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Forest - Science topic
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Questions related to Forest
Scholars have been arguing that Anthropocene has its origins firmly rooted in colonialism. It is evident that colonialism was all about violence, plunder and erasure of indigenous peoples, cultures, identities, worldviews, and promotion of slave trade. It didn't stop with people but permeated into control, plunder and erasure of natural resources - damming of rivers, mining or coal/minerals, logging of forests, poaching of wildlife. The "fortress" forest and biodiversity conservation models which we see now in India is not a traditional system, but an Anglo-Eurocentric model imposed upon us. The terms reserved forest, protected forest, national park, sanctuary is the testament of colonialism - these terms are no way indigenous or traditional and alienation and exclusion of local communities was written into their definitions. Does that mean India never had an indigenous/traditional forest and natural governance systems?
The scientific management of forests, woodlots, propagation trees, seedlings and nursery management was dealt explicitly in ancient scriptures such as “Vṛkṣāyurveda” (Suresh, et. al., 2013).
The time period of Vṛkṣāyurveda ranges from 1200 BCE to the present (Suresh, et. al., 2013).
The three basic categories of forests mentioned in the ancient Indian scriptures are:
1. Shrivan – the forest that provides prosperity;
2. Tapovan – the forest where one can contemplate and seek after truth; and
3. Mahavana – the natural forest, home and shelter for all the biodiversity and wildlife.
Maybe it is time to decolonize (most importantly contain and prevent internal-colonialism), and restore the traditional systems, indigenous cultures, and knowledge systems for better management of our natural resources. Perhaps it should change with changing the terminology of how forests in India are referred to. Maybe it is time to shun the alien, anglo-eurocentric terms like - reserve forests, protected forests, national parks and sanctuaries and restore the traditional terms - Shrivan, Tapovan and Mahavan in formal classification of forests in India. As the definitions of Shrivan, Tapovan and Mahavan are very clear (inclusive), the use of forests and the way we see and approach them would also change. By definition the fortress conservation terms - reserve, protected, sanctuary, and national park, are anti-local, anti-people and exclusionary and there is no culture, sacredness and spirituality associated with such anglo-eurocentric terms. On the contrary the indigenous terms - Shrivan, Tapovan and Mahavan, are inherently inclusive and has culture, sacredness and spirituality intricately entwined and embedded in their definitions. Erasure of a name can erase the identity of a person, place, that includes forests.
Some empirical studies using Panel Quantile Regression have tested Wald tests, and some have not. Is it necessary to generate Wald tests? As I understand, they used Wald tests to consider the Symmetry test. Is that right? Is it essential to do this test?
For example (In Kerala/Western Ghats):, a plant species 'X' is found in different forests, such as the Reserve Forest of Kasaragod Forest Division, Nilambur North Forest Division, Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, and Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary. How can I determine whether the forest type in each location is evergreen, semi-evergreen, or moist deciduous?
I am developing a research concerning forest resilience to both atmospheric and edaphic drought. I am looking for some evidence or theoretical framework assessing and comparing the differential effect of these two drought types. Any suggestion would be really valuable!!
Thanks in advance
"Birdwings mainly inhabit tropical rainforests, particularly primary forests. In the author's experience, however, slightly disturbed, well-illuminated, primary forest (jungle") is preferred over undisturbed, closed (i. e. dimly-illuminated), primary forest. Such environments are mostly those formed during the transition from human disturbed or cultivated ground to climax forest and include narrow trails, open spaces and open forests. Depending on species, some birdwings prefer darker places or better illuminated places but most are known to frequent villages.In recent years, selective logging within tropical forests. (rather than complete felling of all trees) has been adopted. If primary forest is thinned in this way without too much damage to birdwing foodplants, such a site may provide suitable habitat for birdwings. Secondary forest is, therefore, also a habitat of birdwings. Indeed, some species will occupy only secondary forest. However, 'secondary forest in most accounts within this text is used almost synonymously with'primary forest-like environment' (rather than referring to forest formed by successional recovery of vegetation following clear-felling). Birdwing habitats can be loosely divided into emergence sites and nectaring sites. An emergence site is one where larval foodplants grow and where eggs, larvae, and pupae occur. Nectaring sites are those where flowers occur and at which adults feed on nectar."
There are quite a few discussions on predatory journal of "Longdom Publisher".
I found two "fake" papers published by my name "Kazumichi Fujii" in Forest Research:Open Access. I have no relationships with these papers, but my name were used here.
I checked whether texts are really generated by AI on Quillbot and GPTkit, 99-100% is estimated to be AI generated.
I sended my complaining to publisher, but no responses were obtained (as expected). I also sended message to Editorial board members, but two members of editorial board replied to me that they are not members but their names were listed.
Do you have similar experiences and know efficient countermeasures?
Kazumichi Fujii
Soil Scientist in Japan
Hi! We found this plant in the cloud forest of central Veracruz, at around 1700 meters above sea level, in riparian vegetation. We believe it belongs to the Solandra genus; however, we haven't been able to identify the species. Does anyone know it? Or would anyone like to collaborate in its identification? Greetings

Muñoz, Lucio, 2011. The Present versus the Future in development thinking: Towards Agricultural Sustainability, Journal of Sustainability, Issue 3, Number 3(Winter), Rio Rancho, New Mexico USA.
Are you interested in joining our Juglandaceae-network?
We are working on global biogeography and conservation of the relict tree family Juglandaceae. However, the distribution and status knowledge of many species of South-Eastern Asia are not well known.
We are searching therefore for local experts of Engelhardia apoensis. According to our knowledge, the species is present in continental Malaysia, Borneo, Brunei, Philippines. Please see the attached schematic map with known distribution (administrative units & countries).
Any information, maps, publications, reports, personal observations, etc. from your region are interesting for us.

