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Gas Turbines - Science topic

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Questions related to Gas Turbines
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
4 answers
What is the typical range of thermal input for a gas turbine, or do I need to specify the specific modules?
What is the purpose of raising the pressure and temperature of the air before it enters the combustion chamber? If the air entering the gas turbine is at 25°C and 30 bar, how should it be handled?
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Laith Mustafa If you have oxygen at 30 bar, it seems that the best approach would be to combust it with high pressure fuel in a small combustion chamber, then expand the hot gas through a turbine. This is not a conventional gas turbine approach and would need a purpose designed turbine based on the normal gas turbine's turbine stage.
Oxygen is of little benefit in conventional gas turbines because they work at very high excess air levels, so the oxygen would be "diluted".
Oxy-fuel combustors are used in steel-making, but are rare, as oxygen is usually expensive. Simply expanding the oxygen through an expander would generate a good cooling duty.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
1 answer
I'm interested in understanding the key differences between HVAC filter media and gas turbine filter media. Specifically, I'd like to discuss the following points:
  1. What are the main differences in the design and function of HVAC filter media compared to gas turbine filter media?
  2. How can we differentiate which filter media is suited for HVAC systems and which is suited for gas turbines?
  3. What specific specifications or characteristics indicate that a particular filter media is intended for HVAC purposes, and what specifications indicate it is meant for gas turbine applications?
Any insights, references, or experiences you can share on this topic would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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The differences between HVAC and gas turbine filter media mainly involve their applications, performance needs, and environmental conditions. HVAC filters, used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, enhance indoor air quality by removing dust, pollen, and mold. They are rated by the MERV scale, operate in controlled indoor environments, and require regular replacement. In contrast, gas turbine filters protect turbine engines from contaminants in power plants and industrial settings. They capture a wider range of particles, maintain low pressure drop, and withstand harsh outdoor conditions, requiring durable materials and robust construction. These filters need less frequent replacement but must follow strict maintenance schedules to ensure turbine efficiency and longevity.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
1 answer
What is the value of thermal input (Qin) gas turbine LM6000 in [MW] ?
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According to the manufacturer, the net power output for an LM6000 operating at one atmosphere barometric pressure and 15°C ambient temperature is 42,406 kWe (kilowatts electric) with a net LHV heat rate of 8223 BTU/kWh, which means the thermal efficiency is 41.5% and the heat input is 102.2 MWt (megawatts thermal). The shaft power is 57,911 bhp or 43,183 kWm (kilowatt mechanical) and the generator efficiency is 98.2%. Note that HHV is a meaningless quantity in this case, as water in the exhaust is always in the vapor state. You can get curves from GE. The LM6000 is a real workhorse!
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
I would like to obtain a design program, a free version, available to engineering students for a graduation project. The graduation project is a simple gas cycle and exhaust from it enter to HRSG . Therefore, I am looking for a program to design the HRSG , dDetermine the number and size of tubes in each part of hrsg ( evaporator, economizer, super heater ), and connect it through the program to the gas turbine. Thank you for participation.
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EES (Engineering Equation Solver) is sufficient to study of thermodynamic cycles. It is very easy and user friendly.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
2 answers
recently, I investigated the damaged blade surface for gas turbine component.
According to the fractography analysis, the striation and beach marks have been observed.
How can I realize that this surface is related to the LCF or HCF?
Generally, Is there any logical approach to find out the LCF or HCF fatigue from the fractured surface?
according to my knowledge, the appearance of the secondary cracks or presence of the striation spacing is related to the HCF fatigue while fissures cracks are promoted in LCF.
the studied material is: IN 738
all the dada has been gathered from farctography using SEM
Is is required to use STEM or TEM (from beneath of fractured surface) for detecting LCF of HCF?
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Thanks Dear Moser
Yes, you are right. This image is belonging to the final stage of fatigue crack propogation. According to your comment. Is it true to say that
In low cycle fatigue we observe quasi cleavage palnes while for High cycle fatigue the group of striations is promoted in fracture area ?
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
2 answers
What are the key technical challenges associated with integrating a solar field into an already operational combined cycle gas turbine power plant, and how can these be addressed in a cost-effective manner?
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The answer depends on the relative sizes of the generators and the application. So, in island mode the frequency control can be seriously affected by excess solar energy and peaks and troughs as clouds pass need more CCGT reserve for back-up etc.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
5 answers
The model is in its design point stage so it must yield optimum value.
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It is difficult to answer this question without knowing your background and the use to which you intend to use the bleed air. It is better to fully understand the application as reputable suppliers will help you with your difficulties if any. Most internal parameters they like to keep to themselves but they will offer guidance. At some stage, to minimise the weight and cost of the topsides of an offshore platform, bleed air from the GT was considered to be used as compressed air supply. One of the difficulties faced was the demand variations of the GT shaft power and the compressed air needs. They do not always go in step and tripping the GT at a critical moment is not appreciated. Stephen.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
4 answers
In our Country Sudan, and of course many countries, there are many gas turbine engines became out of service and not applicable to aero applications due to airworthiness law requitement. But those engines are still working probably and I think it can be used for industrial application like electricity generation. I need to do feasibility study then if its feasible to use ex-service gas turbine engines I will go further step to conduct research on required modifications.
