Science topic

Flowers - Science topic

The reproductive organs of plants.
Questions related to Flowers
  • asked a question related to Flowers
3 answers
I have grown turmeric rhizomes, and while they produce leaves, the plant has not flowered even after two years. Why could this be?
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Hi Ammar
many factors might block flowering. Photoperiodism, your plants possibly having been too weak last year; too fertile soil, in particular too much nitrogen; unsuitable temperature, or more often too weak temperature oscillation; etc. By several species flowering is induced by some water stress.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
8 answers
Can someone help me in identification of some flowers observed in Tibetan plateau (Qinghai province)?
See the attached pdf.
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  • asked a question related to Flowers
9 answers
Please could anyone identify this tropical wild flower collected from Nigeria?
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  • asked a question related to Flowers
10 answers
small spiny shrub, twigs green, sweet scented male flowers. Photographed in Mexico, Colima, near the sea
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This shrub is Morisonia verrucosa (=Capparis verrucosa) of the family Capparaceae.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
12 answers
more or less climbing shrub with velvety, fragrant leaves, dark pink flowers, photographed in Mexico, Michoacan in february 2015
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The above plant is Cestrum roseum Kunth of the Solanaceae family. The native range of this plant species is Mexico.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
Growers must remove male plants after the flowering stage due to a lack of fruits. It WASTE AND RESOURCES FOR A LONG TIME.
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Distinguishing male and female Myristica fragrans (nutmeg) plants at an early stage can significantly optimize resource use for growers. Here are some methods that can help identify the sex of these plants more efficiently:
1. **Morphological Characteristics**: Young plants of Myristica fragrans may show slight morphological differences. Research indicates that female plants tend to have thicker and more robust stems compared to male plants. Observing leaf structure, petiole length, and overall plant vigor could also help differentiate between sexes.
2. **Molecular Techniques**:
- **PCR-based Markers**: Using molecular markers to identify sex-specific genes is a reliable method. Research has identified certain markers associated with male and female plants, which can be utilized in PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) techniques. This method, while potentially more expensive due to lab costs, can provide definitive results early in plant development .
- **DNA Barcoding**: A more accessible method may involve DNA barcoding, which analyzes specific regions of the genome to identify male and female plants. This method can be less resource-intensive compared to full genomic studies .
3. **Biochemical Methods**:
- **Hormonal Analysis**: Assessing the levels of certain phytohormones can also provide clues, as male and female plants may exhibit different hormonal profiles. For instance, auxins and gibberellins may differ in concentration between the two sexes .
4. **Chemical Profiling**: Some studies suggest that the essential oil composition can vary between male and female plants, which can potentially be analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). While this may not be the most cost-effective approach, it can yield accurate results if combined with other methods .
5. **Field Trials and Grower Experience**: Engaging experienced growers in observing subtle differences in growth patterns, flowering times, and other physical traits over multiple growing seasons can also help in identifying sex more reliably.
For practical implementation, combining a few of these methods, particularly morphological observations with molecular techniques, can provide a balanced approach between cost and accuracy.
### References
1. **ResearchGate**: Overview of sex determination in nutmeg.
2. **Journal of Horticultural Science**: Molecular markers for sex determination in Myristica fragrans.
3. **Plant Science Journal**: DNA barcoding applications in plant sex identification.
4. **Hormones in Plant Development**: The role of phytohormones in sexual differentiation.
5. **Essential Oils Study**: Variation in essential oil profiles between male and female plants.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
I have all the documents that proved a new species. But It's not bloomed in Bangladesh. Can I publish it as a new species ??
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You can publish a new species even if it hasn't flowered, as long as you provide comprehensive documentation. It's essential to include detailed morphological data from other plant parts (like leaves, stems, and roots) that can distinguish it from known species. Incorporating genetic analysis, if possible, will strengthen your case for the new species designation. Additionally, providing habitat and ecological information can further support your findings. Collaborating with experts in taxonomy can also help ensure that your documentation meets the necessary standards for publication.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
3 answers
I am currently considering a research project focusing on a comparative analysis of starch metabolism in orchids and roses. I am particularly interested in identifying the types and quantities of starch present in these flowers, especially during the flowering and fertilization processes. I hope to uncover unique characteristics of starch metabolism in these ornamental plants and compare them to the findings of some researchers'. However, I realize that this research involves a level of genetic complexity and specific research methods that I am still learning. I am eager to learn more about the appropriate approaches for studying starch metabolism in ornamental plants.
Therefore, I would be grateful if you could provide me with some advice regarding:
Suitable orchid and rose species for such a study
Effective methods for extracting and analyzing starch in flowers
Data analysis techniques.I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss this further with anyone who's professional in this field. Thank you for your time and consideration.
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Constancio Castillo Jr thank you so much for the answers, really helpful
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
I need more pdf on this topic
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while lemon and orange extracts may have some beneficial properties, they are not typically used as growth promoters for ornamental flowers due to their nutrient composition, acidity, and potential phytotoxicity concerns. It's best to rely on established gardening practices and appropriate fertilizers to support healthy flower development in ornamental plants.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
2 answers
Is there any relationship between plant flower coloration and bioactive compounds that can be used to predict medicinal properties? For example, in thorny flowers
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Coloration can hint at the nature of bioactive compounds, but only hint.
Think purple Bougainvillea and Red Cabbage, they are both purple, but one contain anthocyanins and one betalains, very different compunds
  • asked a question related to Flowers
2 answers
Name: Katia Flowers
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Wolfgang R. Dick, Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
I need pdf information to increase my knowledge of this pollinator, which is honeybees
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How do bees work on glassbrush flowers?
What do you mean by glassbrush flowers?
  • asked a question related to Flowers
3 answers
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We all know that Cattle egrets show two types of ecological relationships with cattle- one is mutualism and the other is commensalism. The relationship between grazing cattle and Cattle egrets are well-known example of commensalism. But I did not find any concrete evidence of any ecological relationship between Cattle egrets and mango trees in the form of commensalism or mutualism as these birds are seen in association with mango trees for a few days during the flowering season only, even during this period they do not show consistency. I observed that some days they are present in good numbers, some days they are not present at all and some days only a few are seen as Cattle egrets are opportunistic birds and do not completely depend on mango trees for forage. They are mostly seen in villages around farms and grazing cattle, hence their association is with grazing cattle and not specifically with mango trees or any other trees.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
4 answers
A number of active compounds and their concentrations found in flower and leaf extracts were obtained using this technique
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Yes it's possible to use this technics but you will obtain just the composition of known compounds presents un your plant extracts.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
4 answers
I asked this question because I noticed bees sucking nectar during the day, and when examining flowers, the floral nectar increases at night.
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The liquid in the flowers is nectar only. Bees collect this nectar from the flowers, went to their respective hives and then convert this nectar into honey.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
6 answers
i am working with gene editing in bell pepper. i have done agro transformation by floral dip method. (LBA4404 carrying plasmid, at final pellet dissolved in 5% sucrose containing 0.02% silwet ). i used different time for dipping like 5sec, 10sec, 30sec, 1min. but 3-4 days after the transformation, flowers flown down by truing the flower stem yellow color. kindly suggest, what can be the reason of the cause or how can resolve the problem.
