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Gender Equality - Science topic

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Publications related to Gender Equality (10,000)
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The aim of this paper is to uncover the role of Women Empowerment and the Role of Gender Equality toward development in Nigeria. To achieve this purpose, qualitative methodology is employed and secondary sources of data were used as instruments of data collection. Based on the data analyzed, findings of the study show that the use of a women's labo...
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Climate change is one of the greatest challenges to humanity, with carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions being the primary driver. This study examined the relationship between gender equality, measured using the Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI), and CO2 emissions per capita across 49 countries over a 14-year period (2006–2020). Using a fixed-effects regress...
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INTRODUCCIÓN En la actualidad se ha visto incrementado el número de mujeres que quieren formarse para su futuro laboral en varios tipos de trabajos y estudios, sobre todo estudios y trabajos centrados a la ayuda a los demás como son la educación social, la psicología o la pedagogía (Eurostat, 2010). Desde hace años las mujeres no se atreven a elegi...
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El objetivo del presente artículo consiste en analizar de forma descriptiva cómo en la normativa ecuatoriana se aborda la igualdad de género en el contexto de la educación superior. El estudio se sustentó en una investigación con enfoque mixto, mediante entrevistas a docentes y autoridades, así como encuestas estructuradas aplicadas a estudiantes....
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Gender equality ensures equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities for all genders, while gender equity focuses on fairness by addressing systemic disadvantages to achieve equality. Historical milestones, such as the suffrage movements, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and CEDAW, have laid the foundation for gender justice. Des...
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Partiendo de la definición de igualdad de género como construcción social y de la idea del noveno arte como un vehículo socializador y educativo, este estudio presenta la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿cómo aparece la representación del género en los cómics de autoría portuguesa publicados y expuestos en Portugal en la transición de la segun...
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of gender equality in the relationship between the critical mass of women’s representation on boards and companies’ decisions to adopt external assurance on their sustainability reports. Design and methodology: The relationship is investigated using secondary data from an international s...
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Introducción. El desarrollo de habilidades sociales y ciudadanas en los estudiantes universitarios es un componente esencial para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Las iniciativas deportivas universitarias ofrecen un espacio idóneo para fomentar competencias sociales y ciudadanas clave. Objetivo. El estudio tuvo como objetivo a...
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Este estudo analisa a efetivação dos direitos das mulheres através de políticas públicas e o papel do Judiciário na promoção da igualdade de gênero e na proteção contra a violência e discriminação. A pesquisa aborda as diversas políticas públicas implementadas para promover a igualdade de gênero, principalmente a partir da Constituição Federal de 1...
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El presente trabajo analiza cómo los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y sus distintas metas se aplican a la Educación Infantil. En concreto, se trabajará sobre el objetivo cinco que recoge la materia de igualdad de género y el derecho de las mujeres. Las Naciones Unidas evidencian cómo a pesar de los avances, aún existen muchas dificultades...
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Este artículo ofrece un análisis de la cobertura de Wikipedia en las noticias de medios digitales hispanohablantes. Se aplica la Teoría del Encuadre para examinar cómo los medios de comunicación presentan Wikipedia en los titulares de sus artículos. Se analizan 652 noticias extraídos de la base de datos Factiva entre los años 2013 y 2023. Se realiz...
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Background: Women's representation in Indonesia's Village Consultative Bodies (BPD) is essential for gender equality and inclusive governance. However, unclear regulations, sociocultural barriers, and weak enforcement hinder progress. Gap: Legal ambiguities and inconsistent practices limit effective participation and gender-responsive decision-maki...
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Introducción y objetivo: En el ámbito de la actividad física en adolescentes, persisten problemas de igualdad, discriminación y estereotipos de género, escenario donde la Educación Física (EF) no está ajena. Este estudio se propuso evaluar una intervención educativa basada en estrategias metodológicas enfocadas en la promoción de la igualdad de gén...
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Early childhood education (ECE) is increasingly recognized as a crucial opportunity for children’s development and well-being. However, most studies at a policy level focused on public expenditure for ECE underestimating factors related to actual participation in ECE. We investigated at a local level the relationship between gender employment equal...
Technical Report
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Este estudio parte de la reflexión por parte del personal de Science Media Centre (SMC) España, de FECYT, sobre el desequilibrio de género entre las fuentes científicas empleadas en los medios de comunicación. En su labor informativa, el equipo de periodistas del SMC España ha percibido una menor predisposición de las mujeres a participar como fuen...
