Science topic

Food Safety - Science topic

Food Safety are activities involved in ensuring the safety of FOOD including avoidance of bacterial and other contamination.
Questions related to Food Safety
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
3 answers
We all know that the OH concept refers to active involvement of health, veterinary and environment sectors in zoonotic diseases management, biosafety and food safety provision, tackling AMR global issue.
So, when it comes to the OH concept "perfect place to live and grow", should we think of public health first or emergency preparedness and control areas?
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I think we can consider public health first as it gives a foundation for healthier lives through prevention, surveillance etc. Emergency preparedness and control is also equally important as this is a system created for times of crises or vulnerabilities and through public health systems we will be able to respond to the crises efficiently. So in my opinion public health comes first as a foundation
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
2 answers
Poultry hatcheries as potential
reservoirs for antimicrobialresistant
Escherichia coli: A risk to
public health and food safety
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Dear Rawan Rashad You can find the paper you look for here
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
2 answers
How nuclear and other related technologies, such as the whole genome sequencing for AMR characterization or mass spectrometery and related techniques for antimicrobial residue testing, can be utilized to combat AMR in food and agriculture?
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Identical language from other sites. Are you a bot?
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
3 answers
I'm currently working on the implementation of pulses (legumes) in bakery applications. In one case, pulse flours could be added to bread to increase the nutritional value.
Pulses (in particular Phaseolus beans) contain lectins, an anti-nutritional factor which can lead to intense sickness. These lectins are usually easily inactivated due to cooking, as raw beans are never consumed as is.
However, as we're including the bean flour in a bread, the beans do not get cooked. They do undergo fermentation (yeast, bread dough) en heating (+- 30 mins at 190-230°C; core temp = 100°C). Does anyone have experience or know of literature where alternative processing of lectins and the minimal needs for inactivation are discussed?
Ideal would be to perform a hemagglutination test, but this is not possible.
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Hi. According to George Grant, the most practical, effective, and commonly used method for eliminating lectin activity is submerged heat treatment. Seeds are first completely immersed in water and then heated in water at or near 100 °C. Under these conditions, lectin activity in fully hydrated soybean (Glycme max) (Figure 1), kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), broad bean (Vaccia faba), and lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) seeds can be eliminated by heating at 95 °C for 1 h or 100 °C for 10 min.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
1 answer
I am thrilled to share our latest project with Frontiers which is up and running. Together with Dr. Bárbara Tomadoni, Dr. Antonio Guerrero and Dr. Norma Marcovich, we are leading a Research Topic on "Sustainable Active Packaging for Food Safety and Preservation: Technological, Consumer, and Environmental Perspectives". You can read more here 👉 We look forward to your contribution if you are working on sustainable active packaging! 🤝 📆 Summary submission deadline: 22 September 2024 📆 Manuscript submission deadline: 10 December 2024 hashtag#biodegradable hashtag#packaging hashtag#foodquality hashtag#foodsafety hashtag#biopolymers hashtag#sustainability
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Is this a discussion or just an advertisement?
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
9 answers
The answer is related to the definition of both food security and food safety
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Food security is a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, Social, and Economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Food is the process whereby food is preserved from spoilage
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
3 answers
In case of frequently power outage which causes a challenge in keeping food safe for more that a day
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First, we have to know which kind of food we are dealing with, this gives us more information about the microbes that can attack/grow in this food. Then the intrinsic factors to be manipulated includes:
1. Water activity/ water contents.
2. Food matrix (food components/nutrients)
3. Redox potential
4. Antimicrobials
5. Acidity (pH)
6. Presence of biological structures
Going into details
1. Water activity/water content
As we know, water is a good medium for many reactions to take place. Availability of water in foods create a good medium for the microbial growth. The more the water content in foods, the more perishable it is. Through the water content, the food is classified into 3 classes: a) perishable foods with high water actibity b) semi-perishable foods with intermediate water activity and c) non perishable foods with low water activity. When you decrease the water content in the food, you decrease also the microbial growth in your food because the microorganisms can undergo an osmotic shock, making them to shrink and even die. The knowledge of microorganisms that can attack the food is needed. You need to know whether it is a bacteria, yeasts, or molds...
2. Presence of nutrients (food matrix)
Like human, microorganisms needs nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and many others to maintain their metabolisms and grpwth. Depending on which nutrients present in the food, there are specific microorganisms that are going to attack this food. This give you an idea of by which conditions you can treat your food to ensure the inhibition of microbial growth in your food.
3. Redox potential
Highly oxidised food products will have positivi redox potential values and highly reduced food products will have negative redox potential values. Aerobic microorganisms need positive redox potential values to grow while anaerobic microorganisms need negative redox potential values to grow.
4. Presence of antimicrobials.
Somefoods contain organic acids naturally which inhibit or prevent some microbial growth whole others do not have these acids. If acidulands is added, to these foods without high acidity i.e low pH, there is an increase of acidity. This is an example of one of the antimicrobials that are in foods...that can be manipulated to reach the safety of the foods.
5. pH
Foods can be classified according to their acidity. Low acidic food, moderate and high acidic foods and so on. Through fermentation, or by adding some organic acids as said above...we can increase the acidity of the food making it more stable.
6. Some biological structure.
There some biological structures in some foods like shell of nuts, eggs and so on these structures also help in preventing the entry of microorganisms in the foods but for me I don't know how they are intrinsic...
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
6 answers
Food safety and security, both are very important factor for consumer as well as producer.At the present, food safety is the popular term worldwide.
Food safety is the process of making food safe and healthy for consumption.
Food security is the process of making healthy food available and accessible to people.
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you use "healthy" in the definitions but it is considered a step further.