Muñoz, Lucio, 2002. "The Meso-American Biological Corridor and Regional Sustainability: An Overview of Potential Problems and Their Policy Implications", Issue 32/August, DHIAL Journal, IIG/Spain
Hello everyone, I am currently working on my first meta-analysis using revman. I would really appreciate any advice on how to proceed.
For some of my articles, I have the raw data (e.g out of 12 exposed, 6 has outcome. out of 12 not exposed, 6 has the outcome). For other articles, I have unadjusted and adjusted odds ratio without any raw data.
I would like to ask 3 questions.
1. is it possible for me to combine both the raw data and unadjusted odds ratio using the generic inverse variance function to generate a forest plot?
2. can i combine unadjusted odds ratio, adjusted odds ratio and raw data in generic inverse variance?
3. is it okay if i only use the manual dichotomous function to put in raw data and leave out the studies without raw data?
Thank you very much
We are looking for a prime to participate in a consortium for the WorldForest EXPRO+ project with the European Space Agency.
Ideally an organization with experience in proposal writing and knowleadgable about forestry and preservation. The project description is the following:
The WorldForest activity will develop methodologies in support to Adaptive and Sustainable Forest Management targeting the new EU Forest Strategy and other EU regulations and directives related to forestry and responding also to global needs from UN organizations(e.g., FAO, UNFCCC) like the Sustainable Development Goal 15, the Paris Agreement, the Global Biodiversity Framework and the Glasgow Leaders' Declaration on Forests and Land Use. This will also contribute to the ESA engagement with GFOI and CEOS AFOLU.The project shall provide innovative information products / indicators and related tools on a number of key forest parameters with a dynamic approach, prototyping to respond to on-demand scenarios. Examples of products and indicators are: forest types and structure, forest disturbance, forest fires burned area and restoration indices, vulnerability risk indices.The project shall take full benefit from the magnitude of space-borne sensors (e.g., Copernicus Sentinels, Earth Explorers and other), meteorological data and modelling. The project shall leverage on state-of-the-art existing datasets (e.g., classification maps and methods, CCI datasets) and integrate open non-EO data as necessary. The project shall explore enhancement opportunities with respected synergies of commercial EO data.
It can be recommendation of website with topical information about unusual natural ingredients or book that I can buy or borrow in the library.
Sharing picture of forest strawberry from the countryside for inspiration.

I will be conducting research on plant histochemistry. Where are the plant samples located in the forest. What methods can be used to transport the samples to the lab without any chemical changes?
Should the ongoing logging in the Amazon forest, including other natural highly biodiverse forests, be recognized as a crime of destroying the planet's strategic natural resources generating an increased threat to human existence on planet Earth?
Should the ongoing logging of trees in the Amazon forest, also other natural highly biodiverse forests, and the logging of trees in other areas of natural forest ecosystems carried out in the formula of robbery pseudo-forest management should be recognized as a crime of destruction of strategic natural resources of the planet generating an increase in the threat to human existence on planet Earth?
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
In recent years, the need to accelerate and increase the efficiency of the green transformation of the economy has been growing in importance. This is due to the need to increase the scale of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as generated by energy, industry, transportation, livestock farms, etc. continue to generate high greenhouse gas emissions and the global warming process is accelerating as a result. If the processes of green transformation of the economy are not significantly accelerated then the exceeding of 1.5 degrees C of the average temperature of the planet's atmosphere (counting from the beginning of the first industrial revolution) will happen even before the end of the current decade and the occurrence of a global climate catastrophe in the second half of this 21st century will become inevitable. One of the key elements of the green transformation of the economy is the cessation of deforestation processes and the development of reforestation programs for civilizationally degraded areas, post-industrial areas, post-mining heaps, urban areas as part of the reduction of concretions, and post-agricultural areas where the soil has been depleted due to the intensification of agriculture in the industrial model. By 2023, the deforestation rate in the rainforests of the Amazon natural rainforest has been almost halved in Brazil. This is a very good trend, in which perhaps finally the scale of protection of these natural highly biodiverse forests is beginning to improve significantly. This is especially important because the highly biodiverse rainforest ecosystems of the tropical natural forests of the Amazon contain more than 300 million unique species of flora and fauna and the Amazon forest is still the largest natural area of forest ecosystem that plays a key role in the natural process of absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and emitting oxygen. The ongoing logging of trees in the Amazon forest, and the logging of trees in other areas of natural forest ecosystems as well, which is being carried out in a formula of predatory pseudo-management, should be recognized as a crime of destroying the planet's strategic natural resources generating an increase in the threat to human existence on planet Earth. Perhaps in this way, through appropriate changes in legal regulations, the large-scale deforestation of forest areas still taking place in many parts of the world and/or the predatory pseudo-management of forests that is being carried out would finally be ended.
I presented the issue of human security in connection with the green transformation of the economy, pro-environmental policies and the implementation of sustainable development goals in the article:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Should the ongoing logging of trees in the Amazon forest, also other natural highly biodiverse forests, as well as the logging of trees in other areas of natural forest ecosystems carried out in the formula of predatory pseudo-forest management, also be recognized as a crime of destruction of strategic natural resources of the planet generating an increase in the threat to human existence on planet Earth?
Should the ongoing cutting of trees in areas of natural highly biodiverse forests be recognized as a crime of crimes against humanity?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

