Science topic
Gender Identity - Science topic
Gender Identity is a person's concept of self as being male and masculine or female and feminine, or ambivalent, based in part on physical characteristics, parental responses, and psychological and social pressures. It is the internal experience of gender role.
Questions related to Gender Identity
Its about the book Thomas Eckes, Hanns M. TrautnerThe Developmental Social Psychology of Gender. i want to use is for my bachelors thesis in empirical social research
I am conducting a study on the relationship between perceived 'as is' power distance and gender egalitarianism on one hand, and the manifestation of the glass ceiling (the gender ratio in top management versus the rest of the company) on the other.
While there are numerous studies and questionnaires that refer to national culture (on a country level), there is a scarcity of research that focuses on these aspects within an organizational culture.
The limited number of questionnaires available on organisational culture tend to be from a "should-be" value perspective, which reflects how individuals personally would want these aspects within an organisation or life, rather than examining how power distance and gender egalitarianism are expressed 'as is' within their organization's culture and structure.
I am looking for a questionnaire that measures both constructs (power distance and gender egalitarianism) at the organizational level, where individuals are asked to indicate how they perceive these dimensions within their organization.
I'd really appreciate your input. Thank you in advance!
What articles or sites do you know about artificial intelligence with a gender focus?
In our research, we did a linear regression analysis to understand the moderating impact of gender, it's evident that gender has a significant moderating impact, now I want to understand which gender had more moderating impact than the other. But I am not sure how that can be done in Jasp, it's an open-source tool for statistical analysis.
I need a questionnaire on the effects of gender stereotypes and social norms on women's entrepreneurial intentions. I appreciate any contribution. Thanks
Nowadays, people interact on social networks (digital monitoring), using language according to age, geographic origin, gender, etc. (sociolinguistic factors). do not also lose sight of the fact that these people can also come from multilingual and multicultural environments in which languages compete.
if it is possible, I plan to write or co-write with Someone an article which will answer this question regarding the methodology of data collection and analysis
Integration of all gender and inclusion is prevalent in our society today. Educational management is encompassing and essential to accommodate this rising issue.
"Gender Role in School Bullying" has 10 citations in GS but 22 in RG.
“Affirmation of Harm Avoidance, Reciprocity, Gender, Sex, and Transgenderism: Conventional wisdom is that positive affirmations are highly important as one's thinking often affects that same person's actions. The more left one goes on the political spectrum the more that individual emphasizes harm avoidance and reciprocity over purity, authority, and in-group loyalty as far as moral roots. Gender is definitely a social construct. A man can become a transgender woman simply by identifying as much. Likewise, a gender can change based only on self identity. Transgenderism (the state of being transgender) is when gender does NOT match stereotypical sex. Since gender is completely a social construct, surgeries to reassign sex are costly and completely unnecessary”( ).
I would like to produce monoclonal antibodies using mice model. Is it important if male or female animals will be chosen?
Does mice gender affect effectivity of experiment and immune cells activity in that case?
Best regards
I once read a book about sociolinguistics in my "Intro to language and education" course, dating back to 2019. That book demonstrated the relationship between the art of the language and gender studies (e.g. speech patterns). Nowadays, we can see that there are many genders out there alongside LGBTQ, and many educational institutions are promoting equity for these particular social groups. Similarly, it becomes clear that some students have different studying preferences when it comes to learning.
My question here is, what do you think about this case? Will it become a norm in the next decade? If yes, how should teachers respond to this situation? Look forward to hearing from different interpretations.
Do you think gender diverse boards redact proprietary information? In my recent paper co-authored with Kumari Ranjeeni, we examine whether gender-diverse boards prioritize product market concerns over capital market incentives when proprietary costs are high. We argue that gender-diverse boards protect their firm’s competitive edge and maximize long-term shareholder wealth by ethically and carefully maintaining the confidentiality of proprietary information.
What are your thoughts?
The DOI to our paper that is available Open Access is:
I would like to know whether AI systems also have gender like male or female or is it neutral?
rise of dual-income households affect traditional gender roles
possible support with references and literature
I am looking for a questionnaire that identifies what project managers' knowledge and experience is regarding gender equality within projects
Investigate the socio-economic status of women in the Western Cape, including factors such as labour force participation, wage gaps, access to education and healthcare, and representation in decision-making roles. Explore strategies to promote gender equality and women's empowerment for inclusive development.
What are the common theories used in quantitative and qualitative study designs?
In addiction and recovery, are there differences between men and women?
What do you think is important to achieve full gender equality in sports?
i want to learn about gender theories and link the topic to feminist entrepreneurship, do you have any advice or guidance? thank you in advance
What are people's takes on how to "bin" non-binary and gender nonconforming participants in surveys involving animal attitudes?