The basic definition should be the following:
Food safety is the process of making food safe for consumption.
Food security is the process of making food available and accessible to people.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
3 answers
In social-cognitive models of health behavior, can self-efficacy and risk perception, for example, be considered as constituent structures of motivation?Given that risk perception and self-efficacy have significant effects on intention, what is the difference between motivation and intention?
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Social-cognitive models of health behavior are frameworks that try to explain and predict how people think, feel, and act in relation to their health. Motivation and intention are two important concepts in these models, but they are not the same thing.
In summary, motivation and intention are both cognitive determinants of health behavior, but they have different meanings and roles in social-cognitive models. Motivation is a broader and more general concept that describes why a person wants to achieve a certain goal. Intention is a more specific and concrete concept that indicates how a person plans to achieve that goal.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
3 answers
I'm interested in connecting with experts/researchers in wet markets, especially those who have researched improvements in food safety and traceability. Any research papers you could recommend?
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Dear Professor,
The following work of ours talks about prevention and detection of contamination and adulteration of dairy products along its supply chain.
Abhirup Khanna
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
4 answers
Ecotechnology is an emerging science that focuses on applying ecological knowledge and environmental skills to attain sustainability in human developmental progress. It enables human activities to adapt more skillfully to natural ecosystem functions. It involves cross-disciplinary studies of nature, and basic sciences, especially blending ecology, biology, and technology. The emphasis is to avoid ecological and environmental damage in all human activities. Accordingly, it summarizes all the sustainable engineering models for preserving, restoring, and conserving natural ecosystems to make developmental progress accessible through generations. In simple terms, ecotechnology enables humans to protect biodiversity, and soil health, achieve sustainable agriculture, eco-friendly energy sources, food safety, and all other means to manage sustainable development. Therefore, the primary objective of Ecotechnology is to make human life happy forever through proper monitoring of natural ecosystems while employing innovative technologies and novel ideas for progress and development.
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Lot of knowledge was existing in ancient cultures, more specifically those of chamanic practicies. WE should try to learn from those and research on how to adpat them to contemporary mentalities.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
3 answers
Any expected metabolic changes or protein differences exist in properly bled and blood-retained animals. Since blood is retained in improperly slaughtered animals, can heme-iron or any other component of blood accelerate muscle tissue catabolism? do you know anyone worked in this area, or paper published on this problem...
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Research from the Max-Rubner-Institute showed, that improper bleeding of pigs resulted in a higher pH-Value of the meat. (Published in German).
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
1 answer
Dear friends;
What is the titratable acidity of plasma in butter?
How can I measure?
Thanks in advance.
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First you should determine fat content in butter. The rest is butter plasma. Example: fat content is 80% (butter plasma is 20%) and total acidity is 0.05%. The acidity of butter plasma is 100*0.05/20 = 0.25%
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
11 answers
I would like to test a biological method of screening vegetables/fruits for the presence of pesticide residue. Since a biological agent is used, the extraction solvent should be non-toxic.
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QuEChERS sample preparation
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
5 answers
Can anyone help me to write review article on harmonization topic ..special reference to India.....means giving outline ..which topic should be covered under this head..please help me..i think this topic should be address.
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@, samar..thank alot..i will try to use your given outline in preparation of my manuscript.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
13 answers
What are the challenges and update s regarding harmonization among food safety rules in india and worldwide.
Kindly suggest articles and reviews.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
18 answers
Food can be packaged in can made of tinplate (tin-coated steel); however, tin (Sn) contain lead (Pb) that could migrate to food and safety issues could raised
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  • asked a question related to Food Safety
12 answers
The United Nations sustainable development goals include eradication of hunger. To feed 10 billion persons 2050, we need to get the trade-offs right between sustainability, food security, food safety, and make better use of food already produced. In Indian Context...where we have to feed more than 1.3 Billion people with shrinking natural resources is already been a herculean task...then do we withstand with stringent food safety reulations/norms....
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I agree with Dipon Sarkar's comment. The question sounds as if it were black or white (food safety or food security), but in fact they are intertwined and when aiming at contributing towards one, we should always consider the other one.
In fact, the UN definition of food security includes the food safety component: that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
4 answers
I'd like to give my students attending the environmental health and food safety practical activities the opportunity to get familiar with a simple method of measuring pesticide residues in foodstuff. Preferably, the price should not exceed 2000 US Dollars. High accuracy would be desirable but not an absolute requirement.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
11 answers
Food safety and security issues such as food contamination can be occurred due to disastrous situations including natural disasters, pandemic situations, war, shipwrecks, etc. What are the best precautions to address these food safety issues to fulfill the dietary requirements of the affected community?
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Kindly check the following link, it provides an overview of packaged food safety after a natural or man-made disaster by examining jurisdictional best practices and literature on food packaging and food microbiological sciences.
Also, check the following link:
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
4 answers
My project is on the production of a novel beer using non-traditional yeasts. At later stages, we are considering large scale production and commercialization.
The issue is, some of the yeast species that I am working on are not present in the Qualified Presumption of Safety (QPS) list of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), or in the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) list of FDA. Although, there are articles and/or patents on their use for beer/wine production and they are present in IDF/EFFCA inventory of microbial food cultures.
The sources I found are a little confusing as I am not very familiar with this process.
My main question is, is having a QPS or GRAS status necessary for a species for their use in commercial production?
For a deeper understanding, my further questions are:
  • Is it the same for filtered beer, even if the microorganism will not be in the final product?
  • If we apply for QPS/GRAS, how long the process takes? - From my understanding, EFSA is updating their evaluation every 6 months, and their list every 3 years. Therefore, if I apply for a new species, the earliest possible approval would be in their next list?