Livelihood improvements and provisions of alternatives
I would like to add different colors in a vertical pattern to the plot region of the forest plot to define the effect size magnitude. How could I do that?
I need some assistance to ID this Fern I collected in remote Papua New Guinea tropical lowland hill forest at 50-100 m asl. I think it is one of the Dryopteridaceae but I can not put a genus and species to it.
I want to study the population status of a particular liana in forest. I am not able to find sampling procedure to do the sampling in the study area.
I have two sets of canopy pictures from a forest taken at dbh with a fisheye lens. One set of pictures are from the spring just before the trees get their leaves, the other is from late summer where the trees have all their leaves. Both times the pictures where taken in the same spots.
I´m have been analyzing these two sets of pictures separately in R in order to get a value of the effective leaf area index from each picture to use as a proxy for the amount of light available for the flora. The aim is to be able to link the amount of light available on the forest floor to the floral development.
But I have encountered a problem when choosing a method for setting a threshold and thereby binarizing the fisheye picture to further analyze it. For the pictures taken in the summer I´ve used the Otsu method, since it seem to work well here. But when analyzing the spring pictures this method doesn´t seem to work well, since it´s not cooping well with the clouds in my pictures. Instead I have found, that the Huang method works well here.
So my question is, can I compare my results when I have used two different thresholding methods?
And if not, which method would then be cooping best when I have pictures with both direct sunlight and dark clouds?
Me interesa investigar la distribución espacial de los gremios tróficos de aves en un área natural específica de bosque seco tropical, analizando la abundancia relativa de cada gremio en las diferentes zonas geográficas a muestrear. ¿Qué enfoques metodológicos y análisis consideran más adecuados para abordar esta pregunta de investigación, y qué aspectos específicos recomendarían tener en cuenta para obtener resultados robustos y significativos?
I would like to apply strong causality test for my panel ARDL, but the software does not take into account the coefficient of the error correction term. when I proced by the the "STEPLS Method" for using the "Wald test"
The relevance of the topic is justified by the diversity of unique natural ecosystem objects in the territories of Kosovo and North Macedonia, where forestry activities are traditional. The aim of the study is to analyse the current state of ecosystem services provided by forests in Kosovo and North Macedonia in the context of their assessment and development prospects. Several general scientific empirical and theoretical research methods were employed, including comparison, generalization, analysis, synthesis, and abstract-logical methods. The article characterizes the current state of forest resource utilization in Kosovo and North Macedonia, highlighting key issues in the management of forest lands, including those hindering the development of ecosystem services. The study justifies indicators of the level of forest resource utilization in Kosovo and North Macedonia, examining the percentage ratio of forest cover indicators in the Western Balkan countries. The relationship between land areas of different categories and purposes in Kosovo is analysed, along with the designation of protected areas within forested areas in North Macedonia. The necessity of conducting an economic assessment of specific ecosystem services provided by forests is justified. Six methods used in the economic valuation of natural goods resulting from forest resource utilization are detailed, deemed most suitable for the Western Balkan countries. A comprehensive list of the most relevant functions of forests requiring economic assessment is compiled. Throughout the justification of all stages of the work, specific ecosystem services provided by forests that may gain greater importance in the future are identified. The practical significance of the study lies in forming the fundamental methodological aspects that can be utilized in the assessment of ecosystem services provided by forests
Im doing my study and wanted to do forest masking to separate forest from mangrove cover.
So i have to compare tree data (densities, tree diameter and height) from 3 habitats (monsoon forest, savanna, ecoton), the first data is my field data and the plot size is 4 meter square with total 17 plot, the other two are 1 meter square with total 5 plot for the second data and 15 plot for the third data. To compare them i was trying to extrapolate the 2nd and 3rd data so it could be more "valid" (e.g multiple the density by 4) but it turns out weird like the density for savanna is higher than the monsoon forest. is there any other way to compare my data to make them less "weird" or is it just impossible to compare them because they have different plot size?
#statistic #agriculturestatistic #forestrystatistic #forestry
I currently try to calculate community weighted mean for leaves traits of forest undergrow - grasses and small shrubs. I use protected area of plants as a weighted coefficient. Only half of the studied plot have some cover. I wonder should i use relative cover for weighting or absolute.
For example if there is three species on plot -
First cover 10% of plot, second and third one cover 20% each. Should i use weighted coefficient 0.1 or 0.2 for first species and 0.2 or 0.4 for second?
Thanks in advance for response.
I am conducting a meta analysis and want to include a forest plot. I am using RevMan 5.3 from Cochrane. I only see the option to choose a continuous data type, with a mean, SD and n. But I have included studies with a pre-post study design. How can I make a forest plot with this study design?
Kind Regards,
Bram Schalkwijk
I am currently working on carbon biomass carbon stock estimation by the pace of climate change I'm keen interest on carbon neutrality strategies, particularly in forest ecosystem. I would appreciate insights, case studies, or best practices regarding how small we can achieve carbon neutrality. Are there specific challenges or success stories that you've come across? Any recommended resources or recent studies on this topic would be valuable.
Thank you in advance for your valuable insights
My study area is in eastern Himalayan foothill landscape which is a tropical to sub-tropical forest; elevation ranges from 150 to 1300 meter. The forest is some parts dominated by sal, tick and bamboo plants. The area is not plan at all that's why line transect can't be possible whereas the area having ample of epigeic termite mounds, intermediate mounds, subterranean mounds.
I noticed a meta-analysis that included a forest plot with a line of no effect equal to 0.62, as indicated in the attached image. Could it be?