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Child sexual abuse (CSA) remains a significant concern globally, including in the Indonesian context. This research furnishes a thorough examination of CSA research trajectories through the application of content analysis. Scholarly articles were sourced from the Scopus database, spanning 2009 to 2024, with particular emphasis on CSA within Indones...
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Having more women in Computing, Information Technology, and Hard Sciences is a pressing matter that has been around for at least three decades. This article presents a success story about WIT (Women in Information Technology), an event part of the CSBC (Brazilian Computer Society Congress). It was created 18 years ago as an open space to discuss ge...
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Los objetivos de este trabajo se centran en describir el grado de sensibilidad hacia la igualdad de género, la formación en igualdad de género (participación e interés) y las creencias sexistas del estudiantado universitario en función del género y de la titulación. El diseño metodológico es de carácter cuantitativo y de corte descriptivo-correlaci...
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This chapter conducts a comparative analysis of gender equality policies across the five Central Asian countries, focusing on gender equality in education and other spheres by synthesising insights from academic and grey literature. The chapter begins by outlining the historical policy landscape, examining how Soviet gender equality policies impact...
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The pervasiveness of gender inequalities necessitates a critical examination within public institutions dedicated to the generation and dissemination of knowledge. Objective: To elucidate the responsibility of the university academy in promoting equality between men and women. Method: To carry out a critical reflection informed by a specialized bib...
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This bibliometric study provides an extensive analysis of the global research trends on women's empowerment in the workforce from 1990 to the present, utilizing the Scopus database. The study identifies key themes, evaluates the evolution of research focuses over time, and maps the collaborative networks among countries engaging in this field. Init...
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This chapter identifies current and emerging issues related to gender equality in education, providing a comparative analysis of education-related gender equality indicators across Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Using data from UNESCO, the World Bank Gender Data Portal, the United Nations Development Programme’s Gender Inequali...
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El análisis de la presencia de elementos coeducativos en los materiales digitales de educación secundaria pone el foco en desarrollar estrategias que promuevan la igualdad de género y la no discriminación. Esto incluye esfuerzos por representar equitativamente a personas de diferentes identidades de género, la ausencia de estereotipos de género y o...
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Many ethical issues plague the field of AI, and several ethical solutions, mainly from the Global North, have been proposed. Among the issues inherent in ethical AI are bias and lack of diversity. Openair Africa reports, for example, an enormously low participation/visibility of women in today’s digital world. World Economic Report states that worl...
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This study aims to identify effective educational strategies to empower women for leadership roles in Malaysia’s corporate sector and evaluate their impact on advancing gender equality (SDG 5) and quality education (SDG 4). Employing a qualitative phenomenological approach, the research utilizes purposive and snowball sampling to conduct in-depth i...
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This study examines the Benin public's perceptions of media framing gender equality in Nigeria and its impact on national development. The study's rationale was to ascertain how media framing practices shape public attitudes and influence policy responses, ultimately affecting the overall advancement of gender equality in Nigeria. Anchored on frami...
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This paper focuses on gender issues within the Italian Animal Science and Production Association (ASPA), which includes both academic and non-academic researchers involved in animal sciences. Data from the association’s archives in 2023 and bibliometric data obtained from Scopus and Web of Science were used. This study highlighted how within the AS...
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This study examines digital feminist media outlets in Brazil and France, exploring their strategies to promote gender equality and combat hate speech. Focusing on three outlets from each country, the research employs a multi-site ethnographic approach, including 63 in-depth interviews with content producers, support teams, and audiences. The findin...
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This study examines the role of Tanoker Ledokombo in promoting gender equality and social inclusion in Jember through a community-based approach. Using Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical framework, this study explores the use of social and cultural capital in creating a new habitus that supports diversity. The findings show that Tanoker successfully fac...
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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo compreender os desafios e oportunidades da liderança feminina na indústria metalúrgica, focando na região de São Paulo durante o período de 2021 a 2023. A metodologia usada foi através de um levantamento bibliográfico exploratório, abrangendo livros, artigos, revistas e publicações especializadas, bem como dad...
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Este artigo aborda a ligação complexa entre maternidade e carreira no contexto do mercado de trabalho, evidenciando as profundas desigualdades de gênero que persistem até os dias atuais. Seu objetivo principal é identificar os desafios enfrentados pelas mulheres ao conciliar esses dois fatores importantes da sua vida: maternidade e carreira profiss...