  • Should we apply for QPS/GRAS for a new strain of a QPS/GRAS species if we want to commercialize?
  • If the new species belong to the same genus, would it help with the process? (For example, Lindnera jadinii is on the list, would it make it easier for Lindnera saturnus?)
  • Is the absence of toxic/harmful effects on the human, animal, environment is sufficient for this status, or are clinical studies required?
  • Would Anamorph/Teleomorph names of the same species in the list make any difference?
Thank you very much for all your help in advance.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
6 answers
Thank you inj advanced.
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Coronavirus & food Q&As - World Health Organization
Food Safety - WHO | World Health Organization › Health topics
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
24 answers
Initially the GMO crops were developed to help farmers prevent crop loss through more resistance to insect damage, tolerance to herbicides and resistance to plant viruses. But, there are many cases of negative effects, and high risks. From your perspective and experience what would be those risks of using GMOs in the agriculture.
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The genetic engineering process has raised many concerns, largely because it involves mutations in hundreds or thousands of locations throughout the plant’s DNA
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
6 answers
Currently, in order to identify insect eggs in stored or processed products (such as contaminated flour or wafer samples), staining was performed based on the method mentioned in the below article.
Microscopic images of possible identified cases were taken with a magnification of 10*20 X, as follows.
Please guide us about the accuracy of detected eggs from other residues (flour) as well as the type of species (beetles) related to them?
Can this method be also used for the detection of larvae and pupa?
In general, what is the fastest way to detect and identify each stages of beetle life cycle (egg, larvae and pupa) in stored or processed products?
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  • asked a question related to Food Safety
29 answers
What are the incidents of contamination of food and water caused by different natural toxins within the past 5-years?
I found some incent in about a decade ago. But I want the once that happened in the last 5 years. Kindly share helpful links and information.
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Nice reply by dear sir Kamal M.Alsaad
I am agreed with him
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
9 answers
We all are thinking for climate change, sea-level rise, Global warming, poverty etc. big issues. But, at the same time, we also triggering those issues by our unsustainable food consumption practices.
Every year, we are generating about 1.3 billion tons of food waste. This food waste accounting in greenhouse gas emissions (about 4.4 gigatons of GHGs ,annually) and environmental degradation. Developing and developed, both countries are wasting about 40% foods.
If we don't waste our foods, it will be enough to feed others 3 billion people annually. We have to be aware of proper consumption of our foods and proper management practices of food wastes globally.
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My colleagues discussed the topic well above, but I want to discuss it from another point of view: There are those who abuse the concept of "protecting the environment" so they sell you, for example, a phone for a large amount and does not give you the charger with the phone box, claiming that it preserves the environment even though it took a large amount from you and you will have to buy the charger So you will have two cans to throw in the trash.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
9 answers
What is your perception? Could it be a good thing for food producers? Is there a positive point of the pandemic that can be rescued as favorable? what things can be corrected so as not to fall into the same problems that occurred during the quarantine. Your opinion will help us to understand the different realities in different countries.
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Although the income losses and local supply chain disruptions associated with the pandemic undoubtedly has led to an increase in food insecurity in many developing countries, global food consumption is largely unaffected due to the inelastic demand of most agricultural commodities and the short duration of the shock.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
81 answers
Now-a-days, food safety is a major concern to the consumers. The consumers are interested to buy safe food to enjoy a healthy life. However, in the recent years, the concept of organic food is introduced. It is well known that for the production of organic food all type of chemicals are strictly prohibited. Therefore, it is a little bit difficult to produce organic food. Could you please clarify that what are the major differences of safe food and organic food? Do you agree that the consumption of safe food is enough to ensure a sound and healthy life?
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Fully agree with dr. Salman Ajlan 🌹
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
8 answers
Usually, it is very difficult to ensure safe and hygienic street food for the people of developing countries. I would like to get some innovative ideas for resolving food safety related issues to ensure safe street food
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Street foods are governed by the customs and traditions of the people and the food pattern prevailing in the country, and it is difficult to implement any global health system that has internationally approved standards
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
14 answers
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has since spread globally, resulting in an ongoing pandemic. As of 12 May 2020, more than 4.17 million cases have been reported across 187 countries and territories, resulting in more than 286,000 deaths. More than 1.45 million people have recovered.
Food safety is used as a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent food-borne illness.
Food security, as defined by the United Nations’ Committee on World Food Security, means that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.
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Hai Sir.
Shortage of Safety foods is high during COVID 19. But i have a suggestion and impact for safe food.
Establishment of organic nutrigarden in terrace or home surroundings to produce organic vegetables and fruits. For example we have established terrace garden in 5 farmer house with supply of inputs during November 2019 by support of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Indian Council Agricultural Research, New Delhi. Farmers had maintained garden properly to harvest plenty of vegetables and also had grow lime tree, guava, amla tree in house surroundings. Impact - Farmer said this garden gave safety and security organic nutritious vegetables and fruits periodically to fulfill my family needs, increase immunity food and avoid to go purchase of vegetables in outside and maintaining social distance during COVID 19. To promote nutrigarden for safe vegetables and fruits.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
9 answers
There are claims that 1/5 of all wild fish caught is used for production of fishmeal and fish oil. Most of this is used for fish farming. Most of the fish used to make fishmeal and fish oil is claimed to be suited for human consumption. What is the effect of this fishing on local food security? Does this kind of production effect your local fisheries?