While making forest plot Revman I label the plot as Left control and right experiment. I see that the data supports the control as the diamond is on the left. But when I change labels the diamond stays in the left and is now in favor of the experiment. How to fix that? The data should be in favor of control regardless of what side of the plot the labelling is right?
Hi, I need for a paper I working on with colleagues to get a shapefile of forest cover of the Andes but I am struggling to find it. Would anyone please be able to suggest where I could find it? Thanks in advance.
How to accelerate carbon sequestration potential of IHR. Plus, how diminish the repercussions of a landmark climate-change which thriving in the Virgin Ecosystem of Indian Himalayan Forest Ecosystem
How can new technologies including Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies Industry 4.0/5.0 help restore biodiverse natural forest ecosystems?
The restoration of biodiverse natural forest ecosystems in civilization-degraded areas, post-industrial areas, post-mining spoil heap areas, post-agricultural areas characterized by permanent drought and depleted soil, areas increasingly exposed to the negative effects of climate change, including global warming, etc., is one of several key elements of restoration. is one of several key elements in the reclamation of the natural environment, and thus also one of the main factors in the green transformation of the economy, building a sustainable closed-loop economy, achieving the goals of sustainable development, protecting the planet's biosphere, biodiversity and climate. The technological advances taking place should help smoothly carry out the green transformation of the economy, protecting nature, biodiversity and the planet's climate. Accordingly, new technologies, including Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, should be used in the restoration of biodiverse natural forest ecosystems. However, the aforementioned new technologies, including Big Data Analytics technology, artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, especially when they are used in large computerized data centers then consume large amounts of energy. Therefore, in order for the process of using new technologies, including Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence and other technologies that consume large amounts of energy when they are used in large data centers to fit in with the trend of green transformation of the economy and the realization of sustainable development goals, they should be powered by electricity generated from renewable and zero-carbon energy sources.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can new technologies including Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies help in the restoration of biodiverse natural forest ecosystems?
How can new technologies including artificial intelligence and other new technologies help restore biodiverse natural forest ecosystems?
What do you think on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

How can highly biodiverse forest ecosystems be restored in logged areas, post-industrial areas, degraded natural environments?
How can highly biodiverse, floristically and faunistically multi-species forest ecosystems be effectively restored in areas affected by logging carried out as part of predatory pseudo-forest management?
In order to save the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of natural ecosystems for future generations of people, it is necessary to significantly accelerate and increase the scale of implementation of the green economy transformation process. Given the large scale of degradation of the biosphere, loss of biodiversity and climate change that has occurred so far, so one of the most important challenges for humanity in the 21st century is to protect the earth's biosphere and natural biodiversity. One of the natural ecosystems characterized by high biodiversity is the tropical rainforests of the subtropical zone. The area of these forests is decreasing year by year. Thus, planet Earth is becoming poorer in terms of biodiversity, including the many unique species of flora and fauna that live in these forest formations. Besides, other climate zones also have significant forest resources that absorb CO2, i.e. one of the main greenhouse gases. Unfortunately, the importance of forests, including natural biodiverse forest ecosystems for maintaining natural and climatic balance, in terms of absorbing cCO2 from the atmosphere, etc. is still underestimated in many countries. Still many countries' policies are primarily influenced by business, which counts on quick profit and does not care about the state of the environment, the state of the biosphere, biodiversity and the planet's climate. As a result, still in many countries, instead of developing programs for reforestation of post-industrial, civilization-degraded areas, instead of restoration of damaged natural environments, instead of restoration of green areas on areas of soil exhausted by the use of intensive agriculture carried out in the model of industrial production of agricultural crops, etc., it is cutting down more areas of forest. The ongoing deforestation on planet Earth is one of the most serious problems of environmental policy. Thus, the magnitude of negative climate change is increasing and the planet's natural biodiversity is rapidly decreasing, as well as nature's ability to absorb CO2, the production of oxygen to the atmosphere is decreasing. In view of the above, in order to counteract the adverse effects of climate change, including the increasingly rapid process of global warming, it is necessary to increase investment and development of afforestation programs, increase areas of green space and expand the protection of natural forest ecosystems. The impact of forest trees is particularly important as one of the important factors in counteracting adverse climate change and counteracting the increasingly rapid process of global warming. It is therefore necessary to increase forest areas. The most naturally and ecologically effective forest ecosystems are restored according to the formula of restoring these ecosystems in such a way that they are as close as possible in species composition of flora and fauna to their natural counterparts, i.e. natural forest ecosystems that in a given area and/or climate zone occur in their original state or that in a given area in the past occurred before they were cut down during the development of civilization.
In this connection, it is necessary to develop afforestation programs for civilization-degraded areas and green areas also in areas of urban agglomerations. In this connection, it is also necessary to increase investment and development of afforestation programs within the framework of national environmental policies. Within the framework of these programs, it is also necessary to increase the scope of protection of natural forest ecosystems.
On the importance of the above issues, including the importance of afforestation as an essential element in carrying out a green transformation of the economy and saving the planet's biosphere and climate, I have included the following article and several others of my articles available on my Research Gate portal profile:
I invite you to discuss this important topic for the future of the biosphere and climate of the planet.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can highly biodiverse, floristically and faunistically multispecies forest ecosystems be effectively restored in areas affected by logging carried out as part of predatory pseudo forest management?
How can highly biodiverse forest ecosystems be restored in logged areas, post-industrial areas, degraded natural environments?
How can highly biodiverse forest ecosystems be restored in logged areas?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

