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Fuel Cells - Science topic
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Questions related to Fuel Cells
If i must choose some of them, on any basis?
When I click on "View request" in the mail form research gate it shows me my article but no information where to send it. How can I get this imformation?
Hello all :
I want to ask for deep though on this idea, a friend of mine commented it me about, and while we know is not possible to build a perpetual motion machine. I coud n't give him the arguments of the inconvinience to consider in realizing this concept/model :
This is about hydrogen production (electrolyzers) and energy generation through hydrogen (fuel cells)
I know a machine which ganerates H2 with an stage of an water electrolyzer, and then to supply H2 to itselft for electric energy production using a stack of fuel cells, is not possible, is a perpetual motion machine.
But my questions is:
What about accepting that a system of this kind, is going to run out of hidrogen produced from the electrolyzer very quick (since all the irreversibilities present in each of processes in each part of the whole energy system). But what about accepting this (not trying to arguing in a perpetual motion machine), but to consider that the refueling of the system, to produce more H2, from conecting the refrigerator to a power outlet, and then to convert more thermal energy to electric energy through the TEG converte (themoelectric modules) is though.
So, what are the fundamentals, or the reason for the negative balance in this case ?
Why not to operate it this way: "each time the system runs out of hydrogen, to connect the refrigerator to the electric plug, and recharging again, and then, disconnect it and operate it for a little time with out any electric energy supply from the 220 electrical outlet ??

I am trying to gather data (power density, surface area, material type, inoculum, etc.) from electrodes used in MFC, but I wonder if there aren't already any open repository or databased with this kind of data (besides review papers).
Dear Researchers :
When I want to solve for the :
- Mole Fraction, H2
- Mole Fraction, O2
- Mole Fraction, H2O
For my water PEM electrolyser, I can't get a solution which makes sense.
But now I can get the solution for the "Electrode Potential with Respecto to Ground" and the "Electrolyte Potential".
The only physics module I'm using is the "Water Electrolyzer" physics, on the mode of PEM water electrolyzer
Can somebody help me ?
Thanks very much sirs.

Hello to everyone :
I'm trying to set up a model of a water polymer exchange membrane water electrolyzer (PEM) in the FEM simulation software: Comsol Multiphysics.
Does someone have experience with the comsol module "Fuel Cells and water electrolyzers" ?
This (image attached) is the simple geometry I am considering, just :
Chatode difussion layer, cathode electrocatalyzer, membrane, anode electrocatalyzer, and anode difussion layer.
I already got the result for the Electric Potencial across my cell, and also the electrolytical potential.
But I have doubts, if the answers are correct or make sens,
Can anyone help me ?
Thanks in advance,
Best Regards !

Hi there, I am doing research in organizational strategy and innovation area. My focus is on the exchange of technolgical knowledge between firms in fuel cell R&D alliances. For empirical validation purposes, I am trying to locate firms in a particular segment of fuel cell value chain between 1995 to 2009. I am following Nygaard (2008) segmentation of value chain of FC.
I want to ask that is there some database or some other source available which can provide information on the firms placement along industry supply chain dynamically. I can understand that I won't find exactly required information for my self but anyone is welcome to guide me in right direction.
Nygaard, S. (2008). Co-evolution of technology, markets and institutions-the case of fuel cells and hydrogen technology in Europe.
During MT measurements, the bifurcation of ZFC FC is there till 350 K with a slight ZFC broad peak at 300 K at 100 Oe applied field. Also the moment of both ZFC-FC at low temperature is taking spike with decrease in temperature. From MH curve the saturation is achieved at around 1.5 Tesla field with coercivity of 56 Oe. How to differentiate whether the system is Ferromagnetic or any SPM behaviour is there?
Dear Researchers :
Hello all, I hope someone could help me :)
How, o where, I can find the property: "Electrolyte conductivity" for the two materials I am using in Comsol Multiphysics, to model a Water Electrolyser.
The two materials in question are:
Iridium Oxide (IrO2)
I am working with the Fuel Cells and Electrolyser modules of Comsol Multiphysics ver. 6.1
To tell the truth I don't even know what the "Electrolyte conductivity" for a solid material is.
I pulled out the domain conditions of "H2 Gas Diffusion Electrode" and "O2 Gas Difussion Electrode", to be able to taje into account my two catalysed electrodes, making a sandwich with the PEM Membrane.
