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French - Science topic
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Questions related to French
This is the French version of the article that appeared in Nature magazine in 1936, co-authored with Huxley.
His article is described as:
Cannon, W. B. (1926). Physiological Regulation of Normal States: Some Tentative Postulates Concerning Biological Homeostatics. Paris: Editions Medicales.
Cannon, W.B. (1932) Physiological Regulation of Normal States: Some Tentative Postulates Concerning Biological Homeostatics. In: Pettit, A., Ed., A Charles Richet: Ses amis, ses colléges, ses eléves, Les Editions Medicales, Paris, 91-93. (In French)
Legal grounds for a claim to prove insolvency before the court. This is done through: the concept of an insolvency claim, and the status of an insolvency claim as a subject of application, in a comparative study between: Iraqi law, Islamic jurisprudence, and French law.
How do I prove the insolvency of the plaintiff before the court of first instance? In French law
I am aiming at a multilingual dictionnary of the word education: how is thought education from the point of view of Arabic, French, Russian, Hindi, etc. langages ?
The dictionnary is at work. If you want to join us with ideas about education coming from your native langage, please contact me at /
Dear fellow researchers,
I am conducting an online experiment on human-computer interactions as part of my PhD research. To ensure the study's findings are robust and applicable across different populations, I am seeking as many participants as possible from across the globe.
I kindly invite you to participate and share the experiment within your networks. It takes less than 5 minutes, can be completed on either a smartphone or computer, and requires no sound. The experiment is available in English, French, Spanish, and Catalan.
You can access the experiment via this link:
Thank you in advance for your valuable contribution—it truly makes a difference to my research!
Wishing you a beautiful day.
Best regards,
Auriane Busser.
Good morning,
I am French and I am writting my next book (the 5th) about recruitment.
Subject of the book : (600 pages) : strategie, Standards and KPI, legal framework mainly in France and Europe, Diversity and Inclusion, Job analysis, Sourcing, selection, interviews...).
I am a psychologist but the book is more general.
Publisher : Editions Eyrolles, preface Jean-Marie Peretti
I am interested on recent articles on statistics about selection practices and methods in recruitment (wihch one are mainly used and in what proportion : test, personnality questionnaires, interest questionnaires, interview methods, assesment centers, others).
It can be in America, Europe...
Thanks for your help.
Pouvez-vous me recommander des livres en français sur le bilan matière et énergie appliqué aux processus industriels dans un contexte environnemental selon la norme ISO 14001: 2015 ?
Could you recommend books in French about material and energy balance applied to industrial processes for environmental purposes within the framework of ISO 14001: 2015?"
In 1879, French revolutionaries coined three large words to delimit and define a spirit that they wanted to fix and render unassailable. These key words are rethought, recast, decontextualised and recontextualised in innumerable ways, but they are often said to define something like fundamental (as maybe opposed to transient?) values. One sees that cascade of values in the deployment of these words everywhere in France. They feature in the French Constitution, right up to the charters that explain secularism as a universal desideratum n schools.
Yet, as values theorists often observe, the process of fixing things is actually very hard. Here in France, French State TV humorously but tellingly, recasts the three words as (in French of course) Liberty, Equality and NEWS; just a bit if levity, but viewed by millions with resonance. The past days have added another iteration of the revolutionary deontology, I think. At the opening Olympic ceremony with its own 'motto', some fascinating new themes including rights like a Right to Offend were generated. So:, it seems to me that deontology is often a locus for great creativity and equally great contest. The Olympic ceremony generated heat and love in equal measure from the Paris mayor to the Republican candidate for US President.
Given all of this, my question is simple: are there developed approaches to understanding instruments of deontology as a unity, evaluating how that network of many deontologies develops over time?
What is a tool or an area of expertise that you wish you had learned but you have not? Either because you didn't have the time, or the energy, or the opportunity?
I wished I had spent more time sharpening my French skills, but I couldn't (French native speakers or French people are hard to come across where I am at, and I am not particularly the social butterfly type anyway).