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Yes, several studies have been conducted on the use of ex-service gas turbine engines for electricity generation. For example, the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory has conducted a study on the feasibility of using retired gas turbine engines for distributed generation applications. Additionally, the University of Melbourne has conducted a study on the repurposing of retired military gas turbine engines for micro-grid electricity generation.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
2 answers
As a design engineer in an engineering team whose work is developing a new gas turbine of 2 MW used for thermal power generation which is fuelled by non-carbon fuels, such as hydrogen and ammonia, your task is to analyse and design the combustion system for providing stable and efficient combustion in the gas turbine.
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There are currently no commercial models of 2mw gas turbines using hydrogen and ammonia as fuel, however, such models have been constructed in laboratory settings. In recent years, scientists have been exploring the use of hydrogen and ammonia as fuel for small-scale gas turbine engines. In one study, a 2mw gas turbine was powered with a mixture of hydrogen and ammonia, with an overall efficiency of approximately 32%. The turbine was able to maintain a stable output with an electrical efficiency of up to 37%. This type of model could be used to power small-scale energy production in remote areas or to supplement existing systems.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
Can anyone recommend me book or any study material to optimize the downdraft gasifier pressure problem during the simultaneous operation with the gas engine? The pressure problem does not occur when the gasifier operates without a gas turbine operation. When the gas turbine operation starts the pressure increase or sometimes drops which results in abnormal operation and insufficient carbon conversion.
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Sorry outside of my field
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
2 answers
A substance at the supercritical state is considered a fluid -- something neither gas nor liquid. What is the scientific argument on why compressors and gas turbines are used in supercritical Brayton CO2 cycles instead of pumps?
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Two reasons: larger volumetric flow rate and to avoid mechanical failure. Just because something is academically said to be "neither gas nor liquid" doesn't necessarily mean anything in a physical application. Also, you should appreciate that there is a theoretical difference between an open (e.g., turbine) and closed (e.g., cylinder and piston) system when calculating work. For a closed system W=∫pdV while for an open system W=∫Vdp In a boiler feed pump, such as you might find in a supercritical coal-fired power plant, p is quite large (4400 psia) but dV is small. The low pressure turbine is much larger than the high and intermediate pressure turbine in a modern steam power plant. The LP turbine provides about 45% of the total power, while the HP and IP combined provide about 55%. People think that because the pressure is large in the HP turbine that this should be doing most of the work, but it isn't. The LP turbine is much larger in size and the ∫Vdp is also large. While dp may be small across the LP turbine, V is huge. Dig deeper into the thermodynamics and you will understand the processes and machines better.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
4 answers
I would like to know if there are any methods for estimating the cost of waste heat recovery unit from a natural gas turbine ?
Thanks in advance
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Are you asking about a HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator), as is used in countless CCPP (Combined Cycle Power Plants) around the world? Most of those combustion turbines run on natural gas. If you want to know, ask one of the many manufacturers. Where ever you live, there is probably one of these plants nearby you might visit.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
In the present publication, a simple methodology has been used to limit the formation of the detrimental oxides with the TGO formation as well as increase the alfa alumina constitution into the interface of TBC system. We are looking to increase the durability of the TBCs system.
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  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
7 answers
In the optimization of gas turbine cycle, many researchers have used isentropic efficiency of gas turbine and air compressor as decision variables. Even I did the same. But recently while submitting a paper I got one comment from the reviewer which really made me think.
The reviewer comment:
"AC and GT isentropic efficiency are used as optimization parameters. Are these easily controllable metrics? The other metrics (pressure ratio and temperatures) are but I wonder about the isentropic efficiencies."
How should I justify?
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No isentropic efficiencies are not the optimization parameters; there is not much control and also not wide range of this efficiency. It depends on the design of the compressor and turbine. Rather you should treat them as external parameters and concentrate on heat exchanger efficiency (regenerator efficiency), maximum cycle temperature, two or three stage compression with intercooling, reheating point, pressure ratio, etc.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
4 answers
Suppose my gas turbine is connected to grid, its frequency is dictated by grid.
Freq decreases because as soon as extra load is added the rpm drops and stored rotational energy serves the increment of load
But as frequency decreases the mass flow of gas turbine decreases which means the net output decreases.
A bus load is 75 MW and my generator is supplying 75 MW that its maximum load, Now i have added 5 MW to gas turbine now what will happen.
Gas turbine is already at maximum load.
Now it is possible that gas turbine picks this extra 5 MW by utilizing its stored rotational energy but this has other issue because as soon freq reduces the output decreases. Then how the MWs on both side is balanced
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1. When a Gas Turbine is connected to a Grid, grid frequency affects the flow and output but governor or controller maintains the power output at the set value. Small frequency fluctuations occur routinely and speed/power output controller regulates.
2. When GT is already generating its maximum you cannot increase the fuel flow and hence power.
3. As long GT is connected to grid, GT speed is dictated by grid only. GT's speed cannot change,
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
9 answers
In a gas turbine nozzle made of cobalt-based superalloy, the grain size is larger than normal.