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The impact of filter feeders on water quality can be seen in the Great Lakes following the invasion of Zebra and Quagga mussels. The water is way clearer. The whole ecosystem was disrupted because, originally, it did not have the benthic filter feeders. So, the mussels have made significant changes. But their action demonstrates what happens when you remove the filtering capacity from a system.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
4 answers
Hello everyone,
I am searching for legislation regarding the legal limits of furosine in milk but I have found so far only information regarding Italy. Are you aware of other EU and not EU countries setting maximum levels in milk or other commodities?
Thanks a lot!
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@ Sonia Colicchia, nice question.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
6 answers
Centers for Disease control and prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have announced food safety alert regarding the outbreak of Salmonella Newport infections linked to onions in various states in America.
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The recent outbreak if Salmonella Newport was first reported on Jul 10, with just a handful of cases in three states. The 212 cases include 31 hospitalizations, but no deaths have been reported. The newly affected states include Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Maine, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Virginia.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
19 answers
In biopreservation, bacteriocins play an important role in extending shelf-life of food. Nisin recognised as GRAS and approved by FDA. Is there any other LABs or others naturally occurring antimicrobials approved by any standard food safety authority , if yes! then what are those and please mention the permissible limit.
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  • asked a question related to Food Safety
2 answers
COVID-19 may have positive or negative impacts on food safety and processing flow. So that may be very fine to have such a comparison of a specific period of the year 2019 and 2020.
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Dear Sayed,
you posted a very important question. I live in Italy and, as my contact with food involves me only as a user, I noticed that COVID-19 had a massive impact on restaurants. Delivery business is now highly increased, and although actual restaurants experienced a major setback during lockdown, they are now back to normal activity, even though they have to respect social distance between tables and more stringent regulations about food processing. Me and my family eat exclusively at home, and we consume only self-cooked food, because we are very active in safety against pandemic.
Good luck with your work,
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
7 answers
In Food Safety Control, it is usually determined to suppliers to send pesticides screening of the raw material. When it is identified a pesticides, how do you evaluate this CoA (which references?) and how do you treat this nonconformity with your supplier?
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a) How do you treat/evaluate nonconformities related to pesticides found in raw materials?
Lucas, if you know who sent the raw material to your company, it is just open the non conformity to supply! If you do not know, you will have to make a traceability of your product.
b) When it is identified a pesticides, how do you evaluate this CoA (which references?)
You can use the Client regulatione established in the contract with your company our your country law.
c) and how do you treat this nonconformity with your supplier?
you have two ways to solve: 1) dilution with a law complying raw material untill you attend the limits or 2) give the ram material back to the supply.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
23 answers
Many countries are recording patients who are infected with the novel virus which has rendered advance economies comatose. A large percentage of food in such developed countries and even the developing ones come from overseas eg China. How will this impact on food safety and security? Are there possible ways of mitigating these effects?
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Thanks James for the webinar link. Inasmuch as the impact is global, i believe the effect on developing economies would be huge.
1. lack of storage and logistics is going to lead to huge losses of perishable goods, Farmers are going to lose, food is going to be scarce and expensive after this pandemic
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
4 answers
Under 9 CFR 430, establishments in Alternative 2b and 3 are required to sample food contact surfaces for Listeria monocytogenes or an indicator organism.
As part of this testing, are establishments expected to identify all possible food contact surfaces for sampling? I wonder how do you interpret the above rule.
Warm regards,
@foodsafety #foodsafety
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Implementation of environmental monitoring for Listeria monocytogenes should be based on risk assessment. There is no one program that fits for all. Looking for Listeria monocytogenes is of particular importance in the wet processing environment, which is conducive to Listeria growth. The monitoring program must look for the niches and harborage sites where there is a potential contamination of Listeria monocytogenes, this is not to be overlooked where RTE foods are exposed to the environment prior to to packaging and the packages foods are not subjected to a kill step. It is recommended to test product contact surfaces (for Listeria spp.) and occasionally testing finished product (for L. monocytogenes). This guidance might be helpful:
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
24 answers
I'm doing a study by using honey as my main treatment substance. The problem with honey is, honey collected from different sources have different physicochemical characteristic and its ingredient is also different. Does each honey sources need to undergo separate toxicity test? Human have consume honey for thousand of years and we can relatively say it is safe especially after rigorous standard food post-harvesting processes. 
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I obtained useful information from your reply on this RG question,
Regards for all
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
6 answers
Is EO suitable only to provide global food production monitoring or it can help also to farmers in developing countries? Is the resolution of current EO limitation? Where EO could help to farmers? What could be killing applications? Are this climatic analysis or some other analysis? This and more other questions we are trying to answer in EO4Agri projects . See our gap analysis report and try to help us identify additional possibilities or comment our conclusion. During the project we already discussed our ideas with African community during Nairobi INSPIRE Hack
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Dear Maged,
thanks for this answer. We will try discuss questions of EO for food security on next GEO meeting in Canberra.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
1 answer
I am doing a research on the title of "Demand for Food Safety attributes for Vegetables" using a discrete choice experiment and conditional logit regression in SAS.
one objective of my study is to identify factors affecting the demand for food safety attributes and these factors are socio-demographic factors. my question is how can I analyse data through SAS (which Proc or code)?
I want to analyse the interaction effects of socio-demographic factors on demand!
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I had a little experience in analysing interaction effect using XLSTAT. May be it can help you.
In XLSTAT, you can run a Two- way ANOVA using the food safety attributes (separately) as the dépendent variables (ie. quantitative variables) and each of your socio-demographic factor as the independent variable (qualitative variable).
I think with this you should be able to get your interaction effects.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
18 answers
What are the common food safety challenges in prevailing food products in the market of developing countries?
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Dear Paroma Arefin.
I am afraid that for our developing countries, critical challenges are included in every single step of the production chain.
