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Gender Equality - Science topic
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Questions related to Gender Equality
Is there any inequality in wages?
When I embarked on this journey of exploring more on exploring the condition and status of gender equity and equality in architecture, or public spaces, or urban design, I found very little literature is available. Would be great to discuss on this topic. I have started to get an impression perhaps this topic is irrelevant or not trending at all. But I have strong feeling that has an importance, but very little research has been done on this. Would be great if you know of some documents or share some light on this.
Hi everyone!
I´m writing my bachelors thesis and originally wanted to study the effect of tuition fees on socioeconomic/intergenerational mobility. I couldn´t find any suitable theory so I´ll have to figure out a new subject.
I´v now thought about the following themes and would be extremely thankful for recommendations on theory or another interesting subject/viewpoint.
- The effect of an additional year of schooling on intergenerational mobility; the relations theory and actualization during years 19XX-20XX. (I`ve found a dataset for mobility and would like to use STATA or R for the empirical chapters)
- The effect of compulsory secondary/upper secondary education on intergenerational mobility
- Interrupted work careers and subsequent earnings; gender earnings gap
- The obligations/binding nature of unemployment benefits and its effect on the employment rate( comparing Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, USA, Denmark. Obligations on a scale from 1-5)
I`ve studied each subject, but am most familiar with economics of education and social/socioeconomic/intergenerational -mobility.
Stay safe!
Koskelo Sara
Please cite an info-source supporting your view.
Many thanks for sharing your thoughts/expertise.
Stay safe,
I am interested about application of LCA (Lifecycle Assessment) and cost benefits analyses to revise the environmental policies and associated taxes.
( The content in this article may not 100% accurate, however, by experience I know the basics points mentioned here is true.
"The taxes on baby diapers and sanitary napkins are high as 71.2% in Sri Lanka (It is only 12% GST in India). According to SAARC (South Asian ...) Chamber Women Entrepreneurs Council, out of 5.2 million menstruating women, only 30% can afford sanitary napkins in Sri Lanka.
These taxes are not only affecting a women's cost of living but also has negative effects on girl's education and menstrual hygiene."
Hence, I wonder the following points;
A. LCA and cost benefit analyses and Environmental policy making (If you have some case studies please share).
B. How to dispose baby diapers and sanitary napkins? (Is controlled incineration the only solution?)
C. How developing countries manage the issue (if there is any case study).
D. Readers may add any other interesting information or questions.
There are times when I think that articles are rejected or comments are too mean based on ethnicity and just being female.
Me planteo si en las revistas científicas existe interés por aplicar políticas de igualdad de género del mismo modo que se van aplicando en las convocatorias para la financiación de congresos o proyectos de investigación.
A mi no me suena haberlo visto, ¿alguien sabe?
Is there any scientific journals applying gender equality policies? In the same way that they are applied in the calls for the financing of congresses or research projects.
It does not sound like I've seen it, does anyone know?
Creating binaries - "Menstruating Women" vs "Semening Men" :
The women have been enslaved by creating exemplary binaries. Women are defined between binaries, like – Mother vs Whore; Virgin vs Vamp.
Being a student of Sociology, I also believe in being an Activist.
They have created a phrase “Menstruating Women”, so I have created a phrase “Semening Men”.
Let us use this phrase “Semening Men” in our discourses, debates and discussions.
One example –
Throughout 2018, the two words that remained hot with “semening” men are – “Cow” and “Menstruation”.
Is this the final mental limits of which “semening” men are capable of?
Please let me know your thoughts.
I working in indian context . It would be very grateful if someone can give me guidance.
I am conducting a multivariate panel study how climate change affects health gender disparities in Sub-Saharan Africa. The dependent variables are a calculated ratio of the difference between life expectancy between men and women and another ;mortality rates. One of the independent variables is a drought index/continuum with minus values (drought) to plus values (no drought). I am not sure what that unit change in x would be, would it be from minus to plus in the drought scale?
If one in general has an independent variable or control variable such as Polity IV (from -10 (low democracy) to 10 (high democracy) how does one explain this with a one unit change in x? Thanks for your help!
I am working on the failure of USAID in promoting the universality of gender mainstreaming policy. I only doubt whether there are any activities or projects funded by USAID failing to promote gender equality? Any examples or readings? Where could I find this kind of information? Any suggestions? Thank you
The Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) at Curtin University, together with the Economics Society of Australia’s Women in Economics Network (WEN) are pleased to announce the Australian Gender Economics Workshop.