What are the differences between this part in terms of mechanical properties with another part that has a normal grain size?
Especially stress corrosion cracking.
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You are most welcome dear Bahare Ghasemi
Wish you the best always.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
11 answers
A master's thesis on the topic:
"Optimization of parameters of gas turbine working in climatic conditions
of the Republic of Iraq"
Year of defense: 2017.
Specialization: 13.04.01 «Heat power and heat technology».
Master's program: «Technology of electric production and heat energy».
Author of work: student of group MTЭ – 21.
Supervisor: Prof. Zhukov N.P.
Master thesis is devoted to investigation of water injection on the inlet to the
compressor of the gas turbine unit operated in the climatic conditions of the Republic
of Iraq.
A review of the literature describing known design for gas turbines, including
those operating in hot climates. Consider the different cooling air inlet in a gas
turbine installation.
The influence of outdoor temperature on performance parameters of the gas
turbine. It is established that the injection of water has a significantly large positive
impact on the operation of the compressor and gas turbines in General. Increasing
the amount of injected water rates of growth of parameters of efficiency of the
compressor and the whole setup is reduced due to changes in the process of evaporation
occurs when air is compressed, and increasing additional losses, depending
on the extent.-of air compressor. Growth efficiency was significant with a relatively
small amount of evaporated water.
The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references,
contains 37 references and a single application. The contents of the thesis
is presented on page 71 of the text, including 39 figures and 2 tables and 17 pages
in the application.
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Methods to Improve the Efficiency of Gas Turbine:
1- Regeneration
2- Intercooling
3- Reheating and Reheat Cycle
4- Water Injection
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
5 answers
Kindly suggest me suitable journals (Scopus / WoS indexed) for the article on the theme of the work of the gas turbine plant on hydrogen and alternative fuels. A journal with fast output and fast indexing.
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I hope you are doing well.
you may find a good SCI journal as per your specific requirement through the Web of Science Master Journal List, through the below-given link:
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
I start my research about gas turbine blade cooling, but i have some questions about geometric design for example the length of blade, angle and the radius of the blade like the photo that i attached.
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You can use PTC creo software
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
4 answers
I have studied a book called Thermal Design and Optimization (adrian bejan et al.).
Sections 2 and 3 of this book explain how the mass flow rate of fuel and air in a gas turbine can be calculated based on the products of combustion.
Now I have a question, when I calculate this method for a real case study, I don't get the right value for fuel flow and air mass flow.
In fact, when I validat my calculations with the example in this book, all the calculations are correct, but this is not the case in the actual case study, and the air mass flow rate is half the actual value.
However, I do not know where I am wrong.
Please help me if you can.
how can I calculate the mass flow rate of fuel and air in a gas turbine acording to combustion products?
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Dear Francesco
Thank you very much.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
7 answers
Hello. Thank you for paying attention.
What is the typical values of excess air in natural gas power plants? Is 100% excess air an appropriate value for natural gas (methane) ? When I modeled the power plant the time I set excess air about 100% true range for the turbine inlet air temperature was obtained (around 1300-1400 K).
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Hello everyone!
I have found an article where the authors have mentioned that the typical range of excess air in the industrial gas turbine cycle is 100-600 %.
Martínez, F. Rueda, et al. "Evaluation of the gas turbine inlet temperature with relation to the excess air." Energy and Power Engineering 3.04 (2011): 517.
Hope this would help the researchers who would come across this post.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
2 answers
Hello everyone,
I am looking for 2D geometry of Gas Turbine blade that is define using NURBS modeling schemes i.e., including control points and knot vector definition. Can anyone guide me with the relevant literature where it is available or some related source that can be helpful? I have also attached the turbine blade image for reference.
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Zulfiqar Ali Rhinoceros software is also another graceful alternative. Just model with the curve/surface tools and export it as .obj format. Then, you can extract the corresponding knot vector, control points, order of the basis, etc.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
7 answers
We have a really small plasma gasification system for rural use to process waste but want to generate power in a simple combined cycle - gas turbine with combined steam generation.
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I am a little bit puzzled why you want to add a steam turbine in a small scale system? The smaller size, the lower efficiency and higher specific cost.
The heat losses and the by-pass losses over the turbine blades are proportionally higher, the smaller the turbine is. Since small turbines have more material (the weight of the material the turbine is made of) per capacity, the material is often of lower quality (lower temperature and pressure) and hence the turbine has lower efficiency.
Why not go for a gas engine with upto 40 % electric efficiency in scales down to 100 kW? Or a recuperative microturbine where some of the heat is used to pre-heat the combustion air.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
1 answer
This refers to the smooth, labyrinth, honeycomb and brush seals used in steam turbines. If you know some more types, information is also welcome.