But Comsol ask me to fill into the "Electrolyte conductivity" of each one
Or does ir is correct to use the same exact value as for the Electrical Conductivity of the material ??
I'm attaching an image
Thanks friends, I'll appreciate it !

Dear Researchers :
I hope everyone is doing great,
I ask help, to try to build a 2D-model of a unit cell of an example of an PEM Water Electrolyzer.
I have started my model in Comsol 6.1. But I also have several questions.
1) About the geometry. I think I haven't understood the conventional geometry/configuration of a PEM Water Electrolyser
I'm attaching two images of my geometry in Comsol:
Both of are the same model. But one is viewed with the normal scale between both axis (1:1), an the othe image, I reduced importantly the scale of the y-axis.
I also attach an diagram image I draw, from my understanding looking into some papers.
An also an animation gif.
The main question I have is :
The most outer plates (the ones which have an internal channel each one.) I understand these are needed, and this must be in contact to the GDLs, at each side of the sandwich. I also understand the function of these plates are the collection of the gases. But my question is: What materials are these plates made of ?
What if found was stainless steel (or maybe Titanium) in either case... how can the H2 gas and th O2 gas parmeate into these plates to reach the channels ?
I'm sure I am understanding something wrong.
I'll really appreciate the help of someone :)
My best regards !

I was expelled from Queensland university of Technology when the progssor retired.
I cannot find a university to accept my PhD thesis.?
Please contact me if you can assist me.
I am struggling to understand ORR mechanism, I want to understand oxygen reduction theory/mechanism (specifically on carbon materials). When I started reading some books like "Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction- Fundamental and Applications" edited by Pei Kang Shen and "Oxygen Reduction Reaction Fundamentals, Materials, and Applications" edited by Kushal Sengupta, Sudipta Chatterjee, Kingshuk Dutta I felt overwhelmed by starting I didn't understand many things.
I think I need to study from beginning level, suggest me some books or paper works where all topics related to ORR mechanism discussed fundamentally.
Pardon my mistakes, please!
How are researchers using artificial intelligence to make fuel cell systems more reliable and efficient, and what advantages does this approach offer to fuel cell technology in 2024?
Hi there,
I am a PhD student at Deakin University and looking to form a research group about selective laser melting (SLM), PEMFCs, GDLs, and micro-CT analysis. If anyone like to join me, please let me know and send me their backgrounds and capabilities.
Hello...The geometry with the fuel cell with two cells along with the cooling channels is given in the attachment, but we had a problem in meshing it. Please if anyone can give some guidance on meshing it.
Magnetic measurement experiments like ZFC/FC
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles = HFCEV
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle = PHEV
Battery Electric Vehicle = BEV
As I guess the attached article would explain.
I want to estimate phenol in methanol crude extract and I dissolve 1 mg/ml of crude extract as a sample then i took 500 μL of it then add 100 μL of FC (50%) reagent then add 500 μ of 20% Na2CO3 then incubate it for one h then i took 200 μL of it to 96 plat then i read absorbance at 750 nm ( Same i did for gilic acid i prepared in deffrent conc ( 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ,30) μg/ml and i add DW to make volume 500μL then i add 100μL FC then 500μL of NaCO3 then incubation for 1 h then i took 200μ of every conc to 96 plate and i read absorbance How can we calculate the total phenols in the methanol extract ?

Here is my input for vibrionic calculation.
# CAM-B3LYP/6-31G Geom=Check freq=(readfc,FC,readFCHT) nosymm
nile red gs vibronic calculation
0 1
PRTMAT=12 SPECHWHM=100 MAXC1=100 PRTINT=1.D-4 SPECRES=3.0 ForcePrtSpectrum
My Frequencies are all positive.
Hi. I want to activate MEA in a PEM fuel cell by Constant Voltage method. The fuel cell station is from Biologic company. Which option should I choose? Voltage pulse?
I ran the single cell PEM fuel cell (Air-H). I employed stainless steel (uncoated) bipolarplate (BPP). basically, the conductivity is less than normal metal BPP. The galvanostat EIS test was run on this fuel cell. finally I saw the results like the attached image. the 3 EIS tests was run in AC 1A, 0.1 A and 0.01 A. the style of all are the same. Also, I ran EIS test with gold coated BPP and the result was normal (2 semi circles). I am sure about the connection and setup of test and fuel cell.