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Este documento de trabajo presenta SORTTIME, un software basado en inteligencia artificial (IA) desarrollado por APLINET SAS para optimizar la gestión del talento humano en el sector del servicio temporal. SORTTIME integra aprendizaje supervisado y aprendizaje con refuerzo para mejorar la selección de personal, la capacitación y la gestión de compe...
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As águas subterrâneas desempenham um papel crucial no abastecimento de água potável no Brasil, onde representam cerca de 40% do total. No entanto, a distribuição desigual dessas águas resulta em milhões de brasileiros sem acesso à água potável. A cidade de Ouro Preto-MG, possui uma relação intrínseca com as águas subterrâneas devido à sua localizaç...
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The Islamic worldview is a framework of thought that underpins Muslims' understanding of life and reality, based on the principle of tauhid (monotheism), encompassing both worldly and spiritual dimensions. This article aims to explore the fundamental concepts and key elements of the Islamic worldview and link them to the issue of women's education....
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The target date for achieving the 2030 UN Agenda [Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)] is fast approaching. The construction sector is critical to achieving many SDGs, including Goal 5. Studies regarding achieving Goal 5 (Gender Equality) in the construction industry, especially women’s consultancy participation in developing countries, are scarce...
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7 de enero de 2025 Resumen Ejecutivo: La violencia en Bolivia es un problema estructural que afecta principalmente a mujeres, niños y niñas. Este fenómeno no solo representa una violación de derechos humanos, sino que también refleja desigualdades sociales y de género que perpetúan ciclos de violencia, sino que tiene impacto significativo en la sal...
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La violencia de género es una problemática global que afecta a mujeres en múltiples contextos. En Ecuador, particularmente en la zona rural del sur del cantón Chone, este fenómeno persiste a pesar de los esfuerzos legales y sociales. El objetivo de la investigación fue proponer estrategias de prevención a través de un análisis multidisciplinario qu...
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Export earnings and remittance income are the two primary sources of finance for Bangladesh’s economic growth. This study aims to investigate the impact of export earnings and remittance income on gender equality in Bangladesh, considering economic growth, financial development, life expectancy, and average schooling years as control variables. It...
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This article examines gender disparities in education and labor force participation across the Northeastern states of India, using the Educational Achievement Index (EAI) as a key indicator of gender equality. While the region has made notable progress in reducing gender gaps, particularly in states like Meghalaya and Mizoram, where female literacy...
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Objective: The development of Women-Friendly and Child-Caring Villages (DRPPA) in Indonesia has not been implemented optimally. This study aims to identify the factors that influence the success of DRPPA development in Indonesia, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5) on Gender Equality, which emphasizes the importance of empoweri...
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This paper delves into the role of family education in shaping children's perceptions of gender roles and gender equality, highlighting the significant influence of parental gender role modeling. Despite existing research on the topic, a notable gap persists in understanding the specific impact of parental modeling on children's gender equality bel...
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This study explores the critical role of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in sustainable development, emphasising reducing poverty. Through a systematic literature review, we analyse scholarly perspectives, policy discussions, and case studies from various sectors, including project management, labour markets, women’s entrepreneurship, and su...
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Respecting the principle of equal opportunities and treatment between women and men is essential for the rule of law. This principle must be integrated into all aspects of social and economic life, and combating gender discrimination must be a priority for governments and public or private organizations. Gender equality is a core value of the Europ...
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Gender equality is a substantial concern in entrepreneurship since women are highly underrepresented and face various disparities. This article investigates the current situation of gender equality in entrepreneurship by using contemporary data and analysis, especially in the tech industry. It focuses on women's challenges in entrepreneurship and t...
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La presente revisión teórica se centra en analizar el equilibrio existente entre trabajo-familia en América Latina. Utilizando un diseño teórico y una revisión narrativa, se recopilaron artículos de revistas científicas en las bases de datos de Scielo y RedALyC. Se aplicaron criterios de inclusión para seleccionar 21 publicaciones; y para llevar a...
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Purpose: This study investigates the impact of gender wage differentials on Kenya's economic growth. Methodology: The study utilized a correlation research design and time-series data spanning 2012 to 2023. Econometric modeling was applied to evaluate the relationship, with economic growth as the dependent variable and gender wage differentials as...
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Este ensaio apresenta a evolução da Educação Sexual (ES) no Brasil, com ênfase no século XX e início do XXI. Iniciativas pioneiras surgiram com médicos e educadores, que trataram a ES como tema científico e pedagógico. Nos anos 1930, a divulgação cresceu com apoio da mídia e uma abordagem médica. Décadas depois, projetos como "Escola sem Homofobia"...