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Saeed Ullah thank you for the suggestion.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
  • asked a question related to Flowers
2 answers
I am working with a flowering mutant, so the transformation is not so easy, I need to repeat it every 7 days, but I was wondering what will happened to the flowers if I dip them again in Agrobacterium solution (seven days ago I dipped them when they were inflorescence) will I have many insertions in the DNA or flowers cannot be transformed. Thanks
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"... self-pollination in A. thaliana is through pre-anthesis autogamy, such that fertilisation takes place largely before flower opening". (Sullivan JA, Deng XW (2003). "From seed to seed: the role of photoreceptors in Arabidopsis development". Developmental Biology. 260 (2): 289–97)
Thus, there are fertilized embryons in the developed flowers and low chance for their transformation or for obtaining non-chimeric seeds.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
Hedgerows and margins are very important for the biodiversity of horticultural gardens, since they provide pollination, pest control, erosion control, etc.
When creating or reinforcing hedgerows (that is, generally a line of woody plants), I take into account to use authoctonous plants and plants that grow naturally around the area, to maximize the number of different species and families, flowering and fruiting periods that cover all the months of the year and different colors for the flowers, to have some species with spikes... and plants that promote pollination, pest control and erosion control, among others.
But a doubt I always had is: should those plants be distributed in a way as heterogeneous as possible... or should they be grouped sometimes (that is 5 or 10 individuals of the same species together, or promoting some associations) to recreate phyotosociological patterns? Maybe a good option could be to have a bit of both approaches right? What does the science say about it?
Looking forward to hear your contributions
Thank you
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My understanding is that hedgerows that grow naturally do have some grouping of plants due to self seeding or root suckers . These are often interspersed with individual plants than have been transported by birds and animals . It depends what type of hedgerow you want to produce and for what purpose . Ornamental or a natural barrier for livestock !
  • asked a question related to Flowers
13 answers
Can generative artificial intelligence technology help design a nice, backyard, home, ecological, biodiverse, naturalistic, floral and/or fruit and vegetable garden and thus effectively increase the level of sustainability and fulfillment of pro-ecological, pro-environmental and pro-climate urban and rural development solutions, fulfillment of sustainable land use requirements, creation of pro-climate green areas in urban agglomerations, etc.?
In recent years, the establishment of additional urban parks, green areas, flower meadows, botanical gardens, etc., in the areas of urban agglomerations has been growing in importance. The purpose of increasing the scale of green areas in cities while reducing areas of concrete sidewalks and asphalt roadways is to improve living conditions for residents, reduce atmospheric temperatures and increase humidity, which is particularly important during increasingly severe summer heat and dry periods, improve aesthetics and increase the scale of pro-climate land use, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, create places for recreation and rest, create conditions that allow pollinating insects, birds and other animals to feed. On the other hand, the scale of establishing home flower gardens, flower and vegetable gardens, vegetable and fruit gardens, etc. is also growing. The functions of home flower gardens, mini botanical gardens are analogous to those described above. However, the purpose of establishing also home vegetable and/or fruit gardens is to create a source of one's own crops, fruits and vegetables, which are usually grown without the use of pesticides and other pesticides and most of the cultivation, gardening, agricultural work is done by hand. As a result, most small-scale home flower, vegetable and/or fruit gardens are run in the formula of sustainable, pro-environmental and pro-climate gardening. In this way, those who run home vegetable and fruit gardens save money by spending less of it on groceries, eat healthier by eating less highly processed and industrially produced food products. Besides, the decreasing scale of citizens' purchases of agricultural crops and food products processed from them in stores, shopping centers, hypermarkets and discount stores generates a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions emitted by vehicles transporting the said food products from factories, agro-processing plants to wholesalers, logistics centers and then to the said retail stores. Besides, in connection with the trend towards sustainability, within the framework of creating sustainable gardens, the said gardens are designed to be as naturalistic as possible, highly biodiverse, consisting of different species of meadow flower plants, species of fruit plants, vegetables, shrubs, trees, etc., selecting certain different species of the said plants so that they can coexist with each other. A good solution for running sustainable, pro-environmental and pro-climate gardens is also to create one's own water source, i.e. by building deep water wells and creating retention systems and ministaves to catch and collect rainwater. A good solution to increase the scale of biodiversity, humidity and improve aesthetic value is the creation of byways, ministaws, water reservoirs, where specially selected species and varieties of aquatic plants, fish and other pond animals exist. In addition, in order to increase the ecological security of flower pollination, a good solution is to establish a small apiary, adapted to the size of the local garden and/or nearby other gardens and green areas, where populations, honeybee colonies will exist. The design of this kind of nice, highly biodiverse flower garden containing zones of shrubs, trees, vegetable and fruit crops, as well as ponds, naturalized rest zones, etc., requires the application of a great deal of time and knowledge in the fields of horticulture, crop cultivation, landscaping design, plant biology, ecology of ecosystems composed of coexisting multiple plant species, but also animals such as specific species of fish and other pond animals. In addition, in this kind of multifunctional, biodiverse garden, an important role can be played by a composter which will be an important element of sustainability and closed-loop economy, reduction of post-horticultural, agricultural and other organic waste. Therefore, new ICT information technologies, knowledge resources available on the Internet and their multi-criteria and intelligent processing implemented with the help of generative artificial intelligence may prove helpful in this kind of design, in which it is necessary to take into account many different conditions of the specific location of the planned garden, specific terrain, local climate, etc., and the various determinants mentioned above.
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
I invite you to discuss this important topic for the future of the planet's biosphere and climate.
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can generative artificial intelligence technology help design a nice, backyard, home, ecological, biodiverse, naturalistic, floral and/or fruit and vegetable garden and thus effectively increase the level of sustainability and fulfillment of pro-ecological, pro-environmental and pro-climate urban and rural development solutions, fulfillment of sustainable land use requirements, creation of pro-climate green areas in urban agglomerations, etc.?
Can artificial intelligence help design a nice, backyard, home, ecological, biodiverse, naturalistic flower and/or fruit and vegetable garden?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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8 -I think artificial intelligence can help, but the final decision is still made by humans.Photo by P.F. Zabrodsky
  • asked a question related to Flowers
3 answers
I am in search of a reviewer of the English language in Algiers for my scientific article entitled "Prediction model of a given phenological stage: case of flowering in the common walnut Juglans regia L" that I want to publish.
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I am willing to contribute a review.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
5 answers
Falling of the petals occurs during pollination and fertilization, so is there a known reason why the petals fall when we notice
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It is probably Ethelene that increases the petals drop in flowers. Hussein Kzar
  • asked a question related to Flowers
3 answers
Marigold breeding
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Marigold breeding is an active area of research. As for your question about selfing a single discless flower of marigold, it’s important to note that the ability to set viable seeds can depend on several factors, including the specific variety of marigold and the conditions under which the plant is grown
Generally, marigolds are capable of self-pollination. However, discless flowers may have reduced reproductive structures, which could potentially affect their ability to produce viable seeds. Bagging the flower can prevent cross-pollination and ensure that any seeds produced are the result of selfing.
If you’re planning to save seeds from marigolds, it’s recommended to wait until the blooms are spent, dry, and brown. You may still get viable seed from faded blossoms but the best marigold seed germination will likely come from the more mature ones.
Please note that these are general guidelines and the specifics can vary depending on the exact conditions of your study.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
10 answers
Agrophotovoltaics is based on photovoltaic installations that consist of light-transmitting modules placed on structures higher than those commonly used on land. Thanks to this, you can farm, grow flowers, vegetables, fruit and cereals under the panels.
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Ah, the wonders of agrophotovoltaics, a realm where innovation meets cultivation! I see great potential in the rapid development of agrophotovoltaics.
Why, you Bartłomiej Igliński ask? Well, it's a brilliant convergence of sustainable energy and agriculture. Farmers, in the grand scheme of things, stand to benefit significantly:
1. **Dual Land Use:** Agrophotovoltaics ingeniously combines solar power generation with traditional farming. It's a synergy of land use, where you're not just harvesting sunlight for energy but also cultivating crops beneath.