Clothing Metaphors in English and in Other Languages
There are many linguistic or conceptual clothing metaphors in English. The outskirts and skirting an issue are marginal. “Girdle” relates to the “girth” of a horse. You might have something up your sleeve, related to magic.
In American English we refer to the “Hood” of a car, but in British English it is the “Bonnet.”
During the French revolution, “le jacquerie” referred to any person not important enough to be given a name, so in Charles Dickens’s Tale of Two Cities three of the characters are named Jacques Un, Jacques Deux, and Jacques Trois. “Jack” is a generic term for person, so we have the game of jacks, and “Jackets” for people, for books, and for records. There is also the “Jack of all trades.”
“Pants” comes from the “pantaloons” of Commedia dell’arte (16th C);
Sabotage comes from the wooden shoes that some French people wore—“sabots,” which they would throw into the machinery that was taking their jobs.
In American English there is the “Trunk” of a car, but in British English, this is the “boot.”
If a woman wears the pants in the family, she is in charge.
Check out the attached PowerPoint about Clothing Metaphors, and then discuss clothing metaphors in English and other languages
it's not possible for me to read English need the article to be in French
Did you know that students in Lebanon receive education in both English and French, while the main issue in the world of Education in Lebanon is a severe shortage of qualified ENG AND FRE speakers? Is it important to hold on the French and English curriculum?
I need your thoughts on this
I'm interested in submitting a research proposal to the call 2025 "Egypt-France Imhotep Mobility Project." Therefore, I'm looking for a French collaborator who specializes in material science, environmental science, nanoparticles, or biopolymers. I would appreciate it if anyone could help me with this.
In RCC-M standard following french/AFNOR designations for alloy steels were used, 16MND5 & 18MND5 & 20MND5. Howevere there is no difference between their Chemical Compositions in relevant RCC-M. Can any one please try to get their differences as per French/AFNOR steel grading system ?
Hi everyone :)
For my master's thesis, I have to test these hypotheses:
"H2(a). The exposure to French ingroup projection frames in relation to the European Union's policy leads towards less Euroscepticism among French participants compared to Belgian participants."
"H2(b). The exposure to Belgian ingroup projection frames in relation to the European Union's policy leads towards less Euroscepticism among Belgian participants compared to French participants."
- My dependent variable, 'Euroscepticism', is continuous (Likert scale)
- My independent variables are 'Exposure ingroup projection frames' with 3 categories (control, French ingroup projection frames, and Belgian ingroup projection frames), and 'nationality' which also has 2 categories (Belgian, French).
I tried a Two-way ANOVA but since nationality does not have 3 categories I cannot do the posthoc test and the mean difference of Euroscepticism between French and Belgian for French ingroup projection frames is not accurate so I don't which means the software is comparing.
I was thinking of a multiple regression to test these hypotheses, but would it be accurate?
Thank you in advance for your answer and have a nice day :)
Hi everyone!
I'm struggling to find the correct English translation for "surclones".
For example, you can obtain these "surclones" by streaking an [ADE-] strain on an adenin-depleted media : the majority won't grow but you can see a few clones appear due for exemple to the reversion of a mutation. So how do you call these few clones ?
Thank you all!
I'm doing a literature comparison between the adverb "tout"in french and "都du"in chinese
The Polish association CREDO responded a very interesting mail to my proposal of counting muons with their Android application to see if anything strange happens in Formentera gravityless during muons rains. Following my crazy theory, it should be less muons when close by a gravity less spot. I managed some crazy friends to go out at night by an archeological site and above the great crack on Cabo Berberie (only perceptible by ESA satelitte) to hunt for invisible particules the Sun and other stars are spitting on us. Thanks to Homepage | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center, we could spot a strong solar storm and ejection 60% chances. By the time it reached Formentera, we were in two different spots in Cabo Berberie's national park at night, hunting muons. We were frankly amazed by the result, capting the esperated number of muons that day on the north side of the 98m colline and not a single one on the south side, even waiting half hour. Slawomir, from the Polish association, founded the idea interesting.
