Science topics: Chemical EngineeringGasification
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Gasification - Science topic
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Questions related to Gasification
A warm welcome to all scholars
Recently, I getting the attention to find a single tool to analyse all aspects of the gasification process, including simulating properties, methods, integration, and optimisation toward the new implementation.
Please provide me with information regarding this.
I would like thank for your upcoming efforts and wish you for a reliable future.
I have a biomass with given ultimate and proximate analysis data. I am using Aspen plus for the simulation of gasification of biomass. In experimental data the gasifying agent air flow rate is given in terms of Equivalence ratio 0.2. How to convert it to mass flow rate (kg/hr) for my simulation to fed into aspen plus?
i am doing a project on gasification.
during pyrolysis i got the following error:
what can i do to solve this?
Gas Solid Reaction (Julian Szekely, James W. Evans, Hong Yong Sohn) is a good reference for gas solid reaction. In the section of chemical reaction control, that I have attached here, the equation converted to dimensionless form to calculate equation X according to t.
for calculate this equation, I must convert it to dimensionless form or there is another solution too?
A(g) + bB(s) ___> cC(g)
Assess how each method impacts the physicochemical properties of biochar and its greenhouse gas mitigation potential ?
I've been using Aspen Plus software to simulate sludge gasification and far I've relied on the information and explanations provided in literature to specify the equipment. However, I'm currently facing an issue where Aspen doesn't seem capable of sizing the gasifier and decomposer that need to operate at temperatures of 500 and 800 degrees Celsius. After attempting to change the materials used for both the shell and jacket, I continue to receive an error message stating that "The equipment exceeds the temperature." How can I resolve this error?
I need to simulate biomass gasification in Aspen Plus, for the Pyrolysis Zone I'm using a RYield reactor. I would like to know how can I get the components yield for this process?
chemical engineering plant design.
"I am studying the effect of the equivalent ratio (ER) in gasification using Aspen Plus, but I still have some uncertainties regarding the concept of equivalent ratio. The result of ER can be developed or tested at the laboratory scale or something similar?"
I am currently performing gasification of various biomass feedstocks using aspen plus for my final year research project. I am in need of a guide on how to optimally calculate and present the yield of hydrogen gas obtained from the gasification project. I have values of hydrogen gas already, I just require a valid guide on how to obtain the yield.
I have studied the effect of the gasifying agent in gasification using Aspen Plus. However, I am curious about whether in the program, the percentage of oxygen can be set as desired. In real life, is it possible to do so?
i already have a model but i am having challenges regarding the catalyst effect. If anyone can give me a guidance ?
how to define proximate and ultimate analysis in eulerian approach for biomass gasification in fluidized bed?
coal calculator is off and i am using species transport in fluent
Dear Sir,
I'm reading research about Gasification of rice husk using aspen plus. The purpose of this work was to study the Effect of equivalence ratio (ER)
ER = (weight O2/wieght dry biomass)/(stoi O2/biomass ratio)
and I known the formula of ER's equation but don't know how to use this equation like the paper told they use ER = how do we...which item in aspen plus can varying ER
I have been trying to simulate a downdraft gasifier, and I happen to have both the ultimate and proximate analysis of the chosen biomass sample BUT I'm having some difficulties in the simulation side. I have tried to solve this problem using Gibbs energy minimization technique incorporated with Newton-Raphson Method with the help of MATLAB but unfortunately the code is saying error. So, if it is possible, I humbly request a help on how to do it in EES or a hint on how to do it on Excel, or on any other software.
I would be interested to know if you have any thoughts on how this limitation could be addressed, since usually the S/B ratio affects the Hydrogen concentration positively.
Hello. I need to calculate the thermal losses in the gasification of MSW due to ash. MSW is a mixture of many other materials, then I think that in a preliminary calculation I can use an average value of the heat capacity of the MSW ashes.
Is there any average value of the heat capacity of the MSW ashes?. Thanks!
Is it possible to fluidize fuel particles in BFB without bed material or BFB must have to have inert bed material along with fuel particles? If so, then why?