More info:
We are also delighted to confirm our keynote speakers: Professor Alison Booth (Australian National University) and Associate Professor Betsey Stevenson (University of Michigan).
While substantial progress toward gender equity has been made over the past decades, key gaps in various life aspects relating to family, education, employment, wealth, security, voice and agency remain. There is a need for new insights to better understand the role and impact of gender on all economic and social domains, and to translate these insights into actions. The workshop aims to help fill this gap.
This workshop will provide researchers with a forum for presenting and discussing innovative research incorporating gender analysis in all areas of economics. We invite both theoretical and empirical contributions to the workshop, but priority will be given to papers that can inform policy-relevant questions.
The workshop will include a special policy session involving senior influencers from government, research, industry and not-for-profit communities. The purpose of this session is to draw research insights from the workshop together in ways that will actively shape policies to enhance the status of women across the full spectrum of economic and social outcomes.
Researchers interested in participating in the workshop should submit an extended abstract or a full paper by email to Astghik Mavisakalyan ( by November 17, 2017. Notifications will be sent by November 24, 2017. If accepted, the authors will be required to email their full paper to Astghik Mavisakalyan by January 19, 2018.
Practical information
Authors who are invited to present their papers are expected to participate in the entire two day workshop. There is no registration fee for presenters however they will be responsible for covering their travel and accommodation expenses. Practical information will be emailed in due course. Meanwhile, inquiries related to travel to the workshop and other practical matters should be addressed to Kelly Pohatu (
I'm starting a discussing in regards to martial arts, more specifically Karate and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu but all experiences are welcome, and it's aggressive connotations it brings. I have practiced Shotokan Karate for many years now and have realised that different disciplines and their ways of teaching can be more aggressive however, how do you perceive it to be?
Additionally politics within my particular association is something that has been very apparent, what do I mean by politics within martial arts? Well, in various martial arts you are graded; put through a series of movements, kata's and sparing; so you can progress onto the next belt colour (not the case for BJJ; being the reason I would state this discipline to be less politically orientated). I have witnessed various people that have been placed in these political agendas that shouldn't even be imposed on them, resisting could mean a lessened likely-hood of progression.
Additionally on the argument that martial arts is gendered, I also have seen classes in which this works both ways; only women or only men; whether through intimidation or club rules. Though the gendered embodiment this martial arts brings to all kinds of people, but in this case women, is something I want to discuss. What is your stance on female empowerment within the martial arts society.
I hope I have been clear and that the examples used were of any assistance. Please share your knowledge and experience with me and be as direct as you like If you would like to contact me personally please do;
I am basing my work predominantly in the UK but this does not mean that ethnography's or experiences from elsewhere are not welcomed. Please do share.
I appreciate your time. Thank you.
I am writing a dissertation on "Ethnographic Study of Gender Inequality and Racial Discrimination within UK Private Sector Prison Services" I am looking for journals relating to violence, conflict , and gender inequality in the private sector of prison Services
Is Western Art history the story seen from the male point of view?
What about women artists?
Where's their story?
What was their influence in art at the time?
Are they lost for art history?
Or has art history to be rewritten?
Are they all forgotten?
I need to rank the various methods, that can be used to improve financial literacy, according to their importance using the Relative Importance Index (RII). Please help by identifying possible ways.
What are some ways in which, we can encouraged female participation in development in the society, ways to empower them to do things and voice their thoughts. Promote gender equality.
wish to find out how women representation in public enterprise is still at its lowest, can i get some literature or studies to this effect?
I'm looking for qualitative methods to evaluate policies concerning gender equality.
Nowadays, more and more female have opportunity to engage a variety of occupations, not only working in the traditionally female jobs, also can be a manager or other important post in the workplace. However, still have some information shows the opportunity for female have some limits, I want to know why female still have some limits in the workplace and is it common.
hope you can help me to complete this questionnaire, please click the link below.
many thanks :-)
I need a validated/standardized questionnaire to assess the forms of and factors that contribute to gender inequalities or discriminations within the context of community development.
I am particularly trying to find an instrument that will measure employees unconscious mindset bias when thinking about promoting women and minorities to executive level positions in the workplace.