"Good morning,
From the point of view of theory, differences in gravity should have no noticeable effect on the number of muons
(they arrive not because the Earth attracts them, but because they come from space).
Perhaps decaying dark matter could be sensitive to differences in gravity, and this could be seen in the radiation.
That's why I think your idea is interesting, but can be difficult to implement.
To conduct good research, you mainly need time.
If the phone is able to detect traces, it should detect several traces per hour.
But for it to make sense from a statistical point of view (to be able to confirm that particle detection behaves differently in this place - more/less traces) it would have to be done for a longer time and then compared with the results of this device in a "normal" place carried out in such same long time - e.g. a month.
For better statistics, it would be good to have more than one smartphone - if a given change is visible on all devices, then the result is more reliable.
It is also important to remember that ambient conditions, weather, temperature also affect the number of detections.
It would also be good to have some other detectors - if other detectors (e.g. based on a scintillator) showed the same change in the number of detections, it could be considered something unusual.
Detections only on one device or only in a short period of time (a few hours) do not make much sense because it will be difficult to deduce anything from them.
Best regards,
Sławomir Stuglik
CREDO Helpdesk"
I love the idea of science performed too by the people, a concept also developed by Polish Credo. So, in Formentera, we need a protocol, a sponsor and dozens of cellular Android. But that project also have a very interesting aspect about music. Because not only sunsets are sensible to gravity (Formentera's ones are renowned in the whole world for its fascinating intensity and unusual range of colors), but also sound, which in gravityless is supposed to slow down a bit.
I consider all those options are important to make a movie on how a group of hippies friends discovers physical mysteries , with good rhythms and amazing sunsets. Having worked in French movies industry 20 years ago, I know how to write a movie script.
But I am not so sure about building the experiment protocol with a minima (0) budget to be able to evidence a muon absence in the gravityless place in Formentera. I thought maybe 4 places in Formentera, 2 in Ibiza and another 2 in Barcelona, 350km north, what mean we need at least 8 cellular phones Android to perform the experience. Any advices on possible protocols to follow to reach a minimum reliability?
I am really excited by the idea.
If so, please help me disclose this short survey (10 questions only) and get me closer to them:
English form ->
French form ->
Portuguese -->
"10 Questions on Humanitarian Aid" presents sample questions for a Doctoral Research conducted by Beatriz de Barros Souza, a Graduate student at the Psychology Program - Federal University of Espírito Santo - Brazil (PPGP / UFES), supervised by Professor Dr. Agnaldo Garcia (PPGP / UFES). Researcher's contacts: ||
I am looking for a doctor from a French university specializing in entomology or ecology at least.
Dear researchers;
For a quite a long time, I have been dealing with the history of sociology in Turkey. I question the possibility of moving sociology beyond French positivist history. I know that it is not possible to define this history as sociology because it lacks a scientific methodology. But I am debating the possibility of calling it: "social thought".
There are some examples that we can call "sociology" especially in Karakhanids, Seljuks and Ottomans. There are serious sociological analyzes of names such as Alpharabius, Nizam al-Mulk, Korkut Ata and Kinalizâde.
I'm curious about the opinion of you esteemed researchers. Do you think it has a promising future?
What are the similarities and difference between consonants and vowels in french and Hausa?
Can you indicate me a journal where i can publish an article in french in this range of topics : health economics,health financing, public health ?
Humor in classical music has a long tradition as shown by such playful vocabulary items as the French gavotte, which like the Irish and English gigue or jig is music for a fast-moving dance. A scherzo is a musical joke while a cappricio is a composition that is irregular in form and usually lively and whimsical. A divertimento is a light and entertaining instrumental composition. And a rondo is a composition whose principal theme is repeated three or more times in the same key, interspersed with subordinate themes.
In our PowerPoint about “Humor and Music,” we discuss the musical humor of Anderson, Bach, Beethoven, Borge, Confrey, Debussy, Gilbert and Sullivan, Grieg, Grofé, Haydn, Igoodesman and Joo, Joplin, Lehrer, “Monte Python,” Mozart, Offenbach, Pachelbel, Prokofiev, Rossini, Russell, Saint-Saëns, Schickeley, Simon and Garfunkel, Strauss, Wagner, Webber, Vivaldi, and Yankovic.
