by a culturally competent practitioner. You may also want to look into Internal Family Systems. 
Best wishes from a MSW student on the other coast! 
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
3 answers
Hello everyone,  I am working on an intervention which involves selecting a subset of  young female participants from peer groups to try and promote a menstrual hygiene product to fellow peers.  We would like to identify participants who are likely to feel comfortable discussing the products with peers and who are influential within their peer groups. Does anyone have any suggestions on processes to identify "influential" participants through a participatory process?  
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Could be helpful.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
19 answers
Lately, I have been thinking very much about religious conversion and social change with respect to gender. I have also been thinking of race and gender together. The attached video recording which somebody sent me raised for me further questions to which I invite possible answers: How can the world become more peaceful? How can race- and gender- based inequalities be brought to an end? Thanks in advance. 
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Dear Uchem, your question amazed me! Can these social evils (namely race-gender based inequalities) be ever overcome???  We people around the world are culturally different. Perhaps there is no single solution at the global level because I know the height of gender based marginalization of women in our context. However ... we can hope and can attempt to end them... There is a study by Ahona Roy entitled "Those Voices Unheard’: Re-negotiating Gender, Masculinity and Participation"... I hope this might be useful.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
3 answers
Writing a short paper on hyper-masculinity in the presidential debates. Why is it displayed? For whom is it put on display? 
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Gender has always is a crucial factor in presidential politics because for decades presidential campaigns have become the center stage for  manhood, a quadrennial referendum on what type of man—or one day, woman—embodies not only the  ideological beliefs, but the very identity of any nation. Every year in every country the Presidential debate offers a fresh approach to understanding the role of identity politics in presidential campaigns. Even when examining popular discourse and attacks on the masculinity of some candidates or the fears of appearing weak and vulnerable end up shaping candidates’ actual policy positions, how the terrorist attacks in parts of the world shape presidential debates attacks, campaigns have pushed candidates to assume an increasingly hypermasculine posture. Though the stage is context-specific. In the American sense candidates are assuming we are witnessing , or the historic quality of Hillary Clinton’s runs for the presidency a paradigm shift in how to understand the very nature of the American presidency
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
4 answers
I'm investigating how gender stereotypes are changing during the last twenty years in animation cinema. Disney and Pixar are triying to introduce new points of view and new opportunities for their main characters, if they are masculine or feminine, but, how and in what kind of issues are they modified?
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Did you now these studies?
I think they could really help you. :-)
- England, D. E., Descartes, L., & Collier-Meek, M. A. (2011). Gender role portrayal and the Disney princesses. Sex roles, 64(7-8), 555-567.
-Saladino, C. J. (2014). Long May She Reign: A Rhetorical Analysis of Gender Expectations in Disney's Tangled and Disney/Pixar's Brave.
Best of luck!
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
7 answers
Women and children are often referred to as the most vulnerable groups in society, particularly during conflicts. The impact of displacement that follows when people are resettled into IDP camps are often harrowing. This question thus seeks know the impact of displacement, with particular reference to women and children in such IDPs' camps across the world. .
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When it comes to the Muslim women. They have lots of problems . Because Islamic value doesn't allow them to show their face public. When it come to using the bathroom they feel awkward and shy. For married women breastfeeding their newborn infant is an issue. The issue ranges from their own personal nutrition supply to find a close place where they fearlessly feed them. Also, the thread of raping is always been there.
The women whose husbands are not educated they are lazy and they are used to order their wives to do things from them . Like fetching water for them, cook food for them and give them the massage. They cannot deny it because they consider it their social responsibility as well as Islamic values.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
13 answers
I need to rank the various methods, that can be used to improve financial literacy, according to their importance using the Relative Importance Index (RII). Please help by identifying possible ways.