I have previously worked with fluidized bed reactors. We used to fluidize the dried biomass to obtain oil, char and gas. It was lab-scale pyrolyzing only 400gms of biomass in a batch process. ( if that is the reason of not having any bed material)
As for this new project, I would be working with bubbling fluidized bed reactor. After reading multiple articles discussing the solid separation systems, I am confused at the need of bed material.
I would appreciate any clarity over it.
Dear All,
Char (assumed to be pure carbon) gasification, i.e, C + H2O -> CO + H2, is endothermic at 298 K with a heat of reaction (delH) value of 131.28 kJ.
At a temperature of 1273 K, according to my calculation, delH value is higher; it is 153.7 kJ.
I am wondering how this is; shouldn't the endothermicity of a reaction be lower at higher temperature?
Your inputs are greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
Hey All,
I am currently simulating gasification using equilibrium model in ASPEN plus.
I can not verify the syngas composition using oxygen, the literature is so inconsistent even the experimental data. I got the following:
CO 45 - 50 %
H2 30 - 35 %
CO2 9- 13 %
Ch4 0.2
I think the model underestimate the Ch4 significantly, any recommendations?
Hello everyone.
I am simulating a case of coal gasification. For that i am employing species transport method. I have written a chemkin mechanism file for the coal reaction. The problem that i am facing is that though my reactions are working and i get appreciable results, but i haven't given input for the coal specification i.e. the ultimate and proximate analysis data. In the chemkin file i only mentioned the elements C,H,N,S and not the concentration of C,H,N,S.
Can someone help me with this? I am not sure if it is using the same coal that i want to? How can i add ultimate and proximate analysis data in the pre processing?
Energy efficiency of a hydrogen produced from agricultural residual biomass gasification process in Aspen plus?
I am developping a biomass gasification process in the Aspen Plus software and I wanted to know how can I calculate the Cold gas efficiency in the program. Thank you, for your time!
How can i calculate the stoichiometric air to fuel ratio if i have a biomass having an emperical formula of C H1,41 O0,52 N0,02 S0,016?
Not yet answered
I have a biomass with the following ultimate and proximate analisys:
Moisture 51,87%
Volatile Matter 57% (dry basis)
Fixed Carbon 12,19 % (dry basis)
Ash 30,81% (dry basis)
Carbon 40,44% (dry basis)
Hydrogen 4,75% (dry basis)
Oxygen 21,13% (dry basis)
Nitrogen 0,94% (dry basis)
Sulfur 1,72% (dry basis)
Cl 0,21% (dry basis)
How can i calculate the stoichiometric air (oxygen)/biomass ratio??
biomass gasification, biomass combustion, stoichiometric air fuel ratio, equivalence ratio
Please provide me complete numerical solution
I usually get the volume of the produced gas as a flowrate in a function of time if the experiment will take the time say 1 h. How can I determine the volume of the gas accurately using a gas gasbag bag?
Does the gas bag work if the system is pressurized?
Thanks in advance.
Please who knows how I can perform pyrolysis and gasification of biomass on aspen plus or any article that is actually has a guide or instructions.
That would be very helpful.
Thank you.
I am currently doing a design project concerning pyrolysis and gasification of biomass to get hydrogen, but in the process of getting hydrogen CO2 and N2 will be given off, I am trying to find a way to separate them or make them useful so that the whole process would be carbon neutral. Please does anyone have any ideas?
Good evening please I need help, I simulate the gasification on aspen plus 12, but even respecting all the steps, I don't find the same value of the mole fractions as Dahamani (2017).
I am simulating gasification of biomass in aspen plus using RCSTR but facing the following problem.
Can someone help me with this issue?
Thank you for your consideration.
Taimoor Khalid
In sewage sludge burning (21% O2) i was getting CO2 of 1.5% volume when i reduced oxygen level by filling sealed oven with nitrogen (15% O2) CO2 level increased to 3% volume why is this happening as i am reducing oxygen, CO2 should be low but in my case it is not? Can any one give me reason? #Gasification #combustion #pyrolysis #sewage sludge #burning #oxygen #carbon dioxide
Looking for a new approach to biomass gasification process.