Please check out this PowerPoint about “Humor in Music and the Performing Arts, and let us know if you can think of other examples. Thanks.
As in French le/la, in German der/die/das & other languages, thera are genders for words & so articles in some languages. Grammaticaly gender for words are complete redundancy !? Governments have to cancel them offically as soon as possible so that people can learn those languages easily also. One of the reason English almost became universal language is due to being genderless for words !
"It's an inheritance from our distant past. Researchers believe that Proto-Indo-European had two genders: animate and inanimate. It can also, in some cases, make it easier to use pronouns clearly when you're talking about multiple objects."
As Mark Twain once wrote in reference to German:
“A person’s mouth, neck, bosom, elbows, fingers, nails, feet, and body are of the male sex, and his head is male or neuter according to the word selected to signify it, and not according to the sex of the individual who wears it! A person’s nose, lips, shoulders, breast, hands, and toes are of the female sex; and his hair, ears, eyes, chin, legs, knees, heart, and conscience haven’t any sex at all…”
Hello and good afternoon. I am looking for recommendations for studies exploring the impact of traditional medicine policies on the well-being of individuals in African countries. Specifically, I am interested in research that advocates for adopting healthcare policies and prioritizes indigenous medical care practices.
Feel free to recommend texts also in Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
Bonito día!!!
Before starting my survey, I need a panel of experts to validate my questionnaire. The questionnaire is in French.
(It does not matter that they are different sources)
I have researched on multiple pages and the information tends to vary, so I am looking for the most accurate one.
Dear colleagues,
I am having trouble to find the translation for "figuré" as in "types et figurés".
Type specimen is clear, but how do you call in English the specimens of which photos are published? In French it is "figuré" but I cannot find a translation online...
Thank you!
I am looking for recent quantitative studies on gender and ethnicity discrimination in higher education in English, French or German. Thank you.
I am attaching a file of the article for which I am looking for a suitable Journal. My email address is on the article. Please read and advice accordingly if you know a Journal that may accept it. I am also looking for someone to translate into Russian and also French.
Thank you for your time.
For my French oral exam, I need to prepare a 10-15min presentation about a topic related to (possibly French) enterprises. It can be related to marketing, investments, startups, human resources or whatever. I need to do that based only on 3 articles coming from a French newspaper (e.g. Le Figaro, Le Monde, Lea Echos, etc).
Do you have any idea in the topics/articles to use?
Thank you
I am designing a survey on facial recognition technology that will be deployed in both English and French. The English version of the survey has been professionally translated, and it looks very good as far as I can tell (though I have to rely on high school french and Google translate to check this!).
One concern I have, though, is with the five-point Likert scale. This will be used by respondents to evaluate 27 UTAUT statements (based on Venkatesh et al., 2003). Page et al. (2022) report on their efforts to translate the UTAUT-2 questionnaire (which is helpful) but they only label the end-points (i.e., strongly agree / strongly disagree) of their seven-point scale - leaving the rest of the options blank. (This might be my best option here; several examples I found in the literature only label the end points. Nonetheless, I'm interested in how to translate all five points in the scale).
My original English scale is:
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neither disagree nor agree
- Agree
- Strongly agree
The professional translator rendered this as:
- Fortement en désaccord
- En désaccord
- Neutre
- En accord
- Fortement en accord
One version I found is in Belley-Ranger, Carbonneau and Trudeau (2021), who use this scale:
- Fortement en désaccord [strongly disagree]
- En désaccord [disagree]
- Ni en désaccord ou en accord [neither disagree nor agree]
- En accord [agree]
- Fortement en accord [strongly agree]
However, Haggerty, Bouharaoui and Santor (2011) provide these perspectives:
- “strongly disagree” seems to be more negative than “fortement en désaccord.” “Pas du tout d'accord” (not at all in agreement) might be a better translation of “strongly disagree.”