Given there's strong gender associations with animal attitudes (where women tend to show more positive/empathetic animal attitudes vs. men, all else equal [though there are cultural differences that modulate these]), it's important we include gender as a question in many of our surveys. But in assessing gender effects or associations on outcomes, I struggle with how to treat non-binary and gender NC respondents. There's usually only a few and I don't want to throw them out, but I wonder whether to batch them with women-identifying or men-identifying. I've heard cases for binning them with men so as to compare "women-identifying" against "everyone else", but my intuition would suggest that non-binary individuals may be more empathetic to animals given ideas about intersectionality, so perhaps it's better to batch them with women? Any suggested readings or thoughts to justify in one direction or other (or another option) are very welcome!
What are the interactions between gender and energy?
can gender and age of ALL patients influence the expression of CD45 on lymphocytes in ALL patients?
Firth logistic regression is a special version of usual logistic regression which handles separation or quasi-separation issues. To understand the Firth logistic regression, we have to go one step back.
What is logistic regression?
Logistic regression is a statistical technique used to model the relationship between a categorical outcome/predicted variable, y(usually, binary - yes/no, 1/0) and one or more independent/predictor or x variables.
What is maximum likelihood estimation?
Maximum likelihood estimation is a statistical technique to find the best representative model that represents the relationship between the outcome and the independent/predictor variables of the underlying data (your dataset). The estimation process calculates the probability of different models to represent the dataset and then selects the model that maximizes this probability.
What is separation?
Separation means empty bucket for a side! Suppose, you are trying to predict meeting physical activity recommendations (outcome - 1/yes and 0/no) and you have three independent or predictor variables like gender (male/female), socio-economic condition (rich/poor), and incentive for physical activity (yes/no). Suppose, you have a combination, gender = male, socio-economic condition = rich, incentive for physical activity = no, which always predict not meeting physical activity recommendation (outcome - 0/no). This is an example of complete separation.
What is quasi-separation?
Reconsider the above example. We have 50 adolescents for the combination- gender = male, socio-economic condition = rich, incentive for physical activity = no. For 49/48 (not exactly 50, near about 50) of them, outcome is "not meeting physical activity recommendation" (outcome - 0/no). This is the instance of quasi-separation.
How separation or quasi-separation may impact your night sleep?
When separation or quasi-separation is present in your data, the traditional logistic regression will keep increasing the co-efficient of predictors/independent variables to infinite level (to be honest, not infinite, the wording should be without limit) to establish the bucket theory - one of the outcomes is completely or nearly empty. When the anomaly happens, it is actually suggesting that the traditional logistic regression model is outdated here.
There is a bookish name of the issue - convergence issue. But how to know convergence issues have occurred with the model?
- Very large co-efficient estimates. The estimates could be near infinite too!
- Along with large co-efficient estimates, you may see large standard errors too!
- It may also happen that logistic regression tried several times (known as iterations) but failed to get the best model or in bookish language, failed to converge.
What to do if such convergence issues have occurred?
Forget all the hard works you have done so far! You have to start your new journey with an alternative logistic regression, which is known as Firth logistic regression. But what Firth logistic regression actually does? Without using much technical terms, Firth logistic regression actually leads to more reliable co-efficients, which helps to choose best representative model for your data ultimately.
How to conduct Firth logistic regression?
First install the package "logistf" and load it in your R-environment.
Now, assume you have a dataset "physical_activity" with a binary outcome variable "meeting physical activity recommendation" and three predictor/independent variables: gender (male/female), socio-economic condition (rich/poor), and incentive for physical activity (yes/no).
pa_model <- logistf(meet_PA ~ gender + sec + incentive, data = physical_activity)
Now, display the result.
You got log odds. Now, we have to convert it into odds.
odds_ratios_pa <- exp(coef(pa_model))
Game over! Now, how to explain the result?
Don't worry! There is nothing special. The explanation of Firth logistic regression's result is same as traditional logistic regression model. However, if you are struggling with the explanation, let me know in the comment. I will try my best to reduce your stress!
Note: If you find any serious methodological issue here, my inbox is open!
For the purpose of writing a research paper on this topic.
Dear colleagues,
As a scholar, I am often faced with the question of whether a care provider (psychologist, therapist, counselor, or other professional) may or may not disclose their own sexual or gender identity when they provide care services to their sexually- and gender-diverse clients. I have so far not been able to find good resources on the topic, esp. those related to questions of whether professional identity may or may not be relevant in context of care; in cases if a decision is based on some individual circumstances, which those may be; or generally if there is some good peer-reviewed literature about this topic.