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i think the article attached will help you a lot to understand.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
Good day. I am using AxSTREAM LITE v3.2.1. I am trying to calculate one stage axial turbine in existing analysis. In this calculation i need define manual deviation angle and manual blockage. To do this at "calculation models settings" window for blockage model and deviation angel calc model i set up "fixed loss factor" option. After that, in project tree for stator loses i set up manual value for blockage and manual value actual deviation angle. After calculation, i save results in project and see that AxSTREAM Lite takes into account only manual blocage value and did not takes into account manual actual deviation angle, because i see default value of actual deviation angle ("0").
To explain more clearer what i mean i make two screenshots from AxMAP module where i do two series of calculations: with variable blockage value and with variable actual angle value. From this screenshots you can see that blockage value takes into account in calculation (Mass FLow is change) and actual deviation angle is not takes into account in calculation (Mass Flow is const). May be i doing something wrong or is it limitations for AxSTREAM Lite ?
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This is not an answer to your question. I need a favor, can you please send me the AxSTREAM Lite software package. I want to also use it for some analysis. Thank
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
4 answers
Gas turbine is a thermal equipment which can be used to generate power using cheaper fuels. Gas turbines works on Brayton cycle and the combustion takes place mostly by constant pressure. Axial flow gas turbines are heard little. Straightly, What are axial flow gas turbines and what are their applications?
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Axial turbines take in gas parallel to the shaft axis. General applications include steam generators but usually axials perform better on liquid fluid flows like kaplan for low head generators
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
4 answers
I am developing a project to design a stirling engine and I intend to use a compressor head to modify it so that it works through the stirling cycle, starting from the hypothesis that this will reduce costs and manufacturing times.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this adaptation proposal? And what factors are necessary to consider in order to implement this adaptation as well as possible?
Also, as part of the methodology, I intend to use a Schmidt model (after having selected the engine configuration and using as input data some considerations made in other investigations), whose results will serve as criteria for selecting a compressor head of a previously established range. And then, using an adiabatic model, predict the final conditions of operation of the proposal (based on the characteristics of the compressor head and the results obtained with the model of schmidt)
Is it correct to use these two models in this way?
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This publication contains very pertinent information for your research. I think it will be very useful to you.
  • Application of the multi-objective optimization method for designing a powered Stirling heat engine: Design with maximized power, thermal efficiency and minimized pressure loss
In the recent years, numerous studies have been done on Stirling cycle and Stirling engine which have been resulted in different output power and engine thermal efficiency analyses. Finite speed thermodynamic analysis is one of the most prominent ways which considers external irreversibilities. In the present study, output power and engine thermal efficiency are optimized and total pressure losses are minimized using NSGA algorithm and finite speed thermodynamic analysis. The results are successfully verified against experimental data.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
9 answers
I would like to know the answer of the question, I know that airfoils follow NACA profile as a standard so is there other profile's standards in the field of aeronautics or turbomachinery follow the same concept?
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The profiles are created mathematically.
Have a look on Deich et al. (1965) work. You will get your answer for turbomachinery.
This PDF is avaliable online.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
6 answers
I am studying the near blowout instability mechanism in gas turbine combustors where I often come different pressure sensors. Some are dynamic pressure transducers while others are microphones. What type of pressure sensors are suitable to measure pressure fluctuations in gas turbine combustors?
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Thank You all for your help. It looks like that both microphones and a dynamic pressure transducer will work for me. But my application is combustion that involves temperature, so with temperature in mind, I think I should go for a transducer that can sustain high temperature.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
10 answers
Colleagues, good afternoon! I was wondering what problem is the most urgent at the moment in the operation, design of gas turbines and combined cycle plants. Influence of gas turbines on the steam circuit, power reduction during summer power limitations. maybe the quality of fuel and self-contained liquids?volume_upcontent_copysharestar_border
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
7 answers
Good day! I want to conduct research on the multi-fuel gas turbine, tell me the compositions of various biogas for modeling the composition. and assessing the effect of fuel gas on the operation of the gas turbine.For carbon-free energy, what fuels do you think will be promising?
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Combustion equipment overview can be studied from this link...explained in a very good way
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
5 answers
I am designing a gas turbine combustor test rig for my research activities. To ensure a uniform distribution of air going into the combustion chamber, I would like to attach a plenum/settling chamber upstream of the burner. I don't know the design guidelines for plenum chambers.
Please help
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Refer to this chapter: title 2.5 Settling Chamber & Fig. 2 Design of settling chamber. Noorul Huda
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
1 answer
We have an optically accessible atmospheric combustor. We want to perform the instability analysis of the combustor like flashback, blowout and instabilities occurring near lean blowout. We are looking for some scaling parameters such that whatever we conclude from the atmospheric combustor applies well to an industrial combustor operating at higher pressures.
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Important variable power value
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
4 answers
I'm new to the Simulink and wondering if there is an existing model I can use to simulate the relation among input variables (like inlet air temperature\pressure\humidity), compressor speed, and outlet variables (like outlet air temperature\pressure\humidity).
Thanks a lot for any help.
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you can see in help section of MATLAB simulink. and better to make the same if you have mathematical equations.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
8 answers
I have been googling "Rene 142" Mechanical Properties but i didnt find anything. need some help
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
How is the analysis the second law efficiency of combustion chamber in the  gas turbine cycle?
in fact, It depends on what factors (inlet and exit temperature compressor and turbine inlet temperature)?
Thank you for your help.
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It depends on different factors. you can compare the actual cycle with the Carnot cycle efficiency. You can write a suitable code in EES software to this purpose.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
11 answers
After some literature review and from a turbomachinery course I identified the following limiting design parameters,
- Minimum size of last row of high pressure compressor ( about 10 mm ? )
- Maximum temperature that can be tolerated by the machine's disks (about 950 K)
- Maximum temperature allowed for effective turbine blade cooling
Are there any other? Is there a maximum allowable pressure for combustion? Is there a maximum pressure that can be handled by the turbine's outer walls?
Thank you very much in advance
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Well the pressure ratio of gas turbine may be in the range (4to 12) but there is an optimum pressure ratio which depend on maximum and minimum cycl tempersture
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
2 answers
Can anyone introduce sources for geometrical dimensions of a modern gas turbine stator blade with an internal cooling system?
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
1 answer
The transient film-cooling technique is used to find the efficiency of the cooling system in gas turbine components. During experiments, the IR window is heating up gradually and the calibrations were done before the experiments are not useful in the experiments because the window is heating up and readings are overshooting. kindly help me with this problem.
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I have tested gas turbines all over the world. This is perhaps the largest business area for my employer. I have dealt with similar issues of IR on several occasions. If the window is heating up, you have no choice but to move farther away. The results will not be meaningful and equipment damage will result. I always "calibrate" such measurements at multiple locations with one or more surface temperature probes, which I pre- and post-calibrate (at least with ice and boiling water). I have also calibrated film cooling with several solutions. On more than one occasion I had no equipment because it was all lost in shipping. I bought a variety of things at the bazaar and auto repair shops, took lots of measurements, including ice and boiling several liquids and also pressure in clear slack tubes filled with water. I have even used a sack of assorted coins to calibrate a precision balance. When it's all over, ship everything back to the laboratory and do it all over again to post-calibrate everything. Which cooling system are you interested in? Evaporative coolers? Foggers? Inlet chillers?
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
1 answer
If some one want to do off design simulations for variable geometry compressor engine in GasTurb , is it possible to see the performance of the engine at different kind of varying angles. Because as i know , GasTurb considers some default VG factors a, b and c with a=b=1 and c=0.01...The confusion here is , how to encounter different angles for VIGVs and VSVs..if it is possible , then can we get compressor map with designated angles....?
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Dear Muhammad
Besides not being answer to your question, I do not know how to answer. We developed our own computer programs to deal with variable geometry compressors, turbines and propelling nozzles. These components are designed and their performances calculated using our own software. A set of compressor, turbine and propelling nozzles maps are synthesized (one each for different angles and interpolated for angles not covered in the maps). It is not difficult task, but takes time to develop, verify and certify every piece of software.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
11 answers
I'm simulating a Gas Turbine Cogeneration System and I'm trying to minimize the total cost of the cycle based on the approach proposed by (Valero, Antonio & Lozano, Miguel A. & Serra, Luis & Tsatsaronis, George & Pisa, Javier & Frangopoulos, Christos & von Spakovsky, Michael R., 1994. "CGAM problem: Definition and conventional solution," Energy, Elsevier, vol. 19(3), pages 279-286), the so-called CGAM model, and also presented in Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Process and Energy Systems by F. Carl Knopf (Chapter 10: Gas Turbine Cogeneration System Economic Design Optimization and Heat Recovery Steam Generator Numerical Analysis (Pages: 243-271)). Instead of using VBA in Excel as proposed by Knopf I would like to use Aspen Plus. I'm considering the same decision variables as well as constraints for the problem without success. Does anyone have any helpful material about EO Optimization in Aspen Plus? It would required a custom function.
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I think Ihtishamul Haq is working on Aspen plus, you can consult him.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
what is practical way to modify carbon content in FSX-414 (cast superalloy)? standard composition is (52Co- 29Cr- 10Ni- 7W- 0.25C) but we received scrap by 0.5% C, it should probably remelting in air and then manufacturing by vacuum induction melting (VIM), but how we can reducing carbon to 0.25%?
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I would have distributed the amount of scrap in several parts and oxidized it in air for different lengths of time. For the vacuum melt I would have mixed a non-oxidized part of the scrap with a oxidized part (for example 1 to 1) and analyzed the melting result. If the carbon content is still too high, you have to make a mixture with a more oxidized part of scrapat the second melt or change the mixture not oxidized to oxidized to 1 to 2. You may have to make several melts with different compositions (part not oxidized + part oxidized) to get the correct carbon content.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
Hi all,
I am looking for an Open source CFD solver for turbo-machinery ( multi-stage) applications . Till now I have been using dedicated commercial CFD codes .
Although both of OF/ SU2 are good solvers (generic) , I cant say which one is better for Turbo-machinery applications ? Both don't have a dedicated turbo-machinery model
I am specifically interested in Aero-Engines applications which have compessibility effects of working fluids ( Mach no > 0.5) !
I have seen example cases from both for validation like NASA Rotor37 , but not much other published applications for gas turbine design.
Before deciding i would prefer to have user / designer experiences on using OF/SU2 !
Any suggestions / observations ?
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I completely agree , i am more leaned towards OF .
But i dont see much gas turbine applications from any sides !
Has anyone used OF for high speed turbomachines ? Can it capture/ predict shock in the passage ?
- i am not sure of that
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
16 answers
I am looking for the highest maximal turbine inlet temperature which can be reached.
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Japan is working towards 1700 C TIT. See MHI
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
31 answers
Several air cycles like Otto, Diesel Brayton etc. have been developed earlier. Otto cycle has application to petrol/ gas engines, Diesel cycle has application to diesel engine. Brayton cycle has application to gas turbine etc. Like wise where Ericsson cycle is used?
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Ericsson is a thermodynamic closed cycle which consists of two isothermal processes and two constant pressure processes. Heat addition and rejection are at isothermal processes. This uses gas as a medium in practical application. The application is in hot air engines.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
8 answers
Generally, for blades materials that have high thermal conductivity two discuss are expressing:
1- High thermal conductivity reduces turbine gas inlet energy and consequently reduces efficiency.
2- High thermal conductivity decreases stress in one area of the blade and extends blade life.
So that, prefer high thermal conductivity or low thermal conductivity? Or choose a middle limit? In reality which mode is used?
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First of all, you need to determine that you are looking for a material for rotor blades or the stator ones.
I think the best material (the ideal one) is a material which can stand for the high temperatures with high thermal conductivity.
If the material can stand for high temperatures, there is no need for cooling. and when it has no cooling, high thermal conductivity results in uniform temperature distribution and lower thermal stresses.
The material should also have low coefficient of thermal expansion and high strength.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
8 answers
Practically in the gas turbines, does corrosion occur more often in the stator blades or the rotor blades?
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The corrosion on rotor blades is always worse for two reasons. First, the rotating blades of a rotor bear more mechanical stress than stators. Second, salt particles collide and adhere together more often with the rotating blades of a rotor. So pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, and stress corrosion are commonly found on rotating blades.
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13 answers
I am doing research in Municipal solid waste gasification (MSW) for production Syngas to be used in Gas turbines. I am doing theoretical study only. Is there any was of calculating the Syngas Lower heating value to be used in Gas turbine model..
I have the composition details of components
Best Regards
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Dear Venkitesh
you can write the combustion equation, and define the LHV.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
14 answers
I am Using GSP software to simulate a turbojet engine.
I combined all the main components and I want to plot the speed with thrust so I added two components ("Rotor Speed ctrl" and "Thrust ctrl" )
Then the Program asked me (Nr. 0 component Rotor Speed Ctrl and Thrust Ctrl are a deprecated component! recommended to use generic equation schedule components).
So I added Generic schedule control with combined equation, but I don't know how to connect between it and Speed and thrust components .Also, there an equation I have to write it.
Anyone familiar with GSP program please give me your advice what should I do to solve this hint from software and run the components?
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Yazan Altarazi , I hope it will be useful :
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
35 answers
Gas turbines use solid or liquid or gaseous fuels. Name the fuels used.
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Cheaper fuels can be used in gas turbines. In these, fuels of petroleum origin are used as a fuel.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
1 answer
Hi. Is there any public gas turbine data that i could use for my neural network?
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Hello Kamal,
Please check the following URL. I think the NASA data set can be useful for your work.
[Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data Set]:
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
I am working on simulations of Gas turbine, and i want to see how the thermal efficiency of gas turbine varies by reducing the load on Gas turbine and heat exchangers (e.g. Compressor Inter cooler) etc.
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hi Haris, the gas turbine are very sensitive to off-design condition. if you are modelling a gas turbine for electrical generation at constant rpm is the worst condition because the compressor efficiency is really affecetd at low loads. that the reason of the inlet guide vane at the inlet and the several blade wheel with variable geometry, because constant rpm in absence of that devices always produce the same air flow disregarding the load value. There are papers where you can find a comprehensive study about that . Look in internet the papers written by Rainier kurtz ( engineer in carter pillar)
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
I am planning to work on the effect of operating temperatures on the secondary flows in low pressure turbines, specifically the T106 cascade. I am unable to find any temperature range.
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dear collegue. realy I am not sure if i understood your question. the tempearture range of operation in gas turbine depende on what kind of cycle you are trying to simulate. is not the same a simple cycle than a regenerative cycle. At the same time the pressure ratio for the gar turbine engine is another important thing. generally when higher pressure ratio are used higher inlet temperature are provided. the upper limit for inlet temperature is decided by metal constrains and cooling system used in the blades. The outlet temperature of gas turbine before the regenerator (if used) at full load are ranging from 450-600 degree centigrade.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
2 answers
I have an application similar to Wear Debris Analisys
However I'm not form the field and struggle to find the manufacturers of such equipment.
I need to regularly measure steel particles in a fluid.
I got the Trevor Hunt "Handbook of wear debris analisys", but most of the devices he cites are out of production!
If anyone can help, I'm looking for manufacturers/vendors/researchers of Ferrographs and Magnetic particle sensors.