- They detected differences in how response options were interpreted between "agree" and "disagree". The observed difference suggests that "disagree" may not be equivalent to “désaccord”; rather, it seems to be a different concept rather than the opposite of “accord” (though they don't suggest an alternative).
- They also suggest "strongly agree" / "fortement en accord" might be problematic but don't offer a suggestion.
To summarize:
- Should "Strongly disagree" be translated as "Fortement en désaccord", “Pas du tout d'accord”, or something else?
- Should "Disagree" be translated as "en désaccord" or "ne pas d'accord", or something else?
- Should "Neither disagree nor agree" be translated as "ni en désaccord ou en accord" or "Neutre"
- Should "Agree" be translated as "d'accord" or "en accord", or something else?
- Should "Strongly agree" be translated as "Fortement en accord", “Entièrement d'accord”, or something else?
Appreciate any thoughts.
Belley-Ranger, E., Carbonneau, H., & Trudeau, F. (2021). Psychometric properties of the French version of Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (B-SSS). European Review of Applied Psychology = Revue Europeenne de Psychologie Appliquee, 71(3), 100655.
Haggerty, J. L., Bouharaoui, F., & Santor, D. A. (2011). Differential item functioning in primary healthcare evaluation instruments by french/english version, educational level and urban/rural location. Healthcare Policy = Politiques de Sante, 7(Spec Issue), 47–65.
Pagé, I., Roos, M., Collin, O., Lynch, S. D., Lamontagne, M.-E., Massé-Alarie, H., & K Blanchette, A. (2022). UTAUT2-based questionnaire: cross-cultural adaptation to Canadian French. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1–8.
Venkatesh, V., Morris, M. G., Davis, G. B., & Davis, F. D. (2003). User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward a Unified View. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 27(3), 425–478.
Dear all,
I am looking for French native speaker scholar on Communication theories (Political Communication, International Communication) to apply for a national funding program that support a book translation from Chinese to French (could be from Chinese to English to French). Please contact me if anyone is interested.
Edelberto Torres Rivas was tha author. Andrée Maihlot and Claude Morin translated the article from Spanish into French.
I currently mentor a student who suffers from dysorthographia and found a trick that I want to share as it appears very helpful to improve language in his dissertation:
The dissertation was written in french, with many language errors, which make it difficult and boring to correct. Also the language corrector included in Word got lost and/or proposed a large choice of alternative corrections amongst which the student with dyslexia was not able to choose.
I made a test with the deepl language translator ( in direct then reverse steps :
1) translate from french to english.
2) translate back to french.
Thus it is real simple.
The resulting text was greatly improved compared to the original: it had correct orthograph and grammar and keept the meaning of the original text. Moreover some words were replaced by appropriate synonyms, and some missing verbs were added.
The result was not 100% perfect, but it was much more pleasant to read and understand.
Likely the trick would also work with other languages, and, for a given original language, the quality of the result may depend on the language used for translation (?). If you make a try, please report...
More widely as dyslexia and dysorthographia affect 5-10% of population, I propose we start a discussion on how to facilitate scientific writting and reading for those people.
Does anybody know if this scale has been validated in French and where I may obtain the French Version of The attentional Control Scale?
Thank you for your help!
Dear all,
I am full professor in Linguistics and lLanguage Dynamics ( Algeria) and need some hints on how to find out a job as online teacher in linguistics ( or even Basic English and French too ) in institutions that accept scholars worldwide because everytime I apply, I find the condition of residence .
Thank you, I hope you can help because I am really in an Urgent need of this job .
I want references in Arabic, French, and English about cryptocurrencies
Republish a translation of a paper already published in an extinct review
Dear community,
What is the code to perform a Fama-MacBeth regression in Stata? I understand how this works theoretically, but I do not understand how this is implemented in Stata. My variables are the 5 factors of the Fama French 5 factor model and 25 portfolios double sorted on size and book-to-market value of equity.
