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Fisheries Ecology - Science topic
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Questions related to Fisheries Ecology
I'm currently studying the length-weight relationship of freshwater fishes in Pakistan, which is an all new topic for me to work on. However, I've came across problems in calculating the 95% confidence interval and confidence limit for my parameters a and b in the LWR formula W=aL^b that I do not understand how. Publications I've viewed gives little info and couldn't actually help me out, so is anyone here able to help me to understand and calculate these parameters?
The problem for me is that I do not understand how I can gain the CI and CL from a single data value since all publications mentioned "95% CI of b and a".
Fisheries Ecology Ichthyology
Hi everyone. I'm planning on determining MP presence, size, color, shape, etc., in other words, in doing a visual sorting/characterization of MP accumulated in penaeid shrimp abdominal muscle. Nevertheless, visual sorting becomes more difficult as particle size get smaller, and is time-consuming and is more likely to fall into misidentification errors. Generally, it is recommended to do visual sorting with plastics no less than 500 microns, but I'm anticipating that any plastic embebed in the abdomen is much smaller than that. I was planning to try alcali tissue digestion with KOH and fiber glass microfilters of 2 microns of pore size, and my intention was to observe the filters under a stereoscopic microscope of a minimum of 45X of magnification. But still I'm going to obtain small plastic particles, if any (spoiler: there will be). So my question is if you have any recommendation or alternative method?... observe the filters under a fluorescent microscope using Nile red to facilitate MP discrimination? analyze another tissue? use a greater pore size filter? change the organism... or maybe it is possible to do the job. Espectroscopy methods are not allowed, since it is part of another stage of the project, I just wanna perform visual sorting/characterization.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Best regards
Fish nursery grounds are significant for the life cycle of fishes and frequently these grounds are not particularly well examined or the processes understood. The juvenile stage of fish is frequently considered to be particularly hard to work on
Dear everyone who might be able to help:
I'm currently a student in marine science and I am writing my master thesis about Elasmobranchs and the big numbers that are being caught by small-scale fisheries in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro state, six sample sites, or better: landing sites).
My aim was, to get an idea of the species diversity/composition of the different sample sites, looking at sharks and rays that have been landed by fishers.
Because of unforeseeable events, the amounts of individuals sampled by me is pretty low, samples for each of the sites range from 1-20 individuals, in total I sampled 43 individuals from 14 species. My question is now: Does anyone have any suggestions what statistical analysis I can do with such a small sample size, that yields some interpretable and relevant results? I am open for anything that might contribute positively to the value of my thesis, in all directions. So far, I have been suggested to use EcoSimR for a co-occurrence null model, because it only utilises presence/absence data.
If there is some descriptive information for my problem missing, please let me know.
In any case, I'm grateful for all advice.
Kind regards,
Benoit Moreaux
The specimen is under the genus Heterocarpus obtained from Indian coast between the depth range of 250-350. I would like to know the species level identification, based on rostrum deformed nature character of the Heterocarpus, it is doubtful. I Kindly request to identify the species.
Thanking you
I'm currently looking for modern field techniques in catching wrasses and would like suggestions or tips, as some papers that I have read can be quite vague with their capture process (i.e., tools used, technique, processing). One paper that caught my attention was by Worachananant et al. (2016), but their capture process was also vague despite the wide range of tools used in the study. Any suggestions or recommended literature are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I'm trying to build a library of all papers/reports that include some form of estimation of detection/capture probability when sampling fish with boat electrofishing. I'm interested in any fish species and any environment. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks! - Dan
Fish would be captured by a longline and hauled onboard. No underwater tagging procedures (like tagging Icelandic Sebastes in situ) are possible.
for a given length, for a given diameter
I am calculating biomass differentiation associated with different fishing mortalities but it is too hard to understand the FAO or other resources.
A colleague emailed me that fish (Parachanna obscura) were being caught last year on the Oguemoué R. and this year in Lac Ezanga, Gabon. Any guesses at what it might be?
Thank you and follow-up questions welcome. Photos courtesy of H. Arrowood, Organisation Ecotouristique du Lac Oguemoué (OELO)
I will be part of group assessing the current state of a fishery in a floodplain system in Central Africa. We have approximately six weeks.
One of the objectives is to establish a baseline of fish biomass, diversity and age profile. We won't really be able to carry out a standard scientific survey (i.e., with nets of consistent length with different mesh sizes). Instead, we plan to record catches from fishers (who fish using gillnets from dugouts).
I would be grateful for any input regarding
(a) the feasibility of this approach and
(b) databases (e.g., PASGEAR) that might be suitable, not only for our research but that is user-friendly in case the data collections continue after our research finishes. Thanks!
I am at my wits' end here! I've spent days looking on pubmed and my university library but it is impossible to find the body temperature or even temperature of the habitat of Tetraodon nigroviridis in a paper. There are tons of websites saying what temperature to keep them at in an aquarium but I can't reference websites in my paper. Does anyone know of an appropriate place to reference for this? I would appreciate any help!