I am in need of any articles which identify traits, behaviors, etc... that heterosexual women should, or should not, possess in order to be deemed romantically desirable. Any articles which connect romantic desirability to prescriptions or proscriptions for women would be especially helpful.
gender equality is an issue at all levels of education in Nigeria. it has a free and compulsory universal basic education with 2 per cent of the nations consolidated revenue fund dedicated for it. Coverage is not complete and gender disparities still exist with many children out of school and girls in particular. I want to find out if complete participation of school aged children and gender equality is possible when the basic education financing is gender responsive. Is gender responsive budgeting the only framework for such analysis? These are the issues I am exploring to aid my research. Thank you
Does anybody has articles about femicide and media coverage?
I am currently teaching a course in moral education. And I am on the look out for ideas and resources to enrich the course menu. I found in the ongoing debate on indices that signify quality of life recurrent references to satisfaction of various human needs. Similarly, my lecture notes give attention to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, among others. That realization brought up this question for which I seek answers:Is there a connection between a person's moral life and their quality of life?
I am doing research in rural villages in Cambodia and exploring issues of gender, migration, labor and poverty. If you can refer me to any good research, I would much appreciate it. I am particularly interested in push/pull factors for informal migration, notions of self-worth and self-esteem on decisions to migrate, and gender factors on perceptions of community issues, vulnerability, and agency.
I am interested in researching gender equality curricula in early education. As a guiding principle, I argue that social gender equality will not be attained without an educational component whereby children are not only taught, explicitly, gender equality curricula, but also incorporated into an environment where gender equality is practiced.
I have been disappointed to find little academic research in this area that is not primarily concerned with gendered responses to inequities (for example, how to encourage more girls to participate in mathematics, and how to help boys improve their reading skills).
Is capitalism the main source of explanation or are there other explanations which outweigh capitalism?
It arises from differences in socially constructed gender roles, cultural and traditional values. Is important given to the gender equally? Are the women treated as they are being praised by the traditional values? Have they gained their values truly?
I am interested in exploring questions pertaining to the possibility of realizing gender equality within marital relationships and happy family life of couples in the age range of 20 to 55 years. I am thinking of gender here as the socially constructed roles, behaviors, feelings and attitudes expected of girls and boys, women and men, in a given society. I am also thinking of it in terms of the rights, power and privileges accorded or denied as well as the restrictions and taboos imposed on any sex. I make a distinction between sex (the condition of being male or female) which is biological, natural and fairly constant, and gender which is social, cultural, human-made, learned and therefore changeable. Furthermore, I think of gender equality as a situation where girls and boys, women and men, have equal opportunities for participation and enjoyment of rights, responsibilities and privileges in their society without any legal, cultural, political, economic, religious, or social hindrance on the basis of their sex. How is gender equality expressed in terms of distribution of roles, responsibilities and opportunities among family members? What role do educational attainment, religious beliefs and attitudes or the lack thereof, play in influencing such distribution in matters of: participation in family leadership/decision-making (about finance, recreation/vacation, child-bearing/rearing/caring, child-spacing, keeping a job or letting a job go, etc); who calls the shots? participation in home-making, cooking, serving, cleaning, etc; cultural/social symbolizations and ritualizations: that is who does what, why, when, where and how, based on whether they are boy or girl, woman or man? Who leads the family devotion for example? E.g who drives the car when the couple travels together? Who sits where at table? Who speaks and who must be silent? How are these symbolizations and ritualizations justified? Are the gendered practices around participation in roles, responsibilities and opportunities in family settings contributing to the overall wellbeing of humanity in light of the United Nations sustainable development goals? The questions raised here are not concerned with LGBT issues. Rather they are concerned with gender issues that are a matter of life and death for many women and girls in many world contexts. So please if anyone knows of real life examples of couples and families, anywhere the world, who are living on a basis of gender equality or if someone has any literature related to the subject of this research interest, I will be very grateful if they can share with me.
Thank you everyone for your comments and ideas. The survey is now live and I would be very grateful if you pass it on to your networks! Dawn
I am doing a research on the role of communication in addressing gender-based violence in Ghana, with the view of the use of strategic communication to modify social norms and attitudes that sanction male dominance.
I know Hills' chapter in the Azzarito's book about visual method (Routledge), but is it the unique work abuot diversity/masculinities using this new methodology?
I Operate on Gender Responsive Budgeting: GRB in Thailand. I found that the key issue of dealing with the GRB in Thailand is the lack of evidence or technical documentation or research papers supporting the outcome of GRB that could reduce the disparity and inequality in society, including Best Practices. Such experience-based information would enable the mandate that plays a major role in determining the form and method of budgeting of the country to become aware of GRB’s significant benefits, and would possibly agree to modify the format of the public sectors’ budgeting across the country as GRB. Although I examined so many research documents from multiple databases, unfortunately, found no such information. So Please recommend the articles, books, research or academic documents that can confirm or indicate that Gender Responsive Budgeting could reduce the disparity and inequality in society.