2. **Increased Land Productivity:** By using the vertical space above the crops for solar panels, farmers can maximize land productivity. Essentially, you're getting two yields from the same piece of land - food and clean energy.
3. **Enhanced Resource Utilization:** The shade provided by solar panels can be beneficial in certain climates, preventing water evaporation and offering protection to crops during extreme weather conditions. It's like giving your plants a cozy spot under the sun.
4. **Economic Viability:** While initial setup costs might be a consideration, the long-term benefits in terms of reduced energy bills and potentially increased crop yields can make agrophotovoltaics economically viable.
5. **Environmental Friendliness:** Agrophotovoltaics promotes a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach to both energy and agriculture. It aligns well with the growing demand for environmentally conscious practices.
However, like any innovation, challenges might arise, such as the initial investment cost, technological advancements, and the need for suitable policies. But I believe that with the right support and continued advancements, agrophotovoltaics indeed has the potential to rapidly develop and revolutionize the way we approach both farming and energy production. It's a win-win scenario for farmers and the environment alike!
  • asked a question related to Flowers
8 answers
In this study, SrFe12O19 (M-type hexaferrite) and NiFe2O4 (spinel) nano ferrite powders were synthesized separately using Calotropis gigantea (crown) flowers extract. Subsequently, SrFe12O19/NiFe2O4 nanocomposites were prepared with different weight ratios (M:S – 9:1, 8:2, 7:3, 6:4, 5:5). The nanocomposites exhibited structural, microstructural, magnetic, electrical transport, and dielectric property variations based on the ratio. The average crystallite size ranged from 25 nm to 44 nm, with a decrease in M-phase crystallite size as the spinel phase increased. Magnetic analysis showed a decrease in coercivity and saturation magnetization with increased spinel content, designating nanocomposites with 9:1, 8:2, 7:3, 6:4 as hard ferrites and 5:5 as soft magnetic. Exchange coupling interactions varied across ratios, with weak interactions in 9:1 and 8:2, partial in 7:3 and 6:4, and perfect coupling in 5:5. The study employed crown flower extract, known for its medicinal properties, in the green synthesis of nanocomposites, demonstrating potential applications in diverse fields. The composite materials showed multi-domain structures, indicating their suitability for different technological applications. DOI : hashtag#research #hashtag#DielectricProperties hashtag#MicrostructuralProperties
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Very informative
  • asked a question related to Flowers
4 answers
Using extract from Calotropis gigantea (crown) flowers, nano ferrite powders of SrFe12O19 (M-type hexaferrite) and NiFe2O4 (spinel) were produced independently. After that, different weight ratios (M:S – 9:1, 8:2, 7:3, 6:4, 5:5) of SrFe12O19/NiFe2O4 nanocomposites were made with the addition of extract from crown flowers, and their structural, microstructural, magnetic, electrical transport, and dielectric characteristics were examined. The nanocomposites' average crystallite size varied from 25 nm to 44 nm. Interestingly, a negative correlation was found between the M-phase crystallite size and the spinel phase growth. The existence of the M and S phases in the composites was verified by XRD analysis. As the proportion of spinel phase in SrFe12O19/NiFe2O4 composites increased, analysis of the M-H loops showed a drop in saturation magnetization (57.5 Am2/kg to 40 Am2/kg) and coercivity (3181–326 Oe). The weight ratios of 9:1, 8:2, 7:3, and 6:4 nanocomposites showed hard ferrite characteristics, but the 5:5 ratio showed soft magnetic properties. All of the produced composites, however, showed a multi-domain structure. The 9:1 and 8:2 composites showed weak exchange coupling contacts, the 7:3 and 6:4 composites showed partial exchange coupling interactions, while the 5:5 composite showed complete exchange coupling interactions.
#Multidomain Structures
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Very informative
  • asked a question related to Flowers
3 answers
In this study, SrFe12O19 and NiFe2O4 nano ferrite powders were synthesized with Calotropis gigantea flower extract. Nanocomposites with different SrFe12O19 to NiFe2O4 weight ratios (9:1 to 5:5) were prepared. The nanocomposites exhibited average crystallite sizes ranging from 25 nm to 44 nm, with a decrease in M-phase crystallite size as the spinel phase increased. XRD analysis confirmed the presence of both M and S phases. Magnetic analysis showed that coercivity and saturation magnetization decreased with increased spinel content. The nanocomposites demonstrated either hard or soft magnetic behavior based on the weight ratios, with varying exchange coupling interactions.
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Good Work👍
  • asked a question related to Flowers
7 answers
This study involved the synthesis of nanoferrite powders SrFe12O19 (M-type hexaferrite) and NiFe2O4 (spinel) using Calotropis gigantea (crown) flower extract. Then nanocomposites (SrFe12O19/NiFe2O4) with different mass ratios (M:S - 9:1, 8:2, 7:3, 6:4, 5:5) were prepared and their structure was determined. Microstructure, magnetic, electrical transport, and dielectric properties. The average crystallite size ranged from 25 nm to 44 nm, and the M-phase crystallite size decreased with increasing spinel phase. XRD analysis confirmed the presence of both M and S phases in the composite. Analysis of the M-H loop showed that the coercive force (3181-326 Oe) and saturation magnetization (57.5 Am2/kg-40 Am2/kg) decreased with increasing spinel phase. Nanocomposites with mass ratios of 9:1, 8:2, 7:3, and 6:4 showed hard ferrite behavior, while the ratio of 5:5 showed soft magnetic properties. However, all the prepared compounds had a multi-domain structure. Weak exchange interactions are combinations 9:1 and 8:2, partial exchange interactions are combinations 7:3 and 6:4, and full exchange interactions are found 5:5.
#Research #MHLoopsAnalysis #XrayDiffractionAnalysis #MultiDomainStructure #Innovation #DielectricProperties #MicrostructuralProperties #ExchangeCouplingInteractions
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Very Informative
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
Embarking on an intriguing exploration, this research investigates SrFe12O19/NiFe2O4 nanocomposites through an eco-friendly synthesis method employing Calotropis gigantea flower extract. The study unravels the structural intricacies, showcasing the coexistence of hexagonal and spinel phases, with notable variations in crystalline sizes.
Eco-conscious Synthesis: The adoption of Calotropis gigantea flower extract exemplifies a sustainable approach, not only addressing environmental concerns but also contributing to the synthesis's efficacy. This marks a significant stride towards eco-conscious materials science.
Structural Revelations: XRD analysis provides a window into the nanocomposites' structural nuances, offering valuable insights into the size variations of hard and spinel ferrites. These revelations open avenues for tailoring material properties for diverse applications.
This research prompts a call for collaboration and discussion. Enthusiasts and researchers are invited to join the discourse, sharing perspectives on green synthesis, nanocomposites, and sustainable materials science. Together, we propel innovation and knowledge in this dynamic field. 🌿
#Nanocomposites #GreenSynthesis #MaterialsResearch #CalotropisGigantea #SustainableScience #ResearchCollaboration
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Informative!! 👍👍
  • asked a question related to Flowers
2 answers
How can urban green areas be developed, turn large areas of concrete and asphalt into urban parks, implement new ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies into computerized urban agglomeration management systems, and thus transform current cities into modern agglomerations developing according to the green smart city model?