I'm studying some gasification.
In one paper, I found the lower heating value (LHV) which can be expressed by LHV = 10.78H2(%) + 12.63CO(%) + 35.88CH4 (%) + 56.5C2H2 (%) + 64.5C2H6 (%) for gasification of glycerol.
Here, I have some questions.
1. What do the numbers (10.78, 12.63, 35.88, 56.5, 64.5) mean? How can be they calculated?..
2. There are two heating values (HHV and LHV). Then, what is the advantage and purpose of using LHV than HHV?..
Can you give me the help and discussion?
Thank you so much!
Ref: Tamošiūnas, Andrius, et al. "Thermal arc plasma gasification of waste glycerol to syngas." Applied Energy 251 (2019): 113306.
The tar was generated through microwave gasification of biomass. Although all generated tars quickly dissolved in acetone, this portion of the tar which was stuck in the reactor doesn't dissolve in acetone or propanol. This stuck tar was heated at a very high temperature and thus solidified and attached itself with the glass surface.
I am simulating the coal gasification process in a fluidized bed using Ansys Fluent 2020.
The heterogeneous and homogenous reactions were included. The simulation is running fine and the species are produced. But there is mass addition to the coal phase as the reactions are taking place which shouldn't happen. This is leading to divergence.
Initially, the simulations were run for a few time-steps without reactions for better stabilization. The moment reactions are included, initial few time-steps it ran fine but the mass addition to the coal phase is leading to the divergence.
Could anyone comment on how to deal with this?
Hello all,
I want to know How much steam is needed for the gasification of a 1-ton rice straw?
I will be grateful if someone answered this question or recommended a good reference.
We have a really small plasma gasification system for rural use to process waste but want to generate power in a simple combined cycle - gas turbine with combined steam generation.
Xylene is used as a solvent in the printing, rubber, and leather industries. Which is the best and economical way of Xylene disposal? Is there any industrial waste management protocol for Xylene disposal?
Can you advise me about the most important devices and equipment as a fluidized bed reactor and other facilities.that should be available in the laboratory, in addition to the most important manufacturers that have these devices. Moreover, I would like to do an ultimate and Proximate Analysis of biomass waste.
Could you advise me and recommend any support types of equipment?
Different thermal technologies, such as "gasification", "pyrolysis", "incineration", "bio gas" etc are available. The composition of municipal is not uniform every where. Similarly, there is change in solid waste generation rate (quantity) also. Therefor, when there is change in composition and quantity, the energy contents will also change. Therefore, there is a need to identify suitable technology for sustainable solid waste management and make the energy recovery economical.
So what type technology is suitable for what composition with what generation rate?
Oil is zero in the product, only gas, and char... Why oil zero. Even defined all oil components.
Hello researchers,
I'm doing a gasification simulation, the problem I'm having is finding an equation that describes the pyrolysis reaction kinetics of the biomass I'm working on. Please give me your opinion on this matter.
Dear researchers,
In literature, so far I am seeing that downdraft is usually used for small-scale purposes (10kW-10MW). One of the reasons behind is "they do not allow for uniform distribution of flow and temperature in the constricted area (throat)". What can be other reasons?
And the main question is: is there any way to upscale it? For instance, for 30 t/h feed rate? Is it feasible and possible?
I would be grateful for any insight!
Hello researchers,
Should I use a non-premixed combustion or a species transport model to simulate biomass gasification?
I am starting to use ansys fluent to simulate biomass gasification, I am having a lot of problems with my simulation setup.
Currently I have ultimate analysis and proximate analysis, do I need any additional biomass parameters to do the simulation?
I am simulating a gasification plant. I am getting this warning in the yield reactor.
I have checked multiple times that and found my yield calculation error free. What can be the causes of this error?
I've done some calculation followed up the attach file but i cant find the value of syngas composition like they did.
I think i have some problem on the energy balance ( enthalpy, heat of formation biomass)
I'm using EES for this calculation result.
Please check it out and give some feedback.!
Thank you.