I hesitated between Luciobarbus ksibi or Carasobarbus fritshii
I observed annual differences (about 2-3 weeks) regarding the arrival of horse mackerel in the romanian waters of the Black Sea (in the Danube Delta region). Sometimes arrive faster (1-10 August), and sometimes arrive later (15-20 August). Does anyone know why?
Hi, Someone could help me in the identification of this fish. I found it in a rocky bay at 1m depth in Ionian sea (Mediterranenan Sea). It is probably a juvanile, it was around 7-10cm. Thank ou very much
What statistical methods allow defining the fishing grounds, using geo-referenced haul-by-haul catch and effort data?
I have just completed a paper using occupancy models in a fisheries context (link) and I want to extend this work to using N-mixture models of abundance. The use of N-mixture models for estimating fish abundance is rare in the literature, so I am looking for examples. Can anyone direct me to any examples that you are aware of. Thanks for your help! Dan
Effects it might have on industrial fishing.
I have computed the population parameter of a certain fish species but I don't know how to get the F50 which is important parameter for setting a limit reference point or the target reference point. I'm using FISAT II.
Why in recent years, fishermen in southern Taiwan
Wait mullet migration?
I am writing a literature review on current technology to prevent fish and eel entrainment at pumping stations. I would really appreciate it if anyone could give me tips as to which are the better ones and the brands. I also need to look at strike rates, external and internal damage and the alternative measures. I am aware of bubble/ strobe and acoustic versions of screens but I am not having great luck in finding suppliers!
Thanks, Evie
I work with a fish species with highly polygamous mating system. Males defend a nest and I have the genotypes of the father that own the nest and the offspring but I want to estimate the total number of fathers and mothers that fathered the offspring.
I mainly know of studies on the effects of plant genetics on herbivore or parasite ecology, performance, etc. What about fish-to-fish interactions, or corals to fish interactions? Is there any study tackling these issues from a genetic point of view?
What are the most practical data-limited approaches used to assess or manage invertebrate stocks such as lobster and conch when catch rates and age/structure are poorly known?
I am used to use other tagging technique for fish studies and now I am working on a project where I am requested to use fin clip on freshwater species, we also have american eel. I would like to know if you can use the fin clipping on eel and how long before it grows back. Also, on other species (like minnow, chub, etc.) is there any fin that is preferable to clip?
I read some papers but I would like to have some advise from people actually using this technique.
I am working on a project to study the population characteristics of small indigenous fish of river and its associated ecosystem.
Not in relation to their frequency of occurrence but in captured volume. Most of the articles show the frequency of occurrence of the bycatch in the Pleoticus muelleri fishery.
How much each bycatch represents in the total captured.
I'm working on age of snapper using otolith, as I came across some articles some workers back-calculate and others did not.
I would like to inquire about your views/ publications on the assessment of impact of tourism on near shore fisheries.
Mystus gulio (locally known as Nuna Tengra) a threatened native estuarine catfish, enjoys a high consumer preference fish in many Asian countries including Bangladesh. This experiment was aimed to assess culture potentiality of M. gulio in different culture systems in salinity intrusion prone areas coast, Bangladesh. Nine uniform earthen ponds, divided in to three treatments, explicitly T1 (mono culture of M. gulio), T2 poly culture with Oreochromis niloticus) and T3 (poly culture with Rhinomugil corsula), hand-fed with same diet. Water quality parameters did not exhibited any significance variance and was found within the acceptable range suitable for fish culture. At the end, considering growth performance, nutrient utilization, survival, net profit and BCR suggested that M. gulio performed better with R. corsula than with O. niloticus.
How do we understand natural selection of top piscivores?
It is well known that fisheries resources relate to the system of coastal resources and pelagic system. We know that we can utilize fishes from coral reefs for example and oceanic pelagic or in between. But, valuing these goods and services is still developing methods on the common knowledge, especially to avoid the bias and double counting.
Would you please share your experience and knowledge in this content in order to have an overview on the ocean wealth of this fisheries resources.
Kind regards,
Yudi Wahyudin
Mystus gulio, locally known as ‘Nuna Tengra’ a native estuarine catfish of Bangladesh.
I would like to know your views and relevant literature on the implication of tourism on coastal / near shore fisheries.
It was put in hot oil before noticing that it was different from the other species we were working on. So some of the parts are missing.
I am searching articles related to this topic and like to know your views. What will be the measurable criteria?
In January a team of scientists are meeting to complete a meta-analysis on the effectiveness of periodically harvested marine closures (PHCs) to attempt to answer the questions below. We are trying to collect all published and unpublished data on PHCs are any form of marine closure which has been opened up to fishing. Please contact me if you have any data you are willing to contribute or know of someone who I should contact. The scientists who are already involved are also listed below.
Thanks, Jordan Goetze
1) Are PHCs capable of providing for long-term sustainability of fisheries (food security) AND short term provision for cultural use?
2) Can PHCs be used to achieve fisheries and ecological objectives by increasing and or maintaining the abundance/biomass of targeted species and species diversity?
3) Does the size of the PHC impact the provision of fisheries or ecosystem benefits?
4) Do PHCs provide benefits to benthic species and non-targeted fish species abundance and diversity?