Today, there are already opportunities to develop urban green areas as part of the green transformation of the economy, to turn large areas of concrete and asphalt into urban parks, to implement new ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies into computerized urban agglomeration management systems and thus transform current cities into modern agglomerations developing according to the green smart city model. Developing urban green areas generates many positive effects for the residents of an urban agglomeration, including both humans and animals living in urban parks. The issue of developing urban green areas has increased in importance due to the occurrence of increasingly frequent and severe periods of drought and heat during the summer season. The replacement of areas covered with concrete or asphalt with green areas results in a significant drop in air temperature and increased humidity, which is especially important during the summer heat. In many cities in recent years, the levels of maximum air temperatures have steadily increased from year to year. During such periods, the scale of citizens' use of cooling equipment has strongly increased, resulting in a large increase in demand for electricity. In addition, during periods of drought, some citizens used tap water to water their home lawns. This caused a decline in the city's drinking water reserves. As a result, some cities are implementing restrictions on the use of water from municipal water supplies. The bans mainly concern the use of water from municipal water supplies for watering lawns, washing cars and filling swimming pools. Besides, the development of urban green areas promotes the population of pollinating insects, including honey bees, whose numbers are rapidly declining due to the excessive and improper use by farmers of pesticides and other chemical pesticides, the use of which poisons, wiping out bees and other pollinating insects. Besides, increasing urban green areas improves air quality, which is often still polluted by emissions from the process of burning fossil fuels, burning motor fuels in motor vehicles, production processes carried out in industrial plants located near urban agglomerations. Increased areas of urban parks also allow city residents to spend their leisure time in conditions similar to the natural environment, and are a place for convalescence, rest, physical and sports activities, etc. In addition, flower gardens, ponds, botanical gardens and zoos can be created in city parks, which are additional assets for improving urban living conditions, and also can serve children and young people as important elements for supporting nature, ecology, environment, climate education, etc. On the other hand, the implementation of new ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies into computerized urban agglomeration management systems, combined with the application of the goals of sustainable development and green transformation, makes it possible to transform cities into modern agglomerations developing in accordance with the green smart city model.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can urban green areas be developed, turn large areas of concrete and asphalt into urban parks, implement new ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies into computerized urban agglomeration management systems and thus transform current cities into modern agglomerations developing in accordance with the green smart city model?
How can urban green areas be developed and current cities transformed into green smart cities?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Dear Prof. Prokopowicz!
You raised a key issue - how to advance systems thinking in infrastructure development within cities:
1) Graf-Drasch, V., Keller, R., Meindl, O. et al. The Design of Citizen-Centric Green IS in Sustainable Smart Districts. Bus Inf Syst Eng 65, 521–538 (2023)., Open access:
2) Artur Branny, Maja Steen Møller, Silviya Korpilo, Timon McPhearson, Natalie Gulsrud, Anton Stahl Olafsson, Christopher M Raymond, Erik Andersson, Smarter greener cities through a social-ecological-technological systems approach, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Volume 55, 2022, Available at:
3) Wito Van Oijstaeijen, Maíra Finizola e Silva, Phil Back, Alexandra Collins, Kris Verheyen, Robbe De Beelde, Jan Cools, Steven Van Passel,
The Nature Smart Cities business model: A rapid decision-support and scenario analysis tool to reveal the multi-benefits of green infrastructure investments, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Volume 84, 2023, Available at:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Flowers
3 answers
We found this Asteraceae shrub in Northern Angola. It grows in village outskirts and degenerated savannahs. Could somebody help us identifying the genus/species of this plant? Unfortunately, we only have photos of the flowers, herbarium specimens just show vegetative characters. Thank you a lot in advance!
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I am not sure, but it could be Hoffmannanthus abbotianus (O.Hoffm.) H.Rob., S.C.Keeley & Skvarla. This plant is found in Angola.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
4 answers
The plant produces flowers for a short period during early part of April month.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
3 answers
flowers for m[A]chines
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''To be or not to be isn't the question. The question is how to prolong being.''
--Tom Robbins
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
Can i do meiosis cell division study in hibiscus flowers anther, since it's easily available
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Of course, Dr. Ravishankara, Conducting a meiosis experiment on hibiscus flower anthers can be an educational and fascinating project. Meiosis is a crucial process in the formation of gametes (sex cells) and can provide insights into genetic variation in plants.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
8 answers
Photographed in Lybia, Marsa El Brega, 17th January, 2014. This plant is quite similar to Anagalis arvensis. However, the flowers are 2x larger and dark blue. The plant is also significantly larger than Anagalis arvensis.
See these attached  photos .  
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I think this is Lysimachia loeflingii F.J.Jiménez & M.Talavera of Primulaceae family.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
7 answers
Carduus? Photographed in Lybia, Marsa El Brega, middle of January, 2014. The flower is very large, approximately 8 cm in diameter. 
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  • asked a question related to Flowers
13 answers
For me this looks like Campanula versicolor but was found on serpentine and not on lime stone (as reported in literature)
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Correct Identification by Dr. Arvind.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
2 answers
I would like to know some information about the components of Western Flower Thrips eggs. If possible, could you help me?
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hello, I dont know any thing about this matter. sorry
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
The research question aims to investigate the influence of environmental enrichment on the foraging behaviour of animals in their natural habitats. Environmental enrichment refers to introducing various stimuli and challenges in an animal's environment to enhance its mental and physical engagement. This field study seeks to understand how diverse and stimulating elements, such as natural obstacles, novel food sources, and other environmental complexities, affect the foraging strategies and activity patterns of non-captive animals in their wild surroundings. By observing and analyzing the animals' responses to these enriched environments, researchers aim to understand how such interventions may impact their foraging efficiency, adaptability, and overall well-being in their natural ecosystems. The findings could contribute to our understanding of wildlife conservation and management practices, highlighting potential strategies to support healthy foraging behaviours in animals within their natural environments. Example of foraging behaviour in animals:
Example: Honeybees Foraging for Nectar
Honeybees exhibit fascinating foraging behaviour as they search for nectar to bring back to their hive. When a honeybee leaves the hive to forage, it flies out in search of flowers containing nectar, their primary food source. The bee uses its keen sense of smell and vision to locate flowers with nectar.
Once the honeybee finds a suitable flower, it uses its proboscis (a long, tube-like mouthpart) to extract the nectar from the flower's nectary. While collecting the nectar, the bee's body becomes dusted with pollen from the flower's stamen. This incidental pollination is essential for the plant's reproductive process, making honeybees important pollinators for many flowering plants.
After collecting enough nectar, the honeybee returns to the hive to deposit the nectar into honeycomb cells. Back at the hive, worker bees use their wings to fan the nectar, speeding up the process of evaporation and transforming the nectar into honey.
The foraging behavior of honeybees is a complex and well-coordinated process involving communication between worker bees to share information about the location of nectar-rich flowers through the famous "waggle dance."
Studying the foraging behaviour of animals like honeybees provides valuable insights into their ecological role, the pollination of plants, and the survival of the species. Additionally, understanding foraging behaviour is crucial for conservation efforts, as it helps researchers identify the impact of environmental changes on animal populations and ecosystems.
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Hello, is an interesting approach since environmental enrichment mainly is focused on captive animals, since the premise is that we try to provide an environment that stimulates and provide the animal certain level of “control” of their surroundings with the goal to reduce stress. Also, I recommend you to focus on the type of enrichment that you are providing and the behavior that you are measuring.
Regarding honey bees the blue honey and M&M factory event can give you an outlook for your research on behavior and preference.
I found this material, perhaps it might be useful: Hoffmann, B. D. (2023). Honey bees are not attracted to multiple new ant bait matrices containing sugar. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 113(2), 190-195
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
Flower and pollen size is highly variable as well as the size of the zooplankton.