Ion transport is a common cell function in biology and many molecules facilitate signal cascades through cell membranes and across specific molecular structures. Nanotechnology and chemical engineering inspired by biological systems will produce more efficient fuel cells with the possibility of including molecules that optimize the process to extend structural and system integrity. Could this type of design eliminate free radicals and do free radicals like "superoxide anion radical" occur in these types of systems?
We are studying on PEMFC electrocatalysts via magnetron sputter systems on carbon paper substrates. By this way we can perform CV and RDE experiments without using ionomer dispersion.
Right now i have to decide on the preparation method of MEA.
-I am worried about if micropippet drop or spray bottle is the best ionomer coated method? (I don't have any other option, maybe paint brush)
-What should be starting value for the ionomer/catalyst mass ratio?
-Can temperature of hot press be a reason of agglomeration of particles (above T=100C)?
-Thickness of the catalytic thin film is blow 50 nm.
Thank you.
I am a 3rd year BEng Design Engineering student, doing a dissertation on the modelling and evaluation of hydrogen FCEVs. I have to use real world produced vehicles (Hyundai Nexo and Toyota Mirai) for my parameters for simulation them. However, the number of cells they contain in their fuel cell stacks aren't publicly available. Is it possible to calculate the amount they contain instead? Cheers.
Does anyone have any recommendation on a single or set of authoritative publications that summarise different fuel cell technologies and their TRL ?
i am doing total phenol by FC method
i got R2 value 0.178 when dilution intervals are 150micro liters of Gallic acid microliter/ml
and FC 150 microliter with 7.5% Na2CO3 500 microliter
repeated with GA with 200 microliter dilution interval then R2 value 0.312
repeated with GA with 300 microliter dilution interval then R2 value 0.208
where i am doing wrong please suggest
I am working on peanut and drought stress. Due to unexpected situation, my experimental plants got exposed to cold temperature and started wilting. To save the plant i watered my pots up to 70% FC. Now i am unsure wether i can use those plants for biochemical and metabolite analysis of not?
I want to work on a single perovskite oxide like Ba1-xSrxFe1-ySbyO3-d with a single modification on B-site. I’m willing to replace the Sb with another similar material. So my composition might be like Ba1-xSrxFe1-yXyO3-d
I need suggestions about X, like what materials can be used to replace Sb.
Hi everyone. I have designed a study with three separate steps. First I scan healthy people who passively receive rhythmic and non-rhythmic sequences in auditory and vibrotactile modalities. So two modalities and two conditions in each modality (4 conditions in total). Then I scan people with Parkinson's disease (PwP) who receive the same stimuli. Then I calculate the functional connectivity (using the Psychophysiological Interaction (PPI) method) during rhythmic tasks in each modality separately in both groups of people to see in which ways healthy and PwP people's FC might be different. After that same Parkinson's people get a rehabilitation method for their walking performance and the results of gait (walking) improvements will be correlated with FC values to see if the degree of FC can predict gait improvement following that specific rehabilitation method.
Now my question is:
1- How many people would be considered a good sample size for my study?
2- Is it preferable to have the same sample size in both healthy and PwP? if yes, why?
I actually search for a Q2 journal publication link about fuel cells.
Now, I work with the PEMFC. I understand the mechanism of electron and proton transfer in a single cell. However, it is hard for me to understand that mechanism in a fuel cell stack. A gasket separates each stack, so there should be no electrical conductivity in each cell. So, how does it is work?
In the future, fuel cells could power our cars, with hydrogen replacing the petroleum fuel that is used in most vehicles today. Many vehicle manufacturers are actively researching and developing transportation fuel cell technologies. Stationary fuel cells are the largest, most powerful fuel cells.
Professor Blaaiberg,
I cannot find a uiersity in Australia who will accept me for my PhD. Although the subject starts with hydrogen fuel cells to power electric locomotives the most important part is Slip/Slide cotrol of the bogie wheels on a locomotive. I need to build and test the Traction Simulator and then it can be applied to a live locomotives.
Can you help me please.
Bernard Schaffler.