In your opinion, are so-called "carbon credits" consisting of some corporation taking a specific patch of natural forest cover, including, for example, a patch of natural Amazon Rainforest, for an additional ton of CO2 emissions, an effective instrument for real reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere?
To consider the question of the role of so-called "carbon credits" in the context of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, one would have to assume that such a system actually reliably works. However, from what is reported by independent journalists, environmentalists, people who care about protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems, including the forests of the Amazon, even those declared patches of natural Amazon Rainforest taken for protection under the so-called carbon credits are nevertheless often cut down.
Perhaps something will finally begin to change, to improve, in terms of protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the natural ecosystems of the Amazon Rainforest in connection with the first Amazon Forest Conservation Summit in 14 years, currently being held in Belém, Brazil. Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon fell by 60 percent in July compared to the same month last year. The announcement of the positive trend coincides with the start of a summit in Belém of the 8 countries whose territories include the Amazon forest. This summit is attended by representatives of the governments of the 8 countries whose territory includes the natural Amazon Forest. Perhaps plans and commitments will be made to realistically protect this largest terrestrial reservoir of natural biodiversity and natural forests characterized by a particularly high contribution to absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and producing oxygen. It may also be that the processes of increasing the scale of protection of these forests and reducing their still large-scale logging will be accelerated so that by 2030 at the latest, the deforestation of these forests will be completely ended. This is a particularly important issue because more than 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest has already disappeared due to human activity.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, are the so-called carbon credits, which consist in the fact that some corporation, for an additional ton of CO2 emissions, will take under protection a certain patch of natural forest cover, including, for example, a patch of natural Amazon Rainforest, an effective instrument for real reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere?
Are so-called carbon credits an effective instrument to realistically reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

Remote sensing technologies contribute to accurate forest carbon stock estimation and monitoring by providing detailed and continuous data, enabling global coverage, and facilitating the integration of various data sources for a more holistic understanding of forest ecosystems. However, its contribute to accurately estimating and monitoring forest carbon stock at both regional and global scales is lacking.
I want to measure the correlation between deforestation and Carbon Stock in Sundarbans Forest
I identified a portion of a small river river (~10km) in my region that went through significant physical changes after a recent forest disturbance, with meanders being cut through and new erosion and deposition areas. I would like to map river geomorphology and quantitatively assess physical changes through time to evaluate the impact of the disturbance.
Can you suggest published methodologies?
What are the differences between a Unified Word and its concepts (1 of more than 300) (Arabic)?
ما الفرق بين الكلمة الموحدة ومفاهيمها (١ الي أكثر من ٥٠)؟
البيان الصحفي العلمي الأول (١ الي أكثر من ٣٠٠)
١٥ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٣
الكتاب الأول من كتاب مكون من 5 مجلدات
مقدمة للكلمة الموحدة
ما الفرق بين الكلمة الموحدة ومفاهيمها؟
الكلمة مقابل مفاهيمها (أقنعة الكلمات)
هناك اختلافات كثيرة بين الكلمة ومفاهيمها (أقنعة الكلمات) هناك اختلافات كثيرة بين الكلمة ومفاهيمها (أقنعة الكلمة). وسنوضح أكثر من 50 عمودًا حول هذه الاختلافات. نحن نوضح هنا فقط بعض الاختلافات
أولاً: لدينا تصنيف جديد للكلمات:
ثيمات الأعمال الدائمة (EBTs)
التي هي أهداف ثابتة ومستقرة وموحدة ومستمرة ونهائية، ولكل منها قاعدة سلوك وكلمات اكتشافات أساسية - على سبيل المثال، الصداقة، والحب، والزواج ، والتفكير ، والانتقام ، وغيرها.
كائنات العمل (BOs)
المستقرة داخليًا والقابلة للتكيف خارجيًا؛ لكل منها بداية ونهاية، ولكل منها هدف نهائي يمكن أن يكون إيجابيًا أو سلبيًا، ولكل منها قاعدة سلوك بمستوى معتدل) وغير معروفة للجميع. - لسوء الحظ، كثير من الناس لا يعرفونهم.
كلمات. نضيف "أي" لكل BO. على سبيل المثال - أي مشروع، أي اقتراح، أية ثقافة، أية بيانات، أية بيانات أخرى
الأشياء الصناعية (IOs)
أو كائنات التطبيق (AOs) ملموسة وقابلة للتغيير. يا للأسف، وحاليا نبني ونطور كل شيء مبني عليها. (الكوارث)، معروفة لمعظم الناس، ليس لها قيمة - الغريب أن الناس يقولون إنني أحب سيارتي أو أدخن؛ بعضها له آثار جانبية أو تأثيرات كبيرة على المجتمع، مثل النفط والأدوية ومفاهيم أخرى - على سبيل المثال، الروايات المحددة، وطاولات المؤتمرات ، و Mac Book ، إلخ.
مفاهيم BOs.
EBTs + BOs = المعرفة الأساسية. ينصب تركيزنا على EBTs وBOs وكلمات المعرفة الأساسية.
ثانيًا: أي كلمة لها مفاهيم كثيرة (أقنعة الكلمات). تحتوي كل كلمة على العديد من المفاهيم المختلفة بناءً على تعليمك وخلفيتك ومعتقداتك وجدول أعمالك وثقافتك وما إلى ذلك.
ثالثًا: أي كلمة مستقرة، والمفهوم غير مستقر بمرور الوقت.
رابعًا: أي كلمة موحَّدة (ابتكار ومجهول)، والمفهوم ليس كذلك. على سبيل المثال، أي "حساب" ككلمة، وحساب مصرفي، وحساب بريد إلكتروني، وحساب استثماري، وآخرون لديهم بيانات ومعرفة مختلفة ويتوحدون كـ "حساب". مع أكثر من 50 مفتاحًا مبتكرًا. كل محترف في مفاهيم الحساب المختلفة يعرف مفاتيح الحساب المبتكرة (الإبداعية).
خامسًا: إذن أي كلمة مستقرة وموحدة ونهائية، ومفاهيم الكلمة تتغير بمرور الوقت.
لسوء الحظ، كل ما تعرفه هو مفاهيم كلمة "أقنعة الكلمات"،