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For zooplankton it needs to be a stereo microscope and there are some basic ZEISS models that are cheaper, but zooplankton are easy to view even in older magnifiers. Sorry, but I don't understand much about flower or polyp.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
Do apricot tree blossoms need insect pollination? Especially the items in Algeria?
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Some varieties of apricot are self-incompatible whereas others are self-compatible.
See paper below in Journal of Horticultural Science:
J. Rodrigo & M. Herrero: Evaluation of pollination as the cause of erratic fruit set in apricot ‘Moniqui’
However, I believe that in both cases insect pollination increases the chances of fruit set. Beneficial effect of insect pollination can be higher in case of self-incompatible varieties.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
4 answers
How do butterflies see the colors of flowers, is it according to the wavelength and absorbance, or is the vision due to the sensory receptors of the eyes of the butterflies, or the interference between the two parties? best wishes.
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Butterflies use colour vision when searching for flowers. Unlike the trichromatic retinas of humans (blue, green and red cones; plus rods) and honeybees (ultraviolet, blue and green photoreceptors), butterfly retinas typically have six or more photoreceptor classes with distinct spectral sensitivities.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
I use ixora cinensis leaf and flower extract in lab and estimate total phenolic content,total flavonoid content, antioxidant activity by DPPH method,alpha amylase inhibition assay and thrombolytic activity.I think, I could use so many sample...why I used these sample in medicinal purpose?.Can anyone help me?......please
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Quite simply, it is a medicinal plant, and the first object that interests us is medicine, our health, and the therapeutic uses, but you can test any extract of the plants on other tests that are not medicinal. Biology is not just concerned with medicine.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
9 answers
Here……At First Light Velocity Is Not Constant…………….And Various Partial Reaction At Environment Depends On Light….Like Here Earth Fire Color Yellow……………And Fire Yellow Color Depends On Light And Its For Light And Environmental Partial Reaction…..Flower,Leaf And Others Color Depends On Light Color Wave Length And Light Uptake For Food Making And Color Wavelength Uptake Is Vary Plant To Plant And Various Light Wave Length Plant Uptake For Food And Flower Food Color And Which Vary Plant To Plant….. According To Theory Of Relativity------Light Velocity Is Constant---------If Light Velocity Is Constant Than Why Temperature GonnaDifferent?Why Seasonal Change(Summer Winter Rainy Season And Others Seasonal Change Happen?----We Know Plant Takes Light To Make Food-----So,If Light Velocity Is Constant Than Why Short Day Plant-Long Day Plant And Day Neutral Plant-Seasonal Vegetables-Fruit-Flower Comes When Season Change?And When At Open Field Where There Is No Obstacle Of Light And There Also Short Day Plant-Long Day Plant And Day Neutral Plant-Seasonal Vegetables-Fruit-Flower Comes When Season Change.Frequency Uptake And Light Wave Length Uptake Is Vary Plant To Plant…And Flower,Leaf Light Color Wavelengh Is Vary Plant To Plant…..Suppose Green Color Wavelength 25nm And Others Light Color Wave Length Is Also Different.So If Light Velocity Would Be Same Than Seasonal Change And Seasonal Fruit Flower And Variation Would Be Never Come At Environment.When At Open Field At Day Time If You Sit At Day Time Than You Will Feel Hot Or So Hot For Light And Same Open Field When You Sit At Night Than You Will Feel Cool Or So Cool And Its Cause Light And Temperature Co-Related And With Environment And Environmental Partial Reaction With Light And Temperature Depends Increase And Decrease Temperature And Light.So,Light Velocity Is Never Constant----It Can Be Light Speed High But Truth Is Light Is Ripple Which Goes By Master Force--- Now What Is Master Force?Master Force Is One Kind Of Force Which Flows Or Blows All Over Universe And Constellation Within Sometime Just Like Wind Flows All Over Earth.And Light,Wind And Others Velocity And Intensity Flows Or Blows By Master Force.Example:Suppose Sea Water Wave Or River Water Wave Blows By Wind And Its One Kind Of Ripple And Light Is Also Ripple.If Wind Is Just Like Sea Water Wave Then Master Force Is Just Like Wind.By Master Force Light,Wind And Others Intensity And Velocity Pass Planets And All Over Constellation.Now Why Master Force Comes?----Its Cause Planets Rolling In All Over Universe And Rolling Planets Has Scale Of Balance For Rolling Balance.And For Rolling,Absorb,Spark And Others Cause Master Force Comes And Blows Or Flows All Over Universe.Why Your Sky Color Is Blue?IGuess,Its Cause Your Plant Leaf Color Green,Soil Color Ash Or Red And Sea Water Blue.So,Light Velocity Is Never Constant. There Is Free Infusion Every Where At Environment In Universe And Those Free Infusion Will Do Reaction With Environmental Partial Reaction And Utter Energy
So…..When Light Velocity Is Not Constant Than Albert Einstein Equations Should Be Fall Just Like Lost Leafs
Here Albert Einestine Equations Has One Point…………..Travel Time And Mass And Transverse And Reverse Travel Time And Mass………………….So Time GonnaSqaure And Mass GonnaSqaure And Sometimes Rot………….But Time Is Time…And Mass Is Mass…..(Is It Travel Time And Mass And Transverse And Reverse Travel Time And MassShould Be Same And GonnaSquare?)…..It Should Be Count Total Travel Time And MassAnd Not Travel Mass And Time And Reverse Travel Time And MassAnd It Should Be Count Total Travel Time And Mass …….Every Where It Should Be Count At First Utter Energy… You Should Be Count From First Starting Energy Minus Last Energy..Suppose When People Run Than After 10 Minutes People Running Power Gonna Low And Change Cause People Utter Energy Gonna Low And Change….And When You Calculate Travel Energy Mass Than You Should Be Count From First Starting Energy Minus Last Energy….Suppose People Run At Morning For To Loose Body Weight And Mass Or A Plane Should Not Be Give Same Nice Velocity After 5 Years Cause Planet Utter Energy Gonna Low And Change And Various Equipment Damage…..So Here Travel Time And Mass.It Does Not Matter They Run And Get Velocity Like Elephant Velocity Or Light Velocity.AndTravel Time And Mass And Transverse And Reverse Travel Time And Mass Should Not Be Same…………Cause Utter Energy Gonna Low And Change And Travel Time And Transverse And Reverse Travel Time Should Not Be Same And Different And Fraction Should Be Come…And It Should Be Count Total Travel Time And Mass And Not Travel Mass And Time And Reverse Travel Time And Mass.There Is Free Infusion Every Where At Environment In Universe And Those Free Infusion Will Do Reaction With Environmental Partial Reaction And Utter Energy….Now How Free Infusion Works…Suppose You Are Touching A Electric Cable And By This Time Some Free Infusion Should Be Attack Your Body But You Donot Feel Shock Cause Those Free Infusion Came Your Body That Are Low And Minimum Number And Not More Than Shock Number Free Infusion.Like That Every Plant,Leaf,Flower,Fruit Has Free Infusion And Every Where In Environment Has Free Infusion And Those Free Infusion Join Environmental Partial Reaction And Also