Additionally I have another question as well. That is, in order to test the Fama French 5 factor model, you just regress the factors on one of the portfolios right? In other words, is the correct code to test the 5 factor model:
- tsset date (in order to declare dataset to be time-series data with date as the time variable)
- reg me1bm1 markt smb hml rmw cma (where me1bm1 is the portfolio with lowest marketcap and lowest B/M and the other 5 variables are the 5 factors).
When I use this code I get very strange results, namely that almost all intercepts are significant (which is in contradiction with the Fama French papers). Hence, I am wondering whether there is something wrong with this code. I hope you all could help me with these 2 questions!
Yours truly,
I am looking for French historians who died before 1952, who were active in public debates. I am interested in two things, their names and the journals, newspapers or media in which their debates took place at the time. The media landscape has changed considerably, and my knowledge of French history is insufficient. That is why I am asking this question here. I am most interested in historians who specialized on non-European history.
I have checked the and there is no French version for the TEIQue Long form or the short form , but preferably the long form.
Hi All,
Is it possible to use GARCH with Fama French 3 or 5 factor models? Is there any article that uses this technique and I can refer to it?
I want to study the impact of option trading on volatility and underlying stock price.
Non-native English teachers are often regarded as not as competent as native teachers especially when considering their accent, pronunciation and English language abilities : what do you think about this issue ?
I need your help. I am currently working on the effect of our perception of time on our identity. The time of wars and persecutions seems to be too long, an endless time that can hinder people's self-awareness and prevent the development of their identity, making them go back to that time in the past when they enjoyed life.
Do you have any ideas about books that talk about psychological time? I have already read Bergson's work but I am looking for other references
Thank you!
J'ai besoin de votre aide. Je travaille actuellement sur l'effet de notre perception du temps sur notre identité. Le temps des guerres et des persécutions semble être trop long, un temps sans fin qui peut entraver notre conscience de soi et empêcher le développement de notre identité, nous poussons à revenir à ce temps du passé où la vie était plus agréable.
Avez-vous des idées sur les livres qui parlent du temps psychologique ? j'ai déjà lu le travail de Bergson mais je cherche d'autres références.
I teach French as a second language in a college in Québec with 17-20 years old students. I do research on the effect of intercultural twinings on motivation, attitudes towards the other community and self-competence perception.
I'm looking for different versions of the French translation of the Bem Sex-Role Inventory. Thanks in advance!
I'm a Professor of Business and also Government Advisor in Dubai. I have published several papers in English and French. I need to publish this month
Hello everyone
I'm trying to gain knowledge on the method of case studies in qualitative social science research: its definition, its strengths and limitations, etc.
Do you have a must-read (scientific paper, manual, book) on case studies ?
It can be written in French or in English :-)
Thank you very much for your suggestions,
Dear sir greeting, I am looking for free journals indexed in Scopus or Thomson to publish my book chapter in the topics of renewable energies in french language, can any one refer me please ?
The idea would be to pass this questionnaire within a group therapy intervention.
I'm searching this questionnaire in French.
For our manual on Romance languages in Africa (RoLA) at the University of Passau (Germany), we are looking for an expert on the variety of French spoken in Congo-Brazzaville who could contribute a chapter to our manual (in English). For more information, see the attached document and the project homepage ( Recommendations are highly appreciated!
I am looking for refereed educational journals in which I can publish research in French related to early childhood education.
Could anyone assist me in accessing the reprint of this paper? It’s from a French journal published in Senegal.
Bailey WJ (1975) A review of the African species of the Genus Ruspolia Schulthess (Orthoptera Tettigonioidea). Bulletin de l´Institute Fondamentale de l’Afrique Noire 37 (1): 171–226.
I came across many studies in English, American, German, and French historiography, which indirectly related to the topic of the role of Russia in solving the Greek Question. Are there any foreign authors unknown to me who have directly studied this issue?
I am looking for Landscape Ecology Master's degrees in English or French, preferably with the possibility to look at social determinants of ecological change. From what I have seen, this seems to place me in more of European-type landscape ecology perspective-- rather than a North American one. My backgrounds are in Environmental Science, sociology, and health (I am a practicing osteopath) so very interdisciplinary.