Otherwise I have to build it myself (a lot of work and bad results)
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Yeah thanks!!
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
5 answers
Since the efficiency of a gas turbine declines almost exponentially with respect to the load, and the gas turbine works best at its maximum load, Will be possible a gas turbine, perhaps electronically controlled to improve efficiency at low loads for automotive applications?
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I remenber when I was a younger student of mechanical engineer i made the same question to my professor of "motor combustion engine" and he told me. the gas turbine are rotary machine with small gap between rotor tip and the stator which are responsible for its efficiency. unfortuantelly when you reduce the size of the turbine you cant reduce the gap, that is the reason for not use GT in cars.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
1 answer
I have one geometry of radial gas turbine which got 8 normal blade and 8 splitter blade,and i have to run the simulation for both the cases i.e. with splitter and without splitter.
I started my simulation by extracting blade profile from solid works and import it into blade gen and i got good results.
now the problem is i don't know how to add this splitter in Blade Gen current blade profile.
Please Help.
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  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
Hello scientific world!
I'm working on nozzle optimizing for aircraft jet engines, especially turbofan engines. I need to the engine nozzle geometry of an aircraft plus a parameter distribution such as pressure/Mach to validate my calculation. Thinking to get such information from famous manufacturers such as Cessna, Golfstream, Bombardier, Boeing, AirBus and or etc. but doubt to get any help from them. Is it possible? What's your idea to figure out such issue?
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Dear/Roh Dargahi
Referring to your question about data for validation related to geometry or any properties (pressure, Mach number,......) You should share one or two researchers from air craft company working with you in order to provide you with most of hidden measurements and some references related to your work.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
5 answers
How to optimally, Control selection of Distributed Generation(wind,solar,gas turbine) in a Micro grid(100KW)?
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You can find an example in this paper:
Urban Energy Hubs Economic Optimization and Environmental Comparison in Italy and Vietnam
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
4 answers
How to synchronise Distributed Generation(wind,solar,gas turbine) to a Micro grid(100KW)
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
4 answers
We are going to do PIV measurement in a gas turbine combustion chamber (cold test). For reducing the complexity of the measurement, is there any idea how we can model both the fuel and oxidizer with water (as working fluid) instead of using real fluids?
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Thanks for your answer, Dudley. Do you have any Idea how temperature distribution is measured within the combustor (both in liners and flame) rather than laser techniques. I am aware of using Thermal Sensitive Painting on the combustor liners to measure Temp but not for the flame itself!
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
5 answers
When considering Gas Turbine efficiency study, should we focus on Isentropic efficiency or Polytropic efficiency??
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isentropic efficiency varies with pressure ratio of turbine. so, if you want to study the effect of the pressure ration, it would be better to use polytropic efficiency.
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6 answers
Why turbomachine such as gas turbine considered adiabatic when heat is injected for combustion???
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Dear Kamal,
the adiabaticity of turbomachinery is an assumption justified by the fact that heat losses in such machines are negligible with respect to the enthalpy variation experienced by the fluid passing through them.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
4 answers
I want to model on Matlab simulink the complete frequency control model of different type of electrical production: a gas turbine, a steam turbine and a combined cycle: speed governor, the turbine (gas turbine , steam turbine or CCGT) and the generator.
Can anyone help me?
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The load frequency control model of speed governor, turbine, etc is in my paper just published in Oct, 2018. Please check the paper to see if that will solve your problems
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
Can any one explain what is the paremetric input to evaluate thermal stress in blade of gas turbine in ANSYS program
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Temperature material type thermal conductivity of the material
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
8 answers
Kindly, recommend me a good reference to calculate CO2 emissions from the national power grid which is based on gas turbine.
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Dear Mohanned, The previous figure was from analysis done by Yale University I have attached an analysis with the citation. Generally natural gas with show a 40 to 60% reduction in greenhouse gases and much more in relation to other air contaminants and does not generate anywhere near the solid waste. The selection of cheap fossil fuel from coal tar sands or oil can end up very expensive when these externalities are calculated which are costs to human health and the environment which should not be considered expendable.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
24 answers
In natural gas power plant, we have cooling tower 13 cells, 2 gas turbines, and 1 steam turbine (full load). I would like to know if we start 1 gas turbine and 1 steam turbine (half load), but the cooling towers still  work by 13 cells. Will this affect to effectiveness of cooling tower? Because the effectiveness of cooling tower did not change too much during switch from full load to half load.
Yours sincerely,
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The flow rate still constant
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
1 answer
The choice of blade loading of gas turbine is related with the efficiency of gas turbine, pressure gradient diffusion losses and friction losses. It is not realistic to have blade loading of gas turbine more than unity.
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In Russia, engineers must choose blade loads based on normative documents. Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law. For example, loads for blades for gas turbines must choose based on " РТМ 108.022.102-77 Турбины газовые стационарные. Расчет на прочность хвостовых соединений рабочих лопаток газовых турбин"
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
4 answers
Dear RG,
How will I develop and validate gas turbine combustors with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models?