Hello everyone. I’m simulating low grade, high moisture coal gasification (3D cylinder reactor) in Ansys Fluent. I’m facing with water gas shift reaction which entails low outlet temperature, low char conversion and lower CO yield. Please, it would very helpful for me if you can share your tips. Thank you.
Hello everyone,
Iam simulating the coal gasification process in Eulerian framework. Mixture-air and mixture-coal are two phases. For Mixture-coal, the particulate stresses are solved using KTGF model. I have the following queries.
a. Coal is composed of char (solid carbon), volatiles (hv_vol), ash (SiC), moisture (h2o<l>). In this volatiles and moisture are not solid phases in reality. But still, should they be considered in the mixture-coal phase as species?
b. For coal devolatilization reaction, Kobayashi two-equation method is most widely used in literature (Eq. (1)). In this, it has two rate constants which lead to two-reaction. How to include two reaction rates for one reaction in UDF?
c. Eq. (1)-(2) are mentioned as heterogeneous in the literature. So the volatiles, tar, and moisture should be considered in mixture-coal? If that is the case, then in the KTGF model an averaged density is required in which the densities of volatile, moisture will also be used. But in reality, these are not solid phases.
d. How to obtain the chemical formula of volatile that is required for the reaction rate?
Eq. (1): volatile-----> 0.07CO+0.01CO2+0.03CH4+0.03H2+0.02H20
A1 = 2*10^5 s-1, E1 =104600 J/mol,
A2 = 1.3*10^7 s-1, E2 = 167400 J/mol
K1 = A1 exp (-E1/RT), K2 = A2 exp (-E2/RT)
Eq. (2): mositure---- >H2O
Any clarification will be greatly helpful.
Thank you in advance
I want to fixation Cl, K, Na in gasification slag, which type of catalyst can be used?
Dear Researchers,
I am trying to model a gasification process for biomass on DWSIM. (Aspen plus is expensive and unreachable).
I have been doing lots of searches but couldn't find anything.
Is there a tutorial, any hints, or something I can read?
We are trying to fluidize sand of diameter 300 to 600 microns using a fluidized bed of diameter 65mm. The bed is fluidizing at 0.7 meters per second. According to the literature, the bed must fluidize at 0.1 to 0.15 m/sec. The distributor plate is having 19 holes of 1.5 mm dia in triangle pitch. If we increase the no of holes, will minimum fluidization velocity decease?
As part of my master's thesis, we are gasifying biomass in an entrained flow reactor. We are collecting the light emitted by the flame via a collimating lens and an optical fibre in order to analyse the emission spectrum using a spectrometer. Our aim is to resolve emission peaks in the UV-VIS range as these peaks typically correspond to chemiluminescent emissions of excited radicals such as OH*, CH* or C2*. (See joined spectrum).
I was able to identify some of the transitions as these are quite well referenced in gas flame combustion literature (see table). However, there is close to no literature related to biomass gasification chemiluminescence (which appears to have different emission peaks when compared with typical gas flames).
Therefore, I would like to know if there are any collections referencing a large number of molecular state transitions and their chemiluminescent emission spectra in order for me to identify the remaining peaks. I have been trying to find such collection myself, but have not yet succeded.
Thanks in advance for your help.
We need to calculate the flow rate of air required for fluidization of the bed. We have a compressor which gives air at 7 bar and a 1 bar rotameter for measuring the flow rate in LPM. How can I calculate the flow rate required for fluidization theoretically?
Hi everyone
I am doing biomass gasification simulation in fluidized bed reactor. What is the popular and helpful reference book in this area explaining fluidization, pyrolysis, gasification and reactions Kinetics?
I am trying to model the coal gasification on fluidized bed. For this I need to define the chemical reaction of coal devolatilization in Fluent.
Could you please help me how we can determine the stoichiometric coefficient of coal thermal decomposition products by having Ultimate and proximate analysis of coal?
Please help me, thanks you!