I am looking for statistics on the representation of female technical staff in the German Tech sector, companies like Deutsche Telekom, BMW, SAP, Software AG, etc.
Tracy Chou maintains a list for a number of Silicon Valley firms in the US:
however, I have been unable to find a similar list for Germany.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
I am doing a case study research about gender relations analysis of tea plucker
I'm conducting a research to see how recruitment promotion and leadership processes can enhance gender equality in higher learning institutions.
I'm part of a keynote panel session at a conference in early June on Why we should champion equality in the IT workplace. We will explore the definition of equality and the root causes of inequality in our industry, and the ethical and operational benefits of championing equality and I would like to have the most recent statistics possible. This panel will pose questions such as - are we limited by stereotypical gender roles? Do we take an open enough approach to demographics such as age and ethnicity?
I want to measure peoples' conviction that typically "male" and typically "female" behaviour and skills are biologically based and fixed vs. culturally determined and malleable. It could be something akin to racial essentialism measures like the one below...
No, S. et al. Lay theory of race affects and moderates Asian Americans’ responses toward American culture. J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 95, 991–1004 (2008).
The Lay Theory of Race Scale
1. To a large extent, a person’s race biologically determines
his or her abilities and traits.
2. Although a person can adapt to different cultures, it is
hard if not impossible to change the dispositions of a
person’s race.
3. How a person is like (e.g., his or her abilities, traits) is
deeply ingrained in his or her race. It cannot be changed
4. A person’s race is something very basic about them and
it can’t be changed much.
5. Races are just arbitrary categories and can be changed if
6. Racial categories are constructed totally for economic,
political, and social reasons. If the socio-political situation
changes, the racial categories will change as well.
7. Race does not have an inherent biological basis, and thus
can be changed.
8. Racial categories are fluid, malleable constructs.
I am working with the assumption that experiential learning methodologies enable people with diverse experiences, such as different levels of education or variations in formal power, or gender to equally meet set learning objectives in training situations. A woman member of a village leadership coalition attending a particular training situation, for instance, observed that she had learnt a great deal from EASUN's training compared to many other situations where they are given a lot of papers (handouts) but end up internalizing extremely little (she used the expression: "where we end up learning nothing").
For example, a woman being interviewed by a panel of men, or a man being interview by a panel of women. Note:In situation where there are only men or only women, any journals on the subject would be appreciated. Or, write what you think.
Specifically, I would like to measure the participants' judgments of merit and deservingness of affirmative action beneficiaries (quotas, for instance) after they read some scenarios.
I suppose there must be some kind of mechanisms, racism or whatever that discourages women from vindicating a post in school leadership and explains the very low percentages of women school leaders in the educational system.
Gender studies and advocacy have been understood to proceed from the premise that women and girls are victimized by various forms of discrimination which adversely affect their individual and collective development and depreciate their societal value. Therefore gender advocates seek to correct the imbalances. The question is: where both boys and girls suffer similar abuses, how should gender advocacy be adjusted to accommodate all interests?
1. how to construct observation schedule
2. suggest any schedule
When working in environments where cultural or religious opposition to women's empowerment is comparatively strong, do donors and international agencies (e.g., UN Women, ILO, UNDP) adopt a more conservative tack or charge ahead? In either case, do they run into government opposition and how is this manifested? Are they able to stay below the radar and achieve progress on the ground or, conversely, do they purposely adopt a proactive stance as a way to affect government perceptions of gender and the value of women's empowerment? Do they adopt coping strategies such as focusing on less controversial issues, such as education and employment or selecting politically powerful CSOs as partners?
I have a student working on a thesis on this topic relating to a specific situation in the Middle East and we are not finding much research on donor strategies (as opposed to either a) self-serving promotional pieces on gender programs or b) discussions of women's status in the region. None of these address the question above, however.
I'm looking for references but will also take opinions expressed by professionals or academics working in this area.
Anybody working on muslim women, sport and leisure in Europe, and how local governments are managing cultural and religious diversity in a gender perspective? I'm looking for qualitative studies carried out in South EU countries.