We would like to perform this analysis to assess masting behavior in a tropical west forest in Puerto Rico.
Yellowish flowers, round green fruit
Does anyone know where I can find the data of measured above-ground biomass? I need the data of forest biomass measured on the spot for training and learning. If possible, I can also invest money to purchase it. If anyone knows the data set of measured biomass, including the specific time and research area, please let me know, thank you.
How to protect the Amazon's biodiverse natural Rainforests from the worst particularly severe drought in 120 years, record drops in river levels, and animal extinctions due to lack of water?
Due to continued high greenhouse gas emissions, the accelerating process of global warming, increasingly severe droughts are occurring in various parts of the world. Areas where periodic droughts are becoming more frequent include tropical and subtropical areas. In many parts of the world, increasingly frequent long-term droughts are causing shortages of water both for people, water used in agriculture and water necessary for the functioning of natural ecosystems. Droughts also cause increasingly frequent forest fires. The aforementioned problems and threats are now also affecting the Amazon. Recently there has been a particularly severe drought, the worst in 120 years, in the area of the Amazon's biodiverse natural Rainforest. Due to the record drought, water levels in the Amazon and its river basins are at record lows. Because of this, fish and pink Amazonian dolphins are dying out. Farmers are running out of water to irrigate their fields. Too low water levels in rivers make it difficult for Amazonians to move around. Due to the record drought, the biodiversity levels of the Amazon's natural Rainforests may be greatly reduced. In addition, the continuing process of deforestation, cutting down old-growth forests, unique tree species is causing rapid degradation of the natural Amazon Rainforests. In addition, in some countries, the energy industry is still mainly based on burning fossil fuels, which means total ignorance of the political and business spheres of the issue necessary to carry out a green transformation of the economy, total ignorance of the needs of the people, future generations of citizens.
In view of the above, I turn to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers with the following question:
How to protect the biodiverse natural Rainforests of the Amazon from the worst drought in 120 years, the record drop in water levels in rivers, the extinction of animals due to lack of water?
How to protect the biodiverse natural Rainforests of the Amazon from drought?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
And what is your opinion about it?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

Are there already available technologies for producing paper from other forms of flora, plants other than trees, such as shrubs, grasses, perennials, fallen leaves, straw, waste from crop production and/or lumber waste?
Due to the rapidly increasing level of plastic waste pollution in the green transformation of the economy, plastic packaging is being replaced by packaging made from biodegradable plastic substitutes, materials of organic origin, produced from vegetable crops, or packaging made from paper, wood. Unfortunately, the production of packaging from paper and/or wood is not a pro-environmental solution either, as it generates the cutting down of trees, increases the scale of forest deforestation. On the other hand, in connection with the still increasing scale of greenhouse gas emissions, the accelerating process of global warming, the processes of forest deforestation should be replaced by the processes of aforestation of civilizationally degraded areas, post-industrial areas, areas with sterilized soil, etc. In view of the above, there is a growing need to create green technologies and material eco-innovations, where it would be possible to create and implement paper production technologies from other forms of flora, plants other than trees, e.g. from shrubs, grasses, perennials, fallen leaves, straw, waste from crop production and/or lumber waste.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Are there already available technologies for the production of paper from other forms of flora, plants other than trees, such as shrubs, grasses, perennials, fallen leaves, straw, waste from the production of agricultural crops and/or lumber waste?
Are there already available technologies for producing paper from plants other than trees?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

How can we know, that european bison had been completely free ranging in ancient and medieval times ?
Maybe there existed a kind of husbandry, comparable to rendeer culture or to the supplementary feeding that helped to keep populations alive in medieval and newer centuries in Bialowieza forest even before in Holocene timescales.
Are there any hints in archeological remains for that ?
Hey there, I‘m using SPSS for the statistical synthesis of my Meta-Analysis and I can only choose log(OR), log(RR) etc as an Effect sizes. Therefore my forest plot is also on a logarithmic scale… I want my forest plot with the measure size RR or OR, not log(RR) and log(OR). Does anybody have experience with this topic and does know how I can change this?

Can increasing the scale of biodiversity in the agroecological concept of sustainable farm or agro-tourism practicing organic farming increase the productivity of crop production under the conditions of progressive climate change?
Within the framework of the agroecological concept of a sustainable farm or agritourism farm engaged in organic farming, an important issue is the application of the principles of sustainable development, circular economy, energy supply from sources of green clean energy, increasing the scale of recycling, efficient harvesting of rainwater through the establishment of rainwater catchment facilities, etc., and also increasing the scale of biodiversity both in terms of organic production of vegetable crops and additionally created green areas in the area of the farm or agritourism farm. Research shows that if on a farm, for example, 10 percent of the existing area of crop production, crops grown intensively in the production and unsustainable model is allocated to the creation of additional green areas, primarily additional areas of forests, then the issue of water retention, the natural process of rainwater accumulation in the surface layers of the earth, the scale of soil erosion is reduced, the soil becomes more agriculturally productive, the scale of humus formation in the soil is increased, and so on. Therefore, increasing the scale of biodiversity in the agro-ecological concept of sustainable farming or agro-tourism practicing organic farming can increase the productivity of crop production under the conditions of progressive climate change.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can increasing the scale of biodiversity in the agro-ecological concept of a sustainable farm or agro-tourism farm engaged in organic farming increase the productivity of agricultural crops under the conditions of progressive climate change?
Does increasing the scale of biodiversity on a sustainable farm increase the productivity of crop production?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Thank you,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