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Apresentamos neste artigo uma análise sobre a relação entre gênero e educação na Guiné-Bissau, enfatizando como o colonialismo e a islamização influenciam as dinâmicas sociais e de poder, introduzindo e reforçando estruturas patriarcais. Esses sistemas romperam com as características tradicionais africanas que, historicamente, antes da chegada dos...
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The purpose of this research is to study the readiness, user experience, and difficulties faced by women MSMEs in the BODETABEK area when using e-learning mobile applications related to financial literacy. In addition, this study examines the collaborative approach among stakeholders to provide sustainable mentoring, increase app usage, and the rol...
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Bihar's socio-economic framework faces enduring challenges, including poverty, gender inequality, and the undervaluation of women's contributions to the family economy. Despite global efforts aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), systemic barriers persist, limiting women's integration into formal economic systems. This study examin...
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Regulations related to legal protection and gender equality in labor are crucial aspects, especially in industries dominated by male workers such as coal mining. This study aims to analyze legal protection for gender equality in the coal mining industry, with a case study on PT. MEC. The research method used is qualitative descriptive with a case s...
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Este estudio tiene como objetivo implementar estrategias dialogantes sobre los prejuicios de masculinidad destructiva presentando algunas experiencias vividas en una institución educativa de la cuidad de Ibagué, Colombia. Metodológicamente, se reconocen los desafíos que plantean los estereotipos y prejuicios existentes en la primera infancia, que p...
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AbstrakMengacu kepada sebuah pembahasan khusus dalam kajian media mengenai stereotipisasi dan wacana media terhadap gender, maka artikel ini akan melihat pada bagaimana framing penampilan sebuah film dapat menjelaskan hal yang kompleks dibalut dengan gaya dan teknis yang absolut pula. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sekaligus melakukan analisi...
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In this paper, we investigate the macroeconomic and labour market implications of gender equality in unpaid care work and the formalisation of part-time employment in India. The unequal distribution of unpaid care responsibilities significantly limits women's labour force participation, perpetuating gender disparities in employment and economic out...
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According to the UN (2002), “equality is the cornerstone of every democratic society that aspires to social justice and human rights.” Positive change in gender equality is associated with improvement in economic growth (World Bank 2011), it is also intricately linked to human development. Women and men share many aspects of living together, collab...
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Since the late 20th century, Western gerontological research has expanded from purely biomedical to a broader cultural approach, developing interdisciplinary subfields such as humanistic and cultural gerontology. Cultural gerontology, drawing from cultural studies theories, places aging in parallel with categories like class, gender, and race to ex...
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This study explores gender mainstreaming and representation in news production, delivery, and decision-making within selected television stations in Accra, Ghana. Despite strides in gender equality globally, the media landscape remains male-dominated, with significant underrepresentation of women in leadership roles and public discourse. The study...
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En este trabajo pretendemos abordar la existencia, incidencia e importancia otorgada a contenidos concretos en materia de promoción de la igualdad de género y las denominadas nuevas masculinidades dentro de los aspectos que se trabajan en los programas de intervención con agresores de género en medio abierto. Previamente, apuntaremos el origen, jus...
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La Ley Orgánica 3/2007, de 22 de marzo, para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres, introdujo una serie de medidas de empoderamiento de las mujeres con fundamento en la democracia paritaria. Tales medidas determinaron un avance significativo en la participación equilibrada de mujeres y hombres en tres ámbitos: candidaturas electorales, órganos...
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Se observa un creciente interés por investigar el impacto social de incorporar la perspectiva de género en la actividad física y el aprendizaje-servicio. Esto busca mejorar la participación y el compromiso social de los y las estudiantes al abordar la discriminación y la exclusión de género en proyectos deportivos. Sin embargo, a pesar del aumento...
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El presente artículo se ha desarrollado frente a la problemática generada porque, a lo largo de la historia, no existe igualdad de género en las organizaciones políticas; es decir, las mujeres representan un mínimo porcentaje de líderes y autoridades. Por tanto, el estudio se ha planteado con el objetivo de analizar la participación femenina en las...
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This article aims to explore the relationship between gender equality and economic development. Through a comparative analysis of data from different countries, the article reveals the positive impact of gender equality on economic growth, employment rates, education levels, and health indicators. The study finds that gender equality is not only a...