For example, It is so difficult to control the presence of highly toxic pesticide residues, dangerous microorganisms, antibiotics or heavy metals in our raw food materials. During processing, the implementation of microbiological controls in a GMP or HACCP program are basically beyond the question because of insufficient or inadequate plant conditions and infrastructure, safe water, staff training, modern technologies for quality assurance, packaging operations and standard sanitizing procedures, just to mention a few reasons.
From the market point of view and because of the relatively limited purchasing power of our consumers, people tend to give more importance to the price of the final products than to its quality and safety, so pressure on producers to improve their product, processes and complementary operations in terms and for the sake of safety is rather low and weak.
Climatological conditions such as high temperatures and humidity all year round do not help either and they rather contribute to the propagation of dangerous bacteria, fungi and animal pests into the different steps of the agroindustrial chains.
In addition to all the reasons above mentioned, I am absolutely convinced that more education on food safety for the civil population might be the clue to success in food safety assurance, and that precisely turns out to be the toughest challenge for our developing countries, not only on the production side but especially on the consumer's side mainly constituted by our impoverished civil populations.
I hope this analysis helps.
Best regards from Costa Rica.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
6 answers
  1. How will the yeast contaminated product affect a consumer’s health?
  2. What might be the cause of yeast growth on chocolate?
  3. What can we do to prevent high yeast counts in chocolate products?
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Sorbic acid and their salts can also be used as preventive for Z. rouxii
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
6 answers
Searching for some online training in Food Safety from rudiments to the advanced level
Any ideas, guys?
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most of the times courses are free to enroll however they charge a fee for certificate
Udemy etc
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
4 answers
We are taking up a work on milk from peri-urban areas of Guwahati city. Although there are some literature on detection of M. bovis in milk samples, I am interested on application of molecular based techniques as well as other rapid methods. How far is it possible to detect M. bovis in milk by PCR? Other than PCR, is there any sensitive and specific rapid test for detection of M. bovis in milk samples?I shall be very happy to have the answers for food safety. 
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We are taking up a work on milk from peri-urban areas of Guwahati city. Although there are some literature on detection of M. bovisin milk samples, I am interested on application of molecular based techniques as well as other rapid methods. How far is it possible to detect M. bovis in milk by PCR? Other than PCR, is there any sensitive and specific rapid test for detection of M. bovisin milk samples?I shall be very happy to have the answers for food safety. 
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
4 answers
I need to know for the presence of food safety precautions and the toxicity found in ginger, turmeric and lemongrass.
I'm dealing with this risky bacteria.
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The most dangerous bacteria are the bacteria of the colon, or the so-called bacteria of poogeolone poisoning or E. coli, which remain in food in case of failure to follow the safety procedures and sanitary conditions to be present in food as well as cleaner materials and food preparation
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
4 answers
Dear Sir/Madam
I am a BSc Veterinary Medicine graduate, Cairo University, Egypt. I have a Microbiology&Toxicology MSc Food Safety, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
During my MSc, I did my thesis on the microbial ecology and the impact of growth history on stress robustness of Listeria monocytogenes. On pursuing my postgraduate training, I joined the Euroleague of Life Sciences ELLS summer school on '' Pathogens, Parasites and Their Hosts; Ecology, Molecular Interactions and Evolution'' provided by Hohenheim University, Germany.
May I ask whether I can join the research project as a PhD student?. Please, find my attached resume
Thank you
Kind regards,
Eslam Saleh
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Yes you can. Better add some of your published articles (if you have) that will increase your chance of hunting a PhD project. Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
56 answers
Food safety and security, both are very important factor for consumer as well as producer.At the present, food safety is the popular term world wide.
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Even though the two terms intuitively sound as if they should mean the same, in fact, "Food security" suggests the adequacy of food to society, the equitable distribution, confirmed supply, fair access, sustained sources, etc. A "secure supply" of food.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
8 answers
I am examining the safety of a food production site. I find a lot of non-detects, which is a good thing in terms of food safety, but handling the zeros in the data is an issue. Certainly, I can't covert 0 CFU/ml to log value. Also adding a constant i.e Log(0+1) will change the entire meaning of the obtained results. I wish to statistically analyze the data; now since no statistical software accepts string/text data, I have to give a value for the log CFU/ml of the non-detects. Does anyone have a suggestion?
I was considering to modify the counts from 0 to 0.00001 which will in turn give a value of 0 log CFU/ml, however here too the CFU/ml value would be altered from the raw data. Any thoughts?
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There are two ways for solving of this problem, 1. Ignoring of the less than results and statistically analysis the positive count results only and reporting of the less than as a percentage of negative to positive count. 2. Converting the less than results to a value, and this depends on the sensitivity or detection limit of the method (i.e. if the detection limit is 1 cfu/ml as in liquid or 10 cfu/g in solids or more), the number would be one of three options; zero, detection limit, or the average between them.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
6 answers
The issue of food waste (FW) in the global context has an in-depth meaning for sustainability. FW is not an exotic topic anymore, nurtured by the scientific community only. It has economic, social and environmental impacts. It has become a wide topic for debates. FW is met throughout all the food supply chain (FSC). At the end of this chain, at the consumption stage, are the households and the restaurants. FW is social misbehaviour. In Europe, FS is the second largest FW producer, with 20% of total production - approx. 25.5 million tonnes, annually. Presently, In Romania, where the research is carried out, there are no studies attesting the existence of FW in the FS, especially in the restaurants.
Presently, In Romania, where the research is carried out, there are no studies attesting the existence of FW in the FS, especially in the restaurants. The only available data is based on approximations.
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Many times, we cannot persuade others (stubborn, selfentred) to accept any idea, no matter, how brilliant idea is!