I'll end my question with a famous and not entirely unrelated line by Celia Kitzinger and their colleagues from 1998: "'Gay and lesbian sychologist'” can be heterosexual, just as a “social psychologist” can be anti-social or a “sports psychologist” a couch potato'" (Kitzinger et al., 1998, p532).
Thank you for your insights and time,
I have been looking at family violence data in Australia and noticed a pattern of gender symmetry emerging in DFV murder victimisation. While men are still over represented in DFV perpetration data, it has made me question why there is such a strong focus on segmenting data by gender in DFV research, and why there is such a high level of polarisation around discussions of DFV data and public policy.

books on flexibility and gender equality. concepts and theories
During the match that took place between YouTubers around the world, there were only male members playing on the field. However, there are many female YouTubers who have a large number of followers. What is the reason that this only happened to a certain gender and did not happen to the other gender?
this is a comparative study question between Islamic law and Common law/ Civil law
Hello everyone, does anyone know how to calculate the simple size for a 2(gender: male, female)*2(culture: Asian, European)*2(age: children, adult)*2(direction: back, front)*2(position: left, right)*2( condition: confort, non-comfort) repeated ANOVA? We have 6 factors, among these, gender and culture are between-factors, while age, direction, position, and condition are within-factors. I'd appreciate it if someone can help me.
California Senator Scott Welk on Friday called on parents who "love their children" to flee the state before it's too late, in response to "disturbing language" in the "gender identification" bill.
The warning came after amending the "Gender Confirmation" bill among children's needs for "health, safety and well-being," according to "Fox News" channel. If parents refuse to confirm their child's preferred gender, they may face charges of child abuse and lose custody disputes.
Hi, I have data that are not distributed normally, i tried to make it normal by using log, inverse, or root square transformations but without any success. Are there non-parametric tests that can test moderation? So far i just analyzed men and women separately using Mann Whitney test (with the split file function in SPSS). Is there some way to explore whether the interaction with gender is significant?
How does gender affects the relationship between 21st century skills and expectancy-value?
I am working on a research on challenges and opportunities that women entrepreneurs face in informal trade.
To clarify gender mainstreaming and make women an essential and indispensable dimension in the process of designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating policies and programs in the political, economic and social fields, so that women enjoy rights and freedoms on an equal basis with men, and so that the ultimate goal is achieved, which is the achievement of gender equality.
What are the biological differences between Sex and Gender?
How can we classify animals according to Sex and Gender?
How can teachers in schools in some countries explain Gender and sex for children? is that brainwashing or not? Can we teach children anything out of their awareness?
I am happy to share your ideas.
I am curious to know if is there any recent evidence suggesting that gender can play a role in the development of dissociative identity disorder, as well as the type and manifestation of the DID?
Humor “breaks the ice” between strangers, and unites people in different hierarchical positions. It creates a sense of “shared conspiracy” as when gossiping or joking about superiors. The flip side is that those who do not join in the laughter, either because they don’t catch on, or because the joke targets them, will feel left out, shamed, or ridiculed. Joking relationships build group identity and solidarity. They promote communities over hierarchies and reveal ambiguities that enhance and subvert the expectations of people in religious and civic groups.
Laughter always ties into the humor of a particular social group—even if you are laughing by yourself at something you receive over the Internet. Some scholars argue that humor is a social corrective, linked with embarrassment. People learn what not to do when they see who gets laughed at. This goes back to the beliefs of Henri Bergson, who called humor a “social corrective…intended to humiliate.”
In the early 1980’s Emily Toth, wrote about the first “Humane Humor Rule,” “Never target a quality that a person can’t change.” Later Humane Humor Rules Include:
• Target yourself, i.e. use self-deprecating humor.
• Target your own ethnic group or gender, but no other ethnic group or gender.
• Never target the victim.
• Always target a strength so that it empowers rather than humiliates the target.
• Be sure that there is spatial, temporal and psychological distance before making fun of a tragedy.
• Remember: Tragedy + Time = Comedy
I want to compare customer groups by gender (Male and Female) for 'Willingness to Pay for Health Products.' However, 'Willingness to Pay for Health Products' is a latent factor measured by 3 observed variables. I am unsure how to compare them and have researched 'Levene's Test for Equality of Variances,' but I couldn't find how to run it in Stata. I'm in need of assistance!
I am trying to perfom a sample size calculation for neuroimaging study. Specifically, the participants, after filling questionnaire yileding a spefic score, perform a task in three different conditons, based on two different sensorial modalities and I have to study response accuracy between Male vs Female.