I'm Director of Research & Development for a company that specializes in new Alternatives, Exotic and/or Green Technologies for use in Environmental Remediation, Alternative Energies, Waste-to-Energy, Compost/Biogas, Oil Spill Recovery, Water Generation (desalination alternatives) and Protective Materials for Nuclear Fallout and Contamination. Clean Nature Solutions (thecnsgroup(dot)eu) is looking for the latest technologies to help promote and utilize in various projects World Wide. Please contact me if you have something unique.
Hi everybody,
I am going to simulate a biomass gasification in fluidized bed.
I tried to to use Coal Ultimate and Proximate analyze data ( from literature) through Coal calculator, but I do not know why Coal Calculator icon in Fluent is inactivated!!?
Could you please guide me how I can define coal devolatilization reaction in Fluent?
could anyone help me to find a paper used aspen plus to simulate waste plastic gasification ?
i already find for solid waste, but i want for plastic in specific
I am trying to simulate the Gasification of Wood Biomass for Production of Syngas. I have the Values of ULTANAL and PROXANAL but when I use Ryield Reactor there I have to enter the Yield values which I Don't understand how to get. I have attached the screenshot for a better understanding. I have attached the screenshot for a better understanding of my problem. Anyone, please help me with that?
Dear researchers, scholars, academicians, inventors, scientists, innovators and all my folks there, after leaving 9 yrs of university studies and i am always intrigue to solve the waste issues and eco-friendly alternative packaging. I have ideas and finding solutions with little knowledge that i learned, collected and following all the updates till now the discovery had done. I want to understand and study more because i think i lack some skills or i need to dig more deeper to deliver my ideas. If anybody could suggests, guide or mentor me where i could learn or study or do scientific research about areas on waste to energy, fuel cells, hydrogen energy, alternative eco-friendly packaging, gasification techniques with zero harm to environment.
Grateful to you all for your valuable time and i appreciate and welcome any of your suggestions.
Which kinds of biomass, byproducts and waste are the most interesting for new research development in anaerobic digestion and gasification?
Dear Professors and Research scholars, I'm working on pyrolysis and gasification of microalgae, and I have a query!!! How to solve “no pathway found” in CHEMKIN PRO. Thanks
what do you suggest for innovation about biomass gasification in fluidized bed CFD
I'm looking for an Aspen Plus theory guide, where you can find all the basic equations which describe the modules of the program. Does it exist and is it available for an undergraduate student?
Ur help in this above mentioned regards will be cordially welcomed and helpful for me
Improving the energy efficiency and environmental sustainability of anaerobic digestion and gasification is still an open challenge: in your opinion, which kinds of technologies will lead to significant research development?
Do you think that future research on this topic will be more oriented to the development of new approaches to biogas and syngas generation? Or the major challenge is rather the treatment of new kinds of feedstock?
In which conditions the combining Anaerobic digestion and gasification is sustainable and economically fiable? what kind of feedstock is suitable to this combining?
i tried to do aspen simulation of coal gasification but am not able to do so, i have been trying for past 2 months !! could any one help me by making me a simulation file so that i can understand how does it work !!
my file is attached.
version of aspen v8.4
The most current research focused on hydrogen production, storage, and use, considers the following distribution of commercial hydrogen production technologies as the standard for the global hydrogen production matrix:
48% methane steam reforming
30% oil/naphtha reforming
18% coal gasification
4% water electrolysis
However, this information is more than 30 years old and comes from the statistics of the world hydrogen production from 1988 presented by (Roesler, R. and Zittel, W. 1994). I have tried, unsuccessfully, to update these numbers to today's reality.
Finally, I would like to know your opinion on this topic. Do you consider it to be worthwhile to update this information, and if so, do you have any information on where these data could be found?
Attached you may find a paper by Gaudernack from 1998 where Roesler is cited.
can i help me how to define these reactions in fluent? hemogenus reaction
for reaction rate i use UDF?
how to write this reactions in fluent?
what is innovation and offer to me in biomass gasifing in fluized bed with CFD
The ash remain after gasification contains a number of compounds(mainly oxides I guess). The relative amount of these compounds decides the value of Bed Agglomeration Index(BAI) and Alkali Index(AI).