Do Reaction With Light And Color And Fragrance And Light Velocity And Master Force.By Free Infusion Resonance Reaction Happen At Environment And Every Planet And Invisible World And With Seasonal Change And Seasonal Air Atom Gonna Arise And Atom Gonna Charge By Free Infusion At Environment And By Environmental Partial Reaction With Free Infusion And Sometimes Or Many Times Resonance Reaction(Electric And Magnetic Reaction) Happen…..So…Free Infusion Play Very Important Role And Vital Role At Environment And Light Color Energy Mass And Environment Partial Reaction…Now How Free Infusion Comes? When Partial Reaction Happen At Environment Than Ultimately Some Free Infusion Arise Or Create At Environment And Its Any Type Of Reaction And Electric And Magnetic And Resonance Reaction(Every Times It Happen At Environment….Suppose You Are Talking And Your Talking Sound Frequency Also Doing A Partial Reaction At Environment And Which You Cannot Understand)…So…By Reaction And When Partial Reaction Happen At Environment Than Ultimately Some Free Infusion Arise Or Create At Environment And Its Any Type Of Reaction And Electric And Magnetic And Resonance Reaction And Which Play Vital Role For Further Reaction At Environment And Every Planets And Universe With Light,Master Force And Others
Albert Einestine Theory Of Relativity Equation Depends On Lorentz Transformation Rule…….Here Relativity All Equation Mother Equation Is ….(1/1-v2square/c2square) This Equation But This Equation Proved Wrongly………..Albert Einestine Relativity Equation Depends On Lotentz Transformation Equation…….Lorentz Transformation Equation…………X=x-vt/Rot 1-v2square/c2square……….t=t-vx/c2square/Rot 1-v2square/c2square………And Inverse Equation…. X1=x+vt/Rot 1-v2square/c2square……And …… t=t+vx/c2square/Rot 1-v2square/c2square ………………Here If Anyone See Lorentz Transformation Equation…….Basically……..ROT 1-v2square/c2square…..This Equation Lorentez Made………..In The Middle Of His Equation……k2square=c2square/c2square-v2square……….Here Lorentz Did c2 Square Dividation Upper And Lower Portion…Than Equation Gonna----k2square=1/1-v2square/c2square And Than Root His Equation …..K=1/ Rot 1-v2square/c2square…………And This Equation….1/Rot v2square-c2square Is Mother Equation Of Theory Of Relativity………Now How Lorentz Can Do This c2square Dividation Upper And Lower Portion His Equation And He Cannot Do Rot Square…………Cause This Universe Light,Velocity Never Depends On c2 Dividation Upper And Lower Portion And Also Never Depends On Rot Or Rot Square Cause This Universe Light Velocity Air Time Depends On Its Own Rule Universe Rule Creator Rule And Never Depends On Dividation Or Rot Or Rot Square Rule…..Without Scientific Description Lorentz Never Can Do Those……
Here Another Matter Lorentz Transformation Equation………One Position Of His Equation……kv/c=ck/v-c/kv……Than Lorentz Did……kv/c Multiply Both Side Of His Equation And Gonna…..k2squae*v2square/c2square=k2square-1…….k2square(1-v2square/c2square)=1……k2square=1/(1-v2square/c2square)…….Than Rot His Equation……k= Rot 1/1-v2square/c2square…… ….Now Question Should Be Come Without Scientific Description How Lorentz Can Do kv/c Multiply Both Side Of His Equation To Made His Equation Or Rot Or Rot Square Cause This Universe Light,Velocity,Air Never Depends On kv/c Multiply Both Side Of His Equation And Also Never Depends On Rot Or Rot Square Cause This Universe Light Velocity Air Time Depends On Its Own Rule Universe Rule Creator Rule And Never Depends On Multiply Both Side Or Rot Or Rot Square Rule…..
Here Earth Greatest E=mc2square Equation………….Albert Einestine Did Same Work …In The Middle Of E=mc2square Equation He Took…..From Mass Relativity……m=m0/Rot 1-v2square/c2square( Though It’s a Wrong Equation)……Here Albert Einestine Did m2square=mo2square/1-v2square/c2square…………Here How Albert Einestine Can Do m2square?……That Mass Square To Prove His E=mc2square Equation Cause Mass Never Follow Albert Einestion Mass Square Equation And After Mass Square When Equation Gonna……. m2square=m02square/1-v2square/c2square and when equation gonna 2mc2squaredm-(2mv2squaredm+2vm2squaredv)=0 than Albert Einestine Did 2m Dividation Both Side Of His Equation And Equation Gonna(c2squaredm-v2sqauredm=mvdv) Here How Albert Einestine Can Do 2m Dividation Both Side Of His Equation Cause Mass Never Follow Albert Einestine 2m Dividation Both Side Of His Equation………And By Those Way Albert Einestine Proved His E=mc2 Sqaure Equation… Now Question Should Be Come Without Scientific Description How Albert Einestine Can Do Those Work?……….Here E=mc2 Square Can Be Simple Light Kinetic Energy Equation(Where Light Velocity Is Never Constant)……. K=ma*dx...W=m*v/t*dx….W=mvdx/t…..W=MV2(SQUARE) Here We Can Use mc2square For C=Light Velocity Or We Know W=F*Dx...Then..W=ma*dx...W=m*v/t*dx...Now....W=M*V*Dx/t..W=M* Δm (Delta Mass)/Δt (Delta Time)*dx/t...Now..W=M*V* Δm (Delta Mass)/Δt
Now...W=M*V* Δm/Δt…….W=MV Δm/ Δm/V……..W=mv2(SQUARE)……….
HERE, Δm (Delta Mass)= V× Δt……And…. Δt= Δm/V Here We Can Use mc2square For C=Light Velocity And Its Light Kinetic Energy(Where Light Velocity Is Never Constant) Equation…………
Now Question Should Be Come Without Scientific Description How Lorentz Can Do kv/c Multiply Both Side Of His Equation To Made His Equation And How Lorentz Can Do This c2square Dividation Upper And Lower Portion His Equation And He Cannot Do Rot Square,Multiply ………… Or Rot Or Rot Square Cause This Universe Light,Velocity Never Depends On c2 Dividation Upper And Lower Portion And Also Never Depends On Rot Or Rot Square Cause This Universe Light Velocity Air Time Depends On Its Own Rule Universe Rule Creator Rule And Never Depends On Dividation Rot Or Rot Square Rule…..
Now Question Should Be Come Without Scientific Description How Albert Einestine Can Do Multiply Both Side Of His Equation c2square Or m02c4 Plus His Relativity Equations And Time Rot Or Time Square To Made His Equation Or Rot Or Rot Square,Plus,Multiply Cause This Universe Light,Velocity ,Time.Air Never Depends On Rot Or Rot Square Plus And Multiply Rule And Also Never Depends On Rot Or Rot Square Plus Or Multiply Cause This Universe Light Velocity Air Time Depends On Its Own Rule Universe Rule Creator Rule And Never Depends On Dividation Rot Or Rot Square,Plus,Multiply Rule…..
So……..I Should Be Tell Everybody…………..Just Again Read And Justify Lorentz Transformation Rule And Albert Einestine Theory Of Relativity Rule Eqauations……You Will Be Easily Understand And Get Wrong And Error Of Both Of Them All Relativity Eqautions…………Those All Equations Falsely And Errorly Proved…..Just Exam And Jusity……You Will Be Easily Understand Those Equations Wrong And Error And How They Proved Those Equations...Please See Attachment For Equations
Are Those True About Wrong And Error About Albert Einstein Equations Relativity Travel Time And Mass And Transverse And Reverse Travel Time And Mass?
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"It Can Be Speed Of Light From Sun To Earth Comes As A Same Range But Slowly Its Gonna Slow."
I honestly don't understand this sentence.
Light from the Sun does approach from, approximately, the same range: 1AU.
But it doesn't slow down as it approaches the Earth.
That light does slow as it passes through the Earth's atmosphere, which has a >1 refractive index, but in vacuo the speed is unchanged.
I suggest that you keep your comments on one topic.
You have written a lot, but I honestly do not follow your thinking.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
I would like to mark the flowers which are at stage of anthesis.