I would like just make sure that, beside the power and alpha level, I have chosen the paramters properly:
1) The effect size is a squared conversion to f Coehn from the Pearson correlation score;
2) 12 is the factorial product between 3 conditions X 2 kind of stimuli X gender;
3) Number of Predictors, 3 (referred to conditions, stimuli and gender);
4) Response variable, 3 (referred to accuracy in the three conditions);
Is this sample size analysis calculation well done?

The liberal view of gender ethics in the postmodern era, despite the demise of most major narratives, differs from the Islamic view or the view of anti-genderists,For reasons that seem logical to each of them, it is not permissible to resist or challenge them What led toThis endless debate lost the rights of many people, women and men alike
I am seeking to make an inventory and evaluate storybooks or projects that are intended to introduce concepts of gender equality or feminism to young children in the Sub-Saharan region or the Islands of the Eastern part of the Indian Ocean within the last 10-15 years.
My topic is Women and Leadership: A Complex Intersection between Gender and Race?
As in French le/la, in German der/die/das & other languages, thera are genders for words & so articles in some languages. Grammaticaly gender for words are complete redundancy !? Governments have to cancel them offically as soon as possible so that people can learn those languages easily also. One of the reason English almost became universal language is due to being genderless for words !
"It's an inheritance from our distant past. Researchers believe that Proto-Indo-European had two genders: animate and inanimate. It can also, in some cases, make it easier to use pronouns clearly when you're talking about multiple objects."
As Mark Twain once wrote in reference to German:
“A person’s mouth, neck, bosom, elbows, fingers, nails, feet, and body are of the male sex, and his head is male or neuter according to the word selected to signify it, and not according to the sex of the individual who wears it! A person’s nose, lips, shoulders, breast, hands, and toes are of the female sex; and his hair, ears, eyes, chin, legs, knees, heart, and conscience haven’t any sex at all…”
I am definitely not an expert in statistics, so I was wondering if someone could assist me in selecting the appropriate (and simplest) statistical test.
My research focuses on examining the impact/relationship between weight and shape concerns (ratio variable) on excessive exercise (ratio variable) while considering two moderators: anxiety (nominal, dichotomous) and gender (nominal, dichotomous).
Which analyses would you recommend? Additionally, would you include both moderators in the same model or would you conduct separate analyses?
Thank you in advance for your help.
To Whom It May Concern
Kindly, if anybody there is interested in collaborating with me as well as other psychology researchers on the topic of personality, please let us know. Right now we are investigating "Narcissistic Personality Traits" in correlation to age, gender, perception, causal attribution, culture, PNI dimensions, etc.
Please, if interested send me/ us a CV to:
I'm looking for a database with data on several corporate governance structures such as;
Board Size, Board Independency, CEO Duality, Board Gender Diversity, etc.
Is there a database around that holds this kind of data for e.g. NASDAQ or NYSE companies?
Furthermore, I am looking for a database that contains data with information from annual reports such as Audit Commitee Size or Number of Board Meetings.
Instead of collecting this data by hand out of firms' annual reports, it's more efficient if there is a database available that contains this kind of data. Is there any?
I am reading about Refinitiv, BoardEX or Bloomberg. Somebody who can help me out?
Thanks in advance.
How your understanding of the opposite gender is improved after the marriage?
Does anyone have the Short Form Sex Role Behavior Scale?
The title of my study is 'The sociocultural factors that influence body image and self esteem of young people'. The sociocultural factors I am looking at are media, and friends and family. My aim is to see which of these factors has the greatest impact on body image and self esteem, and to see whether males or females are more influenced by these factors.
My DVs are body image and self-esteem, and my IVs are media, friends and family, and gender. Any help would be really appreciated !
Can anyone suggest good open access free journal for the topic?
where as gender is socially constructed concept to refer the role of men and women in society, the term is also used to replace sex by many people. if so, how can we determine whether they are used to refer to one idea or the other?
what is the hypothesis and questions for single-gender classes i should out in my research paper
Where can I find sources or sites on Pandemics and Gender in SADC countries, ie. in Southern Africa?
I am looking for recent quantitative studies on gender and ethnicity discrimination in higher education in English, French or German. Thank you.
Is there any way to reliably identify the gender of the person in Twitter data (which has no gender identifiers)? I'm talking about content in Polish.
I was wondering whether there are any texts on the experiences of Romanian scholars in gender and queer studies vis-a-vis the governmental attempts at banning "gender theory" in higher education. Anything would help - academic texts or other media.
Thank you!