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With   rapidly   changing   financial   markets   and   increasing   individual   responsibility—in particular  for  retirement  income—being  able  to  make  informed  financial  decisions  has become of paramount importance. The gender gap in financial literacy continues to persist even after taking into account marital status, education, income, and other socioeconomic characteristics. Gender differences occur not only in objective measures of financial literacy but also in self-reported financial literacy measures. We  also  show  that  financial  literacy  can  be  linked  to  behavior:  Those  who  are  more  financially literate are more likely to plan for retirement, to invest in the stock market and pay attention  to  fees and  to  borrow  at low  costs. To  evaluate  financial  literacy,  respondents  were  asked  three  simple  questions  covering  fundamental  concepts  of  economics  and  finance,  expressed  in  everyday  terms  that  require simple interest  rate  calculations  and  an  understanding  of  the  workings  of  inflation  and risk diversification.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
3 answers
I am  writing a formal research paper regarding women war correspondents.  I am including the history (i.e. when women began reporting), discrimination from colleagues, treatment by military personnel, the role female journalists have played, and the unique perspective offered by a woman.
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Are you looking for studies or primary material? There is a book by Erin Solaro (I assume you've read by now...) on being an embedded female journalist in Iraq. If you are looking for women to speak to, Caroline Glick was embedded in 2003 during Iraqi Freedom and I believe she wrote about it. You could also probably speak to her directly.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
9 answers
What are some ways in which, we can encouraged female participation in development in the society, ways to empower them to do things and voice their thoughts. Promote gender equality. 
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we should educate our students in terms of gender equality.We need to raise our sons to respect and value women . 
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
4 answers
wish to find out how women representation in public enterprise is still at its lowest, can i get some literature or studies to this effect?
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I guess this paper can be seen as a good example for the gender relations in African agriculture.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
9 answers
I'm looking for qualitative methods to evaluate policies concerning gender equality.
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Hi Helen,
I recommend a report on behavioural change measurement by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission: Behavioural science can be useful when designing a new policy, implementing it or evaluating it. Hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
51 answers
Which different theoretical perspectives (within feminist theory) would you make sure to include?
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Thank you for asking !
Classics - with a range of perspectives (chronological order):
--Simone de Beauvoir.  The Second Sex (1953).
--Kate Millett.  Sexual Politics (1970).
--Nancy Chowdorow.  The Reproduction of Mothering (1978).
--Evelyn Fox Keller.  Reflections on Gender and Science (1985).
--Sandra Harding.  The Science Question in Feminism (1986).
--R. Connell.  Gender and Power (1987).
--Sandra Bem.  The Lenses of Gender (1993).
--Judith Lorber.  Paradoxes of Gender (1994).
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
10 answers
Need insights on gender entrepreneurship pertaining to family
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
7 answers
There is no any questionnaire measuring the effects of social stigma on mental health status of third gender people. Please suggest. I have to measure effects of social stigma on mental health status of third gender people.
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Thank you respected Andrew sir
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
3 answers
As in the social norm set the believe to the people that gender and sexuality is the same thing. For instance, man has sexuality as male; expecting to be like a man: strong, confidential, and avoiding acting like sissy, those people who act differently, violated to norms, will be seen as strange and not to be accepted.
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Thank You
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
3 answers
I am really interested to see if there has been any work on this in the UK. I have read a lot of work done further afield but am coming up with nothing over here. It's such a different context, does anyone know if it's been studied? I would be grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction....
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Nothing to thank me for! I have some information in Spanish about gender meanstreaming in the pentecostal religion. I attach you two papers about this question but in Spanish language. I hope you find it useful.
You must know that my English is a little bit basic, but I have good friends helping me in all my translations.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
6 answers
If I wanted to analyze gender representations in characters of a video game, which would be, in your opinion, the most relevant theoretical frameworks to take into account?
Thank you!
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I would look at 'performativity' as a a theoretical concept. Judith Butler contends that gender is something that we perform/practice, rather than a solid construct or fixed reality. Considering that your research is in the realm of fantasy I think that she would enable you substantially. Butler is well known for discussing 'Drag', cross dressers, and how through their overt performance of gender they illustrate how fragile the dichotomous ideas of gender we have, are. 
I also think that a theory which looks at embodiment would be useful, especially if you are considering games in which you embody another body in order to gain access to and engage in the activity. Foucault is always useful when considering bodies but for your purposes you might also find Connell useful (in considering hegemonic masculinity). I personally love Sara Ahmed very much and her idea of stranger (see strange encounters). This might help you if you want to consider how different characters within the game interact with each other and how ideas of 'good' and 'bad' are embodied in these characters. 
Hope this helps :)
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
3 answers
I want to assess the degree that inclusive language is used in self-serve online university marketing material. Any citations on the topic or ideas of what tools can be used from other disciplines are welcome.
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You might try some of Norman Fairclough's work on 'marketisation' and 'personalisation'. He discusses specifically the change in the way that universities market themselves. I think the discussion may be found in his book "Discourse and Social Change".
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
4 answers
Women, Peace and Security is one of the most contentious areas one can be involved in. In your experience, what are some really good approaches to training people to make them more receptive to WPS concepts and engaged in WPS implementation?
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2 sources that may be useful in your research: 
The UN Women Training Centre has a Resource Centre containing  tools and materials related to Training for Gender Equality. You need to register first to access their training resources.   
The Australian Federal Police have a Pacific Police Development Program (PPDP) which supports the Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police Women’s Advisory Network. Through the Timor-Leste Police Development Program, the AFP undertakes Gender-Based Violence Investigations Training and has produced a manual for use in training the PoliciaNacional de Timor-Leste in gender-based violence issues.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
4 answers
There is very little evidence that stick figures have changed over time, gender is usually depicted by hair or shapes, but has that evolved from ancient cave drawings that depict the first stick figures?
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There are many such figures crafted over the last 13,000 years in the United States.  I wonder if anyone has bothered to consider such a question....  I don't think so as I am rather familiar with this literature.  I would say they don't change very much.  But there are radical changes and shifts in the iconography, subject matter and style of rock drawings...
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
7 answers
are you aware of any Guidelines/Manuals/Information which take into account the needs or the special circumstances of Lesbians/Gays/Bisexuals/Transgender/ queers* when they experience highly stressful situations such as domestic violence or homelessness?
I am looking especially for something aimed at first responders (e.g. Crisis hotline).
Thank you!
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HI, I would look for Tertiary Prevention and Intervention for LGBTQ Youth in this article: Fisher, E. S., Komosa-Hawkins, K., Saldaña, E., Thomas, G. M., Hsiao, C., Rauld, M., & Miller, D. (2008). Promoting school success for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and questioning students: Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention and intervention strategies. The California School Psychologist, 13(1),85-88. It might offer you insights into evidence based practice for LGBTQ in stressful situation. More specifically, have a look at this article: Ferguson, K. M., & Maccio, E. M. (2015). Promising Programs for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning Runaway and Homeless Youth. Journal of Social Service Research, 41(5), 659-683.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
15 answers
I am conducting a study on intercultural partnerships/marriages/cohabiting couples, and I am wondering where can I go to find participants? They need to be two individuals from different cultures or of different nationalities (e.g. Chinese-American, Colombian-Peruvian, Russian-Mexican...), preferably living in Florida, but will also consider anywhere in the world if they have access to Skype. I am putting out flyers in different places and an online add, but would appreciate any suggestions. 
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Hello Lucia,
For cohabiting couples I think universities will be an effective way to reach intercultural couples. In particular universities in Eastern U.S. and Canada will likely get you significant numbers of potential participants. The Central Canadian Universities below have both high levels of international students and are multiethnic populations - student associations, depts. of Psych etc. are first line contacts: 
Carleton University:
McMaster University:
University of Ottawa:
Queen’s University:
Ryerson University:
University of Toronto:
York University:
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
7 answers
My goal is to get a cross-disciplinary perspective.
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The most influential article on gender and archaeology was probably Conkey, M.W. and Spector, J.D. (1984) Archaeology and the study of gender. Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory 7, pp. 1-38.
It is still an essential contribution today. Besides this I would recommend the following books in order to gain an overview on topics, methods and results:
Dommasnes, L.H., Hjørungdal, T., Montón-Subìas, S., Sánchez Romero M., and Wicker N.L. (eds) (2010) Situation Gender in European Archaeologies. Archaeolingua minor series 29. Budapest: Archaeolingua.
Gero, J. M and Conkey, M. W. (1991) Engendering Archaeology. Women and Prehistory. Social Archaeology. Oxford and Cambridge: Blackwell.
Pyburn, K.A. (ed.) (2004) Ungendering Civilization: Reinterpreting the Archaeological Record. London and New York: Routledge.
Stig Sørensen, M.L. (2000) Gender Archaeology. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
21 answers
Is capitalism the main source of explanation or are there other explanations which outweigh capitalism? 
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 Hi Con Your question has cheered me up today - thank you!  
Some women committed to redistributive feminisms might say that gender inequalities are caused by the patriarchy, alongside sexisms intersection with racist, disablist and homophobic discrimination and barriers to equality, that create inequalities experienced by women.  That's not to say capitalism isn't patriarchal too, but the two explanations are different, from a feminist perspective.  Depending on which gender inequalities you are concerned with, would depend upon the explanations you looked for (e.g. are the gender inequalities  you seek to explain linked to violence, health, income, education, housing, transport, welfare, crime etc)?/ I think we are much too nuanced now as a movement to think that one explanation of inequality can suffice in every context.
If you are new to the discussion between feminisms and capitalism, try starting with Nancy Fraser:
If you are more advanced and want to think about gender inequalities in the current recession, try Sylvia Walby's awesome new book, Crisis.  
I suspect every feminist, socialist and capitalist will have a different answer to your question and you may have restarted a vibrant century-long debate!  Do send me a copy when you write on this subject and in the meantime, join us in trying to wear our privileges lightly!
Hope that helps,
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
20 answers
I have recently been made aware of a possible unexpected  gender pattern involving Twitter - It may be the case than many females like to see personal information mixed with professional posts whereas males want them compartmentalized.  Not sure if this is true but it made me wonder if there are other possible gender differences.  I have observed, for example, a recent list of "supposed" education  technology leaders promoted by a blog, only to find 80-90% of the leaders were male?  Your thoughts?
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I heard some time ago that there is a difference in how men and women use language on twitter (selection of hashtags, tagging behavior) and it is even possible to identify the gender of the "speaker" by analyzing their tweets. I just did a quick search and found a couple of articles that might be of interest to you:
Burger, J. D., Henderson, J., Kim, G., & Zarrella, G. (2011, July). Discriminating gender on Twitter. In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (pp. 1301-1309). Association for Computational Linguistics.
Cunha, E., Magno, G., Almeida, V., Gonçalves, M. A., & Benevenuto, F. (2012, June). A gender based study of tagging behavior in twitter. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM conference on Hypertext and social media (pp. 323-324). ACM.
This one is about facebook, but I thought it was interesting:
Li-Barber, K. T. (2012). Self-disclosure and student satisfaction with Facebook. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2), 624-630.
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
3 answers
I am trying to connect female literary tourists' behaviour/experiences to women's reading practices
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Not reading behaviour but peripheral aspect re gender of literary tourists. This is an open access journal. 
Busby, G. & Devereux, H. (2015) Dark tourism in context: The Diary of Anne Frank, European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 6 (1) 27-38. 
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
5 answers
I am looking for papers which deal with the problem of gender and how this variable can condition the answer of kids and their consumption method.
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I am currently researching this phenomenon in the Indian context. As preliminary work, I attempted to analyze gender representations in popular television cartoons that children in India watch. This is the link to that paper -
  • asked a question related to Gender Studies
10 answers
Are they some effects concerning the financial leverage of the firm, the level of R&D or intangible investments, or the amount of  liquidity hoarding if women are more and more present in the board of directors of big companies listed on the stock market? Could you quote if any some studies done in that area? Thanks.
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