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If all you want to do is identify the flowers by stage you can use colored thread to keep track of them. Just loop a small piece around the pedicle. You can get different colors for different stages or days.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
I am hoping to treat pear blossoms of a plant I suspect as triploid with colchicine, or something like it, to get the blossoms to produce seeds when they set fruit. The fruit this pear produces does not have viable seeds. Is there research on applying this compound via root drench or blossom spraying? What are recommended concentrations? Application rates? My hope is to induce apomictic seedlings.
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No you have to apply it to the growing seedling - and you may get hexaploid plant.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
4 answers
I realise that not all flowers have to necessarily have nectar rewards, some produce just pollen. If this is the case, how do I know if there is no nectar, qualitatively.
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There are a few visual cues that you can look for to help determine if a flower is likely to produce nectar or not.
Like Flower shape: Certain flower shapes, such as those with long, narrow tubes, are more likely to produce nectar than flowers with flat or open structures. This is because long-tongued pollinators, such as hummingbirds or moths, are more likely to be able to reach the nectar in flowers with deep tubes.
Color: Many flowers that produce nectar are brightly colored, which can help attract pollinators from a distance. However, this is not always the case, as some flowers with little or no nectar may also be brightly colored to attract pollinators for other reasons, such as pollen.
Scent: Some flowers that produce nectar also emit a sweet scent to help attract pollinators. However, this is not always the case, as some flowers may emit odors that are unpleasant to humans but attractive to certain pollinators.
If you observe a flower closely and do not see any obvious nectar-producing structures, such as a nectary or small droplets of liquid on the surface of the flower, it is likely that the flower does not produce nectar. However, it is also possible that the nectaries may be located in a less visible location, such as at the base of the flower or on the stem.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
7 answers
Do flowers exhibit sound of any frequency? Lightning has a sound which we can't create artificially. We can create current which is inaudible. What should or can be done to make the violet colour audible?
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Rumani Dey No, you cannot hear the sound of a visual thing such as a color. Color is experienced by the eyes by stimulating cone cells in the retina, whereas sound is perceived by the hearing by detecting pressure waves in the air.
Several flowering plants create noises, such as the rustling of leaves or the cracking of stems. These noises, however, are normally at very low frequencies and are not discernible to the human ear.
Thunder is produced by lightning as a result of the fast heating and cooling of the air near the lightning bolt. Thunder can be heard by people, but its frequency varies from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, which is within human hearing range.
It is not feasible to make the hue violet audible because colors and sound are separate types of inputs processed by various sensory organs in the body.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
4 answers
I wanted to know how anthocyanins can be identified and quantified from flowers without loosing their stability.
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Same all the methods mentioned earlier can be used for this
  • asked a question related to Flowers
6 answers
how do I know these compounds are attractive or repellent to insects?
لTri chloroethene cymene. camphor. tetrachloroethane.. dibromochloroethane .. limonene. chlorobenzene... camphne. 1,3-di chlorobenzene wishes
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Took a particular chemical (which were previously identified through GC-MS analysis) and simply soak in a cotton ball and offer it to the butterfly. If the fly is moving nearby then it would be a attractant. Repeat the process before standardization.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
Tuberose petals possess delicate flower thus require special care while extracting oil form it.
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Dear Saryu,
Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) is a delicate flower commonly used to extract essential oil through solvent extraction. The most suitable solvent for extracting tuberose oil is hexane, a hydrocarbon solvent that can remove a high yield of essential oil from flowers.
The procedure for extracting essential oil from tuberose flowers is as follows:
  • For single-type flowers: The flowers are picked when fully open and at the peak of their fragrance. They are then washed, dried, and ground into a paste. The paste is then mixed with the solvent (hexane) in a percolator. The solvent is then evaporated, leaving behind the essential oil.
  • For double-type flowers: Double-type flowers are more delicate and should be handled with care. The flowers are picked when fully open and at the peak of their fragrance. They are then washed, dried, and ground into a paste. Then the paste is mixed with the solvent (hexane) in a percolator. The solvent is then evaporated, leaving behind the essential oil.
It's worth noting that the procedure may vary depending on the lab and equipment available. The quality of the oil and the yield may also vary based on the flowers' maturity and the extraction method. It's recommended to consult with experts in essential oil extraction to ensure the best possible outcome and to follow safety measures when handling solvents.
I hope this explanation was helpful,
Edgar M Cambaza
  • asked a question related to Flowers
4 answers
To what extent can rooftop gardens and flower meadows in cities increase the biodiversity of natural ecosystems in cities?
Given the ongoing climate change, including global warming, air pollution, limited areas of urban parks and other green spaces, gardens, flower meadows established on the roofs of buildings in cities can significantly increase the areas of urban green space. When urban green areas are significantly expanded, the biodiversity of natural ecosystems in cities can also increase significantly. In addition, additional green areas can have a positive impact on the air quality of cities. Air quality is not only a question of pollution levels, but also humidity levels and summer temperatures. Additional green spaces can play an important role in the rest and recuperation of residents, which can translate into improved health for people living in the city. Additional green areas, including gardens and flower meadows, also mean more foraging areas for insects, including pollinating insects, whose numbers are rapidly declining due to the over-chemicalisation of agriculture. Besides, additional green areas in cities can increase the level of sustainability in terms of sustainable development, green building and environmentally and climatically sustainable urban agglomerations.
In view of the above, I would like to address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
To what extent can gardens and flower meadows established on the roofs of buildings in cities increase the biodiversity of natural ecosystems in cities?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Flowers
10 answers
Biogeography theory predicts that species will either migrate, adapt, or go extint under environmental change. Due to limited mobility in plants, their options are limited to adaptation, including phenological changes, which has been observed for many plants. So, do we have adequate data to be able to identify traits that confer plants the ability to shift their regeneration or flowering phenologies due to climate change? Could you please mention those traits and provide links to papers with empirical evidence. Thank you!
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I never said seed dispersal is a response to climate possible change :)
  • asked a question related to Flowers
10 answers
I guess artificial coral reefs don't grow well in some places. In other places they grow even worse. I would be glad if I see an example of an artificial reef that is not inferior to the natural one. According to my observations, on a natural coral reef, areas of rapid development coexist with dead reefs. The distance between such sites can be less than 100 m. I have observed when a flowering coral reef has degraded in less than 10 years. Attached is a photo of the reef.
I propose to discuss a quote from the article "When are payment for ecosystems services suitable for coral reef derived coastal protection?: A review of scientific requirements": "Payment for Ecosystem Services is an emerging tool intended to solve a range of ecosystem management inefficiencies, by linking conservation action to payment. Such schemes have not been tested to our knowledge, for coral reef derived coastal protection, which is a key Ecosystem Service for many nations bordered by tropical coral reefs.".
The subject of discussion is that if we introduce a tax, then we must have effective mechanisms for influencing the situation. These mechanisms should guarantee its improvement. There are currently no such mechanisms. We do not even have a complete list of the causes of reef degradation. If there is no way to restore the reef with a tax, then there is no reason to collect such a tax.
First, we need to consolidate scientific research and develop an effective mechanism. While it is not available, it is advisable to use the experience of Egypt in creating reserves in the most flowering areas of the reef. The meaning of creating a reserve: "I know little about the ecosystem, about environmental conditions, about transboundary transfers .... For this reason, I" freeze "the situation so as not to harm."
Where am I wrong?