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
10 answers
Unlike other non-food innovations, food materials remain the same ,coming from nature / agriculture, so what thought can one hold about new generation with nature's produce ? Do we mean innovating new proteins, so far the same amino acids structure any protein since centuries.The idea even of introducing new generation in foods sounds unhealthy. So far food safety, food hygiene, food processing or now food security have did come with new approaches / ideas/innovations but adding new generation in foods does not make any sound /good sense to me. What is basic definition of food ? Once we make it clear then automatically we may disagree to adding new generation into the basic definition.
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I hold reservations on the statement of Fatima Faiq. Nature always works towards harmony and balance. Its way leads towards produce which is required as well as rectified in plants, foods, agricultural products etc.which,therefore, cannot be harmful. Natural toxic or poisonous plants are well known to living things on earth and all these have their benefits and uses on earth.Even if we humans are trying to change genes for commercial purposes, the processes of natural growth of plants applies rectifying mechanisms to align with nature habitat. So, whatever noval foods science plan, the basic human food components will remain the same. I stand on my point.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
3 answers
I want to evaluate willingness to pay for food safety of vegetables in Malaysia.
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This is big project not only Malaysia but also for over the world starting from green houses which must be designed to be without insecticides but with natural materials to be sprayed to defend insects and pests .Natural defense against pests now are made from safe bacteria such as Bacillus thuringenesis and others. Transport of vegetables to the place of consumers should be protected against pollution sources. ....etc.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
21 answers
Currently, I am working on aquatic toxicology, particularly heavy metals. Therefore I want to know the latest maximum permissible limits of these heavy metals  (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn) in food fish. The limits which I have are very old (FAO/WHO 1983/1989).
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what is the WHO/FAO permissible limit for Ni and Zn?
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
3 answers
The in vitro analysis of extracts and essential oils of some plants had a good result against pathogenic bacteria and can participate to extend the shelf life of food products, but some problems have been encountered in the in vivo testing about the performant methods that can be used to insert these substances into feedings especially in meat products.
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For example, it should be used directly in meat? or with an emulsion? or should be inserted into the package film...?
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
2 answers
I’m trying to create LB growth medium (1% Tryptone, 0.5% Yeast Extract, 0.5% NaCl and 0.3% agar) with different water activity using PEG200.
Any suggestions on what concentration of PEG200 will create water activity of 0.95 and 0.97.
Also, has anyone measured water activity of LB?
Thank you.
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You'll need to use Raoults Law to predict the effect of solutes on water activity depression. The Aw calculation needs to include all solutes (I see that you have 0.5% salt, which will have some effect. Have used Propylene Glycol in food systems and managed to get down to 0.8 without too much problem.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
3 answers
Dear Colleagues,
We can observe an increasing trend in food stores where consumers would like (somewhere they already can) to bring their own reusable containers to the store to buy food items in the way to reduce waste.
Although there is no legal obstacle that would prevent food business operators to sell food to the consumer in the way I described above, there is to my professional opinion an increased risk for cross-contamination if unconfessed consumer would for example use the same container to buy raw foods such as fish and meat during the first shopping visit and for some other perishable food items which can be directly consumed during the second shopping visit. Especially if the cleaning procedure in-between is not sufficient.
Of course an important aspect in this context would be informing and educating the consumer which containers are appropriate and how to proceed if such a system is set-up in a food store.
Another hygienic consideration which has to be done is cross-contamination of the working surface at the food store from the reusable container brought by the consumer to buy food. There are some solutions to prevent this like the one in Germany:
And there is also the question about LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of different reusable containers in comparison to the conventional single use materials widely used not, which I am not going to address here.
I would be very interested in your experiences, thoughts, hesitations, consideration, fears etc. about hygienic aspect of such an approach regarding the prevention of foodborne illness.
I found some papaers and documents related to this issues. But if you think there is some paper, guideline, recommendation which would be worth to consider please feel free to share it here.
Best regards, Andrej
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I think you need to widen the scope beyond hygiene considerations and look at possible contamination from physical, chemical and biological means. No packaging material is perfect. Re-using glass containers (such as for milk) is well known, but thee is the risk of glass breakage and fragments. While it should be possible to reduce any microbial load in reusable packaging, my main concern would be with chemical contamination, especially from plasticizes leeching into the food or contamination with insoluble chemicals (I recall a case many years ago of a pesticide leakage onto some food ingredients, which required a major recall and containment exercise). A bit of risk analysis required I think.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
8 answers
For example the large carpenter bees can visit Calotropis or other wild bees visit Peganum. I would like to understand how the bee deal with these plants and is the nectar of these plants contain the same toxic contents of the whole plant? 
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Thanks a lot for this great clarification, although I left Saudi Arabia 3 years ago and the questions was to figure out how larger carpenter bees is adapted to get nectar from Calotropis procera. The stems of the plans also were used by bees for nesting. I may try to find this work again when I will be back to Egypt after my research visit to Hungary.
Thanks again Christopher and I wish for you all the best.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
2 answers
I want to make some testing kit-like formalin for fruits, vegetables, fish, milk etc or carbide for fruits etc.
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Formaldehyde may be detected using the following reagents:
1. Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride + acidic hexacyanoferrete (III) (pink or purple color, color intensity is proportional to formaldehyde amount).
2. Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride +acidic Potassium hexacyanoferrete(III)(pink or purple color, color intensity is proportional to formaldehyde amount).
3. Almost same as previous, addition is impregnation of Silica gel.
4. 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolone hydrazone (MBTH) + acidic Iron (III) Chloride (Blue). [Note: highly acidic condition; pH <1.0; UV-vis 630nm]
5. Chromotropic acid (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) (chromotropic acid in 75% sulfuric acid reacts with formaldehyde; peaking at 580nm wavelength).