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Introducción y objetivo: En el ámbito de la actividad física en adolescentes, persisten problemas de igualdad, discriminación y estereotipos de género, escenario donde la Educación Física (EF) no está ajena. Este estudio se propuso evaluar una intervención educativa basada en estrategias metodológicas enfocadas en la promoción de la igualdad de gén...
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Gender Responsive Budgeting is a tool that enables budgets to respond to the different needs of women and men providing them with the opportunity to benefit equally from public money. In recent decades countries around the world have implemented GRB at national and local levels, introducing different initiatives, using different GRB tools and diffe...
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To this day, people still face gender discrimination and battle with gender injustices. To change this, we both need accurate knowledge about these injustices and we need to strive for active change. This article provides a theoretical reflection on how social media, by serving as an accessible platform for people to portray their emotions, can be...
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Purpose: Various authors have copiously discussed gender issues. However, these discussions have often resulted in antagonistic positions that put the male and female genders at loggerheads. This situation requires urgent interventions, as the effect seems to inhibit or prolong the journey to achieving equality for the female gender in a male-domin...
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This paper examines how World Vision’s project “Central Rift Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration Scale-up project (CRIFSUP)” carried out between 2017 and 2021 used Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) approach and transformation power relations among farmers. The Study areas were Ndabibi in Nakuru County, Marigat in Baringo Coun...
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Resumen Los procesos de transición política van normalmente acompañados de nuevos ordenamientos jurídicos. El objetivo de este artículo se centra en analizar los textos legales aprobados en los distintos regímenes políticos españoles (dictadura y democracia) en lo que respecta a la posición de las mujeres en la sociedad. La metodología utilizada es...
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Neste trabalho é abordada a relevância da Constituição Federal, os impactos e a efetividade após mais de 30 anos de existência. A Constituição é muito importante por abordar direitos fundamentais especialmente no que se refere à igualdade de gênero. O presente estudo, visou responder à questão: como o direito fundamental à igualdade se estabelece n...
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La investigación abordó la oferta laboral para contadores y auditores en el sector industrial de Ambato, con énfasis en la igualdad de género, constituyendo un desafío estratégico y ético en el ámbito laboral. En Ecuador, persisten desigualdades significativas, particularmente en sectores industriales donde las mujeres tienen menor representación e...
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This qualitative study explores the perspectives of senior leadership on gender equality within higher education institutions (HEIs) in Kazakhstan, addressing a gap in the literature on the agency of senior leaders in mainstreaming gender equality in post‐Soviet contexts. Kazakhstan is a significant case due to its high ranking on gender indicators...
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En el Noroeste de México, la promoción de la autonomía de las mujeres es un tema prioritario para instancias gubernamentales y actores sociales. Para avanzar en este objetivo, es crucial entender los alcances y desafíos de las estrategias implementadas desde las políticas públicas y sociales. Por ello, se ha llevado a cabo una investigación que ana...
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Nos últimos anos, a igualdade de gênero ganhou destaque nas discussões corporativas, deixando de ser apenas um ideal social para se tornar uma estratégia essencial para o sucesso organizacional. Estudos, a exemplo do relatório "Women @ Work 2024", da Deloitte, mostram que ambientes inclusivos geram equipes mais inovadoras, colaborativas e resilient...
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This qualitative study examines gendered aspects of language skill development in the Thai film industry on the metaverse. Employing purposive and snowball sampling, professionals from diverse industry roles participated, adhering to ethical guidelines and laws. Findings indicate gender disparities in English proficiency, highlighting the need for...
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Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate UN SDG focusing on the Gender equality, with the aim to examine the main instruments of modern totalitarian ideology, focusing mostly on LGBT+ direction. Theoretical Framework: The article examines some of the main tools used to impose totalitarian power - propaganda, censorship and centraliz...
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Las actitudes hacia la igualdad de género se suelen describir como tradicionales o igualitarias, dependiendo del acuerdo con la idea de esferas separadas o comunes. Investigaciones recientes sugieren que las ideologías son más complejas e incluyen varias dimensiones. Utilizando los datos de la Encuesta de Fecundidad 2018, se utiliza un análisis de...
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A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar as menções à competência em informação nos portais governamentais dos 12 países com maior Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH), conforme ranqueamento desenvolvido pelo Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD) em 2020. Metodologicamente, esta pesquisa é de natureza básica, de abordag...