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Coral reef restoration has been with us for some time. If you are looking at examples where coral reef restoration has worked please have a look at the work that has been done by the Coral Guardian in Indonesia:
There are many other projects, some with innovative approaches, that create initial 'artificial reef' over an area of coral reef that has been damaged. In Bali, they are using coconut shells to rear corals ((PDF) Coral diversity on artificial reef from coconut shells in northern Bali, Indonesia (, in Lombok they are using Biorock technology (Biorock Reefs Bounce Back After Coral Bleaching: Gili Trawangan Video And Photos By Delphine Robbe - Global Coral Reef Alliance) with success. There are other examples. This being said, it is ESSENTIAL that in all areas where this type of coral reef restoration work is taking place great emphasis has to be placed on maintaining good environmental water quality by managing all anthropogenic activities in a sustainable manner. Maintaining good water quality is very important.
To my knowledge there have not been any large-scale (>km2) coral reef restoration projects using artificial reefs, but many small scale (at 100s of m2) projects have been successful, at least within a short period of time.
I am attaching a list of papers that anyone interested in coral recovery will find useful.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
5 answers
as an educator in conservation, it is very important that i teach methods that are non destructive. such as counting insect visitation to flowers, for pollinator diversity and abundance studies. i have found only one reference (Frankie et al. 2005) suggesting an appropriate time to observe flowers. thanks in advance
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You can do photography at set intervals, as used in bird studies :)
  • asked a question related to Flowers
6 answers
I am currently collecting the reproductive morphology of around 400 land plant species for my research. The information I would like to get is reproductive morphology (hermaphroditic, dioecious, monoecious, gynoecious or androecious), flower morphology (unisexual or bisexual flowers), and pollination strategies (self-pollinated, cross-pollinated or both). I have taken me a lot of time to search single by single species on Google but I have not gone so far. So, it is very helpful if there is an available database containing relevant information for searching. Please let me know if you know something that can help me.
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Hi Sang,
You should try the database on the page of Kew - Royal Botanic Gardens ( This website provides information about thousands of plants throughout the world, including reproductive morphology.
For example, here you can see the general information for genus Viscum:
  • asked a question related to Flowers
1 answer
Symptoms look like that of botrytis.. Although plants were affected by Phomopsis leaf blight and brown plant hoppers were observed on few flower petals..Correct diagnosis for the cause of damage will be highly appreciated. .
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The symptoms of an eggplant allergy usually resemble those of other food allergies. Symptoms include hives, itchy or tingly lips, tongue or Thorat.
Symptoms appear first on lower part of plant and move upwards initial symptoms are small circular or oval chlorotic spots on leaves which develop light to dark brown centers as the lesions expand,they may develop concentric zones, severely infested leaves may dry out and curl then drop from the plant.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
3 answers
There are several examples, getting data from cloud storage:
//data_dir = tf.keras.utils.get_file(
untar=True) //
instead of using the google apis, i wanted to use the location of the zip folder from the gdrive.
What are the various ways to write the code in such a situation?
Relevant answer
Cyril Robinson Azariah J. Here is a complete solution design for a specific approach, but based on your request, it might be helpful to understand the whole logic from different perspectives:
  • asked a question related to Flowers
6 answers
Is this flowering state in cabbage?
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Thank you dear professor @Aaron Siyunda
  • asked a question related to Flowers
3 answers
Gynodioecious cucumber genotype shows induced hermaphrodite flowers post the plant growth regulators spray. What makes a gynoecious plant produce hermaphrodite flowers (fertile maleness in addition to existing femaleness) post spray application of growth regulators? What is the physiological basis/reason for it?
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Sir, Thank you for your reply.
Can you please share relevant papers/web-links/?
  • asked a question related to Flowers
3 answers
Is there a scientific explanation for the phenomenon of flowering and fruiting of apple trees at the same time?
An apple tree that gave flowers and fruits at the same time (Bowanat city, Fars province, Iran/08/26/2022). The picture is attached
Thank you very much in advance for your reply
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It is very common in Portugal, specially in stress conditions (hydric, thermal or both) and hot summers. Fruits don´t have commercial quality and important flower buds for the next season are destroyed.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
2 answers
Similarly can all actinomorphic flowers be Regular??
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Yes, zygomorphic flowers are synonymous with irregular.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
4 answers
What role in the shaping of citizens' pro-environmental attitudes and the implementation of pro-environmental and pro-climate measures do local government units play?
What arguments can you give in support of the thesis that local government units play an important role in shaping citizens' pro-environmental attitudes and implementing pro-environmental and pro-climate undertakings.
What examples can you give of pro-environmental measures and pro-climate projects implemented and/or coordinated by local government units?
For example, do the local and regional authorities you know develop waste segregation programmes, expand green areas in cities, build municipal and/or other wastewater treatment plants, organise events to raise pro-environmental and pro-climate awareness among citizens, create flower meadows on city lawns, promote and develop electromobility on city public bus transport, subsidise the purchase of hydrogen-powered buses, etc.?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The functions of municipal governments include the following: Provision of state-run home services and basic unmet needs as regards health, education, environmental cleanliness, drinking water in homes, recreation and sport.
The role of municipal governments | Guide for Monitoring and Evaluating Land Administration Programs | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (
  • asked a question related to Flowers
3 answers
We wish to estimate the Xanthophyll contents in marigold flowers.
Relevant answer
The xanthophyll method in the book "Analytical Methods of the Member Companions of the Corn Refiners Association" may be of useful to you. The following sources may also be useful to you.
Tonguç, F., Reis, M., Tonguç, M., & Önder, S. (2019). Morphology, Chemical Composition, and Seed Germination of Hedysarum pogonocarpum Boiss. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 19(1), 11-17. Önder, S., Tonguç, M., Güvercin, D., & Karakurt, Y. (2020). Biochemical changes stimulated by accelerated aging in safflower seeds (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Journal of Seed Science, 42.
  • asked a question related to Flowers
7 answers
Hey all, I'm an undergrad REU student at the University of Minnesota who's working on an independent project with the floral microbiome of Clarkia xantiana. I'm interested in the microbial diversity of the floral microbiome across a spatial range (i.e how different the floral microbiome of clarkia is from subpopulation to subpopulation) and whether a recently diverged subspecies of clarkia we're putting out in the field is picking up bacteria from the natural populations through some means (pollinators would be the most interesting, hybridization data is coming later so I might be able to see whether Clarkia xantiana ssp. parviflora we put out in the field are getting bacteria present on natural Clarkia xantiana after receiving natural Clarkia xantiana pollen and hybridizing). I've put this project together with the goal of characterizing the microbiome of flowers I have collected with the original workflow going something like this: Sample collection > sequencing > microbe species identification + measures of evenness and diversity of microbial species present on flowers. However, sequencing will not be possible by the end of the summer (I'd have to pool my samples with a grad student who is also doing sequencing after the summer is over to save money), and I'm looking at alternate methods of microbial characterization. One of these would be to develop a screening procedure with many different kinds of differential media, to determine what bacterial species are present in my samples. There are an almost infinite number of media to choose from, and without some preliminary sequencing data I'm a little lost as to what bacteria to even look for with my media. Acinetobacter would possibly be present (maybe Acinetobacter pollinis) and presence of saporophytes could indicate degradation or growth while samples were frozen in glycerine (failed preservation method). Staph or pseudomonas could also be a contaminant to screen for.
How might one go about devising a screening suite of differential media to inoculate with bacteria from my environmental samples? Should I say to hell with differential media, throw my samples in with the sequencing runs and be content with a smaller dataset to analyze at a later date (the 'success' of my experiment is not so important, except for my own personal satisfaction)? Or should I do more research into other methods of identification, like MALDI-TOF? Could really use the help!
Relevant answer
You need the selective media for Gram negative rods, Gram anaerobic rods, Gram positive rods, Gram positive cocci, Yeast and molds, Lactobacillus.