6. Chromotropic acid + Bisulfite solution.
7. Chromotropic acid + 1% Sodium bisulfite solution.
8. J-acid (6-amino-1-napthol-3-sulphonic acid; 7-Amino-4-hydroxy-2-naphthalenesulfonic Acid; CAS No. 87-02-5; Sigma: 08800 FLUKA) (University of Cambridge; PhD Thesis: A new J-acid method for the detection of formaldehyde; .
9. Phenyl J-acid.
10. Mixture of dichlorosulfitomercurate (II) complex and acid bleached parasoaniline hydrochloride.
11. Formaldehyde + Mixture of dichlorosulfitomercurate (II) complex and acid bleached parasoaniline hydrochloride. (Schiff’s test?!)
12. 5,5-dimethyl 1,3-cyclohexanedione (Dimedone, Methone) (Sigma 38490 FLUKA).
13. 2-hydrazinobenzothiazole (along with 1% ferricyanide and 10% sodium hydroxide; deep blue colour in presence of formaldehyde) Sawicki and Hauser (1960).
14. 2-Hydroxycarbazole Reagent: Yellowish to Dark Blue colour
15. Nash/Hantzsch Reagent (2M ammonium acetate, 0.05M acetic acid, 0.02M acetylacetone): gives yellow colour; can be measured using spectrophotometer at 412nm
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
5 answers
I am a bit confused with pesticide half life. As far as I know, it is used for environmental purposes.however, if a pesticide is systematic then the biological process would deal with it during the waiting period but if a pesticide is by conract, dose it have the same waiting period or do we relay on the washing step to remove the residues fron the surface of fruits and vegetables.
If we relay on the weather conditions to degrade pesticides from the surface, do they have then similar time as Half-Life.
Do low, moderate and high half-lives presist in the environment somehow related to the safety of plants in fields, produced for humman consumption or as animal feeds.
Best regards
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It is more to do with persistence of pesticides residues in soil or related environment where they are intended to be used...
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
2 answers
Doing research about consumer confidence on food safety
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Yes, a cross-sectional study based on a questionnaire can help you with this type of study. The attached paper can help you.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
34 answers
Consequent to some food-borne incidents in recent years, there have been significant increase in public health concern and decrease in consumer confidence. Despite significant advances in detection tools, regulations, monitoring and consumer education on food safety, reports of food borne illness outbreaks continue to increase. Within the supply chain which is increasingly becoming more complex in the globalized market, adulteration (unintentional or intentional) is the key food safety issue. Increase in imports of food/processed food items due to cost concerns, availability and consumer demand for diverse food products also provide chances for food contamination/adulteration. Regulatory bodies are comforting with major food safety issues including changes in our food production and supply, environmental changes leading to food contamination, new and emerging bacteria, toxins, and antibiotic resistance and consumer preferences and habits leading to increase in imported foods. At this juncture, what should be the effective strategies to address the emerging challenges to provide safe, healthy, nutritious and sustainable produced food to the world's population?
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I agree with dear Dr Debra Sharon Ferdinand-James
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
5 answers
I would like to know if there is any possibility to apply the capillary colum CP Sil 88 for food safety analysis?
I realise that it is a CG column for FAME analysis but I would like to investigate if someone knows hat it is possible to apply it for pesticides, contaminants, histamine, or in the food safety field
Thanks in advance
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Thank you so much
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
28 answers
We all see innovation in almost every field, almost every year/month/day.
We have better laws and protection. Food safety, property rights regulated, human rights, international criminal justice and so on...
But, morally, how do you think we as humankind are?
Are we better than in the past?
Do we respect others?
Do we try to understand others needs?
Do we stop doing what could - anyhow - prejudice others, just because it could? Even if it can certainly prejudice us?
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We are always in the sorcerer's apprenticeship ; the human learning curve is slower and lower than the technical one; only ethical learning processes can close this gap. Modern knowledge and classical wisdom have to be brought together, especially in education, economics and medicine. Quantitative knowledge transfer (the learning assembly line) alone is not sufficient to cope with the challenge of moral behavior; the educated personality must be put back into the focus of learning. In any case, the ethics is now in our hands, it is a matter of value preferences.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
4 answers
I am involved in an Agaricus project in China and am working to develop good food safety practices there. Great need for advice and training materials.
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Dear Chris,
maybe for you should be interesting to know how food safety is managed in Europe.
Food safety is really a big concern for the European Community in which the policy involves various actions to ensure a high level of protection of human health. The most important aim for EC is that its citizens have the right to know how the food is produced, packaged, labelled and sold.
European Community has created for this the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) which provides scientific advice & communicates on existing & emerging risks associated with the food chain to provide the basis for European laws, rules and policymaking.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
5 answers
Biosecurity, I feel, is a strategic and integrated approach that needed a regulatory frame-work and policy to analyze and manage risks associated with food safety, plant and animal health and environment. How to frame that?
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The prevention and control of new pest and disease introductions is an agricultural challenge which is attracting growing public interest. This interest is in part driven by an impression that the threat is increasing, but there has been little analysis of the changing rates of biosecurity threat, and existing evidence is equivocal. Traditional biosecurity systems for animals and plants differ substantially but are beginning to converge.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
1 answer
Treatment that can extend the strawberry shelf life up to 10 days
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Pre treat with Bavistin 2percent solution and keep in CA store with 2%o2
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
4 answers
When we eat our food we eat a lot of endophyes and lot other microbes along with our food. but when it comes to GM Food (which contains another piece of DNA in it) many eyebrows are raised. I m not promoting GM technology but my question is that GM technology can’t be merely overlooked. Present day trials are somewhere failing in biosafety requirements. We need to prepare bio-safe GM crops as better alternative to food loaded with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. We are 7.6 Billion already..... food and its safety both are much needed.