Measuring procedure of the Litter Decomposition Study
Forest plot formation for meta-analysis.
I have field data for random samples from a specific forest, represented by vegetal surveys, where each vegetal survey contains one, two or three dominant vegetal species with geographic coordinates. How can I create a vegetation map using these data on GEE?
Dear colleagues,
I am very interested in how some forest terms concerning forest restoration are interpreted in the official sources of your country.
Please, can I ask you to take a little time and fill out a small Excel spreadsheet (attached)?
Best regards,
My analysis uses students' test scores. A similar question was answered by Stefano Giuseppe Lazzarini in a forum but I am posting this message separately that the old discussion might not be visited by others as it is considered the issue was solved. However, my confusion is not cleared. My meta-analysis using Revman 5.4 showing the diamond box in the opposite direction. I am analyzing students' scores. Even though Pretest and Posttest score is not recommended in the meta-analysis, but this conflict exists exactly in a similar data structure, therefore I intentionally use pretest and posttest scores because I know posttest is definitely better. But the output result showed pretest is more effective, as the diamond box is on the pretest column. The diamond box on the forest plot is showing in the opposing direction, in the wrong direction. In one forum suggested by Stefano Giuseppe Lazzarini, I multiply the data by -1, then the diamond box moved to the posttest score. It solved in this particular case. I requested the Revman software team for clarification. They suggested consulting with the expert statistician. My question here is: When should I multiply by -1 or not? How should I know in a more complex situation that the diamond box is in the wrong direction? In the above example, as I use data from pretest and posttest, I could detect this conflict. I also used Mean Difference and Standard Deviation Difference setting, but nothing has changed in the direction of the diamond box if I do not multiply by -1. I need help for more clarification on this issue. I attached forest plots of my examples hereby. Thank you. Mr. Dina

Hi, I'm submitting a systematic review and meta-analysis and I'd like to incorporate the forest plots generated in R into a table containing all the numerical data. I'm curious if the publisher will accept them in SVG format and if they can be positioned alongside the table in the Word document of the manuscript?
My best friend found this curious plant at a store in Michoacán, México. Honestly, I do not have any idea if it comes from the desert or the forest. The townsfolk could not help him. I believe it comes from the forest, but I am not sure. Does anybody know the name of it?

I am analysing complex survey data in stata. Tests like lrtest, AIC or BIC are not supported by svy and thus I could not use any of these to compare successive models for improvment. I have read about using the wald test. Is something available to test the overall model and so be able to compare successive models? I would really appreciate if someone out there could suggest a way out...
Best regard's
Words vs. Concepts (word masks)
There are many differences between a word and its concepts (Word's Masks)
First: We have a new word classification:
(1) Enduring Business Themes (EBTs) that are enduring, stable, unified, continuous, and ultimate goals, each has a rule of conduct and essential discoveries words—for Example, Friendship, Love, Marriage, Thinking, Retaliation, and others.
(2) Business Objects (BOs) that are Stable internally and adaptable externally; each has a beginning and end, each has an ultimate goal that can be positive or negative, and each has a rule of conducts moderate level) and unknown to all. -- Unfortunately, many people don't know them.
Words. We add "Any" to each BO. For example -- Any Project, Any Proposal, Any Culture, Any Data, any others
(3) Industrial Objects (IOs) or Application Objects (AOs) are tangible and changeable. Unfortunately, and currently building and developing everything based on them. (Disasters), Well-known to most people, Has no value -- The strange thing is people say I love my car or smoking; some have side effects or high impacts on society, such as Oil, Drugs, and other concepts—for example, Specific Novels, Conference Tables, Mac Book, etc.
Concepts of BOs.
(4) EBTs + BOs = Core Knowledge. Our focus is on EBTs, BOs, and Core Knowledge words.
Second: Any word has many concepts (word's masks). Each word has many different concepts based on your education, background, beliefs, agenda, culture, etc.
Third: Any word is stable, and a concept is unstable over time.
Fourth: Any word is unified (Innovation and not known), and a concept is not. For example, any "Account" as a word, a bank account, email account, investment account, and others with different data and knowledge and unify as "an account." with more than 50 innovative keys. Each professional in the various account concepts knows an account's innovative (Creative) keys.
Fifth: Therefore, any word is stable, unified, and ultimate, and the Concepts of a word are changeable over time.
Unfortunately, all your knowledge you know is the concepts of the word "word's masks,"