Participants: Jordan Goetze (UWA), Timothy Langlois (UWA), Stacy Jupiter (WCS), Joachim Claudet (CNRS), Fraser Januchowski-Hartley (Exeter), Crow White (CalPoly), Rebecca Weeks (JCU), Shaun Wilson (DPaW), Michael Burton (UWA)
I am studying metapopulation dynamics of freshwater (landlocked) salmonid species introduced in Patagonian lakes. To estimate and model stock demographics using a metapopulation approach, it is crucial to be able to establish the patterns of migration connectivity among different compartments of the lake-river hydrographic network. I wanted to use genetic markers to establish relatedness and individual exchange between compartments. What markers are most suited for this purpose, considering that this populations were founded by layered introduction of salmonid species throughout the 20th century? I expect individuals coming from each source being genetically homogeneous, but being different across sources.
I am interested in useful management tools for small-scale fisheries.
I am currently conducting research on a flying fish roe fishery in Taiwan. This is a very unique fishery as it targets the egg instead of the adult fish (i.e., essentially, no fishery for the adults). Fishers collected eggs using straw mats deployed on the sea surface. We can calculate CPUE based on the catch (in terms of weight) and effort (in terms of vessel number, or no. of straw mat deployed) data of the fishery. After several years of data collection, we can now understand the resource trend based on a standardized CPUE series calculated from fishery operations (such as vessel size, targeting vs. non-targeting, etc.) and environmental data (such as SST, rainfall, etc.). However, we also wish to know the possible sustainable yield of the fishery. Thus, we tried to use the CPUE and the data to estimate the MSY for the fishery, but such an approach may violate assumptions of the model as “egg” does not grow, and have a surplus production. An alternative way is to convert eggs caught (in terms of weight) to the biomass of the spawner (as the reproductive biology and the sex ratio of the species are available), and then estimate the MSY of the stock.
I wondering whether such an alternative approach is appropriate and valid for this purpose, and/or whether there are any other better approaches that can be used to estimate the possible sustainable yield of the fishery?
Any of your suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Dear all of colleagues
There was a case of mass fish mortality about two weeks ago in a river in Aceh Province. Only mahseer fish (Tor spp) was dead both juvenile and adult fish. Based on our observation and personal communication with local residents showed that there is two possible caused: (1) illegal gold mining, and (2) volcano activity. We have been sampled water, sediment, death fish, live fish, snails and freshwater algae. We consider to analyze the samples for mercury, cyanide, natrium and sulfide. But the results will be available in a couple of days later.
Our speculation is probably this is caused by sulfide or mercury contents in the waters. My question is there possible for mercury (heavy metals) or sulfide to kill the fish in short times (about 3-7 days)? and Is there any similar cases in other places or countries?
Thank you for your comments
Working on fisheries management, I have been wondering how an institution (governmental or not) can acquire reliable fisheries catch data. How can the problems of under-reporting and mistrust be overcome, especially in the case of species caught illegally, either as by-catch or intentionally?
I am looking for examples where Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) colonized in artificial habitats. One example is the Kiel Canal, do you know other artificial habitat which are colonized by herring?
Fish passage through large dams is usually a real problem. Creating spawning grounds below dams, using the water which comes out of the turbines might be a solution. I know about very few cases and wonder if there is a real experience in our community?
I want to assign fish to either mature or immature status based on some simple measure in the field or at least field sampling that does not involve killing fish. Endoscopy or ultrasound is not going to work in this project due to the number of fish involved. I am thinking like a swab sample. Does such a test exist?
Seafish are currently working on a risk assessment of the bycatch impacts of fisheries whose catch ends up in UK markets. We are trying to develop default positions on the bycatch impacts of different gears, and a framework of mitigative measures a fishery can take to reduce their impact. I wondered if anybody could point me in the direction of useful frameworks that may already exist? Thanks.
I am searching for papers that discuss the significance of episodic fish population booms in provisioning fisheries. In particular, I am searching for literature that identifies the relevance of these episodic booms in the overall sustainability of exploited fisheries and the economic and societal importance of these pulses of fish. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
The Western Alaska CDQ program has been successful in uplifting the social and economic development of the rural Alaskan communities since the inception of the program in 1992. Though not in toto, the concept of empowering the fisherfolk communities to develop, administer and invest in their community development plans through fisheries by means of Public-Private partnership in the Indian context can be a novel fisheries management and governance system to work out.
I am examining stomach contents of a large piscivore in British Columbia, and the four expected prey species are mountain whitefish, juvenile sockeye salmon, juvenile bull trout, and juvenile rainbow trout (all under 150 mm FL). I have a good resource for dentary, cranial, and otolith bones to differentiate between mountain whitefish and sockeye salmon. However, I do not have a key that includes bull trout or rainbow trout, especially in comparison to sockeye (we are interested in how much sockeye salmon are in the diet, and thus don't care about differentiating among the other species as much).
Any tips or references would be greatly appreciated; thank you for your time.
What happens in the case of species caught by longline?, like a cod or conger.
Somebody knows a paper that describe the effect of the gear fishing and the use of bait, in the description of stomach content analysis.