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I think it's mainly due to the perception of the consumer due to bad policital decisions and marketing tales. Don't forget there is also a religious factor in play for a lot of people.
Now politicians find themselves cornered between comitting political suicide or trying to tell the consumer the truth. They always chose the first option.
I fear that without real political debate, famine will be the only motivator to go towards GM. Sience needs to be ready to implement GM crops/organisms when a green light is being given.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
18 answers
I have been researching Japan's high dependency on food imports. Japan imports 60% of his foodstuffs which has become an issue of concern among Japanese citizens and for the Japanese government. In this context, the low food self-sufficiency rate of 40% has been discussed as a problem, in particular in the context of the expansion of free trade negotiations Japan has been involved in. I have been asked several times by students whether a low food self-sufficiency rate is really a problem, or if it is portrayed as a problem in order to promote domestic foodstuffs more strongly? Can anybody recommend materials in which the significance of a high food self-sufficiency is not a given but is more critically discussed? Thanks!
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Dear Stephanie,
Sorry it is a while ago since you posted the question and I am certain that by now you are doing other things. However if it is still relevant then have a look at Pacific Island countries such as Kiribati or Tuvalu, which virtually import everything including most of their food. Here it becomes very clear that the problem then starts, if the country has little to earn foreign exchange with which it can pay for the imports. When one looks at the shops in Tarawa, the capital atoll of Kiribati, then there is mainly very cheap food available in form of canned stuff, instant noodles etc, which then leads to enormous health challenges of the people.... Hardly any vegetables or fruits, hardly any what we would call quality food. Of course the issue goes much deeper than the trade balance, it is mainly the result of poverty; people surely would love to eat more healthy food, if they could afford it. This micro-economic aspect is surely very different from the situation you experienced in Japan..... 
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
105 answers
  • What are evolutionary aspects of food safety standards adopted in different countries or there are any universal norms being followed ? 
  • What kind of practicalities being faced by both researchers as well as practitioners in food safety-related technologies ?  
  • What are the possible research and development issues involved? 
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Thanks for very good replies:
Lewis you have rightly mentioned, our biodiversity such as land varieties for rice, millets have proved useful because of inherent character of biofortification.
thanks Shaista for sharing real life example and value of ethnic foods.
Barbara has also listed very important points linked to food safety.
Vaibhvi has tried to touch few points which are really beyond the residue and contaminants
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
4 answers
could you please help me find a review paper or several method for pesticide residue analysis from volatile oil such as (orange oil, chamomile oil, marjoram oil, jasmine oil, onion oil and basil oil using LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS.
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pass the volatile oil on the bed of florosil, elute with hexane , followed by acetone, methanol. Esimate the pesticide residues by concentrating the elutants from the column and injecting to GC with Ec detector for chlorinated pesticides, GC with FID detector for phosphorous conaining pesticides. Qualitative detection can be done by spotting on  a TLC plate with standard pesticides and spraying with chromogenic reagent.
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
1 answer
Someone has information on fermentation with abnormal development of volatile acids in the rehydration of stockfish?
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  • asked a question related to Food Safety
5 answers
I wish to send strains of Salmonella enterica and Campylobacter jejuni from Japan to the United States, and I am wondering if US customers require an import permit.
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Yes, you will need permits. Probably from both CDC and USDA/APHIS as these organisms are human and livestock pathogens. 
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
12 answers
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Dear Saifeldin,
Please see the concept of toxicology written by Dr. Omkar
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
3 answers
We welcome and would be most appreciative if you could share with us from your own experience and knowledge how this fascinating emerging tool is or will be used.
*Crowdsourcing is defined as taking a job that is traditionally performed in an organization by employees and outsourcing it to a crowd of undefined network of people (non-employees) in the form of an open call. For example, food companies or regulators may ask customers to tweet or to share their posts regarding potential food safety issues.
If no:
- Can you briefly explain why not?
- Can you envision where and how it could be applied for food quality and/or safety
- Do you have an estimation on the time and/or tools required for implementation?
If yes:
- What type of crowdsourcing practices do you use?  
- Why do you use crowdsourcing? 
- Are there any specific benefits?
- Are there any specific drawbacks?
- Can you describe specific example (s)?
- Can you estimate the typical time or the duration?
 Any additional points to share?
Thank you!
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The credibility of scientists - like that of politicians - has dropped in the perception of the general public dramatically in the last years.
So yes, it would be nice to have the judgements of real experts, but I do not believe that their opinions will be accepted by those who we would like to convince. They will rather read (and believe) blogs on the internet than well documented articles in respected journals or magazines. They can always find some "expert" that writes or says something that appeals to them. To complicate things even further, scientists often disagree on the risks of certain food items or environmental issues.
What solutions do we see for that enormous and apparently growing problem?
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
6 answers
Dear all, I want to know the latest rules and regulations related with Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) implementation for food safety.
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Dear Pranab
I am not sure whether you are referring to regulations on HACCP in your country, however, HACCP system is not implemented the same across the world. There are differences in the American system, the EU system and the Codex alimentarius guidelines. The differences are in the decision trees and methodologies used using the different methods may result in different outcomes and to whether a particular step is a CCP or not.
Please google these HACCP systems
Mphane Molefe
  • asked a question related to Food Safety
2 answers
Im going to use the haemocytometer method to count fungal spores from copra. Is there a standard set by FAO or other regulatory bodies for fungal count in foodstuffs or oilseeds like copra?
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It is depends on the regulations of each country and organizations. ..