Best Regards,
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you can use fluent software to stimulate the gas turbine combustion
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
Hi everyone,I want modeling blow off valve (bleed valve) in axial compressor gas turbine? any body know how i can computing mass rate in bleed valve?
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Mohmmad Bahreini I think you can use the tables of gasdynamic functions (fig.1) (russian: таблицы газодинамических функций). If you know pressure ratio before and after your valve you can find gasodynamic functions of mass flow rate q(L) by using tables of gasodynamic functions. After that you can calculate absoltely mass flow rate using this formula (fig.2). This formula taken from book " The theory of turbomashines " the autor: doctor of technical science Kirilov I.I. (russian: Кириллов И.И.Теория турбомашин. Л., "Машиностроение". 1972 г.) : G = f*sqrt(k/R*(2/(k+1))^((k+1)/(k-1))) * P*/sqrt(T*) *q(L)
f - sectional area
k=1,4 (for air)
R=287 [J/(kg*K)] (for air)
P* - total pressure before valve
T*-total temperature before valve
q(L) - gasdynamic function of mass flow rate
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
This is mainly for curiosity's sake:
(1) If you are to monitor a gas turbine but can only measure two items, what would they be and why?
(2) Do your two measured items change for an aero engine vs an industrial engine? If so, why?
(you can assume that the controller can measure values it needs to operate stably, although you cannot see them unless they are from the two you choose)
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1. Fuel consumption;
2. Shaft Power (given that there is a torque meter).
From these two parameters you can calculate GT Efficiency and Output Power. And these parameters reflect the technical state of all GT parts including axial compressor, combustor, turbine and others. So, if there are some deteriorations with axial compressor, for example, fouling, the GT (either aero or industrial) won't give a nominal power and efficiency.
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2 answers
CFD+CRN Validation study
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thank you sir Saad EL-Sayed ,
i have readout this paper ,actually im doing work on CFD+CRN Validation of CH4 combustion.i need pre mixed combustion NOx emission data on which i can compare my simulations results .
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
1 answer
I'm an intern in a company working on my M.Tech. thesis. I am supposed to be working on "Forced response analysis of Gas turbine blade". But turns out that the proper problem definition on which I can work is not available with the hiring team. I need to find a turbine blade whose data is available (with CAD geometry) for public use. I need to use the geometry in my thesis and use it for research work. If anyone has the idea in this regard please share ASAP.
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You can find geometry in
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
6 answers
Why till now some countries do not use solar PV for peak load at day time, while they use gas turbine?
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In my country of Iraq despite the presence of high solar radiation, but the production of electricity through oil is cheaper than its production by solar cells
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
Hi, please let me know papers, technical reports, etc...where I could find the characteristic curves of existing gas turbines in power plants, namely pressure ratio and isentropic efficiency both vs corrected flow rate for different values of the corrected speed. Thanks 
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The Gas Turb software library contains several compressor maps that you can use. Generally, very few articles include actual compressor performance maps due to proprietary reasons. Have a look at one of our articles where we digitized one compressor map of GE LM2500 gas turbine with the title "A component map tuning method for performance prediction and diagnostics of gas turbine compressors". The source of the compressor map is "Klapproth, J., M. Miller, and D. Parker. "Aerodynamic development and performance of the cf6-6/lm2500 compressor." 4th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines. 1979."
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
1 answer
I want to simulate the performance of a Turboshaft Engine for helicopter applications using SIMULINK Model. SIMULINK is preferable but any other way of simulating the performance is also fine.
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Hi Ali.
There are several articles related to engine performance simulation in MATLAB/Simulink environment. One of our recent articles involves the development of a two shaft gas turbine in simulink. Feel free to download our article from the following link:
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
11 answers
Can experts working in gas turbine industry/academia explain about the key challenges to the future of gas turbine-based power generation?
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Nox, Efficiency increasing via TIT and CPD, avoiding unavoidable off-design degrating, Realable a fast dynamic models, accurate, robust and fast controller respond, hot section material improving, flexibility in load and frequency control, and so on... It is depenedent on your research line.
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
3 answers
are we able to control the inlet temperature and pressure of a gas turbine?
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Dear sir
Yes yoy can with air fuel ratio
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
4 answers
Hi everybody. For the project that I am working on at the moment I need to have a preliminary estimation of the weight of main engine components of a gas turbine (turbine and compressor, combustion chamber and heat exchangers). I tried to look in the open literature, however not much data are available and the only relations that I have found assume a quite detailed knowledge of design parameters which I do not have at this stage. Do you know if is there any availability of relations that allow a gross estimation of weight based on main characteristics and thermodynamics model of each component?   
Thank you very much.
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Dear all,
I did a bit of research in my thesis work with component based weight modeling. This is the link to my conference paper ( ), where you can find few relations and related references to estimate individual gas turbine component weight contributions that might be useful to other people. I hope this may help somebody.
Kind regards,
  • asked a question related to Gas Turbines
15 answers
Recently manufacturers of air conditioners are producing units equipped with inverter compressors. They claim that this type of compressor is a variable speed one and being so a remarkable saving in energy could be achieved.