IALE UK lists 2 courses in the UK which seem now to have closed down (Cranfield and Greenwich), and 2 in English in Germany (Griefswald and Hohenheim). Aside from that, I have only found 2 in Canada (UBC and Carleton) and one in the US (UC Davis). The German programmes look very interesting but I would not be able to practice as an osteopath there.
I know this question was asked before but the thread I found formely was from 2013. Would appreciate up-to-date recommendations.
Thanks in advance!
Brendan Harry, B.Sc. Env Sci, M.Ost
Dear all,
I would like to publish a research article written in the French language in a Scopus indexed journal. do you have any suggestions?
your cooperation is highly appreciated
My purpose is to make a distinction between relational or social capital and network capital (=Huggins' concept, calculative relationships built on purpose with an economic return in mind)
For an online questionnaire to French SMEs
Thanks in advance
Hello, could someone share a version of the Rest-Q questionnaire please ? In English and French would be terrific! Thank you.
Hi everyone,
For a research I'm currently doing I need monthly country specific Fama-French 3 factors for emerging economies (especially for Turkey). Do you know any sources publishing the factors?
- Kenneth French serves a consolidated dataset for the factors for the emerging markets.
- Dr. Spyros Skouras shares country specific factors, but currently his data last by the end of 2015.
Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I am interested in French language corpora of classroom discourse to analyze teacher-student and student-student linguistic interactions in L1 French. Would anyone be able to recommend available corpora that would lend themselves to this type of research?
I am testing Fama French three- and five-factor models for Japan. I have done all the regression part, however I am strugglin with GRS test.
Can anybody help me with that please? How can i test GRS in Stata?
I know that the command is grstest2, however I do not know how to use it and how to read the results.
Highly appreciate the help
Hi there,
Does anybody know a frequency corpus of written or spoken French, possibly recent ?
I know the "Français fondamental", but to my knowledge it remained a "unicum" for the French language. The model I have in mind is Tullio De Mauro's "Great Italian Dictionary of Usage", where each of the 260.000 words was labelled according to its frequency (or availability).
A list of the most frequently used words would also be useful, as long as it is not too short.
Best regards
Sara Vecchiato
I need the source of the following quote (no problem if it is French or English, primary or secondary source) "those who lack the courage will always find a philosophy to justify it." Albert Camus
hello RG community,
I am looking for articles and information about what the French call: « Introduction à la pensée complexe » (Edgard Morin). It is a new concept for me so I please send basic information if you have any!
Thank you,
I am researching CAPM, Fama-French 3F and Fama-French 5F.
I used the data from their website on the factors (5F 2x3) and the portfolio's formed on Size-BM, Size-INV and Size-OP sorted 2x3 from 07/1963 to 12/2020.
I did a GRS-test and all models failed, then I did individual regressions for returns of each portfolio against each factor model. I am receiving R2 of 95% and up (even for CAPM) and very low alpha values that are considerably lower than what Fama and French found in 2015 (A 5F Asset Pricing Model).
What could be the reason for these results that are better than their?
Are there any studies in linguistics about the average information density per character according to language (in the written form)?
Actually, I'm looking for data (rankings, for instance) on the average information density per character (or for 100, 1000, etc. characters) for languages like English, French, Japanese, etc. (in their written, not spoken, form).
Thank you very much.
I wonder whether anyone has already translated and used the scale on a French sample.
Hi, I want to compare different means of a score in SPSS. I want to know the difference between the score in sex and in nationality (French and Dutch).
So I want to know the means of French women, French men, Dutch women en Dutch men. And if they differ significantly? How do I do this? Which are my dependent variable and fixed variables?
Thank you for your help!!
I am studying at Laval university and one of my course is about options and financial derivatives products , I really have some difficult to understand that course so I am looking for any documents, books or online course in French or English that can help me to understand ?
Peppercorn books is out of business, and that the creator of the test has been dead for over 5 years. I am looking to use this tool to assess literacy in community dwelling seniors as part of my Masters. Ideally, I would like the English and French versions however even if I could get the English it would be appreciated.