In Africa, urban people are commonly more supportive of girls’ education as well as women’s labour force and political participation. This relationship between place and gender beliefs is statistically significant when controlling for level of education and media exposure.
I suspect this rural-urban difference is because higher population densities in urban areas enable (1) exposure (to a critical mass of counter-stereotypical women in cities, demonstrating their equal competence) and (2) association (and collective reflection on shared experiences). I plan to undertake some research with rural-urban migrants in Zambia to ask their perspectives on this.
Would be very grateful for suggestions for similar, comparative rural-urban studies. These needn't be limited to gender. Thank you.
Wage could differ by gender. At identical work, identical tasks but the payment is various. It is correct? Maybe your answer will clarify this common, ordinary historical fact in many organizations and countries.
There are projections for an increase in the frequency and intensity of disasters such as floods, cyclones, and droughts in the future due to climate change (depending on locations). Women in third world countries are responsible for food production (agriculture, livestock and fisheries), collection of water and bio-fuel and management of natural resources. They are caregivers of children, sick elderly, the home, and assets. More deaths among women were recorded during disasters (cyclones, Tsunami) than men. Does it mean that women in poor countries are more vulnerable to disasters than men? If yes, what measures can reduce vulnerability of third world women from disasters while allowing them to produce food, take care of children and the elderly, the home, and their assets?
Do you know any studies which confirmed such hypothesis?
I am waiting for your recommendations (regarding specific reports, articles you know).
I live and do research in Sweden, a country well-known for promoting gender equality in both the workplace and in the home. Although women in Sweden work, to similar extents as men, fathers do not do as much child care as mothers.
I recently flew on Norwegian Airlines around Sweden. They played a video about how to buckle-up and turn your phone off. In their video they showed a mother and child working together to accomplish these tasks. Despite having three seats in the row, there was no father involved.
This Scandinavian airline commercial seems indicative of fathers either being absent or uninvolved. So I wondered--to what extent do we, as a society, really try to involve fathers into the routine daily life like child care?
Any theoretical or empirical analyses can work.
Developing data collections instruments like questionnaires needs to be considered in our research. What are the standards / guidelines to develop a questionnaire to capture gender bias perceptions in workplaces?
The recent appointment of a female President at Imperial College is very welcome, but still the exception. Only 11% of English pre-1992 universities have a female VC and that's despite a large growth in the female academic community. Any thoughts on why this might be?
There is no true definition to the two words "gender" and "equality" and together it makes no sense, unless we start discussing the true meaning of the words and applying them.
I am looking for international data on gender shares in the labor market. Does anybody know if there is international data on the gender share by occupation, preferably according to the ISCO-88 classification? I basically need to know how many women are working in each occupation for each country. I am particularly interested in the OECD countries.
Data sources with limited geographical coverage are also very welcome.
I'm beginning my research in this topic and I'd like to improve my literature review.
Environmental problems affect women differently than men because of the role they play in their communities.
My paper with Ani Mitra and Arnab Biswas suggests that it does, on average, but that it may not have any impact in countries where women are worst-off, and in the worst cases media freedom may even worsen matters. In highly unequal societies, increasing educational attainment overall, along with other strategies to promote development and economic growth seem to matter more.
Many writers in social science use 'her' to show they are being considerate to gender, but in fact we are still prioritizing one sex over another (just the other way round) and for no clear reason. In these 'modern' times and in a societal context where there is no relevant difference, should we be either gender-neutral (they/their) .... or accurate in our references to he/she and show some real equality ?
I've read Dyer & McCann (2000) and want to know if there's anything recent. It appears female custody litigants will score higher than males on scales 4, 5 and 7 since the BR scores are weighted differently for men and women, and I'm looking for recent research that may have built upon Dyer & McCann's child custody litigation norms to avoid false-positive diagnoses on these three scales.
If a training program is to be organized for women ULB officials, what should be put up as training components.
Following the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act in India, it has been made mandatory to reserve 33 % of ULB positions for women. In quantity the demand has been fulfilled, but there is certain lack of qualitative input by these women officials. Hence as part of Capacity Development Program for ULB, a training program is to be organized. Women in India have been holding a relegated position in society, not much aware of the development issue. Some require extensive awareness and training/capacity building programs. Are there any suggestions for a groundwork for such a program?
People are more caught up in the media with sexism and racism but we do not really hear how it affects the individual. Most people look at television commercials or ads and focus on what the ad says, but how about the person who actually has to be in the ad. Do you think that psychologically this person is affected.