Gender relations in the Mediterranean region are a kaleidoscope of overlapping social, economic and cultural roles, spread across a diverse multitude of countries and communities. The European Mediterranean countries have distinct social patterns and gender norms, which differ from the MENA Mediterranean countries, for example. Additionally, the political climate in the region also determines how women and men are able to access and leverage sustainable development opportunities to be able to cope with climate risks, and achieve social and environmental co-benefits.
The degree to which people are affected by climate change impacts is partly a function of their social status, gender, poverty, power and access to and control over resources. Despite the international community’s increasing acknowledgement of the differential experiences and skills women and men bring to development and environmental sustainability efforts, women still have lesser economic, political and legal clout and are hence less able to cope with—and are more exposed to—the adverse effects of the changing climate.
Detrimental effects of climate change can be felt in the short-term through natural hazards, such as landslides, floods and hurricanes; and in the long-term, through more gradual degradation of the environment. The adverse effects of these events are already felt in many areas, including in relation to, inter alia, agriculture and food security; biodiversity and ecosystems; water resources; human health; human settlements and migration patterns; and energy, transport and industry.
In many of these contexts, women are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change than men—primarily as they constitute the majority of the world’s poor and are more dependent for their livelihood on natural resources that are threatened by climate change. Furthermore, they face social, economic and political barriers that limit their coping capacity.
Dear all,
I have the following doubt:
Can a model be proposed if it is tested through two or more different tests?
The model is figured how A influencing C, with a mediation from B. Gender is considered as moderator on all effects.
However, it is tested through different regressions run with process:
(1) A, gender, interaction AxGender -> B
(2) A, B, gender, and the interactions AxGender, BxGender -> C
I have my opinion, but I would like to hear other researchers first. What is your opinion in this regards?
Specifically, I'll be interviewing people in a community where the idea of fluid gender is likely scoffed at by most people. However, I still need to know their self-identified genders, so I have to find a way to ask without also distancing myself from them through the very act of asking. For instance, a participant might not only not believe in gender fluidity but also be insulted that I would even ask because that would imply that I can't tell if they consider themselves to be a woman or a man or something else. For those with experience in this sort of environment, how do you ask the question?
Hello, I'm currently working on my data analysis but I'm not sure what statistical test to use.
My research objective is: To determine the effect of age, gender, and GPA on the work readiness of graduating students
My hypotheses are:
- H1: Age significantly affects students' work readiness
- H2: Gender significantly affects students' work readiness
- H3: GPA significantly affects students' work readiness
In my study, work readiness is measured through a Likert-scale instrument (from 1 to 5), and I'll derive the mean scores to interpret work readiness.
Senior Leaders in higher ed have the power to make and execute changes. Yet, data show that the leaders’ gender, race/ethnicity (Johnson, 2021), inexperience in leadership style, and their predecessors' policies and informal groups (Fagan et al., 2022; Guo et al., 2020; Javeed et al., 2019; Marchiondo et al., 2021) can impact their power/influence in the making decisions or implementing anti-racist policies. This influence continues to adversely affect the Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) geoscientists on campuses and neighboring communities (Wolfe & Riggs, 2017).
What else am I missing?
Guo, Y., Zhu, Y., & Zhang, L. (2020). Inclusive leadership, leader identification and employee voice behavior: The moderating role of power distance. Current Psychology, 41, 1301-1310.
Javed, B., Abdullah, I., Zaffar, M., Haque, A., & Rubab, U. (2019). Inclusive leadership and innovative work behavior: The role of psychological empowerment. Journal of Management & Organization, 25(4), 554-571.
Johnson, G. (2021). Gender, diversity, and the United States judiciary. SAIS Review of International Affairs, 41(1), 61-71.
Marchiondo, L. A., Verney, S. P., & Venner, K. L. (2021). Academic leaders' diversity attitudes: Their role in predicting faculty support for institutional diversity. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 1-10.
Wolfe, B. A., & Riggs, E. M. (2017). Macrosystem analysis of programs and strategies to increase underrepresented populations in the geosciences. Journal of Geoscience Education, 65, 577-593.
There are two categorical data i. e., gender and color preference like red, yellow and green which has no specific order value.
In this data, we want to know that how the gender associated with color preference and also there are more demography variables which also affect the color preference. How can we measure the predictor?
Dear Researchgate Community,
I need your suggestions for methods that can be adopted for gender inclusion assessment at different levels. The focus of this topic shall remain on social life and community development.
I'm looking for a database with images of gender-neutral faces for a study I'm looking to propose for class. Thanks for the help!
Education discrimination could occur based on ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, race, economic condition, disability and religion. The germane question is" how can we pragmatically combat discrimination and prejudice in schools?" Sharing is caring. Thanks