I'm working on the thesis in the field of physics particularly physical chemistry in electrolyzer cell technology (related to fuel cell technology). but i'm confused which contents should I include in the introduction? If you help
thanks and regards.
Whee can i find a university who will accept my proposed PhD thesis. The subject is Hydrogen Fuel Cells to power electric locomotives and it includes Slip/Slide of the bogie wheels.
Prof. Blaaiberg could you accept my thesis at your university?
Bernard Schaffler
I am making gel using sol-gel method for fuel cell purpose . so i have three questions.
1 how can we increase the acid or decrease ph level of solution?
2 how can we decrease the acid or increase the ph level of solution mean to attain basic solution?
thirdly which solution can make the best gel either basic or acidic?
I searched through many types of literature and planned something based on my investigation.
I plan to predict the IV characteristic curve based on experimental data. Since the curve is usually not linear, I plan to use the SVM algorithm for it.
I plan to predict the power output of fuel cell systems/battery technology as well. Since a lot of factors influence the output power, I am considering using the ANN algorithm to predict the power output with at least 30 epochs.
My ultimate objective is to create a digital twin of a fuel cell system. I was wondering if the algorithms I was planning to use would make sense given the sort of experimental data I would have. Will you also recommend another machine learning algorithm that you believe is more feasible?
How does magnetization affect ZFCs and FC?
I am using UCHT1 clone to stimulate my T cells for a certain period of time, then stain w/ anti-human CD3. Both clones are the same (UCHT1) but I need to find another clone for cell seperation (basically for MACS). Some suppliers say that OKT3 blocks both SK7 and UCHT1. Being same for stimulation and FC analysis doesn't cause so much trouble so far (I believe because of the cell culture time, i.e. 7 days) but I think marking with a magnetic antibody which can block stimulation antibody will cause trouble for me.
So, what do you recommend the perfect clones for that (preferrably 3 different clones for MACS, then cell stimulation, and finally FC analysis) or is there any source to compare clones?
p.s. Human primary T-cells are our concern. I also need to find best clones for the same experiments in mouse. All recommendations will be appreciated.
Dear experts
We have several full test methods for evaluating phenolic compounds and I am pretty sure that folin-ciocalteu (FC) method has been applied by many of us.
I'm looking for a standard protocol that explains step by step.
In one method just mentioned fc 1:5, another is 1:10 even I saw 1:1.
For some references, the alkaline agent is 29.5%, about 7% and about 5.5%.
The inoculation time also varies from 24 hours at room temperature to 30 minutes at 40 degrees Celsius.
No protocol exists for the standard solution, only the preparation of the solutions.
The volume of the samples, the different concentrations and the other agent are also different.
The absorbence is between 745 and 780.
Can I ask you to rely on your background and experience?
This is the ZFC/FC graph for Mn doped ZnFe2O4 behaving like superparamagnetic nature with single domain. What are the information’s extracted such graph? Whether the blocking temperature pointed is correct ?
EDIT: You'll find the updates at the end of the questions.
Greetings everyone,
I've been running EIS tests on Nafion 117 membrane with 4 probe method, using a Gamry Interface 1000E potentiostat and finally I think I have some nice graphics. However, there are several questions bugging me.
Before we start, I would like to say that the "Area" box in the EIS setup does nothing in Gamry Interface 1000E potentiostat. It doesn't matter if it's 0.1, 1 or 10 cm^2. The measurement results are always the same. I calculate the contact area and apply it before I draw the plots. So, the DTA file in the attachment does not have the area correction, it was measured as 1 cm^2.
These are the setup parameters:
Nafion 117 thickness: 210 micrometers
Nafion 117 width: 0,8 cm
Pt wire thickness: 0,4 mm
Distance between Pt wires (D): 1 cm
The measurement cell is submerged in DI water, heated to 80 C, and waited for at least 1 hour before the measurements.
Vac = 100 mV (There's noise at lower values like 5 mV even in a Faraday cage, proper values start from 20 mV.)
Freq: 1 MHz to 1 Hz
The experiment setup is located in a Gamry Faraday Cage.
The cables are twisted; working sense and reference are twisted together, working and counter are twisted together as recommended by Gamry.
So, my questions are:
1) The Nyquist plot doesn't start from the origin (or at least close to it) like most of the papers, which is ok, considering the membrane resistance. But I couldn't understand why their graph starts from 0 even for a 4-probe method like mine.