Forest litter was sampled from 1 x 1 m plots, weighed as W1 and a sub-sample was taken. The subsample was also considered as (W2) before being taken to the laboratory for oven drying. After the oven-dried, the subsample was weighed as the final weight (W3).
From the above, please how can I estimate the biomass?
What, in your opinion, are the methods, ways, legal solutions, new material and other technologies to reduce paper consumption, save wood and trees?
What, in your opinion, are the actions and projects that can contribute to forest conservation, to convert deforestation into afforestation, to protect the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and counteract the ongoing process of global warming?
As we know, trees, forests, especially old, natural forests, primeval forests with old-growth forests without human interference, without the influence of civilization, are the refuge of the greatest resources of biodiversity of natural ecosystems. Besides, forests play a particularly important role in the issue of slowing down the human-induced global warming process, which is progressing faster and faster. Forests also play a very important role in mitigating weather and climate anomalies, maintaining a mild microclimate friendly to living organisms, keeping the soil and air moist, maintaining the high level of biodiversity and soil fertility created over thousands or millions of years, and so on.
Deforestation still dominates over afforestation in many regions of the world. Forests are still being cut down and burned to acquire new areas for agricultural development, the cultivation of crops, which is usually carried out in the form of unsustainable robbery. In addition, this practice is carried out mainly in the tropics and subtropics, where after logging, forests created new arable land is quickly subject to drought and the soil becomes barren. Restoring a forest that has functioned for thousands of years or more in a specific area on the depleted soil requires huge expenditures. In addition, vegetable crops are grown on these new agricultural areas, which are either transported thousands of kilometers to other countries, which generates high greenhouse gas emissions, or are not used for human food but for livestock feed, which also generates high emissions, as industrial livestock farming is a source of high emissions of the potent greenhouse gas methane. Therefore, with a view to protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and counteract the ongoing process of global warming.
Various examples of reducing paper consumption and saving forests are as follows:
In some countries, the scale of printing notebooks, notebooks, books, including school books, has been reduced and students as early as elementary school write at school on tablets or laptops rather than in paper notebooks. Green economic activities involving, for example, the production of furniture from recycled materials are also emerging.
Another example is the replacement of dirty energy based on burning firewood with renewable and emission-free sources of clean energy. Unfortunately, in some countries, in order to falsify statistics on the development of renewable energy at the behest of the government, central statistical institutions, ministries and government agencies dealing with climate and environmental issues also count firewood as a renewable energy source. Such absurdities unfortunately still exist in some countries.
Another example is the use of secondary raw materials of various origins in the construction industry instead of using wood, and especially instead of newly harvested wood from companies producing building materials based on fresh, new wood raw material from a sawmill.
As of 1.8.2023, paper receipts are not printed in France to save trees. You have to ask for a printed receipt if the customer needs one.
What other examples of reducing paper consumption and saving forests are as follows?
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What, in your opinion, are the actions and undertakings that can contribute to forest conservation, to convert deforestation into afforestation, to protect the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and counteract the ongoing process of global warming?
What do you think are the methods, ways, legal solutions, new material technologies and others to reduce paper consumption, save wood and trees?
How can we reduce paper consumption, save wood, trees and reduce forest deforestation, protect biodiversity and climate?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please respond,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

Why do you think that in the context of the progressive process of global warming, deforestation, logging, cutting down of old-growth forests in natural forests and even in areas that should be converted to landscape parks or national parks is still going on in some countries on a large scale?
For example, why is it that in Europe, where environmental policy has been one of the priorities for several years, deforestation, logging, cutting down old-growth forests in natural forests in the Carpathian Mountains has been going on on a large scale in some countries?
In Europe, where environmental policy is taken seriously and is one of the priorities in recent years, afforestation of areas has begun to outweigh deforestation. This is in line with climate and environmental policy, against the ongoing process of global warming. Unfortunately, however, there are serious sad exceptions to this rule. Currently, according to Greenpeace, an area of 5 soccer fields is disappearing every hour throughout the Carpathians. According to what Greenpeace reports, in some countries only 3 percent of the natural forests of the Carpathians are legally protected from investments like road construction. In the country where I operate, thanks to the intervention of people who care about conservation, it was possible to defend the natural forests of the Bieszczady National Park from predatory logging by a government-controlled company that manages most of the country's forests. A company that has the issue of nature conservation and forest biodiversity written into its internal regulations as a priority function. But realistically this function is not treated as a priority. Thanks to the intervention in the bodies of the European Union, thanks to grassroots social movements, thanks to the activities of Greenpeace, it was possible to defend the natural forests, including the National Park in the Bieszczady Mountains from predatory pseudo-forest management. Thanks to the defense of the Bieszczady Mountains, nature in the Bieszczady Mountains is reviving. In addition, some 300 social grassroots movements to defend the natural forests in the Carpathians have since sprung up. Accordingly, the company that manages most of the country's forests have it written into their norms that social and natural functions come first and economic functions last. And in recent years these relationships have been turned on their head. According to what is reported by Greenpeace Poland, currently the natural forests in Poland are treated by the government-controlled forest management company primarily as a source of money for all sorts of social, economic and political ventures and the issues of nature conservation, in addition to natural forests, landscape parks and national parks, protection of the natural biodiversity of forest ecosystems is at the end and in many aspects realistically there is none at all. The revenue of the company that manages most of the country's forests where I operate in 2022 has increased by more than half from 10 billion zlotys to more than 15 billion zlotys. This gives food for thought. In 2022, a fund controlled by an organized political group allied with the government is credited with PLN 3 billion. This fund is used to finance various pre-election goals, including those that have nothing to do with forest conservation, protection of the biodiversity of natural forest ecosystems. And yet forests, including natural forests, whose ecosystems have developed over thousands or millions of years, are a very important factor also in protecting the climate from the ongoing process of global warming. Deforestation of forest areas accelerates the progressive process of global warming. A In the entire Carpathian Mountains (which together are found in the area of several countries in Europe), an area of 5 soccer fields disappears every hour.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Why do you think that in the context of the progressive process of global warming, deforestation, logging, cutting down of old-growth forests in natural forests and even in areas that should be converted to landscape parks or national parks is still going on in some countries on a large scale?
Why is it that in Europe, where environmental policy is one of the priorities for several years in some countries, deforestation, deforestation, cutting down of old-growth forests in natural forests in the Carpathian Mountains is progressing on a large scale?
Why is deforestation in the Carpathians in Europe, where environmental policy has been one of the priorities for several years, rapidly progressing?
Why, in the context of the progressive process of global warming, is deforestation still going on in some countries on a large scale?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz