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Gender Roles - Science topic
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Questions related to Gender Roles
rise of dual-income households affect traditional gender roles
We would like to ask permission if we can use the MGRS scale for our Thesis Requirement to begin conducting our research. We are rooting to use the scale on our study but I am having a difficult time finding it.
Thank you so much!
hello ..
thank you for reading my quistion and i will appreciate any help. i am doing my master dissertation now which i am investigating gender represenatation in textbooks. my method is content analysis and i will collect data which includes genders of poets, scientists, authours, leaders and so on. i also will look at the appearance of each genders in varied areas. the data will be gathered from texts and pictures and i will interpret it (after analising) in charts and diagrams.
my quistion is does this process considered as qualitative or quantitave or mixed methods? and about the data is it qualitative data or quantitative ?
thank you
Hello my research belong to gender studies. i m working on high school teachers' psychosocial pressure risks from gender perspective. My MA research is about Gender and high school Teachers' Psychosocial Pressure Risks. the aim of my research is to invistigate whether male & female teachers have face the same psychosocial pressures ,during their teaching career, or because of gender(how man & woman are perceived, gender roles,cultures) they have differents problems? what are the causes of male/female teachers psychosocial pressures? during my research i m going to rely on some developed countries' experiences in the field and how they have dealt with this issue in order to reduce teachers' psychosocial pressures taking into account male's and femele's different.needs.thanks in advanced
Hello all,
I am a third year Human Resource Development student and I am currently writing my final year project.
I have done my research on work-life balance but my supervisor advised me to find more gaps in research regarding the work-life balance of male employees with relation to gender roles.
I hope there are some that could provide me with insights and advise.
Dear researchers,
I'm going to look at gender roles in a few novels from a sociolinguistic standpoint. What approaches do you recommend to analyze such roles?
warm regards,
Sandra Bem's famous Bem Sex Role Inventory has been used since the 1970s to profile masculine and feminine gender roles. Bem argued that those scoring above the median of a sample for BOTH masculinity and femininity are classified as Androgynous and that these are the paragons of mental health because they can adapt to the needs of diverse demands. By contrast, those scoring below the median for both masculinity and femininity are considered undifferentiated and at the highest risk of mental health problems. This is because they score below the social status quo for positive personality traits that predominate the behaviors and expressions of both sexes. So my question is: "who are undifferentiated people"? What characterize them? What contributes to this profile? What can we do to help them? Any thoughts and/or articles would be most appreciated!
Hello everyone,
I want to research gender issues and I got as
IV: Sexual orientation, Gender role conflicts, Male norms
DV: Distress
I got 3 options:
I am between Hierarchical regression model, Mediation Analysis and Path Analysis.
I know that there I might be facing multicollinearity problems, what would be the best to choose between the 3 tests?
Hello all,
I am currently looking for someone adept in Gender Studies to assist me with a body of research with the hope of publication on comparing LGB couples Gender Roles to Heterosexual couple traditional Gender Roles. My current research shows that LGB couples fair slightly better than Heterosexual couples because of the egalitarian roles as opposed to the slightly more patriarchal hierarchy in traditional heterosexual couples.
This research will be heavy on LGBT research and Theology to support equality in the marital hierarchy. I will be submitting this article to a Christian Scholarly Journal on Biblical Equality.
I currently live in Japan, so by the off chance someone is in Japan, that is preferred.
Thank you!
Childhood maltreatment may lessen the self-esteem of adolescent/young adults, which in turn may influence traditional gender role attitude and decision making autonomy in adulthood. Please share relevant literature/articles, If somebody is aware of any research regarding this subject matter.
In an article Dr. Blaire suggested that until there was contact with western societies, many societies had a more fluid notion of gender roles
I am not sure that I agree with this idea. Gender is culturally defined, and is an eidos related to sex, as I suggest in
But that does not mean that gender is likely to be fluid. From what I can see, it is not that gender roles were fluid, but rather that there are simply a number of cultures with ternary and quaternary gender divisions. For instance, many Native American tribes expressed the concept of “two-spirit” people. This established a quaternary gender system. But I don’t think that people easily existed outside of those four roles or that the roles were not well defined. It’s just that there were more of them.
Dear researchers,
I have a data set " 503 filled questionnaires" on 25 items " variables" . All variables are categorical .
The dependent variable of interest could be treated as binary or 3 categories , each assumption would reveal some needed perspective.
What I am trying to do is to analyse those data from a gender perspective.
as said those 25 questions cover demographic , attitude, behavior and practice. I am considering to check if gender is a significant independent variable towards attitude, behavior , practice.
Attitude, behavior, practice each item has few questions of the 25 to be tested in categories?
What sort of analysis could answer this question about gender role ? any other suggestions to tweek this research question though I really like mine ,but I am so open for suggestions.
My supervisor suggested ANOVA and multi-level analysis ?
For me , as far as I remember the outcome variable .eg practice " dependent variable " need to be numerical not categorical? I need your help.
Any political affiliation will suffice, however anarchist or communist affiliations would be preferred.
My IV is score on gender roles (higher score means femininity and lower means masculinity) , its one single score. My DV is resilience score. My linear regression equation is significant 64.54+5.14 . I need help in interpreting the coefficients and how exactly it needs to be reported ?
Currently in Poland, a very lively debate on the issues of gender is taking place.
Opponents speak even of "gender ideology", using arguments that are difficult to accept calmly by the man who knows even the basic issues related to the topic.
Main opponent of gender theory in Poland is the Catholic Church, some of its representatives do not mince words.
Even in the Polish parliament the parliamentary group for the fight against gender ideology was formed.
I am trying to find some theoretical evidence for the fact that on personal-self construal level western nations(egalitarian) are less stereotypical when it comes to gender roles, if compared to eastern nations , but i couldn’t . Can you please help me in this regard and recommend some reads.
I found : own gender beliefs is higher (vs. lower) in eastern (vs. western) countries when considering other-stereotyping and when social comparison is salient, but the reverse was found when considering self-reporting, that is self-stereotyping.
I working in indian context . It would be very grateful if someone can give me guidance.
Are there any studies which relate personal values (e.g. Schwartz Theory of Basic Human Values or Rokeach) to gender ideologies? In particular I am looking for studies that relate personal values to attitudes towards gender roles within the family.
I am researching Masculine Gender Norms and resulting role stress for my Doctoral Project. I am hoping to use the scale in my study but am having a difficult time finding it.
Thank you.
I am still collecting survey tools used by researchers who have used in studies of transgender men and women. The tools will be used to inform the development of a new survey tool that may be added to CDC's National HIV Behavioral Surveillance (NHBS) survey set. If you are willing to share your survey tool (and have not already done so) please do so.
All the best,
Please help me in this. I am working on PhD synopsis titled "Gender roles, health behaviors and Diabetes management in Type 2 patients in Pakistan"?
I would like to look at Hazel in The Fault in Our Stars and Margo in Paper Town using feminism theory. I would be more than grateful if there are suggestions on literary analysis and recommendations for reading. Thank you.
I couldn't find a theory that include both genders for me to investigate representation of gender roles in young adult literature. Please suggest me an appropriate theory which is able to anchor masculinity and femininity in young adult literature. Thank you.
Writing a short paper on hyper-masculinity in the presidential debates. Why is it displayed? For whom is it put on display?
I'm working on a project evaluation for a maternal health project with ethnic minority women in Vietnam, and would like to conduct a gender analysis to understand gendered roles and access to resources in the community. Moser's framework is a good guiding approach, but could anyone recommend a more succinct tool that is appropriate for the Southeast Asian context?
Thank you in advance!
I want to know the perceived change in perspectives of women in the contexts of gender roles after transformative traveling experiences using TLT,
I dont have the time to do a pre-trip and post-trip research, I will do a perceived change on perspectives.
However, I dont know how to select my participants who should be already transformed, any ideas?
My niche area is the performance of the no human. Still trying to refine my specific research questions but they have to do with the non human and agency or lack thereof. I am a bit overwhelmed by what communities would prove fruitful to study in Second Life and the SIMS. Any suggestions would be appreciated?
I would like to discuss the culture of men footing the bills in today's culture as a form of misogyny and I would like to have scholarly research that discuss this topic.
I am really interested to see if there has been any work on this in the UK. I have read a lot of work done further afield but am coming up with nothing over here. It's such a different context, does anyone know if it's been studied? I would be grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction....
I had to reframe the question because I want the answer grouped into social, political and economic challenges. Sorry for the inconvenience caused but again, who can help me out?
The traditional paths to elected office are well documented in the discipline of political science and often they tend to imply a linear progression where actors play key roles in the development of becoming politically informed. These actors include parents, schools, and to some extent the media. But almost all of these studies have been based on the white male experience. The more gendered studies have framed their findings in terms of barriers to access, or the social aspect of family structures, roles and responsibilities of women through time and others are based on gender discrimination and bias . Regardless of the hypothesis developed by these scholars the majority of the literature is lacking the dimension of race in studies of the under representation of women and political leadership. In view that, women of color comprise only 4.5 percent of the 535 members of Congress, with similar representation in state legislatures, and even less across statewide offices one would think there would be less deficiency in the available literature on this subject. Women are not a static group, they are diversified not only by race but by class, ethnicity, sexuality, and religion to name just a few and future research must include these distinctions between women.
Therefore, what models should be developed that would persuade women of color to run for elected office?
My goal is to get a cross-disciplinary perspective.
Is capitalism the main source of explanation or are there other explanations which outweigh capitalism?
It arises from differences in socially constructed gender roles, cultural and traditional values. Is important given to the gender equally? Are the women treated as they are being praised by the traditional values? Have they gained their values truly?
I read some papers and found that they have same conceptual content. I wonder if there is any difference. Why did people use the two different terms?
This question is actually on behalf of a friend from a different academic background. She figured that since I was an anthropologist I might have a better knowledge of sources on the topic.
More broadly, does anyone have any good sources for pre-contact gender roles from an anthropological perspective?
Is gender difference linked to employment barriers for youth? If yes, what type of barriers in Pakistan?
I'm currently preparing Polish publiacation about development of children from single-parent families and I'm looking for research on gender identity and identifaction with gender roles among children raised in single-parent families. I'm looking for research and publications from around the world. Thank you for any support.
Hello, I need articles about codependence of the woman on the engagement after having sexual intercourse, or topics as nearby as possible, thank you.
Does focusing on gender roles in narrative analysis negate gender differences?
How society and through which lens society sees the role of female as a whole but particularly as an entrepreneur?
They can be about gender roles and their framing in Young Adult Novels, comparative studies on local vs foreign Young Adult Fiction/Novels, or reflection of the society or young adult social group in Young Adult Novels.
*By local I meant local to any country/society.
The focus could be historical or contemporary. Many thanks.
how do I statistically test for a difference b/w male and female response to a question e.g fathers will prefer VE (vocational education)for the male child than mother?
I wish to work towards a minor, possibly more, or transgender issues. My location and commitment at this time does not give me the freedom to attend other institutions so I'm searching for reputable online classes. Any recommendations or suggestions are appreciated.
I'm part of a keynote panel session at a conference in early June on Why we should champion equality in the IT workplace. We will explore the definition of equality and the root causes of inequality in our industry, and the ethical and operational benefits of championing equality and I would like to have the most recent statistics possible. This panel will pose questions such as - are we limited by stereotypical gender roles? Do we take an open enough approach to demographics such as age and ethnicity?
I want to measure peoples' conviction that typically "male" and typically "female" behaviour and skills are biologically based and fixed vs. culturally determined and malleable. It could be something akin to racial essentialism measures like the one below...
No, S. et al. Lay theory of race affects and moderates Asian Americans’ responses toward American culture. J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 95, 991–1004 (2008).
The Lay Theory of Race Scale
1. To a large extent, a person’s race biologically determines
his or her abilities and traits.
2. Although a person can adapt to different cultures, it is
hard if not impossible to change the dispositions of a
person’s race.
3. How a person is like (e.g., his or her abilities, traits) is
deeply ingrained in his or her race. It cannot be changed
4. A person’s race is something very basic about them and
it can’t be changed much.
5. Races are just arbitrary categories and can be changed if
6. Racial categories are constructed totally for economic,
political, and social reasons. If the socio-political situation
changes, the racial categories will change as well.
7. Race does not have an inherent biological basis, and thus
can be changed.
8. Racial categories are fluid, malleable constructs.
I suppose there must be some kind of mechanisms, racism or whatever that discourages women from vindicating a post in school leadership and explains the very low percentages of women school leaders in the educational system.
I am conducting a study which aims to explore attitudes towards help seeking for mental health among Irish adults. I was hoping to explore conformity to the masculine gender role and how this effects attitudes towards help-seeking. I was hoping to do this using the CMNI-22; Mahalik et al 2003, but I am having difficulty finding a copy.
Would anybody be able to advise me on where I could find a copy?.
Thank you in advance
Universities have long traditions of offering staff and students the freedom to do research – but what are the pressing issues and perspectives, especially for women? I would be grateful if you can share your experiences, stating in which country you work and in which part of the higher education sector you are a member of staff or a student.
Recently a bearded transgender performer's victory in the Eurovision song contest, made me think about the validity of the concept of a "third gender", the Hijra of India, the "two spirits" of First Nations, etc. Other than the physical conversion (transsexualism) what shall we think about people who feel "in-between"?
A core concept in sociology, political science, organizational behaviour and business, social capital is relatively new in the context of sport governance. In exploring the boundaries of both sport and social capital in theory and practice, one can see sport as a form of positive (bridging) social capital that promotes social cohesion, trust, social ties, etc. Could it also be perceived as a social space that promotes dark or exclusonary social capital since sport politics do not always deliver the social benefits they proclaim due to commercialization, doping, gender discrimination or institutionalized gender personification, the leaky pipeline and the glass ceiling in SGBs and in competitive sports.
Do you know any studies which confirmed such hypothesis?
I am waiting for your recommendations (regarding specific reports, articles you know).
What is the symbolic content and meaning of finger nails?
The performance, figuration and manipulation of the body seem to be crucial or at least high relevant for the doing gender through the body. Following Bourdieu, the habitus is written down in the body and the body practice is an important part of the economics of symbols.
Painting or enlarging finger nails is a very common practice of the traditional body expression.
A lot of solitary body practice like sitting, viewing, moving, etc. or body parts like hair, legs, skin, mouth, foot, etc. are described concerning their gender relevance and their symbolic meaning.
But I have heard only very few about the gender related meaning of finger nails.
One idea is an analogy to the white skin as a symbol for not to need manual work in the sun. From this point whiteness is a symbol of nobles and richness. Maybe the painting and enlargement of nails are a similar expression of the absent need to do handwork.
Another idea is that the limitation of the “natural” function of hands and fingers is comparable with the limitation of running and moving like the bandaging of women’s feed in japan. High heels, skirt and dress as a framework which limit the freedom of moving and mobility on one hand and leading and fulfill to the conception of the “right” female body language on the other hand, are interpreted in this way too.
So does somebody have ideas about the gender specific symbolic of finger nails?
Any theoretical or empirical analyses can work.
Research Questions are:
Q1. How frequent was male gaze used in portraying female image in the movies?
Q2. What was the direction of the messages? (Sexual, social, domestic gender roles, etc)
Q.3 How intense were the male gazed messages regarding female portrayal in the Bollywood movies?
Q4. How much space was given to the aforesaid messages?
Q5. Is there any relation between the inclination of Pakistani university students to watch Indian movies and female presentation?
Q6. What changes have Indian movies created in Pakistani university male students towards female image?
Q7. What is the relationship between Indian movies and female students’ perception of themselves and other females?
The model of theoretical framework is attached
How do men and women differ in expressing their desirability in social situations?
I'm looking for some pointers on internalized sexism. Here's a scenario: A female who wants to fit in with a group dominated by males (e.g., the gaming community, alternative music scenes, sports, etc.) denigrates femininity by saying that she's "not like those other women/girls." Of course, in doing so that female is endorsing misogynistic attitudes. Is there a name for this strategic derogation of one's group in order to appeal to or identify with a different group? Any advice on previous research on this would be greatly appreciated, especially those relating to social identity theory & social psychology.
This was simply an observation, but I'd like to know if any research has been done in this area. Professions like teaching, psychotherapy or nursing are dominated by women - both in employee and employer roles. Is the worth or value of these professions associated to the number of women in them? Consequently, when men enter the game, does the economic worth of these professions rise?
Can someone guide me in order to get an outline for a term paper for MA development studies?
In 2008, colleagues and I published a book entitled Sex Differences (Psychology Press) which summarizes the literature up to that date. I plan to publish a second edition within the next five years. If anyone would have an interest in being a coauthor, please let me know. However, before deciding, please note how the book is physically structured. The book's first edition cited over 13,000 studies. The second edition is likely to add an additional 7,000 studies.