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La falta de equidad por razón de género en los cargos directivos empresariales representa un fenómeno de escala mundial, muestra de ello se observa dentro de la producción documental, donde se hace constar la existencia del techo de cristal, una barrera que impide, estructuralmente, que la mujer acceda a puestos de liderazgo y responsabilidad de di...
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This research critically evaluates the implications of India's 33% Reservation Law on women's representation within the political sphere, aiming to assess its effectiveness as a mechanism for achieving gender equality. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to provide a comprehensive...
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In private higher education institutions (PHEIs) with various cultural, social, and gender diversity, community solidarity is a significant aspect of developing a harmonious and productive working atmosphere. The aim of this study is to explore how multicultural awareness, social practices, and gender equality influence community solidarity through...
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This article aims to offer a transmodern analysis of the epic poem by Kenyan novelist, academic, and author Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, who is often considered a strong contender for the Nobel Prize in Literature, with the author's particular focus on feminism, unity, and critique of imperialism and Eurocentrism. In this effort, the study underscores the au...
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El presente artículo revisó la evolución histórica, conceptual y social de la patria potestad en Ecuador, analizando cómo las normas jurídicas y los cambios culturales han impactado en las dinámicas familiares y en el rol parental. Se abordaron temas como las disputas por la custodia de los hijos, los estereotipos de género y la influencia del sist...
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Women have faced a variety of challenges. In addressing gender disparity, women have empowered themselves and encouraged society to pay attention to the issue. A women-friendly organizational culture must be created by Nepal's government; organizations must be designed with women in mind. Employees who are women are more committed to their organiza...
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Uno de los retos a los que se enfrenta actualmente el profesorado es el de llevar a las aulas un relato histórico libre de sesgos androcéntricos y para ello es preciso que reciba una formación específica. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido evaluar la efectividad del proyecto “Prehistoria y Género” en la formación inicial del profesorado, ver...
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La inclusión de género es un propósito primordial en la administración de las instituciones de educación superior. Pese a la existencia de políticas, normativas y programas que fomentan la igualdad de género en estos entornos, su implementación sigue presentándose como un desafío significativo. Este estudio tiene por objetivo proponer estrategias d...
Conference Paper
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In the digital age, the relationship between libraries, technology, and gender equality offers a fascinating topic for investigation. It touches on how libraries empower women and other marginalized genders, how digital technologies influence knowledge access, and how libraries can use technology to advance gender equality. The digital era has fund...
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Purpose: This study assessed the ICT competences of student teachers and their application in physics education. It aimed to explore their preparedness to utilize ICT in teaching and learning physics, focusing on gender disparities and systemic inequalities in access to resources and training. The study was framed within the Technological Pedagogic...
Conference Paper
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Gender equality and gender sensitization are important topics that focus on promoting equal opportunities, rights, and treatment for all genders. Gender equality means to the idea of granting similar rights, freedom, roles, and opportunities to individuals, regardless of their gender identity. It aims to eliminate discrimination and create a societ...
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Las compras públicas con enfoque de género se han constituido como una herramienta para contribuir a la reducción de brechas laborales y al empoderamiento económico de las mujeres, generando impactos positivos. En 2022, el órgano rector de la contratación pública ecuatoriana publicó el primer estudio con enfoque de género, revelando que las mujeres...
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Most In the post-apartheid landscape of South Africa, the constitutional promise of equality continues to challenge traditional power structures, particularly within religious institutions. This article critically examines the systematic exclusion of women from leadership roles in Muslim ulama bodies, despite significant advancements in religious e...
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El Hospital Juárez de México es una institución que está enfocada en atender la salud de los y las mexicanos/as; al mismo tiempo, que busca brindar igualdad de oportunidades laborales y de crecimiento a mujeres y hombres mientras protege sus derechos. Durante el año 2022 se llevó a cabo un estudio para identificar el conocimiento, actitud y actuaci...
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Este artigo faz uma análise sobre a violência contra a mulher apontando os desdobramentos da legislação em torno desse tipo de violência de gênero que está em ascendência no Brasil. Utilizou-se o método dedutivo, bem como dogmático jurídico, analisando-se dados já comprovados e afirmados pela doutrina e aplicados pela jurisprudência. Ademais, utili...
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En la Agenda 2030 el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 5 (ODS 5) aspira: lograr la igualdad como un derecho humano fundamental y uno de los fundamentos esenciales para construir un mundo pacífico, próspero y sostenible. En 2015, Panamá adoptó los ODS. Al 2016, presentó su I Reporte con líneas estratégicas para avanzar en la Agenda 2030. En 2017 el...