2) The values are too high. kohm high. I've seen some papers that have kohm values for 4-probe method but they're still lower than mine.
*SOLVED: After I apply the area correction (by that, I mean multiplying the total electrode area with the results) I get Nyquist plot x values between ~560-590 ohm. Which is still pretty high compared to the other papers. But if I choose the value of x-axis intercept (562 ohm) and apply it in the formula, which is Conductivity = D/(Total contact area*R), it gives 0,1 S/cm.*
3) The Nyquist plot appears upside down. I can invert the axis, but why does this happen?
*SOLVED: It's not upside down, the answer is the inductance. And the reason for that is the close parallel wires. When the current passes through the wires it creates a magnetic field, which causes the high inductance. Apparently, there has to be something called "non-inductive bifilar winding" for the wires to eliminate this effect in 4 -probe method. I have no idea how to do it right now, but I'll add another update once I figure it out. I'll try some different cabling methods and share the results.*
*EDIT 2: So, I tried different cablings with the empty cell in a KCl solution at room temperature and all of them gave very high inductance in 4 probe method. But the inductance was gone when I switched to 2 probe method and used the outermost wires. And when I measured Nafion membrane in DI water at 19 C (that was the temperature of the room at that moment) in a Faraday cage, I could get noisless results at 15 mV. There was noise below 15 mV.*
*EDIT 3: Ok, so, apparently water causes some inductance. I kept the cell with Nafion membrane in DI water for 1.5 hour at 80 C and measured with 2 probe method, very nice curve even with 5 mV, very small noise. But then I took the cell out of the water and measured immediately again before the membrane cooled down with 5 mV voltage and the curve was very nice, like drawn by hand, no noise at all. The inductance was close to none. And I calculated the conductivity of Nafion as ~0.09 S/cm at 80 C with this method. From now on, I'll go with 2 probe method.*
4) I tried a couple of different circuits, although I can get pretty close fits for Bode plot, they don't fit the Nyquist plot, at all. Do the fit results have to be exactly same as the measurement or can they be very very close? And should the fit results fit both the Bode and the Nyquist plots or just one of them is enough?
*SOLVED: I can get a nice fit for both Bode and Nyquist diagrams now. It took a bit of work but i figured it out. And yes, the equivalent circuit should fit for both of the plots.*
You can find the DTA file of my measurement and a picture of the cell. Although it is a PBI membrane in the picture, now I use Nafion in the same manner; outer electrodes on one side and inner electrodes on the other. Working, working sense, reference and counter electrodes, respectively. The counter sense electrode is hanging free in the air and ground electrode is connected to the Faraday Cage. I've also run the K-K transform and it fits perfectly with the plots. You can also find the Bode and Nyquist (original and inverted) plots, as well as the OCV plot.
I've read all the membrane EIS measurement related question here, checked all the recommended papers and the answers. Also, I've read many papers about 4-probe Nafion and PBI EIS tests, too. Still trying to fully understand the EIS analysis, though. If you could help me, I'd really appreciate it.
Thank you everyone who's spent time to read this.

Hello everyone,
My PhD research includes degradation and stability study of fuel cell Pt/C catalysts for ORR. This is a new area of research, both for me (I'm coming from TEM background) and my lab, which is why I'm learning most experimental procedures and parameters from papers rather than more experienced colleagues.
Unfortunately, it seems to me that there's no agreement in electrochemical community regarding said procedures/parameters and here I would like to specify what causes my confusion:
- regarding CV and LSV procedures, from what I've already read and from my experimental data, it seems that scan speed influences ECSA data (extracted from H2 adsorption region on cyclic voltammograms) and activity data (extracted from linear scan voltammograms). Yet, I see different papers publishing data obtained with different parameters, which for me makes the results virtually impossible to compare. Additionally, some procedures include the so called electrochemical cleaning and stabilisation of the working electrode by performing 40-100 CV scans with higher speeds (100-200 mV/s), yet some papers seem to omit it. With LSV some procedures call for background subtraction of LSV data obtained from the measurement performed in N2 saturated electrolyte but again, not all papers include that step (yet both approached seem to be acceptable for publication).
Regarding accelerated degradation testing, the procedures seem to be a lot more all over the place:
-different scan speeds
100-500 mV/s, and from my experimental data I already see that scan speed influences degradation rate,
-different approaches to experiment
continuous scan vs 'sample and hold' (square wave) scan,
-different potential ranges
lower limit being 0,4 - 0,6 V, higher 0,9 - 1,2 V for operating condition testing, start-stop testing seems to be consistant 1 - 1,5 V,
-different "atmosphere" of electrolyte
O2 saturated, deoxygenated and "as prepared" electrolyte, all of those seem to be leading to publishable results.
So to sum up my stream of consciousness:
I'm not looking for specific experimental parameters (although getting some suggestion on those would be more than great) but rather some insight on the general consensus in electrochemical community regarding said parameters and why discrepancies in them seem to be widely accepted. Also, if someone feels like they have more spare time than they can utilise, I would be more than willing to participate in an internship in a unit focused on degradation/stability study of catalysts.
Thank you and have a great day,
Please suggest me to how to perform cyclic voltammetry, when the composition of electrolyte is unknown how can we use reference electrode in that type of fuel cell setup.
Energy coupling technologies connect two or more types of energy systems (energy vectors) to each other.
For instance, heat pump, electric/gas boiler, CHP/CCHP, fuel cell, etc., are energy coupling technologies.
In this context, what other technologies do you know?
The following work may be useful in this regard:
Thanks in advance.
I did my Bachelors in Chemical Engineering and now Im doing my masters in Clean Energy Processes.
I study about thin film processing, fuel cells and electrolysers, microfluidics, clean combustion, batteries, PV cells etc.
Based on your expertise, can you tell me about the necessary skills (software or analytical) that the modern industry demand so that I can equip myself with them by the time I graduate.
Kind Regards
Thanks in advance.
I did my Bachelors in Chemical Engineering and now Im doing my masters in Clean Energy Processes.
I study about thin film processing, fuel cells and electrolysers, microfluidics, clean combustion, batteries, PV cells etc.
Based on your expertise, can you tell me about the necessary skills (software or analytical) that the modern industry demand so that I can equip myself with them by the time I graduate.
Kind Regards
1. How does oxygen concentration/saturation in electrolyte plays an important role in ORR reaction?
2. What will happen if the oxygen concentration/saturation is less in electrolyte?
is the onset potential of ORR activity or current density may fall down? if yes means why?
please attach any related literature...
The field capacity (FC) is the water-retaining capacity of a soil usually including both the hygroscopic and capillary water of the soil and being expressed as a percentage of the dry weight of the soil. In long-term conservation agriculture systerm, soil FC would be enhanced mainly due to the increase of SOC, but the determination of FC with large amound of samples is not easy. Does anyone knows how to determination soil field capacity in a simple way? or have relevant instruments........
In recent times, hydrogen (as a fuel) has captured attention of the scientists, researchers, industries, governments and environmentalists. Meanwhile, the researchers in porous/fractured media have proposed temporary and permanent storage of hydrogen. The proponents of temporary or seasonal storage have proposed that since hydrogen consumption would be subject to demand and/or supply fluctuations, so it is proposed to storage them in porous/fractured subsurface geological media. Wettability has been identified as one of the key factor to achieve the hydrogen storage task.
The researchers on the platform are invited to contribute to this discussion as what wettability scenario is desirable for both temporary storage, and permanent storage (in which hydrogen acts like a battery fuel cell - see
Hi, I am working on PBI membranes for FC applications. I have prepared a PBI polymer using the monomers 3,3-diaminobenzidine and isophthalic acid. When I try to cast it as a membrane the polymer is not miscible with DMAc solvent a powder-like material settles down, so I tried centrifuging it filtered the solution and cast the clear solution even the membrane was not formed. Can someone help me in this regard
Let me tell you what i did
First i extracted 1 g of my fruit sample in 10 ml of Methanol (7) and Water (3).
After that i took 1 ml of the extract amd again added 9 ml of mathanol and water (7:3) respectively, to make it 10mg/ml.
Then i took 1ml of the (10mg/ml) extract for FC Method
My equation comes as y=0.0071X +0.2446
R Square value = 0.9987
X = 181.18micg/ml
Then what should i take M as 1 or 0.01 in the equation C= C1 x V/M.
If i take it as 1 then the total phenolics in my sample will be 181.18mg/g GAE.
But if i take it as 0.01 then the total phenolics in my sample will be 18118mg/g GAE. which keeps me in doubt.
So i am confused about the value of M.
"Published a review on Hydrogen production with our collaborators from Iran and China" Do you know Hydrogen is future fuel which will replace other non renewal energy sources and will help to stop carbon emission and control global environmental changes.
Hydrogen is an energy carrier that can be used in internal combustion engines or fuel cells producing virtually no greenhouse gas emissions when combusted with oxygen. The only significant emission is water vapour.
@ Dr Dinesh Pathak .
I need to calculate fold change (and LFC but I know how to do that) manually (in excel) using normalized alignment counts from Partek Flow. I don't want to use DESeq2 or another DEG application. I want to understand the math. I may be a bit masochistic, but can anyone walk me through it?
Thanks much,
I am trying to implement a simple irrigation model based on evaporotranspiration and soil moisture sensors and need to calculate the 3 thresholds above.
I am doing LCMS data analysis in MetaboAnalyst. Example of a metabolite..
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid
Positive ion mode, 0.771 (FC), -0.374 (log2(FC))
Negative ion mode, 1.168 (FC), 0.225 (log2(FC))
Dear all,
I am happy to share my latest publication in Ceramics International. The article is particularly interesting for those with catalyst, fuel cell, material engineering, or renewable energy background, as well as those who have interest in advanced technology. It is free to access for 50 days (before October 25, 2021). You can view and download the article using the following link:
Best regards,
Isyraf Aznam
Are there any recent alternative (cost-effective) materials to replace Nafion membranes and Pt/Ir electrodes for application in PEM-based electrolyzer and fuel cells? I am looking for both (a) commercially available products and (b) novel recent materials reported in scientific papers. It would be also great if you can also describe why there aren't much alternative materials for these purpose. Kindly provide me comments or relevant references. Any assistance provided will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
The PEM fuel cell has been worked on and the efficiency has been confirmed. This question has been recorded. How do you calculate the PEM. fuel cell efficiency?
I am using dynamic compaction to improve CBR of the subgrade soil for pavement design. Now, I can't convert my energy into CBR value which has been improved by compaction. suppose i applied 700kj/m^3 energy into a subgrade of CBR value 3. After dynamic compaction what could be the CBR value? soil is clay. and spt value is 2 and FC is 90%
Literature shows methanol oxidation in direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) takes place by noble metals like Pt, Ru etc. Could we use other transition metals or non-metal nanocomposites for the oxidation of methanol. what are the things to be considered for selecting electrode material for DMFC or DEFC
In my opinion, hydrogen fuel cell technology and electromobility should become economical and safe in the future. However, currently hydrogen production is not cheap. The storage of hydrogen, e.g. in cylinders in cars that would be fueled by this fuel, is associated with a high risk of a dangerous explosion. Space shuttles in space programs in the USA were fueled by hydrogen-oxygen fuel. However, there have been tragic catastrophes.
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.

I am Looking for a Reaction or phase change material to Produce Heat From Ice to oprate the fuel cell in Sub-Zero temprature in Static conditon. to oprate AFC's it is needed to be heated up.
I've read in some research articles that they have used anode stoichiometry nearly 2, and cathode stoichiometry more than 2. Is there any thumb rule to fix the stoichiometry of the reactant flow?
Also, if we have more anode stoichiometry, is it practically possible to recirculate the excess hydrogen [from outlet] in an open anode PEMFC in automotive perspective?
I am working on power quality issue in dc micro grid and its mitigation techniques please help me to develop a mathematical model/ dynamic model with ( PV+BOOST CONVERTER+ load+BATTERY+ SUPER-CAPACITOR AND FUEL CELL) mainly i am try to control dc bus voltage ripple mitigation
Dear Dr.
This cell is a combination of an alkaline fuel cell with an polymeric, so what is the principle of its work?
My Regards
Hi All,
I have been running CV on a single fuel cell using two different flow rates: 0.2 H_2/0.5 N_2 and 0.4 H_2 / 0.001 N_2 - A/C @ 20 mVs-1 scan rate. However, I am encountering a noise issue in the second flow rate which is supposed to give me a better CV curve with resolved Pt peaks. Can any one suggest how to get a proper CV?
Thank you